These sentences cuz its not really hurting them that very far away from the problem. But the reality is that hard to me, i realize in a very significant way, weve also heard of it. I went about this uh economics agreement equal to his article quite recently. I think it was a last nights basically saying that im, im and, and this is the phrase ive not heard before. So what about reverse migration class . What is that . What does that mean . I mean, people less theyll, you know what . Ill get to jump somewhere else, but now im looking at russia. Wow, this is great. Maybe i should go back because i what ive, ive never heard of. Yeah, obviously. Right. Thats kind of what it means is its kind of the gross is always greener aspect where you go, you there anything, hang on. Its not as good as it is by time, especially now with the economy growing as it is here in musser. Its also, its always a High Net Worth russians coming back home because theyve been penalized in a tax basically by, by the west, in the places where theyve invested money, bringing it back home and helping this country grow Even Stronger and stronger. A word or 2 comedies where you can get far, the dangers of all stories will fall on miss alex, ill see you again soon. The the the, when i 1st moved to rush, one of the most Amazing Things i found was in moscow metro. In fact, the very 1st phrase that i ever learned in russian was terrible doors are closing that station. So what makes this place so special . What secrets is it hiding to find out . Were going deep under the city with alexander pop off. Hes an historian who studies the wonders of the moscow metro, the whole meeting here. This is going to be an excellent adventure for me because i love the metro. So i have to ask for 48 metro stations. Thats a lot of stations, but generally its just a public transport service. Its now on the list of Cultural Heritage sites. What does a metro thats in use of need to do to become insight . Many must go metro stations are underground. Palaces when the 1st line was launched in 1935, it was like nothing else in the world. At the time of the boys stationed in new york. As in london with typical utilitarian transport facilities, bo meant a ferry passengers from a to b and provide you then. So in a profit that the then young, the soviet russia had the and vision to showcase something. Nobody else have done. It was truly an underground palace for everyone, chrome labels and richly decorated public space flooded with light and fresh. Yeah. It was accessible to all classes my accost gas station where we are now is a typical example of must go metro architecture. So its an underground palace, which is when youre, youre definitely decorated with most banks on the ceiling with extensive use of materials like mumbling granite, what they mean getting it was, i mean, it was the 1st station to have stainless steel on the columns where it was the epitome of the idea behind the 1st metro line 1st, both by which was to show the soviet metro as the best in the world. Now, we are quite deep underground, but still, its kind of feels lights and airy infections. Very well lit down here. How did you achieve this effect . Thats also my goal is to apply a cost guidelines about 40 meters on the ground. So itd be a talk attacked and engineers had studied a deep column type subway station in new york built in the early 19 se. Then we have mentioned it in a very creative way that are almost at it. That was the origin of my cost gas stations design. And it is, i like were at the literature at the time described by a cocktail as an american style station. People. Yep. That was and still is as far as i know, like im no new york subway architecture to speak of like except a few individual stations. Yeah. However, you see this incredible like listen, state and columns which we used instead of the method pillars built in other stations. That was no main seat because it required a whole different mathematical model. Initially, this was supposed to be a non broken single fault, and it was meant to be much higher. Later they began to calculate the dimensions and realize that without least stick metal strengths, the ceiling would cave in like this. And that be a disaster. So they the ceiling considerably. Yeah, theres a metal stress. They ended up with a station that has a very slender and graceful columns. Add to that the use of stainless steel on except mobile flow, which was late to replace with granite problem and these beautiful mosaics. So i see that on these columns and arches, so they have the stainless steel, which is kind of different from the marble. Why did you choose to have this type of the finish . The 1950s werent ever of a violation. Long distance flights record speeds, distances and altitudes, stainless steel leaves images of plains and saplings is a legend about my account scale. So im say the steel, the salvage from sampling. Thats not true. Its just a nice mess where they give the beautiful interior requests for a maintenance still needs to be policy, so that stays shiny and doesnt crust on nobodys deal. I got about 10 or 15 years ago, it was decided to renovate the station, and the interior was recreated to look exactly like in 1930 a tool. So ive heard that if i stand on this corner and youre standing on that corner and i speak to the are you, can you hear me from there . Is that true . We can give it a try. Now were gonna try whats sponsored by a tough guy on metro station. Its very clear that i can hear you from all the way over there. So i understand that there are a lot of such as stones actually in the making of this itself. Youve talked about it a little bit before, can you show me . So what are we looking at here specifically . This is old and remodel. Come from and boy, its exact name right now, but its used in the metro a lot at the end stainless steel, which weve spoken about. Its a cut off, and this red palate is made of a gym stone cold onyx. Its a very rare or a new mode deposits of it. Today. Theyve all been exhausted when they were renovating the station. They repaired the mobile box, of course, and they had to go back to the old onyx mines. We stoned operations out, learn how to work with onyx, the gain of cobble these fine details. The floor was completely redone. Level was replaced with granite filled up the design state, exactly the same, this station as a Cultural Heritage side. So any work here is considered restoration and you come to use different technology, different colors, and so on. They have to be very careful and work on the architectural supervision to make sure the appearance of the station remains consistent with the original other is all it certainly beautiful. And also we have some of those x here. Whats the idea behind this . I mean, its so intricate, theres so much to take in, talk to me when you look up, its hard to miss now, but its easy to just walk on by talk to me about the most ex driveable. Yes, it was a genius idea for the ceiling was low, with the station would look impressive. Right. So the architects came up with the idea of these dams and put mosaics inside them, like celebration balances today, nika, made sketches for them. The most acts themselves were crafted in leningrad and inserted in the dimes when fully assembled. Yep. They show what the sky over the soviet union looks like in the course of a day. What a typical day in a. So itd be a country as like, we see sports activities industrialization, aviation, our shooting, theres a power shoot just in this one of these before. It was a popular spoilt at the time of the product and it was a power issue town and nearly every talk with people to give it a try and talk with. Okay, so i know that theres a lot to say, lets go and see another station. Chelly. Yep. Awesome. Lets go to most about sky. The. So this is incredibly fascinating. This is no, this will both kind of station its incredibly beautiful. Its incense. We have these stained glass panels here of something that you wouldnt expect to see down here in the metro station. In fact, you expect to see stain glass windows somewhere perhaps in a church. So if you dont mind telling me why is this so beautiful, what is this all about . Its about a well effect of people coming here. So your oldest jewel dropping duty instead with round eyes. Its true that it feels like being in an underground church. This stained Glass Technology was borrowed from Catholic Churches which had stained glass windows. These stained glass panels were manufactured in riga by local office, but you were familiar with stained glass went back in the 1950s, picked them up to the technology was virtually unknown and the rest of russia because christian orthodox churches dont have such windows. And then they use the old stuff, piles of glass that they, what do you think the code and the chief designer, women use that glass for his magnificent flux about pretty good. In fact, this station could have been quite different times the original design called for the use of uranium to us, which had natural fluorescence and glow was green in the document. However, the Nuclear Program was in full swing and the 1950s over the rainy and was considered a strategic was also. So they decided against allocating uranium class for this project. Hes an artist, i believe, the all just have to make do with profit materials. So they decided to use stained glass with daylight lamps behind it. What is the story behind these panels specifically . Well, im used to seeing them in churches that tell stories. Im not used to seeing them down under ground in the metro. What is the story behind these panels specifically and what are their meaning . The main idea behind the Architectural Design of the metro is to remove the feeling of being cramped in an aerospace thats 40 meters deep on the layers of rock open up points before the command stations must be full of air and space and line you have let me up here we have these panels which create the illusion of windows looking into a street the lead from behind with daylight lamps, even though they didnt think of it that way. Back in the 1950s basically feels like a Catholic Church because the techniques applied to think about the same as that was used for making stained glass in churches. This panel is an abstract one. Different shapes filess, but some so, and some of the panels have 5 pointed stars at the top of those have medallions depicting different peaceful professions, such as steel work, or what artist or an architect. These medallions celebrate the peaceful endeavors of the safety of the state of the victory in world war 2. As i said before, initially they wanted to use uranium glass but werent able to obtain it. It was easy, however, to obtain gold for gilded bras ornaments upon pick them. So they got hold of some gold for decorating this station and come to most guy on the central line, which is another deal of the must go metro and theres real goals. Im not sure how much of it is less, but officially this is guilty for us. So i see something over here that i want to take a look at. Do you mind walking over here and showing me what we have . Lets take a look. Maybe well see something interesting. So this is very impressive and when i saw it, it reminds me of the madonna in the sistine chapel. And tell me about this mosaic and what are we looking at here . No, go back to this moves and it looks like im, i dont, i was just wanting to protection. But now the version claims this woman looked like the wife of booking. If it was the architect of never slip but sky and this belief that have you multiplied his wife and dismiss and canal or provide them all. But yeah, be that as it may, this woman does look like the sustain ladonna who is holding a baby in her arms. This station was completed in 1952, a year before stantons death. And originally it was a portrait of style and above. No doves. And the womans figure was a little different than you. So if you had laid a cruise, jeff folded this mosaic to be removed, possibly hated it. That much. However, metro employees just hidden behind a false will to preserve it, put in the chief designer of the station who created all of those stained glass panels as well as the mosaic. We did this one twice, the tweaks the fingers of the women and the baby, and remove style in space, replacing it with doves and the golden branch. Everything as a story. So the moscow metro has kind of developed its own culture even, and theres even a station where they have official concerts there. Talk to me a little bit how this culture has developed. The system, the years, the must go metro with a closed organization with highly restrictive access. Over the last decade, however, it has developed in increasingly, tube and culture and has been hosting numerous events, performances, and exhibitions. You could call it an emerging subculture, id say the metro has done a tremendous amount of work in the last 15 years, also to become more open and perceptive to its passengers. Its the right thing to do, and a highly commendable effort. I have to ask theres legends about the milestone metro this legends about anything that has such a history and culture, and maybe even about ghosts or a french homes that rule the area. Is this true and maybe have you had your self any encounters with ghosts of the metro metro system is a huge living organism, a mechanical organism from every night, thousands of people go down these tunnels to do maintenance and repair works. So perhaps fortunately theres no room left for the ghost, but at least we have beautiful legends if we can tell 2 of us to visit the station. Im out of the a lot of man. Good evening. Thank you for meeting us there. Im uh, looking forward to seeing the metro and where you can show us around and im pleased to meet you here. Im going to tell you about the jump into the metro try and drive up. All right, let me pull on the the so some of my questions might seem a little bit weird, but frankly i dont know how a metro operates. So tell me how this works. For example. Um, can you turn the train in the wrong direction and collide with another train . Is that even possible here . To submit the thing whos calling happened in the most go metro trains to authorize you by drivers . And theres also automatic controls in place because i centralize dispatch as center has been set up in moscow, where Traffic Control operation supervisor the drivers work component to the movement alone metro training. So even if you have a go for the drive of files to apply the brakes and the situation collisions while the car as the trains will stop automatically. So maybe nicer to any of the train in the wrong direction. Its not most of a lie. The horse and its gone have even due to human error because everything is, or what you might, you know, stuff somebody took a when, i mean were stop right now, but when we get moving a how fast on average, and does this train move . The maximum speed of the trains in the most go metro is 18 kilometers an hour. Speed depends on the route the ranging from 60. 00 to 70. 00, or even 40 kilometers file, but no more than an 80 kilometers power. So we know that some countries are already using driverless trading systems, but to me it seems like there has to be some situations where you need to have a driver in that position. What are your thoughts on this move . So having like a mechanized system, you may be aware that the interval between trains is the shortest and the most sca metro about 90 seconds. Of course, the pros as of introducing drive of this train operation is ongoing, but its not like were seeking to completely get rid of try and drive is at once. This may happen at some point in the future, but its not the ultimate goal. So when im standing on the platform, im always scared to fall under the tracks. What happens if someone actually falls under the tracks . What do you do . What can you do . And that sort of a situation inside the try and draw that has a clear procedure of a certain situations. If a person falls onto the truck. So the 1st thing the driver must do is stop the train it. So in gauges the emergency break, then the driver notifies the Traffic Control it operates at where the person is on the track and submit a request to turn off the electricity on the 3rd rail, then the drive a choice of the passenger to come down. And then the hes go to train full of people and he can open the doors to let them go just yet, because the train is not fully arrived at the platform. Then he goes out of the drive, his cab days go some technical steps and goes to inspect the track and look for the person. From that point, there were 2 possibilities that he can remove the person from the tracks themselves, or he calls the emergency Technical Service and the rescue change when they arrive. They may even lift the train call up to get the person from under it. So if the driver can manage the situation himself, its usually over in 5 to 7 minutes. If the Emergency Services needed on the sides, it could beat so seo, 40 minutes would it all depends on how bad the passenger is quoted under the train. Situations can be very different. Youve been doing this a long time, so youve seen a lot of changes over the years. Lets say in the past 10 years, what has changed about how the metro operates in new technology and what happens for me in these last 10 years . Almost everything has changed, contrives to the huge number of new stations and tunnel assembled for the state of the art systems have been introduced to the monitor, the drivers work and makes a jump easy, for example, and every drive his cab now has a so called empty sleep system, the model, it says the drive a state in real time, its almost 9 can determine whether the drive that has been distributed or both fell asleep and so on. There are systems that make the chain break when it is entering a station. Suppose you drive into a station, a new files and frank. The machine will stop the train at the 1st cause dont position and it will be so smooth. The passengers will have no idea of as something is off, then what is it . What do you feel . How were breaking now, so much couple. This is the work of a human driver. But with automation, it would have been just the same. So there are many systems in your mind, what is the most difficult part of your job . I wouldnt say being a trained driver is difficult. Id say it because creative as a being in the drive is kind of, it is a level, a huge responsibility is that youre driving a train with people in it depends on you must feel it with you until i bought a controlling the train is like playing a musical instrument, its not that its difficult is just the responsibility the you must feel more. Yes, you must learn a lot and know a lot to become a try and drive a bodys not like is too complex and its loading trains. A very easy to control, you can take a person with no prior training. Anyone is old and sees them how to control the training in 5 days or in a week. Like controlling the train is only a small part of being a trained drive that is, the more than the the, the core skill required in this job is handling nonstandard situations. Ok, whatever may arise, you must be ready to solve the problem quickly and above all, safely. This is what this job is really about. And so earlier i asked if someone were to fall off the platform, what would you do . But what would i do if i fell down there from a passengers perspective . If you have always stopped by saying that you can avoid fully onto the trace. If you stay at a safe distance from the edge of the platform. When, if you dont run at the metro when youre drunk with, if i what i can see, what im lucky enough to full under the track senior, your actions will depend on this scenario your in. If you can already see a train approaching, your muscle lie down in this part between the tracks. We go ahead what, who wants to train was 100 percent safe. As the pit is deep enough to keep you safe from the moving train of them. But if you cannot see the train yet, you may turn around and go to the head of the platform where youll see a sun with the number 8 that marks the stuff in position for the 1st call of the train. If only you can use the digital clock yeah, above the tunnel as your point of reference from the people to stay that way. For a Police Officer secuity officer, just all duty station officer expects that will bring you back onto the platform using a safe way. Something couple of people that just make sure that you dont try to climb onto the platform yourself. What for them . Its very dangerous, as you may accidentally touch the 3rd row, which has a high voltage. So you dont want to touch it. So the, so this is something new, this is different. Its not like the other sections we saw that are very intricately detailed, the ones from the past. Tell me, whats the idea behind this . It still looks fantastic, but whats heavy there . What i believe were witnessing the bus of a new type of architecture in the moscow metro, especially with its new Rapid Transit line called the big circle line around the teams of well contact with the dozens of projects which and they all used different approaches. And regardless, as a result, we can now see one of a kind designs that many of the new stations you go to, every single one of them is unique in its own way. And thats what matters. So i like this station frisco about the way its an example of how fairly simple elements such a stainless steel arches, basic deal much wake up in use by the architects to create quite a remarkable interior. This is no longer in the underground palace. Its a functional space which also looks great from within my view, at least a few. Now we know that a lot of the lines, several of them go underneath waterways underneath some of the river. And theyre very deep down to about 20 stories down in some cases. So how do they build metros like this . Like i would probably be the 1st they dig a vertical shelf and the vertical tunnel thats about 17 inches deep. And from there, they build a system of temporary underground galleries to reach the in and down to points of the future on the ground metro station. Then they take the main tunnel with the help of a tunnel Boring Machine and finish the works with manual labor cameras. Explosives, you know, the so called blasting method to bend, so they clear oldest space here and its a lot of hard work. Thats true. I thought it and youre right with some of the tunnels with dug out under the moscow river. For example, the negative excuse that on the stations tunnel, it was also built by a t b m, f as the ship. Its a tying tested, Reliable Technology industry standard. But of course, theres a lot of water in the process. Well, about that water, i mean, we know that there are underground rivers. We know that there is ground water. How do you protect the metro from being flooded . How do you keep everyone safe . Both costs. The metro titles, water during construction waterproofing allows a bill to pull. So this very shape of the tunnel of a cylinder and shows additional protection from water. It looks like an umbrella, or in fact it goes up with water is found to run off the sides with drain system. So installed the channel it further. Now weve seen a lot. Theres a lot to the metro system. What is it beyond what we see the guess . So in users of the metro wouldnt even believe or wouldnt even know about a little bit. The commute to seize on average, about 40 to 50 percent of everything thats being built here. What you dont see is a lot of technical systems such as electric substations, ventilating systems drain systems, smoke exhaust system, some of the main kinds of power lines. The reason, in fact, a special tunnel build for all the power lines that surface station somebody minutes concealed behind the station wall. So the metro is a very complex structure of the customers only see a part of the they see the interior design a board, some glimpses of the tunnels during the ride with the metro is a complex mechanism that requires a lot of skill and precision to make it function like clockwork and be safe for transporting large numbers of people. Safety measures are extremely important for you, especially fire safety. Each station is equipped with a smoke exhaust system of voice fire alarm system. The station master has a dashboard that receives a feed from c c t, v cameras and input from fire and smoke detectors. So any final has that can be identified immediately. My goal is to to ensure the safety of all passengers and all the systems naturally take up some space inside the metro stations. Even though they usually hide behind what everyone sees when they use the metro. Metro is certainly a fascinating place, and in the past 10 years, its grown one and a half times in your estimation as someone who knows, what do you see for the next 100 years for the moscow metro, which is the queen to the philip house. Thats an interesting question. Of course the metro will continue to grow up in a new line. Some stations will be built, but i put in a 100 years Teleportation Technology will be invented 20 to enable foster transportation with the, with the moscow is growing today. A metro right across the city of despite being the fastest transport option available, this can take over an hour. But again, the metro system is expanding and i hope this trend will persist with that i was adding in many most ations which passengers would have precinct. I never thought, oh not, theres always room for criticism, but moscow is getting new, beautiful stations because thats great. The 1941 with the nazis health relation, ultra nationalists, the you astonishes the claim, the independent state of croatia. Shortly off, the seizing power. They build the scene of us concentration camp a Place Associated with the worst atrocities committed in yugoslavia during world war 2. Use dash is used to come system to isolate and exterminate subs, roma, jews, and other non catholic minorities, and political opponents of the fascist regime conditions in the santa of us. Campbell, who renders the gods to which it to arise and the prisoners they send them their concentration camps. So most of them died. It was incredible genocide. The western relief tenuously declare they are virtuous because of their so called values. The assault on the palestinians destroys them of their virtues and reveals they have no values at all. You know, this is the case when they say, i believe in free speech. But the moscow says you koreans been used by the west wage and open war against russia, and thats after the great, as far as the secretaries as positive. Why . Just blanket wrapped in pockets with u. K. Supplied weapons as new as authorities prov, down other campus bodies. Iran steps into office scholarships to any students expelled over their support for gas that would have Supreme Leader lashing out of washingtons actions on this behavior of the American Government towards the student process has shown that rogers and its for on specimens towards the us. It shows that everyone to the us is that cold list please real and thats the last all

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