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The us delegation leaves nisha and the 100 as the West African States leader refuses to give an old units to the on the 6th to states on pentagon officials the we are watching audience and national on wants being a know that base the news day with one story dominating the headlines, moneys pizza, scott, and welcome to the program. Now to our top story, this, our 2 people have been wounded after Ukrainian Forces showed polling stations in the caps on region, according to the regions governor, the governor. That has said that the credit strikes will not stop the voting process as the boots involved at the strikes wont go in punished. This is the most recently used, as we know today in our country, in accordance with the russian constitution. President ial elections have begun in an attempt to disrupt the voting process and intimidate people, at least in the border areas with ukraine. The key of neo nazi regime is trying to carry out a series of criminal and demonstrative armed acts. This primarily involves targeting peaceful settlements on russian territory. Approximately 95 percent of the enemies missiles and projectiles are destroyed by our air defense forces. Nevertheless, unfortunately, there are casualties among civilians. All of them and their families will, of course, receive all necessary assistance and support these attacks by the enemy will not go on punished. Several following stations think of some region were sheltered by Ukrainian Army in the fields. They are fresh president ial elections, leaving 2 civilians wounded this day, the city of bills or was shill down ariel targets. According to the local authorities were into something by russian and defense systems. But unfortunately, one feels, some is dead and 2 and wounded as a result of the attack at thats on the region. Every simply intensified significantly. You create a new meal for an intelligence. The units have tried to seize. Ive tried to capture few really just one of the character refresher here in Boulder Creek and russian minister of defense can dont says all of the attacks were felt an estimate. The number of moses at 15 hundreds. One of these attacks happened as russia rules in the free days of president ial elections. We are in bills are 10 builder, which is one of the board is own regents the city of bells, which is going to the colon station. People here are willing to express their, their, their feelings and their concerns about the future. Feel that these day and then is creating similar risk folk. It has heat president ial building 3 children. Died in the attack on this part of our special coverage. The president ial elections. We can now go live to us during the very heart of the russian capital and bring all the latest updates of the nation makes this choice that will determine the future part of the country. The welcome to us to do live here. The red square, we had been bringing you updates from the elections and ride from the north through the east, west and south of the Biggest Country in the world. We have been letting you know what the people are saying with the about. The big question is, who will leave the country in the next 6 years, who will decide the future of the country . And that is for only russians who are voting. To answer that question with the bonded to end up being for tripping out and showing coincide. And then so if you ask them as to how they want the one, the country to be run. And that is what we have been covering. I bring you up to speed. Now in this election there are about 90000 pulling stations, costs across the 9 type, the 11 time zones of the Biggest Country in the world. And after this, people, i am suggesting above as shelby consent, of course, we hear that some incidents given death both of course the secuity agency is a handling all of that. But for this election, we are seeing so long as you are 18 years above you are eligible to come to, to be, to vote the election. And you can exercise your franchise at this election so long as there are no criminal records. And, you know, then present, that is what, how open it is. Well, however, you know, there is a record that has been broken today. History has been made in this election because we have told you before that this is the 1st election that is cutting across 3 days. And it has never happened before. Secondly, it is the 1st time to the president ial election that even voting is been used as an option for people to demonstrate the font size in here. And the president has chosen the option by casting the ballot through the voting option and or on. Of course, the candidate, the full candidates in this election, and we will check and let you know when the cause of the ballot. I will follow all of that to add development. Now the today is a 1st 1st phase of the voting process and the spots today at the tool and on sunday. So far, the voter turnout is 28 percent and that is offers off. It goes from the Central Election Commission we are following over. Well certainly let you know what is going on. We have some on the list in the studio who will tell us what they feel and what they above so far. All right, lets get more of the, lets get more updates in here. Of course. Now there are 4 candidates in this president ial elections and the incumbent title states who is running as an independent candidate, along with the other 3 can contend us, who are current, national lo make as representing 3 different political parties. So far, let them put in is the only candidate so far who has kept his balance and he opted not to go to the police station, but voted remotely via the Online Service from his office and the settler. We told you that at iran, now lets head to our Political Correspondent who will give us updates from what he has money to the sofa. Hugo pest can of he reports from the election he has observed so far. Despite any attempts to obstruct the voting process, like you just saw in russias new regions or some of the incidents that have taken place at some of the following stations. You know, the regions of russia, millions of people have already cast their ballots and this is only the 1st day of the election. Like you said, this is the 1st time that russia is holding a president ial election, which will last for 3 days. And thats, of course, done in order to provide to everyone with an opportunity to be able to cast their ballots. At this system was tested earlier during other elections, off officials of the lower levels and has proven to be quite effective in boosting the voter turnout. Numbers, the way this figure is coming from the federal committee. Are that the uh, the latest will return out is about 26 percent, but hey, its friday, its a work day. The whole weekend is still ahead of us. So i think its quite likely that these figures will increase. Plus, this is also the 1st president ial election in which the russians are able to vote for the next president online. Uh so for those who arent physically able to come to bowling stations are also able to place their values. Also, this is good news for whole those into verse out there at take a listen to what some of those who didnt me at night is to come to the post. Had to say, we expect small development, the st. Prosperity in the country. And then everything would turn out better for all people. So the faith of our country is being decided for 6 years. The president is elected for 6 years, our entire system, the structures of government bodies and our life in general is being decided. Everyone should come and vote over to collections our life, the president and the people are united. Our victory depends on the president and the people that i believe that elections are mandatory. As a result, i think that this is one of the most important events for every person, for the citizens of our country. We must take part because the future of russia depends on our voice. We all love us, citizens of russia. I think that the clergy is the advance layer of our society, so we must actively take part in these events. For some young russians, this is the 1st time that you have to take part in the president ial election for others. Of course, its not seen. Some veterans of the great patriotic war, casting their ballast with you and seeing the russian members of the crew of the International Space station cast their ballots in the 0 gravity. Though there was also this interesting incident in one of the pulling stations where a robot came to, uh, try to take part in the election. But obviously, some machine was denied to do so the representatives of the deal, its all community said that it didnt have a human id i have. But if the some point in the future robots would have the same rights as humans and as russian citizens, then they wouldnt have a problem with them taking place and taking part in the election as well. But i think thats just a humorous, no way. Another humorist and creative way to persuade more people to take part in the election because we are talking about the next 6 years of russias political life, steal from those who are detained from the, from their explanations, it follows that this is coming from abroad. This means some kind of scheme, a connection. These are elements of federalism. A, they admit that they do this for money, but they said they will be level that this is just bedding hooliganism. This is section 141 of the criminal code up to 5 years in prison. This is not ordinary simple hooliganism. But unfortunately, some of the southern incidents have been reported in different parts of the country. So it is already in our already investigating them and several criminal investigations are being conducted. The i q people actually forward inc, that seem to the valid boxes or the woman tried setting up boiling station on fire by throwing a malls of cocktail in it. But thankfully, no one was injured in that incident and about the boxes werent damaged as well. But we have heard now from the head of the whole committee all about and see a lot of who said that this is quite a serious offense. People and very, very happy to most of them to read. I expected it to be a beats to be a bit difficult to do all these process. The selection that you like to watch and discover these, but it was very peaceful peacefully and then no interruption. My anecdotal, you know, a perception is that people feel excited to vote. I guess the voter turnout so far as the very good with early voting something over 50 percent. Well, that says something, you know, people are lined up here at 7 am to vote, even though it didnt open till 8. So thats something you can, i dont want to draw to be lucians because that wouldnt be fair and i tried it from there. But i certainly did, things are not as the west now, in contrast to these comments, so made by some of the international monitors, id like to share with you some of the comments now coming out to from some western officials. A of who have been saying earlier that they wont be paying attention to the president ial election in russia, calling it a sham or a legitimate without seeing some are taking to sarcasm as the last resorts, for instance, the European Council president , who said that quote, id like to congratulate vladimir put it on his landslide victory in new york since starting today. No opposition, no freedom, no choice rotates on tax, formerly known as twitter of force or a policy. I know its free to you if you in follow him. And he said that recent changes throughout total was make it virtually impossible to conduct any meaningful monitoring. Id have significantly restricted the role of the media. Well, frankly, i think these 106. 00 countries, which did defend their observers, to monitor the selection in russia. I think they would disagree the president s incumbent president Vladimir Putin has also cast his ballots and apparently voted online. Possibly again, setting an example for others to choose that type of boating system. If they dont have an opportunity to physically go to phone station. Now talking about International Attention to would be this president ial election, then a 106. 00 countries sent their observers to russia to monitor the vote. I think all in all about 200000 people, including russian citizens and yeah, foreigners are monitoring this election. Lets listen to what some of the for an observer is that what they had to say. So far we havent seen the any other candidates cast their ballots, but i do think they have a lot on their hands. And plus theres still lots of time to do so of course theres still saturday and sunday, so im sure well be seeing them taking part in the vote as well. But we have seen many senior russian officials, including the ford, municipal lab or off defense minister showing who tests are about the the heads of the russians regents including a senior region. So basically all of them are setting an example for all the other russian citizens. Also to take part in this election earlier, we were joined by independent douglas, mike jones and he spoke about the ongoing elections in russia. Painful it is that these elections continue. Its business as usual, despite the consented efforts of various western agencies to interfere. Its a challenges for the russian people to voice and demonstrate the opinions, the votes, and who they wish to remain in charge of the Russian Federation moving forward as we go into the future in this new multi polar wealth. Well, how do you think this military operation in the conflicts . How would it impacts in the process of the election . These specially how people are going to vote. I think the areas that we will see this most as we have today. In fact, with news from delegates and pass on with the key, every gene has specifically targeted posting stations. Were going to see that impacts mainly as that with intimidation is going to be tried to be inflicted on the people. And were going to see the resilience of the russian people, particularly in the New Territories and on best, where theyve suffered this sort of behavior for 10 years now. And russia has stepped in to bring them some freedom and peace on a democracy. Indeed, which is something name of course, which upsets the west greatly. Well, talking about the west point days, the president ial election was the bus, the holding you trade is been cancelled. Yet the west sees it as democratic. Why is that . So its very convenient for the west when you have the brand of democracy and that means voting the way that the west wants you to the weve seen a great example in the u. K. We is richie, so like suddenly very panic stepping out of downing street because George Galloway was voted in. Gosh, this is most irregular for the british hit when it comes to russia, and certainly with ukraine, whether west holds up ukraine is the champions of democracy. As you say, election is cancelled, but furthermore, may 11, 5 lease. So when skis power is invalidated, hes no longer legally recognized as the leader of ukraine. But no mention of that in the west and media whatsoever. That the, the European Parliament said, said the, with no money to this election, why do you the thing that is, i was thinking they would be curious to know. We want to see what the outcome is and have the time to speak to all the no russians. Well, what do you think . No, i think they learned that lesson from the referenda that took place in 2022. Dont ask a question to something you dont want to know the answer to. So is restoring 2022 International Teams of independent journalists visited the areas of the New Territories when the people, the democratic levi, to join the Russian Federation. Something that the west still grumbles about. Well, actually happened is overwhelmingly, the evidence showed that this was a far more democratic process. Then it had been seen in america where weve had ballot boxes messed around with stuff in the bite and elections. All the problems there is we will remember very well. But this is my personal opinions that they are saying were not monitor these elections because when they last monitored these governments such as the u. K, were forced to sanction their and citizens such as the case of graham phillips, an independent gymnast. Sonya found the engine from hollins and thats what is the 1st phase of the voting spotted eddie eddie on friday. And it would wrap up on sunday which is just in 3 days from now. But thats what out so far is 31 percent on counting. And those are official, if it goes from the a Central Election Commission we are following at that development. Now, besides that, the head of International Election observe as a member of parliament came. And he mentioned that theres something unique about this election. And he said that they something he will be taken back to his country as a way of experimenting, expressing the vin a voting system. Lets get to hear what he had to say, or should i because, so im here at the invitation of colleagues from the Central Election Commission of russia. Delegation from the Central African republic arrived here 2 days ago. They would serve the ongoing elections in russia. Eventually we arrived and started work early in the morning, completely visited 3 polling station because the process is organized very well. And we saw the voters know how to act, where the employees at polling stations are well informed and know how to receive citizens for the vote. We also noted that there were candidate representatives and local observers at the polling stations to monitor how the elections were proceeding. We believe that these elections are being conducted properly in accordance with International Electrical standards. And i would like to mention that we participated in a discussion during which we touched upon the issue of security and guarantees that Election Organization to provide to people voting online. And we wanted to know how remote voting is made secure how voters who vote electronically are protected and how to ensure that the loading is not interfered with by 3rd party as a we raise of this issue to exchange experiences. As im sitting with the issue is left for tomorrow, so i hope that we will discuss this again. What do we want to wish to the russian people so that the voting takes place in good conditions and that there is peace in the country so that it shows all right, how im been joining in the studio here by a member of the uganda and parliament edson arable mario and he is in moscow following up with the selection that is good to have you enjoyed. Would you like now . Like now the one days they saw several countries including the United States have passed us passing on this election. Even on the 1st day that election is supposed to spot. And they have rejected already the outcome of elections that hasnt been completed or hasnt even gone halfway. What is your take on this . Well, thank you so much, mike. For me, its quite an honor to be here to we can this one of the historic moments in the was when rush raise be 3 election for the face time and noting what have themselves or they, ive been visiting reporting stations. I, i go to a pre ships what is tremendously unique here, the integration of high level i t, we by election democracy and other find the process very much efficient, effective and presented the integrity of the democracy of the country. So to those who reject these forces, just before it starts, i say, you know, youll be sticking. Think crusher is doing something great. I think we have so many things that we need to pick from here, especially the integration of the voting into the democracy. Its important to not us now from the now it says that we have heard, especially across the western countries and all of that comparing that because you own ground right now comparing that to what you see is there a difference cassidys bit is there is much difference you know, just the system and i was discussing with many people, many did a get some of those of us from, from across the globe and, and we were not doing something very unique about what is happening in russia. I mean, when you reach at the polling station today, youll see the mechanisms that the government has, the central a Election Committee has put in place to guarantee each individuals for the surveillance, the 24 hour surveillance of cctv. You look at the ability to go out and help everyone in the book by sunday, december, the very elderly person to make sure they can seize that right support. And youve said this is very unique. This is going out of the way to ensure every pass on counts and the democracy. Same for the other since i said that be the issue thats, thats a growth in the relationship between russia and especially african countries. Not justin. I want to specify it straight to african countries as a group in relationship. Can you share with us from your perspective, what is responsible for this Cooperation Group that is going on in the relations between russia and africa . I think all of a sudden pressure has opened the hearts and minds for africa. On the, on the other end, we up for shit that we had at this unique moment rush i chose to open the house for us will come us and share with us the good resources they have, the technology of them knowledge and that everything, the product that expose this exposure, so it, it see it also is much with the willingness that they offered. Company does have to do the data. They look at a very dependable but tonight in russia, on the accounts as ask for, for the corporation seek to do and i think more will come when we continue the same project. All right, you have gone round and believe youve seen a lot. Can you share with us some of the things that you saw that are unique, especially when he comes to the contents of the election . Because that is your primary objective for your being and must go get. Ive been most cool for this particular update that the election commenced and that was able to absolve at least across 5 or 6 pulling sessions at you uniquely, is that that varies. Everyone is participating even when they dont stand up for the playstation. Um, do you me to them one, ask him, they say i have what it using them up. And they said this up and she was, my fault is delivered and they come come to to be counted at. Secondly is when you reach the, the voting station is the find the tron spotted system. That is one top very well by the whole lot of because it is covered 24 hours by seats if you come there. And then you see the initiative of, of, of the organizing committee of the left from the b, im making sure everyone is included, that if it is an elderly person, if it is a disabled class one, but it comes to exercise the rates democracy by making sure that the but the, the, the, the book sees it is the, is the, is tech, into the app and it takes them to unfortunately be guaranteed them deliver. So you see its a, its going off of the way to ensure that everyone is but speaking of the seat extra, if i did unique unlike you, most of all countries where there is a lot of, um and there are files that said owns electronics. There is a lot of unwanted futurism in the public in the community. I think russia is making a decision with some kind of commitment. They are going to this election with some level of the community when they like the, the, the, the, the president s speech prior to election. That when he went to the point the, you was not a trump shortening for anything. He just called on the, the russians to unite around the problems, know that this is the team that we need to solve them on the give them an open check, please vote it cutting it over here twice. And for me, it is something to, to us having though and say, oh yes, the president did, he did use the opportunity to sneak income paid fine. So the only size, this is an opportunity for you to vote that comes out of your choice and exercise your freedom. Please make sure every vote counts with for me if it, if it was in any other country. Now if we go to the benefit of good fortune to say, you know, is the time you must towards this government the oil saw elsewhere else . What . So i think that unique thing about this is putting all right, talking about openness, transparency. What do you, what role do you think social Media Network and the media as a whole . What role do they play in elections like this . Well, i think to a great the extent especially media needs to be watched carefully. Because sometimes, if not to watch carefully, its going to be damaging for a very important and historic event like this because weve all its benefits in ensuring that that is trans finances. Social media has also been noted for causing this upfront. Sometimes it can even go a long way to cause disruption of peace. So what as it has its benefits, i think they did a good initiative. Yeah, i know to today when i was at the public absolve of the station where the every news outlet is fussed reviewed before it is posted to close on this that excitement. And there is this sufficient at every incidence, different incident is reported and, and, and is addressed immediately. So i think its, its a, its also unique initiative to ensure that there is a model of a savvy, not everyone timing it to a journalist even when theyre not called for im causing alarm when as much as i said. So i think that that is also a very unique think of an alternative, but why we have to leave you here now had several miles member of, uh, you got done problem, and thank you so much for coming to mazda and i hope youre having fun here. Yeah, thats good to be home and im happy to hear. All right, thank you for your insights. Bye. You too much. All right, now this is what we wrap up for this hour. Im going to hand over about to my, ill probably be described in the studio, but secondly, were not done yet. Were still covering the president ial election across moscow and across russia. The were tony by to our regular news program. Now the is very Prime Minister benjamin netanyahu, as approves the ide yes ponds. A ground operation in the southern gauze and city of rough season, middle east butte, or chief me if an option that has multi taps. The Prime Ministers office announced a gave its approval for a ground defensive and rough fun and goes south where up to 1500000 palestinians currently find refuge. Most of them internally displaced from the facilities in the north. It is not clear exactly when the operation might kick off, but we hear from the idea that preparations are in full swing. Is road pushes for the invasion and it says to finish with the militants, the idea of already killed around 13000 past 5 years. But at least 5000 others according to israel, i still reported late in the guys as truth, and most of them probably are hiding somewhere in the south. Israel also claims the right dozens of tunnels and gather the south. That blink the street with saw nice for which has room believes have my smuggles no attendance, money, and weapons. So hes real says it needs to be destroyed. There are 2 major problems with a rough fall offensive. The 1st is where exactly to evacuate all those. Poor gaskins from the diction boulder. We here is rose, planning to establish, so cold humanitarian islands in the center of the street, packed with food, walter medications, and tense, but a 1500000 people. Will there be enough space and supplies for them . Be findings so continues. There is so unclear how equities will provide security

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