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Streets, we start to asking us thoughts on the destruction of monuments, tomato, and the soldiers in poland to crane in the Baltic States this woman, a man at his date voice, the young girl, an officer. Everyone had an opinion on something to say, well, almost everyone, but not one of them will come to the effects of monuments to the soldiers and that well with being demolished in neighboring countries. There are many reasons for that. Above all people who live in russia, one way or another, have a direct connection to those monuments. Because no one family or even person was bad from the terrible calamity we cool. Theres no one who doesnt have the blood of hero soldiers in front line fight, as it never rains over because on the home front who gave everything for the front or those who died and come so you know, keep i lance, all who went missing old mounted a banner judge took a bullet for brothers and homes, both of those who joined partisans or the resistance everyone, the russians. Cool. So people the colon, who was one of the European Countries itself in the most during world war 2, the it was attacked on it on september, the 1st 1939 officially known to the world, change the course of history and changed humanities, conception of good and evil, perhaps not even literal evil, but the degree to which mankind could be dehumanized. Because people learn things about themselves that they hadnt known before. Involved so huge of leningrad gas chambers, by the cutting endorsements we learned and were horrified. It seemed that nothing like it could ever happen again. Under no circumstances. Would it ever happen again . It seemed people would always remember forever that we will mistaken 70 years later, incense veterans opponent in the Baltic States and ukraine, presented with the plan was asked to address School Children and paid high pensions. They have suddenly ceased to be one criminals who escapes the newer and the trials of the gallows, who shouted times hitler and snorted civilians. Now become courageous galleries freedom sightings savings of the fatherland. Now the grandchildren, great grandchildren, mounted proudly through the streets of town in riga, key of the of, of small sticking flags and torches in hand. Now bundled as best that he is a Public Holiday and wait on, the soldiers are aggressive rate, best, and occupies time for monuments to occupies, must be destroyed. And he arose with swastikas and glorified alas, thats the reality of todays civilized. Youre unable to consider themselves pond to bend civilization even in modern poland. In the spring of 2016 in poland, this includes institute of National Remembrance which investigates the communist regimes. Crimes published a list of 502. 00 monuments to be destroyed. The kind of institute memory, and least we can only assume that the crime was deliberate colon from the nazis. This is jersey jersey twos a man who asked him to come to the root of old Beatrice Delia around many like him. But there are some in poland. Its them who future generations will see is real polls and man is people whose conscience and dont run not for sale. Sincere in their convictions and deserving of respect. The off josie, why he was doing this up. See if its in, you might need some of the inception for sure and doesnt get sometimes when i try to find its, i know its got the, the, but i cannot am. So hes actually isnt best most of the noise in the, in the center. Right. Somebody make us the option efficient and obviously it is more so it doesnt see on the bodies, the specimen, mama, units tell us nothing more than that. It was this one on the was whats the numbers . I mean itd be 60 version g 300. Most of the love to spend the money that i think its easy to use. I mean, we can still leslie nice new printer. So im just doing this is from the, from the the, the move done. And then im going to put this on the other end. Its actually one of them. And he expresses pollution though. Thats what it means. Im where im on my side of inform you from schools. So the total of the other. Lets see. So thats just a boss thats, thats the, thats all i mean cover. Yeah. Is i feel if i didnt come with them, you can also go to the one that goes all a the young states, us government. Its the one up for how much because of us, of, of this customer need something another to another funds. Theres lots of financing that needs some of the things that the customer number. Yeah, im not so sorry. Lets find out the sort of some sort of i was going to show us the answer study john funding level of the test the heads, the coalition g o, cold cost its Members Around the whole emissions to that id up and restore monuments to those who died liberating poland to sort of its own just after theyve been vandalized. The Organization Lives on donations from consent pools and personal contributions from coast members. The states, despite science treaties ended to national commitments, as distanced itself from the work we went to visit him in may not just him. Our roads of remembrance drive with journalist blow goes in g o members and searches more than 40 people arrived in the neighboring country. We had one aim to visit the graves of soviet soldiers, lay flowers into too old and repose, to see without food, noise, who was destroying and vandalizing monuments. Why, what is the purpose . Why are they all settled . Hes trying to deprive that people of memory and memorials is there. So yeah, i need you to stay with us. Just him with his drumming, but didnt have the, the new was with genesis the, those of emails that need to try to go to that would be the most good news. You need me to go to look for a couple days and show them of the appointment. So for us, the new phone. Yeah. When was the issue with the door to the door to for do i need to visit the police down to the Police Department . I sold up a new toy, someone to do this, and thats it. So we get with the, with the bus line. Yeah. Its the one such pre does that service the russians understand . It was 38 year old general events and you hope, sky twice here. Lets just say that union who died in poland in february 1945 near the east russian town of mil suck, now cooled National Monument was erected on the site of his death in the early 19 seventies. Radicals within the polish government repeatedly tried to tear it down, and eventually they succeeded. On january the 31st 2014, the city decided to demolish the monument. Even though it was under registers, protected sites under the toner suppression, integral mental agreement for 1994. The, the publish institute of National Remembrance expressed its gratitude to the cities of cetera, to use for this act of vandalism. The company to praise with an appeal to the 30s of other towns to follow suit. Since the institute was formed, we have believed that monuments of this kind directed for criminals should be dismantled. Russias Foreign Ministry has issued a strong condemnation of such action. Today. Today, it looked like this general list of loan colored monuments in poland. The destruction desecration indicates you to pull a maintenance v g t l k, generalist marine, and theyll move us 1st report on the monuments to turn yourself ski back in 2014 was funded by local press and blog coverage. So many were concerned enough about the whole situation to travel to poland in may and joined the drive, the title of which speaks for itself, relative remembrance. Compete in the book, the piece, when you stood your heels cusick really came up with your data from the more through you know of, of the simplest voice when youre 40 for a moment. Think that theyve mentioned by much as you want the status and that that was still perform each to get his key thing. So i got for this guy to me in a phone that they pretty wonderful clothes and smells showing you. Instead of going to come up on, fortunately, which system are you moving when its a force from the funding from that sort of mazda full circle funding or see if theyve sold that. Lets look at it. So its good to be in your mind your, to condition that the sofa it is active in the living. So right, youve got the can use that and you can model. So lets just say its a 20 to give a thrown in your priority. It would the procession scale. So usually just machine units that i see for sure. It was in my separation and thats what i showed you told us to believe it for what the cost could by any chance. You have sufficient for points to metal, you need, but foley, and you may have the most useful political decide its got to be this one, the unified almost the just explained what the hi, im executive and im here to plan with you whatever you do. Do not watch my new show. Seriously. Why watch something thats so different. Whitelisted opinions that he wont get anywhere else. Welcome to please or do the have the state department c i a weapons makers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. Choose your fax for you. Go ahead. Change and whatever you do, dont marshall state main street because im probably going to make you uncomfortable. My show is called stretching time, but again, its not, we dont wanna watch it because it might just change the way you the membership of stainless things. Let me go up a success that i knew what a single age control is. Very know your. Im doing this for him. Oh if im for the 1st part wash, what a 2 Family Friends or family plan was. It was a smaller progress dealer place. They didnt Energy Authority to pay that the. I see, im assuming what the pope was just rolling on that i was searching for the premium. Of course they ran it through for different year. Its a cabinet that ive used to take a fresh look around his life. Kaleidoscopic isnt just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. Fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really one say better wills, and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented as 1st . Can you see through their illusion going underground, can look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. A robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except were so shorter is that conflict with the 1st law show alignment of the patient. We should be very careful about our personal intelligence. The point obviously is to trace a trust rather than fit the area. I mean with the artificial intelligence, we have somebody in the payment, the robot must protect this phone. Existence was alexis, the specialist. You can give daniel, its nice, im doing the nice. I took, i guess, one of the minutes hulu still sway over the amount. I mean, you can, i, she lit of cousin buck, pretty decent. Cut off. Know why we need to buy gifts from the plan. We think it to him, close will bundle when it is close enough to the new most when she was bucks to solution. Yes, click uh and you asked me for the new flux of the uh what you could us uh which in bye for your district. You would uh, also find me dental systems at the point of just different folks to us on this or what and you guys can start across the ocean. You are prepared to so for sure you still on the multi uh at the flux. But the reason why it to you until now shes clean up properties, doesnt the to you what else i use with the new to go any time with a 1000000 even though can you look into something or something, maybe some from at least the store. What that you, what when you start to consider pro forward it to them and tools get because of the problem with the box too, if bush and use the destination. But since theres some issue with it, why its Industry Skills as the project on the she will with your strong supporters, we can, somebody sees school, your daughter, all those cars that you put in your soap, snivlas nationalism has always and always will be ad from college in the hands of radicals of all kinds, it doesnt reason but a sets itself because nationalism defies logic to be able to states and form a nation, something bigger is needed well and intellect. While the will may not be a major problem, intellect on the other hand is naturally missing. But thats what nationalism is about. Theres no place there. Intellect been no need for common sense nationalism dustin to build a reason. But the base instinct, the dual suspicious thoughts expanding him slowly as my motion, if we could not, im not sure who the party took off. I normally get easily to know some deal. Let me know if not, so i know specialty is place you in, you know what you mean that will keep you know, that switch, but its coming from the cult. Oh, so to get some kind of the you up with some issues. Keep up on the list mobiles for like almost one of the is cutting another over slug that i see. Yes, i saves. I see it done. Screen monastery is a special place in moscow city. The landmark. Its where the bolsheviks imprisoned patriot chief on the 1st elected primate of the Russian Orthodox judge of 2, a 200. Yeah. 8 us a little later its way his last rights were administered and he was buried. Its an acropolis, the russian nobility. Because it, since the audience case, the tribute skews the del good look is not all of those whose tombs we see a buried here. The headstones were brought to the monastery from many ruined cemeteries and the states across most go and the surrounding region. But its better than nothing this way people can see them read the inscriptions and pray for them to keep them memories alive. The cathedral of christ to save what spills on public donations to celebrate the victory of napoleon when it was demolished, some of its higher leaks were taking him to be kept behind the monasteries. High walls, interior with the majestic remains of the church that was blown up in december 1931. The new towers table was plans to take its place. An enormous palace of associates, 450. 00, and meet as high, which would be crowned by a colossal 100 meters, statue of land. And that that never happened, which is probably for the best. Because as the proposed building was to be almost half the kilometer high must go, citizens wouldnt have seen very much of lenin stats. You mostly just as boots because the off the moscow is very cloudy. The idea of building a memorial, because these will continue with the ancient tradition of circled votes, if cathedrals, symbols of gratitude for victory, its no accident that the designers of sculptural de cole, in multi figured compositions, linked Old Testament stories into a hole with the defining events of russian history, emphasizing not just the religious continuity of Old Testament, jewish and new testament, orthodox legacies. In witching it with biblical interpretation, the pesos and solemnity emphasizing the inevitable victory of good. The evil is abraham with captive sauce. Debra relegating the people to fight against and slave us, miriam, praising the victory other enemies as prince dmitri dunst. Going to worry amongst that as of yet. And honestly, ill be asking said, abuse of rental news for a blessing to fight the while. Dont hold a hold before the back left click of a load and they, when they began building the cathedral in 18. 79. In 18. 83. It was consecrated. 48 years later in 1931 it was blowing out. And in the 1990s it was restored. Not because the toilet itself, of course, not a copy. Its clearly a new building, and that fact can be interpreted differently. But it has a special secret, meaning the blast, every remember models a 10 can instead of a 1000000 costing, we see plastics. And remember that it was once granted. It must not be destroyed. Whats rushes must remain, the new civilian presley is usually near your story. The slave would model it this way with daughters that even you should remember that the because thats a spirit who issue the worst of list as choose would submit this. The position that we should be is, or what appeared about the storage storage should be metal of checklist to the schedule of a school to remember for me and you said how much can you specify seats in the national it . Yes. Is it adding that . But it will really share and you dont solicit their Social Security number. Whats cook estate each option this year . Who you have at the place goes, did you 3 of them . You can go cool value, but is this in the more skin matter what the fancy should let him go on more me some of the on the for the thats an issue a new which you me know, good one leslie of the of the butcher boiler will foreclosure unless they have develop a foot and force it, there is a yes good, good bush issue is up and they have interface. Good, civil is so 1st cool. Cool is up with me, but id be keeping the thoughts of of the silly if shes just sitting, scape beauty, that most of im like visiting fee screen for spider. Im with best buy a new port and i missed a good photo, but will listen over and go to constance. Him open. Take it back to that i see it pollute. Sheila g. Christiane, if the to be a solution, you more quick to cook us to use the solution. 80. Im sca imperious at this moment the spring you might have to you, but it basically threads it so you the solution is up, but no cookie a few minutes. No more have a good a resolution is that each scape i missed you at the see the sewage . Is this the temple . The metal is a lot better, but seat as you live by man, she made a beautiful much of it. After october 1917, russia had its own experience of destroying the monuments to emperor as and generals, and of practice in great terra borrowed from the french revolutionaries. One and from that was the desecration and destruction. Royal tombs and son denise in russia, it was the destruction of graves and Family Estates and the desecration of holy relics in monasteries and cathedrals. They trying to convince people that all that had gone before was bad, that they had worshiped false gods and must now worship new ones. From visuals, it was load your log in the community, so that your phone you can see additional request to get them from the abuses. Since im the guardian assumed a be a useful for you. So just be so nothing may say just to use the, you know, to just from reading a policy more moments or kind of the ball because escape get of those ones are you definitely let me talk to somebody again to check on the cisco florida on that piece on thats the same. Yeah. But yes, lets just sort of you know, really when you show up with the previous i just thought id like to speak with you, which is basically pardon me. Yes you would. I basically thats why they are the elite and all the people that come to please everyone. Today, all of you are a so called a lead is often more accountable to the u. S. Department of state than to its own people. What can the people give them . Nothing while the us can insure a comfortable existence until the next elections, the majority was stable, incomes and peace. The state development, once confrontation. Fortunately though with the law school that i see in new york. But only the recognition you might, you might still go to the new approaches and then something from one of the 1st families feeling either or more for more than with frontier needs nothing. Just confused and anything. I think there are 2 pairs of interest to the media, raising it the cheapest one to thats been many attempts of governments countries, et cetera, in order to start with folks and ceasefire, etc. And, and they have not been successful in most of them. We have only appealing to russia and or korean, but they ignore the fact that they to washington really the main causes of the con, the was a new crazy, yes. Or took a lot of those, most of my friends. But i was safe. Anyone . I get nothing that i, that was in 2013 which really in my way, can make me Start Talking to willy waiting for. I mean, they have the, im happy that drum you find hes really good to me. You can go to sleep. Mom i become my new friend, the one who has loved gonna die or because he is always stay alive. Those day next to me the if im not crazy enough, im not going to make it of the will can of also celebrates one. Yes. And the 2 in the country reading president , captain, the bind salary says his country is on a long road. Trade depends on the route taken is difficult to have a fight against imperialism and imperialism. Is not only adults who are all the sites. It is especially the Domestic Violence case inside there are the things that have been experiencing since they want. Slovakia votes for parliamentary elections today. We keep a close eye on the countries, the social Democratic Party because even being in the polls, thoughts and actions. So it was done by some given by protecting our compatriots and don bath and noval rosa. We are pretend

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