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As well, funds to launch its ground offensive and gaza, according to the is read a defense full system. And these really follow standing and conflict spills over port us with the idea for both of these striking ports in syria and the minute you come home and 11 on the thanks for joining those this sunday evening. My names pete to scotts here with all the latest news on our see from our headquarters in the russian. How the idea has carried out, spend a strike on the aisle and most in the west banks janine refugee camp submitted damaging the building. According to israel, the attack was carried out to eliminate an underground, or a compound super students were killed. Crowds of monas marched with the bodies of the victims, which were covered and polished in unit flags. Is what local people have to say. I mean, we were at home when we had a huge explosion adult has begun to scream. We barely managed to leave. We almost died at that moment. Now, i havent seen anything like this before. I was looking for my husband, my sons and daughters to check if they were alive or not. We tried to head out, but the door was destroyed. So my sons had to remove the revels, so we could escape. We were afraid to be hit by another rocket and military of 16 uh, belonging to these are gonna be forces. Uh, mom did a lot sort of, most in, in uh, virginia and refuge account resulted in depth of one, uh, civilian one listing and civilian who, whos, whose identity cannot be confirmed. And theres other the 2 others. And theres only the resulting 3 others injures. And of course, the air strikes across the goes us to the didnt stop everywhere. And the goal is to the, there is an attack on houses on the, on the streets. And the middle of the streets is really far as trying to cotton, the roads. And of course, theres start off on mostly it on the market. Were an exhibition in almost a rod indiscriminate air strikes during the entire start, a loss street into all across some street. Those carpet booming, resulting in many deaths, including some friends of my brother. Our shop was also damaged and hopefully the financial loss can be compensated. The entire circle ox street has been completely demolished, as well as the nearby neighborhoods. And of course, we have about the humanitarian situation here in causes, in general, in general a, the side of the house because is that inside the, you know, a schools transformed into a shoulders and they still have, they have having a big problems like hes still suffering from electricity, they couldnt find the water and people so couldnt find food. If you dont want to talk about hospitals now theres danger is a risk of death. Newborns, newborn baby, and kidney dialysis people who are suffering from these diseases. And also if you want to talk about the diseases inside the hospital, we have started to few, the separate separate from the diseases between the displaced people. This is actually the danger because said at least starting to feel are these diseases between the displaced people inside the hospital due to the high number huge number of displaced people lane down everywhere. And theres a lot of danger as well because theres a lot of people these, theres a lot of casualties and they still under the russell and they still there few days right now. So we start the Medical Center here. Wonder not kind of the diseases across the color will be between the people on diseases would be separate. Its up to 2 weeks of bombing by israel over 4600 people have been killed in gaza and more than 14000 wounded. According to the local health ministry, so in hospitals, so for not the fuel, while those that remain open, strong things keep up with the search of patients on dwindling medical supplies. C the many palestinians have sold shelter. India obama following is very warnings to evacuate to Southern Gaza. Thats area is also being hits. And then the 3000. 00 to those killed to report to the women and children of u. N. Is calling for an end to the nights, man look reports the sense of this piece by the bombing, the quick wanting some more disturbing images coming up from gaza. Some parents have resulted through writing the childrens names on that likes to help rescue workers on hospitals identify them if that killed into strikes but also on what ive, what i swear to the bottom at least 12 members of one Palestinian Family with guilt. Overnights one likes the hospital official, describes what israel doing is doing a small part of the most of the wounded and killed who were brought to alex. The hospital were displaced people and the majority of them were staying in relative psalms. Since Early Morning we have received casualties, most of them women, children, and elderly individuals. Busy you can hear the sounds of bombings near alexa, hospitably, even now. The real mass curves being committed against our people. Well verified video, hey, updates on noon, and then all the pots of gaza shows the town in ruins of to is very strikes. The israel had ordered civilians to evacuate to the south of the territory. The devastating is really stripes, reach Southern Gaza as well. The most polished indians from the north of fled to seek refuge. The thousands of displaced on our left searching for survivors in the rubble of the shelters after the deadly attacks. Also from the south of gauze and his grief stricken by listing upon many rust mode to see the body of his father. After receiving use of he was killed, his colleagues were trying to console them. Lets cross live now to human rights lawyer and Legal Adviser for the our Civil Society coalition for emergencies. So since i have, thanks very much for joining us this evening on oxy, im now given that to the girl, and con pain is expect to be lost by isabel in the coming days. Um, also, what do you think the chances of this conflicts will continue to escalate outside of its the current board as the evenings for so low . Unfortunately, the possibility that the war while expanding to other territories, and sorry these ro, um, probably, and the other are outside of israel. This is very, very a hi am i speaking to you from hire . Saw i work with a Senior Citizen uh inside of israel and hindball. And however you look a uh, a wider make sure. And you see the situation and the expansion and all this work would definitely be a little late if it happens. And the situation of the board sign on with the border, the one is in stable. We are viewing dogs. There are orders on the back to a change of tons of jewish shot in the, in the order of we know that there was already and carried a solution to the situation. A, i guess for the students in the spot even before saturday, october, the 7th. If youd say all its recorders south, east north, there is 360. 00, all this and all possibilities stuff. The, it was a saw know what makes sense to expand. We have no idea. But the fact that a is for us is also has to be also read things in syria based on what we have understood only today but through all the past few months. And this is increasing the expulsion. So it worked. Tasha teacher more is in there very much. Youre joining us from from a hi 1st saw sun. What is the feeling . The among the is read is definitive definitely behind the governments and its actions. Despite the dice you monitoring situation is currently unfolding in gaza. Uh well uh, i cannot speak on behalf of the Senior Citizen as well. Um, well, we are fueling is very much a different all the for, to answer the question, the black see very much about the going to trying to 1st of all of a, uh, a nissan nissan. Uh, a trustee who to blame. What happened. You can see what the is still is it shaw people are blaming of course. Uh it Political Leadership had the 1st of all the no, but you can see the division between the leadership. Im the military and either says, i forget the, the stewardess was not the good as well before october. So because this rate was all really divided by. 8 the trust was already a, has been degrees the towards the misery ad words and the result of the a legal constitutional cool solution that was happening. So i have to pay exactly and only the dish come on side of this really probably took over the didnt. Theres a lot of trust or the we saw it trust has already been, it happen they have to sign. The see is due to the funds due to the top from us it when we sort of october. So its a have been. 8 to of, to friends, if you dont, you know, off massive i rush, just put the code persecution that is persecuting. Im tracking every, are a person and usually for their expressions on social media, which is leading to rest based on the process. Its based on workspace and you brought this iris based off of the social and the young mears phone. Darcy was just curious, a spelling im suspension from universities of from uh, from, from word i mean 1st moved in general, worth of incitement. Calling for physical violence. I guess the arrows this the are oh cool hoarsely diary saw that this is not just among the is very probably between the stuff but also between the students who are the inside of the slope o r b is you basically of those who are related to the affiliated with the c, as in general im, the gossip is, is your use of the other. So freedom of expression. What else do you use is really on stay inside on this . Well its, its really we havent, we havent seen a function as such as the rest of it for excellence or the whole round. And indeed, and all the other places in the world are also seeing crowd come downs on pro palestinian protests. Human wise lawyer saw some is i have, im afraid we are going to have to leave it that we have enough time. But thanks very much feel take on the unprecedented situation between israel and gauze at the moment. Thank you. You really launches ground operation and gaza as soon as the conditions are rights and thats according to the idea a lot overnights. We increased our tax and as a result of this increase and our accurate intelligence, dozens of terrace and gas, the city and the area were killed. In addition, the Deputy Commander of the hamas Rocket Network was killed. We will embark on the next stage of the war and conditions that are the best for the army, and in accordance with the political echelons decision. But its released by the idea of shows. So just conducting military exercises, the is really mandatory, announced it will incentivize sites on homeless controlled areas of jobs in advance. This comes up to the pentagon confirmed its sending additional Defense Systems to the middle east. In response to attacks on us troops in the area. Theyve already deployed to act of carriers and 2000 marines to the beach. And the idea says its also killed a Deputy Commander of hamas who was in charge of the militant groups rockets aside and has eliminated quotes. Dozens of all that service is audited. Thats 450 by the stadiums linked to the organization that have been arrested so far. You like. Com on whos a Senior Research at the Reichman University in israel says thats how must place the Palestinian Civilians in danger when it lost those attacks. 2 weeks ago, clearly the company and we looked at the more the better shape or positions us the how much leaders are 40 to go in military. What they sold when they opened their dressers a dental, is that a good 1400 people in 24. I was mailing them as us, you know, doing the got be taking burning them one day. So that would be the result of their action. You know, the people you guys are the do not have show theres a toll because the only show those other meetings that i thought was offered from us. They hired to their 3 their leaders. What did you go to and military . So who is suffering . Because the people i know who we know and they know that sees those, those are my if 20122014201521222 the section. I dont know. So what id like to know, but they knew very well that there is, i suppose to, i talking to you. So then we have, besides the deputies, the best they do with the money they owe, they knew the workers knew those at the beginning again. So the question should be asked by the leader at least 260 bodies of reports, and theyve been recovered from the gruesome scene of a music festival. That was, it was attacked by homeless on october the 7th, and its installed in the venue near the gaza. Puerto catching posit, goes by surprise. We spoke with the home rate. Stevie whose the, whose brother attended the festival on this stillness. My brother uh he done and is um is went to the party at just the dance in dunn is uh 28th is um um, this is my ease the life of the family and uh, you know, you went to the part in just to dance. He called us last time at the store at 7 am. At the 7 am he called to use the girlfriend and the older. And the party is over because of and theyre all kids and theyre shooting. He was from the 1st through to go out and that took responsibility and he always does and took with him another guy and another girl. And the daycare about was all of his friends and uh, after that uh, he went when he go out from the, from the party. And he tried to go back through the nor school to tell of eve. And by the im us tell. Ready just wait and theyre on the. Ready roads they block their own with that wed police cars that they stole. And the started shooting them many done and turn over to to do it to the other side. And drove her on 4 kilometers. And they was under a dock at 4 full all over the during the road like 4 kilometers. Then after 4 kilometers come us terrorist also waited there and started shooting down. I saw the bullets signs and on their car after 4 kilometers the the roll off the road and heat, the 3 and all that all over. There is bullets. Well exam signs all over the car and black in the car. The 2 people, if you tried to save funded the, found the dead murdered by a how much terrorist and there is no sign to, to be done. And this is what we know about the story from october 7th. And then theres, this is 16 days that we did and heard from him across in syria. Civilian work has been killed and another wounded up to is rarely strikes heads, apples in both damascus on the left. Oh, thats according to syrian officials. Both sides have been bombed a number of times since the gallons of water up to the 4 nights ago is the kinds of comments on the incidents so. So media sources suggest the idea of could be targeting, if they need weapons shipments. Both efforts have been temporarily shut down after the latest strikes, locas in damascus, accused israel of stoking a wider regional conflict. So how did they say that the well, this is not the 1st time airports have been attacked, and it appears that israel is attempting to conceal its defeats and crimes against children and innocence in gaza. Whats more, it violates International Norms and agreements by striking civilian airports, enact that has internationally prohibited. It seems israels and estates of hysteria actively pursuing escalations and multiple conflicts to divert attention from its crimes in advance. The american scientists project in the region to this morning we woke to the sounds of explosions at Damascus International airport. The reason is crystal clear. Israels objective is to prevent syria from stabilizing. As such, attacks are orchestrated to hinder syria from asserting its position. This action, particularly during periods of stability, caters to western interest while israel seeks to sever serious ties with palestine. We 2nd the these rating and to be consistently diverse attention from the crimes in palestine but to petra, really foaming hospitals and civilian facilities. This says its concrete evidence that they continue to trust that hes in the region. Nonetheless, syria would return to its full myself as these really aggression will not to, to leadership and the resilient people of this nation. The separate developments, the idea says its carried out and attacked on a military installation across the board at 11. And according to these read his statement, the slide came in response to a real kit launched us, and hes very drone Prime Minister benjamin netanyahu, as one of the lebanese based hubble as belong minutes in group against entering the wall for the groups step to lead. As claimed that they are already in the heart of the bustle of these. Yes, and that can sense, is this report from lebanon, for the most part, during the day, southern lebanon is quiet. Its peaceful and many of the residents the suggest that its a slice of having. But in the late afternoon, the shelving the clashes and of the uncertainty is when it becomes a matter of great concern unless until the early e links. And thats typically one to show me starts over the course of the last couple of days. At least the intensity and frequency of the shelving has increased. But most of the range and the scope of the classes. Based on the idea of reports, they suggested that his beloved targets had been destroyed within southern lebanon. But the tactics in which is will i use it as a matter of great concern for many civilians in the region as well. They suggest that they use a gorilla or militia type of warfare tactic, and they essentially come into residential areas, carrier attacks and is this solid . Thats what was that resembles a hit and run and then is really targets specifically target those areas. But its a matter of whether his bullet targets are still there or whether they left, and thats just one of the matters that essentially are on the minds of the people in northern israel. The idea of has essentially evacuated another about 14 settlements, essentially designating the border with lebanon. A know goes on, a militarys own, ranging from anywhere from 4 to 9 kilometers deep. Its easy to say that the public reaction has been mixed. Theres a great deal of anger outcry, not just towards the idea, but towards the left forces within the region as well. They suggest that they dont that, that nothing has bullet forces. Dont have the best interest of the civilian population in mind or in heart. And this is a matter of concern for civilians that are looking to associate, evacuated southern lebanon, and move further. Ne site essential claims that nobody, whether the, heres the last slide or these really. So i take into accounts of the importance of civilian life. Weve, lets take a listen as to what some of the civilians within the region are saying is what it is time to act. And this is the last thing we can do. Praise be to god. Tell the last, the 2nd pencil and all houses and fields outlook this compared to human loss which was started by them. It is not surprising that the zionist enemy target civilians. We are a custom to the enemy targeting civilians and non civilians. Yesterday showing was a message of intimidation for the locals of this town. But we are used to such terrorist facts and we will never leave our land because we pay the hype price to liberate it. We will remain on our land. Yes, and the idea of ground operation seems to be a matter of when not, ethel, what do you know about the timing . Thats exactly the situation. And it seems like military personnel, or at least military authorities and political authorities have a split decision when it comes to how they want to conduct this operation. One of the is really military spokespersons essentially to see. And i suggested that that they are interested in, of course, defeating hum us. But more importantly, they said that they are not especially guaranteeing that all hostages will return safely. The main goal here is to defeat thomas, and this is a matter of concern for politicians and it is rarely as well. Of course, this is really civilly and suggested. Lots of the life of civilians are hostages should be prioritized above anything else. But this is where things become a bit complicated, just based on that statement, we can see us at least for one. And i can at least understand that the importance of this decision is going to be paramount. And whether this operation actually continues, it is shut, casting some shadows, and some doubts across in iraq. Us uh, base. And the unbox prevents, has reportedly come under drone and rockets. Its are now washington. And by god, im not confident the incident sofa, but to know the us base facility in by gods international apple. It is also come on. The fire we spoke to a rock based independent politician, saw the aisle what sleep be your says a washington should find a diplomatic, not military solution to the current conflict. It is a very large base. I know that said the eye of the lion and as very large as spreads over kilometer is and kilometers in and bought a province and its host, uh, thousands of uh, american troops. They have coals advisors and but also iraqi army. Now the, as, as we hear from media and some unofficial sources that, uh there were a number of strikes of the, of the base. And there was drones and cuts your share kits. We dont know if theres any casualties or the and direct hits as far as we understand from the media that the americans manage to neutralize the thrones. I think the americans are moving in the wrong direction. As usual. Israel is committing a number of atrocities killing children between i dont know, 2 years and 10 years old. The united, the International Community is completely ignoring and this catastrophe to the children. And i almost gave an approval, a green light approval for these reviews to continue their souls on the children of palestine and in particular in guys. So whatever the americans are doing is not helping. We need the motors because to put pressure on days, re lease to hold to the operations and to find a peaceful solution to this issue, the vi to nation and the security council. Resolutions are very clear in this matter about the americans. As usual, im giving a blind eye to israel and supporting israel directly and indirectly with that with that with media and with hardware equipment and resolves. See, thats how the world is looking this sunday evening in moscow for more than any of those stories do ahead of us. All websites. Ok, come on and speak to scotts only back in just over 30 minutes time. Thanks for watching the acceptance. And im here to plan with you whatever you do. Do not watch my new show search like why watch something thats so different opinions that he wont get anywhere else. Welcome to please, or do you have the state department to see i a weapons makers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. Choose your fax for you. Go ahead. Change and whatever you do. Dont want my show stay main street because im probably going to make you comfortable. My show is called stretching time, but again, you probably dont wanna watch it because it might just change the way in say, of the tippin even him dunbar who list for the film was to somebodys the really is are on the 5th one is the site ends up being adequately fell in the front of the status who most certainly stuff which is set to the recorded drugs such as good jen. Its going to to different. Anybody want to deal with someone, chris, cham, newborn, discuss our stuff on that sort. So the cut down pretty different is a good idea to meet with sharepoint, but thats what but, but she still started for you. What the school does, cuz thats the way its what i didnt do the able to is but our success, you much the am i shouldnt but it was, it said you forget you expected you. Why you and the way you left for me to grab this for you, what are stops great for them in the mail, or did you want them to put that off the spinning the way that this message is over with the force avenue in your birthday, whether that is a father that yes or no to the ernie is sure shortly. Little stuff. Boy you say what finch of the periods when we made was student the district of other stuff assess assessing. Yeah. I mean the for the other thing is i knew but not send and receive it. If somebody is gonna send you an e

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