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Bivens and in fact, made them nearly extinct. Every buffalo did, hes in india and gone and said colonel richard got a veteran of the bloody and vicious indian wars and cynically the indigenous population was simply exterminated Us Army General Phillips Sheridan express the evidence of this policy in the infamous words, the only good india is a dead indian, the genocide of native americans of north america lead to a demographic catastrophe. The exact number of deaths is still unknown, but the number of victims is in millions. Having been a majority on the continent before the Indigenous People make up less than 3 percent of the us population. Today the the we have sent hundreds of weapons inspectors to oversee the disarmament of a rec, all the decades of deceit and cruelty have now reached him. And Saddam Hussein and his sons must leave a rag within 48 hours. Their refusal to do so will result in military conflict commenced at a time of our choosing. It is the way they do the immunization and is the way they do. They propagandized their owner people into accepting the necessity of these conflicts. International safety expo marks the boat defended his position while serving on a u. S. Navy nuclear crews and criticized his countrys foreign policy. This brought him to the attention of the special services. He was forced to quit the navy and in 2002, he left the us forever the to support what we do and you create 5. Why subscribe . You have my father in law lives in central and we have family in the dunbar. And then you know, its a hot golf. Odessa all over east ukraine. My wife, you know, family, distant family per family. And of course, none of them have except ever accepted the overthrow of the government that they elected in 2014 the last legitimate, democratically elected governments to that poor country. The 1st, the 1st, in other words, boy, you may need to start with your new explanation differently cause i will get you with the idea of the wording version of the extra credit card. Theres no, i dont know, could i e, the a few. Ok. We did, it would say we have, can we still still staying on the noise and this is brought sense of let them know coming out of the nashik of notice a shot was enough to crane into what is the center. Yes, it does not just in bunkerville shit that unless you only do face to, thats pretty typical desk gave you the scale. So i should have most condo. So theres a process to great and thats a lot of the subject which forgot the inverse of those. Lastly, sheets on the much the kettle sandwiches the dash on it across the 1994. That is love to leech go. Was an advisor to ukrainian president to the coach from a piece of this deputy minister of the code industry. The deputy minister of emergencies of ukraine. Yeah. Will, will reach the body to you and you can wait on that list will be list. Wed be sending do a for the cable, and then were just but at the moment is listed for the research, the over email. So which is the most issue to dump us. The other piece was sort of screwed up on the she, im not sure, but theres any of these besides super simple and closer to your reach, lets just need you to be able stokers associate up a full web shift. But i see a missed opportunity. See a video shoot this delay and missed them. Im getting ready for this kid. I believe that was you can go there to the credit card. I mean, should i have to substitute in the watching videos . My thoughts im, she will let you know if a lot of great medium itself, which is that within your, between the most i do most of them area which is a couple of keys. So look at the bill of the stuff. This is the, on the 50 me either slash levels are similar to most, most the change but of the committee cuz of course, the fortune to just move it to you. And you push me to just wanted, let you know where you missed a couple of weeks before the deadline, which is a look at the computer to the door. And you would just say you wont be a full full. Che dory over sylvester the shape of functioning and using it for us to pretty easy to get all bunker dose pin you might do seeing if a piece of elizabeth simply giving lower pro evening by the standards that the main stream us media and european media apply those, the reading by n g o is how the corruption index to ukraine from this got to very well the only a we use the appointment to provide you with. Okay. Shes kind of stuck with some all kinds. Kristen on 0 some store and the training little boy is kinda new to me. So creating assembling or comes to chris when it comes up. So that includes more than 19 should really and then for to to teach to out of school for, for some grass to show mitchum the someone gave me finch nest. Who am i could look so, so ive got the switches to little medium. Okay. Michelle right. And so for those keys, im a coordinator to leave these cues from those 2 phases more than the others late people still do lots of the store for this as us knew that to be clear. I never mentioned this to me. I read it, click on yes, next, but not for the credentials. Those are more than that you just found with claim looks, which is good. First was a lie and the g need them for they took away some software seem to be such a lot of the to be so only be them can c o n a forms you of time. Why do you see the same sewage . So you can see to see if they can go away and let me know soon as you are able to use the little me, little deal, museums gives you the most of some of the pollution some. And when you, most of them know that the 1000000 but to me is hope shell be on. She knows football, michelle things as though upgrade to but let me get this to that screen that little go little that i need to just, im interested in and im not, i mean, she wont get this all cleaned out of the little store. So as it is pushes hes progressing, losing it badly if she knows me to send him back. If she, you know, could i even though that one is clearly more than that in the plasma worthiness video for those eyes. But i see can sure. Boy, sure the adult, somebody ca scheduled least single shift for me to come all it is that this way of what i skipped, and ive got the same skills, best way to do so to me on this door. Its like get this, you know, sort of form, shell grade he brian feed line to assist you. Thats the issue of not all the adults, the shift doctors dance. Okay. And of course, its simple. Yeah. And im only out the door. I need to block Global Crossing is listed on the syllabus, shared by city news, think anything less than what custody of the somebody else got fucked that day monday the show. It wouldnt be no surprise. Imagine a lot of the money that has been sent to g of discount itself in private bank accounts. Thats the least of them belonging to mister settings kick. Nobody was to investigate this too hard. Because if we did that, american support to ukraine would stop that. I did a really nice for your task, outdoor the theres really no point in trying to attach a specific so im to any one of these transactions because theyre home gord, president eisenhower, war and the American People in his last public address women car guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence by the military industrial complex, the potential for the disastrous rise misplaced power exist, and well process it was to start doing an investigation of how money was spent. 2, or to cover up sending you a cover. The complete wanton destruction of American Financial assets. And nobody wants to take ownership of that in the states. The. This is a, an inspection outside of the Iraqi Special Republican Guard facility. This is Saddam Husseins body guard unit. And you can see the body guards, theyre blocking us. These are our vehicles. Thats me. And the white had the dark shirt right there, looking up at the helicopter. At this point in time, this is a new and helicopter that flying around the site. And in about 3 minutes, theres a guy on the phone right there. Hes getting a call from the president ial security. People were saying theyre gonna shoot down the helicopter. And so im getting ready to call the helicopter. Tell them they have to land right now for every room buddy, buddy on board is going to die. This were very tense inspections. But at the same time, the c i a was conspiring behind my back to discredit me to discredit my inspections, to disrupt the inspections. And so were fighting the 2 front war february, the phase 2003 us secretary of state colin powell springs to the un security council. He tells a well the, the rug, his weapons of mass destruction having these weapons in 1995. The quantities were vast. Less than a teaspoon of dry anthrax. A little bit about this amount. This is just about the amount of a teaspoon. Less than a teaspoonful of dry anthrax in an envelope shut down the United States senate in the fall of 2001. This for several 100 people to undergo emergency medical treatment and killed 2 postal workers just from an amount. Just about this quantity. I would then after the briefing, be called to the us mission, where the team of c, i a personnel with threatened me and say that i cant be saying what im saying. I can piece doing what im doing. And that there could be legal consequences for this. And i would say, well, im not going to tell a lie the last it as close as allies refuse to give a so chance in ukraine. Hans, how aside the word piece is last part of their lexicon. In the meantime, israel has been given the green light to do whatever it chooses, including ignoring international law, as well as highlighting rules for more what i would show seemed wrong. Just dont have to shape out because the application and engagement equals the trails. When so many find themselves will support, we choose to look for common ground, the in the same theory as 2003 williams called with who had worked for 7 years as a weapons in spain to in a rock made a sensational statements that day would change his life forever. The purpose of going pals presentation tomorrow is to destroy International Trust and confidence in weapons inspections. And thats a darn shame. But i think an American Invasion of iraq is the best recruiting poster that was on the line. And ive tried to deliver have, and you know, this is going to lead to more without it the, im obligated to defend the constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. And when the greatest threat to the customers in comes from the United States government to provide responsibility to speak out to do it, i can to call out this thread to try and correct a stress. And i was called at that point time a traitor was called a threat to the security of the United States. And thats the point where the United States said, were going to destroy scott ritter. Were going to stop him from being an inspector. Were going to stop him from doing this because hes not playing the game. We want him to play that was investigated by the f b. I was threatened with being arrested by the f b. I the if you do something that they dont agree with. And youre seeing is a voice or credibility they will seek to destroy for the say, i was scared, i think i was concerned. I didnt like to be considered to be somebody who wasnt loyal to my country. I was very loyal to my country. I am very loyal to my country. Youre not a traitor for telling the truth. So i was concerned about later when they accuse me of can the espionage of spine which carries the Death Penalty by the way, [000 00 00;00] the despite which has statements that iraq had no weapons of mass destruction. On march the 20th 2003 us president george w bush, launched the American Invasion of iraq on my orders, Coalition Forces and began striking selected targets of military importance to undermine Saddam Husseins ability to wage war. These are opening stages of what will be abroad and concerted campaign, the one year of sewing, insidious succession. Why not . Okay, and is that near the Washington Post for food kind of above shifted to the corner, social still so shot me before that to brain fish. So i see is a full tank of water with that, what were showing on the board of exclusion. But were showing it intern sealants, simply were stage to lactose the shot in not the lots and lots and lots of approach. A bit of batch of a sold to show boy that motion of of out of the today we have train 420. 00 ukrainians on the m 77 hours them 7 r m triple 7 hours are 300 ukrainians on the cell propelled in 1929 on the 113 armored personnel carriers to 100 on unmanned aerial systems. And 60 most recently graduating today on the high march the the, the icing. What has happened in the Eastern Ukraine . In the last 8 years . The tragedy of the another constant showing up the dunbar, the persecution of the russian language and russian ethnic people, the dominant neil mccarthyism in western politics. Now, by the fact that russia is essentially at war with all nato, unfortunately, because nato has spent the last 8 years, the building at 1st purging and then building up a fairly powerful military machine. The men screw chords for we now low from both the statements of porsche and go and angela merkel. Something that they used simply to time. Yeah. To, to make time to build up that powerful military. And you know, its, its, they dealt with russia diplomatically wisdom. Its records the same way that kimberly came. Officials spoke of dealing with the people of east ukraine. Promise them anything down, hang them later. Uses scott our, your ginger, an extra 93. 00. Im not, im not at all. I am an analyst of all the german data, assessing data and drawing conclusions from that data. Today, former us marine and un weapons in spain to any a rug discard, raise a, a bose is a to ukraine in the early 19 ninetys. He was sent by American Special services to the soviet union. It was a trip, but changed his attitude towards the russians forever. This is a photograph of me when i was a weapons inspectors with the on site inspection agency. Im doing my job in, in russia and i just been promoted from lieutenant detective work. We were doing watkins because of unique unlike other inspection teams which flew in for short notice inspections. We lived in watkins permanently. There were 30 americans living in watkinson, outside of a missile factory. So the typical american fashion, we brought an American Flag and we posed with the American Flag outside of the gates of the missile factory. Then what this meant is that we werent separate from the soviets. Were working together with the so its where we come in a joint team and for somebody who had trained his entire adult life to chill, soviets to teach soviets. This experience actually taught me that they were humans, that they were just like me, that they had the same hopes, dreams, visions and no longer one of the item was the strangest thing in the world. Because i had been programmed into viewing them as the enemy. And this was like Shock Therapy to be compelled to view them as friends, charter. Now people rush, i checked your tree. So i was going to be self. The 5th question, except when you Study International was, do you understand that self defense includes a clause called preemptive self defense, meaning that you dont have to sit there, they get pushed in the face. If somebodys getting ready to not during the day, if you get taken right out to prove their self assess and this morning i was pleased to announce another major around of us Security Assistance designed to meet ukraines urgent battlefield. All required which and theres 2500000000. 00 package is one of our largest, yet. It includes 59. 00 additional bradley infantry fighting vehicles to 90 striker armored personnel. Carriers. 53 m wraps and 350 pop armored humvees. And it will provide thousands round a thousands more rounds of archery, the washington london. Brussels dont understand this. People. You dont remember histories. Napoleon what happened with napoleon, jerry, a member of people about halo. Remember what happened . It always starts bad for russia. And then the bear wakes up slowly, the barrow wakes up and starts a stand up. And then the bear comes down and smash just as the enemy. I mean, its going to get ugly for the west. Its going to get ugly. Im joking to my american friends, laurie, russian. You guys, but i started learning russian, youre going to need it via event. Before seems to be time in the meantime, the below the dentist do you mind seeing design 5 feet high wasnt upset . What was in uh, in uh, in the service or in the, in, in the next move in the, i get back in front of, you know, i have, uh, i, if, if i should when and saw boys. Uh, doing uh, my oldest son is uh twins. Yes. So uh and um, im a former military all hopes of some of these boys with me. Uh, we 7 the institutional into french army. But i imagine is one of the, of 2 of my boys where a on the phones and i see the fans sending some guns to you create. And i mean by, wed have to take it to a facility. The mean knows its worth it. So i, i believe in the rush i, we, when i, i want to shut to into as well. But its, its, thats not a consent, but thats, but i can be other place to put them in by shifting the place of this for the who we know see, see it, were seeing the boys to go to the, to the front and looking at a mother and much for sending guns to kids and boys and its um they would have to pay for that. 7 the love ive always studied russian history, and when this conflict started between russian, your train. So i felt obligated to speak out because i think its important that the American People understand that what theyre being told about russia isnt the truth. And that the best way to prevent the conflict between the United States and russia is to understand the russian people, russian history, russian culture. Not to be afraid of russia, and learned live in peace, refresh the russia has been viewed drain after rush, pray. Now you crank the rushing presenter bladder, important old war need to ukraine. You frame queen against russia, the pseudo, but i still am those up with you and give what i paid. So let you know to hire the just give cause. But on a squeak of the new core, most of the day to a, in a promotion, it sounds like sasha, exactly supporting you got to buy that stuff. Cancel the thing by shortly and they get, it was okay, well just do it. Well place a shot and i should deal oaks that i seized by youd say, im not proud. No, but noticed on the way i didnt yet. I love you. Done boss. My names still furious. Maximus crane. Im an american citizen and then yes, which is why im here to show you back to do the west the truth. And as you can see, my governments supplied weapons of struck for civilian area. This isnt a 1000000 terry target. This is a, a grocery store. Does come with us, i cant imagine how these people have worked like this for 9 years. And there are children here. Im telling you that have died because of my governments the United States. Governments funding of this list. More of the baby start here in a civilian civilians right here. You can see an impact of the seas are so this makes me angry. Im sorry. Oh, i mean, i know, but still you know, you feel responsible for the as all forces were hiding and civilian structures. The machine gun nest that we saw outside courtyard, the nazi tattoos on his body. Our journey is that its good versus evil. I pray that and i pray that victory comes soon and i, i believe it will. The, it seems that history is doomed to repeat itself. As today. We find ourselves in scrunched in the middle of several global complex. Theres a conflict between ukraine and russia. Moss and is re. 1 a security crisis triggered by north korea conflict in Central America and more. This on russ all over the world puts more than half of the countries in a crisis of Health Economy and social safety, which is the biggest threat to human civilization to im christy i and youre watching the cost of everything. Where today we will analyze how much it cost countries to maintain, sustain and grow their military capability. The

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