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Live news at the center in the most or this is the welcome to go with it so well. So this is gary up for his president ial election. Im the left 1st. It will be held over multiple days with polling stations officially opening on friday. So you will be that every step of the way with all special coverage, the head of this weeks upcoming president ial elections about inputs in total t v host added seo, rushes largest media group. Do me think, kissing the of the interview cover a wide range of topics from domestic issues so far relations puts it as a page of the whole back. Let us take out some of the hives, a condition to go to from a military technical point of view. Of course, we are ready. We have troops in a constant state of combat readiness. It is also a universally recognized thing. Our Nuclear Triad is more modern than any other clients and only we in the americans actually have such a drive that we have advance much more here. Ours is more modern, the entire nuclear component, but this does not mean that we should measure ourselves by the number of carriers and warheads and those who need to know. I repeat experts specialists and the military. They know it well. They are now setting the task of increasing this modernity and they have plans to do so. We are also aware of this. They are developing all their components. And so are we that this does not mean that im in my opinion, they are ready to unleash this nuclear war tomorrow. If they want to, what can we do . So we are ready to make sure we do not interfere in any kind of elections. And as i have said, many times, we will work with any leaders who the american people, the american vote that will give confidence too much. But heres whats interesting. Sure. Even during the last year of his work as president , great, mr. Trump, todays president ial candidate reproach to me for precisely the fact that i was sympathizing with by them. This was more than 4 years ago. He told me so in one of our conversations at the, im sorry, ill say it like he did. These are his direct words. You want sleepy joe to when he told me this when he was president. And then to my surprise, they began to persecute him because we allegedly supported him as a candidate, as well as some kind of complete and on such as for todays pre election situation, the order is becoming increasingly uncivilized. I would not like to give any comments on this matter, but its absolutely clear. I think its obvious to everyone that the american political system cannot claim to be democratic in every sense of the word a no deductible. Yeah, i dont feel like im some sort of masters of the worlds list and these, the leaves may not even close. I am simply doing my duty to russia and to our people who regard russia as their homeland. As for other countries of the world, it is very closely related to how we are treated around the world. This is interesting. It is such a phenomenon thats for sure. What i would like to draw attention to many people in the world, look at us at what is happening in our country and in our struggle for our interests. This, in my opinion, is what is important. Why is this happening . Which not . Because we are formerly members of bricks or we have some traditional relations with africa. That is also important that the point in my opinion is quite different. The point is that this so called golden 1000000000 has been practically a parasite on other nations for centuries, and 500 years to theyve been tearing apart the poor peoples of africa. Theyve been explaining that in america and theyve been exploding the countries of asia. And they certainly havent gotten less of the case. I have the feeling that it is not even the leadership of these countries, although it is very important. But the ordinary citizens of these countries feel in their hearts what has happened. They associate our struggles for their independence and true sovereignty with their aspirations for their own sovereignty and independent development. But this is compounded by the fact as the desire to freeze the existing on just state of affairs and international affairs, which is very strong in western allegiance. They are used to feeling their bellies with human flesh and their pockets with money for centuries. But they must realize that the vampire belongs to she is and most of which if we return to macro and maybe he decided to take revenge on russia by making such statements for the fact that we step tonys tail in africa bots. We had to stand there and be afraid with the property. Didnt expect us to be so save that. No, no more still, yes. I think there is some resentment, but when we were in direct contact with him, we spoke frankly enough about this issue. We did not meddle in africa and we did not squeeze france out of there. The problem is different. The well known wagner group 1st carried out a number of economic projects in syria, then move to other countries in africa. The ministry of defense provide support, but only on the basis that it is a russian group. Nothing more. We did not squeeze anyone out. Its just that the African Leaders of some countries agreed with russian economic operators. They wanted to work with them. They didnt want to work with the french in some respects. It was not even our initiative, it was the initiative of our african friends. It is not clear why we shouldnt be offended in this regard. If an independent state wants to develop relations with its partners from other countries, including russia, it wants to develop relations with russia. We did not do anything with them, the former french colonizers. I even say this without irony, because in many countries where france has historically been a metropolis, they dont really want to deal with them. It has nothing to do with us. Perhaps its more convenient to take offense at someone without seeing your own problems. Maybe such a sharp, rather emotional reaction on the part of the french presidency is also connected with what is happening in some african states. Although i know other african countries where they are calm about the french remaining there and say that yes, it suits us. We are ready to work with them in some countries. I dont want to hear. It has nothing to do with us. We are not instigating anyone. There. We are not setting any one against france. We do not set ourselves such task. To be honest, we dont have any such as statewide National Tasks at the level of the russian state. We are just friends with them. Thats all a. Hi, maam. I called a mike. So of course i spoke with full my 90 in the us. The chaise is sunny. Said the form of colonial mos us of the see to the after because resources, which is why nations and now who listening to of russia. Yeah. Gravitation towards russia. How to do with the success of russia directly and colored isnt it i dont to was especially what happened in syria. We have sent the actions of russia to see the, in all the places of the war. And as such a day now said they will switch over to russia. That is why im sick on the, on the economy trucks go from the relationship between most african countries saying im there for my, for the masters has not been able to evolve into economic progress, their development for west african countries around the data such as i put in their sleep and exploits Everything Else on the i get nothing on so. So now this the russia sandoval and then have a tentative for she g t which they can align with people and so that they can pull up their motors. So shes our beauty on independence. Im just, yeah, but a dependent on for my community and i was put in for the results. So if i could not inclusive, they believe that russia is on the bhaskar says that quote on a front of the countries have been trying to interfere in the election process, both in russia and abroad in those options intended to prevent russian citizens from crossing the bose is a pharmacy so, so an maria is a hold of we made a provision as the election period is approaching. Were seeing repeated attempts to prevent the organization of normal voting abroad. Other attempts from abroad here. There are no just attempts, but actions to make it as difficult as possible for us citizens to exercise their rights and costs that votes. A brewing primarily an unfriendly countries. And mostly from those same on friendly countries listing attempts to influence the situation within our country. Amid the election, the garage a so called a times seem to be a that influence in the cause of the upcoming election. Ill tell you that egos, that of things and look at how west and hopes the regime change in russia may come up. So the head of russias president ial election, theres nothing more the west one. So then to just erase latimer putting the from the political landscape. Well have a different search here, a Brighter Future router and democracy in prison, open lines of decency, dignity of freedom and possibilities. For gods sake. This man cannot remain Power Washing president s the white house made the point last night that quite simply a present to can not be empowered to wait for or engage integration. I guess you crane or anyone else. And im not walking anything back as expressing more rates as i feel, and i make no apologies for it. Were able to see how much were isolating the russian regime right now because we need to do so. It can only can we political into, to magically and will tell the impact. So. So in society and how much we received potential regime change in russia, americas political puppets, in europe having the same dream, please, please just make a big, bad loud, go away. From our standpoint, up until the point the current regime is not in power. The country surrounding it will be to some extent and danger, not just putting but the whole regime because, you know, one might change putin and might change his inner circle. But another pollutant might rise into his place. What we actually see instead in todays russia is the censorship for by gumbo, the leading voices of the opposition in j. However, these, the so called elections are still unimportant elements of the Political Developments in the country. And us senator Lindsey Graham doesnt even hide his point blank diplomatic methodology because nothing shows your exclusive mastery on handling geo politics. Like suggesting a will lead to shouldnt be assassinated. Is there a brutus in russia . Is there a more successful kernel stuff in burg . And the russian military, the only way this ends is for somebody in russia to take this guy out. You would be doing your country and the world, a Great Service or as successful as lee harvey oswald, perhaps, isnt it right sentence. I wonder why that name was suiting really emitted from this speech. Anyhow, though, russia has been repeatedly calling out the us and the e. U over the election meddling attempts for us to look up lou, we have sent accumulating a lot of materials about how the European Union embassies in moscow are preparing for our president ial elections. What intervention mechanisms and supporting projects for our non systematic opposition is our being prepared in general. Things that embassies have no right to do. Having collected such information, we invited all the ambassadors of the European Union to a meeting with me. I wish i wanted to tell them we simply advise them in good faith, not to do this 2 days before the scheduled meeting. They sent us a note saying that you had decided not to come. Can you imagine relations with states at the diplomatic level whose ambassadors are afraid to come to a meeting with the minister of a country to which they are accredited . Where has that been seen . Thats the manners of the sworn partners, the russian language information resources of the us embassy in moscow are actively used to interfere in the president ial elections in russia. We regard such actions as interference in the internal affairs of our country. Well, russia might as well be talking to a stone goal here, though the outcome wont be much different because washington solemnly swears all these attempts done in the name of democracy, freedom and russians, right . To choose. I think its impossible to separate the elections context from the environment of oppression that i was just talking about. Russians deserve the right to chart their own course. And certainly what were seeing is that their ability to try their own core us through receiving impartial information, being able to exercise their fundamental freedoms. That is extremely troubling, as it makes it so much more difficult for russians to be able to express the future that they want for themselves. And that is, its a tragedy from russia. Well, is it though . Because in that case, ignoring latimer food is public support seems like a terrible, terrible oversight. This racing by the way as being reported by no government. Affiliated pollster. On the contrary, Nevada Center has had repeated fooling outs with the authorities and rushes administrator of justice even declared it as a for an agent. But instead of the us shows a different thought, the positive a hand picking political fig as they like, and showering with praise and love, like buddies and ideas in whose failure to properly read, just as a president ial candidate who has been a pool in the west. Despite himself publicly admitting to screwing things up, this is of course, an incredible how long the explanation might be. Much simpler. Washington and its allies are just used to regime change and level of back of truly what the leave behind is not pretty. The terrorist insurgents in iraq, years of civil war and Gang Violence in libya. It took them 20 years to replace the taliban in afghanistan. With tyler bon, we are experiencing air isnt changed operations. And these operations, they are over a 2 or 0. 03 covered that always, america used to the, to remove the reasons that does not please its policy. That does not, was, was its policy. And most of the time its happened to is, there isnt, was there a seems that was elected democratically so america has given your lesson that democracy is not allowed when the 1st time that you elected does not match with our policy. Its not only happening in the middle east, its happened in south america. Acceptance and youre on, its happens, it started, was it should it being with the, and with the to do about it with you i, of course, this policy we need and there you can know where its really take it to make more or less than the world its, its not doing good for america because people start the trusting the american politic in general. Americas political establishment seems to enjoy this democracy delivery delirium and on laying its tactics to arrest for rules yukon. Teach an old rabbit dog new tricks that weve got new covered with the up coming wash them president ial election. And we have Something Special 5 before the march fiftys the 17 election to so far. So im, the president is a ballot will be held across multiple days and so was off correspondence i dont list, standing by buffalo was law just country it do, join us for a special coverage. The us change is nitty to, doesnt have that terminal as ation as have slammed the us efforts to deliver your mother and a to gaza. But a timeframe. Thats why i am calling to let you say that this method along with adults cannot revise the land. The lives that are needed sustained more than 2000000 People Living in real life. The states cannot hide behind the drops and efforts to open the maritime card or to create the illusion that they are doing enough to support the needs in gaza. The primary responsibility is to prevent atrocity crimes from unfolding and apply effective political pressure to end the relentless bombardment and the restrictions which prevent the Safe Delivery of humanitarian aid. Well, 1st of all, Global Human Rights and human into your rent and use key concern is that instead of focusing on delivering aids toward torn starving, bombarded guys of the west, perhaps the only country in the world that has instruments to put pressure road east ro should work harder on trying to end the hostilities and that would be the biggest age for the people of guys and the biggest relief. While complaining about his railey approach. We see washington sponsoring the idea as offensive in dallas are the most expensive military contained in these riddles . History, by the way, speaking about humanitarian, a Human Rights Watch dog say land roots remain crucial and most effective. But axis is impeded by israel, the authorities, and that should stop the criticize a drops as being critically and sufficient to meet the massive needs and the gases, 3 drops in the ocean base and carrying just a few tons of a each while we talking about more than 2000000. 00 people without and off to the water. And those Things National also mentions moral aspect, claiming often do re 5 months of continuous bombardments and did humanizing conditions, children, women, and men and gaza have the rights to move. The meagre terry t dropped from the skies. Se deliveries is another option. And here there are many questions as well. First, the reason is mary tom cory, that were from cyprus to guys, im an international in the since even us and ours dont. So its plans to build a floating port in gaza to get a into the street by sea and sent equipment as well as 1000 of its the military to do that. But this mission is even more dubious. As the pentagon says, it will take up to 60 days to finish the works while its clear, gaskins can not wait that long. They need to eat and drink. Now. So land roots are essential, and this is what the you and also confirms fair land. This remains, the optimal solution is easier, its foster, its cheaper, particularly if we know that we need to sustain unity on the systems to guys for a long period of time. And of course, im spoken to the importers of opening additional crossings. Aid should arrive by our students, but also other crossings. And ive also addressed prospects. It, i see when it comes to an opening of what is called the jordan land road, which offers the prospects of 100 districts per day over 6 days, 6 days of the week. Air and sea is not a substitute for land, and nobody says otherwise. How much also made comments on the issue that clean the un by say, mary, time 8, cory the where is far less efficient than overland routes. The militant group called for International Pressure on h, rome to lead a to trucks through its border crossings. Experts say at least 300 vehicles per day needed to help starving people of guys a well, we havent seen mold and around 110 of them entering the enclave daily. And sometimes even less than that, according to what was announced, the ships cargo does not exceed that of one or 2 trucks and it will take days to arrive. It is still unknown where it will dock and how it will reach the shores of garza. Moreover, it will be subject to inspection by the Occupying Army while despite all viz disadvantages of mary time corridor, and especially the us built for efforts in that direction, continue wondered, in asper, gave his explanation, saying the true intention behind the ports construction is to facilitate the protection of gases, popular sion by sea floating ports off the shores of gaza is a humanitarian facade, hiding voluntary migration to europe. This military, tactical, portable receive, is rarely approvals because Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been seeking this idea since the beginning of the war aiming for the voluntary displacement of guidance to europe or to you reached out to these really solid for a common. We havent received any response, so we have to say that this information is hard to be in dependency verified. Now, what experts say that its true, it actually might make sense as being tardy is really offensive, reached kind of dead. And now with Major Military activity moving to this trip south through diction, food, around the city of rough fox, the area where around 1500000. 00 people in o crowding are they we have full impasse in american jazz. Adults arriving zebo rude, who says a, everything american does is merely a distraction. The guys come in and they say, well, we have a problem, we have a solution. And this emotion is not opening the existing rules that go next garza to to egypt or to to as well. And so no, lets for sure. Its a relatively into the see some of its wanting it as well. And so some of it has actually the one that has to be in families and killed them in their own home. Right . So now they are coming with this. Suppose it the new novel idea, which is an every creation of an existing idea that was passed on by todays as well as for minister as well. Can you try to sell this idea today . Youll be as very recently and they were, were raised by the whole notion that you have all this access to deliver it to gaza. What do you want to do . Artificial items in order for you to to do so. The americans continue to hold single handedly on the idea that no, we can do it all at the same time. We can maintain that to the site and we can the people. So this is the condo, one of these, you know, recipes, the binded administration, has become called to, to out the months to buy time, but also to the International Community. I am doing it, you know my best what. What do you want from these w o u n. As in ocean 5 to stop, the war is okay. And carry on choosing the most part. It doesnt garza what i would come up with ideas that would indeed deliver to 8. But of course you cant do it both of the same thought. You guys went into the side and seen the people at the same time ceasefire. Now thats the only statement that has to be everywhere around the world. The United Nations know what they are being committed. You know, what does the International Community know what Everybody Knows that the americans are simply trying to create a destruct at least one, utilizing nations relief or agency solve them, but has been killed into the 2 other wounds and is what i dislike on a distribution instance in the southern gauze, and since you have a rough up you and says, the idea for new the facility was located in the area. At least one staff member was killed and 22 others were injured. When a is really forces hit a Food Distribution center in the eastern part of rough or the commission to general for on while i feel the blood to really said todays attack on one of the very few remaining on what Distribution Centers in the gaza strip comes as Food Supplies are running out and hunger is wide spread in some areas turning into famine, mr. Lets really noted that every day on the watch chairs, the coordinates of all its facilities across the gaza strip, with parties to the conflict. These really army received the coordinates including of this facility yesterday. Off of this had heard it on the road to the out in the hospital. The 2nd it is a i gave it and said these when the army is investigated in the incident. During the 5 months of war in gauze own russ senses have repeatedly been targeted, facing live lives, 165 on the spot. Meanwhile, the commission, the general of the un agency has, is for because that as a rule on, so the, and says the number of kids killed since the same level. So is incompatible to any previous conflicts. Staggering the number of children reported killed in just over 4 months in gaza is higher than the number of children killed in 4 years of was around the world combined. This war is a war on children. It is a war on their childhood and the future. Still right tables, the walls are those the most can go even higher. Do that as well as what well see of not allowing much. Di didnt medical aids garza, i think that says is when today does advertising spies. This is reading doses and now im wondering that because of a lack of teen was of food im it does and diseases are on the rise and then possibly that im could spread beyond this borders. We have from one of those the not says and that the which chairman of Israel Association of Public Health physicians, it says the health wises in gaza is not just the humanitarian issue, little service, which is it. So it is well started from the beginning of the war, actually we were running that the issues like water, electricity, sewage treatment, a, our crew show elf costs, 1st of all, for the, for lecturing gaza. But also for is randys is we know that the sewage flowing through the media to renew them. Uh, according to satellites. Uh, but also to sampling uh, is rarely walter. There is a spread, theyll say, a book serial, another contamination. Were talking also of from an email said that um, moving into each row, were talking about the entering the spring and we have a different the vectors like lets keep those that can it transferred different to diseases, issues of public have well the electricity, these are if you many dont in issues but also again strategic things that this is very important, fraser, island, these can serve as a bridge because presently we all in the same neighborhood, we are leaving side by side and as the world will continue, there be more and more um contact between israelis and the people from guys i have the situation there is harbor right now by the way, also for the hostages in the thats we thinking that its not just the public app, right . Is this for digit threats in we . So let is through the Prime Minister, and these were a, till the copying that before. And were working with the International Community to see how we can dissipate these aspects of a long are running this susan cab. And india news is that was the problem is i stepped in and said theres no of the new deputy and any connection to the tv or what color. So i mean, as of this and the vancouver sub as a trained lawyer, i look. Okay. So wheres the case . Wheres the evidence . Wheres the finding right here right now . Well, there isnt one. Theres 5. 00 to 2. 00 gover. Solved and killed the mind in question in front of a seek temple is well then came the, became the cool son of diplomatic tangents between new delhi and also a kind of band in the over taking him out will while the form of hold the accusation of so of how deep seeing these i was need to look at this on a move which english to establish in dependency states in india saw. So theres a lot him labeled a terrorist by the indian government. We spoke to a Global Citizen unless it says just intruders, accusations against india, just political ex, needing to be Prime Minister. Im using whatever he said that absolutely i, there is no evidence of the statement which she just didnt know me. I was basically a

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