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I think that we will advocate vigorously for the quote and borderline multiple world in a university beneficial and inclusive economic globalization of things to be a and then hungary stage of paying. So hes trying to read the ways those things are expanding cooperation, which states that put the National Interest above the russeltons. Well, the extra 10 for pm here in moscow, and youre watching all the international with the world news updates. Its great to have you with us on top story this. Now the idea struck russell once again and an area where most displays thousands of says so is it shows heavy smoke rising above residential buildings in southern dasa dislikes. Come off the seas finally goes. She ations and taras failed once again with a mouse and as well unable to agree on cold amounts. Journalist from our satari stays, the situation in rafa is deteriorating rapidly and that the relentless bombardment, some is well. A hey tod, its easy to collect the data. Yes, they conduct the concurrent strides and for different parts of the neighborhood, the story good theories of houses and they put in firebirds and discharged are still good thing was the target the strikes. Im not targeting this the east area, but the other stuff was tough. North and off south san area near the adoption boulder. Some either the areas near the, the beach area. So literally the bombardment and the type of thing is covering cold over a 100. There is no safe haven and gaza. There is no such a thing that is called say so on. I think it has already violated points that are blinds when it comes to those stairs stones and have started to find a student has displaced them even in the areas. Thats where its supposed to be, or believe to be a saves off. The situation is extremely dire. Wish for calling. So remember that is that is now clauses cross. Ive got, ive shut off terminal. Theyre not alone. And i think theres no fluid northwood supplies. No other supplies, normally that concludes your mothers or medication, and that shows you include the components. Now people are injured, they need something, his go, his go need somebody to try to consume homes and medications, and people come out to access them. Hospice does conduct provide the services that people need, so that leads more people to die because of that lacks to american consumers. Im just kind of surprised and because of hunger because of displacement and because of bombardment. So the situation is extremely conceivable in the sense that you see hundreds of thousands of people going nowhere because theyre extremely confused about where to go. And theyre still being targeted by the confusion. And now with this point larger of gaza with the 2 terabytes across the, from the unlikely event, the sort of more of the situation is getting even more there. I mean while is waiting for this claim, theyve eliminated 50 some of the tents in rafa. Also discovering several tunnels in the area. Thats the idea as, as now supposedly displace the ac thousands palestinians from rasa and just 3 days, according to the un release agency, with the total number of people in the area believe to be 1500000. The is really military a times palestinians. Hong is also taking over the rafa board closing earlier this week, deliberately destroying them with tongues. The vehicle could be seen maneuvering in front of an i love gauze assigned at the crossing before running it out. Another idea, like on wednesday, killed 8 civilians including 3 children and leveled a residential building in rossa. That brings the death toll since the october 7th mazda talked to more than 38800 people, medical stuff as well as patient and safety. The situation in hospitals is critical. Well, let us show even though i see the roof, i cannot bear to be invaded by israel and there are many casualties. The most of the injured and monitors that there arriving at the hospitals are women and children, and mostly displaced persons. Most of the injuries are birds. We receive these injured people in large numbers, and they are arriving on cards due to a lack of fuel. And that hasnt misled outcome, we are unable to cope with such a large number of casualties and critically ill patients. There is a severe shortage of health care professionals. We appeal to everyone in the world, not to abandon guys and leave it to phase this crisis. Load what is urgently needed. Now. Hes in the Media Association of conflicts. Putting an end to the depths and casualty simone develops and people love us. So has anybody of, of the medical conditions in their alpha extremely terrible. Now we have to wait several hours to see a doctor, but most of the time were unable to receive medical treatment. As a medical staff are also exhausted and unable to provide treatment, as well as maine ally, washington has voiced as concerns over the operation in rough up the u. S. As temporarily suspended the shipment of some 3 and a half 1000 bones to the country. According to the pentagon, spokes person, a final decision on the weapons delivery is yet to be made. We paused one shipment of weapons consisting of 1802000 pound bombs, and 170500 pound bonds. Weve not made a final determination on how to proceed with this shipment. And, you know, not going to get into i pathetic goals. And again, weve been very clear on our views as it relates to rafa in any ground operations there. And ill just leave it there with us suppose to me as well wavering Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has promised to continue the fight, even if his country is left alone. If we have to stand alone, we will stand alone briefly already said the if we have to, we will flight do familial, but we have much more than nails and with the same greatness of mind. With gods help, we will win together. We are determined, and we are united to defeat our enemy and those to seek our souls and the way calls on new fine washington. The gem and the position is now urging berlin to follow suits by halting its own alms exposed to it as well. The federal government must follow the example of the us and stop almost delivers 30 immediately, only to national oppressions and non symbolic of can stop the nathan yahoo governments from invading unify germany. The 2nd largest supplied israel up to the us and the for shows responsibility for the dust and gaza. The federal government must know do a blessing to prevent souls and civilian casualties and the full stop on exports. German government must stop. Its nazi, im critical cooperation. Within that time, you know government, nothing. You all phrases, the leisure rich, you population, these trades. I projects the aggressive policy of genocides against the palestinians. And the German Government is still supporting. Nathaniel, quite, im pretty, its me. So the month of sending this out to you is good candidates in accordance with the peace movement, but until the German Government photos is i, i think there must be. Busy a little pressure from the peace movement, and that must be a 180 degrees to all of you to call it to the british. Foreign minister, this is David Cameron has been asked if london is planning to stop sending weapons to israel as well. I just want to briefly take a listen to what David Cameron said in response to that question, what the difference between the us situation us is a message stating to licenses you know, significantly less than one percent of the downing street is responsible for granting individual licenses to companies that do exports weapons to as well. So what do you make of what David Cameron just said fast . We see that as a lot of people are busy and what, uh, lets say the less than let us do it in the moment in that role. If that would be really pressure. Oh, well, lets say the whole international. Busy community, the United Nations and the best of nations, which supply of costs if you do licenses for weapons back and production your support as well. So there shouldnt be that simple credit of time to say we are not responsible, official be an attempt to really make crash on them. You know, the government to say follow the majority of your people, the photo, the majority off the was population which is bringing for with the 50 mile and overseas. For i of the month of stopping the genocide, little wolf out, which is going to ride in the direction of the general side. So to put you back to with the your vision some contact info, swing in sweden, voices supporting. Paula so i have been very loud. Thousands of protesters gather to show their position to as well as participation. The people were seeing with science cooling, to store the genocide in gauze, a palestinian flags and pictures of the destruction on death. And again, plays just wanted to protest sewer vision has resisted close to bond is ro, demonstrates, is expressed that on the of the countries participation in the competition. This is horrible. Whats happening in ga. So right now, and i think a lot of people should be demonstrating purchasing, especially now when the u. S. Low, but this ramp to participate in your vision button, but not the russia. And i think thats just the, its wrong. Its really to embrace this eminence. Lemme pull behind, i think its important to show that were against appear on the uh, double standard when it comes to the treatment of rush and the treatment for that reason. I think that when we say where the democracy no, nobody is doing nothing. Were all watching children are buying. People are dying. Nobodys doing nothing. This can go on. Theres no stop to this. People blame it shortly, but we, we need to support each other for this. This, the people are here for your revision. Thanks so much celebrate. Theres nothing to celebrate. Its an ongoing war. People are killing each other. Children of dying. When we us secretary of state, Hillary Clinton house quarter sized pro palestinian protest is for no knowing much about middle eastern history. I have had many conversations that you have had with a lot of young people over the last many months now. And youre right, they dont know very much at all about the history of the middle east. A man walks inside himself while working his secretary of state did have power to contribute to the turbulence in the middle east. Shes famous, the jokes and a tv interview about the murder, a former libya needham, along with the delphi. Shes also being courses sized as being responsible for the deaths of american diplomat as also the us embassy and bang darzy was attacked just not taking action despite knowing that was the threats. During the syrian cries, this she tried to convince congress to go along with a plan for a limited target, took military response cents, and also pushed for the removal of syria and president s, aside from power about the proposal to provide weapons to syrian rebels. Hello, city an analyst and is really a fast call doing. But due to says that Hillary Clinton has no rights to some pro palestinian protest as this is not been of the for the has to say or to accuse the demonstrate that us the distance. And the dispute today that they are mistaken. They have seen on tv, what is literally happening and goes and they with and what do they, if its even for a humanitarian, maybe feelings of emotion and feelings, and the, thats a human feeling when and when it comes to us. And then as a United States feels that it has the right to do anything to support this, this up is an by accusing that the, the furthest of saving by being and to see might. So now they are mixing these things together. So if you give it to size is what im saying is, and then you will be the, if you could it size is that im and saying is me, you, you wouldnt be accused of being again to see my to invest. And lets say this is the, the, the us and boost and for this engine that on their superiority in their own opinion. And gives them that i to do anything even connecting that on people just because they decided to stand with the understanding of it to the front lines of the ukraine cons legs. Now all sorts hes in the hawk of regional reporting, a fist basel between russian and ju crating and troops with slicing, spilling into the border area with rushes belgrade region onto correspondence div sweeney. Has the details we heard last night that there was a shedding of the call called a region, very intent shedding a strikes and according to the ukraine, you know, soldiers at least 25 buildings have called far theyve been very body damage. We have to say that this is on verified. At this stage theres been a lot of footage started circulating on social media now that being the number of ukrainian drones that have been taken down. We dont have any official information from the Russian Defense ministry yet. And weve also seen on a game on very slide footage of a bridge in cocoa region that has been destroyed. Now, the local authorities have, theyve spoken previously about a russian offensive of game. We dont have any information on not staying in the, in the culture of region, a game where there has been intense fighting. We know that the russian on forces have taken control of the city of kids located which states very close to the guns region. Now moving across to the dont boss a game that has been Intense Lighting and russian forces. And this has been confirmed by the Russian Ministry of defense have now taken co control of no vote. Lenovo, this is a city, a game which i said is very close to the new gun sco region. Now, were seeing this kind of these, these latest developments, these like is advanced by the russian for armed forces, which will hopefully bring some relief for the citizens of belgrade. The leading us Nuclear Fuel Supply us centrist funds to seek exemptions from a little prohibiting the impulse of russian enriched uranium, move his men to safeguard the interests of the us Nuclear Industry. The legislation includes a provision that allows for the granting of waivers through 2027, including if the waiver serves the National Interest. When the legislation is enacted, we will apply for waivers from the secretary of energy and other a clickable Government Agencies to request permission to continue supplying l e u to our customers. It is uncertain whether any waiver would be granted and if granted whether any waiver would be granted in a timely manner. Lets get more details. Now. Im to into the studio by austic contributor quiz m, as thanks for coming in, chris. Lovely to see it. Now, in 2022, russia was washington is the biggest supplier of enriched uranium. Could you just break this down for us . How would this is always going to affect the American Nuclear industry and Companies Like centrist, specific, like, what is quite significant nikki, if we look at the numbers, for example, the us uh 20 percent of all of the us is powered on nuclear energy. And about 24 percent, even to this day is coming from russia. The fact that companies dont like centers that weve mentioned, which is a private company that owns and facilitates a lot of Nuclear Power in the us, will not be able to obtain that quantity. Were talking about nick, we talked about uranium hit that key, which is a, im actually lucky. My mother in law is a j, a physicist and shes explained to us, they just how dangerous you, my name is. Its not something that you can be and you can just walk down to another country and just buy and for care. That has to be so many prizes and procedures and 70 facilities that allowed the safe travels that of that substance. And also getting it to a plot and then enriching it, its a huge process and, and really its for me, it sounds like the us is totally shooting itself in the foot. Yes. Again. Okay. So total costs are based on what it means. So what it means is essentially that any ad products that will, that coding on enriched uranium, the base of that, that means the uranium that you transport to a nuclear yet, and forgive me, im not a gf. Is it is but a new case scientists but you that so you, you put that into, theyve got to and that creates the energy. Thats saying no more of that if it comes from set and you cannot bring it in unless you get a special dispensation, would you let me give them for another . Yeah, and i live not responding to 2040 and well that basically means is none of that will come in then the us is going to have these companies that have relied on their reps and supplies for years and years and years, regardless of the kind of conflict and you kind of just bear mind, which is the energy and energy. You know, i think russia sees it this way as a human rights. So it shouldnt be banned in a rush as it is that way. Rush, it hasnt said hey, were going to stop sending it to you, even though russia codes and an essentially with now in a situation where this could be a very serious problem for these companies. Theyve got to find another source of uranium for that plants, me a recent months west and countries have moved to expands their own capacity to enrich uranium, broaching the idea of a complete bond on russian importance in years to come with some expos say they would need at least a decades to set the industry onto an independent assessing. So how could the us make up for the loss in supply . In the meantime, its a really good question and i dont think they have an honest and they keep you look at the other countries that produce, you write them again. Probably the us it produces around 20 percent of the well its raining brusset 24 percent. Then we look at the european pond as the u. K for on site produce a little bit. But then again again, nicky would probably sing the same thing happen again in europe where the us is going to try to extract the results. Is that the you have it needs, there are plenty of Nuclear Power plants in the United Kingdom where we come from in front in germany, and they need that own at reserve 0 to the power that i am power. I think the low save time. Look it up for cut, but as we now know, especially theyll probably put pressure on the french the that. But as, as we covered a lot on the program, the african nations, now its happening around the say, no, were not going to give you these cheap minimalism results from our country. The african countries are going to want more money for those resources. Probably a lot more than what theyre paying and russia, and thats going to make energy fall more expensive to the average consumer in the us. So it seems like was a show size of ton and absolute by the usa. Me, thanks for coming in, chris and explaining that very complicated topic for his are 3 cases as are also used, present thinking well, the president of china has paid his 1st visit to hungry and 20 years mocking developing relations between the countries. She didnt think that department of civics to open spoke with the media, highlighting the mutual goals they have to achieve the most. But to get difficult, its going to be like right now we have a multiple, a while ago with the and one of the main column. So this new world, although hes the peoples republic of china, it plays it pretty much a role in Global Politics and economy. While many youve joined the supports hungry and playing a bigger role in the you and promoting great it progress in china. You relations will advocate vigorously for an equal and orderly, multiple world and, and universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization is their leaders also announce broadening corp on old strategic levels from reconstruction to the developments of infrastructure and the Nuclear Industry hungry is not totally, tanya is closest to you i live, but also an independent trade in an Investment Partner and see countries science, 18 agreements following anything. During his european sol, the chinese need it received a warm, welcoming sylvia. The seconds country of the 3 nation european school. According to the serbian president s, alexander view church, the friendship between the 2 nations is in class. Were supposed to solve a sound voltage and on the list for the Serbian Center for social stability is a staging cause always has close relations with Eastern Europe and snow west. Impression can change that time because always had been sympathy as the chinese and the serbian people have a great connection going decades back and the serbian people in serbian states in china. So ive never had any problems and the mutual problems in between each other. So this was a visits not to start some Good Relationship with the wind over so itll be about to cement the already great relations and the Strategic Partnership that we have between the 2 countries. And the western media always tries a little bit to, you know, to criticize anyone who is cooperating with, with china. But it is interesting that they dont criticize so much their own governments because a lot of the west mesa is a presidency, was also in, in france, cooperates really great with china. Weve also had years back a good cooperation in Great Britain with the germany. So when those kind of that kind of compensation happens, its not such a big theme in the western media, but when a country which is not the parts of your opinion, not the parts of any military alliance has its own independent relationship. A small country with china that somehow becomes a theme and that should not surprise anyone. Of course it is the, it is a matter for the leads and for the ruling classes in all those countries who a wants to exert their own kind of influence on such small countries as serbia is. And i dont always concerned when we find a partners that are more suited to us and does have a Good Relationship with us and that we do it independently. I think that that independent segment of independence, the cooperation with china is the most concerning part for them. One of the main topics of a chinese president s visit was china is mediation efforts, are supposed stopping from student ping to get on the lines with no pace. And ukraine can be reached without rushes participation. These are 5 foot from china has stated its position on the ukraine crisis. On many occasions, we support the timely organization of an international peace, confidence recognized by russia and ukraine, bringing together all parties on an equal footing and allowing for a fair discussion of all these plans through conflicts can only be resolved through negotiation. Time. Will say the Research Fellow with a Global Policy institute, george samuel, a stays badging, is looking for partners to put their own peoples interests ahead of e u as nice. So demands, and what hes trying to do here is then go to cultivate those voices in your, of that one to pursue a foreign policy. That is the independence of the, the, you and they so, so he goes to hungry, which though a member of nato and the e. U, has expressed a considerable reservations about the direction of nato. And you are doing particularly in the confrontation with russia. So big is this thing is very similar now, so itll be, of course, is not a member of nato or the g, e. You who the sub, you know, who takes it, treats the world in a pragmatic way, very fragmatic towards his relations with russia. Pragmatic is relations towards china and, you know, survey like hungary thinks about what is good for the survey and people know whats good for brussels. Not whats good for washington, but whats good for the sort of being people . And i think that this is the type of attitude that is easy and thing ones to foster in your be 2024, a wrong oil. So it was in full swing into iran, pushing the countrys oil industry, or treatments on full display, on say, correspondence use of denali reports from the events. A portal is a life loss of that was the economy, and the foreigner is driving force behind its financial engines. Now the other one oil shore draws top industry players from the country and be off the top and towards the draft for trading of resources. Heres participating. Country has its own goals and engaging with there was old gas and tetra federal sectors. Whats there was Main Objective is to tackle the persistent challenges mainly caused by the western sanctions of the countrys cortege or commodity. Over 1700. 00 Companies Including 254. 00 and firms from china, japan, russia, india, and turkey have converged into one for the 4 day event to unveil cutting edge machinery and Engineering Services tailor for deployment. Anyones upstream downstream petroleum sectors. For to 154 and companies are participating in this exhibition despite the west announcement of intensified sanctions against the wrong significance for impressing demonstrates that they not make made sure of all countries. Oil industry is high for significant development, and this are the brands from the signing of major Oil Contracts to substantial investments. And it was oil sector. This comes as western oil dry ends have exit at the new market in the wake of the west withdrawal from the 2015 nuclear deal. And the re and position of oil sex runs on after a sharp fall to less than half a 1000000 barrels per day. In 2020, it was oil sales have rebounded to almost one and a half 1000000 b p d. This year, it was a challenging landscape of sanctions, increasingly relying on local expertise. 35 projects abandoned by western companies, suggested a substitution gap and machinery and engineering within it was oil sector is now being effectively branch by domestic resources. And this is john john. So, base all blinds last year we signed for contracts worth 20000000000. 00 was for k, fully ran here. And contractors and the 13000000000. 00 contract was signed for the development of 7 shared oil fields by our domestic firms on the shipments significant. These shows that we do not need to rely on western expertise. And it seems that iranian manufacturers are displaying a new found confidence. Now, as they take the initiative to localize key machinery, previously sourced from western suppliers. The absence of western tech providers from it runs oil and gas projects has also prompted the country to turn more towards key trade partners, most notably russia last year, Russian Deputy Prime Minister alexander no, but i attended the one oil show at the head of delegation of ab, russian, oil firms, or the 2 sides signed major energy contract, and we are implementing projects to develop oil fields and, and on, and have outlined new projects. What i expect progress soon. Energy hungry china, which has continued to bind the bulk of their loans, oil. Even the peak of the western sanctions has also expanded as low as a Technology Provider and it runs oil and gas fields. Chinese companies are strategically positioning themselves to capitalize on the opportunities created by the withdrawal of European Energy giants from the iranian market. And they appear to be confident that they can feel the resulting vacuum. We have a complete system of energy sykes and we have a, you know, from the treating to, you know, to the touch of chemical to uh, to the refinery. I know we have uh, the whole set of, uh, equipment technology. Everything. If we work together, theyre closing it. I think the Chinese Companies can make up their cap left by the western countries. Now yes, the song singing is the biggest challenge because because a lot of the problems and such as payment and transportation we, we have some solutions to actually decline. So here i have some special ways to, to do the payments with a combination of indigenous expertise and support from longstanding allies that one has successfully managed to revive its oil outputs in defiance of the sanction over the road to reclaiming gets to position as a topics border remains arduous. Whats significant progress needed to match we sanctions exports levels, industry ex, 1st year Say International platforms like the iran well show can provide shortcuts for the country to revitalize its primary source of income. Usability are too many thanks for joining us here on the

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