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War and conditions that of the best for our army. As soon as conditions a favorable as well plans to lower to ground defensive in gaza, according to the is really Defense Forces and z is really palestinian conflicts bills. Are the food is with the idea report, at least i think add ports in syria and the military compounds in let the know the very will welcome this is all the international bringing you. The latest world news on the date is great to have you with us. Now the df as car 1000 as like on the on so most in the west Bank Standing refugee counts the building is before 6 feet down much with his inside would use to levels according to israel. The attack was carried out to quote, eliminates and underground. Tyra compounds 2 palestinians were killed as a result of the attack. A crowd of hundreds of moon is marched, carrying the bodies of the victims, wrapped in palestinian flags, a gauze of base before. So brings us this report, the military of 16 uh, belonging to the is there any forces . Mom did a loss of the most in, in the that you need and refuge account. Result of the in depth of one the civilian one posting and civilian. Who, whos, whose identity cannot be confirmed and theres other, the others. Theres only the resulting 3 others injuries. And of course, the air strikes across the gauze, us to the didnt stop everywhere. And because of the term that there isnt enough tax on houses on the, on the streets in the middle of the streets is really for, is this trying to car the roads and of course theres dark. Honestly, youre not to market. Were an exhibition in almost a rod indiscriminate the air strikes during the entire site along the street into all across some street. Those carpet booming, resulting in many deaths, including some friends of my brother. Our shop was also damaged and hopefully the financial loss can be compensated. The entire circle ox truth has been completely demolished, as well as the nearby neighborhoods. And of course, we have about the humanitarian situation here. And you cause us to, in general, engineer with an inside the hospitals inside, inside the, you know, a schools transfer and to shoulders and they still have, theyre having a big problems like these tales, suffering from electricity. They couldnt find the water and the whole soul couldnt find food if you dont want to talk about how it becomes. Now theres danger is a risk of death. Newborns new point babies and kidney dialysis people who are suffering from these diseases. And also if you want to talk about the diseases inside the hospital, we have started to few, the separate separate from the diseases between the displaced people. This is actually the danger because so at least starting to feel for these diseases between the displaced people inside the hospital due to the high number. Huge number of displaced people laying down everywhere. And theres a lot of danger as well because theres a lot of people these, theres a lot of casualties and they still under the russell and they still there few days right now. So we start the Medical Center here. One did not, of the diseases across the goes with between people on diseases would be separate of 2 weeks of continuous bowman. By his way, the forces of a 46000 people have been killed in dallas. Uh, more than 14000. 00 just being wounded according to the local health ministry. Hospitals of fighting to keep up with the influx of new patients. The situation is exacerbated by a lot of medical supplies. The. C the many palestinians have sold shelter in a dia, out of the law, following is really warnings to evacuate to Southern Guns that the area has also been bones that needs to be thousands of those stable reports of the women and children in the United Nations is quoting for an end to the night, man, his footage from a local reporter with 2 children wounded in one of the spikes on gauze. Surveys by the bombing, the under warning, some disturbing images coming from gaza. Distressing new trends takes this taking place with children having the names written on the legs. So in the case of a deadly attack, tommys kind dentist, 5, i loved ones for practice, comes to balance is west, you work isnt hospitals struggle to identify the remains of those to all the comments. But also what i would do, the following is really strong for at least 12 members of one family were killed. I have a nice bodies wraps in white cloth, lie outside the local hospital, distressed individuals point out for the loved ones. According to an accent, hospice unofficial is really slow to bring the Palestinian People told them it was most of the wounded and killed who were brought to alex. The hospital were displaced people and the majority of them were staying and relative songers. Since Early Morning we have received casualties. Most of them women children are elderly and visual. Instead of all, you can hear the sounds upon is near alexa hospital even now. The real mass car is being committed against our people. And verified video, hey, of a, its a noun and an old and positive gossen. Whats left shows the town in ruins off the is ray, the strikes, buildings are completely destroyed earlier as well. Had all the civilians to evacuate to the south of going so the devastating is wally as wipes which Southern Guns are as well when most palestinians from the north of fled to seek refuge. The thousands of displaced the now left searching for survivors and the residents and new shouts, as also the deadly attack. These hot breaking scenes are from the south of gaza to this greek stricken palestinian is a power of magic who rushed to a move to see the body of his father. Of course you can do this code and then is ready strike in the south. His colleagues were trying to comfort him up on the know that much done on eco piece is me the least direction in ramallah saves the resilience of gauze. And this gives hope to old palestinians despite the gun in a situation on the ground. And it became unfortunately possible that a 1400000 people are actually displays, but theyre displaced inside garza and now they are a de, most and best place on the world has become even walk and bins. And the ability to provide services and basic needs to those incentive to face people has become a huge burden also on denise agencies on ground limits and supplies that the enter does. The are not specifically what the hospitals need. The hospitals need um, a lot of calls and subjects because at the moment theyre afraid eating without anastasia. Uh and a 40 bucks, unfortunately. Uh for the hospital. Uh, so these uh, items have not really been uh and sorry. What really needs to answer does. Uh is today is, uh, she was indeed though uh that is that required to pretty, uh, uh and i am alters and gen ed, electricity gym at 8. Theres a for the bite the facilities and goes listed as specifically hospitals as well as water and sanitation facilities. In lights of the complete black out or as since the 11th of october, there are several people from gals that we have been in the hearing on social media and everywhere they. And they didnt give us hope because theyre based that as long as theres stones and guys though, we wouldnt be built as long as those women and go so and we, we keep making babies. So we, we just count on the certified will. Um, the survivor mechanisms and the, the hopes that on and this things that actually people from guns that are giving by putting the image to be ongoing, is ready for the city and conflicts. Another front in the shape of the form of information will say, maybe emoji familiar on that. So we can flush lots of social media and digital bites the experts at our so many thanks for joining us on. The program is very good to see this evening. So were on the stats on sunday at the to with the law, just social media platforms, facebook and twitter of sense during or restricting millions of pro palestinian posts on the accounts. What do you think is driving such an approach . Actually yeah, the social media platforms are double standards and voices and the wave for king. Yeah. Once a joking about to see me at the is that the, the conflict everyone can use these platforms. Its really all those or but when douglas team ends on the profile of us to unions, one to describe the situation here and bunch time it gives us the or subtract the platform as policies and told us there are some things sometimes they told us and there was a hit speech, sometimes they told us that there was a tourism and speeches use and unfortunately we didnt to anymore trust about the these platforms, the transparency because they didnt say anything to replace all the policies and all it was they they yeah. But least on their websites. Well, whats interesting deanda is that according to representatives of the social Media Companies as censorship was due to a technical error in the Artificial Intelligence software is that he was including you going to buy that. And actually that sham on the social media platforms that presented to that. So it was nice because one of them at the ceo of meta mart. Okay. Hes as a say and clearly, and our position now we are stand with is are in and there we will make all of our efforts to eh, a sense or the content by by yeah, hosting or the broad let his teammates and they, they all the most of the mention matters between stations and invest tower we are as users. And by this time for around the world, how we can tell the story without using this crappy levers like mass like set the like the look a. So how we can the, to the story without these, these discovery learners and from the dover, simply the, now there is a 1000, lets come to the take it down from the network, the bus to the other side. Uh so you may not have to do called best b as to the, to the lower the on your team if they want. Can you give any examples that is there anybody you know, who is being banned from using social media or had the that, that post deleted because of the content . You know, a lot of the examples eh, theres use network to the biggest one. And by this time social media, quote, the quotes and use network. Uh, and then they have model that it to really all sort of works uh with the war with, with the start the war and facebook taken to down. And, and the reason they told us when we need to test both team and they told us because they publishing the speeches off for theyre coming from ashley those or cosign leaves. And it kind of leaves how, how to, where the media agency or Media Outlets at work resolved to use a publishing these speeches or be say, most also on the other hand, the iris to a famous eh, but to see me in the senior cold uh on the apple app, because uh, shes uh, active on social media and the iris to be for 2 or 3 days. And i love those better statements now. Prison because they uh, because they are using social media there. But pollution going to talk about the situation has been fun stuff. Well, many thanks for speaking to us in highlighting the the situation for us really appreciate that social media and digital vice experts at ira say, thank you so much i as well, the idea of say, is that as soon as conditions allow it will embark on the looming ground operation in gaza, la a bond with the overnight, we increased our tax. And as a result of this increase on our accurate intelligence, those of terrorist and guys, the city and the surrounding area were killed. Well embark on the next stage of the war and conditions that of the best for our armies. And in accordance with the political echelons decisions. So it is released by the ideas shown. So just conducting military exercises and preparation to the plan, the Ground Invasion is waiting, military announced it will intensifies points on her mouse controlled areas of goal. And so in advance is consist, depends the goal and confirm that sending additional Defense Systems to the middle east. And were suppose to attacks on us troops in the area. Theyve already deployed to cross carriers in 2000 marines to the region in recent weeks. The idea of say that has killed a deputy come on the altima last. It was in charge of the militant groups, rocket array, and as illuminated quoted dozens of other terrorists. It operates but 450. 00 palace to be ins. Links to the organizations have been arrested in the last 2 weeks. A live. Com and a cd research. As rights when you invest in as well. So its a nice place Palestinian Civilians in danger. Would it launch the attack 2 weeks ago . Clearly the estimate that the company and we looked at the more the better shape or positions us the how much leaders are 40 degree in military. What they sold when they opened aggressive, Douglas Dedrick carrying good ones. Those are the people in 24 hours, making them assess, you know, doing the, got the day doing branding them one of the salt. But that would be the result of their action. You know, the people you guys are the do not show this at all because the ownership goes underneath the colors of the thomas. They hired to their rich this or did you go to a military . So who is suffering because the people i know i really know and they know the seasons of my 20122014201521222. The section. I dont know. So what id like to know, but they knew very well that there is, i suppose to, i thought it easily. We research and the deputies the best and the, the money they owe, they knew the weathers new dollars or the beginning again. So the question should be asked by the, how much leader the bodies of over a 1000 victims, off enough attacks following the initial assaults has been identified. And israel, 760 not as civilians. 307 under this hurry personnel, according to his weighted Police Number 270 and bodies on identified a love i love the residence of because thats my cell. So my time spot, her moms sort of the type of the 7th tells us how they were pose the medicines that deck like all around there. Yeah. Started with a barge of rocket spending announcement sirens, something we are not really not used to. And we just jumped from our badge with children to different texted rooms. It was a very our badge, but the present something we havent seen before about 40 minutes after. Thats why we have this thing in the protected areas. We started hearing the sounds of shooting and the messages game, you know, telephones and also in our applications. But telling us that there are probably a terrorists trying to have some trades that keyboards and i remember the security desk rod. So i geared up with my web run in my best, and i drawing the other 10 members of this room with me. And we were a position in our positions preparing to face the terrorists. And the as expect that they came. And i force over about 35. 00 game and i think were going to be start on the thank me 1000 and machine guns and from 3. 00 and they keep boats. And we actually been facing dammon repelling them, getting some of them for almost 4 hours before we got any assistance from the bus or the why our children and women and are staying in their mouths and hoping for the best reports coming in. But the idea struck to add ports in the syrian cities of alaska on damascus. Local Authorities Say one worker has been killed with another wounded. In addition, the idea claims to have current balance and the talk on the military installation of the board with lebanon. According to the statements, the facility was struck off of a rock. It was launched from the site that was aimed ask ms railey u a v of has the law. And this way the force is increasingly exchange via prior consistence of a boat of conflicts appeared to be valid on the correspondence. Johnston can, has more detail for the most part during the day, southern lebanon is quiet, its peaceful and many of the residents to suggest that its a slice of having. But in the late afternoon, the shelling the clashes and of the uncertainty is when it becomes a matter of great concern unless until the early evening. And thats typically one to show me starts over the course of the last couple of days, at least the intensity and the frequency of the shelving has increased. But most of the range and the scope of the clash is based on the idea of reports. They suggested that his beloved targets have been destroyed within southern lebanon, but the tactic and which is will i use it as a matter of great concern for many civilians in the region as well. They suggest that they use a gorilla or militia type of warfare tactic, and they essentially come into residential areas, carrier attacks, and its the solid. Thats what was that resembles a hit and run and then is really targets specifically target those areas. But its a matter of whether his bullet targets are still there or whether they are left. And thats just one of the matters that essentially are on the minds of the people in northern israel. The idea of has essentially evacuated another about 14 settlements, essentially designating the border with lebanon. A know goes on, a militarys own, ranging from anywhere from 4 to 9 kilometers deep. Its easy to say that the public reaction has been mixed. It is a great deal of anger outcry, not just towards the idea, but towards the forces within the region as well. They suggest that they dont the forces dont have the best interest of the civilian population in mind or in hearts. And this is a matter of concern for civilians that are looking to associate, evacuate southern lebanon, and move further. Ne site essential claims that nobody, whether the, heres the last slide or these really slide take into accounts of the importance of civilian life. Weve. Lets take a listen as to what some of the civilians within the region are saying that is what they just time to act. And this is the last thing we can do. Praise be to god told the last the 2nd pencil and all how is this and feels a wordless compared to human loss which was started out by them. It is not surprising that the zionist enemy target civilians, we are a custom to the enemy targeting civilians and non civilians. Yesterday showing was a message of intimidation for the locals of this town. But we are used to such terrorist facts and we will never leave our land because we paid a high price to liberate it. We will remain on our land. Yes. And the idea of ground operation seems to be a matter of when not, ethel, what do you know about the timing . Thats exactly the situation. And it seems like military personnel, or at least military authorities and political authorities have a split decision when it comes to how they want to conduct this operation. One of the is really military spokespersons essentially to see. And i suggested that that they are interested in, of course, the feeding hum us, but more importantly, they said that they are not especially guaranteeing that all hostages will return safely. The main goal here is to defeat thomas, and this is a matter of concern for politicians and it is rarely as well. Of course, this is really civil. You can suggest that the life of civilians are hostages, should be prioritized above anything else. But this is where things become a bit complicated, just based on that statement, we can see us at least for one. And i can at least understand that the importance of this decision is going to be paramount. And whether this operation actually continues. It is casting some shadows and some doubts as a base in the rocky on the province. Hosting us troops has reportedly come on the drone on to locate attack washington and the rock have no consistency incidents so far. I know the facility housing us forces it back on since the National Effort also came on the file. We wont take for the us responses. American offices in syria and off the coast of the oven seems to be of the science of those who oppose that presence. We spoke to a rock based, independent politician, said ill move to lee be who stays washington as mistakenly following a military approach to be as wally conflict, instead of finding a diplomatic solution, a very large base. I know that said the eye of the lion and its very large. It spreads over kilometers and kilometers and, and bought a province and its host, uh, thousands of american troops. They have coles advisors, but also iraqi army. Now the, as, as we hear from media and some unofficial sources, that there were a number of strikes of the, of the base as always rolls and come to your share of kids. We dont know if theres any casualties or the and direct hits as far as we understand from the media that the americans manage to neutralize the, the drones. I think of the americans are moving in the wrong direction. As usual. Israel is committing a number of atrocities killing children between i dont know, 2 years and 10 years old. The united, the International Community is completely ignoring this catastrophe to the children. And i almost gave an approval, a green light approval for these reviews to continue their souls on the children of palestine and in particular and guys. So whatever the americans are doing is not helping we need the motors because to put pressure on days, right. And is to hold to the operations and the to find a peaceful solution to this issue. The vi did nation and the Security Council resolutions are very clear in this matter about the americans as usual, giving a blind eye to israel and supporting israel directly and indirectly with that, with that with media and with hardware equipment time resolves for a while, there are no signs of beings ready posted in conflict. De escalate and people are close to what would have taken to the streets over the weekend to bullies. The support for the palestinians. Protests have a rep to the muslim Countries Worldwide to show solidarity with gaza. Syrian demonstrates has been and is ready flags, and she wanted pro palestinian slogans. Wells thousands into dizzy, around outside the French Embassy and rockies gathered in the hundreds to them on the 8 supplies to be delivered to palestinians and took yes. The same ones like protests with hot breaking images of toys, left that police barricades, and then from the children who are seen kills. Heres what people have to say in different parts of the muslim world of love. We are here to support gods and palestine. We all of these and people are always with palestine. We came here today with choice representing the buddies of the children who were killed in palestine. There should be playing and should never have even been aware of the war today. We will leave them here on their be off because israel as a murderous state. What is taking place in palestine is something systematic and in humane and wisdom, countries arent doing anything to help the posting in people, except for expressing condemnation. As gauzy is being treated, es real aims to displace the boasting and people and create another, not the bar, but were steadfast in our land. You were paying country symbols are responded with raleighs in vienna on massive demonstrations in boston. Lona according to police also support is also taken to the streets of milan, taunting and holding banners, reading usa guess out from the middle east on free palestine to own. So i just want us to be in community and support as much through downtown streets to the us can see that i made a heavy Police Presence to protest is ready as strikes on johnson. And in the us where huge crowds of protest as pots us reese and brooklyn, new york to mountain solid, directly wisconsin, Holding Signs that read with this, it says, no terrorism unfolding for a seas fuss. Holding a 1000 people were reportedly arrested by police in the nations capital. Thousands of palestinians support is gathered near the washington monument, holding for an end to genocide and the liberation of palestine as well. Some of the protesters have to say, im here to really process whats happening right now and those children, you know, we need to hear here today to protest the occupation side thats been going on for about 70 years. We are just sick and tired of the cleansing, thats going on the occupation the the terror that the policy people have lives through for decades and decades. Impulsivity. And they asked for us, so my grand parents were forced to leave their villages from palestine and it says, receiving that this is still going on. We are not free as opposed to me and people are not freeze. This thing about 2 weeks of its been since 1940

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