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Lets look at the news for now, but do stay with us and back in about half an hours time. In the meantime, be sure to follow with some social media if you arent already, including ex, formerly known as where by the se guy is convicted and sentenced to 55 years. The ours was the 2nd largest robbery in the us at the time. And the people from the 1st largest robert and the 3rd largest. While we got 15 years, i was sense to 65 its common practice to use your spouse as leverage in order to try to get you to slip. So they apply that pressure low. So you got the message to me says if you cooperate, dont do it on academy because you do, ill never speak to you again. I didnt need any more encouragement than that. One will say a bus that and she didnt know she was crying. So she accepted the plea agreement and went away for, for the rest of, of her sentence. And while she was in prison, so when i was born, lucy, i visiting hours from 8. 00 to 330. 00 so she could brush feet so late. So the 1st day that that happens, the guard says that frustrating is not allowed. They got to work on them. They filed lawsuit and a judge that side in their, in lexington said itll be a sad day in america or a woman has to. So in order to for the right for us, for your child in 1999, president bill clinton offers clemency to say guy and 11 other point though, he comes with a condition that they renounce terrorism the after serving 19 years. Once they gather his release from prison in 2004, the i agree with the ban on this will come to said the cartridge is the supreme quality for the revolution encourages is sealed by the desire to serve of love then its, its an entirely different different thing and thats the well, the, you know, i, i want to draw the, the, the, i believe strongly that the decision the president made was the wrong one. And may well have some terrible impacts down the line. Summit described these prisoners has political prisoners. I dont believe they were, they were terrorist, pure and simple. Theres no question in my mind that we will seek out. We will hunt down, and we will punish severely people who practice terror against the United States of america. The meanwhile, feeling all here that deals remains under ground and continues to evade the f, b i v f b. I offers a half 1000000. 00 reward for information leading to his arrest. But there are few leads. Hes constantly on the move. Always changing disguises. The. Ready the people know whats wrong with people that already have warrens to be arrested. But most of the time was people on both the ground molding people under run. Like looking for food, like uh, getting on new house. Whenever i get the same meeting in the same place, in 1990 a Television Journalist receives a communique offering her an interview with philly. Better to hear that she agrees to be blindfolded and taken to a clandestine location to conduct a multi hour interview. The whole model of the crime was that you see, but if you dont, martys thing is definitely come maybe that all the b s o c l only focus model for them. I dont the photos the handle by the bye, bye bye. Went through the field where it goes, interview is aired on card and point that he can television and is the most watch programs in for the week in history. The in september 2005 the i believe that they have located fee that theyll have that in a remote rule. Hillside village, the september 13th. Cspi deploys are Tactical Operations center 25 miles from home to 100 agents are transported to the site. September 22nd sniper observers initiate a pre dawn surveillance of the residents september 23rd at 3 45 pm. The f b i Team Receives a final go decision for an emergency assault 10 team members, board 2 helicopters for 25 pm, an s u v. Assault vehicle drives through escape, an agent fire as a flash bang renee for 28 pm. Fire is received from inside the house. The 8 team members return, fire shooting over 100 round one agents as 4 48 pm. The better deals someone is coming out. He commands his wifes biographies to leave the residence once in custody. She refuses to speak to the 5 o 3 pm fi, better to request a journalist to come to the scene and act as a 6 oclock pm via the i special agent in charge refuses pretty very close requests. The 60 8 pm. Agencies, a refrigerator door like antiques, is in floor right from the office. 3 seconds later, the sites his weapon on see the center of mass. And find the the in washington senior f. B, i. Officials ordered the team to not enter the house. Finally, at noon the next day, nearly 18 hours after the shooting. Via fbi, i enters the home funding fee there to go ahead a debt on the floor. The. The autopsy reports dates that he bled to death from a gunshot wound and that he would have survived if he had been given immediate 1st aid and surgical care, the body s 5 liter. So low and they only cover from the top see half a liter, right . So he led to this whole time, how long it to for that and that, and this more than our, the milwaukee a. But let me play it over to casa, and the 1st us, you know, be meant they put it in february or whatever. Yeah. You gotta keep way better than what i say that i mean, yeah. And uh, the guy that they will give us a combined pick like bullet points of the game. Changing then things better, like on the web going up, i did that will, but also thats what i meant that i dont like i said last time it is good. Why does it go . Why does the courts because thats the way there has to be that you have to be they had they had yeah, that is to be called co words. Course cool. And this is the way of them. But it is that these cannot be compared with anything that i have ever seen in my whole life here. 3 unit 3, that he wouldnt be like that the child spent the whole night hoping that, you know, he had some tunnel and had been able to take, you know, because, you know, they kept saying that the place was surrounded and that he hadnt come on. My side, it was only later we learned today and shot him and just refused to provide any kind of medical attention until after he was dead. It was more of a physical feeling. Right. And theres really nothing that you could put into words is in the got in the heart this the, the f b i read and feeling better to hear that death took place on september 23rd. The anniversary of a deeper notice or the loudest uprising. The day commemorating the 1st revolt against the spanish in 1868. The day viewed by many as the birth of the fight for independence. The was by the most important that i located before the independence of affordability. So he has to be the best way to to, to, to assessing us our price. Thats the story of the, the state, the the architects of natos proxy war and russia have big plans for the camp regime. As a cranes cover offensive fails, the countrys post for realities are being planned in the west. Allows these plans will fail to the total is the aggressive today im authorized as additional strong sites today. Russia was the country with the most sanctions imposed against it. A number thats constantly growing, but i think you chose literally almost a couple seniors. Just click on the only thing and most the more in the will ship. Were banning all in portion of russian oil and gas piping in another country. Hope alls well. Were going to reset. The fed said the little joe biden in, imposing these sanctions on russia has destroyed the american economy. So theres a boomerang, the the, [000 00 00;00] the good evening to lead me on the go movie, these channels doing, oh, must be thought of it at least the lets see what happens is the main one behind on preparation. But thats all we have come a long way from lower to her english. Thats part of the you and i hung out in the spelling of the rate. I dont think of any indication you are a revolutionary while 0. Im not at all. No, me or just a nice guy and enjoyed things here and enjoy the people here and the reasons i keep this weekend did not have you been here for 25 years this i was curious how we all turned out nowadays when i meet people all from the states and import the vehicle. I make a point of pronouncing my name very hispanic, lets say one say got it off. And then i told him the story about when i went to a mixture here and raj wait and was talking to a couple of girls and i went over to introduce myself. I said once a girl, one of them said no thank you. I dont smell right after i left here and had that what many people talked about the road less traveled, inkling i went to broadway and, and saw of the manual online job. So i then when tilting after windmills and join the army school and us and struggle for the independence of puerto rico and did that until i got arrested and 1985. So what i wanted to prison, one of the lawyers in our case, had given me a book by Victor Frankl mans search for meaning in which a positive that we have a freedom that can never be taken away from us. And that is how were going to react, regardless of what situation we faced. The hindsight is 2020. Well clearly someone who is now 68 years old to think of ok, what would i do differently . It back in 1972. Because somebody had to be willing to fight it was very smart. United. Kyle you know i thought that he would see that is way through college and the ability to manipulate society not doing, you know, criminal and he would have been much more effective as the governor of ordering the while i think that non violent resistance and civil disobedience are important tools, maybe there should be more of it. I mean its looking like these times call for the urgent action. The thats not coming from a lot of the preston. Disregarding people keeps putting these numbers out. Oh, we have given san one you have given someone so it isnt that they cant do that they wont do it. Why . Because our lives dont matter to them. The biggest advantage here in crisis as porter and evelyn ponder for more than 500 years. It is a power of domination on in a real sense gun manually. Busy able to be the voice of people who work just and excuse the expression to 6 to 12, you know, but i think that, you know, is important for story to be heard and can people know the magnitude of, of it . And she was an important voice in doing that the the the the, the people have been told that we are too little, too small to wait. And that we are to, for, to be in the colonialism at this point is a written then its, uh, its like a dinosaur, the basis of problems. And its not going to go away. So far. Its a for the side of United States, but it can become an infection the or the have you ever been in a situation so overwhelming . So tennis fitness, so difficult, but you have no idea how things are going to turn out. You do know one thing. No matter what, nothing will ever be this you know that literally youre in the fight for your life. And in the midst of all that k r c must answer up for finally person flush. What are you prepared to do . Look around the world. It is filled with violence, discrimination, poverty, and injustice. We must collectively answer the question, what are we prepared to do to change the course of the world we live in . The answer will no doubt be a challenge. But i assure you roll up to the task the the just on my side, if i get into the bible, go in about the dining, that i get a hold out on my bill. Hi joe. Joe table battle and play medals before i get there to be got. Well yes, i dont know the americans by the way, like i said, most of what i thought i saw on up to get you on only. Okay. Hang on the 2nd to go gotta my goal for you. I can see it up on the web the of the 1950 to us as i was returning to a peaceful life with the newspapers didnt report ongoing massacres and the ukrainian ssl, according to intelligence ukrainian nationalist and the ukranian installation ami said by romano shall give each of which way to these atrocities for future, for the hold at the store more but i see in your new way to do it to be like this is about to do a new one. Obviously the preventive was the head of the n t v d sabotage department at the time he was tasked with stopping the atrocities in ukraine for a good reason. General sort of blonde. It was very familiar with the situation. Pete had experience finding the nationalist before the war, loveless to contend as the weights and made of so didnt know could e mail as well. Thats funny. So give me the task was tremendously difficult, but suit up, rhonda was determined to complete as we had personal accounts the central with the ukranian nationalist the a former Ukrainian Security chief confesses that kids killed and this it is because prisons were not doing the job of the western media whitewash is the official words changing, eliminate people to eliminate terrorists for us after a fact. It is clear, so it can be no relevant global into the engine in favor of africa without a credible solution to the crippling challenge of that. And thats the message from the African Union Commission Chairman and which he calls for International Financial institutions system to be reformed. As the 1st Africa Climate summit continues in nairobi, nigerians are protesting outside the nations Election Court is hearings are under

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