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Breaks the mosque. So were getting ready to bury the boy killed. To remind you he is the 2nd to make for yourself. Todays question here on the several hours before another boy, it was killed when the glasses are wrapped in between these really soldiers and local residents. He was taken to the hospital and pronounced that over there. And were here by a live bullet here. So this situation has a very 10 rage and then giving it to the cross to fight again this row. And they has also declared specifically for jerusalem, an opera ration called alex of sludge, calling on all as well and delivers to go to unlock so which is one of the whole is places for all muslims. It is in the old city of jerusalem to go there to pray and demonstrating protests of these really military operation and, and solidarity with the valley student people all garza but the one local residents tried to leave the town. They were stopped by these rarely soldiers. There was an age restriction, there were not allowing different information older than 40 or 50 to 60 years old to leave the town. So they prevented people from going through a lot stuff and pray there. These people were very angry and they came back to the town of business when the soldiers started raising a. So we a and this is when the clash was erupt and the 1st boy was killed. And then there were funerals and during these funerals, flashes erupt to the gun and there was another boy killed. And we hear that the raw at least 2 injuries have to tell you that there is a lot of like solidarity and, and proceed here. And my local population to the people in gaza and they say thats because they do not they, they consider themselves as one family. And we dont really even the divisions that the, the is eightys invoice to be on the same opinion population. What the guessing ends that was started because what was going on in jerusalem and in, in the lock. So most including, if you remember 2 years ago or so, the guys in started as sort of a war because of what was going on in the, in the 6th general. And the taking over the house is of the. But it seems that so we are the same population we are, is this thing the same population we are under the same of your mission. So its, its so nor to me that we have this kind of sympathy. We are out of it and gets out of it. Not to need a village. Does not say quite anybody here. We have somebody in the gods earlier today also, we witness clashes between have lots of troops. Is riley troops with again a crowd. All the local youngsters in one of the neighborhoods of eastern jerusalem to and as the countdown begins before the promised and dreaded idea of ground operation, turkey has sent planes carrying who mandatory and aid for gaza residents, which is being distributed through egypt following the violent escalation and crisis amid all the darkness, some positive shine, palestinians have seen a wave of support across the world with tens of thousands of people rallying and support of gaza from across the middle east, asia and the west. In jordan with chairs a border with palestine, thousands of people flooded the streets of a mon to express their support for their neighbors. Hundreds of people were forcibly dispersed by your date in riot police with officials banning anti is really protests in this sensitive border area. Hundreds of pro palestinian demonstrators also gathered in couple for it. It shows protesters trampling on is really flags and setting them on fire. Baghdad also saw is really flags set of light as thousands of people rallied in support of palestine. So what it shows, mass of crowds, waving palestinian and a rocky flags during the demonstration. The faith today is inside of iraqi people came out to this place, which was a symbol for the oppressed in response to the goal for a move he leader looked at a house on there for a mainland person demonstration took him out to simple the press, boasting and people who today are subjected to genocide the, the manage it when we see a lot in gaza, cd and the children and women being small tubs with such brutality and criminality. It becomes necessary for us to stand by um, with the hitting boulders in gaza and the west bank. The palestine and gaza do not only represent the palestinians, but they are also the main causes for the air of muslim and non muslim world palestine as a humanitarian cause, which involves everyone. 9 the phone that we fully support the resistance. We are peaceful protestors and cannot reach across the borders, but we are with the resistance. Meanwhile, the middle eastern crisis has triggered mass protests in europe with thousands of people taking to the streets demand to get immediate to enter the relentless bombing of gaza by the idea, as well as calling for freedom for all palestinians in france, the mass on the rest of prompted the government to deploy 7000 troops as pro palestinian protests were preceded by the fatal shopping of one teacher leaving 3 others wounded. The attack took place in the North Eastern town of r. S home to larch, jewish and muslim populations. Police have arrested the suspected attack or the authorities have cited a probable link to the ongoing violence in the middle east with president and monroe. My crown denouncing the incidents as an act of as law. Mister demonstrations had been taking place since last weekend with violence, swearing up across the country. Thousands of people also gathered in New York Times square in support of palestine, demanding washington stop. Its assistance to israel are to correspond to taylor mouth and reports from the raleigh. While im here in times square in new york city and there are thousands and thousands of people here to stand with the palestinians. And that is quite significant because almost universal condemnation has been piled onto the profile, assign rallies and local media. Members of congress have condemned these protests. The mayor has condemned these rallies. The democrats and the republicans have seems united in expressing opposition to these protests. But yet there are still thousands and thousands of people who come out to support the palestinians. Now they are specifically calling out us aid to israel condemning the fact that while the United States is crumbling billions and billions of us tax dollars continue to fund the crimes of israel in their minds. The protesters are outraged about that. Here in new york city, these rallies remain legal. We see in other places in the western world, in germany, in france and britain, people being arrested for displaying palestine flags. These protests being outlaws being accused of being hate speech. Hes so far in the United States, there hasnt been a successful every bodys protest, but there has still been widespread condemnation. But yeah, we see very diverse crowd of people who are muslims. Left is students even some anti israel jews that have come out to stand with palestine and made these atmosphere and condemnation. They are condemning what they say could be a genocidal attack against the palestinians being planned by the israeli government. They are condemning us. Complicity is rarely atrocities very big crowd here, despite the miss are of intimidation, urging people not to stand without a sign in new york city. This conflict is not of the discounts like an old what it has been doing all to see it is nothing. The name of the tone of the jewish religion is all forbidden actually, according to this order and this is full. So there was no that it was no legitimate the rights to the occupied land, the file assigned, and all this terrible, kidding, thats happening now. And gallagher has to and were here to call for an end of the killing of civilians empowers fine people want freedom. They want their piece, they want their dignity. A moss does not represent palo son. Archie contributor and her read joins we now in the studio to give us more information on the palestine is really conflict of tar um. So much happening right now. Were seeing so many devastating images and i dont know about you, but this is really hard to watch. And it has been so impactful, the coverage that all the journalists ive been doing. Tell us, what do you make of the conflict as you see it right now . Well right now its very dire for the people in the gaza strip. Theyve been, they were given 24 hours to evacuate. Theres a 2100000, you know, a population half of those 1000000 are children. They have no electricity, no medical, no transportation. And now were getting down to the 3 hour mark of when is really said theyre going to go in with ground and perhaps even air. Um, so right now the, the um casualties have doubled when they did have some evacuation um roads open, i think, to the north 70 evacuees were bombed by israeli forces. And um, so its very devastating for them. So theres over, um, right now, double the amount there was yesterday as far as casualties. Theres 8 over a 1000 people injured over 2500 People Killed palestinians, a lot of them children. So there are other countries that have these Palestinian Resistance movements, lebanon for one, has hezbollah, and do you think that theres going to be involvement further from the, from the west to us is sending troops to israel. And that has been confirmed. Do you think that other neighboring countries will try to intervene before israel starts . Its dreaded ground operation. And i think this is, were in a very strong part of the escalation. Its very frightening right now. For those of us that want keys, you know, theres no discussion of cease fires or, or piece talks right now. Only discussion and escalation of us now has a 2 carriers in the mediterranean, with fighter jets on board. They are sending troops. As you mentioned, you have people like Lindsey Graham on the air saying that he wants to bomb, i ran this so youre seeing a quick escalation. However, on the other hand, youre seeing also a united era on response and hopefully this will, this escalation was well pause for enough time for people to suggest the spire and peace talks. Its hard to say at this moment, but were 3 hours away from is really saying theyre going in. Yeah. So thats the thing. Uh other uh, nations, arab nations have said that theyre willing to take their embassies out of the us and israel. So this is, this is, seems to be escalating in that manner. Now do you think paula stein can talk on any western supports . Im, we saw, you know, the rileys in new york. Weve seen the rallies, even in europe, but they have been, of course, just of tramp, trampled on by the government in france. For example. Do you think that palestine is going to count for any Government Supports from the west . No, i dont think youre going to see government support. I think you see a lot of citizens that are wanting to support the pose Palestinian Resistance, which is their legal right internationally to do their resistance. But unfortunately, the governments have been very hawkish and are very intense on their goals, which is to escalate this conflict. I think theyre looking at, you know, the gas preserves off the coast of the gaza strip. And the us is looking, of course, for positioning themselves better for the proxy war that they are fighting against russia, which they have now done with their ships in the mediterranean. And they also, i believe, are escalating towards an outright hop war against iran. So i think this is the underlying scheme thats happening and unfortunately the civilians are suffering and the citizens in keep and around the world that are protesting, this war mongering are not being heard. Lets have a listen and there is gonna be a worry. And as you watch the worlds going to be okay, lets negotiate. You know, if it has gotten a negotiate, theyre not gonna negotiate these people of which they play their cards. They want to kill as many as railways as they can. And negotiating with killers is not an option for the electric government of israel. And so were just gonna have to remain steadfast, but its not going to take long. For page has gone on to law. Surely theres a way to settle this through the goal. She ations both sides are guilty. My view is one side is guilty and is not israel. You know those comments that bush just made, that is a general sentiment. Unfortunately, coming from washington. Theyre putting all of their support behind is real. And so even the mag that you saw that was coming out against funding against ukraine, right . Theyre all lining up to war monger about this. Interestingly. Yeah, i mean, this isnt the 1st time you know, it was, we were a callback a little over 20 years ago. With the war in iraq, the war in afghanistan, this is the same rhetoric that were seeing the shift now. Republicans were very loud about voicing defense against our sending supplies and arms to ukraine. But the same politicians, as you probably notice, are quick to stand by the United States and israel in this conference. Let me ask you to her. Why is that . Was for 2 reasons, energy and money, right . A lot of this is about oil and gas and power and put them in right. Western in germany. And the other portion of this, of course, is money. Stock markets has soared in the weapons manufacturing. In the last 48 hours, theyre making profit, so theyre pocketing money. Unfortunately, thats, thats causing, im dire harm and gas it to the rest of the world. And there is a stomach part of this fee where its where theyre talking about the work. When you look at the way the rhetoric is against the airbag sions and the muslim nations, theres a systemic racism thats at play here coming from the west. You know, you dont experience that kind of racism in russia. Russia has a very congenial society and everyone gets along. But in the west its built on blood. Its built on races and institutional racism. And so because these people are brown because these people, you know, its, its muslim nations. There seems to be almost a disregard for their life. Well being at all. Mm hm. And the dehumanization is really rampage right now. Unfortunately, really. Yes. And this conflict didnt begin. Uh, you know, a few days ago this conflict has been ongoing and largely ignored by western media. Now, where do you think the western interest and in these conflicts, like you talked about oil, youve talked about resource extraction in the middle east. Is that all . Well, i think its also about desperately hanging onto power and jeremy western, hey jeremy, you know, is real as an extension of the us. Thats all it is. And it has been since 1948 when all of this really began. Right. And so youre looking at the west losing its unipolar world. And now were moving into a multi polar world. You have air of nations. You also have other nations that are behind the palestinian struggle that are behind the Palestinian Resistance and supporting their right by International Law to resist the occupation and resist being wiped out in a genocide. Because something that we tell them go uh, go to the beach is go drive your sale as a god forbid. Not at all. There is a huge expense, almost endless space in the sine, my beds are just on the other side of guys. They be a use for them to leave over to the open areas where we and the international community. We prepare the infrastructure, you know, 10 cities with phone anymore. We want to open a humanitarian corey door so that can lead that the human cord are right. Okay, so theres talk about egypt because its a close border. So you have the north and south routes, right where they were trying to get through to evacuate. Youre talking about a population of 2100000, right . A 1000000 people are trying to evacuate. Many of them children without transportation, without electricity, without medicine, and theyre talking about a quarter for 5 hours, being open in egypt. Logistically, is that even possible to get that many people through that court or safely . And why only 5 hours . Why is it so arbitrary and capricious . And i think this is sort of, you know, again its, its, i hope that egypt would simply drop their borders and allow, you know, the, the vacuum used to come through safely. But i dont know if that will happen. Yes, i mean in the palestinians, many of them dont want to repeat enough bus, so that is, its a really difficult situation right now. Thank you so much for coming in and sharing your thoughts with us tar radar to contributor, thank you. Throughout the decades, multiple attempts have been made to establish long term peace between israel and palestine. But these failed to materialize. The Palestinian Ambassador to south africa explained the difficulties palestinian space and implementing a viable 2 state solution. A whistle is only one, think we have to end that so that edu. Keep vision for satisfying. Thats why we engage into the piece for us as in 1993. Unfortunately, the that piece pro. Okay. For the whole process is the United States of america. And now we can see the position of the United States of america is like very biased to kind of 3 law unit. By then in 3 days he have been on t v for 5 times. I said think that i took this so that you to defend itself against Palestinian Civilians and brought a scene in freedom fighters. Unfortunately its all is the police to me and plug blood that is on the tape. Its like every 2 years we have a awards. Every 2 years we have thousands of for the city of ad caleb, for the sake of ident, once its the agenda of the is for the elections. The so im now its the agenda of the us image shows the 2 steps the machine is not via before, but its tina its, its been a long time ago and, but it blows the. What makes it we live in is, is that it is the only solution that is tended back by the international community, up to this moment, a lot of complications to materialize of the scene in states. But as long as it is the only solution that is still on the tip of best buy the international community, then we have to deal with it. But on the ground, its that definitely did our g correspondence. Charlotte to ben sky looks into how the international communities, for handling of the conflict has led to continued bloodshed between the warring sides to us politician plans had lockdown vision as it came a few years off to the end of the 2nd world war in which jewish populations across europe were massacred in the holocaust. It was supported by 33. 00 countries, including the us. I saw the us, it was accepted by jewish lead is i repeat is on the other hand, with checks to that independent our been you states and the special International Regime for the city of jerusalem. So the 4th and 4th, 3 of this plan shall come into existence and boast on 2 months after the evacuation of the armed forces of the mandatory power has been completed. But in any case, not later than the 1st of october 1948 that acted as a catalyst sparking fighting between jewish and palestinian arab malicious something palestinians had already started to see that homes, but all is well was proclaimed in 1948 a mass exodus began palestinians, remember this as being been not by catastrophe, even now its a painful memory at shed, in the hearts of palestinians across the globe, many of whom have never even walked on the historic land. No, not, but ladies and gentlemen did not start in 1948 and it did not stop after that date, e 0, the occupying power, continue since occupation, and its aggression use of boasting and people, and continues to deny this napa and rejects International Resolutions regarding the return of Palestinian Refugees to their homeland, to their cities and villages, from which they were displaced by aggression and center. Palestinians claimed they were forced from that homes, but is well seized things differently. We will fight the knack, but live with full strength and we wont allow the palestinians to continue to spread lies and distort history. While is waiting militia, undoubtedly strong on some into leaving others were encouraged to flee by neighboring arab states. This came as those states pushed in to repel the newly born jewish state at the store to pick our up is really was in 1948 that was so is well take significantly more lines in the un had envisaged. While the remaining palestinian communities found themselves under the rule of egypt in what became known as garza, im jordan in the west bank in east jerusalem. The right to return is a cause close to the hearts of millions of palestinians around the world. But it wasnt until the late 19 eighties at that possibility grew into a real decoration. When palestinian need is in exile staked by claim. The session culminated in the declaration of the palestinian state on our belly stain inland, representing the natural combination of a valiant and tenacious populace struggle which has continued for more than 70 years and taking it stole in the amount of sacrifice as me. But our people in his homeland on his frontiers and an old accounts and places to which it has been dispersed plans for 2 state solution started to buy fruit in the ninetys would. They also accord, it wasnt deal signed by the leaders of both sides, but that quickly came and stuck on the decades of cycle of violence. Continue to spiral despite Widespread International recognition of palestine. The palestinians remain a fragmented nation with new unified state of the writing of peace talks all long overdue. Many countries in the region sympathized with applied in this tragic disaster, which is aptly named neck of the day. The apartheid zionist regime was established in millions of palestinians as the original inhabitants and owners of palestine were forced off their ancestral lands. On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the neg bye, i once again re to re tell a strong support for the posting in cos personally and on behalf of my nation. I would like to express that we as the turkish nation, stand by the posting on people against the occupation and injustice that has been going on for 75 years on the day of the 75th anniversary of the neck. But we painfully recall the tragedy of the brother, the palestinian people, and the crime against humanity that was committed against them in 1948 when hundreds of thousands of all people in palestine were forcibly driven outs and displaced to remain with the successive generations away from the homeland, over a period of more than 7 decades in 2023. But none of the story was commemorated by the un for the 1st time, a decision celebrated by palestinians and criticized by as well. If nothing else, it was perhaps a way of d. U n a no legit. Its will in 75 years on file and i think is really palestine conflict rages on the un. Humanitarian agencies says more than 1300 buildings have been destroyed. So far by is really missile strikes r t is providing full coverage of a conflict. You can also have live updates on the conflict by visiting our website at r t dot com. And thats a route for the our as we cover the latest and the israel palestine conflict. Stay with us for more coverage throughout the day on our team. Thanks for joining me and see you back in a bit at the top of the hour. The take a fresh look around. Theres a life kaleidoscopic, isnt just a shifted reality distortion by tell us to division with no real opinions. Fixtures designed to simplify will confuse who really wants a better world, and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented as 1st . Can you see through their illusion going underground . Can the im a Senior Research simple whos moving to sweet people. News, im losing this, we thought because of the some of those survives in the sense usually will protect me is that it is tuesday and that took a gamble pleasurable and to order these voided what 6, you know, wouldnt be the one that you ladies still go near to, pardon me, up to the point that you know, his last name post runyan with zillow. So as far as next friday, so told me to go to see if we could set up for, for the last players. The reason is munoz carlton let us know if you speak russian. Keep your voice down while i was in about. So when i get up there i go for i suppose 3rd or 4th. Dont put your human symbols on display, the decision space reach the guy. So you guys dont talk to strangers, the void noisy gatherings and was wondering for sure me know what, but she didnt rely on get him in the motor. Shes eating your colleagues and perhaps also your friends. Think your guilty because your russian night the boom. So what was my doing and there was landscape lit, so i did the out the way to the team that does the styles. We did use b t, pick the district and got a bunch of blankets will be able to consumption, to buy the specific store. So we can find the the, the gaza, humanitarian crisis reaches dangerous levels, as israel orders to civilian population to leave the north with the us warning, its an impossible task. A journalist is killed and 6 more are injured as an International Group of reporters comes under is really fire across the border and loving it. Some of their colleagues, favey attack, put amount to more crime also ahead the q r t reports from israel where police have cracked down on the pro palestinian rallies, claiming the lives of 2 people

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