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Click on is this an assumption that the u. S. W b and the fault outsourcing it to the union . This arguments that people have hate to meet and the official, what they need is the best understanding and support to build their own institutions. They need to be allowed to be done. Mean, i guess to determine the direction that the customer config. Weve got quite a few stories and thats how its program here in all to international where updates are coming in almost by the minute the entire all the International News team here is working very hard to get you all the facts. You need to know the program is retarded at the top of the our us no go to know kind of kind of back is really kicking off. But my colleagues unit on deal here with the desk with the top of the alex, is go to all the details. You need to know the theres no end in sight over how youre going to continue to destroy the earth. Is the case for the med, most of the people. I tried to go to the gym, but im certainly not ready to fight russia. This is also of soon. This is the 3rd world lunacy re washing as for so the funder line likes to say, we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deals. Thing were living on that we have very close propaganda. You know, a price here in new york. I think we dont know the aftermath any time that youre not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. The more questions ask the better the answer is will be the mankind have been firm and 10 grades and 2 wines for thousands of years. Ancient culture do use wines as means for communicating with their gods. And even today we can find references to wine as a status symbol. It is often portrayed as a drink of choice for the culture of the educated, the wealthy and sophisticated man. But trends are changing as globalization has brought about a democratize ation of wind. Im because the i in today were going to be exploring the Wonderful World of wines from the Top Producers to the top consumers, the 4 countries, italy, spain, france, in the us, produced more than half the wine in the world. Italy produces over 44000000 heck, the leaders of wine a year, followed by spain at 35000000. Heck, the leaders, france at 34. 00, and the us at 24. 00. Heck, the leaders and these 4 countries are not surprised when we also huge consumers of wine as well. But if we break down consumption by capital, portugal is actually the biggest winner of 51. 00 leaders per capita, followed by italy and france as well. Traditionally, wine has been cultivated in europe, production and consumption has been expanding into the southern hemisphere. South africa is now the 8th largest wine producer in the world, and the 6 largest exporter of wine, lately is 300 year old Wine Industry is being crushed by rolling blackouts that are delaying harvesting bottling and labeling. The interrupted power also impacts the watering of the vice with stresses out the plans and reduces the size and number of fruit. This will have a big impact on the producer property ability as harvest will be lower. Ones harvested degrades, can become over, right or damaged, if refrigerators for Climate Control is interrupted. The power cuts can lead to temperature fluctuations. Weekends, which can adversely affect the fermentation process, resulting in all flavor barrels. The south african Wine Industry, as a result have increased wind prices by 7 percent. This year. The Wine Industry contributed more than 3100000000. 00 to the nations Gross Domestic Product last year with exports worth 10000000000. 00 round. The 2023 harvest is estimated at 1200000. 00 tons, which is 14 percent smaller than last year, is due to a lack of electricity in intensely irrigated areas. Officials are now concerned that irrigated wind great production isnt sustainable, is low chatting gets worse. The u. K continues to be south africas largest wind export market and bought the wider global trend by increasing their imports for wind by 8 percent last year. Despite the higher prices, even though south african wines are mostly consumed locally, there is one winemaker trying to make it a global trend. We are joined by Award Winning winemaker, Carmen Stevens from Carmen Stevens wines to explore some more of the african wine market. And so comments what brought you into the wine business and made you a successful Award Winning winemaker in south africa . So what got me into wine was reading, reading, reading, novels, reading. So i come from a very poor background with one was the part of my have been but ive been a new about one because wanted to view the negative impact on now communities. What attracted me to one was i think the appeal and so it comes with wine. No, its everything is green, everything is beautiful. You know, this amazing people, these amazing food wine, amazing regions of people thats really is, is i think back now that is probably what she gave me before was the community what i grew up in. Indeed, an aspect i liked, i liked what wine they proceeded to to me in those knowns. What does the future hold for a south african Wine Industry . The future for south africa . I think in terms of wines, this is quite bright to be some of the young men coming in a j t k. Dynamic new Younger Generation of one makers coming into into the sector. They kind of a lot. They left experiment they tried to showcase whats africa can offer. We are based on lots of focus on ship them block and have to make sure the blog great other south africa and how to improve on what you really have. So i think this new generation of looking and approaching one see different and i think its going to add definitely to, ill say our growth in the international marketplace. And how does the cost of producing wine very across different wind producing regions around the world. Its a very difficult question on to to the question, but what i can tell you is that in south africa, the so many patients, thats me thats for outlines and i feel this is my personal opinion. You said, well, this was too hot in south africa because we have to have so many patients in place and what that comes out is equal all week in our winemaking. How difficult do we treat our workers . What are, what is the working conditions, which is perfect . I want to make it very clear thats of africa has always been on top of its game when it comes to conditions of work and looking at what people gets paid. But i think in every country you dates youll, youll, youll, youll whine, some of the one people that doesnt conform. Its not just in south africa. And gets of africa is being, you know, almost the focus is more on what is needed in the south african Wine Industry than what is positive for the south african mind industry. And that brings us about how difficult is the world when it looks at south africa in terms of pricing or phone lines because we make amazing wines all wines of boys over deliver it in terms of quantity yet we, i do not see the same reason you coming back to this country because the rest of the world look at us and say, but its a federal country and we can get away with pain as little as possible for amazing. One. Know if you come to me in your office, me how if equal, you are things you need to also all school. So how self, how difficult is the buying . Because if you can sell a self african product in your for lease money, oh you buy for lease money and get you off putting that on your shelf so much i a month. How easy code is that from your site and i use it is the will the thought of the problem of south africa with people not being treated fairly in terms of living wage . What is the world role in making that more of an ethical training . What do you call the trading tubs . Because if you seem to not just come from what out of out of pocket to know that ill try was im flipping a fines because it sustained the ability is gone. I dont we keep on producing winds the world one, all winds the consumer want ones, but were not getting paid for what we deliver. And that for me is the critical point here. And that for me, says we need to speak to the consumer. This, the consumer understand the would difficult and the problem in being difficult to books, not just in south africa, in argentina, the antennae and all these countries. We wind up being bored at such a lower price points. And so much higher price point in whos making that money because its decently outpace lots of other specific regions known for producing wise more efficiently resulting in lower production costs. So south africa is one of those countries we labor is to spill the cheap so we have a huge workforce. We have a huge unemployment direct line making in many cases, seasonal thing. So we uh, what size of africa in terms of what we can do with how labor force makes our product probably a little, but least cost city. But that doesnt mean it is the face. You know, the places the at the, the, we over the live on the t we, we have the ability to, to bring in people of people. They hands sort of thing off with the sun that some of the people in sun. So the fact that we have a workforce that can do that, and really what they call a minimum wage makes us one of those countries when it comes to costing company, you know, more affordable. Now in the past, for us in italy, were known as having the best and most premium lines. Is that still the case, or is there another country thats giving it a run for its money . I think is the world evolves and it has 1. 00 make this traveling and she is not each is sharing experiences. One more the country select south africa is coming to the full i think thats on the quantity perspective we can compete against anybody. If you choose, obviously these different um, quality products, but if you put this up in any quality practice that gains another kind of t like utility like funds. I think i think the wolf will be shop. Thats what we really are producing and how how more affordable the same quality product is from a company thats an advocate comparison to utility and front. I dont think we have to send back for anybody. I think we make. We are producing amazing wines. And i think retailers of noticing thats nothing that is behind a century huge inquiry into something to kind of want what countries are experiencing Significant Growth in their Wine Industries and whats contributing to this growth. So i believe that new zealand is really, really booming, using its prompting new when its more often its is the land ease really investing a new wind to be thats after coming in and the small, not small one is a huge establishment. So you know, um and, and the reason for that is because this will be much of a huge request for new zealand, especially for solving your block in the style of something youve done that they produce. That said and done the silly seeing that south africa is fall behind in terms of quantity. No, i think its just a market themselves quite well. And i would say of the top statement is quite extend outstanding. Some new brands and because of that investment then thats the sort of the consumer for that product. They have the ability to grow, they have the ability to invest, launch new lines in. Okay . So you must pull it up because we dont get, we know what people are willing to pay for the product doesnt make us really so sustainable. Thank you so much comment, but please stick around. Winemaker, Carmen Stevens will stay with us right after the break. And when we come back in recent years, wine has captured the pallets of age and consumers worldwide. Dont go away. The, the russian states never as one of the most sense Community Best most ill send send up the in the system to progress be the one else calls question about this, even though we will bend in the European Union the kremlin mission, the state on the russians per day and split the ortiz food net keeping our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. For what question did you say to stephen twist, which is the look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings, except were so shorter is that conflict with the 1st law show alignment of the patient. We should be very careful about visual intelligence, and the point obviously is to place a truck rather than fit the various jobs mean with the artificial intelligence. We have somebody with him in the a robot must protect his phone, existence was on the well wine. If you pick what is in the western world, there are many asian lines, but theres a very good reason for that. Most Asian Countries are closer to the equator where they experience more tropical climates with plenty of rainfall. This is not conducive to the production of grapes and also many countries have extreme changes in temperature and climates with monsoons and tie foods. So because of this, wine is predominantly a western or european alcoholic beverage. But in recent years of globalization, wine has begun to capture the interest of the growing middle class. China has quickly become one of the largest consumers of mine and in recent years have also started to produce wine as well. And this is not an easy feat as the vines must be buried through the winter in order to stay alive during the extremely cold and dry winters. China is rags. 9th, in terms of wind consumption by country and 40 years, its turned to australia and wind quickly becoming its biggest buyer and importing 40 percent of australians total wine exports. But in 2020, after the australian Prime Minister at the time called for an investigation into cobra origin, beijing became furious at them for playing political games meant to assign blame. In response, china impose a punitive tariff on 1162218 percent on australian wind. And the countrys biggest overseas market vanished almost immediately. Sales to china plummet is 97 percent that 1st year. Australian, great growers are still suffering today as a result. As this year there is even less demand for red wine. Farmers are facing a choice between selling rates, a huge loss or keeping costs to a minimum and not even harvesting. And while many are focusing on the markets in the us tile and singapore and malaysia, none of them are big enough to fill the gap left by china. Theres still about a 25 percent surplus of National Wine gray prop with no obvious destination in china has instead turned to south african and the us wines to phil is demand. Meanwhile, japan is leading asians nation in wine in ports in 2022. What is thought a 31 percent increase in the value of imported wine and 8. 9 percent rise in volume. The japan wine market is projected to exhibit a growth rate of 6. 3 percent to 2028. As a changing Consumer Preferences for western beverages and rising wind torres and drives the market. Japanese consumers have been shifting away from traditional alcoholic beverages like soccer in beer and instead of bracing wine, especially among the Younger Generation who are more health conscious. Friends in chalet and wine are the largest share of japanese imports of wine at 29 and 26 percent respectively. For this and more lets bring in again Award Winning winemaker, Carmen Stevens from Carmen Stevens winds. So how to market demands and Consumer Preferences influence the growth trajectory of different wind producing countries. It speaks to use the limited space of the month for the product that speaks to the growth the consumer once its given way in the world, people one store. So looking for new zealand, the, the new zealand style, some of your plans coming out of the country and that makes more and more people wanted big investment for them be approved for the. Absolutely. And what are some of the challenges faced by why makers in different regions that impact their production costs . So i think different kinds of different challenges. In our case, we had a challenge with war to not so long ago, you know, resources in terms of 14 electricity for other countries. It might be that they have a bad. Yeah. And they have to mitigate that. But i do believe that things balance themselves out of it again, coming back to something i think the biggest challenge is probably we we, we have to buckle supplies and so we want to bring in bottles. Its actually extra cost, you know, so ill challenge is how to get how product to democracy in the most efficient cost efficient way. And because if you take, if you take a shipment from south africa to europe, it takes about 6 weeks. That these are the challenge we as in europe, you know, and fantastic trying to treat it as a safety net. This in place makes the, the flow of getting the product to the market so much easier and much more cost Cost Effective putting, how do Foreign Investors influence the wind production or the industry . So these, these being in flux, but the stevie growth for a city, interest of Foreign Investors into south africa, into the windings. Because you can really amazing, amazing, did was in south africa. And if you can be it to what it would cost you to have that in phones or anywhere else in the world, its like a small section of the price people pay your. So i think a lot of investors are seeing the potential in south africa. They see that if its, i mean its like the facts of price and were definitely seeing more investment specifically in south African Agriculture land for wine. Its good for us. I think i think its fantastic that the world is really looking into some africa for that. You know, for the future, for, for growth in this, in the south african one industry and i, i hope that this, that would open more markets for something if you can wines because lots of people thats easily releasing, who really has access to walk. And if they can take the south african product out, its a move monica to give it to move, presence fantastic for us and carmen. How has the rise of e commerce platforms impacted wine, sales and distribution . Absolutely, and i think the best example of that is during covert, you know, suddenly enough, you know, but if you prefer for quite some time we will. Okay. Now, so ones. So the response will close in. So what happened was that the wine res, via nice, we need to put Something Else in motion. Yeah. And a lot of them launched that forms Online Platforms and sold one online. That was to be delivered often the restrictions was lifted. So the online textbook means, as really boomed in scope, it also showed the winds that was probably not up to date with the new technology in terms of the intimate how to promote themselves and the but much more speak to flight. Its a cheaper way that were using social media to also help that on. And suddenly more and more people on using um, social media and the e commerce platforms and they are seeing really stuff across them, which is fantastic. Thank you so much, carmen for all your time today to globally whine is a category that is in slow decline with fewer and fewer people drinking less wine every year. Well, economic uncertainties are leading wine consumers to cut back on discretionary spending. It seems at premium wise are still performing significantly better than their lower price counterparts. One of the biggest Global Trends in the drink sector is moderation moderation rates are the highest among the younger wine consumers with the age group below 34, significantly more likely to reduce or Alcohol Consumption in some way. However, low alcohol whine and sparkling wines our Growth Markets in areas like the us, germany, japan and the u. K. So it seems like the Wine Industry will have to pivot in order to accommodate the tastes of the Younger Generation in order to avoid being the biggest loser. Im christy. I. Thanks for watching and well see you right back here next time on the cost of everything. Oh the the yeah session of a lot right now. Moving up i need to ship a position associated with the local church. So certificate of boulevard you much and watch coolers, which was a job project. So i did all that in the cause of the room in the gym. The one in the heart, that of all are useful to him. Ill shoot you other to the some of the stuff we need for you press that yesterday. I just wanted to just kind of charlotte see what the number was somewhere else and what is coming up. So im just plugging from that i will start following charter decrypt order. You to a new new north Sheriff Service in law school, good from advocates, a sort of a good idea. Did you validate the oh, what else seemed wrong . Just dont you have to shape out the application and engagement equals the trail. When so many find themselves will support. We choose to look so Common Ground the the, all of us in this house on friday, as the canadian Prime Minister continues to refuse to take personal responsibility for ordering an s s nazi collaborator in the country parliament. Some politicians suggest as rain as leader may be in jeopardy. The world knows it under this Prime Minister, a nazi was honored in this place. The question is, who speaks for canada . And if its not as Prime Minister, isnt it time for canadians to have one who will the long disputed territory of nicole cut off. I will cease to exist in name at the end of the year

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