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At least not in the current on the story, the shake, the week, the canadian Prime Minister is in the hot seat by hosting a not to collaborate in the country department. But justin treat our tries to georgia the responsibility. But as condemnation pulls in from the type, the hello and welcome, this is all T International life from h q in moscow. Great to have you with us. Lets check out some stories. Well start from myself. This all would be social democracy, paul, to pay me a decisive when in the parliamentary elections. So boxes set a new agenda that lead to, im full of prime minnes about robot fico, used his acceptance speech, to reiterate, that the country has more pressing issues than ukraine. Okay, and i, it looks like it has other and bigger problems in ukraine. We dont agree with and you great if sma forms of coalition, we would do everything also is a part of the you support everything to piecing ukraine and efforts to stop peace negotiations on ukraine. A love seat. So youre saying that she needs at least 2 weeks to form a coalition. Thats because hes going to need at least 2 parties to join his party in government to get a majority of seats in the National Council office. Slovakia. Now, in terms of what hes talked about, domestic issues, he says his priority. So Education Health and looking at the Rising Energy bills, inflation in the country did touch on ukraine and not as being a huge issue in this campaign. Mainly because ukraine is, of course, bordering sort of back here. So lots of people talking about that and what, what feed. So during the campaign had said that she didnt want to send one more single bullet to crane. And today he hung down on not saying he still feels the same. He said, yes, humanitarian aid, but no more military aid. Lets have a look at the breakdown now of the main parties in the selection of where they stand. It was just, its me, its helped to post just around 23 percent. That would tell you up to 42. 00 seats in the National Council. High last who was seen is a policy that have many things in common. In fact, the leader is a school months me a coffee at min, but they took around 15 percent of the vote and that was totally up to 27. 00 on the issue of ukraine has been a really big issue for people across slovakia during this election. And in the lead up to the election here in the flava, we had the voices of some people about what they felt in regards to that military 8 and to they were going to vote for the i will load for the parts. So you, that is for piece the supposed solving things in other ways than by senselessly sending weapons. The media changing of the incumbent government is of most important to me. I was very dissatisfied with it because i felt the impact of sanctions on the people and dont agree with this governments policy in general, the work of the slovak for Public School room is terrible. For those of that, we dont know the warning ukraine certainly didnt help us for the whole of europe. And the sanctions against russia are absolutely useless and totally disastrous for europe as close. Its up. So now this isnt just a couple of voices on the street. One pole recently found the hall for respondents the well send any more weapons to quain one another. So they recently found, the majority of respondents felt that it was always that the us where you create itself that was responsible for the was a little bit pete, so well have to create that coalition. He is seen as being a pro russian politician. He said that he disagrees with sanctions on russia. Hes described him as being a logical thats something we could from some of those smaller policies as well. Im really this Election Results is a bit of a political earthquake for brussels who will not be scratching their heads and wondering whether robert beat. So well keep his campaign sledges to stops on mimicry, 8. And if so, what impact that could have only be used unanimous support for that ukraine in general . Because of course, this now adds another voice to that. This insurance link, including that of hungry about you, is made by hungry, has been opposed on supplies for ukraine from the start of the conflict, saying it wants to avoid escalation, budapest because congratulated robust because on his part, youll know when with the p. M. Victor, o bon, calling it an indisputable victory, he added the fico is a patriot, whose goods to walk with . Meanwhile, the election on its result set off alone, both in the west while the Financial Times reported the robot seeker one because of his empty ukraine stones. The new times warms that the elections will fracture the quote most united front in europe when it comes to the war in ukraine. What else caused live now to form agree count, boston this chris on the plaza and its always great to have you on the program on, on this quite interesting election. I want to pick up foster, what we saw from the west and media immediately. That seemed to be a reaction that this was perhaps not the result that would have been desirable. What do you make of headlines like that as well . Theyre trying to hide a zip code. Theyre trying to hide the truth. And the truth is that the result of this election is a foot step 3rd space with robert. If it go with the this election we have within the 8 you for the 3 countries. 100 and stuff i add voted against, said the weapons to 32. 00 lost or under the ukraine. Add within nato. Its 4 countries. If we add the, if we add 13. So we see that this coalition is slowly starting to break apart. And as a result, industrial vodka is a result of, of the decisiveness of the slow back people at risk decides. And this should be shown by the people of other Asian Countries as of other data countries. So that we get the last thoughts, negotiations for peace, which is something that we need if youre at we need on his private im, im glad you mentioned the say 5 people because mike, my question to you is, this is one of the big collection problem. It says, like you said, was piece normal weapons to ukraine. Now old, this time theyve been providing what buttons. So what does this mean . Does it mean that the people have changed their opinion . And now one piece over the government before was acting against the wish of the story about people. So i think that the government before was. Busy was acting against the, the wish of the silver people at the anyhow, the smell that people like all the people of the, of the union. And we, in the greece have seen the results of this policy, which has increased the prices in greece and all the countries of the European Union of the reset, or many people that are suffering because of this. Uh, i would say stupidity that exist within the, within the European Union and within nato. And you also mentioned audi, a po, done to the alexa parliamentary elections in 2 weeks time. Weve now got hungry, which like i said, from the get go, has been to get installed surprised amounts of ox. Yeah. Whats interesting quotes is that that will naples of ukraine. Do you think that suddenly the, lets coordinate the people to a way to not to a Security Risk in way, but for example, the u. K. O p u. S. Far away, isnt i hope so, because because we are in danger. We are, i mean, everybody in the whole planet, this isnt, isnt the danger or a roku or uh, with the participation that we had of uh, of the german troops that were driving at the german banks in the ukraine ad with other involvement of of natal people within the ukraine, i mean, russia can hold to tell a certain moments before it reacts. So i think that the european people are at last starting to wake up and are giving a strong messages to their governments as well. Its definitely going to be an interesting and somewhat changed your a pin landscape also selection stock coming in. Of course youve got germany as well coming up that was that late. Notice put some populous film agree composites. Always great to see you. Thank you so much for your time or was it to a trip just goes across the board in poland as we were talking about all position donald task is here and up to challenge the ruling government in those parliamentary elections set to take place in 2 weeks time now to us because running thousands of his supporters on the streets of will sole poles put his call to you in a position to give the incumbent conservative combination a run for the money. He is vile to men. Ties with the interview which have recently been strange, those last opponents on, on rain imports from ukraine. Job i done is expecting congress to pos and now the Financial Aid package from ukraine will so promising key of the washington support wont stop. Now. Cool. Lots of us present have to sign an emergency funding bill to prevent the government shut down in washington, which excludes new support for kids. We can not under any circumstance, allow merit and support for your brain to be interrupted. I fully expect the speaker to keep his commitment to secure a passage and support needed to help ukraine instead defend themselves against regression and brutality. The us president requested an additional 20 full 1000000000. 00 and 8. 00 for ukraine as budget negotiations continued when the funds were caught from the final bill. Democratic leaders made assurances that a separate aid package would come soon, but looming tensions in both houses of congress. So the washingtons priorities suggests that may still be a fight i had to seal the deal. All these kind of open explains it appears that a deal has been reached. Joe biden has signed a bill into law extending government funding so the government will not be shut down 47. 00 more days. Have been bought by this last minute deal with that before a vented a government shut down. Now this is a deal that was reached in the us house of representatives, but then later approved by the science. And it was a last minute deals. And as we observed in the house of representatives in the lead up to the final vote and things got pretty heated. Heres what republican liter, kevin mccarthy, and Marjorie Taylor green add to say about how she did things got on capitol hill in the lead up to that final vote in the house of representatives is all right that you put america 1st. This, all right of republicans and democrats joined together to do what is right, what the senate wanted to do was focused on ukraine in front of america. I understand our responsibilities, but im going to put america 1st. You create is not 51st day. Joe biden treats you frame like its the 51st dates, the senate treats ukraine like its the 51st state, including mitch mcconnell. Hes one of the worst ones. And youve got the democrats in the house point, a motion to adjourn, pitching an absolute bed, and apparently pulling a fire alarm over there in the canon building. Because it does not fun, you crane. Yet Margery Taylor green was just referring to there is that apparently democrat jamal beaumont, a member of congress, representing new york. He pulled the fire alarm in a Congressional Office building. Now many believe this was an attempt to cause some kind of security situation or evacuation on capitol hill and prove that the vote from taking place that would pass. Ready budget that does not include funding for ukraine, and this indicates a lot of desperation on the part of the Foreign Policy establishment in washington dc. Jake sullivan, and the National Security advisor. A few days prior to the Government Shutdown crisis. A deep voice on his deep concern, just believe that if you grain didnt get this money, it would lead to a full russian victor, or heres what he sat down with or i think were at a moments now. Whereas those who support the continued defense on freedoms frontier in ukraine need to stand up and make the case for this in the intermediate term and over the longer term. This is ultimately about us sustaining our support for ukraine for the long term, for years, not just months at a different level, but nonetheless, for years, we are committed to making sure that we must have the support in both parties and in both houses. To get that done, apparently, the strategy and goal of the by the administration is to continue funding and pro line the war for many years. However, it appears that political discourse within the United States has dramatically shifted. Youll recall that just a few months ago was zalinski was in the halls of Congress Getting the standing ovation and joint sessions of both houses. But his recent visit for the Un General Assembly got no such a red carpet or fans there. As a lindsey was not granted the opportunity to address congress and opposition to funding of ukraine as increased as we just now see the passage of this expansion budget budget for 47 additional days preventing government shut down, but no new money for ukraine. This is quite a dramatic change and it looks like within the power structure in United States, the forces that have a whole continued funding and sending of weapons to key a are getting new recruits to join their ranks and expanding their in an opposition to the continued us funding and prolonging of the conflict is growing. That would be, what many would, uh, would you know, conclude, having to look at look different what just happened to you, or even though the bite and administration wasnt happy about it. In order to keep the government from shutting down, they were forced to sign a deal and sign a spending bill with no new money for ukraine. The u. K. Prime minister has a weak spot. His defense secretary suggestion to send british troops as instructors to ukraine. Well, where she selected not ruled out doing so in the future. He did claim that it definitely would happen in the current conflicts, and that was a little off the ground shop said he wants to put boots on the ground and kids and even move a british arms protect Production Facility that particularly in the west of the country are things opportune to now is to bring most things in country and not just draining, but also were seeing b a e u. K. Defense for, for example, move into manufacturing in country and mr. Opposing about this on please to just be absolutely clear about whats happening there. People will know for a long time that weve been trading, ukrainian citizens and soldiers. Weve been doing that here in prison. Were taking a lead on that. A lots of other countries have joined our assets and its making a huge difference and well continue to do that. And what the defense actually was saying was that it might well be possible one day in the future for us to do some of that training in new cries, but not something for the loan. So not the here. And now the remote british soldiers that will be sent to fight in the car in conflict. Thats not whats happening. Now. This seems to be something of a you to and by british prime it is to richie so not to seem to roll back on comments. Move on. You defend sexy gone shots in the sunday tele golf shots have said the british chief was set to be deployed inside you prayed for the 1st time, but as soon as now says that those comments were misinterpreted. The shots indeed was talking about a time in the future when the conflict has come to an end shop. So also said that he was set to deploy the royal navy to protect ukrainian call go vessels in the black sea. And he also encourage all the companies to follow the lead of the systems that you produce Defense Industry companies, set up shop inside ukraine in order to develop a manufactured homes. Weapons that theres been some speculation that soon after months came off to russia, said the any put your suits inside ukraine would be legitimate targets. The British Defense secretary decided to transfer english training courses for ukrainian soldiers to the territory of ukraine itself. That is there and its own instructors and the legal targets for our on forces knowing well, but they will be destroyed with no mercy and not as most of the res. But precisely as british data specialists. Now very strong was from med with that. Who was this to the cold shots on his counterparts . It is uh, the thing is headlong towards world war 3. Now you were cold last year that the ladies a position, ukrainian political figure, a victim adventure, and an exclusive interview with all to you. Soon off that he was released into Prison Exchange to accuse pretend to be the leading aggressor in driving the conflict in ukraine bowers johnson. Of course i regular visits a cab on the night for last year. He was accused of persuading zalinski not to sign a peace deal with it was on the table. Now this isnt the 1st time the president has come on the fire, of course, president putin, himself as issued warnings about the consequences of a potential confrontation. If you, you, and you get used to is bringing any troops into direct contact with the russian army is a very dangerous step that could lead to a global catastrophe. I hope that they will be smart enough not to take such dangerous steps, not wasting the increase for weapons and homes in to ukraine. Of course, germany recently announced that it was setting the tourist long range based on the United States has also said that its going to send more long range missiles. Of course, its previously sent that high mall as well. Britain has sent the storm shudder on the battlefield. Weve seen the challenge of to tank the purchase turn, go up in flames. President zalinski has announced that the abrams tank is also now inside the country, but were seeing more petro pulled on. The 5 is increasing the likelihood of confrontation. Im moving this further. Im further away from peace. John les smotts jay, while he comple sending more a to ukraine to dumping money into a black hole and one plague funded torres corruption about that. We shouldnt be naive about um, was a rock is like big a rock is in the appraisal. If you look at the amount of money thats been shuffled towards industrial ministry, conflicts in america, but have sprint. The thinking of reducing icon is uh, is compatible. Its the and the cabinet is well by us. We need to take a slice of the cake as well and start to think we need to start thinking about how money can come a way and create jobs and help investment. I think this policy, it really other thing which is more worrying, i think, is that we should never forget the crimes is one of the most corrupt countries in the world and very much a black hole. Wherever you send money into it, it just disappears. You know, any business we do with you guys, we have to fight to the end. So we shouldnt be night, you know, there was going to be a lot of slice off the top of that. So transaction, im just going to go to him and his and his clothes on to rush to some british troops now to crying. Well, no, government, minnesota, or even a Prime Minister could actually stand off until the month or even people. Well, our objectives all the what were trying to do is so much confusion is so much chaos. The idea that we can send soldiers to fight the risk a level 3 scenario. Is it completely insane . The beach . I would imagine very, very few people on the streets are produced cities, if you interviewed them, where would support the idea. Meanwhile, in the starts defense committee, chapman has advocated for providing ukraine with taurus of cruise missiles and says the cube has every right to use german made weapons to strike targets inside russia. The only thing that tells for us is international. The fact that ukraine is defending itself is in compliance with international law. This also includes detecting russian positions. This will prevent the launch of hundreds of miss size and does ukraine every day. Do you agree if russian territories attacked with german crews . Miss styles. Yes, this also includes crania, which is used to organize supplies for the russian army and principal. The following applies. International law also allows ukraine to attack, moved to re targets on the territory of the russian aggressor, completely detached from where the weapons were made and who supplied them. The tourist ms. Sol terrys a huff ton who had and has a range of 500. 00 plum toes. It would allow to have to target russian territory deep behind the front lines. While the u. K. And fronts have a ready supply to create and with long range missiles. The job and john slip believes that ukrainian attacks deeper into russia could trigger a major escalation. Must go, has consistently born but an Endless Supply bonds to key of only prolongs the conflict needs to direct nato involvement. While we spoke took on a back is a john politician and your parliament member. And hes office of you the sending job and west point 3 to ukraine is not only on pope club, the countries majority, but would also be humble in itself mrs. Strapped sit. My mom has been very whole pitch. Shes been advocating to increasing, stepping up in psalms deliveries. Pretty sure the majority of germans onto dosing this position. Its an extreme position and im not even sure that its the majority of the position within the current, very unhelpful job. And go from there, but look, lets look at the political implications. Well, if he, if now use german web address at tech targets deep within russia, it will do nothing. To repair german russian relations. Something a little bit, a great play. I dont want to talk about the possible conflict of escalation, but of course if these were to have a decisive insurance on the development of the conflict, then i wouldnt truly lodge anything. This is strict simple bond. Im afraid. It takes to betty betty optimistic and rosy view of what rushes or reaction may be like. The canadian Prime Minister is struggling to find a scape boat for a scandal that are up to during ukrainian president s recent visit to altima. That means that lensky justin, throughout the entire canadian parliament, gave a standing ovation to a walled hall to not see cooperate to 2 doorways and hot water. Now as the incident, as the countrys opposition wants him to take the blame, to take personal responsibility for this shame and personally apologize on behalf of himself. All of us in this house on friday. Finally take personal responsibility. The outgoing speaker took responsibility and resigned. As was the right thing to do, when will he started taking ownership for his failures and apologize for them . All. Physician concentrates on personal attacks on me. I will stay focused on building more affordable housing, delivering things like the grocery benefits on delivering child care at 10. 00 a day under this Prime Minister. A nazi was honored in this place in question, is this who speaks for canada . And if its not this Prime Minister, isnt it time for canadians to have one who will . But i think theyre also interested in seeing whos trying to make partisan, hey, i was trying to look for games out of what was obviously a terrible, terrible mistake or 2 to claim. But no one in parliament was aware that 98 year old yalls cellphone had been part of an assess division accused of new crimes. But russia has cost out on that statement, given the nazi accompanist as pulse was no see, quit 21. Aside from moscow, demonte and apology from all to of the incident, it has indicated that it might see code because extradition the so called apology delivered by Prime Minister to low and the house of commons is not an apology at all. And these words are not enough. I believe that despite the deep controversies between moscow in ottawa, i meant the current geo political situation. The government and parliament of canada are obliged to find the courage and apologize to all russians into the Russian Community of canada. For the shameful incident that the whole world witnessed on september 22nd its own. And it has also expressed interest in pursuing an extradition fee for the spot trend. Because we also will investigate whether the not to collaborate to is wanted full time crimes committed against, punish nationals. But lets just quickly rewind and see how the whole scoundrel unfolds as well. That we have it in a packed house of commons, the ethnic ukrainian being fated and well he served in the taurus unit of the ss and kind of his parliament. He was hailed instead of the hero who had full to gains, quote, the russians and world war 2. Now about the reference for the circuit read all me which back to the nazi 3rd, rice on to victory. I want it to kind of draw itself is also part of the empty hit, not coalition. Well, following scandal, the canadian immigration minister stated its time to come to terms with the countries shot. We paused what tools were open for those who had terrorized europe for years . Canada has a really job history with nazis and canada. There was a point to now history when it was easier to get in as a nazi then it was as a jewish person. I think thats a history we have to reconcile. And its all the 1st thoughts, scandal and canada back in 2020 and the city of oak felt a Police Investigation was opened up was not see one you month was spray painted on the line mark on the ring. Those who had stopped with the glitzy assess division, which was based in ukraine, not members of the unit have been accused of involvement in beginning of moving a 1000000 people, encouraging jews, poles and russians. I was a canadian authorities classified spray painting up the money with a hate crime. Raising questions of course, about ult wisconsin knots as an independent could agent john. The state bought that to be incident, a demonstration of all to as disconnect from reality a while just enter though, did apologize. His apologized, his apology was as could be expected from tr though it was. He said this incident was embarrassing his apology. It was embarrassing to important to know how disconnected from reality he thinks canadians are, and i think canadians are starting to understand that their government is not a squeaky clean as soon as they try to portray themselves. If you also have hunger was as that he was introduced, if you simply, if he was fighting against the russians then on whose side was exciting. I mean, thats pretty clear, right . So why did none of the m p s at the time had the presence of mind to question that canada has a dark, dark history, riddled with entering nazis into canada and the 1950s around 2 to 3000 different, depending on whose records you look at and white washing their crimes and allowing them to live freely under their own names in canada, in the 1980s. I think it was, there was some sort of tribunal where and they, they mildly looked at prosecuting these nazis. But basically didnt, they basically said, well, we cant, we cant define whether or not the committed war crimes. And so they were allowed to continue living in canada. Now the question i raised when i saw this standing ovation for your slum hunker is its not so much that the speaker needs to resign. Certainly justin for dylan garcia, freelance or deputy Prime Minister should be resigning for the long standing support to nazis. But why did none of them ask whats going to happen to this man and whats going to happen to the other thousands of knots hes living in canada or at least entered into kind of in the fiftys about the rocks the saw will be bought at the top of costs, but to talk to i have until ben welter comes to enjoy the

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