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The president comes and bob way to clear his victory over neal colonialism as he takes the oath of office for his 2nd term. The down key part of the sentiment grows in nature as value seems to me on the expulsion of french troops from the west african country. A protest organizer, sage francis presents there. Its a legal cause of the state here. Legally, their presence is jemma to the population does not even see the results of francis actions in terms of developing the presence of france has no failed, in terms of security to the for a must go to the world. This is our, its a pleasure to have your company. My names you know, neil hello and welcome to the news. Our russias defense minister has given estimates on ukrainian casualties, admits the lovers much vaunted somewhere offensive circus showing good safety of house laws. Tens of thousands of troops while at the same time typing a tax on civilian targets as the success. And this is the issue is, lets look at those in there or the new since the beginning of the so called offensive. And then the last us have exceeded 66000 troops and 7600 weapons trying to hide the failure of the offensive ukrainian militants, subjects civilian targets and presented these attacks as military victories. Go for more of this uh lets speak to r t correspondence in the email is shar hi there. In that pretty staggering figures. Im sure youd agree. Take us through at what more a circuit showed you how to say about the the Russian Defense minister met with top generals to discuss the latest developments on the ground. They. Ive also spoke about the latest ukrainian attacks on civilian objects in russia and how several ukrainian drones were suppressed by air Defense Systems inside rushes board there. Now the Russian Defense minister has also touched upon the fact that he has failed to achieve. Is it schools as a Russian Troops have secure with key positions in the heart of reason . Oh, it looks like this ukranian counter offensive. Russia has seen more success in it than ukraine itself. The Russian Defense minister has also mentioned that the most test situation has developed in these upper rogia direction. Lets take a look. Okay, is go goes the jane started so the ukrainian leadership is desperately trying to demonstrate to its western curator simply some success in defense evictions, in order to, to the receive military and economic aid which only pro loans the conflict. The most dense situation has developed in this upper right hand direction, the enemy deployed brigades from its strategic reserve, whose personnel has been trained under the guidance of western instructors to go to cooper. This was an effective meeting and talking and talking about the developments on the ground as the last of this type of meeting, an update happened in late july minister. So you also mentioned in the ukrainian strategic reserves. Again, weve heard about that before. Have we seen anything of that regard . Those troops on the buffalo fields a to date. So not only personnel was used, of course, but also technical reserves. And an on verified footage showed up online showing a u. K supplied challenger tank being destroyed by Russian Military. Now this is very interesting because western press who has long been praising this counter offensive and had high hopes about it, is now a note even the difference in narratives as well. The u. K. Supply challenger tank was being praised by ukraine and how powerful it is at the compared to the soviet style tanks just days after that, these should, theres this video that shows that the challenger seems to have been destroyed by Russian Military. Now lets take a look at this forms article and what more it says on this situation. We still havent seen footage of the 82nd brigades challenger twos firing there, 120 millimeter rifled guns and anger and ukraine. But the monday video of the burning challenger to ironically does highlight the tanks to survive ability. Thats because the burning challenger twos terror, it still is attached to its whole. So as you can see, theyre talking about how the challenger was destroyed, but theres Still Holding onto their hopes that well it wasnt fully destroyed anyway, as apparently the challengers turret is still attached to his whole. Now this is very interesting to see while the west and key of both where boasting about this equipment, it looks like the counter offensive is indeed failing and a counter offensive that was financed by the west. Uh that was fine, is with were a billions of, of, of was a worth billions of western tax payers. Money of this challenger, being destroyed by Russian Military gets confirmed. It will be the 1st challenge or uh, in a challenger tank to it has been destroyed by a different country. Now the u. K. Has also promised 14 challengers to ukraine, and the u. S. Has also promised 31 u. S. Brands tank to ukraine. But if the information on the u. K challenger, being destroyed, turns out to be confirmed and turns out to be true, this will definitely raise concerns on the upcoming equipments coming to ukraine. Now all we have to do is wait and see what happens next. Okay, taking this through that are to use it in the email if sure, thanks and well, thats the cross my for the policy isnt the best with former Senior Security policy on less than the office of the us secretary of defense, michael maloof. Michael. Oh, its a pleasure to see you. Thank you for your time today. Just to on what our correspond. It was taking us through there. There was a challenger at times from u. K. P of you know they, they boasted up by that. I think its safe to say that this could possibly be a game changer in the conflict. How have things in your view pub died as regard to claims summer control offense as well. Thanks for having me on it. Its it. Its clear that the counter offensive has failed. Its um and, and, and theres a lot of reasons for that. A part from having the super duper challenges and, and abrams, which are you have to come to the ukrainians, have been trained mostly for defensive tactics. And that officer, that is the nature that is what that was their training and it has been their training. Theyve rejected the us support, basically, and us training of it because thats not their comfort. So thats not that also us western training, particularly us, has a fundamental promise which ukraine does not. And thats air air power. Theres no air power that defense and it can knock out the mine feels that, that the, the russians have us set up in terms of their defenses. So it is, and its very treacherous for, for the ukrainians on the ground. And, and its, and its destroying the equipment and they get top caught in tank traps and, and as a consequence, that makes the equipment and effective not to mention being destroyed. And that the pictures of the challenger being shown that even though the turns not knocked off, chris, its still effective. Its, its, its, its a smouldering ruin. And thats uh, a major uh that somebodys are lost to them. And when you have only 14 challengers coming in and maybe 31 abrams down down the road and then theyre going to be arriving at it and not only at a very strange time because of the weather. And thats very key and the terrain, but also is because of training. The training that theyre not sufficiently trained on this equipment over a long period of time. Theyre given a few weeks training. And then off they go on. This was supposed to be, it wasnt that they, they the summer a country offensive. This is what you create had been building up to this is what the western bonkers had been hoping would actually draw about that point in the line. The say that were winning ukraine is window of western supplied arms continue being destroyed. Michael with i progress being made largely for how long do you believe kids allies are prepared to continue those costs the dispatch. Its as well. I think that theyll continue for some time as long as the equipment keeps flowing. But politically, were seeing that beginning to change europe is beginning to have 2nd thoughts and certainly the United States. And i would say that in the United States were seeing but, but potentially a political shift here as we approached our 2024 elections. Its very clear now that the democrats of which the, by the administration is the lead, is going to have to try to come to some settlement on ukraine before the 2024 election. Otherwise, its going to become part of the, of the campaign. And its clear now that the majority of the American People, quite according to recent polls, are not supporting for the funding of ukraine. And i think is the whiskey and company realize this. And theyre trying to do everything they possibly can to make it appear that continued funding and, and supply is going to help them when, when their cause and it clearly, were seeing results that im just the opposite. And, and the American People are not stupid. The european people are not stupid. They see that what has been given to the ukraine is getting chewed up very quickly. We go through a 100000000. 00 of, of equipment in a week that really adds up. And, and thats what the ukranian military is estimated, is what theyre chewing up and using on the battlefield. So this is very, very significant. And its clear that, and im expecting, frankly, a russian kind of offensive when youre good luck point. Youve also got, michael, you know, as you say, the hopes that the country offensive would work. Its not only that it seems to have spurred at russia all because theyve made advances, for instance, recently in the heart called for region, seen seeing those activities and frontline area or yeah, what are you going to say Russia Holding onto . Its very strategic points. It per dominantly in the russian speaking areas, theyre gonna help, theyre going to hold onto it. They have no intention, unlike of what the victoria knew and, and by and theyre claiming that they, they, they want you ukraine and then theyre going to take over a then they want to run europe. They try, they try to equate to russia with a world war to germany. Its just not the case here that theyre gonna hold on to the, to the, to their positions. I think what ukraine is got to worry about. It is not russia so much, even though its occupying its eastern portion at the request of the residence there, but theyre gonna have to watch out for poland and, and, and, and some of the western countries that have designs on retaking many of the parts of west and ukraine and in some parts of delarue said, go back to 18th and 19th and 18th century, a, a wars and its, and, and they, they, were seeing the United States in europe does not want to be fighting, 19th century wars. And in, in, in the 21st century, those are over and we gotta move on and, and i would add that europe check of ally is going to be entering that a very cold winter period here very shortly. And theyre not ready for it. Theres, theyre not equipped, they dont have the economics, they say they say the oil and gas is, is hurting their, the industries are hurting. Theyre in a recession. And frankly, theyre going in the United States is now going to is so focus now on and riveted on on internal problems of its own. And not to mention the fact that all the supplies are being depleted from the dep owes and what we have, michael always good to speak to. Thanks for going into all those the different rates of subjects as well for us to a former senior printer on Security Policy on list michael maloof. A. While, while russia deals with low rings drilling and tuck sizable distances into its territory, residential areas closer to the front lines in the done, yet republican are subject to ukrainian shelling on a near daily basis. Nature was supplied weapons like a 155 millimeter caliber artillery shells. Just a widely used by key of trips to strike areas were civilians reside, thats according to Russias Defense Ministry or t. Correspondence thinks we need texas to now one of the latest document are we now inside the safe lock. If not, you can see the damage he calls us to have across the floor and part of the ceiling has come off today. Now this is not the 1st time that the supermarket has come under attack and is once a game. The civilians have been done yet. Fanning the bronze of the crating and shedding destiny of love. There are 5 shelling at times just now. I came to the store for food, but everything has been bombed. You who plays the shutters, zalinski come to your senses. What are you doing . Your children are dying. People are dying. Ordinary civilians have already lived most of our lives, but our children are suffering. What are you doing . Why is the west helping ukraine for . What do it to bombard us to kill people . Civilians is youre going to give you a huge crowd of black smoke was seen below him across the city. Now, according to move the officials that were at least 3 separate attacks using 155000000 isa shows ease of the western supplied. Next, how he supplied munitions. You can see this sells a cost which is still applies. This has been completely blown out, so if you look around, you can see that this is a residential area behind a to a number of a key spoken to a number of the residents. Despite this all afternoon, most recently, soon as we were, we had thrown the explosion and sent a few minutes later we arrived at the scene to see a boon and car that was trapped. Now everywhere, this cat is for many meet us around the school. This is a place but Drinking Water is sold once everything has been shot says something and then want to pause from all of the holes. Now you can see emergency room they way to tackle. I blaze into another cold, the old they stay sweet. Now its important to note that we are now in couldnt time. This is the 1st time that the ticket has taken place and dont yet see, since it was incorporated into the russian federation. So that has been some anticipating that escalate to the attacks. Now we did see a number of attacks that gave them residential areas over the weekend on friday, which is the day when School Children dont. Yet sca return, there was an attack that killed a 6 year old child. She was playing us on pets. They have suffered from daily settings and diety attacks for the past 9 years. This is Steve Sweeney in the city for all to the lets turn attention the program to a freak out where the president of zimbabwe has taken the oath of office for the 2nd time. After securing victory n last months election of the emerson and then god was put in for a 2nd term in front of his supporters who practice 60000 and succeed in the capital. The organization was attended by several african leaders, including the president s of side software. It moves on peak on the d r c. While that chinese delegation was also present. In his address, Mister Edmund guidebook touched upon what he called western attempts to influence the voting process. And what had been a contemptuous look of report, a keep up. This can tell us more based on those people from all over the country and the latest have got to today at the announcement all stay the flooring in the president. The now begins the 2nd, tim, as the president of san bob with the polls by 42 percent beating as a main rival. No sense of me. So all of that simple see this indeed, however, did not attend the know, the reason the thing that did itself were not sweet and see the prison doing fantastic. And bob was throwing you might to, to think the nation and condemned the interference of foreign nationals on zimbabwe. Those those rights will some background to those comments above where it has been living under severe western sanctions which washington themes as response to human rights violations. Among other issues, the earlier this year, the us renewed them and focused more directly on the countries president and his associates. So that could be general of south africas and see Party Tequila member that attended the ceremony and gave his take on the west approach. Im the new on the job out election. They themselves could not set to be on the farm. At some point, if you remember not so long ago, there was a big fight and award the in the coverage. The coverage allows you to not just pay the medicare medicaid, the one before this met them. I was independent and that mustve just lunches attends and bob seals page. And that is what is important we. We know what the imposition of human life has done to nations make you can take your dog and libya is the one that we weighs in. Baldwin at his own, in the process, but i was kind of going in the future and the fact that weve been there last time. Any form of do through the eyes as a result of any less. If theres a machine that isnt made the total exemption, it is within the arch. The machines themselves on a ton city since upsets the mine. Most of the time, the mission observations can be used by the in the nice and elections pointing to the list, moves north on the continent to nature, which is seeking to give French Forces the boot. According to the concrete new Prime Minister, he added the par, us is, and bust, or should also learn a few lessons in diplomacy. I saw that the French Forces are in mc legal position, and i think that the exchange is the opposite way. Should very quickly enable these forces to withdraw from all con street as far as the friends and best of the is concerned. I think theres nothing to be done. She didnt behave properly as a diplomats. When i asked the minister of foreign affairs, he had to send an official message inviting him to come and exchange views with us to refuse to do so at face value. Thats contemptuous behavior and it is unacceptable. Sort of the other day, there was an unexpected press conference for on the jury. Inside the transitional Prime Minister discussed the implementation of government objectives since the events of july 26th, 2023 in front of national and international press. Mom ali addressed the relations with france, whose in passenger and military forces and refused to leave the country despite the former request from the new authorities. He also gave details and relations was inca wise, which still threatens to intervene militarily to re establish constitutional order. A man, what news years response would be in the event of external aggression. We was, thats all comes of locals protested in the streets of new jersey capital, near the french and military base, demanding the troops from from fleet, the country nearest up court to strip the french. Im in foster of diplomatic immunity. The wizard is immediate. The part for us has refused to recognize the new military government that sees power in july and has also back the possible military intervention with protesters as a secretary sent to my my currently stuff on the new government duty on bus that are to leave. Im you still put a decision in them, but would you mind immediate until tell expulsion of the on positive need to so friends through those groups are useless for our country. It while after the bronze has to leave because the cherry belongs to a new sure area and its only cure for it. So in the interest those foreign troops have to leave and leave us and be we can deal with our problems by ourselves. The share is not made for, for on this end of year in year and need to be united and stick together. Theyre only waiting for us to attack them and have a pretext. If we need to protest for a week straight, we will do it. Theyll see what we are capable of and they will have no other choice eventually instrumental, but it will, the leader of the nigerian Political Organization all for the republican organizer of and those rallies we saw near the French Military base. And those are roberto, hes of the few foreign troops have been in the country illegally and pursuing their own interest springers on. The do not look firstly, when french loans the operations here in the share. It was the not for the share, but somali, eventually, when the french would expel for molly, they impose their presence in the shared some money to the situation in this house. They stayed here legally. Their presence is legitimate. The population does not even see the results of frances actions in terms of development. The presence of france is not felt in some Social Security 2. And people begin to believe that france is acting in its own interest here, plundering these here and this hell. Because this, the hell is replete with resources. Thanks to visualization, france has already begun to think about ways to withdraw his troops earlier from stated that the military authorities of these year have no legitimacy. And they can not demand the withdrawal of troops. Legitimacy belongs to the people you saw how people protested in the front of the french base for 3 days. And this will force for us to concede and consider the possibility of withdrawing troops. Even the messenger will leave because now they have no reason to strive to maintain their presence and impose it by force within fox news just coming in to us on the program. What we were speaking about moments ago, french de la mullins, is reporting that friends and leisure are now in talks for the total removal of prison interests at from the country and our t source. And also confirm that with frank cross live 92 at nigeria. And local reporter timothy a basic who has been following developments in, at nice year for us for some time. Not yet reported discussions underway at between front and the im a at timothy what more is known basically its, its still at a very early stage to say what, you know, the outcome might be a watch. The details of that discussion right now could be but what we know is that they have been days of pro tabs in the i made are these rest capital buys, you know, people support us of the cool government that, you know, saying that they want the frank term basset, or do they want price chips out of the punch . We can fax these. Um, so it says attracted thousands of people, you know, near new Jersey Military space where its a french tubes have been, are being hosted off the house. So basically inside is the prime, these are the basis for best compensates, i would say, you know, in the past, but im prompted saying that the will not recognize, you know, the authority of the community that ive select to submit the party in the fair, but it appears that from maybe, you know, a kind of boring. So the pressure about is probably not only the cleanup, but also from the people who are protesting down with brands you know from to get out of meetings that goes where, you know, the chance coming off of the protests about the star since last week. Um, even on sunday the, when i could look at, you know, around a military base. Yeah. I mean, so its early to say whats the outcome of the sub needs to be so the details are 500 stuff profit. You know, well talk about the details. Would expect soon, you know, to know more about what exactly the negotiations will be or what the outcome of the meeting will be. Yeah. Would be really significant though, wouldnt that deal critically if those french troops, all of them had to leave the country. Well touch base with you again timothy for more than that. Im sure. In the coming hours and days local at nigerian reporter, tennessee a base or a from a boot, just like, you know, i just to fit this story in while we come the u. K. Should be legally pursued for its hostile actions against a rum thats according to members of a part of the commission into around were addressing countries, Foreign Ministry it comes is around, has just commemorated assumed at national day of fight against british imperialism. Are 2 correspondents use such a lovely explains its historical significance a theres a famous thing that goes, if you want to understand today, you have to search yesterday. And this cannot be more true about the ones ripped with the west, which was wooded more than a century ago. Now, one is marketing historical, patient known as the national day of the fight against british colonialism. Today coincides with the death of an icon, a warning and answer colonial fighter, known as were east did vari, one of the movements of independence against the british rule. In southern eva, it all goes back to the onset of ford war, one in 1914, when it was controlled, rebuilder declared neutrality in the conflict with the country was to g. A strategically important for the warring sides, just a untouched by the war view and get run as a ball work between europe and india. Britain sought to control southern iran, but more importantly, blank gold had been discovered the southern parts of the one. Shortly before the war, leading britain to think of replacing coal was wanting an oil as a fuel for its worship. And the 1st consultation that follows the so the ultimate entire and so it evolved from its west and board. This is the also manual of hostile to the k. In the 1st world war, britain deployed its forces to Yvonne Sullivan paused and close all those regions. The goal was to defend india and also to control who were on soil. The case adventure isnt a wrong southern parts was met with resentment and opposition from locals, especially as it became clear that britains political involvement was mainly to secure its orland trust. This gave rise to multiple Popular Uprising scenarios under british control with the strongest movements being led by race, either vari and the port city of lou share in hes supposed to be kentoria small with the bridges through res sally dell very repel debris discourses and stop them from advancing towards the accounts for you through the warships, this was done so that the english soldiers who got off the vessels and add to the right and swales either were killed or fled back to the ships in the next war, england, florida all 40000 soldiers while delaware, you had less than a 1000 to you that he was not going to be able to defeat 40000 soldiers. But he saw things for these. The anti colonial was full time on the radiance youre wanting. And here it was ultimately killed in 1915 by engel Indian Forces following months of the bloody clashes every year on the anniversary of his desk. It wont come memory, its done very as a national heroes

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