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Trouble into policing under a rump outside the georgia in parliament over the whole me, cuz with an a passing a transparency bill, please move into a rest some of the demonstrators, but well get this. Thats a big one. And that would really hurt you if it is all my goal is over the fence. Yes, some of them i think should be placed always. Theres no point for they arent there from there by the kids. Thats what they need on the fire after being set on fire, the un agency full policy didnt recognize, reveals plans to reopen. Its Jerusalem Office despite being repeatedly attacked by use around the satellite. So heavy smoke couldnt safe and while im spraying i was being hit by so i was being stolen by the by the local community which is complete mentors. The hello there. Welcome to our international i a michael, quite chat with the latest update. And now the high ranking official from ross shows Defense Ministry has been detained on corruption charges. Just weeks after a deputy minister was also arrested, listed on general uri could guess of his, the keys of taking a launch bribe. As they go into the investigation in 2021, 2023. As the head of the 8th directories of the general stuff on the armed forces of the Russian Federation was itself received a particularly large bride from representatives of commercial structures for committing southern actions invest saver off the searching the residences of this, your equipment, solve the Investigative Committee found over 1000000. 00 worth of various currencies, gold coins, and valuable luxury items. And this is an offense that if he actually committed the secret bland them in prison, for up to 15 years, according to russias penal code, be served as the head of the general staff in russia from 20102023. This is a position that requires dealing with lots of state secrets connected to the Russian Ministry of defense. And just last year, he became main personnel directory for the russian history of defense as well. Late last months, the deputy head of the Russian Ministry of defense was detained. Hes still in detainment right now, being held on, again, bribery charges like equipment solve. And its specifically what hes being charged with is accepting favors from military contractors to the tune of over 10000000. 00. So thats even more than what were looking at with the equipment solve. This is at the same time as a lot of our put in suggested replacing the head of the Russian Ministry of defense survey. Shy, go with someone else, a, an economist by trade, a man named andre uh below. So. So of course, we dont know if these corruption scandals are directly connected to this re shuffling of these sort of high ranking officials in the ministry of defense. But it looks like perhaps the administration is looking to take a bit of a different approach struction to something that occurs all over the world, the varying degrees depending on the country. But its definitely in light of the Russian Military operation, something that ukraine is probably paying attention to. And following itself, we have to under down uh that was russia is actively, uh, you know, challenging corruption in the country, finding these corrupt officials and holding them accountable. Ukraines essentially letting them ransacked the military. Weve seen tons of reports that billions of dollars may have been stolen during the construction of ukrainian defenses in the heart of region. And that those defensive, those defenses werent even completely constructed as, according to the plans that were put forward as well. Some ukranian soldiers have even been talking about this over 2 years. Concrete fortifications with 3 floors of depth should have been established on the for any and border and there were not even any land mines. Were coming to the conclusion that this was either because of insane staffed or deliberate sabotage. I know that those who abandoned the positions of the 100 and 25th Territorial Defense brigade were made to sign acceptance and transfer certificates for fortifications. Not even 30 percent of which were fully built. I hope that the perpetrators will be punished on the case of ukraine. It goes without saying that this kind of corruption is not very surprising, really, because even before the Russian Military operation began ukraine was one of the most corrupt countries in europe. And then as this never ending flow of western weapons and money going, who knows where and ukraine, this corruption problems that the government and ukraine has had for the longest time, has just been spiraling more out of control than it was before. Now as we mentioned earlier, ukraine is facing and increasingly bleak picture on the battlefields right now. Russian troops have taken control of the town of a bottle of vodka right here. And thats and thats in the cold region. And that adds to the 9 villages already captured very the last few days. Meanwhile, the us, i get your state onto the blanket has arriving key of on a surprise visit to that country. And the high level of visit comes i met the Russian Military gains blinking through his presence is intended to show continued us support for kids as a kindergarten, once again, rob felt its weapon supplies. It was the 1st visit by a bite and Administration Officials since Congress Last month. Approve the 61000000000 dollar a package for ukraine following months of rumbling and ukraines president didnt shy away from saying just how sound full he was for that support. Thank you. So much thanks for coming to your grayness thank you that you gave me especially these days to thank you for this signal. Also, i wanted to thank you from all my team, all your brains to a crucial package. Things so much for this package. Thanks to congress. Thanks. Prison, by the way, i think both of my partisan support goes well wheres handled for, for these 2 americans to American People were equally determined that overtime ukraine stand strongly on its own feet militarily, economically democratically. A strong, successful, frightening for ukraine itself. Flawed of fangs. Right . There. Quad presidency, lansky ships praise on the washington for its new weapons. More alarming reports are emerging over you crate in attempts to recruit people to use them. Now what youre seeing right now is one of those examples of we must warn you that this images are disturbing. This is a photo of a woman from odessa who says a she was beaten by an enrollment officer. After filming her boyfriend be dropped away, a wandering again, a disturbing images adjust the head of the mill, while the usb departments deputy spokes buses found himself being grilled about to washingtons double standards over the was in your train and in gaza. How do you have better visibility in ukraine when theres a political in far as the us is concerned with russia, but you dont have that same level of visibility when youre dealing with an ally. And these are your question is rooted in the premise that these are, were talking about apples and apples here. And that is just simply not the case. People in the media enjoy making this comparison between israel and russia and the conflict in ukraine of the conflict and gaza. But were, were not even talking about apples and oranges. Were talking about apples and candy bars so we can hear, but she will be here, but were going to be talking about and im using allies. Were talking about 2 very distinct and different circumstances on the ground that are not even comparable radios. The russians are doing nowadays, right . Isnt until miles are doing is question was about to you visibility . How could you have our visibility into whether our visibility into whether a government has the ability to hold itself accountable is absolutely something that like is plays into. So its not, its not, its not you sort about the governments of as well to get under pressure. How could you have eyes in the grade to determine . Because i took an account of the, i think what you mean by violating International Law that you have to prevent. This is a sense the front and center. Finally, how did you have the intern declined to end to end with the russian army to violate International Law . When you concluded that, gosh, an army did war prize and you pray and you couldnt find that was your loss. So again, were talking about 2 very different and distinct circumstances, which one was request. So was this an independent us investigation to decide whether or not Israel Broken International Humanitarian law, or was this a us investigation, aided by these rules . These relays were not involved in the production of the United States as National Security memorandum. Thats going to question, go ahead jaws of the United Nations agency for Palestinian Refugees in East Jerusalem has been set on fire once again, im just out of the office reopened its doors. The headquarters had previously been forced to close out the eas run. The settlers had set the office on fire twice and thats according to the agencies, westbound chief and an exclusive, chopped with archie that you can watch later on off the ground. As i hear the mind expected to be russias new defense minister has been setting out his store. Andre, bella, luce, of has to be addressing the Federation Council of what he sees as the key tasks ahead. Are you sure your 3rd issue is already says, stomach and nature . Were talking about the recruitment of the armed forces. I specifically want to emphasize to journalists for not talking about bundling session or in emergency measures. Were talking about plan measures, but never the less the process has already been launched in special military operation is underway, and the repressor issues related to it. First of all, the issues are related to equipment, the cohen group ensure and the supply of the most important military and special equipment are tillery, are munitions me, solves personal protective equipment for military personnel, communications equipment, drones, electronic, coarser, and so on. That is an important speech from the new proposed defense minister under billow. So he essentially laid out hes a proposal for the ministry of defense and outlined the priority tasks for the ministry. Now he did say that is quite important and to develop the new methods of combat operations, he talked about how it is necessary to provide all important and necessary weapons as well as equipment to the northern military district. He says that it is essential to stay up to date with the new technologies as the other side is learning in that field quite quickly. So he did talk about how under the acting defense Minnesota Survey showed go at the n u. N. A modern armed forces was created, but nonetheless, it seems that for under billows of it is the key to integrate the economy of the armed forces with the general economy as a whole versus great presence of the Russian Federation has placed very trust to me. I would like to focus them to keep task that were set for me by the president. The 1st is to ensure the full integration of the economy of the on forces into general economy of the country, taking into account the objective growth of defense spending. This is a difficult and complex task which primarily involves optimize the military spending. Everything that is effective and best in the country should work to achieve victory, to ensure that the task of the armed forces are solved. And he also pointed out that there is a lot of work to be done when it comes to improving the welfare of the military personnel, especially the ones uh, in the battlefield. Now he says, uh that includes providing housing as well as provision of medical services and essentially easier access to military benefits for them. Now he does say in general uh that it seems that he believes that the soldiers deserves better social care, as well as not to overlook the economy in the Defense Ministry. And overall, he did mention the older changes when it comes to the armed forces. Moving to georgia, now lawmakers have passed a transparency bill, which has sparked outrage among the public already protesting outside the parliament. The the crowd takes into the streets of simple, easy enough physician to the bill protests as of broken through a metal bar. You protecting the falling and building that police have been amazing arrests and dispersing the crowds. Some have been seen painting the walls of the problem in the bills course tempers to boil whole but not just outside the building, but inside. Also the the members of the ruling party reportedly attracts and opposition representative during readings of the draft. And they just lation of the bell will force n g o is to be more transparent about their funding sources. Washington has condemned the law, the law calling it a im down and Civil Society groups. Wow. So im in the congress of even this direct sanctions, and thats the spot, the new bill im mirroring and reflecting similar legislation in the United States. Now well discuss the situation with mario bettina, a, russian, m, p, and the victim of american for an eden school. She says that the western reaction to the george and bill smacks of double standards. You know, its quite surprising for me to share this as a controversial more. Because more what the country is trying to do is just to be able to sort of in a t and or a so they can, can see who is working. I mean, from the angel and who is of the year. Wow, i would say the most are all the pay or for me special. Im surprised to see that these comments are coming from the west. I mean, from the United States that has 6 different malls devoted to 2 different types of foreign agents influence of souls on such and such. So i think its still so i can double standard. Some people say that they was there on samsung star and convicted the by far, which is for an agent registration act. Wow. No, actually, just 5 years from prism on the bottom, i was charged whizzer, 951. 00 plus 371. 00. Your us code, which means that you basically dont need to have any money or anybody who controls you. But just someone who is working from government or can be on shes of occasion, like in my case and who simply comes to cheese vacation in the United States and he please asks you to do something. Thats enough. Means this is what we call selective justice. So yes, i can tell you, i have been with them all the law and what they see today in georgia. If you compare us and georgia and law, what they actually do, they just, its all about transparency. Uh, the us stories about hum to the people they are viewed, democracy is quite strange. So if i were to speak to these people and say hello guys, if you talk about democracy, talk not about such things as be allowed more or new grounds, but link it to the counts. How you actually for all this poor people with rights, and this is celeste injustice and not the United States . No, the United States has any rights to dictates to all the people what laws they should have them for an agents. Georgia decided the pos which is in the middle between the soft russian law and the strict u. S. Law. This is the right, this is the age of justice and transparency. Well, if you come to somebodys house, just tell me what your goal is and be fair. And be on this, this is what this for an agent. Laws are about. All right, for more on this, lets cross live to a given godsa, georgia and politician and leader of the jordan, justice parties. It is good to have you do. I mean, let me say the preference of it saying welcome to the program right now. Now, this transparency law adopted in georgia has drawn a lot of controversy and condemnation, especially from the west. Why do you think that is . No, i appreciate. And the pros, you of shit know, answering this question, who is the whom i think is generally about what is going on in georgia and the whole world cope with the adjustment of a provide no means we shouldnt be looking at that particular mission separately from everything thats the whole thing in the world. What were seeing do is were probably, im of called the realization like serial control scales. And so this is what were seeing in georgia. All right, now protests have been erupt. Thing outside the pilot means do you see any outside publications here . Uh uh, very slowly uh either i its lucius renewal initial or some of the issue functionally in the external component was an important role. But so this the, in our policy to start the semester policy, i think what has been initiated by the ruling policy today looks like the pre election of game. While it is that say apply for the funding a bowler is ation. On fuse up of is going along the line and so i was on the troll list, although the 2 policies are absolutely pro western issues is slow. Is this on the surface ruling about same the same as the goal of switch or entering the nato and joining the European Union, the system nurses clear as day. Oh, there is an external component as well. Theres a control scales and the city is only one conductor. But some of these are convincing along each other lots as much for power, which is on this, but for money. Right now, washington insist that its laws is completely different from the ones in russia and georgia. What, what is the difference is there is 80 what things dont put out. So shifts 3 layers of each you make of washington is correct here. Lets check the difference. The significance for those america as low as weight, harsher who the mere middle of the american looking rope for june j little girl was inviolate things a little. And the little that georgia passed, all of the agents that i teach is much more loose democratic pc to the maximum, but up on it provides is, is a 10000. 00 and well find that level and it only assets and use for one thing to declare the incomes thats exceed 20 percent of the youre dealing with us both of the value of the word grad school. It has to be done once a year and like full normal organizations that are required to fill in the declaration once a year. All right, now do you see any power levels between this situation right here in georgia and the west and backs 2014 light on protects the new drain. Yeah, i think youve put a little unusual. Uh, my done, my. Dont see your name state. Oh, louse. Like the see screen, but they might have done was it sounds like a sort of try russian policy might and the pro western policy. And so my da knew it was a state that include drop of them. Know, could i in good, organized by the, in the brain, what is going on in georgia is the builder space, just rivalry. Yeah, im on love these orders sunday. Im like hind rosie to us up with maybe 5 to minutes. So it probably was through the process going to be sing full power and georgia. It has nothing in common with the might on all right now, following this development in georgia right now, who is interested in creating chaos in georgia and what can be achieved by this . Or oh, yes, leah. Oh bruce, its still in use news. Whats the issue with the sides . All external factors they did in into a policy and those that flashes look at sort of judges political landscape. Its been a pleasure to unclear. It has been cleansed us. Thats the ruling policy and the opposition. Ive also cuz she was still within the residence, the site goes to be least not save all that stuff but a lot. And there are no financing or problem insights, memories, math, but it just keeps score. I think there is a so lets go marketing taking place is what can be had in this doable solution in this conflict between the pump to policies and design procedures. Once again, the both lease policies are absolutely pro western. All right, now, now that you had express condemnation of this law in georgia, it didnt, it does disability. The fear that it could affect his chances of entering the uh, yup. Yup. Of sites. Uh, yeah. Those would show up in a meeting, get got to know. I think were there and also should use an additional 2 as boys to, to me saying go to the rolling pod saves, you know, when youre really busy night bunch, the labor level. But really, honestly, the early bosses folks up with big confidence grows thats by in spent. So you think 3rd se stupid georgia, whether its handheld tight, will have joined the European Union and nothing will stand in the way of that. So you know that sense of the leave the statements or what would you say to those officials in washington and brussels who claim that this law is on democratic. So wed like to put them in those 3 us bits. Ellis, the 1st seminar. Now lots from because we have people that have been professionals, specialist and intelligence and counselor intelligence. So i am a lawyer. My basic education is, but i love you each and its has a lawyer like this. Yeah. But, and theres a person who has lots of friends and friends in odessa, id like to ask them when you have you reads, its a board or you did you have a teacher named them . Give me a call. Its a goal. This is not and i would have to blow up ship double dresser. Yeah. Would you do . There is no search. I assure you that those criticising it. If you are being you know, in the west they havent read this low, which consists of just 13. You more balance because thats not the way she qualifies as non democratic. All right, we have to leave you here. Now. I need you to. Yeah, thats georgian politician and leader all the jordan justice parties. Thank you so much. Especially about bolshoi. Moving on now the Jerusalem Office of the un agency for Palestinian Refugees is once again been poached by east riley settlers. Its the foot austin. The attack had risen days and it came just after the organizations, westbound, direct to confirm its reopening and on an exclusive interview. To r t o 3, the main office, the apparently seniors or a letter was down. I see it another biling tag when the compound was set on fire and they had stated that it was closed temporarily pending the restoration of proper security. We are the 1st journalist on the ground as the agency is about to announce that its reopened. This whole thing was a brush fire all the way down. It started around this bus stop area and we have it all on cctv us. Yeah, we saw the yeah, yeah. So that makes when something something, something an incendiary. I dont know what it was and it came all the way. It went very fast and the fire came all the way down this way. So in this a very densely populated residential area, apartment buildings everywhere, and then we had a 2nd fire 2 hours later. And the other end of the compound or small fire was contained quickly. But it was very close to the petrol tank because we have a fuel station. Yeah. So it petrol and diesel tank there. And that that would have been a nightmare because it would be a huge explosion, right . Thousands of leaders of fuel myself as a director, i grabbed the fire extinguisher from my office and ran down to the fire and i was putting up the fire myself. And you know, its crazy and retrospect, but i was holding the, for the fire extinguisher at the base of one of the big flames and shielding myself is a smoke, was tremendous because this is like a wildfire. So heavy smoke couldnt see. And while im spring i was being hit by stones. Oh wow. I was being stoned by the, by the local community which is complete madness. You know, but the fans is so high, so it is high. But these phones that went through, you know, smaller stones and then a lot of people are up in the balconies here in this residential block, watching what was going on. You know, clamping down was on the corner, is a terrace organization, whatever they were yelling. So i think they were watching it as if it was like a, you know, football match or something. And we close in order to assess the number of things we had to assess all the, any of the damage. We had to check the all the hoses, the water hoses, fire hoses, some of them had a defective nozzles. We fix that. We had to recharge and replace fire extinguishers that we had to use during the fire. So we had to do a number of things like that. We increased our security around the compound, we double checked, all of the cameras are still working because sometimes the smoke can affect the cameras. So all of that was was done. We made our official complaint and report to the police or doing the investigation. We had a meeting today with the police, as i said, you know we, we did what we feel we could would, in order to reopen the office today, the under, within israel towards another, was started building up there earlier this year is ro claimed that over a dozen employees of the un budging took fault and to have my sled attack back in october, which resulted in hundreds of civilians and military mode and scores kidnapped under what has repeatedly denied all the negations, but is really wrong to an activists have started stage and multiple protests in front of the agencies offices ever since you are responsible for on the activity and look at look at the kids. Yeah. Yep. Yep. Those some kids that are just going by. Yeah. Yeah. But theres always what they were, and i didnt know that theres always a lot of a lot of elders showing a little better. And thats how they say hello, the throwing stones. Yeah. But the kids that are probably bored and somehow feel that they need to be involved in some kind of i dont know what rebellion there is a fence here and its supposed to protect us, but they, they take usually small stones that go through easily. But well get this, thats a big one and that would really hurt you if it all my goal is over the fence. Yeah, some of them i think should be placed on was this now waiting for the change from there by the kids. Thats what they need. Why youre in doing this here. He said, we dont want to hear as we were leaving the under wall headquarters, the crowd of youngsters armed with stones started growing bigger and bigger. The office might be reopened, but this threat is still their grief notion. Alt t is the rest of them. Well, thats a report now hard to the comments where you can get for the details of all the stories were following

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