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The car. I lot of stories moving very quickly on this thursday, and biachi team has its finger on the pulse, your stories stuff right now. So washington has actually found a new way to key a buffer to meeting its own stock. So running dry, dependent on is now sending weapons previously seized from iran. With these weapons transfer, the justice departments forfeiture actions against one authoritarian regime or now directly support them. Do granting and peoples fight against another sort during the resume will continue to use every legal source at our disposal to support the grant in their fight for freedom, democracy, and the rule of law. There was no 318. 00 freight has been running low as being largely overshadowed by the congressional and fighting of our whether or not the United States should send and pump more money and weapons into ukraine. Now, the United States government seems to have found a new way and a temporary solution to i use that to went fall ammunition. It had seized from iran to be sent to you. Creighton on wednesday. You the west central command, and now is that uh more than 1000000 rounds of time univision. Um, how about has already been sent to the ukrainian on forces . Washington has i seized those bullets last year from a vessel and accused of shipping. It one in whip hands to the whole group in yemen for now, one is yet to comment on the move by the decision is really expected to increase and escalate the already high tensions washington claim that last year it took custody of thousands of air warranty. And what the, as in transit to even including rifles assault rifles, bullets and machine guns. And now washington is expected to send more of those confiscated weapons to ukraine. A in line with his efforts to park the alleviate. The critical shortage facing the Ukrainian Armed forces in the battle for you as they are desperately waiting for assistance from the us and its your p and allies. Earlier i was talking with a full my us marine on june political analyst at brian, but electric. Now he calls the us decision to send seized weapons from iran to ukraine, a desperate measure. It also says is because washington is struggling to maintain its proxy will, with most of this is increasing desperation on the us as parts of this is not a Sustainable Way to wage even a proxy war against russia and ukraine. The United States, along with the cherokee and allies blacks, the industrial capacity to sustain a conflict of this scale. So weve seen them resort to a number of Desperate Measures of this most recent step to send these confiscated arms to, to pray. And this is very desperate, 1000000. 00 round sounds like a lot, but for a single per data, 4000. 00 men, itll, per, it will provide about one single load out, which will not even last through a single firefox. And weve also seen this desperation set in with the, the us in regards to a Central Artillery ammunition, sending cluster munitions which are less effective than the high explosive rounds that ukraine actually needs sending that to ukraine was also one of these Desperate Measures the u. S. Has resorted to because it is unable to sustain this proxy for the thing with ukraine. And while ongoing western support for funding key f, as most certainly being brought into question, the white house says that funding key is a fundamental concern for us security. You know, we have seen the polling just like you, if you all have seen the polling. I believe the admiral was asked about this as well. And yeah, we see the pulling, we get that we understand. But we also believe that it is fundamentally important to our own national security, as well as a, as supporting the brave people of ukraine to continue that support it is. Well that meantime, a group of i demonstrate has arrested in washington while protesting the continued funding for ukraine. People quoting for peace and a diplomatic solution instead of well pumping ukraine with even more weapons as we understand all of those arrested, was since released now. The sentiment is not only among everyday people like you and me, for example, its also worked its way over the way up the congressional that this guy right here. Yeah. The house, speak of them, a coffee kicked out of his position in a boat. He was actually his fellow republican not gates the got the motion of rolling off the he said that this guy ride him a coffee, cut a secret deal with biden to continue financially supporting ukraine. Less than a week before the now former speaker managed to avoid a Us Government shutdown, pausing of 45 day emergency spending and building which funding p. F was nothing polluted just for a moment. Lets have a listen to what the republican congressman had to say. As he rallied support to kick this man out as house leader. It was concerning to me to hear of news of a secret d o on ukraine funding. The order of law rolled more money with ukraine with our southern border. Now, how expensive is that to our customs and be able petrol to our eyes, to the people that are suffering as a consequence of our border, that some of my colleagues are only willing to stand up and fight for our border if they could send billions to ukraine to fund their board or to, well, ive had enough of that and thats why i brought this motion to vacate. Yeah, strong was from mr. Guys, right, the well out just for a moment here on the program, its track some numbers because one of the biggest holes in us spending is a cost that a Financial Aid to ukraine. And this includes just a laundry list of items, a guns, miss owls, and tanks, and other issue of course out of the national debt, which now stands at 33. 00, really and dont as informing us republican to Virginia State senator richard black. He says the real money flow is hidden inside massive spending bills, which ultimately raises the question of how the bite and white house is governing all of this the congressman, just get your own pen appropriations bill to sign up or down and i do it sometimes its 2000 pages last, i have no earthly idea of whats in it. That is not a democratic form of government that is a dictatorship and we have been operating under somebody there, tutorial power for, for some years. Now, america today, in many ways, it is sort of reminiscent of, of the roman empire during its days of decay, were sovereign with enormous debt. Weve de valued the currency by just printing limitless amounts of it. Were finding wars all over the globe, whether its a new crane and a rack and game and in syria and libya, serbia, were finding everywhere. Its really time that we brought an end to the war and stopped this terrible, terrible slaughter. But i think in the bottom why the important thing to remember is that the support for the ukrainian war is rapidly dissipating throughout the western world today. And as the crank of that continues a drag on using western supplied cluster munitions, ukrainian on 4th is struck. A village of the western russians said he aubrianna, thats according to the government of the who added that more than 50 items were damaged. And while youre creating a time to retain the hit civilian infrastructure, russia, it was actually has been working on, i should say, on rebuilding the city of mattie awful. Thats something that west impressed will never show you pictures from your cell correspondent, steve. So we may have a good look at this a 50000 pair. What is it working in the regions recently incorporated into the russian federation. According to government officials, 33 state companies are involved in the rebuilding process. Well, voluntary, some cities including most going some peaches, but helping in my view poll, while reconstruction is gathering pace just on the hall from the buildings in my viewport was set to being destroyed during intense fighting that took place over an easy day period. In march 2022, many of the building surrounding this area is still bad, but it marks on the alternately damaged from that time. Reconstruction is on the Way Construction companies and volunteers from moscow in st. Petersburg have joined the athens to rebuild the se. See these new appointment brooks have also being billed during that time. Weve been invited to take a look inside this family, which includes a tube and moved in months ago. Id say theyre comfortable and happy here. Heres el bedroom here of the children. If you tickle them, they love. Mom sleeps here on the floor. Marian sleeps here. Vice and sofa sleeps. Yeah. Emily slips back. Thats lets hear. Watch tv here. Thats it. They told us of the whole was doing the bustle for control of my view po. When the home was destroyed was really about the most part in the morning when lived in. 1 little room, it was very cold in winter, no heat saying no electricity. My husband took a huge called band would there, and then brought the how to grow inside to get some more work out twins were only 2 years old, back them from the show. So we went to the basement, but we are asked to leave shells, renees with line and we care with our children. I saw god. Let them kill me. Im so tired. Got them so tired, i cant take it anymore. We met another family waiting to be re housed of to the homeless body, damage of and as will strike, leaving a wife without a husband to do a daughter without a father at the villas of it was the dsl patel. And for sure, my payments do choking me. Ellis, my husband to us of snipers for detained once. And then there were 212. 00 floor residential buildings and the snipers receipt in there and shooting it civilians. Some said these 2 people who were running out of a durn house and got shot, they wouldnt let them flee. So people just during their day is almost a body that was very live local was have received k used to apartments like this one. But there was still a lot of work to be done. According to the matter of matter, you po, rebuilding the city could take as long as 3 is. But theyre all signs of life. Signs of hope where there was ones destruction and chaos. This is Steve Sweeney in bobby pole for all to the leader of the populace. The alternative for germany policy has been report the text with us so written containing an under liquid at a cum pain, riley of finality. While these are shot at the risk and she has the town us. So what we do understand is that he is the co leader of f, the whose name is tino capella. He was at a raleigh in bavaria, which is the Southern States in germany. He was that because there was a big election coming up in bavaria on sunday. So he was there at a campaign. Raleigh. We understand he was caught up in the melody. He was taking cell fees with the thousands of people who were there at the crowds and then he collapsed. Now the unconfirmed reports we have is that he was attacked with a needle that was full of liquid and not liquid caused him to go into a flock. The chuck we have not had that confirmed from the police. That is unconfirmed reports. The police say that they were called about an incident at 430. 00 on wednesday. In the Southern States of, of area, they said that the leader of the ac was hospitalized that he was showing no injuries. Well, that would be consistent if there was an attack with a needle, it would be very hard to see that injury. And that he was taken to hospital where he is in a stable condition. Now this has been taken very seriously by the the, the other konita which is alice vital. She is in hiding at the moment because she also says that she has received threats. And this is not the 1st time we have seen the tax on politicians from the a f d thats been a long listing, treating back in 2019 and the city bremen, one politician, was almost beaten to death. A more recently in just august of this year, another f t pulsation had dog feces smid on her. So really a long list of attacks the policy taking this very seriously. This is a policy through the setup in 2013. So its only about 10 years old. They recently have the 1st publication elected into a state parliament. Be happy building their success, you and yes, a consider themselves to be alternative in terms of the politics they have spoken as again the number of migrants coming into germany. But to you know, qu paula himself as being totally to now for 4 years, he has really overseeing this rise in popularity of policy. And he has been a particularly controversial figure when it comes to the mainstream media, because hes spoken out against ukraine. He has actually like in the country to being like, not seen germany. And he said that the only when the in the war and ukraine is actually going to be the u. S. And thats because he says as a result of that, who you are 1st tried to stop buying washing energy. Its instead of importing show gas from the us gas, but he describes as being dirty energy and his being really outspoken. The human insight on funding on the, with these decisions are actively prolonging and conflict and blocking these negotiations. Theyre running straight into an open fire with their eyes wide open, and i have to say straight into the world war 3. So hugely controversial. Forget but successful for the policy when his party is now posting. Second in germany, that is above, i chose the olaf, schultz c d u policy. So were waiting for more information, but the confirmation we have at the moment is that the coordinator vfc is in the hospital with the stable receiving treatment after that reported attack at a rally in the barrier. On wednesday, we spoke to the Vice President of the a if the policy and the federal setup of area a ran a roof was and he describe how tensions in germany, a really rising ahead of a moving election. We are shocked and uh yeah, we are only a few days away from uh the elections in the battery. Uh and um, were saying that the situation seems to be escalating. And um, this is something that, boris, of course, the old Democratic Forces in germany. I can confirm is that the situation is really intense in the battery um, in germany in general, we also have elections and it has been going on. And the campaign is being characterized by really intense uh, threats to many people. Um we have had one um canada to has been beaten raises in the uh uh, just a few weeks ago. I can witness all of them from my own the region in your hands and all that already election posters are being damaged, really intensive lease. Uh they usually just hang over night and the next morning they are destroyed. And this just happens with the a s d. So i have the impression that that was for us is to fear that the a s d could take away from them. Incidence seats maybe resources also once and to fight us through these democratic yeah. Measures and just by violence. And this is really a development that we should immediately stop. The United Nations says the world has not lived up to his commitment. When it said, quote never again with migraines, crossing the Mediterranean Sea parish. It comes as you are because the highest number of migrant desk soon it shows in recent to you as a contributor now, picks up the store or not grace. It has been back in the headlines with crises for europe, and its better trade, in fact, with africa and free the United States on his border with latin america in the south. And now the United Nations Migration Authority has just given the side i to the lip service page. The treatment of my birds 5 developed countries, the Us International organization for migration points out that 10 years ago, 358. 00 men, women and children, died off the coast of italys lab produced the islands price and make it to your li, western backers. The states, democracy, expands and operation in syria and libya and well, you may find this hard to believe, but it turns out that all the never again purchased sigmoid has not managed to fix the problem. When a boat crammed with over 500 women, men and children sent over the coast of the tow in all into a form produced 10 years ago, people sat never again to day on the telephone. Number 3 of that shipwreck, we have not to leave top to that commitment. 2023 has recorded the dead list 1st quarter of seems 2017. And by the 2nd of october, 2517 people were counted as dead or missing this year alone in the central media to renew m. So why have it the west best and brightest been able to come up with a solution . Why . After 10 years is mediterranean migration towards europe resulting in death tools. Nazis is 2017 with over 2 and a half 1000 lies lot. So far this year alone. Ursula bonder line on the elected european mission, president s and the fact of the press wheres the land produced the last month after thousands of migrants fighting far as more than the population of the entire island itself. And talked about the. Ringback incredible or more me solidarity, even though it exasperated. Finally, the official had been ranting in the street about the overwhelming situation. An increase the number of my friends all leaving the country of origin being led by ruthless Mount Pleasant traffic coast and many are up here and lumpy, just as simply because of its location. I want to be very clear. We have an obligation as part of the international community. We have fulfilled it in the past, and we will do so today and in the future. But we will decide who comes to the European Union and under what circumstances and love this month was in traffic cuz it borderline based that the you decide who gets it then . Well, whats the waiting for to prove it . A written invitation. Thats what is likely in practice as vandalized, the value of a coordinated European Response to the christ. Because this, by the time prime ministers georgia maloneys campaigning on getting the migrant situation under control. She also really made a mistake of leaving it to big brain, your fragile problems, youve told me its never a good idea. So then maloney had to resort to begging your opinion allies to pigeon. But ursula is to unity. I have other ideas. Germany said that it was full of nobody can see here, maybe try to place down the street in france. So its European Solidarity by promptly started his porter with italy. There can be no message given to people who come to our shores. They will be welcomed, whatever happens if people are not eligible for a silent, which is the case for the nationalities were seeing at the moment. I board ends can be and sending a least an easy and there is no political asylum aside from exceptions to be given to these people, they obviously have to be sent back to their own countries. What got it and didnt be here for as far as the whole, say, last year the integration was the quote for minimal chance for, for us of course my goal is only talking about a very specific find it grace in europe. And the us are only too happy to benefit from the break rate caused by x. It is educated citizens for the veterans types by western morris starts by countries just like black holes, france in africa, siphoning off they hand a and leaving the rest to scramble into boats and take their chances. Because apparently solidarity only begins once you managed to reach europes dillard garden. I was discussing this a bit earlier in the program with most the able to hear the coordinator of the African Legacy for him. He explained that when it comes to migration, the end of the day, he says that europe has become the victim of its own game. Youre of actually games playing its own little kids audience. And the issue of migration from africa sequence the, they were coming talk to the teachers, technicians, hardworking and young, african people, both of us because they cannot control the situation completely. Because that also such where theyre at no voting population because they dont have any policies implemented in europe. Supporting european families, european tradition that values European Society as then they find themselves the victims of their own. Again, they see it as a voting a game. They see it as a presenting balancing their own notes and policies and the victims. And in this game, of course, as weekends. Okay, have a big move. 5 lives back home, as its not being for the war is waged by nato in the middle east and north africa. Palestine is celebrating World Teachers day, and i guess its safe to say a new generation of students assessed me taking notes open out to all these more if an ocean im meeting with one of the worlds top 50 teachers bringing innovation to the classrooms of jimmy. The hello, this is yeah, its a Computer Science teacher from the palestinian city of denise is one of the worlds best 15 centuries. Thats off to he won a global teacher price of the creative and promoting interactive learning to have students or palestinian boys age 5 to 13. 00, living in the city. Thats mostly makes headlines together with a nearby refugee camp off the same name as an apple. The center of a Palestinian Armed resistance, and for being a target i was really on a range. The most recent one, the largest ground in error peroration in 2 decades, was in july, it last of 3 days, and ended up with 13 dest, including 12, who is real calls terrorist, while palestinian c as liberators, as well as severe damages to infrastructure. Many local youngsters struggle to see any bright future, something that he believes could be changed through education of the nature. Despite the events relief in here in jeanine, we can evaluate and excel in all fields and create awards that originate from palestine enhancing innovation and promoting the extra in job experiences. So thats the posting and students can feel Global Citizenship processing and students chatting students from all the countries and compete with them. Yeah, it has won a number of awards in the last 6 years, including outstanding future answer anesco sponsorship. You were paying Commission Also for the team in the top 10 best teachers. Who would, you know, and ward 5 the teacher is better than his student. Also. Somebody who was, yes, i know that mister a, it isnt a competition. And he deserves to win to truly deserves to be the best in the world. Because thanks to him, ive learned many things and benefited greatly. Ive even become ready to program more advanced things than what were currently learning. Thanks to him. I have developed a greater passion for school this to the staff i live coming to school to excel in my studies. And when i succeed on go to university and become a doctor, god willing is also the 1st and only palestinian. And the 2nd throughout the our world to be in and baset are often merged q project, a powerful educational to engage the students in science with 3 d objects and simulations. They can touch, hold, and interact with. Whether its a solar system or human body making learning, youre fine. And the pleasure. After we need many label prizes, eod has pushed the governments through. Stablish palestine is own competition. The International Award and Scientific Research that expects to embrace 40 countries to oclock. The expectations solve thats been 6 months, will have the opening conference to introduce these awards. We will focus on the 1st part, Food Security. This means about a students bassoon, and most his degree of solving peoples Food Security issues will receive a valuable money to reprice. The ya know, hope to receive a letter and notifying him that hes made it into the top 10 best teachers on the planet. So if it happens, you have to want to continue to compete for the main prize over 1000000. 00. Hes planning to actually donate to promote educational projects in his homeland. They say big during a start with little steps he, i believes the janine Elementary School for boys where he teaches home to around 450 students. Would be a starting point for changes like better education and understand and to grow and make genuine difference across society. And perhaps one day across the world. Way from ocean to reporting from jeanine and palestine. The world should oppose any military intervention under a false pretext. Thats the statement from iran at the un general assembly. And then on align movement the rejects actions and measures the use or threat of use of force imposed or threatened to be imposed by any of the state against any non alignment. Moving a member of country under the, protects of combating terrorism, or to pursue its political aims, including by directly or indirectly, categorizing them as to reason the sponsoring states. Furthermore, terrorism cannot and should not be associated with any religion, nationality, civilization, or ethnic rule. And these attributions should not be used to justify, to reason or Counter Terrorism measures. The history is definitely seen plenty of ministry under the interventions under the pretext of combining tara, iraqs a good example. Roughly 300000 People Killed millions displays a scanner store and of course occupied by america for 20 years, millions best still struggling to get their lives back on track libya, syria, also notable if a pos us lead interventions of both of those countries still living in a state of crisis probably of my colleague of southgate taylor spoke with a panel of guests to question the true motives of the narrative behind fighting temperance. The phenomena Line Movement has been very critical of the United States and nato for decades is not just the fact that they attack countries because of the u, because they use excuse for fighting me, does terrorism. Theyre actually the ones who are usually behind terrorism. And then of course, the more recent examples of the United States supporting extremist groups and i see this out by the and their associates and syria. We saw them use the same extremist groups in libya. The, as were also finding alongside the saudis, in government, and in latin america, what, any of washingtons interventions im sponsoring of such and terrorist groups. A broad since 911 justified a did they, as a, achieve any of the goals that they set, how to achieve . So that was one of the very few in the Defense Department at the time of the invasion of iraq who opposed that and it cost me my job. Its that simple. And, and the reason for that is that we knew that i knew what the game plan was, and it was to not just stop terrorism per se, but its that action actually created terrorism. And what we also saw was the spread by them near conservatives in this country. And we have them even in the, by the Administration Today as we see in ukraine, actually pushing democracy even at the end of a gun. And thats, that it has been, they, they, the policy of the media conservatives. And theyre very influential, whether the republican or democrat in any Administration Today, these policies are, are still being used by western countries as the decline in order to prevent writing powers from establishing themselves. And i think, and that makes it an inc and a greater challenge in the months and years to come. We see already, for example, after the, the, the cruise in africa that were against the bright,

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