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A modern and technologically advanced dumpling maker with which you can cook dumplings and dumplings in a matter of seconds, a gift that is a must will come in handy, hurry up, the number of gifts is limited. Good morning, hello, as usually happens, something is sick, go straight to the internet , read on the forums what others write, you read so much that it makes your hair stand up, in the program, about the most important thing, we help you find solving your health problems, which you can avoid by simply asking a question to the experts of our program, among whom are honored doctors and even academicians, well , lets not delay, lets get started, well, right now we have the first question in the studio, my name is denida alekseevna, im 87 years old, im from moscow, my Blood Pressure is bothering me, its not normal. All the doctors on television say pressure 150 over 80 is bad, because the upper one is high, the lower one is normal. How do you feel under such pressure, disgusting, i feel that the head is not yours, its not able to think normally, its not able to solve some issues normally, its a vascular reaction , ive been prescribed a lot of medications, and this kind of pressure cant be treated with anything yet, so i would like to specifically. Find out how you can relieve one high pressure, otherwise everything gives in general, high, low, this is the pressure , when only the high is the upper, and the lower is normal, i dont know how to remove, at such a wonderful age, such sobriety of mind, yes 87 years old, and 150 to 80, well, i have to say, that this is actually a serious problem, because what we are talking about is a form that is hypertonic. Disease, which is called isolated systal hypertension, here it is necessary to select drugs, because to lower Blood Pressure, five groups of main drugs are currently used, and about five more groups of auxiliary drugs, from all this diversity, from ten groups, for isolated systal hypertension about three work effectively, and preferences are now mainly given to the group drugs called calcium channel blockers, these are drugs that affect. The wall of blood vessels, they have one good property, that they do not actually reduce the pressure below normal numbers, you wont be able to go too far and go below normal, yeah. This category of drugs, in this case , is the most justified, the best. Depending on concomitant diseases, for example, small doses, very small diuretics may be added. Well, next question, i, olya tutushkina, 21 years old from moscow, why is it harmful to eat green sides of potatoes, i often saw such potatoes in the store, especially on sale, they have a strange taste, so i decided to think about it. All that remains is to envy, because people are just beginning to explore the world, you and i already know that green potatoes turn green for a reason, but because under the skin they have an alkaloid, salanine, characteristic of plants of the family of plants, which is poison and therefore you and i will never eat green potatoes, of course heat treatment, it corned beef destroys, but the question always remains how long were these potatoes boiled, how well were they peeled, if you only have green ones. You need to boil them thoroughly so as not to get poisoned, and before that you peel them, and before that you must peel them, how many things are there , at 21 years old, the next question, hello, my name is oksana, im from the city of orel, im 39 years old, and i have a question about a disease such as thrombophlebitis of the internal veins, unfortunately our grandmother had such a problem, age 45 years to our grandmother. Grandma is young and didnt want to i wish she would continue to suffer from such a disease, because the pain in her legs does not allow her to sleep, the swelling is constant, these bumps, first of all, are ugly, even though i want to eat my dress sometimes, so, well, the pain torments me night and day, let s say, we would like to know how we can deal with this problem, because surgery is a risky business, we would like to do without it, without hair surgery, we must understand that when. This blood clot becomes inflamed locally, its not so bad, there may be a problem, that such a clot can fly off and fly away somewhere in the lungs, for example, causes pulmonary embolism, for this reason, what i would recommend is, firstly, of course, a consultation with a phlebologist to identify these blood clots, because they can actually end up not only in the lower extremities, but in the veins of the small pelvis, this is the second thing, do not look so skeptically at the operation, in fact, now there are many operations to solve these problems, starting from classical phlebectomy, that is , when a section of the vein in which there is actually a thromium is removed respectively, various phlebiological operations using a laser, using plasma, and so on, so in this situation i would say that surgery is rather the most favorable good option. Well, right now, questions from the studio audience, who have questions , i ask you, what to do during an asthma attack, if. There are no medical drugs at hand, oh, what can help, look, from simple remedies, what can say, holding your breath, gymnastics, buteyka, which was primarily used in people with bronchial asthma, it is based on this, that when a lot of Carbon Dioxide accumulates in our body, this leads to dilation of the bronchi, the second thing is to exhale through, for example, a tube, water, or if this is not the case, then through a fist, with effort. Approximately 5 minutes is enough to stop an ostmatic attack. A good option is to massage various biologically active points, for example, on the hand it is often recommended that this place is between the index and thumb, the most important thing is to make sure that this the massage was painful, because it is not so important what we massage, but rather the fact that when painful stimulation occurs, our body releases adrenaline, and it has a bronchodilator effect. Thanks a lot. Well, does anyone have any more questions . Please, hello, my name is natalya, you know, i am registered with a cardiologist for high Blood Pressure, and i have been prescribed medications that i take on an ongoing basis, and i noticed that as a result of taking these medications, my reaction has changed, while driving, and i often have to drive , i feel so lethargic and you know, i was forced to switch to public transport, so in connection with this i want to ask you, can these drugs really cause such a reaction . By law, driving while intoxicated is prohibited. Some medications have a similar effect on the body; they are included in the list of unsafe drugs when driving , such as sedatives. Antidepressants, antihistamines, which are taken for allergies and many painkillers, we also use many drugs for the heart or to control Blood Pressure, should. What is included in the medicine, if it contains psychotropic substances, driving after taking even a few drops of such a drug is dangerous. Lets demonstrate why this is dangerous. I invite you to see the world through the eyes of a drunk person. Look, i have a marker, yes, i will show it to you, and you will have to touch the marker with your fingertip. Try it touch. 1 2 3, 1, 2, 3, look, everything works out, lets do it. Put on your glasses, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, also, your task is to walk in a straight line, heel to toe, like this, one, one, one, one, not really, i have to tell you, oh ohoh, so, it seems to me that it is obvious that driving a car in this condition is unsafe, i really want to show our. To the audience, as seen in these glasses, this is how a person usually sees, and now i put on glasses that imitate side effects of drugs. By the way, where can i find a list of drugs that are dangerous and not is it recommended to drive after them . At the moment, there is no clear list of prohibited medications, it is just being prepared for use. But nevertheless , you can take care of your safety on your own, be sure to study the side effects of the medications you are taking; as a rule, the instructions indicate the effect of the medications on the ability drive vehicles, if you need to undergo course therapy, it is better to stop driving for this time or choose another drug together with your doctor doctor, and of course, follow the traffic rules, dont take risks. We have one more question in the studio, Pay Attention to the screen my husband was often sick, this happened several times in the fall in the winter, heres what i can do, how to boost his immunity, take some vitamins, maybe learned generatologists will answer this question , vladimir khavenson and svetlana trofimova, section secrets of longevity immediately after, russia, is it true that men have a harder time withstanding fever, and how to support their immunity during the cold season. Oh, honey, this is new collaborator on my project . Its great that a new colleague shows concern and attention. Fever, premiere from monday, 21 20, at bigfest cheeseburger for 39 rubles and others. Maintain the balance of microflora from the first day of taking antibiotics, maximum for the microflora , taking care of yourself, taking care of your family, we have always admired you for those who break the horizons, not forgetting about loved ones. Those who build not a business, but the future. You, who know that action is more important than loud words, who know how to give more than to receive, who choose faith, hope, love, not only as names, investing in their future, living in a huge country on which the sun never sets. 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Good morning, hello, we constantly receive video questions from residents of russia , so lets answer one more today, im valentina from the city of krasnoyarsk, my husband was often sick, the temperature was 38, a little over 38, he was lying, dying, and didnt go to the hospital and often, well. In the fall, this happened several times in the winter, and now its also hard to die, you can say when they lie down, they can lie down for 23 days then its easier for him to drink, after all, i give him some raspberries, Something Like that, but he gets better, and he always has a runny nose. Heres what i can do , how can he boost his immunity . Take some vitamins. Maybe, unfortunately, autumn is the period of seasonal diseases. , acute respiratory infections, influenza, how to survive this unpleasant period of a viral infection, lets talk about it, i have a question for our guests, can you describe how you feel when you have an illness, for example, acute respiratory diseases, but if the temperature is not very high, according to our measurements, lets say 37. 5, you know, im good, good morning. You know, i go to work with this temperature, calmly, after work ill go to the store, buy groceries , cook lunch, meet the children, learn homework, its normal, i dont feel the temperature, you dont feel the temperature if you havent measured it with a thermometer, then you may not even understand that you are sick, yes , absolutely true, but there are some of our guests who feel the temperature differently, good morning, yes, really, at this temperature, only hunting, what on the sofa to relax somehow, i even ask my wife to make me chicken broth , uhhuh, oh, a familiar situation, its just like my husband, its all a simulation, hes already dying, give him some broth, wrap his legs warm, thats it , run around, fuss, but at the same time you can have time to prepare lunch with your child, do homework, a lot, a lot of things to do, just this simulation, its downright annoying, honestly, but what can science say in defense of men . Still, on average this is generally true, the point is that the male body reacts more severely to temperature, viruses, bacteria, there are reasons for this, the main reason is, of course , hormones, if a virus enters a womans body, then we see that we probably do not observe any visible changes in the wellbeing of women, what happens to men . The male body, it is very susceptible in general to all these cold viral diseases, but it is not for nothing that a woman is a mother, so nature has made it so that you and i, dear women, are more resilient and more immune to all unfavorable external factors. Of course, the impact of viruses, bacteria, their toxins, toxins is not just like that, that is , the male body is much more vulnerable, due, again, to the hormone testosterone, which is lower there and which does not have such. I would say antibacterial activity, this is also an evolutionary element, that is, a man also needs such, as it were, protection , precisely if there is a reason, well, there is a temperature , something happened there, some kind of scratch, he is already dying, this is precisely because a woman, she takes care of her family, takes care of her husband, this is precisely what is associated with such a reflex of care, womens care for men, but what should we do to strengthen the immune system . For husbands, first of all, during the period of these viral and infections, first of all, we must again remember about a Healthy Lifestyle, and this is about biorhythm, biorhythm is the leading factor, so first of all, when a person is sick, there is a husband, get enough sleep, and often wakes up already healthy, and of course, and walks in the fresh air, we have already said more than once that walking walks show positive. Influence not only on our blood vessels, not only on our immune system, but on our mood, walks and physical exercise are an extremely necessary component of a Healthy Lifestyle , increasing antiviral immunity, spouses should once again be sent outside, yes you can use a bin, a trash can, but this is the same physical activity also supports the work of. The immune system, but also helps to improve the overall quality of health. Physical education does not mean that you only need dumbbells or a barbell run, no, no, no, first of all, this is a flexibility exercise, now i remember, we were at the Longevity Center in china on the island of hainan, they did physical education, thats it, they have such gymnastics, tai chi, and you know, they told us that we were doing physical education, like this. Stretching for flexibility as many times as we go, well, proper nutrition, we have already said more than once, there is a rule that involves eating at least four colored vegetables or fruits a day , contained so huge the amount of antioxidants, and reversotrol, which protects our antioxidant system and activates the immune system from viral infection, these fruits, vegetables , that is, our food products, they are a source of vitamins, microelements, various, and so on, everything useful, and of course, hardening, ill even give you an example, i have one, well, a friend of mine, also a doctor, hes 85 years old, hell be 86 in september, and you can imagine, every day he bathes in the neva, both summer and winter, contrasting. This is the way of course to longevity. Follow the recommendations of scientists gerontologists to stay young and healthy. I wish you health and longevity. And the program about the most important thing continues and we give the floor to our colleagues sergei agabkin and mikhail the policeman. Gervanologists for their advice. Right now its our turn to answer your questions. My name is aleftina, i am from the city of samara, and i recently read that there may be some hidden inflammation in the body. Im wondering if its possible to identify them somehow . Perhaps there are some folk remedies that will help them cure . But in fact, unfortunately, hidden inflammation is something that accompanies a modern person throughout his life, meanwhile, this inflammation affects the entire body. Walls of blood vessels, on our kidneys, on the liver, on the brain, is it possible to somehow slow down this process, there is such an opportunity, it is hidden there, in a mysterious. Pirate chest, seriously, well, if you look into it, then yes, considering that this is one of the causes of agerelated diseases, one might say, real gold, lets find out what it is, yes, oh, turmeric, thats right, the curcumin it contains is a powerful antioxidant, literally like a magnet , attracting free radicals from our body that damage the walls of our cells, oh, wow, curcumins strength is at the level of many pharmaceutical drugs. The first beneficial property of turmeric is its antiinflammatory property. Our Mission Today is to find a treasure in the form of a recipe for a golden drink. I feel like indiana jones. Next to indiana jones, there was an enchanting beauty, who today, according to our advice, expert. Marina sergeevna makisha. Dietitian, member of the national association. Nutritionists and nutritionists of russia, marina sergeevna, good morning, come out to us, are you ready for these classes, always, in general , turmeric, yes, it has been very popular lately, you yourself use turmeric, yes, almost every day, i suggest we talk about other useful properties, the next useful property is the benefit for the brain, the most important thing is the prevention of senile brain diseases and, above all, alzheimers disease. Cucumin really reduces the production of those pathological proteins that actually lead to the development of alzheimers disease. The second point, there is a special substance, arttuberone, which is part of turmeric, it promotes the growth of nerve cells and, accordingly , the formation of new neural connections, and this helps a person learn better, better remember some new knowledge, as studies have shown, curcumin also promotes the production of certain neurotransmitters, in particular serotonin and dopamine, which, as many probably already they know that they are hormones of joy and pleasure, so turmeric also helps us regulate our mood; Everything Else should be noted that turmeric is also noted as a remedy for headaches. Lets move on to the prevention of diabetes. Yes, there are studies that show that the use of curcumin in nutrition helps to slightly reduce blood glucose levels, that is, it helps in regulating blood glucose levels, including in patients with diabetes. The mechanisms of this influence have not yet been fully revealed, but we know that it is connected with the processes of glucose production in the liver and thus curcumin also helps protect the liver and kidneys a little from the consequences of diabetes, well, in people who suffer from this disease. Lets go further, it helps with joint pain, by the way, this is very interesting, in indian folk medicine, compresses from turmeric, flour and oil were used one and a half to 2,000 years ago, part of the substance can actually be absorbed, and through. The skin enters the well locally in the place where there is inflammation, lets find out if we have someone in the hall suffers from joint pain, good morning, what is your name . My name is elena, lenochka, whats wrong with your joint, you know, i mostly have my hands, fingers, i just cant bend, sometimes theres this kind of aching pain, this happens very often, tell me, can turmeric help in any way . Marina, compresses are being made and the most important thing is ingestion, so start. Use this spice slowly, find an opportunity to include it in your diet more often, its quite possible that you will see an improvement after some time, why is the golden milk drink so is popular among Healthy Eating enthusiasts, and how to prepare it correctly . For pain in my legs i take a proven remedy, escusan drops, escusan is a good price, it just struck me to the core, a hundred reveals not only a storm of emotions, but also. Its secrets, you have unlimited access to my bridge, we are waiting for new revelations , if this is about me, come on, come on, all together, tomorrow at 21 30 on the russia channel, look, come on, come on, all together on the screen, meet new voices of russia on stage, in your city, sbermarket takes care of your benefits shopping, pay for up to 99 of your order with bonuses from berspasibo in any stores and restaurants in bermarket, order profitably. 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Ours, from monday to thursday, at 15 00, only on the russia channel. And finally, prevention of cancer. Yes, yes, yes, we talked about it being a powerful antioxidant. And it is antioxidants that play a Critical Role in the prevention of cancer. Has good activity against eight different types of cancer. In fact, not only in prevention, but in treatment. Recently, more and more often you can see studies that look at turmeric as an additive to existing chemotherapy or Radiation Therapy and according to these studies it turns out that it increases the effectiveness of chemotherapy drugs. There is one caveat curcumin is poorly absorbed in the stomach. Intestinal tract in humans, so it is important to know how to properly prepare turmeric in order for absorption to be effective, since curcumin is a fatsoluble substance, it is optimal to use it in some kind of fatty environment, for example, to make a decoction with milk, a golden drink, and recent Research Suggests that some substances may act as synergists, facilitating absorption curcumin, for example, piperine from. Pepper, this way we will prepare not just golden milk, but very golden milk. By the way, this drink is really very popular among various biohackers, stars, and television. In principle, every person has the opportunity to prepare it, which means that we have here, look , we have turmeric itself, we have this obvious cinnamon, we have black pepper, the very source of piperine, this is ginger, and this is cardamom, i wanted to ask you, what about you . You drink milk, i dont drink milk, i drink tea, with turmeric, with turmeric i add a small amount of melted butter, here i have heated. Milk, its waiting in the wings, yes, that means we take turmeric, this is the main part , we put uh, three teaspoons of turmeric, then we take black pepper, half a teaspoon, ginger, a teaspoon, half a teaspoon of cardamom, and of course cinnamon, also more cinnamon, a teaspoon, yes, mix it all, we get such a homogeneous mass, and then we actually take for the three of us, we will need three teaspoons. Stir, mikhail, the turmeric begins to give off its color, the milk turns yellow, if you missed this section, then you can always find all episodes of our program on the online platform, see the continuation on the smotrim website. Well, in the meantime, our golden milk is ready, and we can pour it into cups, with a clear conscience, you can say, doctor, pour it, i want to treat our viewers with our golden milk. You need it for your joints, what are you talking about . Please, well, lets try, i got some pepper, oh, very good, not very spicy, thank you very much, well, today we found out that in almost every kitchen you can find a treasure, this treasure is turmeric, well, we have the next question in turn, a toothache, it goes to this place, tell me, this is the first time this has happened to me, this has never happened before, which doctor should i go to, a dentist or an ophthalmologist. Right now , ophthalmologist Dmitry Dementyev will answer this question. Stay with us. Good morning, today is thursday, and every thursday, as you already know, we listen to questions from our viewers, which they ask the correspondent, who is located, is punished. Question my name is sotnikova natalya anatolyevna, moscow, 47 years old, i have such a problem, my tooth hurts , it radiates to this place, in my opinion, its the tronic nerve, as i heard, tell me, this is the first time ive had this, its never happened before was, which doctor should i see, a dentist or an ophthalmologist . Natalya anatolyevna, you need to see another doctor, according to statistics, 60 of people over the age of 60 experience problems with vision, parallel to approximately 58 percent of our fellow citizens experiencing problems in the field of dentistry. So, today we will discuss whether these factors are connected, yes or no, with my colleague, a dentist, whom i invite to the studio. Dentist, maxillofacial surgeon, candidate of medical sciences. Aminaevna, good morning, its very nice to see you here, as you have already heard, and you probably know this very well, at the same time a person can suffer from both eyes and teeth, how often is this interconnected, in your opinion, all the tissues in the face and facial area the skeleton, including, has a common innervation, this is a sensory branch of the tronic nerve. An inflammatory process that spreads along the vessels and nerves, and along the intervocal space along the adipose tissue, the source of pain as inflammation can begin in one place, spread to another area and take on a diffuse nature, going beyond the localized nature, when we talk about neurology, then here same symptoms, that could be a problem. In the form of inflammation of the tronic nerve this is neuritis or neuralgia, the cause may be in one zone, and along the way, the nerve fiber spreads to another area, and diagnosis can really be difficult, and the patient is forced to go to ridiculous specialists and look for the source of pain. Lets try to show you on a model what happens when the trigeminal nerve is inflamed, so its inflamed, innervation. Was disrupted, symptoms appeared that we heard from our spectator, well, lets talk to you about the reasons. Inflammation of the tronic nerve, as far as i know, this may be the first cause of inflammatory, bacterial nature, i would clearly differentiate neurological pathology into neuritis, a purely inflammatory nature, neuralgia, well, an inflammatory nature it is a microorganism, it is bacteria and viruses, yes, when even a virus, a herpetic virus can cause, of course, yes, yes , what is the difference between neuritic pain, neurological, yes, there is a difference, yes, with neuritic pain, the nature of the pain is constant, burning pain, dull, pain that the patient cannot help but characterize, he cannot convey, does not stop, it is constant the nature of the pain, if we are talking about neuralgia, this is a crime of the nature of the pain, the pain suddenly comes, suddenly goes away , and can be relieved with drugs, can be relieved, can even be relieved on its own, can caries cause caries in the travarinal nerve , no, this is a complication of the carious process, yes, infection through a tooth, yes, a person himself, without going to the dentist, can determine that he has caries, there are some signs, the first signs of unhealthy teeth are his reflection in the mirror, when we also evaluate the dentition, the oral cavity as a whole, there should be no stains on the teeth, if we have stains or, god forbid, some kind of erosion and or a cavity has already formed, if there is plaque on the teeth, inflammation of the disc that is adjacent to the teeth , all this suggests that there is an inflammatory process. Caries goes through a number of stages, depending on the area of ​​damage to the teeth, when caries destroys tissue it is already approaching the cavity, where the vascular nerves are, pain appears here at this stage and a reaction to temperature or taste irritants, then the inflammatory process goes beyond. Beyond the root, beyond the tooth, and spreads into the area of ​​​​those tissues that are adjacent to the tooth, then the process spreads even further, and here the base of the skull and the orbit may be involved, lets we handed out mirrors to our spectators, we handed out flashlights, so that they could see if they had any of the stains on their teeth that you are talking about, would they start to worry or, on the contrary, would calm down, in the other hand we gave them lemon wedges. For so that after the examination they chew this lemon and tell us if they have any unpleasant pain sensations associated with acid ingestion. So, we took mirrors, took flashlights, shine a light on your teeth , look carefully to see if there are any stains, start chewing lemon, now everyone immediately cheered up, and we look carefully at the facial expression. Raise your hands if anyone is sick, just two, two people from the audience, thats not much, fortunately, yes, that is , you have less and less work, there were spots, yes, there are spots, thats it, yes, and theres a lot of discomfort strongly, that is, you yourself have found caries , how often do you need to go to the dentist in order to prevent the transition of caries into a more serious condition in the form of pulpitis, you need to go to the dentist regularly, at least once. Once every six months. Let s see here what the possible consequences of bacterial neuritis of the tronic nerve are, how it can affect our eyes and what ophthalmological problems may arise. Hyperemia of the conjunctiva, but this is not so scary, dilation of the intraocular vessels. Before we take ours patients for any surgical intervention, first, in addition to. Blood, we definitely send a potential applicant for surgery to the dentist so that the dentist confirms with us the socalled sanitation of the oral cavity, if there is any infection or suspicion of infection in the mouth, then we will not in case, we dont go into the eye, because this infection can go there. Glaucoma, is glaucoma possible due to pathology . Teeth, a number of researchers confirm the presence of glaucoma in patients with changes in the mouth, and optic neuritis nerve that appears after or even together with trigeminal neuritis, finally, blindness, so, of course , before going to an ophthalmologist for surgery, it is necessary for the doctor, er dentist , to fully examine the oral cavity, teeth, look carefully, eat is there caries, is there caries, and if there is, before going, go to the ophthalmologist for surgery , sanitize all possible foci of infection to prevent this infection from getting into the eye, and uh, which will lead to blindness, what can be the prevention of caries, enough brush your teeth in the morning, brush your teeth in the evening, rinse your mouth after every meal, if there is some kind of inflammatory process, if there are corious cavities. Then you need to carry out antiseptic treatment more carefully, go to the dentist to close the source of inflammation. Amin, thank you very much, it was very nice to see you, i think the topic was interesting and informative. Dear friends, take care of your vision, vision is priceless, and i give the floor to the doctor, cardiologist, yuri nikitovich belenkov. How does stress affect levels . Cholesterol in the blood and what to do to relieve anxiety . I know there is nt much time left. Doctor krasnov, final episodes, today at 21 20. Nazon, benefit up to 55 on diapers and diapers, haggis panties , and kotex and kleenex products. Pain in the legs, swelling, and symptoms of varicose veins are important to treat from the inside. Introducing a new product troxaktiv acts on the vein from the inside, against swelling, cramps and pain in the legs. Troxactiv an expert view on the treatment of varicose veins. Order troxactiv from ptk. 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She doesnt know what she wants, go emelyan to the next world, so he will disappear , according to the pikes command, soon, good morning everyone, we continue to receive questions from our tv viewers, listen, good afternoon, my name is victoria sergeevna, my last name is lyashenko, i live. Moscow, i have a father, he is 70 years old, he has very high cholesterol, i would like to know what this is connected with, there was no history of high cholesterol in the family, that is, according to genetics, we dont see it, but nevertheless he everything is tall and tall, we eat right, farm products, our parents grow these themselves products in my garden, so i think its related to some other factors, but what about stress, yes, stress . Were, because he held a leadership position, accordingly, this carries with it some consequences, can the level of stress affect the increase in cholesterol, stress increases the level of cholesterol, although the mechanisms are very complex, everyone is a little different, a married couple approached me, or rather the wife who made a checkup for her husband, lets listen to their story, hello, me my name is sozonov alexey, im 40 years old, we have two children, and my wife is pregnant, im irina sozonova , im 39 years old, now on maternity leave, my condition is very serious, constant stress, nerves, im already tired of this, and pregnancy is also going on like this, no its very easy, im very worried about whats going on in the country now, i dont know what to do anymore, we took a cholesterol test, with odo. Alexey, cholesterol is 6. 1, well, in general, well, at that age i never thought, that he could have such high cholesterol, and in addition, his father had a stroke, his grandfather had a stroke, stress, one on friend, you know, as they say, trouble doesnt come alone, and uh, its very difficult now , please tell me, is it possible well, irina alexey, come in, i invite you to the stage, well, i can say it so that its clear, cholesterol to a person you need it, you need it doubly, because you are now expecting a child, and you and the child need cholesterol , because all hormones are made on cholesterol, all Cell Membranes are made on cholesterol, that is, now. In general, you must have sufficient cholesterol level for fetal formation. Secondly, you, unlike you and me, men, are hijacked by female sex hormones; they are the best protector, as we say, protector of the vascular wall. Come see me in 20 years, and then we ll talk about your cholesterol. Regarding the spouse, of course, this chronic stress begins. Over and over again lead to the fact that cholesterol begins to increase, very little 20 comes with food, the rest is synthesized in the body, in particular in the liver. So your spouse total cholesterol is 6. 2, well, at age 40, it means somewhere around 5. 2 at least, and better still 4. 7, there is already a deformation of the internal carotid artery, without disruption of blood flow, in principle, nothing terrible. Well, thank god, but if you do not follow the recommendations that we will now discuss with you, then there may be troubles, and quite big ones, atherosclerosis is a systemic disease, it affects all vessels, all vascular basins, and of course, it can be a natural ischemic heart disease, it could be ischemic disease of the extremities, especially smokers, do you smoke, by the way, no, okay, it could, of course, be ischemic intestinal disease, of course, it could be multifocal atherosclerosis, that is, atherosclerosis that affects the entire vascular bed, given that you, as we say in the anamnesis, that is, your relatives had strokes. Of course, this is ischemic disease of the brain, lets go see what it all looks like, this is an interlude of narrowing, a thrombus is formed, it comes off and gets into the brain, through this vessel, it gets there a stroke begins. So what to do . First, dont panic, second, im looking at him, i wont recommend a diet , only 20 of cholesterol comes from food, since he. He doesnt have any excess weight, so i think that you not only cook deliciously, but you also prepare healthy food , so we leave this question here, that is, you essentially need not to reduce cholesterol, find some way, well, lets put it this way, relieve stress. 40 years old, strong man, sports to the point of exhaustion, sneakers, yep, dumbbell. Heart rate up to 130135 or for his birthday, give him a bracelet that determines the frequency of forward contractions, and you actually do sports, do pull ups, pushups, well, show me how you do pushups, well done, okay, good, yes, well, here you go you need to get tired in order to relieve stress, yeah, that is, when a person already has muscle fatigue, not only his cholesterol decreases, but his stress decreases. If in a year you come to visit me and still have high cholesterol, then we will talk about treatment and medications, because after all, the family has alarm bells ringing. Okay, agreed, agreed. This is the conversation, dear friends, about cholesterol stress. And our questions are from ours. And we are ready to listen to a new question, my name is oleg, i m 54 years old, im from minsk, im worried about my lower back, lower back, symptoms appeared a long time ago, maybe 1520 years ago, yesterday. I turned around awkwardly, there was probably a pinched nerve, probably, and i was shackled and i couldnt do anything, but then i somehow let go, now im on the road, well, its very hard, im already i went to the pharmacy, bought tablets, antiinflammatory and painkillers, this is discomfort, this feeling , lets say, of some kind of helplessness, because you cant do some basic things, for example, tie your shoelaces, put on socks. This is already a problem, this is the back, the spine, this is our support and this is the main thing, i believe, in a person. I heard that there are some ways to quickly, quickly relieve pain within 5 minutes, well, i tried it on the internet, found it, well, im not happy, somehow it doesnt relieve much, but all apparently, it still needs to be removed with medication. Well, im asking for some advice, what to do next . The secret of effective exercises is very simple you need to accurately diagnose the problem, because those exercises that help well, for example, with a herniated intervertebral disc, may have absolutely no effect, for example, on muscle strain, in some cases even aggravate the situation, and for this reason lets start with diagnostics, and then we will do exercises for treatment, lets start together with our viewers in the studio, so. To begin with, we will perform a test called a slump test, a shrinkage test, we hold our chin parallel to the floor with our back slouched, that is, we stoop as much as possible while keeping our chin parallel, we take our hands to the legs of the chair, and further pull ourselves down, that is, bending our lower back even more strongly. In this position, we straighten the leg at the knee so that it is parallel to the floor and pull the toe, tilt the head, if in the process we feel that straightening the leg, pulling the toe, lowering the neck, gives us reproduction pain in the lower back, we can be sure that the cause is really a discoradicular conflict, that is, a hernia puts pressure on a nerve root, does anyone have any pain . Good morning, good morning, thats where it hurts, show the doctor, in this area, in the lumbar region, good morning, good , how are you, well, im sitting here, it hurts, i didnt do it. We can conclude that its not a disc , and most likely the joint is a facet joint, but in general your back hurts, it hurts, i cant reach the floor, then thats all, lets try to do the exercise, lets lie on our stomach, we press our elbows to the body, we lower our palms to the floor, we turn our heads in the direction of the pain, that is, if, for example, it hurts on the right, then we turn our heads to the right, it hurts on the left, our head to the left, and if it doesnt hurt, then. Keep it in the center, we relax our legs, heels outward, bring our toes inward, relax our lower back and slowly push off the floor with our hands, rise up as far as possible, lower down as we exhale, i love this exercise, if it hurts, for example, on both sides, then you can do it once turn your head to one side, next time another time, let me try to do the head, exhale, lower ourselves, try not to do it quickly, so that the movement takes 35 seconds , we continue to do the mechanics of the movement of the intervertebral disc, it is built on the distribution of the load when we sit or bend over, the load falls to a greater extent on the front part of the disc, it bulges back, to where we have the nerve roots, the spinal cord, when you and i bend, the load falls on the back. Part of the disk and, accordingly, the disk on the contrary, it moves forward to its normal position, we get up and try to test again, and ill ask you separately now to stand up and do a tilt, and well see how you do it, oh lets go, go, go, uh, 30 centimeters, added, now you were in pain, no, now you see how you are developing, you need to work out, oh well , everything will be fine, lets try to do a test, hold your head, straighten your leg, toe yourself, tilt your head, lower it, try with the other leg, straighten it, sock yourself, head omitted, if the symptoms have disappeared, then the diagnosis and therapy are compatible with each other, thank you very much, doctor, thank you for spending this morning with us, a day of good health. See you on russia tv channel. On the russia tv channel, evgeniy roshkov hosts in the studio. Hello, the main thing is for this hour. Its not just a profession, its a calling, noble, most important, in essence its mission. Vladimir putin congratulated all teachers and mentors on teachers day. Sergei shaiga is being checked as volunteers

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