Potential will, with nato just hours off to full of clothes and creating a Police Officer were killed on correct s accuses washington of imperial ambitions. And often america, proximate speculations of us times the set top a minute to face and a territory disputed between venezuela, a neighboring piano. The bringing you the story is that all this might not, this is all the International Welcome to the program. Good to see. While top story this now and i just meant a tree, government has declared a new era in the countrys history, saying it will be based on sovereignty. And Mutual Respect between 4 and partners of paris announced the end of its presence in your me. The french troops and the french ambassador will leave new year before the end of the year. This is a historic moment that shows the determination of the insurance people. Each person, each institution or structure that threatens the interest of our country must leave the land of our ancestors imperialist and new colonialists forces are not welcome anymore on the share in territory of the french president manuel. Not content of dramatic utah when he announced the withdrawal of his countries on faster and troops from night to the statement was made on sunday evening and a ton of ised into the phone. So to see the francis decided to bring back in some basset or in the next few hours, our in baset are and several other diplomats will return to france. Were ending our military cooperation of go beyond the question right now is whether it was priest or genuine decisions that lead to defense. Chris didnt get to making this announcement. And it also recalled that a few days ago, it was reported that some west african countries such as monte, between a fossil, including the z, as found a military pan at mcroy on, at that point to had nothing much to do besides just giving him to be the moans of the military governments that the troops must leave the country as well as the front diploma that were in the j b a. Now some, it also came off to be completed issued a statement that they were closing the g s space to funds. And this, despite present in my normal crunch, previously insisting that it was no way possible to talk about withdrawing french troops. Some of these yet with the current, but if the officials dont know how we do not recognize the legitimacy of the purchase declarations since president presume has not relinquished power. And so if we re deployed, we would only do so at present, presumes request, and then coordination with him. Nothing with the officials who today are taking the president hostage. Experts continues to say that this particular key is, of course, whos the, who my front of the heat switch to make a special ad beach often a, i me add a habits for francis prisoners in the beach and following the key in money. On the other hand, because has repeated, each threatened to military action to restore pursuit, but to fall those. But its none of them have been transferred into any action so far. We start to put down a golf in the 2nd is a full that night here in president ial candidate. We told us to move by mike crow is evidence that powers has accepted the failure of its new colonialist policy on african continent. Or you can see the, jims out caught up the numbers. Yeah. Man and woman at the boys and girls chanting on to fringe slogans. Im asking the french to pull out of their one on i think. What do you mean to fling to deep except to be a defeat accepted if i didnt new colonialism and ill put it there no longer works. Ill click on speed. It has a what kind of, on the also kind of thing we wanted to control for our destinies. Our associates, also, but indeed our democracies are aware of life. The, we do not want any photo colonial myself in quarter to an, in our system. It means that defense, i see the policy that is already failed to some degree for im just interested in the instability because of, of what you needed to include cheaper as policies without government, without order, without move, without dues for the what else to but, and so when displaces, become open, what it is, easy for the french, the problem as to what to do the sources they used to do in the name of categories and both i can tell it is what we should be able to manage policy that fits into africa for africa by africa, we have to partner with the global community, but we have to partner with we include the board as well as 25 miles. As i mentioned, like russia and china not to go on fox. No, we would with that is it was one of thrown down. This nutritional seems to be put on your computer. Its kind of does house of speaker has apologized off to inviting a not to collaborate, touch the countries part about it and giving him a standing ovation equations president savanski himself. Jewish alongside counted as Prime Minister true though, also participated in the high honors given to the full member of the ss on friday. We have here in the chamber today ukrainian canadians, ukrainian canadian world veteran from the 2nd world 4 who fought the ukrainian independence against the russians and continues to support the troops today even at his age of 98. The, in my remarks, who in the address of the president of ukraine, i recognize an individual in the gallery. I have subsequently become aware of more information which causes me to regret my decision to do so. Name 98 year old. Yes. Awesome. Okay. So ukrainian born ss, collaborate, who now lives in canada. He solved immune from us, 14 boston assess prenatal division, which later became the 1st Ukranian National army division. It was ultimately defeated by the circuit by telling me, pull up the end of world war 2 and 1944. Just remind to kind of to was associate ally during the war. Well, these all kinds photos here. So home culture in his saw this for nazi germany, proud to be standing alongside his fellow cooperate, has his never been shy either of his not system to face openly admitting and factors involvement in the assess division which will set out by the invading German Forces on so as yet power train of to outrage from jewish organizations in canada depends Office Issued a statement distancing itself from the bottom of the speaker, but noticing that appointment to eyes and whats the right thing to do. Labor on human rights lawyer. And also don chronic worries of this celebration of a not to unit is just the late to sign of history being reversed. What youre saying is what we call revisionist history. Right . So yes, the u. S. U k and the soviet union were allied against nazi germany. And together they defeated nazi germany. Though the truth is the soviet union did the lions share of the dying and the line share the killing. Right, the, the soviets, last at least 27000000 people fighting the nazis, the number you actually, that ive seen is now increased about 34000000 lost and about 80 to 85 percent of the germans who were killed in world war 2 were killed on the Eastern Front by the soviets, but that history is now being denied. We are now being slowly led to believe that somehow the west was on the side of germany against the soviet union. By the way, that goes back to reagan, reagan made those implications. You know, when he was president did, oh, we were always undecided germany. Right. Um. But this is accelerated now and people are being led somehow to believe that we are fighting. So the union and not fighting the nazis. And the truth is, after world war 2, the see i brought over what 1100 knots used to the us to help to fight the cold war and something going out for ation paperclip. And so nazis had been whitewashed since that time. But now were seeing this white washing happened on a much more celebrated scale. So whats your install face on the way, but from his newest american tool, the. So lets do want to to publish phone and test state on us. How someone belies the increasing a strange relationship between kids and will. So with the spot of the grading and pulled on westland supplies, brewing part on has been a stead false ally of its neighbor supporting ukraine from the. 6 thoughts of the conflict . The key of the recent comments have caused theory back component, which is already heavily impacted by the collapse of the brain deal with powders. Parliamentary elections approaching will force, keen to appease its focused on, has thought to win over. Farm is in particular by blocking o agriculture influence from ukraine. Ive said this before the judge bundled prison. I also want to tell prisons a lensky never to insult poles again as he did, we simply join his speech at the un. Poles will never allow this and defending the good polish name is not only my duty and honor, but also the most important task of the government of the republic. A follow up message came off to zalinski speech during the un General Assembly, one from podium. He took the swipe, the poland, calling outsets and friends in europe for putting on a show of the great deal. Now working hard to preserve the land roots form green exports. And it is alarming to see how some in your it, some our friends in you are play outside entirety and the police go see a talk making through, learn from the green. And it didnt take post and long to react soon after those was purchased. And what that was, what have you had skipped declared that his country will no longer provide weapons to kids. And that should be in order to focus on strength components of ami, controversial that these commie were no longer transferring any weapons to ukraine, because now we will arm ourselves with the most modern weapons. If you dont want to be attacked, you must have something to defend yourself with. This is the principle were here to, which is why we have made increase orders. The focus, mainly important nice and, and quickly arming the polish army. So it becomes one of the strongest armies in europe in a very short time. We discuss the sort of political commentators on brit component. He know to that, anyone who does to diverge from ukraine stones quickly goes from fun to so. And so last his eyes, it is, it is, he has had the lucky to the 16, our guns. And those are the believe that because these he said he who and is being treated as a he who in the they came to us as becomes, is such a secret, losing a new hope in the United States that everything is due to him. And anybody who makes any restriction either hungry, next 4th on that even though he had said to, you see mediately to do this. And then, and the vision is key. And that the media and the answer irritating the, all the counties and even the United States ended up with that. And so they dont have necessarily the means to put use enough width. And so he plays those that they have sent already easy things, easiest way to try the things that we need you to remember because theyre not necessarily do with the love. I think the americans are upset with the most of the concepts entries in the United States. Is shifting to knowing more and more and more demanding. And thats a piece goes, i think. But as i say, the commitment of the waste was whose tongue let me say that its not easy. I mean, you guys know, he does a year, his ease of its not easy for them to uh click on their previous commitments at least uh 53 people have been detained in the all media and capital as residents took to the streets for the 7th consecutive day quoting on Prime Minister, nicole pushing young to resign up to his recognition, opened up on the car about reaching this part of us a by john demonstrate is also said that all media is moving in the car back region could be in danger. Redmond cost rep reports from europe on as we are in the republic square and irving, the capital of the area of on the, at the moment. As you can see, things that quite calm over here. The roads are not as long as they have been on the last few days. The opposition members and accidents have changed their tactics a little bit. And they began that, protested, protesting as early as 8 oclock in the morning. This one day in that you know that sam to paralyzed the functioning of the city and attract more people to the protest. As the result of that action. Earlier, officials are saying that at least 140 people were detained while position is saying that more than 200 words attained. That includes all position figures as well as professors of several universities. By the way, students of several universities and high schools have joined to the protest this morning as well. Uh meanwhile, here by the government building where the main protests are taking place at night to the police are ready to deflect. Any storming on the ground shouldnt happen, but sale for now. It looks like its a regular monday here in the are medium capital by the processors are calling on everybody to come out once again in the evening that what happens in the evening is that this square, it doesnt fill up your capacity. Its still the, its, its about 75000. 00 people, but the processors are saying that the on a sunday night, they sold the biggest turn out. So were at least 40 to 50000 people were on the streets here, the protest on sunday and ended peacefully as deposition called on everybody to come out in the morning again. Now we are watching everything thats going on here. We are looking at the opposition of older actions and of course will bring you the latest as it is available. Lets just recap how the conflict escalate to a new wave of violence and the reach interrupted last week. Cops as a by johnny administrative defense start out so called empty terrace matches the games look well meaningful says with the media and Prime Minister denounced as knocked off a question by wednesday, the region was on the box is full control and a c spy. Whats announced with russian mediation . Now the car about config, decal, stretches like decades and what are the region is populated mainly by ethnical means. It is uniquely part of also by john with the sci fi signed and integration process has yet to be organized. As a fast talks between the 2 sides, wrapped up on the 1st day with no concrete deal. Events of pools, around 3000 locals to move from the car back to our media. Thats according to officials. Will text present type. The one will me is that the by joint account part is have a little late to on monday to discuss the latest defendant minutes in the meantime, onto corresponding yes and i can just travel to the city of noch javan, which is why the tools will take place a need to president s read. Yep, type are the one and the home audio of well discuss the bilateral relations. They will discuss trade energy as well as the integration of a natural gas pipeline from the bordering city of the, in eastern cherokee. So thats whats on the agenda, but whats not on the agenda is for starters in thats part of the u. N. G a president are the one did say that he wanted to be a part of this tri lateral process. The process, referring to the, at the carmine inside, representing the going to car about as a big johnny side as well as the russian side and turkey. It says that they want to become a part of this group and also achieve a number of important steps to ensure that this cease fire les, this last week was quite an adventure full week. We saw the start of an operation we saw holds to the hostilities within the region as part of a ceasefire. And then came a meeting between the 3 sides. And this is where the text presents that he wants it to be a part of it. Another very important matter that will be discussed behind closed doors will be these arent as our code or the turkish presidencies Office Issued a statement or referring to what the program was going to be like. And there was no mention made of these things are corporate or this court, or will serve as a very important quote or not just for us or be john. But also for turkey. The quarter would effectively be connecting the territories here not to on to the rest of the other major on the country side, as well as providing a quote for cherokee to essentially carry out trade into the region and reach the turkey crow. But most importantly, right now the trade route revolves around iran, and thats a great deal of money that many of these companies are wasting. So theres a lot to be discussed. Theres a load on the agenda. So were going to have to wait until the present to meet later today to see what they have to say as part of their statements. It seems that tensions of rising again of the costs of a b sub you and president test set the break way of reaching his intent on driving his country into a conflict with nature. Its lisa met him yesterday. They all high book roads. They were always looking for a reason to blame sub bass. Im not real good in dollars in cost of a developer. So thing they can, exec pressure on us will never recognize cost of us independence. Forget about the us. Cost of a lead to albuquerque is the only 1. 00 to blame, is the only one who wants that conflict. No one else wants. It is on the wish is to direct us into what was needed. So thats the only thing he does all day. The cost of all sorts, hes a previous claims that ethnic stubs when using trucks to block a bridge and its village and the newest. They also said the incident escalated into a shootout in which one Police Officer was killed and then all the wounded. The group of sobs is believed to have fled to a nearby monastery, a which another shooter, because its also being confirmed. The 3 ethnic sides were killed with one arrested. And ill post those need immediate need to play the bridge and send a terrorist attack. But stop you as president , insist that only cost to buy it would have something to gain from instigating the conflict long simmering tensions between supp during the break. Quick cost by region of escalated and recent months with violent protests of the disputed local elections. Thousands of native peacekeepers were reported injured in classes with protest is back in may. We discussed the situation with august in the last uh, 2 years uh at a special last couple of months. Uh, there was a series of constance publications. Uh, only yesterday serving children were attacked uh by uh, a lawyer i think will be annual with the 9th. The west uh is keeping a blind eye on what cruelty is doing. Uh and uh, what he wants is to present serbia as of russia. Therefore, uh, a malign uh, 2 more, its all in europe so that he can come down what he wants. What he wants is the pin is the, the closet all services that started uh, the in 1999 when the names of troops and theres gospel, and then in 2004 and the other way. Uh, and by all these publications as soon as possibly being encouraged to leave. And also there was a crisis with the services being conquered and basically by all means in a special police uh the, during the summer. So all of these incidents, of course, were amazed to prove all the local service who have no longer no auto or a means of protection, but to protect themselves that we know that ive been pretty, has been extremely radical since hes been in power. Uh, we do know that uh, the relationship between albanians and serves in kosovo has never been very good since the war. Obviously, it has worse and actually with the arrival of, of mr. Cruelty in power. And there is a threat coast of always to a store and, and the side of the west serving president has been really quite a damage of saying that a christys objective is definitely to try to come to the north of kosovo and take advantage of the situation to expel uh, the, the remaining serves and uh, i think this is something that we can see globally. Mr. Trinity is not discussing. Uh, the European Union is now discussing with bel grades. Virginia has no, they noted this, and even the us has noted this washington considered itself the suffering of lots in america. And these thoughts well been as late as foreign minister have to say in his address to be one General Assembly as was k limit speculation, but the us times to build a minute to base in order to intervene in a centuries long territorial dispute between venezuela, a neighbouring piano altering his marietta closer above brings us the details. It seems that the situation surround the steeds of south american territory of us. A quibble is region, its point them points. And so thats all things to the United States and a somewhat say, well, sometimes never ending pursuits for other nations, oil and gas. And we have the governments of the United States of america considering itself to be the software and of our continents. And with the excuse of the illegal Monroe Doctrine has once again intervened in the territorial dispute. That is more than 200 years old, over our territory of s. A quibble guyana. Today the government of the United States of america wants to appropriate our Oil Resources using the company, exxon mobil. What is what also seem to have to do with a territorial dispute between diana and men as well . Well, lets take it back a little bit. This is a border disputes between diana ends and as a weight on each side. Claims that this stretch of land belongs to them. And its quite a significant portion of just about a 160000 square kilometers. Its almost a 3rd of diana. Its also very rich in the oil and gas then as well. I have claimed the territory since that declared independence from spain in 1811 diana, which he used to be a british colony, insist that it belongs to them after birth and gain control to a treaty. With another little spike in 18. 14 lots of the argument here is that the treaty was specific when it comes to the borders fast forward the few decades. And then as well as the United States will help onto the Monroe Doctrine, which oppose new or pay. And colonialism in the western hemisphere solely themselves, but this could lead to another war between 14, under us. Now, i tried to, you know, in 1899 decided that the majority of the land belonged to the british colony. Which of course, was a huge disappointment for both caracas and washington. But one guy became independent in 1966. The border is service surface. Thats what it was decided, according to geneva agreements, that the territorial disputes of what they are reconsidered. Meanwhile, relations with 2 men as well and washington have deteriorated, so its hardly surprising that washington no longer seems to care about that as well as case, especially since guy n, i gave to him a license to the us oil major x and mobile. And now that us is apparently looking to set up a military base there, then chairman can well we have more we do now so that the government of United States of america intends to militarize the situation. The us Southern Command wants to create the military base in the disputed territory in order to create a spearhead in its aggression against venezuela and consolidate the plundering of our energy resources. Thats relevant, as well as worries and fears that the us wants to take control of open as well is to see as their own Oil Resources. Diana insist that is their territory and they can do whatever they want with the court to decide would insure a resolution that is peaceful, equitable, and in accordance with International Law guide of a spirit, no effort in defending is sovereign and territorial integrity. Diana reached out to the International Court of justice that was a few years ago. And then this spring, they ruled that the court had jurisdiction over the disputes. But theres been no decision yet and some are the wont come any time soon. But even if it does, we know that its rulings are often ignored anyway, and its the same would to neighbor agreements. So whats the way out . Well, if were taken to accounts of washington support for the opposition, german as well as president ial crisis in 2019, its safe to assume that were in for repeats of the same old scenario that didnt work out for them. But we know instances when the us intervenes under the guise of democracy, only to leave within the abundance of oil and gas like in libya. And its area. The libya produce some 1600000 barrels a day and boost americas largest Proven Crude Oil reserve. Thus, if libyas ruler prioritized of the nations over the United States in protest of africa on this would be discrete justification for the United States and nato, and supporting regime change we came, we saw died. The fuse officials must be held accountable for the looting and the Us Government must be obliged to pay compensation and the legal presence of us forces and routes on the line. So you talk you price and the oil and Gas Field Service here in states. But we are leaving soldiers to secure the oil. We have the oil, the oil, and secure. What do you think the oil . I liked oil, and now here we go again. Only this time, the resources are lots in america. Considering washington, say the track record is that outrages of and as well as concerns, not really according to those who believe its time to call a spade a spade. John, this kim, i believe the washington as long haul, but im fissions to exploit regional tensions against venezuela. This is a part for the course for, but washington does in the areas of the world where it wants to find a chink in the armor of countries to come in and attack. And its a very provocative and we know that theyve been courting president or bon lee of deanna. He has been speaking at the Wilson Center in Washington Center for strategic and international studies. All the big us i think takes, theyve been courting him trying to bring him into their orbits and use him against venezuela, which of course they border to the east. So this proposal to go in and militarize uh set up anything in the disputed area. Uh, are they on uh, a sick cuba is. Uh, its streamlined provocative. We think about both of us out and well from me for today. Dont worry though, take nova is union or neil for me. Ill see you soon. The hello and welcome to cross stop. Were all things are considered. I gabriel about western solidarity, which you bring particularly in eastern europe, is being as to the flood of cheap ukrainian grain into the e. U. As in raged farmers and terrified politicians facing the voters. Ukraine is behaving like a drowning man. Willing to take down their so called friends if they have to the to discuss these issues and more enjoyed by my guess martin j america sees an award winning, journalist, and commentator. And in budapest we cross the door to 70. Well, it is a pond cast, right . The guy goal, which we found on youtube and locals, are gentlemen across socrates effect, and you can jump it anytime you want. And i always appreciate it. All right, lets start out with jump at george in budapest. Well, its not so happy in the caribbean family right now, particularly nato world here over the last few new cycles, which is a whole uh without tremendous fact. But with the, the bullet including the bowls

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