People who pledge royalty to hit on the Us Multinational preparation escape support hearing a voice facing the consequences for the largest manmade chemicals is off, which killed thousands info for india. The 29. Yes, the spring used towards it. Others might know if it says auction, some National Live from the russian capital battalion company, while stuff most of this our a us box military intervention in 80 has been approved by the un Security Council. The Multinational Mission will be led by kenya and the countries president william route. So says the theme is to provide security and haiti, which has been played by Gang Violence for us. I pretty good for that is a lucian on the top. The 7 of the chapter with the appropriate provisions to facilitate support for they hate the National Police in enhancing its capacity to effectively provide security for the people of haiti that infrastructure and property. I am delighted that today the Security Council has directly on site this quote with you and security, the solution 2699 of 2023, which mandates the Mountain National Security Support Mission. The one response came off of the haitian government side. It caught monitor without international assistance. However, russia and china abstain from the very top. The Security Council with moscow questionnaire legitimacy of the ministry intervention. Reaction from somebody calls in kenya. You say the nation is equipped, im struggling with enough of its own problems to then govern health and country on the other side of the globe. And the name of washingtons interests for the us at heart does not have a good will for tenure. So they are looking for ways to ensure we are fighting with cd and not the gangs they want to benefit from this. And honestly, our mission to haiti will not manage the situation at all. It is ridiculous to have tenure restore peace and order in haiti so that america can achieve its mission. The u. S. Is unable to help 80, and that is why they want tenure to fight a problem that the us started many years ago. Suddenly, it is very wrong for the us to use a small country like kenya to solve hate these issues so that it can gain and even achieve its own agenda. Our mission is not experienced at all. We dont even have good weapons and our economy also is not doing well truly. Im disappointed for that decision. Its very human leads into santa ken admission to hide c worse. You know, countries have great problems in securities everywhere. Americans only want to misuse our country and use it as a stepping stone to reach that destiny. I think kenya is being used by the Us Government so that it can achieve its goals in our country and in haiti to they want tenure to appear as an enemy to other nations. A cable and Cable Network to the Peoples Assembly has also reacted, slamming the hate to mission as a washer to project. The word actually solves the interest of locals and the carpet, and they should once again the Us Government is using the United Nations to push for genocide or military intervention in haiti. The disastrous experience is the foreign interventions show that the release of to deepen violence, poverty and injustice against the hate and people. Why is this resolution facing so much criticism at this time . Especially this is in us back canyon led Multinational Military intervention in haiti to help this country. And its um, gang warfare. Now can you has offered to contribute a 1000 Police Officers to haiti with other countries neighboring haiti. Also pledge into the same b, u. S. One as part offered 100000000. 00 in logistical support. Now, many haitians condemns this as they see it. Every Foreign Military intervention of haiti has brought nothing but a pain and misery to the people of the country. We are writing to you to sound the alarm against an International Military deployments supported by imperialist countries, the United States, canada, france, and demanded by the legitimate corrupt and repressive government of ariel henri, it is the same actors who are responsible for the crisis in heidi for an interventions and heidi also already have a consistent track record. Apartments, civilians with no accountability, introducing caller injuring civilians while as destroying property in military operations. Perpetrating acts of Sexual Exploitation and abuse, and living victims, and the resulting children without resources or resource by misdirecting assistance and delivering faulty infrastructure. Yes, of course. This is not the 1st time and patience ive experienced numerous, 4 in the military interventions, including when the United States multiply the country for nearly 2 decades and the occupation that brought the locals neither peace nor prosperity, as was promised to them for many decades. The United States, it seems like its fixed and shows who was lady who would be the president of the country as you know, financing them, of backing them, backing them up as they are of interest to the United States and with its last policy of this kind it ended up with the as, as a nation of former haitian president , back in 2021. So in this current case, the United States tried to lo, be canada to lead a force in haiti, which they refused. So now they have kenya, kenya is going to do that. And now it looks like b u was maybe theyve learned a lesson that they are no longer directly involved in the country, but instead, theyre looking for other states that could be involved in. Of course, they would be fine as by them with the, the us american vaccine list take a deeper look at these us interventions. The talk to us basically why is the us advocating for another intervention in 80 now . Now, vaccine hates and leaders accused for 3rd, terry and rule as simply because they advanced us interest in the country is a tactic that the United States has been use it for a while. And looking back at american policy in haiti over the decades, it is quite important to understand why haiti is the way it is and why haiti remains the forest country in the western hemisphere. Despite the billions of the age and money that the us sends to the country, according to the states department, the us has provided over 5600000000. 00 in a to haiti since 2010 and 12. Now the United States is also paying for this with this new resolution that was drafted by the Us Government. The west has provided 120000000. 00 for the hate and National Police over the last 2 years. We expect to be working with cougars to prove. 1 another 100000000. 00 in support for the Mountain National Security Support Mission itself. And we expect the pentagon will be provides another 100. 00 move in in time support intelligence, lift, communications, and magical. Now whats interesting to note is that no municipal a just the civil problem in 3 elections have been held in years, creating essentially a power vacuum in the country. And one goal of this canyon lead mission is to create conditions or safer conditions for a safer elections. And for the United States to be choosing an african countries to be participating at this appears to be some kind of Public Relations exercise for the United States. And, but this is not a chris new tactics that came from the u. S. I spent 33 years and 4 months inactive military service. And during that period, i spend most of my time as a high class us on line for big business for wall street and the bankers insurance. I was directed to you, a gangster for capitalism, helped me hating cuba, a decent place for the National Citibank boys to collect revenues in helping the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of what street. So of course, with that logic, knowing that one of the goals of this intervention is to create a safer environment for say, for elections. And knowing that those gains that the us is claiming that they would be fighting against in the country. And they are calling for over throwing a us, nominated government. I think its, we put 2. 00 and 2. 00 together. It simply looks like another intervention for the sake of getting more control in the country. We spoke with roy and human rights activists broadly, do not know hes adamant the washington wants instability in haiti and wanted to grab the resources. But its it to support this young sense. The know were very good for me is onto the same people from other countries. So im very tired. Its just the type of the closing of the top and certainly sense as opposed to the adults the anybody . What was the issue is found the hub phone gym because that is for us once it was is that this the bennington heights so that they can pull, i just pulled up their resources and then they dont send up with that for you. So such a for the be the 2nd is because the bucket. So the 2nd one that im. Ready im back you questions president has publicly own it yet to now the not see, collaborate by name and one of the countries Ministry Units off to us. Can you kind of. Lets who had teamed up with hitler, had of world war 2 here, pulled out all the stops, the occasion even hosting you formed policy. Chief joseph ro is out that ceremony. When are you planning and Reconnaissance Battalion proudly out of the name of kind of outlets for its title . Thats what the fast such incident as the president s loves, the other name to point a to a device tied to ones held by an a taurus not sufficient to wash some foreign ministry, spokes west and condemn the latest event stating that its already filed. The evidence of an already worrying trending to yes. And once again, a confirmation of the nazi essence of the key of regime. Another minute tend to unit has been designated in on a of the hits variety of any kind of audits. Also full ukrainian, nazis kind of outlets was one of the most invited to hitler on the most loyal a. Yes. Can you kind of all its was a prominent to courtney, an extremist, during the 1920 some thirtys. He found it and let the crating and nationalist organizations that late. So for the long side, the nazis kind of out, its built place ties with the side rice and even allegedly met with hitler himself. Several times he was assassinated in 1938 the head of world war 2 little controversial ceremony in t as comes to stays off to another scandal interrupted in the west. That was over the Canadian Parliament standing ovation for a little time, not see cooperative from ukraine, some west of media outlets, and are trying to whitewash the story. Political, for example, has published an article, quoting it complicated. The opinion piece like comes the soviet union to nazi germany and even suggest the citing was hitler actually wasnt such a big issue. Lawyer and john an estimate for the scars told us that the control the sea in canada could seriously had to foreign support for you quite in schools. We are seeing. Busy real questions raised above the wisdom, understanding weapons, to ukraine, to a degree that weve not seen in any time in the last 18 months. I think that the publics appetite for, for the behavior of parliament has been greatly diminished. And frankly, there has been no end of the criticism coming from all ends of the political spectrum in candidate for what happened. I think that this is more than a black guy. This is really a devastating blow to whatever International Standing canada had. And the people in canada are keenly aware of that. And i, and frankly, the last thing ill say is i think that this, this bothering of a nazi in canadas problem is not with not one but to stand. Innovations has had an International Impact that goes well beyond canada and has started to raise very serious questions throughout the west. About the wisdom of are supporting his government. Or just following up on what to meet. She was saying about the scandal in altima. Israel has now called on canada to address the glaring indifference in its post world war to immigration policies towards jews. And then twins for not sees, well, its got all the details on this thats bringing all she correspondent writs the notion of the wrist. So what exactly does is a one kind of just do about this pretty shading to very controversial episodes and its history yes. Good evening to you. Well, after a week of silence, es real has now officially reacted to the scandal in canada that has been making headlines world wide where the whole hollomans, including the countrys Prime Minister, adjusting to the door. And hes gas at that time. You printing president full of the medicine. Lensky gave a standing ovation to at former nazi calibrate. Are, as you know, as a result, opponent speaker had to quit and mr. To do apologize for that mistake, that embarrass, choose country and nowadays really special envoy and for combat thing. And to submit to them says that this resignation should only be the 1st step and cant as official recognition of its own long history of hovering nazis at the same time, refusing to provide refuge to jews. Lets say, can they send me how it caught lounge emphasized thats the next step should includes canada, acknowledging and coming to terms with his history of any of the 2000 documented knots is integrated to the country for them in the 2nd world war and build laws at the same time as the immigration policy is to most jewish victims was, none is too many as documented by historian of and about in the book by that title. She said nothing is too many. Was the response given by a high level candidate and government official. When asked how many jews should be accepted during the holocaust as well . These like ization is quite harsh, but it seems they hold walter according to official dates. So between 19331945, canada has drastically restricted the amount of jewish refugees allowed to enter its territory. There was also an incident back in 1959 when a vessel carrying 900 doors, men, women, and children, all those escaping from the atrocities didnt was denied entry to canada and as a result back then, the vessel had to sail back to europe and many of the passengers of that boat eventually found death at the hands of the nonsense in 2018 justing to do it again as he was the Prime Minister of canada at that time as while apologize for that incidents. But there was never an apology for accepting. According to different estimations around 2000 nazi war criminals at the end of the war, the historian, these really special envoy to combat taking anti semitism refers to told american journalists that at that time it was very easy for nazis to freely and to canada. That state coalition, we know that one of the ways of getting into the country of canada during this period, with, by showing the ss tattoo, this prove that you were an anti communist and publish a chart of the ss the south was obviously the charge with the responsibility of murdering jews. So it was the question that people work remote to the scandal was it can add in parliament has already to be good reactions worldwide, including from the countries that suffers from ukrainian nazi calibrators officials from both russia and poland on now saying that there can caesar in official legal means to expedite and investigate and spoke to trial the old potential war criminals that could still be hiding in canada these days, including the man who was praised in the kennedy in parliament recently. And while adjusting to though, is now trying to put all the blame solely on the speaker off the parliament who had to wait as a result, as you know, versus 4 minutes to sort of get lobrado says that there is no way that all those people applause into that man in the politicians didnt know bodies passed, lets say, can listen to so the door to those comments on. This is beautiful to look at. Hes a Prime Minister after all. And when he ends lensky work laughing and raising their fists in the air, saluting this nazi of course they knew everything. But the saddest thing is the true dog after summing up the courage to apologize. Apologize to who does the craniums enter the landscape with whom they see kyle disfigure together. Disgraceful when israel now joining the global push to bring all canada base nazis to light the support light, the bathroom. And the recently was praised, an owner in the Canadian Parliament was provided with could become to bride for other nazi calibrators to handle. And of course, we may expect to hear more of that news the upcoming days back to you. Well, definitely seems like fall, its been a t o d is since the war ended. And it seems but to find me that cost is coming up to, to, for, and kind of thought it was all to you corresponded with the notion of thank so much hundreds, all the demonstrates as much for peace through the streets and pulling to walk japanese unit today on tuesday, demonstrate as the amount of the current government resign and hold on the elections. They occurred to the growing divisions among European Countries as a funding fee train on hold for an end to a minute to support Elijah Mcneil who john the sample. This one says europeans need to law new. I thought other opinions on the last to, to avoid being brainwashed by mainstream media. This is the thing to appear in the population is not very educated about the jewel politics. And they dont really follow with the news to that, but they are brainwashed by mainstream media. The, the more information that are more independent that come out, the better is to show how this war is leading to the destruction of europe. Now there are manifestations in the street, but there are on a strong measures from the population against the leaders. However, as we have seen is go back. Yeah. And we have seen in hungry and also also, yeah, that is against russia, but never stop from buying guys. And we have seen the return of the right. We, because they all say that off the policy, that is america for us. Now this would increase in euro, we have more voices that are coming out, but still not enough. The american dow chemical will post off and not the indian Court Hearing on tuesday. Victims had hoped that criminal charges would find the people for the major mine made this all started both of pesticide, pont and central india. The project got to meet with killed and maimed thousands academies. 40 years ago now, will be a small International Company has taken over the Union Carbide plant and bolt, and its off to dow denies responsibility. And also to delay the case with the indian port harring arguing they didnt own the pesticide taught at the time of the to softer by pull victims on act of a Safety Environmental tragedy has been unresolved for is for decades. Estimates still very, but officials report the death toll from the gas bank to pay of 25000. 00 lives. The Union Card Company paid damages to call the fraction of the medical costs that was back in 1989. But the Indian Government has refused all the supplements unexpected. The court case to consider an award of a 3000000000. 00 now to waste. But for the knocked this watch and with the survivors of that tragedy, shes of the Multinational Companies keep avoiding responsibility by trying to help and mitigation process for us. When we have been award, unfortunately, which quotes maximization profits, what we saw in both bottom was put the 9 years ago is what were seeing in this word happening. We use of is industrial pollution and climate change. But in the bottom, you wouldnt be surprised to know that even after the depths of 25000 people, more than an engineering half a 1000000 people, not a neither Union Carbide nor its owner. Dow chemical has been punished. In fact, Union Carbide as being for a proclaimed at squander, they just refused to show up in indian court before 9 percent who was charged with gospel homicide and man slot the from is to return back, but never did. And now, or we are asking, are we now there is a notice out for the appearance of the Dow Chemical Company to appear as they continue to show that a fugitive from justice to the 1st time they have shown up. But again, theyre investing do this diction and this is how, unfortunately it works is you know, that you just keep making this matter, go, you are after year the kremlin has questioned the actions of the on media and government was off the air of on ratified environment stopped shared on the International Criminal court, which has issued an arrest warrant to apply them and speak to not for you. Additional questions have been raised for the coverage that youve been a media about this incorrect decision. I would not like that for some reason. Put it had to refuse to travel to armenia. There will be serious talks about finding a solution. We absolutely disagree with. I mean, in from minutes, especially on statement that the media is decision to join the room statute was due to the insufficiency of the median Russian Partnership instruments to ensure the contra security 6 state lawmakers voted in favor of the ratification well, 22 votes. I think stats on medium pm, nicole fashion young has claimed that the move is notating against russia in any way. International relations are minute treat x, but alexis, and of course those told us that on media is decision may have negative consequences for the country that goes on get somebody to talk. I always thought of meeting, and i start with not till our main is leadership keeps insisting that the country is joining the rome statute to allow the i c c to investigate what the armenian leadership believes are war crimes in the gordon a car back. What if we look at the relations between russia and armenia in the broader context . We see that there is an anti russian subtext in this decision. In the last 5 years, the armenian leadership has been moving more along and, and to russian course connected with the events of the velvet revolution. And the arrival of nicole passion in step by step passion and 6 to distance himself from russia and get closer to the west. And the decision to sign the room statute is another step in this direction which may have unpleasant consequences for armenia. A tremendous catastrophe. Thats how a libyan hydrologist has described the recent collapse of 2 times in the port of donna recess. Thousands that on the city, but should be destroyed up to one is all shall published warnings last year about the arch. And don repass me just, but those warnings went on like heated. We spoke with the scientists to shots, his thoughts on the pulse of the tragedy and the consequences. The best when i arrived in the city of durn and with a group of experts, were shocked by the scale of the disaster. My family has a roots in the city when i visited it after this is officer, i couldnt even recognize the streets and roads that i used to know was a tremendous catastrophe in every sense of the word. For us, libyans, its challenging to overcome this crisis without international assistance. Now, the city of during their requests, International Expertise in Foreign Companies to for a construction during my masters studies after collecting data and information, i conducted that comprehensive free evaluation in light of previous studies. And the Warnings Issued by leaping experts. And i found significant results. The Poor Condition of these dams, coupled with the possibility of major floods, could inevitably lead to a collapse of the dams. All this assessments, along with evaluations conducted by previous companies. And experts indicated that such a disaster would occur quality overwhelming 10 years from strong daniel last month broke pod down to north to the fost move. One of water swept away and tie residential areas and wrecked homes and coastal towns in the move baskets and countries. English and in each of the historic port city of donna south of the greatest losses and destruction the fatal starting left thousands of people dead on missing. And while the death toll batteries will it be as read, preston has given the highest estimate of at least 11000 dead, 10000 missing humanitarian agencies. Also one of the spread of disease plus the challenge of delivering supplies to those in need. Well, the close of the down collapse have been investigated over it remains on how prosecutors will respond. Itd be a, has been taught a pop by civil war since the native backed up prize and created to rival administrations of to the ousting. Im kidding of what im gonna get off in 2011 notices on the decline of investment. Ive led to a crumbling infrastructure. I shall again says the wall. Severe weather of course contributed to the catastrophe. The little bit nato who wants to gain the country crippled and created the conditions for the floods. The man who won the early days of the revolution in libya, everyones celebrated in nato intervention is people rose against a good doctors name and demanded his removal. However, later we discovered that the country was engulfed by chaos, were still suffering from the consequences of that to this day. The never intervention was of the mon from politicians suppose that the good doctor resume. However, after this intervention they were unable to bring the country to a state of the building. Were still unable to write a constitution or hold elections for which we have been waiting for 13 years. Now there is a weak leadership in addition to financial corruption, especially with the funds allocated for dams repair. There was like of maintenance and there were numerous reports in the past worrying about all of this here and as yeah, has of rejected the Financial Support offered by the you in september saying that the proposal was not in line with the agreement signed 3 months ago. To easy to reject the you announcements because of the small amounts that because the proposal conflicts with the memorandum of understanding signed in july law smaller your pen Commission Said it would give a lot of 100 and such a 1000000 euros patient as, as part of an agreement to fight illegal immigration from africa to europe. Something that is significantly less than the initially touch 1000000000 years. Europe has had an issue with migration since 2015. The number of refugees from most africa especially has increased significantly more than a 120000 people seeking refuge arrived in its me alone this yet. So im a tribute this influx to the arab spring while offers to isis activities in the region is one is to moment conditions reset for an International Relations batch of dreaming leaves that this money just was sold to me is program the book to be just that they dont care about the tiers, the ocean, the empties it, im here in the on i think i and they are very

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