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Controlled, and thats despite my saying it is willing to accept the ceasefire proposal earlier. The 1st wave of pro policy and protests developed in paris has told one University Students cross with police power riley in. So the director weve got that the kind of the welcome to Washington National reaching you live from our new center in moscow. I am mike pop watching a lot of inputs in has been sworn in for a new year. 6 years president ial term. Weve been covering the grand cetera. Many of it crumbly in this since tuesday morning. The president put into controls of loyalty to the russian nation in front of thousands of guests in the heart of moscow that he promised to overcome the challenging period ahead with dignity and would stress are considered, you know, in the middle enough, when we do the consolidated will of millions of people as a colossal force evidence so far coming from the lease that we ourselves will determine the fate of russia and only ourselves for the sake of todays and future generations. You, the citizens of russia have confirmed the accuracy of the countries. Course. This is of great importance now, when we are facing serious challenges. I see in this a deep understanding of our common historical goals. The determination to steadfastly defend our choice of values. The freedom and National Interest of russia, i am confident that we will pass through this difficult milestone period with dignity, become Even Stronger and will definitely implement long term plans and large scale projects aimed at achieving the goal of development. The mama still hasnt yet sets in here on the, the atmosphere before the, you know, duration was very chat to you do is conversations that were in the, and people who didnt see each other colleagues for a little, maybe a long time. They had a chance to mangled to rub shoulders and to discuss some matches in a very friendly and unofficial atmosphere of this time off to the you know, duration is still very, very quiet. Here probably off the, the rule and the thunderous rule of the old, the artillery pieces that wrapped up the parts of the, in a new generation ceremony here in the kremlin palace. Now we are in the alexander of sky hole, which was the pin ultimate hold on Vladimir Putin as well can rob a short trip from his office. The so he walked over that and he, i walked into the and draped school on the that he took an oath one more time. Its very special version of the constitution had been boots in that hole just before that its a very special edition that is only used for the new duration. So then he addressed the nation, of course, of saying that the times that russia facing is facing right now quite challenging. But basically that is Something Like baptism through fire the, the even on is costing the whole lava. So that is sort of was the idea, at least thats how i decipher. Glad my boots is mess. That was the idea behind his uh, behind his address to the nation. And of course, he mentioned how much, how much reliability matters has now for the russians and well into. And the once again made a promise to use absolute best to deliver and to live up to the expectations that had over now to don quarter, whos outside the kremlin and onto a mentioned at the west in his speech. Not a surprise there. Can you tell us more about what he said . First of all, we have to understand what kind of people are invited to this. And our gratian ceremony right. There were people representatives of the Russian Federation council, the state duma, representatives from various political, religious and social organizations. All around russia really representing the unity of the country behind the new re, re elected russian president. But its also important to understand something that the fact that a number of foreign dignitaries were invited as well. And according to media reports, the only one that did show up specifically from the west was the french ambassador, but numerous officials from various western countries received invitations as well. And they decided not to show up this something that the, a deputy for administer of russia. I said, was a chief move essentially to receive these invitations and does not show up. And, you know, it kind of goes in connection with something that Vladimir Putin mentioned in his inaugural speech. She said that russia has gotten no problem with having good relations with western countries. Its up to the western countries themselves to end this hostile Foreign Policy towards russia. Me really would you agree that we have been and will continue to be open to strengthening good relations with all countries that see russia as a reliable and honest partner . We are not giving up dialogue with western states. The choice is up to them. Do they intend to continue trying to restrain russias development to continue the policy of aggression, incessant pressure on our country for years, or to look for a way to cooperation in peace . I repeat a conversation, including on issues of security and strategic stability is possible, but not from a position of strength without any arrogance in ones own exclusivity, but only on equal terms, respecting each others interest, together with our partners in your region, integration in other Southern Development centers we will continue to work on the formation of a multi polar world or an equal and indivisible security system. Now the unfortunate decisions by these western politicians not to participate in the russian president ial inauguration was kinda for shadowed by media reports that we saw across the western media. We saw the sun and the independent calling russias elections, sham and fraudulent. This is something i mean, it doesnt come as that much of a surprise, especially because even when russias president ial elections were going on between march 15th and march 17th. And did it, regardless of the fact that a russian president vladimir put and had won an overwhelming amount of the votes and an overwhelming amount of the russian population came out to participate in these elections as long as western leaders continued to take this sort of an anti russian Foreign Policy, a hostile thought policy towards russia and the russian government thats not unlikely. Relations between the west and russia are going to improve very much. My colleague, nicky air on sat down with our 2 Senior Correspondent morag idea of who attended the non duration, who shared his infections. This is not your 1st night boots integration that youve attend it. How did today is it feel different . See what one that was a sense of purpose. I honestly there is no other way this theres a sense of purpose compared to the loss mitigation, 2018, which was also present that those you know, is it was considered more of a formality. This was considered more the statement. What are the things that surprised me this year and model of the 3 holes, the tutoring pass through that. So the order gives, can you hold top of it was what was quoting gulf for international diplomats. That is, bassett is deputy bassett, isnt a and the like. Im going to be bossed us easily. Shes the 1st tool, the key keyboard to are they, she is the last of those. You can just as loud if not louder than the russians. I mean, you can, you can watch the video they, they will have the cellphones out, they will approve thing. They would say they would clap and live with cherry. And these are international ambassadors, perhaps the most challenging point in rushes more than a street at a time when the west will, you use passing itself on the backs of isolating washer and you have all of these are basset is cheering provings re election. I know that youve been named as a trusted representative of the president and this past election. That sounds like quite a big deal. What exactly does that entail . Well, for starters, i by little, by russian. Go, i have to take this a bicycle. So take unpaid me from work, which i did because often, well, you are affiliated now with a cabinet. Its essentially boost campaigning. It was arguing why people is better than the communist. Well, the new people, the liberal party labels, democrats out of the bad and trying to convince people why they should boots off to all this time. So many is a proof of why they should vote for improvement again. And i can tell you, it was very so when we add to those say, look at the states of russia. Look back on the state of russia 20 years ago. When those very were very real risk of collapse when the countries in the doldrums within the country depended on humanitarian aid to feed itself. And look at the bus in that process, it is, is changing dramatically. And the people, this is among the people in the system only leads the leads are following the will of the people and goals and would be what people said is i have given you this. Yes, it is difficult. Yes. Also just died. Yes. Much of the west and loved ones. This is cromwell, but the half the follow through. You have a 1000 year history. If during which all abscess does persevere they, they will be cape in some mountable challenges. And what are all for you now . Is it difficult . Pos, with victory, and but with positive aids at the end of the person speaking early, a hasty talks about moving forward with dignity and strength. So his 5th tub. How might this play out in your eyes to your politically speaking . You, you see this visit . This hobby, im on less than just now. Right. Right. Criminal knology. And which they try to guess what buses thinking, what peoples thinking, what, what theyre going to do. And its a choice. Its always a freight what they come up with. Its always wrong because they, they run the start button psychology. What to promise today in a very short integration speech is essentially the road map for the next city. Is that gonna sit there in washington and london downing street and g, c, h q, and in australia in every way, and theyre going to try to guess what does he mean . He meant what he said, but we will overcome. But nevertheless, we dont want conflicts that the boys in the westport, if it wants to stop, if it wants to come to it senses and bring you cranes, i q. The offers that it is that simple, but itll take them over coming in gray and in grain and all i would say a patronizing attitude towards arrest the will where they would actually have to consider offers. That equals about European Parliament member from the alternative for Germany Party is gonna bank says of there is a growing rift within the e u and how to deal with russia and its leadership of this uh, the differences are being the same way. So there are things that uh perhaps have touched most of acetic boats and others uh, they take street. The ideological, the European Commission is one of the institutions in the midst of. Ready criticism of russia and sadly, and im set say its a goal, is headed by adjustments to respond to mine is perfectly in line with the attitudes taken by the best extreme members of the job and government. Its an extremely impressive, an episode via here, but obviously these circumstances, its a welcome distraction for the government to say on the dross Science Behind all this. Russia is provoking ah, all the right, we popular this game. It actually support. So again, i think its may be a distraction from the imperfections of a crazy to infections and rather oppressive to adverse. Yeah, its taking root here the are p and use and turning to solve and gather. Now where the id f is confirmed is taking control of the guys a side of the Border Crossing with egypt. Video footage from a rafa show, smoke filled sky is over city houses. And in the aftermath of the idea of shelley, tel aviv use leave less to a lot civilians remaining in the area on cold for them to evacuate. A warning that a disturbing images are just ahead of the video shows, policy unions joined to pull the bodies or children out of the rob, both who was said to have been killed. And these ready strikes on golf off of the local hospital with reports at least 23 people were killed and open eyed strikes on the area, including 6 women and 5 children is where the forces of allegedly targeted the only Government Hospital in the city as well. As all the densely populated areas, witnesses say that there were no warnings of the attack on golf. Id came as a surprise that made news about sci fi tools with a mass limits about, i know i was sleeping at home, me, my mother and my siblings. And suddenly we had a loud noise. We had strikes without any prior warnings. They say rough eyes safe and then these happens on account of for hide and all the publicity and people were overjoyed after news about the c spar. Everyone felt an indescribable joy. We were surprised to see that it turns out to be a bloody night without joy or anything they stole our joy. We held for a cease fire to last, if only for a few moments for us to save our children, just to give them some time to rest. And in one single moment, our child is skilled, our house is destroyed, our entire world is destroyed and will lose everything in one moment. So if this i saw the martyrs with my own eyes, they brought them back in an ambulance. My cousins and my brother in laws daughters children more than 20 people with the rest, all buried under rubble. Its really a lot. This is genocide, its genocide, not more. We dont want money. We dont want aid. We dont want anything. We want a ceasefire. We want to live in peace with our children, like the rest of the world to get in the process were witnessing continuous is really showing of the eastern areas of rafa at the moment of the air strikes are ongoing. Not long ago, war planes attacked an area in the east of rafa. As a result, people were injured and were taken to the cool wait hospital. These air strikes are being carried out as part of a military operation near the rough lands crossing the idea of his targeting all moving objects in this area. And the cordon has been established here as fighting underway. People are prohibited from approaching the area. Numerous residents and refugees have been ordered to leave is really military vehicles are also moving towards the philadelphia core door, which separates garza from egypt at the moment of the idea of operation is not only continuing, but also intensifying. Judging by the number of wounded people that are being taken to the corporate hospital, the only available medical facility in rafa, after the out in the general hospital, which is located in the comment area was put out of action. This means that we will face serious challenges because the only hospital is treating a large number of casualties. The idea of operation and gaza continues in the south western and south eastern neighborhoods. And the tell l how area is really aircraft carried out, strikes on residential and higher rise buildings attacks continue in the out and regret area. Many houses and entire neighborhoods have been destroyed. The albums, their rods, mcgasey and elbow range areas are also being targeted by israeli raids. Meaning that the military operation is intensifying. Israel threatens to continue the assault Palestinian Civilians and refugees. And rafa are experiencing great disappointments because just a day earlier, they had hoped for an improvement in the situation. After homeless agreed to the egypt shall cease fire plan. However, all these hopes and joy of the palestinians have been shattered. After these rarely Army Launched its operation, the roof of Border Crossing and is the only lifeline for the residents of the enclave. And fears are still persist. That famine could hit rafa and northern gaza due to an is really ban on the delivery of humanitarian aid supplies that have been accumulated on the egyptian side. Many of those wanting to leave gaza, who had registered on the relevant lists, had been denied safe passage. All hopes vanished after these really army seized the complete control over the rough outlines. Crossing the heavy, were seeing the humanitarian situation deteriorating. I mean the idea of offensive. However, the political situation remains on certain, as it is unclear whether a certain powers will intervene to stop these really assault on rough. I. In the south of the enclave. The process was please arrest and pull palestine slogans. Those are the scenes in paris where hundreds of students of raleigh that sold one university and sold a diety with garza, the french students also school counting support of their fellows in the United States. Well forward, these have been tracking down protests footage from the scene in paris, show Police Officers violently detaining activists as hundreds rallied for palestinians in the embattled city of rafa. French demonstrate those say, the one the micron government to stop backing as well as comes just days after sol Born University was briefly occupied by dozens of students on the similar slogans of the at about 80 students to cove. Busy the french universities led to a whole setting up a tent camp ride on top of the tables. Of a sit in protest was forcefully despised by the police and offices of reportedly evicted all the activists from the university grounds. With some of the demonstrators now under investigation, they had occupied the let to hold for around 2 hours. Meanwhile, in the United States, the gates and the glamour of the annual max gallery in new york has been disrupted by pro palestinian protest as outside the venue. The Police Rushed to make a rush while the fashion models was showing off inside the metropolitan museum of on the theres always, theres always room for a good fashion show. Even in the midst of war. I mean, its difficult to say that they should have canceled the events, i mean, would be to the have cancelled at the last couple years or so id say because of uh, the warranty brain. So they have cancelled that you know, for the rock for, i mean its, its a life will go on. So it may, it may look ugly, but i think the point into the protesters safely i, ive given more thats a voice in a sense and spring time and attention because of an event like that. My goal is taking place and their protest outside of it will then bring more awareness to their costs. Fundamentally, there is an outrage by, by people not just young people or others that have gathered to try to make their voice heard. And unfortunately, now the narrative becomes, oh, you see, these are the extreme is they are, theyre being paid by the, by the, you know, Muslim Brotherhood or whoever it was or us to, its a protest. And i think unfortunately, often times the message gets lost because of the noise around the idea that theyre just totally, there is paid agitators, 5 east president s eating being is arriving. So itd be a from funds that made his 1st trip to europe in 5 years. Hes been hosted in. Busy grade by is kind of the father legs, end of which each of us comes on the 25th anniversary of the nato bombing of Chinese Embassy in the sub in capital g, g, and pay. It has said that his nation will never forget the atrocity of the killed 3 chinese journalists are to curse button yes. In a cabinets in bel grade with more details. A tiny as president , choosing things visit to serbia will mark a historical moment between the 2 countries relations. And its the 1st visit since 2016, but also march the 25 year anniversary. Since nato attract the Chinese Embassy. The building behind me, of course, today serves as a chinese cultural center. But the 3 missiles that nato used to attack, the embassy did to 3 chinese journalists, and the reaction from washington was nothing but insincere. The general approach, of course, of washington refer to the attack as a mistake, it blink faulty maps, and the chinese authorities back in 1999 called to the attack, criminal and barbaric and called on the western block to take account and responsibility for the attack. In the Early Morning of may, 8th, aging time, nato led by the United States, raising the use my styles to attack the Chinese Embassy in the federal republic of yugoslavia, causing casualties and serious damage to the embassy building. This criminal act, which violated International Lower norms of International Relations arouse great indignation among the chinese people. The Chinese Government issued a solemn statement that morning severely condemning the ball barrack atrocities committed by nato, led by the United States and demanding that nato, the full responsibility for this general approach and relationship between serbia and china seems to be one that is involving the 2 countries are growing closer together and as a result, it is worrying many within the European Union. But the serbian president refers to the chinese president as his friend, highlighting the level of trust and the level of relationship that the 2 states currently share. Like to see president c, because we consider him as a true friend and the a l. C. Dedicated Team Approach that we love on sort of young people with us. China has always been on the side of International Public law. All is being supportive to us as we have always been supporters of training. The sacrament shared by the serbian president is a sentiment shared by many doing business with china. However, the general European Union does not share that same sentiments because according to many, within the european block, they suggest china has they shouldnt agenda chinese comments. The mount effect trend with massive subsidies more that it is selling due to its own weak domestic demand. This is leading to an over supply of chinese subsidize goods, such as electric vehicles and steel, that is leading to unfair trade. Europe can not accept such market distortion practices that could lead to the industrialization in europe. In response to these statements issued by the European Commission president , shes in ping essentially said, no matter how you look at it, there is no such thing as the over capacity problem, particularly with respect to china. And then we take into consideration, of course, the fact that the chinese president met with the president of friends as well as the European Union and the discussing im number of matters that are especially important for the european blog. And this comes at a time when of course, the European Union is questioning its reliance, independent, safe on the United States. And this is what china comes into play, which is why the fear exists within the block itself. But this also comes at a time when serbian hungry are essentially referred to as nations that are close with china. They are essentially labeled close allies of the russian president Vladimir Putin. And taking all of this into consideration, of course, there is a level of distrust within these Member States towards the general blog degree in the future will be finally as long as he expects to get the money. Why is the money major only see my reason or so taking everything into consideration from the general it stands to us and its allies have imposed on other nations, particularly those within the European Union and of itself. But the general approach, a post war, the sentiments and the resentment is still there. And many nations disagree with the general approach of the United States and its other allies. And this is why many countries are seeking an alternative. This is what china comes into play. China, especially offering a win win strategy. And this is something that countries like, so itd be like hungry are taking into account and it will in one way or another act as some sort of a balancing mechanism between the United States. And this is where china comes into play, offering that balance. Ill get nothing has celebrated 70 years since its victory against French Colonialists troops and the decisive backlog via bmw full. Now the 195090. 00 for the full event forced paris to withdraw its occupation force from the region which was known as friends in due time at that time. But yet that means Prime Minister held the significance of belong mom vacaville for his nation. Of the historic gen bins to victory is a remarkable event. Not only for the muse revolution, but it is also a monumental saga. And that inspired country is rising up to fight for independence and freedom marching. The collapse of colonialism all over the world. Yeah. And beyond, full is widely considered one of the greatest bottles of the 20th century. He saw full month seas of a friend, many tree garrison by vietnam. These forces and the victory became a turning point for the fall of the French Colonial empire. However, the us quickly stepped in as it tried to count of the rise of communism in the vietnam. But the american troops where eventually beaten and sent backing, disliked defiance before them. I made tuesdays at a very celebration, some vietnamese veterans shed their memories of the Historic Events that we get to go to the battlefield is we wanted to fight for all countries, independence and freedom. We would we get to fight because of all hatred against the enemy. Was off to the war, the policy and the government told us to leave the past behind and head towards the probably to future. Physically me all victory in the back to lifting beyond who is very well known around the world. Every wanted my is vietnam for that as sold is we are very proud of the achievements, end of all national heroes, the level of housing i am on it, and proud to attend the 70. 0, nation is proud of this victory. But we also get emotional when we remember the

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