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Yeah, the, the Geographic Reach one belt, one roads searches across erasure, all the way to life in america. Over 150. 00 countries, Insights International organizations have signed documents on the full pricing within 1. 00 belt one road. The one belt one Road Initiative is based on principles of neutral mutual discussions. Mutual use. It has given us any divisions across the civilizations or lines of development. And it opens a whole new chapter and into our govern mental Co Corporation communications. And that allows to unite the efforts of mankind for the sake of Common Development. See that comic ties as a factor of threats will not help improve life and will not help bring to quick economic growth. There is no place for block based confrontations or political games. There is no place for one sided sanctions, economic black mailing and a sense of southern invitation. So basically, the china is idea how fun built one road logically fits into the multiple actual efforts to create a better structure of cooperation within the entire worlds community. We have so many times that russia and china, like most of the state of the world, share this aspiration for an equal and mutually beneficial cooperation in the re changing. Yeah. Sustainable, long Term Economic progress and social well being. The one built on Road Initiative and all propositions, and ideas of other states, including those presence and today as todays forum. So help us find through truly Efficient Solutions we should be able to truly important. Originally, you got International Challenges just recently while we all spoiled because we have no one but 2 correspondence in the chinese capital. Joining us now more accounts payable, nicky, ara right 1st to you know, the Key Takeaways from president putin speech is the start time. Of course, at the belt and roads for a as well as we uh, as we speak present. Vladimir putin is meeting with cj him ping along with the ministers in tile behind closed doors, down the car to somewhere in the building. Where in this is the 42nd need to uh, the, the uh, the truck, easily the should you been said as he opened in the, in his Opening Statement. This is the 42nd meeting and during the many years, but theyve known each other. They have developed, he said, a friendship. This is a sentiment that was echoed by a bladder mae approved from the discussions behind close. Those will of course, be held private before we know from the Opening Statement statements. During the forum itself, china is bells and roads initiative, a huge mega project for the biggest. In decades, 40 lines with rushes, developing vision said lied to me, a poor. And this is an enormous undertaking, absolutely huge, that money is going into, into a new rail, a Railway Lines that stretch called to the new deaf, those new ports, new shipping routes, either into the numerous undertaking. And thatd be approved in the sense that rushes on a trade space, that is the range if you could on the queue, you can be alive with an integrated with sales or balance of Road Initiative. Here. Shes got a single list today. Where am i an initiative of adults on such on the mental principles aligns very well with our, with the initiative to form great your asian space as a space for corporation and interaction. Of like mind its members, these federal combined then you different integration, dont get it. So the process is like one built on roads, sean type operation, organization, or say on the organization and the duration Economic Union justice. February 11th, looking forward for the road, matthews, and that provides for establishing corporation that says between russia and china on its transport and communication groups. J integration agenda. And his protest meeting is an integral part of the National Strategy for the development of rushing and strengthening of our economic would you mind taking a logical and Financial Software . And so thats what is essentially happening is again, youre the gratian of this enormous multi confident sized space. Economic space has back to me as quickly puts us the freedom of free trade, Free Movement of capitalism, investment Free Movement of labor in these huge economic space, which will guarantee success and prosperity for many, many countries in asia. Alova, you ration. And this is why there are so many nations represented here, 140 countries, more than a 140 countries have confirmed that participation. One of the items that need is being here or, or delegations, participating in the bells and rude initiative for him. Here in beijing, absolutely. A massive undertaking on a huge ton out as well. Nickie are and whos that to you out before in beijing will be a lie, a witness to all of that. I can imagine is quite a pause that im especially off the president. Shes speech because it was long, it was comprehensive and they had quite a few interesting points. One the size of the year. Yes. You know, the developing very with the initiative the message has been consistent. Why from the very start 10 years ago. Its about improving infrastructure to tibbets and equipment achieving a Common Development and during his keno space this morning. President seating thing really on the schools, the value of that message, especially now during these unstable and then sometimes another was the more pressing needful countries to come together. To talk to cooperate, he said the china opposes local politics. It opposes unilateral sanctions. What he stands for with the 1000 bRoad Initiative included is development is respect is suppose. He said, when you give roses to others, the sense link is he gave an example how during the cube, a ton demik, a china donated to over 10000000 face, most 2 countries that needed them. And instead of taking all the credit himself, he said that 70 countries also supported china. So it gives you an idea of the, the win win dynamic. This is the heart of the seats and paintings, the idea with the belts and bRoad Initiative. And its clearly a message that many countries want to the also believe im going to be a pause while they have a 140. 00 countries. Ive traveled debating to be a part of the belt and vote for him and being called a stall guest. Of course is watches, logic may appear to an end. If we look at the stage from yesterdays welcoming banquets, you know, the, it says itll designate youve got present staging, pain, get the friends and Vladimir Putin right by him side with the other countries. It being a large body that never was the more powerful visual image of this, the emerging new world older. And of course not them, it boots and isnt very fond of. The staging thing is made no secrets of thoughts. Hes, i quote him a true well lead. He said, be belton wrote initiative is a correct top level design. As you recognize that the biggest strengths of the bells from go to distributed stuff, it improves on all of those. You know, it doesnt interfere and other countries, the thoughts from about over the past decade has to score and leaps and bounds in terms of developments, you know, is taking the Infrastructure Projects from vision to reality, across the developing world, creating railways, creating highways, hospitals, bridges, and in doing so, increasing 420000 jobs, lifting of a 14000000 people out of poverty and staging things. Speaking this morning. So the next 5 years, china is foreign. Trade in goods and services would exceed 32. 00 trillion dollars in 520. 00 and respectively. And we actually addressed some of the courts, the assistance of course, theres always criticisms when theyre such as a major project like this is trying, is when accused of trying to exist as influence on countries of trying to create a debt trap pool countries. And also so this thing concerns about the environmental impacts of some of those projects. So when present aging pain, gallia laid out as a point plan addressing some of those concerns and just pay things the way forward. 40000. 00 boat initiative less, i can listen to bodies that only goes on the side. You will hold the international cooperation, jeremy in chicago and right away. So between yeah, china and other countries together with our partners to work on new logistic corporate doors on the european continent relying on direct soil away and highway transport. So were ready to actively contributes to Green Transport c transport as pockets and economic support of one built on road projects. The banks of development of china next and bunfield. China will free credit lines through 150000000000 run and b and the so Way Foundation will be increased by 80000000000 threatening the contract cl conference within this one bill fund road for them that were assigned a grievance for a total of some of the 9. 00 to 7000000000. 00 as dollars, the sounds and the chinese go into work on thousands more small. The project goes to. Yeah. And so the wellbeing of people who used to meet at the sales from Voters Initiative is where the, the and 14 months of this traditional chinese custom which in china we call the one sheet which means relationships. Its like the squash of my back by scratch. What was creating a win win on the phone . Some word initiative. Its a found creating these kinds of a win win relationships that create a move. So i move just the world of common prosperity, states and things that himself trying to can only do well when the rest of the world is also doing well. I think thats definitely something that were going to hear again when we expect a full sized to latest, to come out in a press conference off to those tools. Finish. Nick, youre going so much for bringing us on a thought. Im so will speak to later on in the meantime, like nikki was talked about, that criticism was western politicians have taken a somewhat hostile its on chinas massive global initiative. I decided to have a look at how the west has dealt with and try to rival chinas vision from multi poto wild or says what a politician says. And thats what a politician means. Our commitment to a Stronger Partnership with africa is not about trying to out. Do anyone else . Weve all heard that narrative, the south africa, and the continental as a whole, or the last Playing Field and the competition between great powers. That is fundamentally not how we see it. No, not sort of cool smart. Its just coincidence that the bank couldnt co have moving through that shoes running around the world, trying to woo nations away from patients. Belton road, with watts, while back in 2018. The us a straight on japan, new interesting new pond to rebuild the in the pacific. Have you heard of the blue dolton that walk in a ship . No on thats the point. Then that was the g stipends baby bill back. Thats a wild which was just job items 2020 campaign. So im going to build back better with well, i dont, they didnt budget for marketing clarity. They were also quite stingy with the actual financing to now just for comparison over 4 years, china just one nation, touched 800000000000. So the project hasnt really taken off, but not for the reasons you think some expense regret that to build back bunch of world slogan these notes, catch enough to secure a successful branding for the initiative. Some experts have the full of with Cautionary Tales about the High Expectations linked to the built back back to World Initiative fills thats, thats well, those are described itself as inside use, dripping. All you need to mark receive, need, apply, which i think we can all agree is very commercially sustainable. But you also try to branch out on its own and 2021. I should have talked to the stage announcing the global gateway. It will say values driven and democratic of tools to use or have any freedom loving highways and hospitals being built. Uh no bought us enough. Thats fine. You go around to a pointing the project Business Advisory board so. Well, thats something brussels have promised 300000000000, but no ones had of wasteful to it yet. And then it turned out that those funds had already been m ox. The project also had done was taken that same money and repackaged it under a new name, selling it as historic can innovative. There is no new money. This is the communications exercise. Its a strategy to put together what was already going to happen and presented as something new. And if our partners are tricked by these, then more full them. So another flaw to what to do when its helped us, if you can come up with a viable alternative, you need to bring down the competition. We dont together latree billions of dollars in the g 7 nations to provide for alternatives to china is what they called bills and bRoad Initiative, which is basically a debt in news agreement that they have with the r c has been criticized for loading poor countries up with debt refusing to renegotiate terms, and then taking control of the infrastructure itself. This is little more than a form of modern day colonialism. Take, for example, russia. The price to pay for oil and gas is lots of silver energy. And the loss of independence. They dont want packers, they want vessels. And its not just the kremlin tens of countries on the brink of default. Because they cannot pay that dept with china. The midst of a predatory china weighing down poor nations with death until that box break has spread far and wide, but it is a mess. The bunks now even by people within the us, just 12 percent of africas external debt is owed to beijing. So to fully present to west and none does who is 3 times as much. Plus the west charges double the interest, western leaders, blaine, china for debt, crises in africa. But this is a distraction. The truth is their own banks, Asset Managers and oil traders are far more responsible. But the g 7 are letting them off the hook. The b r i has brought infrastructure investment, an opportunity to move in a 150 countries. The g 7 and a you have bought empty was empty pockets and political pump to the podium. Thats focused as being im competing with china and limiting its influence. Not on building something great. Just as it has for hundreds of years. The west has set out to use people as pools and its 2 political games and for its own exclusive in richmond, its a formula that was for centuries. But the world has changed on people. And so tolerance of being taken advantage of, especially when you woke up a day late and a dollar schultz joining me now. Alex reports 5 milligram political on unless i was just picking up on what we were talking about in that package that i mean the desktop miss should encore is always pulled out as a prime example because they the style that port honda and toyota of the 99, yes, and what i installed was a commercial transaction any way back in 2017 for longer or more to japan and the world trying to send it to, to china. So this debt trap, what does it like a mean based on anxiety about chinas rise . Once again, im going to use this word, jealousy. This is United States trying to project its failures on the rest of the world. Now we have to look at the infrastructure thats been set up with these countries. It is state by state, country, by country and the level. Now china is taking the long term approach here over the last decade. They have managed to even get an amazing Railroad Going all the way from, you know, south west china, to germany. And its important that we understand that, you know, society is changing, technology is changing and so is innovation. Changing new Energy Vehicles is a big mandate here in china, getting these cars, these Battery Power cars to the market. You cant just stick them on airplanes. You need the logistics to do that, and thats exactly what china is prepared. Prepared to do. Well, we had also got a sound bite from us, from the land. Thats what were going to cool. I know from the crazy of some do not me. Of course, im just saying, but im she, as a, youre a pin official talking about how russia and china only want things from the global south. Its a bit ironic, given how youre a pin roots. I mean, these european people, they come with initiatives to the global south and they say, i know we didnt build anything for hundreds of years. We stone, well resources. But this time trust me, ill do something good for you. I mean, do they take the global Sales Performance . Sure they do. And this is what bullies do. You know, they go in there, the banter they push back these countries and its the, the serious blaine game. It continues to go on and on. Its a script thats used in a lot of nations that have. 4 partaken in this successful belton Road Initiative as trying to continues to move forward. As many countries have come into being here today. Theyre excited about it. And unfortunately, on the backdrop. Well, ursula has to watch this on television because most of her countries really seriously havent uh, taking the approach that they should do. 4 to respond off, so i dont think she can watch us on this at night. She tons on vpn. Unfortunately, watches a to a im, im just speaking about the media and, and what youre not a, again, i know you and i talked about how we were looking up the media respondents. A symbolic supports in and not admit his punishment from the garden of eden. I guess the canyon president came and yes, china built him the 1st high speed right away, but the 2nd one, bobs not quite finished yet. So thats not very successful. Successful. And yes, open to tunnel, but well know hes a tyrant anyway. I mean, the west and me too is put train this be all right, as friends, as basically a bunch of lose is hope this walks up in beijing totally. Your respect, uh, you know, disrespectful for these uh, media outlets. Did you that youre going to see more of this . It is the scare tactic to try to stabilize whats going on here with china. And its a 150. 00 plus nations. Theres going to be more after this event. I can guarantee you that. But you know, for china to move forward, it is also taking responsibility with its media. If you havent heard much of the Chinese Media now, youre going to over the next decade because attention, china needs to push back. I really feel this, you know, they have to defend themselves on the international market. And i think at the time is now they feel confident. And with all these countries behind it, i think were in for a Bright Future. I mean, talking about a Bright Future in, in europe, not so bright because the entity from russia has been called to us. Thats a bit talk that the moment, i mean, i think, to open visiting a president putin on tuesday evening. One of the things that they talked about was energy and they said without russia, we cant really do anything of a single bond respects the fact that his people want to be employed to be able to keep that who it was and cook food and use gas on all the lead to is going to wake up or is it just too late . All theyre going to be different markets for russia to sell its energy on . Well, thats the thing, and that is the difficult question here. Not everyone has stopped to think, you know, all these pipelines that were built many, many decades ago. This infrastructure thats been also in that way. That helps. Uh, you know, bring nations together. Uh, once you have a uh, you know, a viable option to do that in well, in germany, thats no longer the case. So not while that is something that were going to be coming back to him. Sure. Uh for the coming hours, seeing what all these nations are going to benefit from cooperation with russia and china. In the meantime, that was alex reports. By joining me here on the great will of china. Im not. Is it for this for just for this . Ill do not worry, we will be back of course of the very latest with lots of ex parte opinions. So join us a bit later on. Well bring you up to speed worry over to you. All right, talk to you. Thanks very much. Lets get to our top story here on how to international appreciate you joining us by the way. Of course top story will be the israel palestine conflict. The casualties are mounting almost by the hour. United arab emirates has heavily criticized. They is ready as stripe on his enormous hospital and gaza. Jordan has cancelled a somebody that was scheduled to be hosting an online with the us to gyptian on Palestinian Leaders as far administer saying there is no need for it because quote, washington will not be able to make a decision to stop the war. Meanwhile, us presently drove by and has called the top called the hospital, the killed the police to 800 people, a mia explosion. Im outraged and deeply saddened by the explosion at the all actually eric hospital and gaza and the terrible loss of life that resulted the United States stands unequivocally for the protection of civilian life. During conflict. However, following the result of a hospital being hit, our washington has called on his rail to quote, respect the rules of will. I feel confident in our conversations with these realize that and we will continue to or to reiterate, that the law of war must be upheld is not the 1st time that the United States has criticized israel. Ready or at the atrocities such as this, it was a much more Immediate Response from us officials and typically is given in response to is really activities like this. Now, its also important to note the response from a mouse that not only called out israel for the perpetration of the destruction of this hospital in the death of many civilians. But also included a condemnation of the United States. The United States is responsible for the attack on guys, a hospital that killed hundreds of palestinians. The hospital massacre confirms the enemys brutality and the extent of his feeling of defeat. Prime minister canada made a point of expressing his outrage about the events um and speaking with frustration and disappointment at the results of this incidents, the news coming out of an absolutely unacceptable international humanitarian. International law needs to be respected in this and in all of his rules around was small except the trip by President Joe Biden was to include dialogue with low. Ready leaders, but we heard almost immediately after the attack that the Palestinian Leader Mahmoud Abbas would not be attending on. Now we understand the leader of jordan has also pulled out a jo bidens meeting and as widespread condemnation of israel for this attack. Tours out. It appears that the purpose of jo bidens trip may be in question have been members of the us congress that have criticized him as well. Now, its important to note that the Un High Council on human rights. Uh theres folks 1st and i did speak up and, and criticizes really activities as well. This is some of what weve heard, where can send that disorder. Complaint combined with the in position of a complete siege on gaza may not be considered as law for temporary evacuation and would therefore amount to a forcible transfer of civilians in breach of international law. Now it appears that job items trip is going to be quite marred by this incident, and its important to note that previous to joe biden should arrive in the next few hours. There was a trip to the region by anthony blanket, the us secretary of state. He did meet with housed any and leaders and others, but now that joe biden is arriving, its not clear what the results of this trip will be. It almost appears as if it will kind of be a moment where the United States might be looking good to a lot of people around the world. Because a country that has a huge recipients of us military and Financial Aid appears to have perpetrated quite a horrendous attack against civilians. Now, already military ad list are assigned to the bombing on the gauze, all hostile, but it was most likely either an american jadem ball. Morgan m k. 80 for a mock. 84 also say that a typical hamas pipe rock it kind of even level a normal building, those details on line that we are back in about 3 minutes. The hi, im executive and im here to plan with you whatever you do. Do not watch my new show. Seriously. Why watch something thats so different. Little opinions that he wont get anywhere else. Welcome to please or do you have the state department to see i a weapons bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. Choose your fax for you. Go ahead. I changed and whatever you do, dont want my show stay main street because im probably going to make you comfortable. My show is called stretching time. But again, its not. We dont want to watch it because it might just change the way inside the the the the the 1937 militaristic, japan started a full scale invasion of china. The invading army was rapidly advancing towards the capital of the republic of china. The dies, the city of not seeing, leaving behind the burned down villages and thousands of the dead. On december 13th, the japanese occupied 19 and states the real massacre. For 6 weeks, the invaders exterminated the civilian population. They carried out mass executions, rates, women, and were engaged, been merciless robbery. Ruthless competition of 2 officers of the imperial army. So c i t my guide and to yoshi, no to gain particular notoriety. They competed with each other as to who would be the fastest to gail. 100 chinese with us or this month for his competition was widely rewarded in the Japanese Press to the non being massacre clay for the lives of about 300000 people and became one of the largest crimes against humanity in the world. History after world war 2, many foreigners advance of the atrocity phase trial. However, the commander of the Japanese Army in the non seeing operation freezes, yasu lee to a socket, was able to escape the responsibility due to the interference of the American Administration the the disturbing images. And ill see you tonight. Nolan alleged is rarely stripes devastates a hospital in dogs are reportedly categories, 800 civilians, and a warning the following images of distress. The lovely and among the dead underwood did. Children, women be elderly pulse survive as if they attack thats taken throughout the nearby hospital. The outrage erupting across the most of them world over the deadly hospital attacks with pro

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