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The, the hello, im going to a chan. You are tuned into modus operandi. And theyre here and they have been, if you listen to what one Us Air Force Veteran told congress aliens, you oppose you a keys, extra terrestrial life, whatever you want to call it, the world is fascinated at the prospect of visitors from beyond earth. Tonight, well talk to the world meeting astrophysicist about his latest findings in the ocean that might corroborate the existence of them. All right, lets get into the m. O. The all through written history. There has been sightings in the havent. While modern science can now explain some of these aerial phenomena, what about the many reports from around the world that have no technological explanation . And further with some of the biggest economies in the world, come a variation of a u. F o task force assigned to it. Does the sheer existence of these governmental groups around the world mean these governments know some say the public does it. So here to discuss the latest developments in the cosmos is the foremost expert in astro physics. The professor at Harvard University director of the institute for theory and computation, the head of the gal, a later galileo project. His newest book is out now its called interstellar, dr. All the low is with us dr. Low such a pleasure to have you 1st. Can you explain for us the purpose of your recent c expedition near mantas island . What you found there . And what this means in the greater context of evidence that there is life beyond are on january 8th, 2014. The Us Government that identified a firewall or from a meet your an object thats correlated with that and exploded about the 22, all of this over the Pacific Ocean. And then what was special about these meet yours that it was moving very fast relative to the sun. In fact, it was moving outside the solar system. 1 the 95 percent before the stars, its 60 feet on this the 2nd. And that implied that these inputs that are in origin that they came from outside the solar system. The 1st object recognize the search from 2015 almost a decade ago in the Us Government. Besides the confirming the this, the origin. They also provide the information data about the firewall that allows me in my undergraduate students. Im your see right, being fair that these meet your was tougher than on space rocks recorded by nice uh over the past decade, 272 of them. So not only was the fast, it was also tough material strength, and thats raise the possibility that maybe its like voyager thats we launched out of the solar system and that, that will potentially collide with another planet. You know, a few 1000000000 years. Uh, maybe its a spacecraft, so to find out, i let an expedition to the Pacific Ocean at the location of the meet your path. And then the idea was to search the ocean floor for any remnants, any fragments as pharaohs. Marsden droplets from the surface of the object when it was exposed to the mens heat from the 5 or a few percent of the here she, my opponent vol. Released into 500 kilograms of matter. And we rented the ship a few things because the silver star, and we collected a sled that we built up with magnets on both sides through a cable for the ship. And we drag the sled on the ocean floor back and forth along thank you. Along with those in length and we did it 26 times. And amazingly, we recover those more than droplets that are less than a medium, either in size. Uh they were concentrated along the expect to meet your path. And then they appear to be mostly circling shape very distinct from volcanic ash that was much more abundant. But we also collected with our magnets. And by now we have 727. 00, such as fear of these metallic marbles less than a medium either. Inside each of which weighs less than the milligram. And then we are examining their composition. The significance is that its the 1st time that humans put their hands on the materials. Often law drop check, bigger than half a meter that came from outside the solar system. We are trying to find out whether the composition of these pharaohs is of materials that came from outside the solar system. Thats the 1st question. And the 2nd question is whether it was already fish calling origin. Just imagine the was the voyager being melted, so the droplets that would result from that would be very different from the droplets from an iraq. And the same is true for melting, semi conduct, or super and as well as the computer screens. So we can in principle, tell the difference between a technologically manufactured device and a role. And we hope to find the answer in the coming weeks. So ive seen a recent analysis of various u. F. O sightings from around the world. Uh, based on the number of reports in the 20th century, up until now ill call it a heat map for lack of better description. But it seems you a p sightings, or these reports at least come from all over the world. But the greatest concert ration of those reports seem to come from English Speaking nations. Any hypothesis on what, why this might be . Well and then defied anomalous phenomena are probably a mixed bag, and most of the vans are likely to be related to balloons or drones. And these might be identified in a highly populated regions where people look at this tire lots. And so the 1st the a correlation thats one finds is with population density. And we see per month or in the sky. And that is draw family, 30 personnel as well uh, the regions that are towards the most of the ones that have the highest number of thoughts. And so we should fox of the south. But as of now, we dont know if there is any clustering off and then defied phenomenon because then we are, they were all on the conduct of people by chance. Happened to be at the right place at the right time to know if its an object that cannot be identified and much better approaches, a systematic search across the entire sky and over time. And thats what we are doing and develop noah projects. We built in observatory the morning source of the sky, 247 in the infrared in the off because then you read your and in all of your and from that we can infer the background how many objects that, that have explanations like birds, drones, balloons, airplanes, how many of those costs that you the background and whether there is anything that appears to be unusual. And if there is, we can figure all this that these, these how rhetoric is read, i think through the background. This is this thing, different way of studying, unidentified phenomena. And then as of now it was never followed. And so they go, you know, project is chopping new grounds and we have one working observatory, but we plan to make more copies of it. And of course, we really analyze the data using the Machine Learning Artificial Intelligence, this software to make it also made its way thatd be filed objects based on a computer, auditory things. Now in recent years, reports from so called whistle blowers, or former government officials or even military had begun to surface. There had been congressional hearings over these claims recently. For example, a former Us Air Force Intelligence officer called david gresh. He recently testified to having seen evidence of you a piece and asserted that the Us Government was covering it up. He went as far as saying, the pentagon has recovered quote, non human biologics. And it is real high. And it should, the former head of the is really the defense ministry, the space director at their, he said publicly in 2020. He said this quote, there is an agreement between the Us Government and aliens. They signed a contract with us to do experiments. Here a shed is effective. We say extra terrestrial life exist, and they have made contact with humans. Now, as of yet nobody, no government has ever produced any concrete evidence to back these claims. You study the cosmos. How do you interpret all these revelations as a site is the i am guided by evidence and as of now we havent seen convincing evidence. Indeed the coming from governments that we see fuzzy image is not the most convincing. Its quite possible that there is classified data that is far more convincing because the governments money for this guy, for National Security purposes, and they would be the 1st not these things with our new truck astronomer assigned is, are focused on smaller regions of the sky. At any given time and they look very far away, its distance sources, so they, you, nor anything near earth. And so its quite possible the Us Government would be the 1st of all this, some unusual phenomenon and also retrieve materials from them. But we havent seen that the evidence and the question is, does it exist . And david ross says he does and he spoke with 40 people that were involved in programs and for a tribute and reverse engineering of these materials, according to him, a fed alien spacecraft. Uh, and that he uh, was asked to provide Contact Details for those people that he knows what are involved. Then he promised to give them to representatives into us congress. And thats all for us to pass for the in the sense that they can go to these contacts and figure out what lies behind his claims. And if we dont hear anything within a year, we would know that there were fabricated stories. If we do, if there is a behind them is there is any fire behind the floats. We will find out soon enough within the coming year. And of course is assigned these. I dont rely on the government for information about their state, our space. I would like to collect my own evidence, the skies not classified the ocean, so not testified. Thats why i need to get to know project where we are hoping to find Scientific Data that will tell us whether unidentified numbers, phenomena exist, and the expectation that we have to the Pacific Ocean is an example of an attempt to collect materials from an unusual object thats collided with their yes, that is true. Good point. Nobody owns space. All right, coming up next. Governments around the world, say they exist, but they wont quite say they dont either. So they have task forces setup to monitor. Well discuss it when we return with dr. Ivy low, keep it right here in the m a. Well be right down. The in the west as a nancy problem and its just not in canada. The west has a long history protecting out the stan demonizing all things russian. The west is attempting to rewrite history, also a single mouth and the New York Times tells us everything we need to know about the west losing proxy war. Look forward to talking to you all. That technology should work for people. A robot must obey the orders given by human beings accept. Were said shorter is that conflict with the 1st law show alignment of the patient. We should be very careful about our personal intelligence. The point obviously is to place a trust rather than ship the job with Artificial Intelligence. We have somebody in the team in the robot must protect this phone existence with alexis the welcome back to the m. O i manila, chad. Its a he said, she said, or in this case, civilian say one thing and the government says another. So without a Firm Admission that aliens have come to earth, places like the us and china, i have create a task forces to surveil the skies and investigate alleged sightings. Meanwhile, synnex say all of this is merely a distraction for government failures all around the globe. A dr. Ivy low astro physicist and author of the new book interstellar is back with us. Thank you for sticking around, dr. Low. So while governments around the world dont outright knowledge, even the potential existence of extra terrestrial life, they wont go as far as creating these task forces to address a real phenomenon. And when the us, we have the you a task force in china, they have whats called an identified air conditions, team made up of both military and civilian sources, france, russia, the aforementioned as railways, and many other nations. The fact that these task forces even exist is that a soft or tacit admission in some way that the aliens might be out there. And do they pose a risk to National Security. Governments are interested the National Security and thats why they have these task forces to figure out whether these unusual objects that they might be seeing or hearing reports about represent technologies the adversaries. And it was this that these, their main motivation, the governments are not scientific organizations, they cannot help us interpret the devices that come from interstellar space. And by the way, these devices, if they come from far away from thousands of light years away, they dont care how we split the land on this rock that we happen to be born on the earth. Its completely run of on from a distance. And so its not a matter of National Security whatsoever or any visiting probes for romance this then civilizations should be scientific knowledge that the shed by order humans on earth. And then therefore, if governments do possess some information or materials that represent the something that came from outside the solar system, they should provide those details to scientists who can make sense of these materials. And then obviously it would be of great importance for the future of humanity because we, we know that we have neighbors in our costa mach environment. It may change our behavior. If you think about living in a family that feels isolated and going off to the back yard and then suddenly noticing a tiny sport that was thrown by a neighbor, it doesnt make sense to hide that information from your family members. You want them to know that they have a neighbor because they might choose to close the curtains on the windows for privacy reasons, all the time i choose to go out of the home and visit those neighbors and perhaps land insights from them. But if any event, there might be a time when these neighbors, we can knock on your front door or affect your home. And so you really want to know in which neighborhood you live in. Well, what do you have as your neighbors . That is scientific knowledge that is similar to knowing that the earth moves around the sun. If you ever want to go to mars, you better recognize that because otherwise, your spacecraft will never reach the destination. Are you seeing the march or beach via or if you have some unrealistic view that the earth is at the center of the universe and thinking that we are the smartest that ever existed since the big bag is seeming, are in a way of thinking that we are the center of the unit thats now were going back to your madness island expedition. I knew the spirituals. You and your team recovered. They are currently out at labs right now. But if the lab findings indeed turn up that these, these spears came from outside our solar system, or perhaps even artificial or manufactured, meaning they were, they were made some how not that you or your team created them. Could this be something that would trigger governments around the world to begin crafting policy on how to address alien life forms like a, a Geneva Convention for a t . If we do have convincing evidence based on materials that indeed we are not that long, and that there is a small or cheat on our quotes, sneak block, it would be time for us to sing more broadly about how we behave and we might develop a straight sions for space, because if someone that arrived at our front door, we better think about arriving at their front door and learning more about their whereabouts. And it really depends on what we find. If we find a functioning digits, we can learn how its works. It will be like having a glimpse of our technological future in case the centers are far more advanced than we are. Uh, it could involve Artificial Intelligence at the level of the far exceeds what we have at this moment. But its even space trash would educate us about the abundance of such an object and how, how Many Solutions may have exist is around us. And altogether, if we change the way we behave, and i called for the better, because it makes little sense for us to fight with each other. Add to miss yates wars, to wait, Waste Resources on military projects. When there is a much more advanced neighbor far away, that they could be just something about space. Um, and i think altogether, if we change that most certainly our perceptions above our place in the universe, our religious beliefs, both positively but also work for the dukes. And i hope that it would bring it to a better place. Where given the global perspective, given the fact that we realize that in space there, there are more things, more real estate, more exciting developments than here on of the we, we are Work Together because we are all equally members of the human species. Were all in the same boat. The both is the earth moving through space as the ocean of space. And i got to realize that when i was on the ship on the boat in the Pacific Ocean where all the members of the team worked together for a successful mission. And so if we realize that the up is a both and we are all in the same boat and there is someone else out there and we might want to visit that someone and it would give us a sense of being in the same boat. Its in working together. Lastly, a philosophical question for you. There are a number of scientists in your field who have receded your findings thus far, even rebuking you personally. But there are late persons all around the world too, who also absolutely rule out even the idea that there is life beyond earth much less intelligent life. And there are others who absolutely believe they exist. And then there are people like me who are simply open to the idea, but arent convinced one way or the other at this point. So regardless of what camp they fall in, humans all around the world are fascinated with the idea that aliens exist, that we make movies about them. We write books about them and so forth. Why are we obsessed with this idea . Humans are fussing aided by the possibility that we might have a pod there out there because it would change our life and give us a different perspective about our existence. Its just like finding a partner in your private life, changes your life and then insisting or arguing that we have no partner just by standing at home and saying, there is nobody else out there. Where is that . Everybody to wait and reconfirm the physicist us . Well, the truth is that to find others, you need to go to dating sites. At the very least, do you need to look for your window . Is any better use of penis call or you go out to your back yard and search for any objects that came from the street that might indicate that there are others out there just sitting at home and claiming worries. Everybody is not the right approach. And thats what we have been doing over the past the 70 years. Since and rig bear me ask the question, where is everybody . We are waiting for a phone call looking for radio signals that the mice might have transmitted in our direction. But for us, you need them to be active while youre waiting. However, if they send packages that are in our mailbox in our backyard, we can find them irrespective of whether our sensors are still alive. And thats a completely different method for this im practicing right now as of now. And of course, you know, to get the pharaohs from the expedition took a few days for fedex and to deliver them to my home doorstep. But i realized that they took them and, and perhaps mediums are being else appears to arrive to earth. And then it just gives you a different sense on, on your place if you figure this out. Now my point is that its not, thats or of opinion because were talking about material, evidence, the waste physics work. So people can have opinions, but eventually we should be guided by the evidence and its possible for us to connect its people often say extraordinary claims require x on any evidence and they dont 6 the evidence. Thats why just sir put our argument. But the key is that extra holding are you heavy . This requires extra all the and already funding. And when such funding would be allocated the search, you know, there is a chance we would find low hanging fruit. And thats exactly what im engaged in right now. Because people didnt do the search for objects in our backyard and do they got a little project was announced. And im glad to say that we already collected some of the rails and we are now studying them. So hopefully within the coming months, were going to know more and it may well be that its easier to find what lies in interstellar space at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. Then it is to get it from politicians in washington dc. Dr. Ave low professor at Harvard University director of the institute for theory and computation head of the galileo project. Check out his newest book called interstellar, its out now. Thank you so much, abby. Alrighty. Usually this program aims to answer questions or fill in the gaps on the topics that we cover. But when it comes to this, i dont know, i may actually have more questions now that i did before we began. So well keep watching as this decades old debate continues to, that is going to do it for this episode of modus operandi the show that dig deep into Foreign Policy and current affairs. Im your host window. Chan. Thank you for tuning and well see you again next time and figure out the m o the same as possible. And the more to understand western security and defense policy with rational, logical, serious concepts. East is now move into the re on all the irrational, emotionally as talk to is the study of yours. Mr. Charlotte, the brown, the soldier monument, was erected in 1947 in the estonian capital by the soviets authorities. Originally, bells above the burial site of troops remains its memorials of the soldiers who gave their lives in world war 2 will say, its good that i need to go to the Department Service can william for the, for really transitional in, in 2007. The associated government decided to relocate the monument from the city center for one year on the printer. Pardon me, to a to the suburbs. Frustrating to move divided the population. The stony is large of russian speaking community. Strongly opposed it. An intense, rising, profound intel in these have since become known as the bronze knight drives me to bring people across the dish of the the, the west of back in the brain seems to be drawing up as washington admit that no longer has the funds to long term aid as the vac is new here that can cause the winds on upsides to and mrs. Support to to 0 and Security Council endorses an International Move emission to restore security and hazy with russia and china spinning from little book in new york and india. And moms, im in 54 years as the, the, the, the father of the nation as the country carries on his legacy with breast strides. And so the feature the

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