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I didnt need any more incursions in that one. Lucy bush and she didnt know she was pregnant. So she accepted the plea agreement and went away for, for the rest of, of her sentence. And while she was in prison, savannah was born lucy, i visit your hours from 8. 00 to 330. 00. So will she can prostate. So late. So the 1st day that that happens, the guard says that frustrating is not allowed. They got to work on them. They filed lawsuit and a judge that side in their, in lexington said itll be a sad day in america or a woman after. So in order to for the right press for your child in 1999, president bill clinton offers clemency to say guy and 11. Other point though, he comes with a condition that they renounced terrorism. The after serving 19 years once they got rise, release from prison in 2004, the, i agree with that on the, so were going to set the cartridge theres the supreme quality for the revolution. Encourages is fueled by the desire to serve or of loss and its, its an entirely different different thing. And thats the well, the, you know, i, i want to draw the, [000 00 00;00] the, [000 00 00;00] the, i believe strongly that the decision the president made was the wrong one. And they will have some terrible impacts down the line some of described, these prisoners has political prisoners. I dont believe they were, they were terrorist pure and simple. Theres no question in my mind that we will seek out. We will hunt down, and we will punish severely people who practice terror against the United States of america. The meanwhile, feeling all here, that else remains under ground and continues to evade the f. B. I. The fbi. I offers a half 1000000. 00 reward for information leading to his arrest but there are few leads. Hes constantly on the move. Always changing disguises. The. Ready the people that was on the ground was people, the more ready have warrens to be arrested. But most of the time was people above ground moving people on the wrong side, looking for food like uh, getting a new house. Whenever i get the same meeting in the same place, in 1990 a Television Journalist receives a communicate offering her an interview with feeling better to hear that she agrees to be blindfolded and taken to a clandestine location to conduct a multi hour interview. The whole model or the crime was that you see, but if you dont, martys thing is definitely come. Okay, we have the the b s o c l only for the bottle for the winter. For example, if i get the noise. So say if i went to the field where it goes, interview is aired on card and point that he can television and is the most watch programs in board. So he can history the in september 2005 the f b. I believe that they have located fee that will head out in a remote rule hillside village. The september 13th. Cspi deploys are Tactical Operations center 25 miles from those homes. 200. 00 agents are transported to the site. September 22nd 9 for observers initiate a pre dawn surveillance of the residence september 23rd at 3 45 pm. The f b i Team Receives a final go decision for an emergency assault 10 team members. Board 2 helicopters for 25 pm, an s u v. Assault vehicle drives through escape. An agent fire is a flash bang. Renee 4 28 pm. Fire is received from inside the house. The 8 team members return, fire. Shoot, you know for 100 rounds. One agent is for 48. 00 pm fee, but its a yells someone is coming out. He commands his wife boundaries to leave the residence once in custody. She refuses to speak to the bible 3 pm, the better to request a journalist to come to the scene and act as a 6 oclock pm via the i special agent in charge of refuse is pretty bad. It was requesting the 60, 8 pm agencies, a refrigerator door, light, antique suzanne, floor rightful, also say 3 seconds later, the sites as weapon on see that the center of mass and find the the in washington senior f. B, i. Officials ordered the team to not enter the house. Finally, at noon the next day, nearly 18 hours after the shooting. Via fbi, i enters the home funding fee there to go ahead a debt on the floor. The, the autopsy report states that he bled to death from a gunshot wound and that he would have survived if he had been given immediate 1st aid in surgical care, the body s 5 liter. So low and they only recover from adult though. See how familiar with that. So you blend to this whole time how long it to, for that, and this more than an hour, the demo. Lucky. But let me play it over to casa, and the 1st i so you know, be meant that, but it looks very, hey boy, but are we all you gotta keep way . But i dont want to say that im, i, yeah, and uh, the guy that they will give us to say that a come by and pick like bullet points of the game ending then better luck on throughout a were going up. I did that will but i so thats what i meant that i dont like us. The last thing that is why they go, why do they go words . Because thats the way there has to be that you have to be they had they had. Yeah, thatll be co co which course quite and this is the way of them, but at least at least cannot be compared with anything that i have ever seen me my whole life here 3 years or 3 that he wouldnt be like that the child spent the whole night hoping that, you know, he had some tunnel and had been able to take, you know, because, you know, they kept saying that the place was surrounded and that he hadnt come out miss. I was only later we learned today and shot him and just refused to provide any kind of medical attention until after he was dead. It was more of a physical feeling. Right. And theres really nothing that you could put into words is in the got in the heart this the, the f b i read and feeling better to hear. Thats death took place on september 23rd. The anniversary of a deep, all the letters or the loudest uprising, the day commemorating the 1st revolt against the spanish in 18. 68. The day viewed by many as the birth of the fight for independence. The was by the most important. Im ok, so for the independent from 430 so he has to be the best way to to, to, to thats, thats no surprise. Thats just sort of the, the state, the russian states never is as tight as im one of the most sense Community Best ingles. All sudden set up the keys on i need to progress be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the russians cruising and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. What question did you say from stephen twist, which is the stalling me mostly to the actual amount of i d is a great read to you as a comedy, as cheap as a mock system to our discomfort didnt really understand before she was a feeling intellectual drug the motional that some power, all these all idea, let me pull the truck emotionality to emotional falls, office, or geology. These politics, which are not able to actually rule people, all the tutorials with the, the, the, [000 00 00;00] the church in the evening. My thoughts are new to lead me on the go movie, these channels doing oh boy, the must be thought the lets see what happens is, i mean one behind on that i thats with we have come a long way from lower to hearing this part of the youre not in the, the reason i dont think was any indication you were revolutionary while 0. Im not at all know me or just say your nice guy and enjoyed things here and enjoy the people here and the reasons i keep this weekend 25 years is i was curious how we all turned out nowadays when i meet people all from the states in import the vehicle, i make a point of pronouncing my name very hispanic last, like one say, got it out. And then i told him the story about when i went to a mixture here. And raj wheaton was talking to a couple of girls and i went over to introduce myself. I said once a girl, one of them said no, thank you. I dont smell right after i left here and had that what many people talked about the road less traveled, inkling i went to broadway and, and saw of the manual online job. So i then when tilting after windmills and join the army school and us and struggle for the independence of puerto rico and did that until i got arrested and 1985. So what i wanted to prison, one of the lawyers in our case, had given me a book by victor franco. Man search for meaning in which a positive that we have a freedom that can never be taken away from us. And that is how were going to react, regardless of what situation we faced. The hindsight is 2020. Well clearly someone who is now 68 years old to think of ok, what would i do differently . It back in 1972. Because somebody had to be willing to fight it was very smart. United. Kyle, you know i thought that he would see that his way through College Experience alliance and the ability to manipulate society not doing no criminal records. He would have been much more effective as the governor of ordering the while i think that non violent resistance and civil disobedience are important tools. Maybe there should be more of it. I mean, its looking like these times call for the urgent action. The thats not coming from a lot of preston, disregarding people senior keeps putting these numbers out. Oh, we have given san one you have given someone. So it isnt of a capital that they want to what, why . Because our lives dont matter to them. The biggest thing manager in christ jesus ever left ponder for more than 500 years. It is a west of domination on a real sense gun manually was able to be the voice of people who werent just and excuse the expression to 6 to 12, you know. But i think that, you know, is important for story to be heard. And some people know the magnitude of it and she was an important voice in doing that, the the the, the people have been told that we are too little too small that we are 2 weeks. And we are to 4, to be in the colonialism at this point is a residential called its, uh, its like a dinosaur, the basis of problems that its not going to go away. So far. Its a for the side of United States, but it can become an infection the or the have you ever been in a situation so overwhelming . So tennis fitness is so difficult that you have no idea how things are gonna turn out. You do know one thing. No matter what, nothing will ever be the same the you know that literally youre in the fight for your life. And in the midst of all that must answer or perform the 1st question. What are you prepared to do the look around the world. It is filled with violence, discrimination, poverty, and injustice. We must collectively answer the question, what are we prepared to do to change the course of the world to live in . The answer will no doubt be a challenge. But i assure you to the task the the just on my side, if i the, if i go in the dining that i get a hold out on my bill. Hi joe todd the jo table battle and play medals before i get there to be got. Well yes, im here monday. No, no, no, you can set it up. By the way, like i said most off the top on i will send you an email to hang on the way to go got it. My goal is it up to 2 on the the, the, on the im a single instruction for whos moving to sweet. Google news. Im losing this. We thought because of the some of those devices, the tablet protector. Communities boost to cook, where they need to cook when that took a gamble. And i sure will until to the point at which 60 of know wouldnt be the one that truly automated room. There are still go near departing. You have to assume, according to that, you know, just as much money possible. So virtual runyan feel us to us for next friday. So told me to go to see if we could set up a photo in the last place. The part of our executive and im here to plan with you whatever you do, do not watch my new shelves seriously. Why watch something thats so different whitelisted opinions that he wont get anywhere else. Welcome to planes or do they have the state department . The c, i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000. 00 corporations. Choose your fax for you. Go ahead, change and whatever you do. Dont marshall state main street because im probably going to make you uncomfortable. My show is called stretching time, but again, you probably dont wanna watch it because it might just change the way you the world welcome to was a part of it reading and a hunger from knowledge have long been perceived as purchase. And hallmarks of procedures, paving the way to a higher consciousness. But what if i told you that one of historys most of the tory is dictate is Joseph Stalin was both developed worshipper and the highest

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