The, [000 00 00;00] the, what is part of the, the employee would post good isnt the deepest view of us and bidding the word part is it something deeper, more complex might be present there . Lets stop without cases. Lets go products. As the, the september 11th attacks were the defining event of a generation of americans. Just like on the day of the bombing of pearl harbor or the assassination of president john f. Kennedy. Every american can tell you where they were and what they were doing when they learned that the United States had been attacked on september 11th. More than 22 years after the fact. Americans thought we knew the story of 911, the c i a and the f. B. I werent cooperating. The white house wasnt focused on terrorism and the terrorist gotten lucky. But nowadays, to an obscure court filing, were learning something far more sinister. Im john curiosity. Welcome to the whistle blowers the. 2 2 2 2 2 the story of the 911 attacks is a very complicated one. I will admit to you. I was personally involved as the former director of Counter Intelligence for what was then called alex station at the c i a. It was also known as the osama bin loudon group. I later became the head of c. I a Counter Terrorism operations in pakistan after 911. And then i was the executive assistant to the c. I is Deputy Director for operations for many years. I thought i knew what happened in the run up to 911. Now i know that i was wrong in an article at the gray zone lays out the truth about 911. 00. It shows using the f. B. Is own documents, as well as affidavits by insiders in the investigation that the saudi Intelligent Service was likely involved in the attacks through an Intelligence Officer named omar i was by you me by you may had been in san diego, california with 2 of the 911 hijackers now west of has me and holiday mid har. They socialize together on many occasions and had organized other gatherings that included several of the other hijackers. But you mean even health has me and mid hard get an apartment in san diego by you . Me for his part says that he only met the terrorist accidentally. Witness to say that just isnt true. And by you mean never fully explain why he received 50000. 00 from princess haifa. Been faithful of sold the wife of the saudi ambassador to the United States. Prince bandar been sold ton of sold and then passed that money to the terrorist. Were happy to be joined by the author of that article kit clarin burg. Hes an investigative journalist, specializing in the role of Intelligent Services and shaping politics and perceptions. Welcome to the show kit. Were happy to have you help us sort through this complicated story. Hey, hows it going . Lets start with the players involved. We have a moral by, you mean we have nowhere. So has me. We have holiday and mid heart. Tell us about these guys. Yeah, sure. So i mean i, a m, l has a, has me, you know, michel, im j o actually the crucial components within this, within what happened to 911 in every way. And they all, they, all the 1st um, 911 hijackers to arrive in the us and turn them in, in terms of immediately upon arrival at times of so in that, in los angeles, they need a mile by you who is a saudi government employee. Now he claimed to an official f b. I Investigation Called operation uncle into set potential saudi involving 911 that he was to humble and saudi government and co um, improve employee who had just taken a pet. See on the, on the on, on has me and help me to all because they didnt speak english and they were strangers in a strange land. And so as a result, he helped get them accommodation and gave them the brother numerous sums of money to go to thousands of dollars and help them get set top of the how youre moving to the informants who was, it was so electrically policy information to this out the Intelligence Services as well. Um and uh, yeah. Did do. An uncle concludes the, actually, im about, oh boy, you, me was working society intelligence. He was himself a kind of long standing high ranking. Is it the se by in the us . He was to organizing various and con, desolate activities for the saudis on us soil now well on cold, doesnt go into what did you go into . And it was shut down rather abruptly and without much in the way of the funds that were explanation. I think it was in 2016. Im the mountains. I might be wrong with that, but um in the uh the at the store as of last year. Um this independent website goes spiteful and got his hands on a 2021. Im told decoration by a lead investigator to the office of ministry commission, which is the legal body which is prosecuting alleged. And ill call you to terrorist housing one time a day. And its very rich and detailed it as well. What is well, with reading im just the only side on my, my, all right, my, i folded this of investigation which went supernova globally, hook me up. It was rather rough price given that the entire made. Sure media would ignore split, the, the, the in the, in the finally it, it is made repeatedly quit that the c i a had a relationship with has me and middle via the, using the saudis, as a, as a liaison. Sorry, adults around restrictions on the c. I a spying on on you on you, you got it domestically . Yeah, i dont us citizens. So, um, i mean thats the, thats the short on so, and then we can go into the wider around the machinations of uh, alex station if you, which much of your article is based on a sworn affidavit submitted by don canister. Are one of the military commissions investigators i know don, hes a serious person and an accomplished investigator, he spent more than 20 years as a Drug Enforcement administration. Agent. Tell us what he said about the connection between the 911. 00 hijackers and the saudi government. Well, i mean i, id rather disagree but not, i mean, did it show you at the end effect what 2002 is that the saudis and they were providing money and Material Support to the hijackers on and what your ball they, while they were in the us and, and assisting them as they prepared to. Hi, jackass lightens and slide them into various buildings on, on september 11th, 2001. And i, im like, slightly less. Im not particularly interested in the, in the, in the side of the younger one far more interested in otic station. Because they the, this, the, what the saudis were doing it with us in terms of funnelling money and support and assistance to this, out to the, to the hijackers. It could not have been done without the see eyes approval or at least elements within the c. I a, a pre approval of an activity once it gets hot. The tennis row has evidence that by you, me, was working with another saudi Intelligence Officer in the United States by the name of i had a committee. And so mattie was deported from the us before the attacks for alleged connections to terrorism, who was to marry and what was his role . A lot of like i said, its not somebody not particularly looked into. I mean, it just strikes me is like more of more of a smoke screen really . I mean i, i wrote in law school for my subsidized grad recently, which noted how i had a, uh, uh, the, uh, whats his name up a dis, a tough shape. Um, who was the last the only employment who lived with the the to high that with the has me in mitchell. Um, i mean i might have it as well as if i has me. Mitchell has behavior during this time was extremely strange and but was what they arouse suspicion amongst that nature is because they didnt buy any furniture. They slept on mattresses and on the floor and spend that days playing slides to be license. But then they would also, they also had mobile phones, which are not that common at the time. And they were k, e picks up by the limousines. I mean, what could be more suspicious . Not, but apparently, despite living with an f, b, i informant, to mention the path to his hand. And on more than one occasion, gave the scope, detailed biographical information. They wrote the rule so named in the local telephone book. But one of the reasons why this didnt create any investments to leads was because the c, i a knew im, that the has me and middle had multi entry visas for the us. This is all and i the Inspector General report they, they, they knew very well that they were heading into the us and had been finding something. But they attended the, the, ill call you to somebody in quality and pool, which was recorded at the series request. So that they already took images, there was no audio apparently. And i mean quite why docs is, im not, im not sure, but i did that. Your insight, expert expertise may offer an explanation, but the and if it like so that when, when they entered, when they enter the us despite the fact that the and the see i said like them is tera threats. No one was notes like no any that there are several f, b i, a operatives who are posted to alex station, which is the c i is dedicated. Ill call you the tracking unit of the day with explicit detail and piece of detailed by the superiors to know the notify. Actually, i had to type courses about their presence in the us to tell us about the transfer of money from the saudi ambassadors wife to the terrace. This is something that has bothered me for a very long time, and its never been fully explained to anybody. There was just luminous amounts of money were being sent both to got to pay you me for his or kind of person in richmond by the saudi ambassador in the us. And, and yes it is. It is members of his members of his family and that was all 7 and almost not money being a mock for the the hijackers. I mean, its cost quite interesting is if you look at the 11. 00 Commission Report, which is, i mean, i might add to the over whelming, majority of it is based on the testimony obtained them to torture that full and the, the date and the detainees mentioned to like timing to, to make it possible. Crimes like blow off those things that hadnt been built at the time that they were captured. And they duplicate to the large number of innocent people who had no connection to terrorism because it was necessary to construct this specter is like this global terrorist conspiracy which didnt actually really exist on. And so id like, yeah that the and the 911 Commission Report deals with the question is, who finance the finance, the attack as the exciting the dates of note materials significance or some kind of phrase like that, which is not quite incredible. I mean, everyones seeing all the president s men follow the money, right. I mean, the, the finding was so that it, him at the details. How that what concerted efforts by phillips, that account. Okay, was the lead book, one of the key investments that leads all the, the 911 commission to shield the saudis from uh, from scrutiny in unconcealed that role. There it was. So it would contain, but then the declaration of large number of f, b i n c i a people whose claiming to that they were told to expressly to law you about the c i a s relationship with has me middle 2 congressional inquiries to clara bird stay right there. Were going to take a short break and when we come back, we will continue our conversation with kit claire and berg. Were going to try to get to the bottom of the question of whether 911 was just a horrible intelligence failure or something more sinister state to. 2 the there is no end in sight over how youre going to continue to destroy the earth. Is the case for the madness of the people. I tried to go to the gym, but im certainly not ready to fight russia. This is also of soon. This is the 3rd world lunacy re Washington Press for so the funder line likes to say we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deals to me on 9 have very quick propaganda. You know, price here in new york. I think we dont know the aftermath any time that youre not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. Some more questions ask a better. The answer is will be the welcome back to the whistle blowers. Im john kerry onto were speaking with journalist kit, claire and berg about the 911 attacks and the possible involvement of the saudi government in them. Good to have you with this kit. Hey, hows it going . Its an important part of your article has to do with both the f b i and the 911 commission. Neither are honest players in the story. It seems not only possible but likely that the f b i had recruited one or more of the hijackers through omar of by you me. So 1st is that true . And if so, how in the world would it have been possible for the 911. 00 attacks to take place . Well, i mean, they were allowed to happen. I mean, at the very, at the very, very least, and like, i mean to all sorts of interesting indications as far as a full knowledge like um, uh, id, but extremely suspicious and irregular trading activities on the back taking on pool performance. And companies who stop prices crashed juice and 911. 00, including adults ad lines, and then the google sorts of speculative thats on Defense Companies which are immediately that, that chat price, you know, double treatment tripled following 911 because of the prospect to subsequent was. And so, i mean, its quite the very least over thats happened on purpose. I mean, i have my own series which are about just out this series. And i try not to deal in, in speculation, particularly in my wife. But i mean so for example, if you think about like the a talk on the pens again, right . Like this was the, the a, the, the, the re, the, um, the hijacker. It was thats the individual county handle um who was according to his family not possessed to be extreme is use and was extremely sort of self facing and good hearted. And was the a highly unlikely a suspect for carrying out of a major terrorist talking to foreign country. Um, but uh yeah, in fact he hijacked the slide 77 and it, it makes a lot different, incredibly remarkable and just quite extraordinary, 300. And so i teach degree just sending colt free time from around 7 and thousands of each in diablo traveling over 500 miles per hour. The composite level with the pedestrian road leading up to the pen. So good, like flying so low that its like nothing like alarm post and before it crashes into the Department Defense h q. And this would be a remarkable performance for military jet like the passengers yet, but no, any that has your and this has been reported on by the Mainstream Media was considered one of the was, if not the was peoples, theyd ever seen. You know, a flight school, they told that he presented a risk and he just, he was ever in the he couldnt control the thing, you know, jim sesna. And he, he was, he said yes, like a safety hesitate, would take hours to complete quite exam questions that typically took about the 15 minutes of my students. So, i mean quite how he personally pulled off like one of the most daring. Um, you know, mid a revised robust times in recorded history is this is nothing sure. Remarkable. And then thats obviously a total lack of cctv from, from anywhere like around the tense good in which the actually shows the plane is in the building. But i mean, it may not even more kind of incredible, right. And that the building had like 20000 people in it and then by the casualties were about 150. And it was not know when senior was home. But as it was mainly like builders and construction workers, because the pol depends, going to hit was, was basically disused and under refurbishment. So i mean, the house is all like a bunch of covers instances. I mean, oh, maybe the saudis was just finding something full, maximum visual impacts while limiting casualties. I mean the, you know, the times that hit the towers, they hit very high, often before 9. And before most people were at what i actually went to the twin towers when i was about 12, they all they were as you probably be while nice on your upright cities. And if that x likes bicycle cities with your tens of thousands of people watching the attraction, tens of thousands of towards the day, it would be the hotels hot, like hundreds of rooms. And then the depth. Oh is actually in the very like, thousands it was initially thought because of because they was so vast that the the, that told was it was like maybe 25000 people, 1100 homes and drugs valve, as at the time before he mysteriously committed suicide. But yeah, i mean, this is all very saw and you know, if it, if it was a few hours late sort of feasible was level, you would have tens of thousands of people who are walking outside. I know maybe its a lot of co incidence. Im not sure ive never had confidence in the work of the 911 commission for reasons that have never been explained. They did not cooperate with a wide variety of governmental organizations that were trying to get to the bottom of how an attack like 911 could occur in your article. You talk about the commissions chief of staff being uncooperative. Can you tell us a little more about that . Yeah, sure. I mean, well, i mean, i dont, i, i didnt use the phrase on cooperative, but like, i mean, yeah, i, like i said i, i know that like there were several m s. B, i officials who, who talked to training that they were told to, to uh, uh, to get to lloyd to officially investigate investigation. I get the sense that there was some, yeah, there was some good people within the bureau who like what really angry about what happened and once to get to the truth of it. Im sure the same is the truth. True. The see i as well. I mean the alex, the and i the descriptions of alex station and, and various people working within 5 within it, they seem to be behaving very suspiciously. I mean is right, or the people who will effect to be on a list would be using code names for each other. Im trying to recreate the assets within, ill call you to ritual. I mean, thats not, you know, the walk of as honest as you well know you of the but, so i mean, not, not in itself is quite suspects. And then theres all sorts of other peculiar at, besides, like when they met with the f. B, i appear to the thames, its deliberately mislead them about the identities of pennsburg to people in, in photos they presented one of whom was, was a, it was, was a busy order. Uh huh. Oh yeah, its the story they um, they showed pictures of it has mean mid oregon and plains and dont know who they well, which is very strange. One of the lingering mysteries as the failure. The refusal really of the c i a and the f b i to cooperate with one another. The result of course, was the 911. 00 attack. These 2 organizations hated each other, and that hatred went all the way back to the creation of the c. I a in 1947. How much did that hatred and refusal to cooperate result in 911 or would the attacks have happened any way . Well, i mean, the, the, the, every, every life was thinking, right . I think thats the, the phrase is used. I mean, there were all sorts of, i mean the, the us was a highly pennant triple. You know, i have the time, like there was, i, i remember right. Watching about as a long time ago to you, that was the that was the style with millennium flow. Oh, wow. So, and ill call you to offer tape, attempted to drive a, a cost of explosive in from canada. And it was a really, by chance that they got stopped because theyre a little that were at that time and enormous number, the unmanned border crossings with which we could have just slipped past with, with some of these, um the uh, interagency beats between the anesthesia and c, i a has also been attributed 4 to 911 and a meetings or a lot of information sharing or like the rest the refusal to um yeah, cool. Like true. All right. And the situation in which the agencies didnt what each of the new and i mean that does it, there is the aspect to it. I mean, it does, it does strike me that, that what that was very deliberate attempts by elements about like stations to prevent the f, b i from finding out about the presence it has to be in a mid middle in the us, like i. So i mentioned not june 2001 meeting where they presented size of the hijackers, but then refused to say for you, they werent even went to the extent of falsely claiming one of the individuals pitch it was filed out 2 sided. It was the suspect and development of the u. S. S. Cole, and it had one of the f. B i opted cited in, in the dining canister are, as im at the testing the as. I got a notice the other side for cs 12 and a cs 12 recalls how he confronted i an an s b s. B. I. Analysts known as being a coffee and to mon dates that she provide information on a, has me and mitchell and, and she refused. And he explicitly states it off to the folks who with the like someone whos going to die unless made or is deceived, criminally. And then like, because obviously there are 2 types of investigation. There is, there is a criminal, amended intelligence investigation. And people unlike it, when a criminal investigation is a, is a serious thing. Indeed, had they had the f b, i know that has me and middle over in the us, they treat as low and states criminal investigation, found them within days. I did clock who is the head, who was that the players is, has had to come to terms of terrorism operations of the white house, who was pretty much immediately demoted when the Bush Administration times power has said very much the same thing that they could have been quote, is more information was said, the obvious question is whether it was deliberately with how its a nice thing that is quite clear that it was um whether that was to allow the attack to go ahead well or no, it is another question to give us your gut reaction to all of this information after all these years. What ends still need to be tied up and will the likes of omar. Oh, by you me. And so i had to. So mary, ever seek justice. I think what we really need to do is not that needs to be a genuine independent investigation into 911, but that its not subject to, i mean the, the original, the original 911 commission that commissioner set that they were, they were set top to fail and deliberately on the funded and i knew it was other stuff. Um yeah. But we need like serious investigation, but subpoena power would be, uh, perhaps being involved in like the year now rather rather embarrassing, mute or investigation with like sweeping powers and to interview witnesses subpoena residents and get people on eyes and punish them if they are found to be lying on uh, an specifically austin. Why . If its the case, if it is the case that the c, i had a relationship with it with at least 2 or more of the hijackers. Why was that concise . It tends to conceal this. What you bought was, what was the purpose because there was clearly some, uh, some wider objective that was being served by it. But by that, by that to see by that consumer and so on. I mean, ive seen no indications of anything like this coming the materializing, it is abundantly clear that the entire media just wants to move on and pretend it didnt happen. Like why is the this the item you have the items be brought to the side and then yes about the, the release of this uh, this declaration. I mean, it does appear that some officials, a lease in my home country brenson was paying close attention because when i was stopped in may on the account to tell her of how is the us, its brand that youre cutting in. And whether you had the details of 5 hours against my well well my and progressive the questions on the threats of arresting persecution for not talking which is you know, sign and fashion it on and they use indicator of fascism compelled speech. And i like they specifically asked me what, what was i feel its about 911 and for me will monitor with questions about my investigation. So, British Intelligence might be a, might have been a, been concerned about about my ex place a. And again, we can also selves, you know, why this would be and why, specifically so fit to use valuable time in interrogation in a windowless room and back of an apple with the load me the about the wall. I still what about 911 and yes. Like whats now held in data bases around what around the wells by um, a highlighted security and intelligence and agencies. Um yeah, well, quite disturbing. John. Thank you. Take claire and bird for joining us today. Some stories are so tragic and so complicated that many people think its better to just move on. I hear that all the time about the assassinations of john f. Kennedy, robert f. Kennedy and Martin Luther king. I hear you fully often about the 911 attacks, but thats wrong. The American People deserve the truth. They deserve to know if the organizations charged with protecting them are incompetent. They deserve to know if theyre in danger. 5 for one and grateful for journalists like kit, claire and birth to even years after the south are still in pursuit of the truth. Thanks for joining us for another episode of the whistle blowers. Im john to reaku. Well see you next time the. 2 the, the take a fresh look around his life kaleidoscopic isnt just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. Fixtures designed to simplify will confuse who really wants a better wills. And is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented as 1st . Can you see through their illusion going underground . Can the the see obtains exclusive documents verifying an opposition policy attempt to enlist us involvement in the upcoming summer oxygen elections. And thebuilding policy spokesperson says any intervention will be blocked. You can be assured that we will look any attempted to closing up a with i c u. S. So any of the, you know, online we would look, its a not just as the agency, the people, the pediatrician kitchen, calculating the addictions, the United States is responsible for these chaos because they are the ones who send

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