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You say you will take into account the situation on the market and the forecasts for several months ahead eve. And as i have already mentioned, this will be influenced among other things by the amount of level on the market, which demands to a large extent on Economic Growth rates and on the other sectors that i have already listed with us in just like a key polluting what carnes is russian now using its world trade, including with india, the main buyer Refreshing Oil today, and our, the car in terms of trading Oil Profitable for russia. Thats what he said. Thats going to continue. Just keep us up to this. Were talking about commercial oil supplies, our current sales, the payment is stated directly in the commercial contracts, and they, there are a lot. I can only say that overall we have now switch to trading and rumbles as the chinese you on your homes, rupees. And so on. But the currency is different in each contract. The most important thing is that we have significantly reduce the number of settlements in dollars in euros. So the bottom line is that we havent introduced payment instruments and mechanisms that allow us to ensure supplies at market prices for our Energy Resources to those regions where our products are in demand. A. Hi, is this the committee . But if we say that today, rush has learned to circumvent all the restrictions that the west has impulse regarding the cost of pressing oil. Can we say that bush and they reconsider the discounts it offers on its coil in the future from billy, just confirmed on such image. That discount is determined by the marketing. That is, we do not revise it ourselves. And in fact, the discount is a reflection of the marketing value of our oil and world products. When risks are high, the discount, as i see, you know, the risks go down. A discount also decreases at the beginning of the year is a discount on our oil to reach 35. 00 to 38. 00 per barrel single day. It is about 1112. 00 and this means that supplies have stabilized transport and logistics chains have stabilized, have signed agreements with our partners on new market and on the participation of companies. So now there is a great competition for our products. And naturally, the market is shaping the discount reduction frustrating. That is, if there is high competition, Everyone Wants cheaper oil and oil products. Theres a big demand and therefore the discounts may go down. Let me watch and see where kind of optimistic about this is what is the most variable, Oil Price Per Barrel for restaurants in terms of ensuring a bunch of surplus living you see created through us. Well, it is not a secret. We now have a 3 year dropped budget for 2024 to 2026 in the state. Do not. It was they were all surprised as budgeted at 70. 00 per barrel. What . Because the posts, as for talks about the gas hot blends in turkey, there has been a lot of talk about it for a long time. At what stage are the agreements with the turks now and bought the launch in this project to the printer. This is the only thing this project is indeed a very serious and the very promising one. And 1st of all, its about creating an electronic gas Trading Platform and 13, what the form price is based on supply and demand in the region. There are many suppliers there including russia. Im not one of the largest suppliers, but there are also many consumers, mostly turkey, and the European Countries. Therefore, it is obvious that the hub needs an Electronic Exchange of its own and electronic trading system, which forms surprised quotations. Accept inside this project is currently under discussion of roadmap, has been prepared and sent to our directors partner. Looks like theyre currently considering it. As soon as it is signed, the project will be implemented as planned. I want to, yeah, i run has floated the idea of setting up a joint guess how to between tremendous down russia and guitar. How much promised this proposal have and how few in east for russia, and this will continue since us this ensued, you know, the running administer loaded this idea of the panel discussion. Gus promo, look into it if it is indeed a promising project. And of course, the restaurant among others will join it. But we 1st thing to double check. Its visibility to. We talk a lot about the close cooperation between bush and saudi arabia, illinois, and well have a similar level of cooperation with guitar Going Forward in gas, especially allen g, told us to go to concerts and you have to, we need to keep in mind that the corporation in the oil industry has a long history. Opec has been there for 60 plus years, so were going to ization coordinates, they actions of more than a dozen countries who are the main oil next borders. It says supply quotas, which can not be extended with, well, it is a recommendation that there is no such curtail in the guest industry today. Thats what well have is the guess as important countries for them. But it does not set quote, as its a platform to discuss the recent market developments. An issue for kind of as of all the major global suppliers are parts of this form, including russia and could tardies. We corporate with guitar as part of this for as of today, there are no plans to establish a gas care to help them. Rather it is an exchange of opinions, policies, experience, do knowledge and so on. Are no discussions to set up a good till like, oh, package, a yes or no cut that says i see, but guitar still brushes main competitor in that one g. No rush because a lot more resources and the actual cut, the super niche. Why is guitars of main want dealing with today as truly is the worlds number one exported guitar is 2nd, the us is 3rd and russia is for us is that means we have 3 main competitors you can put in. That is why were also planning is shifting our strategy towards elegy production. Were already implementing a number of large scale projects which will be commissioned in the short term and well add extra diversity. Today will produce 33000000. 00 tons as part of the arctic ellen g to project we will get an additional 20000000. 00 tons in the next 34 years. Gas problem has the projects for 13000000. 00 tons, and a part of it was lou got more of a tech will add another 20000000. 00 with a facility in the more of us. In other words, we have major plans to secure a strong share in the marketing at least 20 percent. Many of those people have done what i see the most. Apparently, russia has limited shipping capacity for ellen, g deliveries and other any solutions to addressed as bottlenecks to see if that doesnt work. Let me pull on this bill. Of course, shipping is essential to delivering our products to consumer market. So our companies are working on it with their domestic on the 4 ink partners with their shipyards and russia as well, including some stuff in the far east summit up. Were working on it please. And the project has to factor in it is, i think this interestingly, europe is still by analogy from russia to a different channels. Is there room to ramp up supplies to europe . Are there such requests, such as these the business to it all depends on europes needs and their energy policy. As of today, there are fine with buying russian. Ellen g, along with other ellen, she said it was including from guitar and the us just need to see how demand and supply will evolve their overall, our gas is competitive and thats been proven by higher sales of l. A. N g abroad. His iso was this, now i know that you have close relations with springs of deluxe evenings home on who was one of the main in guess of this farm. Just today rush a corporate suites. How do you read the noise . But also in other projects in how realistic is rushed to support for saudi river in building a Nuclear Power plant. This is not what im good, the Russian Energy week. So a session of the Inter Governmental Commission on trade and Economic Cooperation with our partners from saudi arabia, prince of dealers, these whos the minister of energy flew in with a large team just we discussed every possible option to boost straight among other fields. Were also focused in their energy as up to date for saudi arabia has decided to build a Nuclear Power plant or just holding attend. Uh it is a gradual step by step process. On the russian side, it is russ autumn. That takes part of the time to were confident that our company will leverage transfer and tender procedures to showcase and scraped the competitiveness animal. Eventually, we will have to see though, how things and fold sounds good. Are you sticking with couple other any additional agreements with saudi arabia on a project not only related to oil and gas on the most because the city. Yes, we have a large number of when, when projects and every sector in agriculture, industry transport energy hide to cyber security, as well as the space during the session of Inter Governmental Commission, we discussed among other things options to introduce youniques as the search engine. So we also focus heavily on high tech and i to products or smart ride handling apps that are already in use in russia, and can be rolled out in saudi arabia. Road maps for every sector because theyve signed a memorandum and it will move forward in line with it. When you, when you want to use, uh, the didnt yahoo tell us by and we have to go into gaza and rules out negotiations in turn. Fighting says we stand with israel, we stand with israel. So its clear piece isnt the 1st priority. What is also on the agenda is potential genocide. The what i would show, they just dont have to shape hows it comes to advocate and engagement because the trails when so many find themselves world support, we choose to look for common ground. The, the, the, the most reason is munoz carlton let us know if you speak russian, keep your voice down while out and about. So we met about the kinds of products for us, the dont put your human symbols on display decision space to guide. So you guys dont talk to strangers the. 7 void, noisy gatherings and was wondering for sure what she can do. I always get them in and what actually is your colleagues and perhaps also your friends think youll guilty because youll rush and let you know the phone. So what can i do . Im that was mindset. From it, so id be glad to which is the team that does the styles is be a good fit. You know, the bundle of buying needs to be able to consumption, to buy the specific store shortly concerning the the minister. Good to see you such an honor to see, you know, as to it in moscow at these turbulent times. And that missteps. Thoughts from the most important question. Actually. How do you see russia now . Is it, its such a ally that may help you, you know, to bring your own National Interest, or youre still dependent on your european look, uh we have a for info. Lets just sort of the g, which all of a sports a National Interest number one. And our National Interest is definitely to have a reliable of mutually respectful, uh, cooperation with the russian federation. Uh, you know, the thing is that the, without the Russian Energy sources, we will not be able to guarantee the se, supply over our country in regarding energy. So since the supply of energy is not a political issue, are not an ideological issue for us about the physical, it is obvious that we keep in touch. It is obvious that i come to participate the Russian Energy because its obvious that the, the are in a continuous contact with the russian leaders to make sure that the, our cooperation, um uh, goal was continuously according to the existing contract to wash me. Since youve mentioned that the Russian Energy weeks that you came here for, could you please give us some details on the parts to Nuclear Power plants from what i know, our sides are close to actually Start Construction by to them, but the low its even better the construction has already been started, so the capital flows are now being uh, under construction, which means that the people are able to enter into the Real Construction phase of the project after uh, the planning and, and preparation. So that gives us the hope that the, by the beginning of next the case, we will be able to connect the to a new blog. So into the great, the, with the wage we building through is and youll be able capacity o r some to pause when i go up to 4400. And with that we can avoid the around the 17000000. 00 of c o 2 to be made within the year. So we will be more competitive. They will be safer and review the more environmentally friendly. Thats what i dislike with the department, our cooperation, and the rest of them here is uh, absolutely fair and uh, and according to the contracts, and we are happy that the american german French Companies are involved in this investment. So this is a Real International approach. Did hungry face any pressure because of that . So sure. The price of the for sure we had been continuously phase. The pressure in this regard, whenever a sanction packages being under comes uh comes through the ration or preparation. Nuclear industry is always a good candidate to be involved in essential package. But we made it very clear that we are not to be ready to um, uh, to agree with any package of the sanctions which include the nuclear industry. And then its, and it has nothing to do with our straight test to do everything with us. Because for us, it would be totally against our National Interests. If you covering those 3 was the under sanctions. And, you know, what i see is the United States have both 416. 00 pounds of uranium from russia during the 1st half of this year. I think no, no real arguments are there uh for the European Union to put the russian, you call the industrial under section that it would be the type of course, a huge one, excuse me, usually what about the construction of the pipeline from hungry to so it would be a for russian oil. Can you also please give us some details and whether there was pressure hungry hungry because of that as well. Yeah. But we are used to it. So sometimes we dont even recognize that theres a pressure, you know, ill realize so. So the thing is that, um uh now we have 2 delivery lines of uh, oil to hungry yvonne. So you kind of on through craze. Yeah. And you know, diversification is important for us and most of us are in serbia. As soon as we are allied countries, we are friends, brothers, it will contribute to the safety or supply of both of the countries. So therefore, the deal, the, the line the, the pipeline has under be in the preparation already we have signed the called the agreement the 23 months ago. So both companies, both Loyal Companies from hungary and serbia have not continuous meetings and are very busy with the preparation. Could you please also comment on the association with a feedback from what i know ukraine edits these bang to the war sponsors least. Could that be a move influenced by the west . Was it, did you want the dies relations between rushman hungry as well . How do you see that . I have no idea what was the reason for this decision to be honest because those for reasons based on the beach, obviously this ukraine and offer it the list adult if they are all ridiculous. I mean, saying that the pay has a huge role in the russian, the financial market, and then they, our market share is 0. 17 percent. You know it, it makes it very clear that the, that was a clear, a political decision. Nothing has to be done with the facts. So now well say if it has been the listed, but we are now looking forward to receiving the ukraine and offered this delegation to hungry in order to discuss what kind of guarantees we can get. Not to repeat this, um lets say the very, i mean the decision without any kind of effect. So thats what it is. Okay. Generally speaking, many experts, even a broad agreed the trust disposition on was a defensive strategy against the nato expansion. Hes taking into consideration your unique position in nature. What is your task that what do you think you know, i uh, i think that the most important issue now is is to save the lives of the people. So i dont think that you should do it, such kind of uh, debates because when people are dying out on the battlefield, then these debates most be very interesting, but they have no sense. So my position is that the International Community should have a duty to save the lives of the people. Now, how can you save the lives of the people in the war is that you stop the war, right . So, so they are. Busy we hung the ariens are very outspoken in favor of a ceasefire and the peace negotiations uh to take place or peace talks to take place. And you know, i dont have to agree with those who say that the circumstances for peace will improve as time passes by because i do believe that the circumstances for peace reimburse them as time passes by because with every day spending more to or more people who are going to die, theres more infrastructure, hes going to be disrupted. So the circumstances for peace, theyre much better yesterday than today. And today they are still bothered in tomorrow. So therefore hungry calls for stopping the war. And 2. 00 and 3. 00 and 2. 00, discussion about the peace treat and now and so back here, we have rubber pizza, close to informing beverly and coalition. And he actually opposes arms terms for us to do things that hungry it may get closer to so that i can disregard and like together bring your point to your no. So what do you think of it . We can be closer because we are having a board or you know, so we are so close to each other that theres a much solution on your comment while theres of you. Yeah. Um, when it comes to the bathroom deliveries, we have a very, very clear position that the more of items are being delivered to this war. The longer this will take on the more people who will die. And therefore, we have made the decision not to deliver any weapons. We deliver humanitarian aid, and it would be great if our allies from the west did not deliver more weapons, but they will deliver peace to all region. Now look of Prime Minister feet, so has made statements which uh, a which make us feel that hes very close to our position regarding the war regarding the piece as well. Because i mean, you know, really writing divorce. We wrote bill spring saying because this thing, we also think that the authorities bad will become dumb, divorce and bore must be stopped. And i say its everywhere. I say its in russia as well. I say the in front of audience is not a problem for me. But wherever we differ from europe is what we think about peace. Because what we think about is that they must come now and, and, and, and the end of the battlefield. There is no solution on the battlefield. Theyre only, thats people and nothing and not the solution. So i hope that the, this position, the what the represent the piece must be the number one priority and stopping the war must be the priority. I hope that there will be more and more European Countries who would follow disposition. Speaking about european constants. Now we see demonstrations over just ordinary ordinary people, all over europe. Who say that their governments to draw the switch on solving domestic domestic issues, problems with economy, you know, energy cries is all of those things instead of selling weapons to sending weapons to ukraine. How would you come into the position of those european later as you know, you know, youre the europe and union is struggling when it comes to economy and when it comes to competitiveness, its obvious, its strongly there are think are so, you know, china has overtaken us when it comes to the share of global gdp, for example. So europe and union should make decisions in order to improve competitiveness. Because what we see now is that the competitiveness is declining. And uh and sanctions are, i mean yeah, the sanctions that contributed to the loss of competitiveness for sure. Its obviously getting so we do believe that the police know sanctions has failed and the set of imposing sanctions and instead of delivering the backgrounds, we showed the start discussion about piece of the precedence alter crate this. As ive asked you stated that your plan is going to put in your grand contact, new green card, or who knows over what is the status of it . What do you think of that . Look when it comes to drain corridor. Oh, we provide the chance for you. Great, because there is a corey there for you hungry. We have made huge investments in order to be able to help ukraine to deliver is growing. So we have no problem with the transiting the grading through hungry from ukraine via the offer. All the possibilities once we dont allow, is to, to uh, to sell other you for a non draining the hungry because the 3 is our market. The 3 is the farmers and the why should we let that happen . You are the original agreement was about to transfer forensics, and this is what the compliance and the very last question of course i see you need to go to the fender assessment. So the Prime Ministers waiting for me so i can see what i think is responsible for and the just yeah, just, thats just a federal last question. Now we see turbulence in the middle east. Yeah. Unfortunately, and which way do you think that may have any impact in this situation in europe as well . You know, the secure with the situation in the middle east has a very, very close correlation. We disagree with the situation in Central Europe and in europe as well. So, so therefore our vision there is to do our best in order to avoid the escalation of the situation. If you cannot avoid escalation, a huge tremendous ericas desktop, we can take by 3. So the way, minutes to thank you so much. Unfortunately, if its only have time for it, yeah, well theyre happy to see it again. I really thank you for the and the the rabbit collapse of the Ottoman Empire gave the arabs hope for independence. But the colonial power saw their future differently. Great britain and france agreed on the seizure of the arab lands under the guise of the so called mandate of the league of nations. Baseball will play cause particular indignation in a rack, which was to get under the control of the british. In may 1921 wrist with claim for independence broke out, both assuming and that she took part in it. Soon the rallies turned into a real uprising against the invaders. More than 130000 people took up arms. Britain urgently began to transfer reinforcements to a rack and used aircraft radius war secretary, Winston Churchill birds, the use of chemical weapons against the rebels. And general ser, i own their hel dane bordered the destruction of any village where weapons were found. Burning a village properly takes a long time, an hour or more according to size paulding recalled cynically. In his memoirs, the mediaeval girl, the paid off, the revolt was crush. However, separate his empire had to make serious concessions. In 1921, it recognized bustle. The 1st as the king of a rack and gave part of the power to representatives of the local population via racket, revolt marked the beginning of the National Consolidation of the country and became an important milestone on the way to a final independence. The simulation, i seem to remove my suite, google news, im losing this, we thought because of the coming with us or by itself. Can you please tell me as a dispute sticker for the conclusion that took a gamble unless youre willing to order these voided, which 60 of know wouldnt be the one that truly automated room. There are silicone. You do . Pardon me, up to the, to the point. Choose which is mostly boss and the restroom got to deal with suicide. Bunch of products that told me to go to see if we can set up a folder on the last place. The now can you use visa, stupid loyce law here . See it to nancy. Kims and then actually she just needs a the its gonna be only a showcase use nathaniel. So whos going to the boys at the boys . The the most. No, thatll be for them. Im not sure if this slaughter doesnt want that extra them put the notes up under that is the aggressive today. Im authorized is additional strong sanctions today russia was the country with the most sanctions imposed against it. A number that is constantly growing. But i think the officials list a couple seniors just click on the only thing and most the more in the will shift for banning all important. So russian oil and gas suffering the price for another country of what were going to. Its just your phone service involved, the little joe bites in, imposing these sanctions on russia has destroyed the american economy. So theres a boomerang the the little to no one, no, no, not a real pleasure balloon a little more than what they should up to the unit 731 was a unique organization in the history of the world. What they were trying to do was to simply do nothing short and build the most powerful and most deadly biological Weapons Program that the world had every now through you know, to production with it. So i guess it was the great deal to bring it suddenly, a little bit through here. A deep move model, the general mazda thought is name nguyen, more from the sale. I dont understand. Ive wished to know the whole need. I know you gave him some more or less than a j o side of the scar them of the party bill because you cannot push the couch. So for those people to go to want this on this to should buy a new on it on site isnt more similar, dont the yo, yo, now im gonna put the ticket bucket together. The ones that list is killed as a group of International Reports says comes on the is really fly across the board in 11 and some of the colleagues they did cut them out and so will crime. Also this our have, you know, what do you stand by and you can even tell us about the reports from jerusalem and across the world. Web pro palestinian valley is all taking place in a so called day of rage against these rarely plumbing of jobs. The police are tracking down on demonstrations in some cities the sometimes at least 447, all listed in children, all killed and hes bailey stripes of the world

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