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Companies or even in the United States. This is not just for the sheets, this is something that they need all the width is just to put enough to link to the human rights in the, in the fly for my headquarters in law school. This is our t international. Im marina costa rides. Great to have you with us. Well, we start with west africa, new share in particular with a leader of the crew and post government has addressed the nation states. And that if there is military intervention by echo was, it wont be an easy ride for the innovators. Youll probably say no to not. They did the National Council for the safe go to the homelands and all the people of nisha, one tool and roommate open to dialogue. But lets just be clear. If the aggression is lowest against us, it will not be an easy ride to some people think it is. They will be off the gauge 26000000. 00 new gerry ends. On saturday, a delegation led by my cherry as former head of state. Ive just allow me a book are met with but soon and said, but soon had told them for that the military government had done to him without giving details. The cool government this week announced it well tried also the president mohammed assumed for treason, hours after agreeing to host towards with a course if found duty, but soon could face the death penalty. But experts say the cool government is using presume to strengthen its hand in negotiations with the regional block. Meanwhile, support for new Jersey School leaders have been growing through a lot of the i am here to be a recruiter. Its into the nearby anatomy because we want to protect to account street, and also god will protect all land. These 4 and elements should be sent away, let them go back where they came from. Asia as an independent country, and we have enough foods. We are being cheated by the, for in us going to need to do both. If i want them to see that we and our children are here to be recruited. These means we are ready to come out in the defense of our country. We want that to us to know that only g rains are ready for them, but the when will they will not play for you. We are always prepared even if they want us out for war. Today, we are ready. This is our country and we must stand to defend number of missouri and signing up to defend our country has exceeded 50000 in the 1st 2 hours with registration being paused after organizers were overwhelmed by the sheer amount of volunteers local industry. Tiffany on may gathers and supports of the 2 in post governments where citizens spoke out so dense the potential intervention by france for a cost member states. And theyll also waves the fly so forth. And the fossils toggle and others which are back in the country. A local reporter has the details in new jerry and capital and more specifically here in the im a now this morning. As you can see, there are many young men, women, and children who at the request of the new jerry and Society Organization came out and supported this cnsp National Council, which protects their homeland and to say no to any military intervention by eco us. As you can see now, the place is crowded with people who are determined to defend their homeland show their support for the council, safeguarding it and to vehemently say no, its of france. These people have been here since this morning are in good spirits and proud for the opportunity to bring honor to an easier and represent their nation here in its capital, me and me. You can get more on the situation in the chair by headed over to our websites where you can read how one on the list for leads to watch. Sometimes to plus shot records towards war are simply failing all that and much, much more at r t dot com. Well for now sir b, i will ensure an increase in russian gas deliveries to hungary. Why that surface stream pipeline, if you crane stops the transit all russian fuel to europe. And thats the statements by hungry is minister of foreign affairs. Most of the gas from russia interest hungry is to serve you. And in recent days, we have heard that ukraine intends to terminate that agreement with russian gas transit to europe. Today, the president of serbia made it clear that of hungry wants to increase the transit of natural gas to serve you. Then serbia can provide the necessary Transportation Capacity for this the sierra to has stress. So the purpose for pipeline is a guarantee of Hungary Energy security. He has also confirmed the countrys intention to continue diversify. Ruth and fuels supplies sources. The announcement comes as leaders of some boston and asian nations, including turkey and serbia, are set to arrive in budapest to hold. Meetings with hungry is prime minister, 2nd 2021 lawson. Jain gas, gas to serbia and wilder fulton conference. Why the balkans free pipeline . The bulk and stream as a newly built section of the of short circus spring pipeline, which passes through the territory of serbia. The new pipelines capacity amounts to almost 14000000 cubic meters of gas per year. And its expected that the supply chain will be expanded to other countries, including hungary. Well, thats not across live to George Samuel l e Senior Research fellow at the Global Policy institute. Thank you so much for your time, george. Can you please tell us of what do you make all the statements of the serbian president s or no, its clear that um, so itd be a hungry and Bosnia Herzegovina or at least the. So itd be a bother of Bosnia Herzegovina of the bad boys of you are a need to stick together in the face of the pressure from nature and in the face of pressure from the e. U a and all 3 on the re. So be a role because search scott have refused to go along with the nato e u stance towards russia, and theyve come under a great deal of pressure. And so thats why it is perfectly understandable, why. So itd be, should have made this commitment. And as you mentioned in your room in show, there are a number of heads of state of central asia who are in budapest at the moment from the queue. It gets done was back as time as it by john and hungary is seeking to sign all kinds of a gas deals with them. Because they know that the of the, the source of gas going through your brain thats coming to an end when it comes to european states though, towards why do you think he of is continually being allowed to sort of boy failed by like male them at their own detriment and seeing that european states are suffering because of some sanctions that happened. But why, why are they allowed to do that a . Well, thats a very good question. Um, thats largely because uh you grade it is in the lead project on the part of uh your ups lease. Um, they have explicitly rejected the views of their own, of peoples and have like, you know, said explicit. This said by, im a lead a bad both of them are minus the i wont support you. Great. Irrespective of the views of the german people, and this is, this attitude is where much throughout europe, ukraine is, and the lead project. But i know demonstrations to be seen on the streets anywhere in your, in favor of your brain. There are no protests against russia. The only condemnation of the rest of the only uh, ad units or a comments about the landscape. You crate a coming from the lease from the user, browse from the uh on the bat box when the occlusal upon their lions. So i think that is why they, theyre putting up with it, even though its detrimental to the peoples interest. Thats very different than the case of the United States. United states is getting real serious material interest out of this the us and just simply printing the you are being the column is to an end. And thats obviously solving americas long term interest. But youre up, i think of that thats a thats, thats a different case. Thats just because its a lead project. What theyre saying that youre a panelist, full taser tune with winter coming up a welding issue. Thats a possibility, but it didnt happen last winter. It looked like theyre going to do the same thing as they did before. And so the publics thats well hey, we know installation is terrible. Yeah, we know youre paying a little more for food than you used to do. Yeah, we know that you cant afford gas. We know that youve come to the really tricity bills, but its a full, the greater good. Now, weve already seen that you are being leaders are getting steadily punished in the polls. So thats the, thats a game and, and they will eventually pay a price of the, i mean, literally the Rainbow Coalition of germany is suffering appallingly in the polls that going to give absolutely hamlet and then so you know, the rise of the alternative. So deutschland in germany, and then we have seen civil list of the situations a in frost. Well down they will eventually pay the price. But the politicians who make these decisions, theyll be ok, they will be rewarded, they will go on to lucrative jobs of the you with the o, e c. D at the will bank. So theyll be okay, theyll be taking care of the public. Lets, lets a different case. Oh, like you said, were saying with conference like a hungry answer be a building. So cold blocks accounts are ukraines anti Russian Science and many fears. But why do you think you have a cell bold with his actions or rhetoric . What it means as we know, desperately needs a use support as well. Its getting um, what supports um a, you know, its a, its getting but ukraine knows that the, its main manufactor, its main page when is the United States, so they and so the ukrainians know that it doesnt really matter. So too much, what they say about the europeans, i mean, they openly insult the whole of charlottes in the live association. So, and they knew they could get away with it. The only people who matter. So ascii of is, comes on the america as a math. I wouldnt then they wouldnt up death adult like that a bug bite. And because they knew was because if the americans get fed up and pull the plug and then its a game over for ukraine. But as with the europeans, thank you. Just simply do whatever they like because your bins have no power. They have no agency and all of this, the green project was cooped up entirely by washington and naples. Thats. Thats the only person thats a ukraine has to worry about. Well now were seeing that hungry is also actively built in size with turkey. And thats our by john and energy. What message do think this sends to the leadership as well . Its a, its certainly message that theyve go to the old good customer in the store hor, by an e. U has been trying to get rid of him for many, many years. Theyve pretty much cut all funding to hungry. They hoping, hoping that somehow, you know, theyll be, they some political cool in the, in hungary an oregon will deal with thrones that doesnt look like its happening. So they more or less having to put up with this movie. The other problem they have with hungry is that if they try to take the take him out of the he, you, which is difficult to, to pull off the nothing possible. But if i did try to pick hungry out of the, you hungry. My then turn around and say, well, were leaving nato, and thats a real blow to nature because hungry is a vital piece of real estate. It always has been, you know, your pin history. You know, its the route to the black sea is the roots of the balkans and the americans were old at that. They, you know, theyre not going to lose hungry. The gone before to lose. Absolutely prime, but hes a Real Estate Agent central. Youre so hungry, has this a leverage over your a bone, you know, you can threaten us for you long, but you really want to alienate us and risk losing us today to georgia. Saw was very interesting sir. Here, your evaluations and your thoughts. Thank you so much. Those source, im really Senior Research fellow at the Global Policy institute. Thank you very much. I of the 4 most go, has denounced, keeps lights as strong as hack and a Railway Station in south west russia, which has left 5 innocent people injured and service. Once again, a reminder that the militarize and ukraine remains an absolute priority. According to the Russian Ministry of foreign affairs, local governors says that you crazy and phone a hit the roof of the course squared away station, sparking a small fire and damage in parts of its infrastructure. He also says that there were about 50 civilians in the building during the attack, all of whom were evacuated. Shattering glass was sites as we have caused injuries to travelers with emergency services. Click to respond well and align with that act of terror. Ukrainian and forces have also tried to strike the russian capital. According to the defense ministry, after a drone was detected in the Moscow Region and was brought down using the electronic defenses, no casualties or damage were reported. One year after the killing of russian during the less and politician dia do get out. The west has failed to condemn the heinous crime. Its silence approval. Such a dangerous preston for the perpetrators to continue a pass of terror against unwelcome voices. According to moscow, youre off to the tragic death of diarrhea do deena, we havent heard a single word from Relevant International organizations and human rights institutions about this incident. As well as about many other deliberate atrocities, against media representatives whose points of view does not coincide with the one approved by the collective west. Hope all christie and division into bad and good. Our and foreign journalists. Thats what prevails in the activities of disruptive. Im sorry, i do get lost her life as a result of a car bomb attacking and moscow suburb. In august 2022. Some authorities believe the victims father, prominence, russian philosopher, alexander duke, and may have been the intended targets and that the perpetrators believed they would be in the vehicle with his daughter and investigation. And so the incidents reveals that the Ukrainian Security service was behind the plots allegations, which key of has denied. But american intelligence says they may have to hold some weight, ukrainian citizens, natalie, of all the killer, all the young during the less the plan this as a nation. Well, in advance force moving to most golden runs and the flights in the same building as we can now in order to determine the young womans movements and on the day of the bombing vault goods hatch the explosives beneath you can as vehicle before, ultimately flee into a stone, you know, the story is the cranium Security Services. The killing took place in april of this year when the war during the list of lapland. Sitarski also fell victim to the bombing while speaking to a cafe full of other innocent civilians that took place in saint petersburg. Then in may, another ukrainian citizens little of the car of russians, rider and politicians. The thought of free left him, however, he managed to survive the type of severe injuries. Unfortunately, his security detail lost his life. And theres also stuff there that you create in Security Service also plotted to assassinate ortiz, chief editor, and marguerite testing one young as well as during the less and former president ial candidates seniors of chalk. Though these attacks was forth that of course, by the Russian Federal Security Service, a critical and civilian infrastructure are also a target will be crisis. Shameless attacks as the head of the Nation Secret Service has revealed the details of how his organization orchestra to 2 attacks on the crime in bridge combines. They claimed the lives of 7 civilians. Exploiting all the innocent people along the way. So these fights werent enough to keep the security chief from bragging. It was an indescribable feeling that well many months of preparations, which ended up with success. And thats the thing which is hard to describe when the explosion occurred, we shown to very loudly because the in attention was huge. To be honest, i pray that everything would work out. Earlier. I spoke with independent dumpster, unless sonya vander and then who says the west sees all turn the list working in the dont boss included and its own citizens as terrorist. A people like me or other journalist who are now in an in the dont boss who were in the dont boss. And thats where i met them and that he has, you know, they dont acknowledge they say we are somehow to revisit or whatever. Because we were in the dont boss and they have is for sure its an agenda and this agenda is going on for a long time already. And old people who were reporting from the dont boss are now on the started list and the west is not acknowledging anything. Eastern european citizens like me or others. If you are a journalist, if you are a pullet politician, you are somehow targeted and not may be by sanctions, but they put you on the blacklist. They confiscate your belongings. Sure. They close your bank account or even social security. Uh, you know, numbers like with me. So, i mean this is what is going on and we are apparently, according to them we are somehow the enemy. And this is ridiculous because like me, we are enjoying the list. We are going to report from the dont boss where something is going on to spread the throughs to the west and they are doing things like that. So, i mean, what is, what does this, its only criminal regimes or criminal people are doing things like that. There is no justice and this is one side that they only preach for themselves and not for any other country who as a different opinion or where im just as has been done. Now this is uh they, they come to it because they have their agenda. They want to destroy a russia through their proxy war and ukraine. So this is the whole idea behind it. If there is no punishment then for ukraine Security Services, then that in the way this encourage them to continue and to claim responsibility will see in the past that dont always claim responsibility for things. But now were seeing more more that theyre coming out there and saying, yes, we are the ones who did it because in the way is because they feel like they will not be punished. I think so. And they become more brutal, shameless. Who is, i mean that because they are acknowledging that they are killing during the list. I mean, what is this . This is shameful. And this is what they are doing. Like with the drones, you know, they now admits that they attacked the crimea bridge. They admitted that they were developing somehow drone to see birds, and i think they do it with the naval fellows. And then that story now, fellows and the National Fellows of part of nato. So its, its connected with the west. So as long as you cry and things, okay, the west is backing us up, especially to us. You know, they are backing us out if we can do anything and theyre coming shamelessly. They just acknowledge that they are killing during the list or, you know, doing a text, how far do you think they will go . Is there a red line that the west will say well, after this, this is where the support ends is there. Is there a red line as well . I dont think so at the moment this is there a, you know, to, to establish a country, they stabilize a country and this is what they want to do also. And i dont think at the moment i cannot see any you know. Good. No, no. I dont think so. Well turn into space now. Words being confirmed. Process, luna . 25 mission to the moon has sadly. And that in failure, preliminary data shows that the lunar lined or crashed into the moons surface afterwords again spinning widely according to Russian Space Corporation Roles cost. Most especially forms commission will now investigate formula to its failure. Just 9 days after taken off on this nonsense disappeared admission to the moon. The 1st in nearly half a century, the villages divides are deepening impala castanan, where hundreds of questions have taken to the streets out race after a number of their churches and homes worth had by the muslim communities. Demonstrations were held in the countrys largest city, causality, the violence earlier in the week came in response to claim to local presbyterians headsets afraid to occur on the soft press or in house disease. The christian protest, 1st culture, the Mutual Respect of religious groups and also demanded that those involved in the as has to be held accountable under lining earlier injustices or community. Many focused on questions say its time for the government to take action. Photo means that id say, hey, can we hope to prove this protest . The government will realize that this issue must be dealt with sternly. And those who committed the destructive acts must be brought to justice of law. Sorry, mostly resume. Yes, it was very painful to hear the calls for a tech on the Christian Community for coming from mosques. Its horrible and also we need to promote humanity in pakistan. Law that it was for everybody to 5. As you can see, the laws are different for each other. So i am strongly condemned. Besides and i assigned for all my, my, not my daughters, the police say this wireless for a week and most far one pages from as long as holy as both whats more nouns and found in this phrase. For instead of all the sorry, comments written on the names addresses and National Identity card details of the accused, were also found the time leading some suggested may have been sage, and its fears of further violence. School and officers were closed for a week for this, this fees are on the rise in europe as well. And sweden, for example, Police Detained the woman who was the prevent, the burden of the crown with a fire extinguisher. And the rocky refugee activists have set fire to the bulk outside the Iranian Embassy and stone cold. While the burden was reportedly authorized by the local governments. Hate speech charges are set to have been filed against the acts of a simultaneously and in the hague. Dumps of stream is trampled on and sore up. A copy of the koran at a demonstration outside the turkish embassy. The valley outraged thousands of towns of protesters and spots an outcry further field as well. The government condemned the advances said i didnt have the authority to solve it. After court rules, it was freedom of expression. Police moved in when protests are started on stones at the acts of us. He has carried out a similar demonstration in january. The local, most of the community was quickbooks for us. Its outrage, children, our grandchildren are thinking we arent a dutch people. We are accepted. But when this happens, they are uh of rates did, they wont accept the they are a part of this country. They are working for this country. There are people here which who have seen are working for the governments. Are working for the police, are working for different stages in this country. They are born here. They are willing to stay also here. But these kinds of things make our life very, very complex. Thats like this is not about 3. A religious were, its enough for us, for my most, some relation to the its enough, it must be stopped with this, the examples and the to run to the garage, which we are finished with this case. And the european end of the world has makes the different promotion to some of this earlier im, i call again, i dont nail discuss those ice investigation as well as the recent turbulence among religion, communities with a panel of guess the course i can do is i mean busy with churches, the last im a very well i mean the thing, but this is not the issues which not only are pressing the i think im calling to see the well sometimes of its much reason or risk and then a big countries on, even in the United States that go to the p. C. This is not just for the sheets. This is something the relation. Uh, i guess the most of this is the managed of you, of those companies by deafening. Those books or by accepting chapters, invest, or whatever it is in your view, hows the Muslim Community being vocal enough in speaking out against doc such as this . Its western developers take, becomes a, for example, if you have like them in order to just buy the minority. Its about 4000000, for example, in sweden, for muslims, and those 1000000, any venue. And the good citizens are very techs and also for the migrants. I think they are helping and supporting an open positions where the swedish people, oh, those has come to that and people the, im not working to the full, the over there and to be having civil most cars over there. And at the same time describe the good people, you disrespect them, you disrespect their religion and trying to just build the holly, both of them. I dont have a mutual has been how can i say that they have a freedom fix, especially because the, the know that the 2 immortals do illegal body and says im of the scope of the versus gets a bit conviction. How can we believe that the where to use just to good enough to literally about the ethics of the human rights in the human, but are moving on now to the full scale military drills until wall. Im not all taken places basically turns up the heat on the islands of our recent visit to the us was Vice President , which it considers a bid to undermine. Its all sorts see, the patrols and exercises serve as a stern warning to the collusion of Taiwan Independence separates us with 4 and elements, and their provocations. Which one is forces are conducting air as maritime maneuvers and close coordination with branches all this military. This comes as the neighboring nation of the philippines has the view plans for upcoming military exercises between the wireless from japan and australia in response to patients moves. Although taiwan sovereignty isnt recognized by washington and its finalized, the white house has promised to provide military supports to taipei, if china should try to regain control over the islands. Nelson was vice chairman of the Shanghai Center for rim pack, says beijing is ready for military solution and taiwan, while washington is just flossing and the west has no chance of winning a war against china. We cannot route the possibility of having a confirmed patience, military confrontation, so it is possible and i believe sean is government uh, throughout or of its announcements and statements. I think the Chinese Government is already ready for that. Such as nobody wants to see a will happening and particularly for china, for us, the chinese to flight chinese. Again, that not only most of the people in china dont believe it, but people in taiwan. I think a lot of people in tie one also do not believe that the us is going to send its following me over to protect, to buy one. Because 1st of all, its far away from the us continent. And also, i mean, coming to defend taiwan, to fight against chinese on a. Uh, there is a much possibility of them winning the war at home. So its more of a blasting to that extent. So i dont believe personal. I dont believe the usa is good to send. Its all me to tie what . No, its not an official as are consider in london. The mcgeden was like an early christian was like recognized for its early reference to jesus as go all the to the museum of the bible in washington. And the public outcry. They propose move has strong criticism from experts, including account emissions and archaeologists in part because of the museums, controversial pass for

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