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Installs the transitional preston following a military coup in the country. If people are expressing optimism about the future, the president of the transition has made us proud we really baulked with all has held high. So imagine all joy throughout the bunkers regime together, these people felt excluded. We have the feeling that we will forward people. The thank you for joining us this monday evening. My name is peter scott to bring you all the latest news. Hell not see from my headquarters in the russian. But we thought wed not even present on sex present, but chip type the one on the discussion about the black sea green deal. I was doing folks in such a person. Instead, the agreements would not be repeated to until the west meets versus the months. They also said moscow would supply fee grain to 6. 00 african nations. And if you would, did you just go with us thats good for that was, there is no physical shortage of food. There are problems with its fair distribution, but this has nothing to do with the so called grain d, on the west to put it mildly deceived us about their humanitarian goals of the blacks, the initiative to assess developing countries. Since out of the 32800000 tons of cargo exported from ukraine, more than 70 percent went to wealthy countries. Primarily you countries. We will consider the possibility of reviving the grain deal. And we will do this as soon as all the agreements on lifting restrictions on the export of russian Agricultural Products are fulfilled. We are close to concluding agreements with 6 african states where we intend to supply food free of charge, including logistics. We will start deliveries in the next couple of weeks. Well we, uh, we only aware of what they said during the press conference that will of course, 2 meetings. The 1st meeting was that thats face to face between president and president at the. And there was also a meeting with them, but also with the delegations. And these were very high profile delegations with the russian minister of defense president the, the head of the central bank, the, the foreign minister. But nevertheless, the 2 agreed more than they disagreed. That was the take away we had black may appear. Uh, mention that but of the big points that he was pressed on by president. That bill on was the grading deal, restarting a little resurrecting. Its the conditions were untenable for rush. I could no longer it says total rates ukrainian abuses of the terms of the agreement, one of which was of course, not using the humanitarian. Colorado provided for shipments of grain to launch military attacks, which is something that they did repeatedly using on my uh, suicide drones naval suicide. Drones with which they targeted were attempting to target mushroom, the vessels and infrastructure sides via the of course, thing that broke the agreement for russia was the, the conditions, one of which was the lifting of sanctions on, on the big russian rico agricultural bank. As well as the free access for rep, for russian fertilizers to international markets, lose 2 points, which was also guaranteed by the u when woodfield, they were promised unpublished and published russia was urged to prolong and prolonged and prolonged the grain deals, but was left weve, weve nothing rushes thatd be said where we are ready to review a road in the deal to hold the far end of the great deal. But if the conditions mentioned that these russian demands rushing request for full full promises given to it to be fulfilled. Weve also, we will, we will. So id like to be honest about the counter offensive. And he said the counselor offensive hasnt sold it is it is failed to say its a pass for the stalling of ukrainian counter offensive. There is no stalling, it is a failure. At least thats how it looks today. Lets see what will happen next. I hope that it will continue like this, but i do want to save and russia has never rejected negotiations and we are not rejecting them. Now. President irma one has asked about this and i am here to confirm our position present at dawn also said the relationship between russia and and turkey is essential to resolve various global conflicts and disputes be that libya be that syria. Oh indeed, even the completely new grades. So mimi is, we are developing our bilateral relations based on the principles of good neighborliness friendship, sincerity. To make this relation, serve the interest of our account trees in our region. We can see the advantages of the ross and turkish relations built on these found station over the vast area. Our close contacts with russia will continue to help facilitate the resolution of the global and regional issues present. That one has said that she has a press let me approve on negotiations potentials. Hes fine negotiations of leg maples. And again, he confirmed that russia is open to a negotiated settlement as it has been from the beginning to the crisis to the crisis. And you paid other subjects for a whole. So of course touched energy for one buy sure. Uh, as these building a 20000000000. 00 Nuclear Power plant in tacky, full react is expected to supply 10 percent of turkeys energy needs. It is also close to the idea of starting construction of a 2nd Nuclear Power plant deal to her plans. And this is more than plans gas problem is apparently forwarded. A roadmap plan to, to key to full gas transit hub in tacky, which means washer and gas and huge volume. Going to okay. And then making its way to International Basel uh all over the world. As i say, uh, a variety of topics touched upon uh by the to read is uh, the new agreement. Uh, nothing complete the side at the end. So its really does spoke for several hours behind closed doors and also met with a number of ministers where we thought was supposed to go unless im president of brigham and strategies on our end, it talks about why the bike c greenville sales ray deal actually has been a tremendous drought and opportunity to have lines of communication open between russia and, and then the west, especially us at the session. So besides its mandatory in value. I think just that deal, you know, if itself is also a very precious platforms for, for, for all sides to communicate. Now, to be honest with you, i have not heard anybody from the Us Administration or from you talking about what present puts. It has been under lightning for months that they have agreed to the green deal and they had agreed within that agreement. There were certain things promise to, to russia yet, and they never had been satisfied. Now, i think it was the extent of what 3 times already present puts it has been i think more than 2 patients the to be your for, for waiting with us. Probably inviting to russia and at the end of the day, i think the extra 2 or 3 extensions and said hey listen, im holding my end of the bargain. You guys are not. Now this is something the west has to pressure, especially Us Administration, to make sure that it happens. They have to abide on what they agree on the move on to open use. Now an official south african pope has rejected us allegations of the country hosted a vessel trying weapons bound for russia. South africas present run the foes strongly refused to decline. None of the allegations made about the supply of weapons to russia. Had been proven to be true and none of the persons who made these on vacation could provide any evidence to support the claims that had been leveled against our country. The president has indeed shared some detail of the findings of a panel report that investigated educations by u. S. And best of the to south africa, reuben could get to who claimed that to weapons and ammunition reloaded onto the russian. Call the ship in december off last year. This of course was a shocking association. I must say. Im especially made by an american official against a country that the United States has been trying to pull. Whats in the global if its a to isolate russia, the president said that the panel lived by retired, a judge, affinity of some which i feel of visited the naval base and the wisdom cage. And obtained evidence from nearly 50 people. And more than a 100 documents was submitted for examination. The claims were made in may last year with the message, reuben forget you said that he bets his life on those indications of some of this into the the army of russia by south africa with the vessel does stand inside his town. This is fundamentally unacceptable. The we are confident, the weapons were loaded onto that vessel if i would bet my life on the accuracy of that assertion. Reuben poughkeepsie, not so long ago, i admitted that he crossed the line when he said that to you is, was the convinced that so africa supplied alms it to russia. But it does seem like the u. S. Has and the estimate to, to just how deep the damaging the ramifications were. And when you think back to the economy, premise, occasions now that to the country. So last week i experienced since those claims are made, because at that time we even so the country is domestic current. See forwarding to record lows of mine to 9 to vander games. The one a de la and that was not seen less than the coast 19 condemned me. If a u. S. Is grappling with what the current geo political shift maybe is it for you to call to be cajun on each several agreements have been reach so far between so last attack and 2 off the washington biggest rivals, which is russia and china and for the time being and from what we know, sofa present from a post that has confirmed a piece dollars for south africa to speak with a neutral Foreign Policy without taking any size. And of course, this is the spice of the obvious and never ending pressure coming from the sides. Well, actually put satellite as a member of south africas brick stains, as washington is pressuring south africa. Because theres waning influence in the region. It is, you can see, since the conflicts in ukraine has domains, theres been significant pressure of buying the risk in the us on many african nation states. And so the effect of being a key player on the african continued in the global problems that has been unique pressure that has come to be for nations alike. So that think theyre in a, pushing them into particular directions. And so this is the geo political passions that south africa is facing. A moving, decisive lean towards a multi polar world order, both geo, you can obviously, and now geo politically, uh, south africa has always been part of the non line movement. But also taking the traditions on g called a nice ation. And most of the liberation movements in south africa in Southern Africa has been part of the broad east of law. And i think that you study 2 leaves a quite deep and emotional and as well as no economical and political well, theres been another spike in violence in the west bond because these rarely forces reports of late launch rate. In janine the resting several palestinians in the process at all. And is there any coming to us . The drone is reported, so you have exploded above a Palestinian Refugee camp in 40 minutes. Yvette cousin, a helicopter storming. Its as well according to reports, the 5 how the citizens were injured is very ami, says the 3 homeless operatives were arrested during the rates of a 2 african now where kenya is hosting African Leaders and International Organizations of the 3 day african climate summits. The name of it is to discuss africas unified position as the head of the cop 28 conference later this year. But can you presence within yourselves says that somebodys things to explore opportunities and scale up solutions. We are here to scrutinize ideas, assess perspectives. So that we can enroll solutions over the next 3 days, be ready to be challenged in this dynamic cost system of dialogue and discovery. African and global leaders. Being a vision to raise us expect, invest stuff and come to this of industry here to explore the opportunities, talk to the body, a scalar solutions, often complement if somebody tells kicked off in. And then it will be today with the offer to come out of the what lead as expected to have a disclose on the options and solutions to collaborate, processing africa and the bitterest of the one that theyve introduced over, shaded by president. A william rudo has seen over 30000 delegates and about 25 pages of the state. Also expected to join in no kind of turned out in light numbers. We having High Expectations on funding long lasting solution to the climate crises. However, that is a big problem on how could addition with men, you know, creating that they might miss out on the summit for us. Thatd be keeping you posted with everything happening within the 3 day event. But ahead of the summits, we have some local people in nairobi for that take on the significance of the effect. For me, it is pretty much important that you send me this be showed you enough that are going to make this payment. We have so much land for each fast or for one safety, so much for, for us as we can, as we are no advocates, the green continent im looking for us to has finding, especially locally, based on the solutions, not the inputting ideas from other areas, but what kind of applicants do for themselves to be crime . It is easy and it is quite a bit annoying. You will be in solution. So most of the time is who we are discussing your Pain Solutions uh provide them in the african context. So meaning that even were in this space, but we dont own that one by this year. And so we dont own the concepts. We dont own the price for that. Have been discussed so far and thats hasnt been, itd be challenging because these companies at different continents utilize america and africa, corporate it to a different and the problems of africa may not be the problems over you find out for you can need actually considerations was the ethic and climate, some its kates off, hundreds of people to, to the streets of the canyon capital, demanding action on climate change. One group of protests is coverage. Assign the said stopped with the neo colonial scramble for oil and gas in africa. So they call on will lead us to reduce taxes, it increased subsidies on Renewable Energy sources. The over in deb on the minutes securely does have sworn in the new transitional head of states. As of today, over through the presence of the bone go is, but we local people in the countries capital. You say that now its a mistake about the new leadership. He also disagrees, would be definitely we hope that other african countries will have the same opportunity that we had to remove someone who had been there with his family for almost 50 years in power. So frankly, its a good thing. Its a good thing, but we are really proud to be gab a nice today the president of the transition has made us proud. We really walk with our heads held high in whats more, we are the 1st in Central Africa to have done this. So imagine our joy this year the sonya is gab bone has regressed a lot in terms of institutional in terms of freedoms, even in terms of development. Furthermore, throughout alley bond goes regina. The gap and these people felt excluded. We had the feeling that we were foreign people, after the call life returns to normal and good on the god. But these people are working to restore their daily life on the day of the cool. They all celebrated alley bung this fall, even though they had given him 64 percent of the votes under they explained this for ali baba was not a true democrat. It was a choice by default on the side of the president ial palace, general lincoln. Grandma is being advised on the composition of his government. Likewise, he must guide his collaborators on the form that the charter of the newborn constitution will take. This friday, the opposition cleaned itself victorious and demanded the resumption of a ballot. 3 count, one, meanwhile, of an aged uh, thousands of local stuff sorted the streets and the French Military base. The money foreign troops leave the country. But as the country itself cult strips the french on both of the Office Different lots of community, no disease, the median expulsion from the country probably so so far refused to recognize that even as a government to seize power in july to the french. But the macro on has reiterate to support for the else to lead to an endorsing a couple of functions and the books possible intervention. I looked at the general sense of his report that i think the better artic phone for the fatherland, Civil Society organizations. It makes friends busy, had given until saturday for the french soldiers to clear out the deadline, his official expired, which opens the way to new speculation. What weapons, what means of pressure . Does the patrick front for the fatherland have to force the french to lease . And the biggest question, how do terms is present macro and to challenge and yeah may more days past and the kinds a French Movement when its more hearts of jerry and today, the problem of the balance of power has a reason. And obviously the wind is favorable for new jersey and we definitely hate macro and, and hes african policy. The risk is high that these clouds will break through the walls to gain access to the military base. Already on saturday, the cloud had torn down barriers in front of the French Military base of a. According to the protest, rosetta, the plant is deliberately bay of country and minus the phones yesterday, the Resistance Continues to j, as he can see, continues, and it will continue tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Well continue forever until those more and sleep because they are at the new share mail to base their media ally and say its a french base, but its not. Its a base of new share. They are here illegally. The, the people of new share have come out regardless of any differences. They may have only one thing to show that their nation is effectively silver and, and we are here at the cost of our lives because this constant and permanent gathering will continue until the French Occupation forces leaving the share just one to french to leave our territory we dont need them. The countrys ours. We dont need the french. In addition to the case of the French Military base, there is the case of the french compasses or with no accreditation. Now in total, your galaxy me, i mean like say it is because has resigned from his post as ukraines defense minister, just hours after president zalinski announced hes given in the suck. Is the code for the replaced by wisdom who met off, who has been the head of the countries main Privatization Fund . Because it says as defense, jesus since november 2021. You have some pain for mobility support for which he has said amounts to a 100000000000. 00 since last year. Theres also faced allegations of corruption which is strongly denied. We discussed the reason for which i guess is for more it doesnt mean that is the most colorado a country in europe. But the problem is very, very, very big there. And also we have seen the problem weights of the weapons, black market, where the weapons from the west was involved with their, the corruption of, uh, military commissioners. No, its a, for, for me, its a strictly connect this problem. The problem of caught up some nice, 3 click come next to to the fighting of the me. So defense, the new candidate is a try me of the premium thoughts are that the 1st news this game also we also know that he is the person who lived in the United States for quite a while. There are wives. Oh, speculations that actually with this change, the United States law serbs full control over the crating and ministry of finance. Also there have been rumors that the new ways of defense is close to the turkish. As long as this has been sent to one who lives in the United States, which is an interesting detail because that may be distraught to the issue great in relation to the status of the google, as are prosecuted inter key understands the 2016 cool american as the west shots to see new nazis marching and prayed in swastikas on florida streets last week. And its always american men of ukraines nationalist as all but sonya was spotted among the participants. Sees rachel 1160 of all groups of neo nazis and White Supremacy is gathered in the state of florida over the weekend where they were seen sporting to. Because with some voicing their support for job i to because his administration is funding like minded groups and ukraine, while others. So they preferred Rhonda Santas as they protested outside of disney world. There were also how hitler salutes and signs that rad it. Did you think hitler today, while the event came as a surprise to many independent journalists, ford fisher, who was on the ground documenting the spectacle . Notice that it has been publicly planned for weeks, but that there was no police presence. Democratic Florida State congress limit posted a video denouncing the groups and their prizes. Heres what she said. Now as an altamont springs at transfer, sparks screaming. We are everywhere. Absolutely disgusting stuff. And another example of default, right . A stream using bro in in florida, 2020 republican congressional candidate saw the demonstrators in person and share her experience online. When i pulled my car over to record the shot of luck, its laura humor. And they proceeded to shout chance of jigsaw due white power and go home to israel kike in my face. One of them even told me that i would get the oven to, but when it comes to the national us congress, they have a long battle with the question of whether to allow funding of new nazi groups and ukraine after it was revealed that the Obama Administration with joe biden is Vice President was doing just that, and thats why hes one face looked familiar at the rally. A man who goes by the name bone face he was seen in the background. The video was a man who goes by the name hammer, who was wearing a swastika nicholas, who also said he prefers bite and over trump, he goes by to support store and you crank tickle as it always use the search, right . Because he said the support of ukraine, you mean fairly, the band face has actually tens mccolan of learned need it, whose run is with the law includes being arrested by the f. B. I back in 2012 for preparing a terrorist act against National Minorities in florida. But instead of present time, phone face was given probation, and he reportedly use that time to travel to ukraine in search of the real neo nazi groups. Thats where he found the right sector. And he is said to have worked with the group during the might on 2 of 2014 phone face also says last year that it was the c i a who sent him to ukraine. Typical as it, particularly when the as of battalion, you know, back then formed unit 3 was all english speakers. So all people from norway for and one of the things like that. And of course, americans, you know, theres a lot of hype above the, the ice and we over there. But as of the does as it was Central Intelligence that got me involved. While the us Congress Band funding for neo nazi groups in 2018, the by ministration has been clipped. Overlook groups like the as off battalion who have been incorporated into the ukrainian military. There is also at least one ukrainian born us lawmaker who is actively trying to lift that band in hopes that washington can probably resume direct funding for new nazi groups as early as next year. Demonstrations have being held in several russian cities, including moscow with protests to speaking out against depends on c, russian policies of people. Its so here to stop providing assistance to ukraine, saying that japan could be complicit in kids killing of civilians in dont boss. So kills already sent Financial Aid on defensive equipment to ukraine. And this finds kind of a more advanced major systems. Next. Yes, the russians, protesting against me, have your mind to define that fits involvements in world war 2, lead to the bombings, the atomic bombings of the heavier stream and nuggets. Saki by the us, is tokyo now calls and ally as well. Some of the demonstrators have to say this with your wrist as we went to the Japanese Embassy today to express all indignation at the fact that japan is once again stepping on the same rake, do you involve all to japan supported . Hit the smell, is there a gene . And now the us supported new and us to review means the landscape through green. And according to the latest information received in the japanese governments intense to show it supports through the supply fleet. The weapons as well. What the japanese leadership is doing is outrageous, and this is another dropped of the 3rd world war which has been actively talked about now to me. So and then we, while a judge today, we have come to the consulate general of japan, to remind them that by supporting ukraine they are killing civilians and innocent people. Apparently, japan has forgotten his history. How america bumped a russian man like a saki. It is now become a pop in the United States to shop for the process of coma for the Japanese Foreign minister said the celebrating vic today of a militaristic japan will lead to tensions between moscow and sell care known officially in russia as the day of japan surrender in world war 23rd of september has now been been named as the victory, the day of victory over militaristic japan. So if you will stop different lots believes that these celebrations could provoke a confrontation. Russian officials have refused to support that Japanese Council thoughts on this with the Russian Foreign ministers. Folks pessimistic out of san antonio sanctions against russian citizens. All the publication and the japan has to take into account the lessons from its history. The new valve club revolts called the russian and asia paradoxes of new reality. Im not spinning failed in moscow. Their thoughts takes a look at the ongoing trade and political cooperation between russian asia and the progress made so far. Its also shed small lights on the steps being taken to sustain relations with moscow. Despite sex, dental, fashion, sponsor presentation, so placed on the eve of the 2023 Eastern Economic form which started on sunday and focuses on the economic and investment developments of rest. As far east, andrea will jenco Russian Deputy foreign minister says that maintaining security is, which is the main goal in asia. In the system, the security in asia is a number one priority security has allowed asia to achieve impressive successes, including economic ones. Unfortunately, we see on favorable trends in this area related to the fragmentation of the security space. What is happening around the Korean Peninsula . In northeast asia, the increased re militarization of japan and attempts to forge military alliances, including ones with the participation of the philippines and the United States. Unfounded hysteria around ty, one or the south china sea. Such problems exist they on dealt with by as the, as well as russia and china Security Problems should be solved in the spirit that has always been characteristic of as yeah. Calmly without the participation of extra regional stakes. Without attempts to impose ones will on other countries, security is a priority. But trade and Economic Cooperation should contribute to the formation of this very security and the interests of the regional countries to avoid military conflicts or preconditions for them. Or for more on any of those stories as well as all the latest updates or comments youll place to go on and speak to scott. So ill be back at the top of the hour though, of todays top stories. Hope to see you then the

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