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Scenes, the beginning of its history, the United States of america has officially declared the striving for freedom and peoples rights to happiness. However, in reality, having won independence, american colon is tested for the total extermination of the indigenoUs Population of the continent. American indians were deprived of their land. Local residents were driven into reservation, given the worst agricultural territories, while the best land was appropriated by white colonizers, the strongest flow to American Indian tribes was the extermination of bison. Native americans lived by hunting these wild animals. Colonists slaughtered the bivens and in fact, made them nearly extinct. Every buffalo dead is in india and gone, said colonel richard dogs, a veteran of the bloody and vicious indian wars cynically. The indigenoUs Population was simply exterminated Us Army General Phillips Sheridan express the evidence of this policy in the infamous words. The only good india is a dead indian. The genocide of native americans of north america lead to a demographic catastrophe. The exact number of deaths is still unknown, but the number of victims is in millions. Having been a majority on the continent, the board being digit, as people make up less than 3 percent of the Us Population today. The, the hello, im manila chan you are tuned into modus operandi. They are a threat to democracy. Therefore, right terrorist event. Weve heard those troops before here in the wes regarding donald trump maga movement. But now thats being echoed in germany, referring to the rising a f d party. And thats what well dig into today. Just who is this new Political Party and what are they all about . All right, lets get into the m o the. Its no surprise that the election of donald trump in 2016 gave way to the rise of nationalism and populism. Here in the west and brought from the shadows a similar sentiment that had long been brewing in europe as well. Long before trumps presidency. The breakfast and movement in the u. K was slapped with similar accusations of White Nationalism around the same time over in germany. A country desperate to forget its historical sins and the rise of Adolph Hitler in the mid 20 tends. Once fringy Political Group is now threatening to become the most Popular Party across the used most prosperous country, the f d party short for alternative for germany. But the meaning deutschland, which means germany, of course, is the one leading in the polls. And at least 3 states are regions and nipping at the heels for 1st place across many more. Now, joining us from germany to explain the political situation, there is dr. Ica hummer. He is an economist, and the publisher of workshop act, well, a business publication out there in germany, you can learn more about dr. Hummer and his work at palmer brief dot d e. So dr. Hummer. In this new year, germany has witnessed a massive polarization of society, the massive rise of the f d and, and recently, new big anti a f, the protests and all across major cities. Some of described these anti sd protests as a result of this Massive Propaganda Campaign by those in power right now. Who feel threatened by this new party if the polling 2nd nationally and 1st in several former east germany areas. Talk to us about these new anti a of the protests and whos behind them of what the 10 say. And what we have proof is that people are hired and paid for attending these uh, protest. In hamburg, we have proof that in the universities they paid students 6 years per day for attending these protests. And what attends do is they, on the saw with the science that they want to destroy the system and so on. And the Credit Unions are mobilizing their people. So we have and schools teachers are pulling this school kids to these protests. So this is not something where people go on street because they are so content with the government. The opposite side is the case. These are some propaganda read. Prove. Ive done the things that we only know from east germany before 1989. And this is scary. Because its a 1st time that we in the west sea and 70 years, see that the government organize us um these marches and even more or less force as far pays people to attend the smartest. But it has nothing to do with the waste of being in favor off of the government. For example, i thought was complaining that the, that people from the christian democratic party, which is the expanded government, as you would say, its a profile, my opposition and that they were attempting these protests. So they said we have nothing. He come on with these people and we dont want them there. So this is. Busy getting ridiculous, whats, whats going on there. The people have an approval rate of the government of maybe 10 percent. I would say not more because we have more than half of the population in germany. It does not find any party. The value both of them, what they would elect and the rest we the government, not of the im the re, uh government is now getting may be at best close to 30 percent, which is in total then not even 50 percent in total. So the approval rate of the lease of this government has never been worse than this. And its quite scary that was such a government with such a low approval rate or high rate of disapproval, either people can, can, who in a democracy. And this is what more and more people are getting. Now they are doing not good. The government is not acting in their behalf as they say, this is why this is, this is getting worse and worse. But these protests against is, um, is, may be managed by the government. And another thing is very important. We have still these protests from the commerce, the huge brokers everywhere. Yeah. 100 thousands of farmers on the street now for, for weeks already. And uh, the media managed with this help of this propaganda cool from the government to re silence these farmers because it was overlay by these protests organized and paid by the government on tx past the house. And this is really scary. Whats going on here. Now hold on to that thought we will absolutely address these farmers complaints as well. I mean, well discuss that in just a moment. But 1st i want to hit on the chancellors recent remarks. Chancellor, all off schultz and foreign minister, angelina bare bach, other senior mainstream political figures have attended these protests. The chancellor in his weekly video broadcast, he said this quote, the nazi race ideology could never again have space in germany. Thats alluding to a f d being a 10 to the nazi party and have labeled, labeled them far right extremis. Listen here. And if im say, clearly bluntly, i should think for this rightly extreme is our attacking our democracy to them. They want to destroy all confusion, and i go ahead and confirm that a secret conference these extreme is discussed how they could expel millions of people from our country on pipe. There youve told me before that ironically ac actually has more jews among their ranks than any other party. But the media outlet thats called corrective published an investigative report, claiming that the party have discussed Something Like a mass deportation of what they called on assimilated citizens during this Party Meeting and potsdam. Now after the report was published, some have compared that story to how nazis plodded in potsdam to deport European Jews to mount a gas scar in 1942. So how do we make sense of the chancellors rhetoric and all of this to the chancellor and his crew is more and more and more openly like they have no problem with like this so called meeting was mainly attended by a christian democratic politicians as more than a half deep qualities. There was a ruler. Righty. And it has never been talked about these duplications. So this is a full blown light. Correct if its a very doubtful organization in germany, its a, its an antique. Um. Theyre like, uh like a like a little media terrace organization from the on the key fob paid by the German Government parking too. Because the bodies are now ministers from degrees in the bombings and this has nothing to do with the neutral or with media. Always journalist, this is, this is just uh, a tool of the political welfare in germany. So correct. It is really doubtful and nobody can know and nobody can really rely on on data from them. And it shows that what they said and what they, what they pronounced was a full goal, like they uh, tried to, um, to speak out very carefully. But it could be, it might be, it should be whatever but um, but what they got out was the intention of put a somehow the blame of nurses and do the f d. But then when you dig into these programs, you dont really find anything office. Youll find the, the old agend us from the christian democrats and from the socialist state party brought with when how which made was still time slot, which i know the agenda from the f d. So this is heidi. I can hardly find anything off of nurses in the of nazi provo sunday the, the office like the nazis was socialist and what we have now with the greens and with the se, and with the socialist party. They are socialized, but they are not so much national law nationally, or a date of them, or internationally or a date its thats, its a, its a big difference between those boxes. And what i have heard is from our government is more than embarrassing. Concerning the comments on these, on these propaganda things they do. What day is even even more scary is that they think that people are so dumb and they dont get up to i doubt it because now we have many discussions in the free media that puts out the real data. And what code co incidence, the you jasmine was the last on the line mx with those people in of the organize us we so like solves and beyond us in hamburg, to discuss how to, how to really get to a sense of ship and job. And the full blown even though it is not legal, even though these a free media does not the legal nothing wrong, nothing just to, to push their take use of their, their lice into the open media and the t o in a minute at the douglas meeting that this is for nowadays, and her maid agenda for the next phase as his protests and how it was managed, shows us a little bit how they want to do it in the future. Now. Now, as you mentioned, there have been efforts underway to outright ban a f d as a party in german politics. But this effort is, is really facing some legal hurdles. However, the party is being investigated, some se, surveilled by the shots government on suspicion of what they say is extremism. The critics of schultz and his Traffic Light Coalition are comparing this to the stars the while even more are comparing this to how the Us Government are treating Donald Trumps magazine orders. How would you compare maga and a half deep and how each prospective government is treating these political movements . Well, i dont see a too close connection between those 2. But what can be set for sure is that our passive shots, as it is called, is acting nowadays more or less like the style, the before. Because its a political lets organization in the political war. And they are, and thats a government entity, a secret Service Government entity is organized against a political opponent, is something we havent seen for over 80 years in germany, which is super scary. And we know from east germany and from the russian from russia. So the, from the soviets whole district and, and um, we have prove that in the former days of the, these, the secret service was the main. Um, the main, like a big or the majority of the function. Theres a party that has the forbidden years ago, which was the sofa, nationalist, nationalistic, nazi party that has being run mainly by the government, by the secret service. And this was the problem. Why they couldnt pick this party in the 1st place because the car said, well, its your secret sermons are sitting in the park and the majority of the bark they can do whatever they like. They can, they can change the course. So what we have to face this and this party was made to put this narrative of germans on nazis out and to, to connect these and with i see they have nothing because the i d is, is more on, on the, on the constitution. Then all the other parties, the a, a, b, is for free speech. The other part is one tends to shift the f d. S. For sticking to the, to the, to the problem is what every, the administer, every College Student has to do that hes acting in favor of the john population. They want this, the back, the, the governmental partners dont want this openly hardly opened. We dont want this. So we have, it is for 499 percent. Sure that the any court would deny any restrictions against the sd. So this is just a political fight. It is due to discredit them openly by discussing oh, how can we, how can we forbid them . They are, they are right, we and so on. But nothing is to whenever people were asked, please tell me a specific, what do me specifically . Where are they right we, they cannot tell anything. All the answers are or nothing like they dont come up with anything. So this is just propaganda. What they, what they do because they use control and this is the main topic where we are facing the politicians at the minute. They know that with the agenda that the leaders of the party have um, have pushed through. And what they want the parties to do is not in favor of the job, people or the, your people and the people of the knowledge that already they know what they got after. And so they denied they, they refuse these politicians. They fear to lose control. And when they lose control, they have to confess their bodies in the us or in those other farm entities. But they cannot keep the list on, on the germs that they cannot rule them anymore. So it is very probably that they use that job, that they are exchanged and this is what these publications dont want. And at the minute they are really scary because so they probably have lost the majority of the people. And the main thing were really started was when people saw how easy those governmental entities, abandoned all the Constitutional Rights for legitimate people by the so called corona measurements they and took the people were put in the, at home jail at home. People were not allowed to go somewhere. People had no rights of age, of that person a informations they had to openly confess who they are. I say amex and ages and so on. And people dont forget that creek. I mean people forget yes, but not that quick. And that people have seen that this is very, very a like the beginning of the song and revolution. Where at the end of the day, the coming is still over 577000000 russians and business the pathway. There is a very, very civilized minutes. And this is very scary and people have heard from the history and so far that they say this is what we dont want and put additions on all scares that they cannot keep on with that jetta. And indeed, it does sound like the, the ruling parties have lost a lot of popularity across most of germany. All right, hold on 11 second. Coming up next. Germanys very own ursula of underlay in the face of the you will soon be out of a job her term as European Commission president coming to an end soon. But the fates of many German Farmers and workers may not be as good as bonder lands jobs prospects. Well discuss it when we return with economist go home or sit tight. M o will be right back. The the car executive. And im here to plan with you whatever you do. Do not watch my new show. Seriously. Why watch something thats so different. Little opinions that he wont get anywhere else. What could i please or do the have the state department c i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. Choose your fax for you. Go ahead. I changed and whatever you do, dont want marshall state main street because im probably going to make you uncomfortable. My show is called stretching time, but again, its not, we dont wanna watch it because it might just change the way in things the, the, [000 00 00;00] the the welcome back to the ammo. Im manila chant, dr. Hummer economist and publisher of workshop as well is back with us. Thank you for sticking around ica. Now lets talk a little bit about the german economy. I mean, your expertise is economics. Tell us a bit more about the state of germanys economy. I mean, how this relates to the f, these popularity or, or perhaps their rise, and these new massive farmers protests that began just after the new year. How does all of this tie into one another, or is it related . Is it related at all . Well, what we can look, you can save by fewer as the most a different nurse regards to the politics from the n. S a summer task politics. Or you will hear a, c, e o, s from international conglomerate, such as events and so on. Well do the opposite side because they are closer to the, to the government because of subsidies they get, then to do the economy and to the rest of the economy. But the economy is made in germany by the millions of the ends up for nurse. And like small businesses, small and medium sized businesses and they have base a totally different story. They have the most regulated environments ever. So for example, to, to turn some greenland into some, some a, some industrial land takes um, in the case i know personally 20 years over 20 years to turn a green glass into an industrial and just to produce something. And that has not been built. Yes. Sort of the same time in china. They built from us 40000 inhabitants village, one to a 40000000. What the city in the same time where its in debt in germany because of the regulations. Nothing has happened. Yes. And this is a, this is struggling. The people this is struggling been to progress. They have no science but to continue working because uh, what should they do . Otherwise they have not to, they fall into nothing. Its not that they are covered in like a, like old, i guess the government invites so these people recognize that the things im not not doing that the government is not acting in their favor. And then this ridiculous um, so called energy turn to a so called greet and a g a is um, it turns out to be a hoax. It turns out not to work. Like, nothing works like these politicians do. I mean, what do you expect from people who are, who have no education, who have never worked in a re a job, we have never who never had to do work honestly to, to make their living. They were always living on tex, passed the house and, and they didnt even finish school, sometimes south, the politicians didnt even finish school or never had any education at the university or as a, as an honest, um crock man, or whatever. So these people are, um, the, these people are so like, um, driven by the gee that they dont care whether the printers have to close down and we have never seen so many close dogs in the last 56 years then now and people are seeing that the energy costs have skyrocketed, they have international disadvantages that they can compete with most of the competitors internationally because the government driven costs uh so high that they have no chance. And on top, now it is that the people dont get any any stock because the government pays people for not doing anything more than they can earn as a mediums medium, pay jobs in germany. And this is, this is just a way that doesnt work out. And on top now we have, uh, we have the farmers that, that are struggling to survive because they, they, uh, they, or they charge them with an additional 11000000000. 00 off of texas or above expenses, which is in total not much spot for the pharmacy its, its huge, and on the same time, they spent 10 times the amount for nonsense internationally, for a bicycle waste in some way and 1000 america for gen, the stuff somewhere in africa. Nobody wants that for, for weapons to some war somewhere. So this is the people i really fed up with what they are doing an invalid. And this is now the situation the economy is strongly and were facing to a call ups of the economy. And that means that the tie, your project will fall the past because europe is nothing else, but theyre sucking out the clock against germany. Its only to climb the germany. Thats why that u. P. Union was founded and thats as their main purpose, but germany wont give too much to plunder any more. The economy here struggling and why more people are closing down and set up closing the businesses because they are, they have reached an age and bravo say we close down, then get going through this heavy stuff that the government are putting on us to dr. Ica hummer. Economist and publisher of workshop up to well, thank you so much for your time. I gotta leave it right there. Make sure you check out his work at hammer brief dot d e. Thank you very much. All right, that is going to do it for this episode. Of modus operandi the show that dig deep into Foreign Policy and current affairs. Im your host window a chance. Thank you for tuning in. Well see you again next time and figure out the m. O. The russian stage. Narrative as tight as im sort of the most sense Community Best most ill send send the same assistance to progress be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the russians per day. And split the r t. Suppose next, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. What question did you say a request, which is the person for of the as push ahead of the front clearing minds the left by the ukranian soul just before the friendship present levels down on calls to send troops to ukraine as box control . The same for trying to get nato allies on board the south african president to sit around the photos the bales against the countries biggest opposition policy, asking the Us Government to monitor the upcoming general election. Also at the latest Campaign Speeches into the ropes and 5 pro peace protesters as washington

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