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By locals. There who say its gone before noon and today were firmly waiting to withdraw. The deadline is short. We are really in a hurry for them to leave and leave us our National Territory, the wherever youre catching the program from today across the world. Welcome to moscow. Under live global news right down here, and i love him or has marked the initial delivery of russian fuel to bundle of dishes 1st, Nuclear Power plant. The scrolling complex is being built with the help of moscow and the c possible age. I would like to congratulate everyone here on the new important step of the construction of the 1st Nuclear Power plant in the republic of bangladesh. It contributes to a further deepening of mutually beneficial cooperation and of course, makes a real significant contribution to developing the economy and strengthening the Energy Security of the republic. Bundle dish has long been plead would doubtless subbing from crippling public gods that have recently been exacerbated by the worse heat weve in decades leave. It gets population or 170000000 hanging in if with gary state. But a solution be very well be insight as well, shall save one nuclear company. Youve all set them is set to open a new Nuclear Power plant. Its construction began 5 years ago. It spread across a 1000 acres of land, 150 kilometers from the capital city dock off a project of for 20000000000. 00. This Nuclear Power plant built by russia is expected to change the face of bond while these, the source of uranium fuels comes less than a month off to the wizard by rushes for ministers. So the loud roll to talk of both countries agreed to deepen by laughter. Dies now the 24 Nuclear Power plant gets fused bongo. These are set to become the, the 3rd Nuclear Power using countries in the world. Up until now the dish has largely been dependent on natural gas and cool to produce. It said no cheap, the prospect complete the production withdrawal shells assistance was met with open arms by the bundle of the she Prime Minister. She casino, im especially, i personally think the Russian Federation president Vladimir Putin for this project. Today we are stepping into the new, clear rage, our trusted and tested friend, the Russian Federation, and the president putin has honored bundle a dash and all of us by addressing us here today. Aside from meeting the countries growing electrical needs, the view for Nuclear Power plant has the jobs to both of these audits, vba, india, which is given both nations and economy, boost this project, which is essentially a project that might, that i see and see the, the siding is not just last year and model of this. There is a participation of india also informal 5 or bullying dogs. So and these food stock shows has become mind on most of emily, off reporting to get about blood, west and sanction the north even sped the route for Nuclear Power plant project. Remember, last december, a russian ship carrying confidence for the plant was stopped from being unloaded, which created a said bought for the long wait a project, then you someplace will split the more. Of course, theres direct pressure sometimes turning into intimidation of both the administrative and business lead of our partner countries. This is happening in bangladesh as well as for the project in bangladesh. We took on large logistics work plus we carry out in port substitution of supplies from 3rd countries. Therefore we combine our efforts both at home and in partner countries, especially in terms of electrical products, metallurgy and construction works. And in this sense, it has a serious anti sanction effect. So the project becomes combined international and it becomes more difficult to put pressure on projects because of the insurance system that to deal with the delivery of the 1st batch of fuel. The country will soon join the in the glove of countries using active for peaceful purposes, goods and sharma all the bundle of dish. Syria is mourning the death of over 100. 00 People Killed in the city of homes during a graduation for military officers. Report say the terrorist attack was carried, i bike from the Syrian Defense minister, i had been attending the event, but was not there during the moment of a talk. A winning, the following video contains disturbing images the the casualties included soldiers and civilians who attended the ceremony. Including women and children. This video circulating on line reportedly shows the aftermath of the attack. Dozens of people are seeing scattered. So across the street, the Syrian Government has put the blame squarely has the fates on foreign powers, who had armed opposition groups some who were in leave with this, the miss miller. In continuation the brutal terrorist attacks carried out by terrorist organizations supported by the American Occupation and other International Parties who cooperate with them in shedding the blood of syrians and destabilizing the security and stability of the searing, the error of republicans terraced organizations this thursday afternoon, october 5th, 2023, attacked a Graduation Ceremony for Military College officers in the syrian city of homes. The syrian error republic calls on the United Nations and the Security Council to condemn this cowardly act of terrorism. Hold state sponsors of terrorism, accountable for their crimes, against the Syrian People and ensure compliance with relevant Security Council resolutions. Will syria promise to respond with full force and no reports are coming in the areas in the it live province. How being heavily shelled in retaliatory fire bows, id be at no official comment, has been made by government officials a little earlier. We spoke to serene journalist stevens, who we name is say, is that the muskets governments efforts in trying to get the un involved in this instance may not be met with the hope for response. As long as the United Nation headquarters is in the United States and the united and the United Nations is taken hostage by the American State Department. The United Nation is just a building and a name and the people of the world. Dont believe it and dont trust it anymore because it gave them nothing and it did not stand was the truth. And this so this it can, you send describes, it was done by the americans most 10 years on the ground. So its not to their benefit. And it doesnt benefit the American State Department or the white house, or as well joe biden, in his president ial campaign. So thats why he will not uh, they will not cover this site and describe answers they always covered. This are also called. Busy crime and massacre that the dera mercenaries did against the young men and some of the big story base. And what is believed to be the 1st. Every time washington has shopped on the aircraft of a nato ally, the u. S. Military confirmed of their forces took out a turkish strike through and approaching what it calls its operational zone. In syria. However, i grant, as reportedly said, the you, if he was not operated by its forces. While the us um turkey are allies in the nature of block, their stance on the conflict in syria has seen a wide rift grew between them or t corresponded yesterday. That can picks up the story. A defensive go on, issued a statement on thursday and providing us more information about the a balance of that took place on thursday with intel and other charges your own. The drawing all the it was what the noise did not necessarily target us troops. And this is for the statements, but moving on and this also coincides with military operations, which on so read, declared with targets future candidates affiliated groups within the region. Thats the walk out of syria and more. So the y p g and its a free rates. All for a out of the northeast. So lets take a closer listen to whats the pencil going . Have to say at approximately 1130 local time, a truck issue a be a re entered, the rosie on the heading toward where us forces were located. Us commanders assess that the u. A b, which was now less than a half of kilometers from us forces to be a potential threat. And us up 16 fighters subsequently shut down the u. A. B in self defense at approximately 1140 local time. As much as that provides information about the evidence, theres also a statement from anchor, which really emphasizes the importance of the military operation and was conducting in the northeast of syria. The statement specifically refers to 3rd parties, encouraging them to lead serial, recently specific operational zones within the countries or things. The 3rd party in which bunker was referred to o be and did not name that United States does refer to the america and american ford has all that well. So as we looked at statements coming out of the events on the ground, its clear to say that these 2 nato allies are butting heads. Friends has confirmed that it will begin withdrawing its troops from nature this week. The enlargement has been welcomed by locals, who say the move has been a long time in coming. It is something if we get the lease of the can to fight against terrorism. Terrorism continue to fire. Um, we are firmly awaiting the withdrawal. The deadline is short. We are really in a hurry for them to leave and leave us our National Territory now most incredible. And then 1st of all is very good to use when we know that since july, the 26th, with being in the fight against french imperialism. And in particular, for the departure of the French Occupation troops from these. Yeah, the announcement of the withdrawal means thats part of the fight is done. But no, the less the flight will continue. Maybe theyre not 5 years young. The new share does not need the presence of french troops on the status because their presence has not brought any change to me share because french troops never intervene. India attacks perpetrated in these year by the bandits and jihad is still their presence has no advantage from this country. Is that im sorry strip. So finally begin with drawing from new j. This will other statements out of here today the front on forces. Mother chad forces. So good country for games and days and i go braces this week. Were going to like show this isnt the jerry i dont think well do. Are probably going to print into, im going to so how region somebodys huge and so it should go on july 26 has been demanded for French Forces to leave the country on demonstrations. Ive been taking place outside the mamma phase, this Development Times just as the president or friends, the one on the front. I do with angel to demand a 5, a genta, and then those will be were to 1005. 00 since our troops f 150. 00 cd francis decided to bring back in some bassett, or in the next few hours. Our and baset are and several other diplomats will return to france. Were ending our military cooperation of as the french soldiers. I really miss yates, of successful countries all 5 days. You have is of course, the whole region, samuel military leaders who also brought it as mama doesnt say they do not run fairly so its on the saw him and then they can manage what have the challenges come here, ways, imperialist and neil colonialists forces are no longer welcome on our National Territory, a new era of cooperation based on Mutual Respect and sovereignty is already under way. It was really low. Roger, its tom just up to the mileage on. So other the station about francis and boss. So thats a new jack pulled that late september, so i pressed print, ignored, you know, the request and the District Attorney page just in front of the embers, stevens, thousands, raleigh, and across the top. Its all to them on the, with the french troops. So given this pressure of the president of france, amount on my phone, and now that about 1500 trips or nearly j by the end of the year, beginning with the ones that strips this week. Now the pre process, which there is no longer a fonts or freak, we do not intervene when there was a qu and africa like president mccord has also said french troops across africa will remain, but wed reduce the price of the country for next into a freight and besides the cost of the african consummate well, we also spoke with a former president ial official from this year, and he says that part us is losing its grip on africa because of quote, irresponsible behavior by francis leadership for disease during the 1st they said they would not leave me here. Now they have announced that they are leaving. Its perfect. They have to leave frances losing africa because of its responsible behavior of its course. Leaders can take, applicants for servants will take them for their slaves. This is what creates tension between them in africa. I dont think there was any immediate possibility of re unification with france. Africans have decided to take their common destiny into their own hands. They are fighting for the monetary sovereignty and economic sovereignty of africa. This is the difference between france and the growing Political Class in africa. Francis losing its influence in the sahara regions because of its arrogance frances not take into account the social and cultural realities of african countries. France wants to impose its vision on africans. It lives off african wealth and is arrogant towards them. The citizens of these year know that the sanctions imposed by equal was the embargo performed. It was a borders. It was france that dictated them to some heads of states of equal was canada is deputy Prime Minister has accused president clinton of weapon icing. Quote, the mistake of hosting an s s not c veteran, yet i realize not say in the Canadian Parliament and encourage everyone to just shooting the russian liter that we cant change the fact that he made the mistake. We can though all of us decide how effective not improved and is a better. No, i think that mistake. And i would really urge all of us to understand the russian propaganda is real. And we need to push back very, very hard against every single Vladimir Putin says. And does all our take. Ill give you the original morrison has been listening to that as well. Good to see you, rachel. I suppose canadian figures just like mr. Freeland would dearly loved the situation to just go far, far away, but it is far from just allowing me to put in point. The guy said the incredible spectacle be incredulity of that day and also yeah, canadian deputy Prime Minister christy, if i lets just peddling the damage in full talk. The point that the canadian government has obviously been advised to deploy an attempt to deflect from their own scruff, but yeah, okay, so we all students here for an actual original nazi during ukrainian president liners wednesdays, visit the permit, and in a totally bi partisan fashion. But bring it up and youre doing is bidding because you couldnt possibly just be a patriotic canadian who wants to know why one day you wake up, you turn on the news and see all of your countries on law makers tearing for an actual nazi. Im wondering where the hell is going on. Apparently no one did the math and figured out that ukraine fighting against russians during world war 2. As how speaker anthony rode, the said in his introduction of the earl sob, how god could really only have been fighting for nazi germany, i guess, canada and its allies, including the soviet union at the time. So now to get everyone to just move on from this screw up, theres threatening critics with the pro label, so they dont ask any, even more troubling questions like, hm. If these classes so clue, its about, well documented history as to class, right . Not see. Then do they already have any idea who they are actually funding an army over a you pray right now, particularly through the fog of war and come to the screen with as, as webinar thing their screw up. But actually, every time puts in or anyone else brings up this issue, it just affectively reduces her governing liberal parties, chassis for re election. So heres what we can send that free when fines so troublesome. You queen solution essentially, i dont want to hurt the feelings of canadian people in any way. As in spite of everything, we treat canada and its citizens with respect. If he, the speaker of the Canadian Parliament doesnt know that hitler and his henchmen fought against russia during the war, hes an idiot. So lets look at, lets say there is really nothing more than what the average canadian has already been asking themselves. Where was the Due Diligence or critical thought among all of these jokers and part of it, why didnt no one in part of the clue in, even in the moment that who was introduced and just refrain from applause wouldnt. It wouldnt be the 1st time that someone in this government failed to do some basic Due Diligence, Canadian Defense officials, training, neo nazi as all fighters and ukraine were apparently surprised to come across. Not the past few is among their trainees. And instead of just ending the missing or asking questions of what were, what was really going on here, they just cross your fingers and hope that the press wouldnt find out about it. Well say that neo nazis in ukraine was all just russian propaganda. So in the wake of the home to an incident, theres been a call here in canada to do more to address canada as a parent, not the issue. And to be forthright about how many nazi fighters actually came to pass that in the way. The 2nd problem for which trio is apparently considering in potentially releasing their names. But we confronted with that proposition freelance whose own grandfather was the editor of that not c newspaper in ukraine. Well, kind of like a teenager after a secret Weekend House Party being questioned by our parents about why all of their food was gone. Oh, bloody or food must have taken it for i think, you know, let, let me just start by reiterating and i dont think it can be said too many times. How hurtful for so many people in canada and around the world. What happened was and has been and continues to be a quick reminder that pretty language initially confronted about their ukrainian grandfather is not the pass also called that russell. This is the reason so that pretty much has already established that one. Canadian officials the use that its really just a tactic to deflect from inconvenient facts and having to answer to their own citizens. Heres to go in. Yes. Another example is that its all the people car besides, you know, youre either way to manage your partner. Were getting charged for what we do, what were doing is all stopping. Know, were putting a price on pollution. Right. And were returning it. Preferably for early so youre talking it over to you. Right . Right. Oh no. Yeah. I just sent over to the guy that you are the lot or does all youve been listening to the, to the, to your proper dad. Dad is a pc or mac, the yeah. The homeless shelter. Weve come to the point now where western leaders like through though have become so comfortable. Busy with so can you put in, in an attempt to rebate, any responsibility for their screw ups waiting on topics like carbon tax as you saw have not video. But its become pretty much just stuck in each of the problems for them though. Is that in this blatant pace of attempted deflection, even the most slack jawed can you, you can see that it wasnt booting. Who said, hung up in the canadian permit or force canadian law makers to clap for him like le bottom line. Yeah. And the fact that true those party tried to get it wiped from the, the actual records in parliament as well. I think is a tale in itself. Rachel, thanks as all was archie contributor, rachel morrison. Okay, heres one that with a lot of zeros. The Us National Debt has grown by 275000000000. 00 in one day. According to the countrys Treasury Department does not figure excitements. For instance, the total russian debt is almost as big as rushes an entire yearly budget. Spend my colleagues research, shay and chris, and that the sensor and stories like this. When somebody says to me, rory, you know, how big is the universe . I dont know. I, i, you know, how big is us that i cant get my head around this either the, the numbers with talking the nearly inconceivable. Youre absolutely right, roy, the extortion at that actually im falling to the boat and using a big lead, the united, the, if you look at the actual figures do us that is over 33. 00 trillion dollars. Now i need the numbers the each, you just could never imagine how a country could ever get to a point where essentially, in my opinion, monies was this right. I mean, you know, as, as we had just at the beginning of that kit that we looked at comparing this to other countries. So comparing it to russia, if we look at the us, that settings we trillion 275000000000 in one day being added to that Balance Sheet and compare that again to the russian budget, right . This is the entire annual budget of the Russian Federation. Is 290000000000. 00. This one. Yeah. Even less worry if we take that say a country which is etc. I think its such a rep as be china, right . We was talking about china now and the grades of china. The us that right, the piece of that per month is a trillion dollars. If we look at it, if it to this day, lets say that again chris, what did you just say . I was like jack one more time please. I guess the debt price of the entire us economy per month now is 1. 00 that trillion Dollars Companies just. Yeah. Really. Yeah. Right. The entire budget for the entire chinese economy, the entire country, i, the money that china actually spends on its economy every year is full trillion dollars. So the us, i mean, how do they keep up the questionnaires, or really, how is the, whats going to keep up in this as a trade in doing multi probably to wells where they just think the printing money is the way to get out of it. How did us that snow bold to such an avalon . Theres a few different things. I think. The 1st thing is this, on the funded spending that happened during the coven 19 pandemic. Now the us tre to this thing called the cataract, but it wasnt itself very tiring now to the People Living on the bread live the time they said, lets friends a lot of money that borrow lots of money. Just give this away to people without funding. Exactly. What would happen, i pay like a stimulus as a good thing. Probably if it was an awful thing for so many people in effect and suddenly live, which is giving away essentially free money. Most of that money ready went into the, the us public markets, into us corporate company, and also then forward on top of that. So its just a sliding scale of calls that its like if you and i went out with all credit cards right now, this audio who are just going to run them off but had no idea how we could ever pay them back. And just dont think about it, thats essentially what b u. S. Government did with the entire economy on the way that us businesses just like in 2008 with the financial crash, the hif, they just sold the policy of this free money. So kit and now that we thing the consequent having. So just kicking the can down the road, chris, i mean, i know youve always put your finger on the pulse of oval the Global Finance is no the 35. 0, isnt this that and the other but it looks, i mean, legitimately, it looks really concerning what the future of the us dollar is going to be because you know, if the dollar has a crash, none of us are going to escape on the scale. You know, its a global reserve currency and what do you think the future holds for the dont whatever. Its really, its really hard to see. I think were going to continue to see the shift away from the us dollar being this was libraries as currency because here we just put up china, the boat of russia. We india, all of these bricks nations with betsy, already looking at other markets to invest in. Is that to be honest, you dont want to buy monopoly money. You wants to buy something this, wes, something on an economy which you see is being fiscally prudent and a great place to pump to money and invested. We arent seeing that right now. Were just seeing a, a, quite frankly, a. 2 fishkill on, on, on, on and on all the us markets. The, despite increasing the strain relations china essays, its keeping communication lines open with the us. The statement comes and made media reports on possible rare by logical talks between the countries leaders of the upcoming Asia Pacific Economic cooperation for them in november. But thought me think me the up and its as washington now claims. Beijing has been spending billions of dollars to spread quote, lies in this information to shape the opinions of the world immunization of the us plans. Those efforts could create a global bias in favor of china. Beijing responded in a direct way, calling the u. S. And the empire of lives. The Us State Department report is in itself this information as it misrepresents facts interest. In fact, it is the us that invented the weaponized thing of the Global Information space from operation mocking, but with bribes and manipulated news media for the propaganda purposes. And the cold war era to a violent white powder in a stage video of the white helmet, cited as evidence the wage was of aggression in iraq and syria, early of the century. And then to the norm as line made up this marriage, china is a dream. Drunk policy fights have proven time. And again that the us as an empire of lies through and through we spoke to agent, the 1st specialist, benjamin child, who stays washington is losing control of the narrative and doesnt like it. A weapon, i say sion of Global Information space is a, is the cost of saving method for us to insights conference in the countries, especially a fortress is about to brooklyn. From the thing of the us. Its very skillful in insight and conflicts among ethnic groups in any countries for the us right now. It is risk getting uh, losing uh what they seem to think is so to have a screws of control over their Global Information space. But it really has never control the Global Information space exclusively, although it has some future success in manipulating Public Opinion is a neighbors incidence such as a using fake, Massive Destructive weapons to invade. The bach, such as a seller, expensive us editors to europe, and divert attention as to who has from the north seem to at the same time through us as opposed to getting quite a bit of challenges from the rise updates out of the countries such as china india, as well as the rise of social media. Well, the situation, i think its getting to a Tipping Point because information is the information reality is the reality. Okay, to africa and some developments in molly that were keeping a close eye on. The nations military has advanced north towards the cadell region. Now this were a separate test control at power. Currently, some locals, we spoke to agree with the move on the potential conflict ahead. Theyre saying they just want that you how these gone the source of the day. Mostly we will on National Integrity because for a long time this will begin and this host our stuff in dependence as 40. 00. Weve tried many times to get together around the big bell box for you to discuss nationalism despite the history of outside ideas. The army wont get into the adult easily. You can make all me laughs without breaking acts. But today, if at all mean mates in 2. 00, a consensus agreements could be reached. I get them monday. You all know is happy about this. Thats what we wanted for the soldiers to return to kiddo. From where they are in memphis repeated on raton to quito is a see the already that we didnt know we could get on the 5th, i can see much about the situation in kito. But if we manage to get, get out today, we can sleep because is like we have but the whole voluntary thru is not easy. Found that i want the ministry to return to kids. Oh, all soldiers have suffered the loss, especially from the trail. The day the soldiers were tenants, a kiddo, that money will be hours for us. All result is in kids. Illness have been tasked by all. And the name of the miller trees objective is to assume control accounts previously operated by soldiers from a Un Stabilization force thats currently leaving the area a spokesperson for. Mollys forces saves the actions of militants in the region. House calls most public among civilians. Certain actions by terrace groups are meant to so panic and the hearts and minds

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