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Brand new president brought them is that landscape publicly . Owners . Yes. And not the not see cooperate. So while the west and major attempts to white wash the top rack pulls of people who patched royalty to hit lot the good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. And depending on where you are joining us from web lot, you are welcome to the program. And im what shes starting with some years just in from washington. Like i said, for public couldnt tell them the coffee has been ousted as the speaker of the us house of representatives were pretty dramatic twins, 216 roommate because voted in save up for moving him to a 110. All those opposed move. Well, no one buses join us to explain it all. Then on your face correspondent caleb opened. Caleb, im for people who are really aware of how american politics works. What this means, why its historic. Does it have to cost uh through this unprecedented boat as well. The speaker of the us house of representatives is 3rd in line to be president after the president and Vice President. Its an important position they convene over the larger house of the us legislature. And in this move, we see the republicans led by congressman map gates, teaming up against their own party leader. Republicans currently have a majority in the house of representatives, and their leader was the speaker the house Kevin Mccarthy. However, there has just been major disagreements among republicans and among congress, people in general about funding for ukraine that we saw a government shut down narrowly avoided over the weekend as it came very, very close to the Us Government. Not having continued funding. There was an agreement reached for a 47. 00 day extension of government funds, but it did not include any more money for ukraine. And that was largely seemed to be the work of the so called mago republican, the novel games that are aligned to donald trump, that associated with his populist rhetoric. Now it appears that mat gigs who is among these and now the republicans has rallied a majority of the republicans in the house of representatives. 2, for the 1st time in history, remove the speaker of the house of their own party and out him from the leadership position of the house of representatives. They consider him to be out of out of line with the majority within the republicans of the house of representatives that have a more populist isolation is donald trump, america 1st mancha perspective. Now this has a lot to do with the controversy related to ukraine because it would be very lager republicans who were demanding that money for ukraine not be included in the spending bill. Uh and in the money that was passed to avoid a government shut down or then now it seems that because they dont consider Kevin Mccarthy to have been there ally for a neighbor lucien from his house. So the question now is, who will be the new speaker of the house and use the bigger of the house last to be elected ro one. And the democrats will obviously vote against whoever the republicans put forward. But the republicans with a majority in the house of representatives, now i have the task of finding someone along among their ranks, that is acceptable to a majority within the house itself. So at this point, it seems like this is, you have another wind for the longer republicans, marjorie taylor, green, matt gates and others, the faction within the Republican Party that is more associated with donald trump as ousted. Kevin mccarthy was seen as a kind of a figure from the, the old guard and the Republican Party. Closer to neo conservatives, closer to more centrist republicans. Ah, so this is quite a shift in american politics. We saw, hows the lensky returns to the United States and didnt get the big spans there he got previously how the republicans denied him the opportunity to once again address a joint session of congress. How you brain spending was not included in the recent budget that was passed in order to prevent a government shutdown. Now. Kevin mccarthy, the moderate republican speaker, the house is out and theyll be electing. Yeah. A new leader of the house of representatives. Well, definitely what pretty Dramatic Development stash. It wasnt in his st long, but it looks like hes himself homeless left the house vacant as well. That was all to is caleb opened bring a bit more clarity to the situation to well i once cross live now and bring a need to legal and need to unless law, i know im like, oh, we always appreciate your takes on any situation. I mean, the political soccer, and i mean, not genuine yet to me if it came across in any other way the, the political sockets continues. So, i mean, what was your initial reaction to . Because to being out to visit the lensky, ca, striking down his ukraine, become a poisoned talis, washington politicians to okay, im going to start off by saying, i am not unbiased. Im not a journalist, im not in any way going to give you away concise, an cronkite esque approach. I am telling you as an american citizen, finally, the republicans have done something. Anything they studied for something might be wrong. It might be stupid, it might be foolish. But finally, for the longest time, i am going to tell you the g o p, which i am not just blowing the record. I am a registered independent, which is a political, a fee as to reg gnostic, whatever that means on either side i despise equally. But for the long this time people been asking, what did these republicans been for . They dont like trump they, they, they are, are they democrats . What are they . Yes, a significant portion of this was the ukrainian vote because nobodys understood any of it. Especially right now when think about this, people are being told were going to shut down the government because we dont have enough money. And others were saying, well, maybe if he didnt send the money there. And then we have students who say what about our loan payments . Your loan payments are over there, so maybe just, maybe this might get the g o p to pay attention. But let me tell you the insight, skinny who minutes because this is what the, what the there i say, the more paleo conservative classical or conservative. Theres been, republicans, are the National Review type. Theyre saying, oh, theres mad gates, hes just trying you want edition for his next job on some t v show hes trying to, to viper, his position, itd be the next talking head. Thats the only reason he wants to do it, by the way. Thats the new slam, but mad gauge and marjorie taylor, green and others where they are like come or not have been consist that they have said, this is what we believe in. And were not going to have a weird whole down one, drew down, dilute version of whatever. Now, ive got to Say Something 3 hours ago. If you can figure out what a mazda republican is, letting me know, nobody knows what this means. Its a word that like, like conspiracy theorist, they tag it on and it makes sense because believe me, having the people who hate the final drug more, there anybody are republic and this is the most fractious thing anybody has ever see. Unless do you think the democrats or somehow the beneficiaries of this . Oh no. Because when gavin newsom takes over the home and Bobby Kennedy splits, dad for this is going to be may have, do you understand . Im sure you, i see this before. I believe you have most probably the republican nominee who was on trial for, for indictment, 91. 00 total charges. Hes on trial. You have an independent, a democratic scion who basically threw down the gauntlet and told the democrats, im going 3rd party. Im going after you. And then you have a, admittedly, perhaps a president who is not long for that position about to be perhaps removed or supplanted. I believe, by gavin newsom from california. This is going to be in sanity and the house is the least of their problems. And im telling you something as what a lot of people are thinking myself included, just as an observer and a proud american of the worst thing that ever happens in political world is stability. Whatever everybodys happy when ever everybody is content, i get worried. Why your adversaries happy . Why is everybody getting along . Politics one would suggest is by definition fractious and contentious. Thats when things are done. When people stand for something, ill tell now this politics basically has been this, this left right paradigm, this illusion 2 sides of the same calling. Everybody basically saying the same thing. But up till now its, im telling you, people are admittedly saying the following. They may despise my gates, they may say this guy is a punk and he has no business doing this. A new gingrich is calling for his ouster, but privately people have to say good for him. Somebody stood up for something now granted, siding with a democratic necessarily, youre your chance for political future, but im, but enough emphasis can be said or can be made rather people in politics today. Im not looking to be tenured in this position in their eighties. Theyre looking for the next mode, and that means media and that means social media that needs to be the next target, carl said, or 11 or whatever. And theres no better way to do that and to get your name recognition in now. So i basically disquieting your political party, so a lot of aspects to this, and some of them political, some of them via radical. But this is, this is been quite a while donald trump is on trial, as we speak, who just received a gag order. I mean, this is, you, you, you cant write this, you cant write this, ive been doing this for a while, and i have never seen anything even remotely as, as a tragedy comic as this. Definitely beats any of not 6 series that are currently being offered twice. Yes. Once make hi would you want to, especially when you describe it the way the into the, the, the one thing i want to ask you, but that was a room with a bite and im a coffee. Had done a secret deal behind closed doors to approve about ukraine aid. Somewhere down the line. Im reading dates was kind of pushing full transparency was saying, are you called to the other is just unacceptable your your traits . Uh, i mean i mentioned the word transparency and the idea of coming to dc or is that just uh part of the sky high in the sky pipe dream. I dont think to be to be very, im sorry, but to be frank that might be listed there is bell way. Politics. Theres washington the way they think, you know, deep state to heritage though that sort of thing. They watch cnn morning, joe. And they live in that were the vast majority of, most americans have no idea of what ukraine means. What rushing means they know what, some kind of a war and, you know, theyre, were going to help the good guys. But what really gets peoples attention, what really gets americas attention is when you say you have monies that are going elsewhere, that are not being audited, not being accounted for. Now were going to shut this country down by the way, before i forget theres no shut down. Its an expression. I one time listed the last 4 or 5 times the government shut down. It doesnt exist. Its the radical. Its pictured alert. It may be on paper, but nobody remembers where all of a sudden the lights go down and you know, your, your tv flickered and theres no fault. It doesnt work like that its, its more, its more theoretical if anything else. But, but whats going to be, what was interesting is, think about this mac gates, who many people despise him because of his arrogance and his lot. Look at what hes asking for, as you say very, are you still really transparency clarity that lucidity . Lim, pitany . Can we, can we, can we know what youre doing a day or are you, you obstructionist, what we just want to know . Whats going on core, do you think you are the American People . Thats who we think we are. So this is, you know, this is, this is exciting. And as again maybe stepping aside from whatever role this is that i am. And the time people start to wake up in any time theres argument, thats the best thing for politics, the foundation of our constitution, our, this right here was basically on, im old and problems and, and we once or to be a flashes, you know, of interchange of ideas, not this whole hum, smoke filled rooms and patting each other in the back. Thats not what were about. This is not going to be the end of civilization by any stretch of the imagination. And as, as our, our friend mentioned before, the speaker is the 3rd in line a 3rd after the Vice President s 3rd in succession. This is a very, very powerful position. As a rhino whos laughing hysterically, its nancy pelosi because one thing about the democrats, whatever you want to say about them, they are in lock step. You would never see as opposed to in the democratic administration, or democratic leadership. And you never, they never talk bad about each other. They never smite each other. They are in lock step, they are tough. Youll never hear a o. C, talking bad about anybody else for that matter. But the republicans, its like us, its like a punch and judy show, its uh, it, it should be its own. Kind of like a combat or professional. Rationally, youre always, youre always are great because there are so many factions within it. As you say to me, i, the republicans, the conservative republicans, the paler republicans, been neo kind of the war profiteers, the district, the libertarians, the gun folks, the moral majority of the social. I mean, theres all these fractions, practice groups within this very large tent. So theyre always finding to an extent, but not like this tomorrow is going to be fascinating. And by the way, remember, whenever you watch any commentary tonight on any of the cable new shows, remember theres one rule. Nobody knows what theyre talking about. They have no idea what this means, and theyre watching all the other shuttles to make sure that the talking points are memorized in this wrote obeisance to stay the same thing. Its going to be some of the most boring common dairy ever. Thats why you have to go elsewhere to get the truth. You know what i mean . Some uh free promotion fraud to you. I absolutely love it. Um, the final thing that i do want to ask you long is that when i was um, preparing and researching this was, was quite a strong start today to discuss it. This was the 1st time it happened in history. Now obviously as a, as a brit. Um i in principle, dirt, im not interested in american politics, its my side im taking pulls. But um, what i did want to say tell you is youre a member of a very large club. Yeah. Well, why do you think it is one of the conditions specific people are in the us at the moment that make it possible for it to have happened . Now . Its like a car crash. Its amazing when you think all of the cars on the road every single day there should be catering and bedlam and carnage, but theyre not. And then one day something goes wrong and its, its a mess right now as we speak. Let me, let me throw one at you. We have this the possibility that there was a real, an actual possibility where the next president of the United States is decided in the house of representatives with no votes, no no ballads, no, no cock is. Theres no primary da, house of representatives where maybe the 2nd time in american history, a president has won twice into non consecutive terms. You want to talk about history. I make this, this is with all due respect, my old compared to whats happening right now. This is, wait until you see that you may have for the 2nd time, non a 2 times when the uh to 270 electro volt number is not reached. And by the way, you also have another one where people are trying to keep donald trump off of the ballot because hes a, quote, an instruction is, notice im doing air quotes, hes an insurrection as well. That doesnt fly. But if it does, somebody could see it radically ask to keep joe biting off the ballot because hes the radically aided as the enemy. So you would have both individuals knocked off the ballot. It would go to the house of representatives where each state has one vote follow me now. And it said majority of republicans because what donald trump is in with foreign documents and 91. 00 charge. So it does that even except for i do not think this is brent as big. Ive never been out since this excited since they cancel the ropers and mentioned inside your but anyway its its, its fast up a little. So what i, i thought that was, was the discussing. Ive, ive lost my train of thought by with me. Was it i was, i was wondering how to look at this within a concept of american governments. And what the, this was a sign that something was walking in the opposite, whether it would be going to go to a point where it was a sign that it was something that was broken down. And this wouldnt make us some kind of changes they off is that you think its what . Oh no, no. Oh no, no, no, i think it is the fact that it is, it is indeed working. The constitution is work you. This is precisely what the drafters of the constitution we used to have fights was one time when somebody nearly beat to death to somebody with a cane. I mean, i mean we, we had dual wang, i mean, yeah, its this, im glad were not there yet. But the idea of our democracy is that it is protean, is malleable, it moves, it has, its, its angry, its aggressive. Its not pretty, but its long as you follow the rules. Its wonderful. Were talking about it. And heres the best part. While were doing, theres just no writings, theres no rebellion. If that bird, theres kind of actual instruction without using the trouble which this is it. This is to mount you was, but this is by design. This was the whole, the whole i do. We have 3 branches of government that can cancel out the others. This was inherently designed to be combative and argumentative. You always have for every right thats granted, theres a veto. Theres just wonderful simbie offices. Theres balance. Oh, i think its wonderful. I think this is exactly what the drafters had wanted. This is exactly what i said when everybodys happy, im scared. If there is not yelling and screaming, then theres something very wrong so, so no, no, the, the, the, the republic will survive. I promise you. And this is a good time for people not to sit back and ask themselves, what exactly is this Republican Party or what does that even mean . You, as you walk up to anybody whos countries a, tell me, heres a 1000. 00, give me an actual difference between democrats and republicans. What does that mean . And you wont lose a dime because people have sense of, well its and they dont know this by for the 1st time lead us to being and having an actual, definitive distinction a for a, a kind of a fracture, as well as the one way. But a distinction between these 2 parties. So im excited, i think id be happy days are here again. I be deliriously exuberant for no particular reason. I might be delusional, but i dont think so. I think this is exactly what was intended i, this is the classic case of the facts being strange and far more interesting. Yeah. Is the legal, i mean, unless inevitable law, i know as, as it was wonderful to have you want to make some watch. Thank you. Ukraines president has public pay on it yet to know that not to collaborate by name and one of the countrys military units off to you has gotten a corner lot. The kind of outlets who had teamed up with hitler head of world war 2, have pulled out all the stops for the star, many even hosting in you for him. Part of the chief joseph bro. It was out that occasion when a ukrainian recognizance baton in pro carry out of the name of kind of audits to its title. Its not the foster search cases present. Soleski olive renamed to brigade to a device to try to once help monitoring nazi division. Who are some Foreign Ministry spokesman condemned the latest about stating that it certainly filed the evidence of an already worrying trend in keys. And once again, a confirmation of the nazi essence of the key of regime another minutes and to unit has been designated in on of the hits variety of any kind of audits. Also full ukrainian, nazis kind of outlets was one of the most invited to hitler on the most loyal to yes. Got any kind of outlets, was a prominent ukrainian extremist during the 19 twenties and thirties, he co founded and loved the crating and nationalist organization that late to foot alongside the nazis themselves. He built place, ties with facade, rice, electric needs, and met hitler himself. Several times was ultimately assassinated in 1938. The contributions are many, and he has, comes to stay, is off to another scandal interrupted in the west. That was the Canadian Parliament standing ovation for a war time, not see cooperates of from ukraine, some west and Media Outlets and ill try to whitewash the story. Political for example, has published an article on the incident pulling it complicated. The opinion piece like cousins and 5, the sophia union to nazi germany even suggest the side thing with it wasnt such a big issue. No answer on the street from the scars told us that the control the sea and canada could seriously hinder far and support the queens cause. So we are seeing a real questions raised above the wisdom of sending weapons to ukraine to a degree that wed not seen in any time in the last 18 months. I think that the publics appetite for the behavior of parliament has been greatly diminished. And frankly, there has been no end of criticism coming from all ends of the political spectrum in canada for what happens, i think that this is more than a black guy. This is a really a devastating blow to whatever International Standing canada had. And the people in canada are keenly aware of that. And i, and frankly, the last thing ill say is i think that this, this bothering him and not seeing canadas problem is not with not wanting to, to stand innovations has had an international impact. It goes well beyond canada and has started to raise very serious question throughout the west about the wisdom of or supporting this government. A us box Ministry Intervention in haiti has been approved by the un Security Council. The Multinational Mission will be led to by tenure on is expected to begin in january. The african countries presents william route to assess the theme is provide security and haiti, which has been paid by down violence for years. I pretty good for that is a lucian on the top of the 7 of the chapter with the appropriate provisions to facilitate support for they hate the National Police in enhancing its capacity to effectively provide security for the people of haiti that infrastructure and property. I am delighted that today the Security Council has directly on site this quote with you and security, the solution to 699 of 2023, which mandates the Mountain National security support. Mission to the u. N. Response came off to the haitian government set it caught monitor without international assistance. Washington trying to post to abstain from the vote up the Security Council with most code questioning the just myself a minute for him to function me thought, reaction from some locals in kenya. Youre saying that nation is too ill equipped to struggling with an off of its own problems. Delta country on the other side of the globe in the name of washingtons interest. Post outside the us at heart does not have a good will for tenure. So they are looking for ways to ensure we are fighting with cd and not the gangs they want to benefit from this. And honestly, our mission to haiti will not manage the situation at all. It is ridiculous to have tenure restore peace and order in haiti so that america can achieve its mission. The u. S. Is unable to help 80, and that is why they want tenure to fight a problem that the us started many years ago. It is very wrong for the us to use a small country like kenya to solve hate these issues so that it can gain and even achieve its own agenda. Our mission is not experienced at all. We dont even have good weapons and our economy also is not doing well. Truly, im disappointed for that decision. Its very humiliating to santa ken admission to hide c worse. You know, country. We have great problems in securities everywhere. Americans only want to misuse our country and use it as a stepping stone to reach that destiny. I think kenya is being used by the Us Government so that it can achieve its goals in our country and in haiti to they want can you to appear as an enemy to other nations to your needs. Yeah. Has rejected the Financial Support offered by the you in september saying that the proposal was not in line with the agreement signed 3 months ago to needs it rejects the you announcements because of the small amounts that because the proposal conflicts with the memorandum of understanding, signed in july, its law small. If youre a pen commission, said it would give about a 130000000. 00 jurisdiction is yeah. As part of an agreement to fight to nickel immigration from africa to europe. A, something that is significantly less the munition is touched. 1000000000. Now, europe has struggled with migration issues since 2015. The number of refugees from most africa has increased significantly. More than a 120000 people seeking refuge arrived in its me alone. This is some attribute, this influx to the arabs, squaring, while others to ice his activities in the region, as well as who Economic Conditions resort to an International Relations batch of dreamy believes that this money was sold to us has helped them not to be just that they dont get above the ts, the dealership in the, in can use it on the internet on us and care. And they, they, they want to just to give us some, uh, some money. And they, they think that we have these money. They can solve the problem by taking the smaller, complicated to sort of, its uh, by money order. Just by scripts they, they, they, they use the bad because to make a solution can easier to source, to museum and dont sort of the government to have the best deals these dots, it at the, does not respond to it, to our economy. And to our vision, to the neighborhood, and the i see the page that was the that will not accept smaller. This kind of use of the thousands have gathered in the streets of gone is capital to protest against the central bank governor. As the country is gripped, find a cute economic crisis protest as was seen outside the Banks Main Office quoting for his resignation. Im not old. His deputies as well. 7 straight to his has accused them of mismanagement to being responsible for the soaring prices on unemployment. On the of the control central bank golf and thats honest anderson said positive Economic Indicators would soon boost wage the fall. That is that from us for this all. But we will have on friday just an update, especially from washington up until the hour. So well see that the rest of the special military operation and you could

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