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Thats rough for operation is immune and the idea of has completed preparations. We here and, and is now waiting for the decision and hope the government earlier is on yahoo. Sad israel will enter rough regardless of whether there is an Exchange Deal with him as to eliminates the last battalions of the militant group and to destroy the tunnel system. But a israel belize enables militants to replenish their supplies. The land has already war and it would be a catastrophe. Locals in gaza, a fearful in the people who are looking for places to seek refuge away from the is really invasion. But the real fear for the displaced is that there is no safe place in the gaza strip, north, south, east and west, unless the war stops permanently above on the west coast, we were afraid. But god winning. There will be a solution before the invasion begins. Gotten in the will the people go sort of to everyone is in roswell, and rosa is full. And you can see the overpopulation people displaced from the north little bottom. Where do they go to them . And a lot of the nice thing is were very scared that its amy moment, there will be an invasion of for alpha. And even if the invasion happens, we do not know where to go. There is no safe space left. I have a child and i dont know where to take him. But the voices, if anyone who listens to these really Prime Minister now finds himself between a rock and a hard place, we thought that the res pressure from within a is row with the weaved families as well as hawkish is rarely politicians like ben grid, old small ethridge origin, the government to invades rough far from the other hand, the res washington and International Community are for us warning against the invasion. The next few days i have to say will be crucial. Part all to the comments where you can get for the details of all the stories are following. Now ill see you again and ill be out by now the the metro is in some way off. Our budget friendly, efficient in eco friendly Transportation Options for urban dwellers. But while the cost to rises, pay affordable, the investment required to build and to maintain a system is substantial. Im christy i. And today were going to be talking about the heart of our urban infrastructure, the cost of metro systems. The metro systems are the lifeline of our cities. Society depends on facility and people to get around. Cities and subways can significantly improve peoples average commute times. People can also spend much less on community owning and maintaining a vehicle cost an average of 9282. 00 a year, which is significantly higher than paying for a simple transit pass. But the cost of building a subway system is asked or nominal. It can vary significantly depending on various factors, such as the city, the length of the system, the complexity of the route, the number of stations, the type of technology use, and the local labor of materials cost. On average, the cost of building a new subway line can range from a 100000000. 00 to several 1000000000. 00 per mile. These costs typically include not only the construction of tunnels and the stations, but also the expenses related to land acquisitions, engineering design, equipment, and other associated costs. Additionally, the costs can increase due to unforeseen challenges, such as encounter unexpected geological conditions. During tunneling, you have transit projects in paris and madrid, for example, that costs around 160000000. 00 and 320000000. 00 per mile to build. But in contrast, the los angeles purple line clocked in at 800000000. 00 per mile. And San Francisco is cost around 9. 00 that and 20000000. 00 per mile. Even new yorks antiquated line cost 2600000000. 00 per mile for the 2nd avenue line, and 3500000000. 00 per mile for the east line. Now a study found that the us spent an average of 50 percent more on a per mile basis for tunnel Transit Systems than any other pure country. One big reason has to do with the failure to invest in transit infrastructure overtime. But another part is the red tape. There will be environmental reviews, land acquisitions, permitting processes and utility relocations. All of these processes and delays can balloon the overall cost of a project. Americans also have a very divided political structure where every jurisdiction is at odds with one another, with varying agendas and priorities. But more important than that, the us lacks population density enough to justify the huge expense upfront. Outside of new york, most us cities have extremely poor public transportation. It is used almost exclusively by the lower income class. A while new york has the biggest metro system. Theyre not very extensive outside of n y c. Around 45 percent of americans have absolutely no access to Public Transit as much of the existing system as aging. And the transportation agencies lack sufficient funds to keep their existing systems in good working order. And on time, this leads to a ridership decline as a system becomes increasingly unreliable. And now today were joined by dr. Allen m. So browse, skate, professor and director of the Railroad Engineering and safety program. So professor, what are the key components that contribute to the overall cost of constructing in metro system and how, how these costs involved over time . Okay, the, lets talk about the t cost elements of a metro. This is the, 1st of all you have the track and depending on whether its a heavy rail or a lightly on metro system, will have some major impacts on the costs and structures. Heavy rail metro system will include underground tunnel some what we call subway, which had include elevate structure, which would be the overhead structures and the conclude ad great, which is why the, on the ground all mike real trans is, are on or mostly as great. So the, you know, certainly one of the really major elements of the cost of a metro system of any sort is the construction of the track structure. And when i say the track structure, all the infrastructure stations of how power signaling. And again, if its, if its a heavy, real metro, which has enough surgery, all power and all the electrical substations required for the power. If its a light, you know, system, its probably over and its at mary. And again, the electrical substations necessary for that the actual signaling systems of the another major cost elements, of course, is the Rolling Stock of the actual cars that 1. 00 on the, on the natural system. Um, most natural assistance when youre building a new metro system, youre talking about maintenance facilities which is basically for the cars will be basically my job was the set of largest source thats Storage Units for the metro system and also have some basis ships facility. So those are the major costs that have been going up in price. Fanatically, absolutely, cost of construction going up quite significant number decades. And how do factors such as geography, urban density and existing infrastructure impact the Construction Costs of a metro system in particular cities. Most of those items make it more expense. So for example, if youre going to downtown in a major city and youre telling me that you have all sorts of things to avoid and take care of the constructor. The building sounds, patients and utility its, you have sewer systems, you have to put your system low enough that they can see that in the construction process for the train, operating vibrations do not affect the buildings involved or other facilities above. When nearby um, you mentioned the jason, uh, jason infrastructure as a jason really infrastructure. One of the problems that i always run into is if you have an active real system, for example, a massive Commuter Rail system, a massive metro system next to you. And you want to keep operating that can have a serious impact on your construction. The density of the location, again as a major factor, but that also enters into the type of uh, Transit System. Are generally youll be building light rail Transit Systems, which are you, which are usually cheaper, significantly cheaper youll, youll be looking down in less dense locations and very high density locations such as major cities. So you may be going know youre probably going on your grounds or elevators with was a city, you know, with the cab. The fact is in the morning is over the ad. 3 search you out and world locations where youre building your community. Wines where the back end of the outside in the Transit System generally constructs construction force or less because you have less if the structure thats already in place in the morning the structure you have to work around the way. And are there unique challenges or advantages that cities with different geographical and urban characteristics, phase one, building metro systems. So you, you, you have number one, you have to use the structure density to, to new york city is probably one of the most densely pieces of real estate. So maam, and, and the density you and your, when you, when you have very tall buildings, for example, sort of multi, you know, you skyscrapers usually have very deep foundations. If youre building a subway to go underneath those foundations, you know, have to do the type of tight. Well see what more, you know, kind of foundations, do you have geographic rock plate . So you have problems with water, water seepage, water access, building via or add a new or a large body of water. You have to be careful that you dont have issues before interfering your construction process. So you, you have the services, the structure parameters which includes density and type of buildings, including definitely the foundations, density of the buildings, the existing infrastructure, building new york subway system. You have to go more, you have to go deeper under the existence of the system. Then you have geographic and environmental, and geological type of 4 parameters, which also affect the task. This is what youre going to be building. Youll be constructing very differently if you have this even if youre building rock as of the house of the building to clay was some much softer separated me, the more susceptible to water water fix, which would reduce the very city of the age of the g. G. O g d logical structure. And now what role does Public Financing play into Metro Construction and how do series navigate the balance between public funding and private investments . Well, again, if you, if youre dealing with metro systems, uh, theyre almost all primarily funded by the, by one or more government agencies. Depending on the structure. Usually you have local, regional, state, and federal contributing. So if you dont have you, if you had the again, new york city of new york city, you have the metropolitan transportation authority. You have new york state and you have some federal input as well. Oh, there is something called Public Private partnerships. We call them p p piece, but they, we, they tend to be environment where there is some benefits that can be achieved. So the insert entity. So for example, if youre doing a Station Development as a station, has the potential of having a lot of commercial really commercial space so that you have a lot of shops that can be rented out, generate significant income that might be, that might be a good object to the company, private partnership, where you use some money from the public, but then you can get some private partners who would be willing to put in some Capital Investments of their own. And in return for some, some stake and future revenue streams. They come down usually dont see that so much on it and in the subways of the light bills themselves. But again, you do see you start to see them and some of the as early as you mention miami, so youre probably very familiar with bright. Why, right, why is in fact a private entity how this money Public Private partnerships is activities going on. So there theres a. Ready case where there was a more much more active private part in that case. It was a 5 the leader of that project. But in terms of how it transport themselves metro systems, im not aware of any private, you know, and metro systems in the us. And any significant scale that may be very tiny ones, but on any significant scale that theyre all primarily ultimately a funded public. And we can construct ones and operate and maintain use of the flex. Thank you so much dr. As a bowsky, but please stick around. The professor allens around sky will stay with us right here after the break. And when we come back, what countries have the best metro system . Stay tuned for all the details the, [000 00 00;00] the, the while its hard to say for sure, which country has the best metro system, the sol subway and south korea is certainly going to be at the top of the list in terms of price for the ticket accessibility. Cleanliness round the clock, service ventilation, why fi, connectivity capacity and even safety . This is followed by the shea. Hi metro in china, the tokyo metro and japan, mexico city, metro and the london underground. The lowest score winds where the parents metro, the beijing subway and the mosque out metro well, basically scored on the lower end of the scale. It tops the list that carry over 38000000000. 00 passengers each year and for caring so many passengers. It is surprisingly clean. This is due to his regular maintenance and very strict regulations where there is no eating or drinking on board. The trains with strict penalties for littering. The new york subway is arguably the worlds most challenging mass Transit Systems with the greatest number of stations. This is because, unlike other underground systems in the world which often considers as fedex, as part of their design, the new york subway was always built with efficiency in mind and absolutely no urban planning. At the beginning of 190431933 separate subway companies competed with each other for land and building rights. So they had no interest to make it easy to use for their competitors. And many places, lines crossed over each other without connecting or pass within a block without doing so make it extremely complicated and nonsensical for someone trying to decide for the system. Less than 20 years ago. Only 3 cities in china had some boys. Today, there are more than 16 metro lines and 25 cities making the metro, accessible to almost 300000000 people. The speed and scale of development of china as well, system is unprecedented. It grew or in part to ease overcrowding, but also the symbol of being a modern and international city. Building new lines is a handy way to boost the local g d p. Because for every 100000000 r and be invested into a metro project, the city is g. D. P rises by 263000000 r and b and creates 8000 jobs. Even Cell Construction is not cheap. While the hong call m t r a corporation runs the most valuable Metro Railway in the world. In 2017, it bang to 2200000000. 00 in profit. It did this by carrying 6000000. 00 computers on average per week day and has maintained Consistent Service at 99. 9 percent reliability since 22008. 00 m r t spare has grown by 8500000000 h k over 10 years as passenger numbers has increased, it also has private Public Partnerships where the m r t core builds commercial and Residential Properties of both new stations to fund the railway expansion. Does its revenue stands from fairs, advertising and property development. And so for this and more or less bringing again, professor and director of the Railroad Engineering safety program, dr. Alans are brodsky. So now professor, are there specific examples of cities adopting novel construction methods to optimize costs and timelines . I think weve seen some of these going on in your i think, you know, the ones that underground just recently i completed the, the elizabeth line which was, which is one of the major the, one of the largest metro projects and a major city that weve run into while, and i know they introduced a whole bunch of innovative construction techniques that, that they failed to reduce the cost of hardware, still multi 1000000000. 00. But, but like to help you do, you do see different construction Core Technologies ive, ive seen for example, in light Rail Construction use a user of the continuous forming machines where the main name almost passed in place a part of each of the tracks structure as they as they move along and i continue was s one testing point of view. And my understanding is that type of technique has, uh, has, has reviews of Construction Costs even more traditional just digging, build type of construction. So yes we, we, we do, we tacitly see novel type leaks being introduced. And a lot of them tend to be more in the how do we improve workforce . How do we optimize the process . But a lot of them can be more significant. I know another, another thing we see in subways particularly is a large scale use of tunnel born sheets, which i have to say is by now is become whole the technology of as a new technology. But the pms or another child construction type need that and see the use of here and be on construction. How did cities manage the operational costs of running and metro system and what strategies are employed to generate revenue . So when youre talking about what is the offering, the salaries of the people, the drivers of the trains, the people who plays a suite, as far as or deep clean, the people who maintain the cars in the shop. These are usually just sort of maintenance costs. The problem is, is i dont know anybody in the united states, any metro system and it states that pays a 100 percent of the maintenance costs out of the paradox. And you know, the primary revenue for metro system is a, as a, as a 0 bucks. Now youre going to be creative. You can do advertising. Um, you know, we talked a little bit about commercialization stations. You know, if you go to new york city and you go down to penn station around Central Station hesitation is full of shops, you know, back to back to back shops and those around. So. So those, those supplements the, the, the, the operating costs, those can be used to offset the average box. But like i said, im not aware of any us metro system that, that makes enough money from their box. And this will really income to pay a 100 percent of the operating costs. I understand the hong kong dollars. And there may be one or 2 internationally, but internationally this, or is the same. So unfortunately, or fortunately, whatever you want to say its metros or not self esteem. And they require the hand of the government. And thats not just the us, thats most parts of the well, you go to europe, you see the same. You have the same situation. And thats sort of the nature of the beast. And you want a catch 22. If you try, keep raising. Theres upstairs and stairs. At some point you drive away your customers. You know, you make it more expensive type so you know, so you maybe you can decide if you pay, you would charge everybody 10. 00 a trip. I can pay my maintenance costs except for the fact that you are ridership and how the foot now ends. And so you still lose. So a lot of a lot of the philosophy here is that this is the societal cost. We knew, you know, youll have a major see, you can bring cars and, you know, i grew up in new york city. I lived through a couple of thats with new York City Transit strikes, where people try to drive into the city. Uh, you know, there was no metro, lets go to cant do that. New york city is run 6000000 people a day. You know, theres no way you can you, you can use it run thats and you shut it down. So theres the societal benefit and, and so the and, and what, what are we dealing with real, real Passenger Transportation and all this aspects, high speed rail, interest, city rail, communal rail, Transit Systems, we always dealing with that societal aspect because these are by nature, not money making operations, theyre almost always money losing operations. And so, but they have a benefit to society. The city which it down to city would not be the city. You know, miami would not be the same if you shut down metro. New york city with absolutely happy to say we shut down the new trends of the story. And so we accept that. And we understand that theres gotta be across the society to pay for that. Next thing, of course, that doesnt mean that we dont try to optimize revenue, you know, and it doesnt try something. You know, we dont try to minimize operating costs. But of course the safety issues that are is always gonna be an issue. So theres always so much you can cut, you know, without endangering the, the service or safety. So, so you, you run into a limit, you know, we ran into this problem with a pin that it ends up in the pad that makes people stop writing the. So its because of the concern. And all of the sudden the, the, the operating revenue was on every major Transit System. 3 as a deficits, instead of being maybe 10 or 20 percent became 30 or 40 percent of that and. And then as in many cases they shut down service dramatically. You know, i know washington, they shut down several lines as and its, and its a and its a bad spiral effect. You know, that you do that and unfortunately weve recovered for the panoramic. Were coming back and were never going to be back to a 100 percent because the nature of the, the nature of the trends of these are, you know, really the rail transit. These is that it does not make money. Its not, you know, carrying peoples not of money making proposition. And as a result, the company has the country has or the country, the city, the state, whatever the entities are, they have to make a decision that says we need to support their subsidy because it is going to the life of my city all my life and my state, the life of my, of my geographical region. Thank you so much for all your time today. Dr. Allens about sky. The mag live trains are absolutely the future of Long Distance communicating. These magnetic propulsion trans can go up to 310 miles per hour, which is twice as fast as a conventional commuter train. Theyre also less expensive to operate and to maintain because of the absence of rolling friction, which means that the parts do not wear out quickly. But the greatest obstacle to the development of novelist systems is that they require entirely new infrastructure that cannot be integrated with existing railroads. They also require the use of where earth elements and construction which may be quite expensive to recover and refine a while. There are 6 mag love trays and commercial operation around the world. Today. It is unlikely that the us will ever get one as america is the land of personal vehicles and the auto industry. Im christy. I thanks for watching and well see you right back here next time on the cost of everything the im watching is why isnt why in this go to find about plenty of the store in this shed and a short order for now, im not going to say last name scale, when i am, what i could catch at your desktop session, thats just shiny or just is fun. You bon is going you said, oh, its in the the near the the wash me, i oh, i the militarized. Did the impressed misleading caused by the way media has classes are t gets rare access to the complex written catch me a region is local cache. The balance of media is the general election also ahead. The Police Detain thousands of pool publishing and demonstrators at the university of california and beth as the us house of representatives,

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