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A quote. I for the rubber, youre catching a program from today across the world. Welcome to most school in the global use round up here on our t. Threats faced. Im the quest for stability around the globe. There was a being the watchwords over the past number of days in the russian capital. Now small sco hosted a key conference on International Security with an 800 delegates from 76 countries took part in his opening address, the Russian Defense minister said the world, the renewals of volvic allowing the previously voiceless to be heard is the direction of the special military operation put an end to the dominance of the collective west and the ministry sphere. Its ability to impose its interest in various regions of the world has significantly decreased. The ongoing changes have increased the role of the countries of asia, africa, and latin america in the world system. Today, a reference, oppose not by the own forces of ukraine, but by the anti collective west, which has recently been joined by individual states of the Asia Pacific Region for the main or russian personalities. Presenting at this conference with our day shall agree with the Russian Defense minister heavy hitting a very serious guy. When he calls people listen, im one of the main things hes been saying at the conference was that ukraine is now essentially exhausted. And it gives a forum for the world to really speech as he said, the countries who have been previously listened to on heard in post colonial advocate for example. And it was some of the comments by the representatives of these countries which proved to be really fascinating. We actually listen to the comments of a representative of the Central African republic and to hear what he had to say of the shifting picture subject to today. Well see that the United States and the west of the whole not always contribute to the development of individual states. And russia is the main country that promotes the independent development of individual states, including those in africa. A remarkable representation of the global picture. And again, its a russia thats creating these for where these countries kind of have their message and their product stations and their positions here. And we dont see this type of effort going into this in the west. And again, the narrative is the bush is isolated. So as far as the western narrative is concerned, these meetings dont even take place at all. And if they do, theres some sort of a malign uh, influenced building, older areas of the globe, also representative of course, the, me least, the middle east decades of, of the turmoil, more discounts. And much of which many analysts independent, doubtless, would believe a, you know, the gun in iran, in 1952 in the west western Oil Companies at overturn the democratically elected government. Them a homicide. They at the p. C. I a, the, the rule book, you know, turn it over and over a regime change which led to huge conflict in the, in the region. Visa, ever since the us begin working towards imposing its unit polar system, uses the criminal policy of unilateralism as a tool to reach it same as the main features of which has a lack of respect for the independence of countries and their territorial integrity. Dusty, valuing the lives of innocent people. Another example of us policies, the use of proxy wars in order to effect and re determined regional order. A variety of tools are used to reach certain goals. For example, conducting proxy media wars. Here we can note the use of satellites and its work and social networks in virtual space. Also most of time, if i dont watch show when human knowledge, godaddy western countries are aimed at continuing to own and plunder, financial wealth or the country. So the result is task violating the freedom and independence of the country. So the region to us continues to ponder. Syria is Natural Resources and support on formations with impunity. This picture, this global picture. Now were more and more countries are looking to russia on china as partners uh, the idea of the western and sort of the strategy of divide and conquer being replaced by the bricks, ideology of united and prosper. Another fascinating attends is really important. Meeting was the d p. Okay. North korea, a country absolutely maligned and isolated in the west before she reaching out to friendship to them that cooperating on numerous fronts. And again, we see a country that has been the victim. From the viewpoint the history of western had gemini for the post and north tree and more period where this country was devastated again. Now getting a podium now getting a platform to talk. And again, we can listen to the defense latasha from the deep your k. Speaking of the conference, the doing you, you will. One of the pretty, im pretty sure it has now become not to hush reads a lot of question, love of who then when the new be a will many are all the us and the puppy. Solve the puzzle is now turning do credentialing, fluid, and didnt know if these fisher into a new, fresh pouring or when you create a wall or youve shrink to decrease cause stage domain dizziness and veteran beans will be with jasons photographs. Imperialism is, but as an exploitation, this conference exceptionally important, not just from a Russian Point of view, but from the point of view of russia following through on this new multi polar ideology. That countries just because the west as a country is, is the bad guy doesnt necessarily mean its so just because the western media anoints a country as a road, steve does not mean its so and just because the only country on earth that ever used a Nuclear Weapon in anger, against the civilian population, the United States and now decides who can have those weapons to defend themselves from a huge west of the gemini does not make it so fascinated conference, especially when you look at how shade the world is changing so much. Right now its not that we have this multi poto. Well thats brought subbing and budgeting. The multi poto welders here. Its already here to say and you know, the power mechanisms of the world is shifting east wasnt giving people the global south, the sea of the bricks as well. I mean, what about the, the deep context of this conference . So i guess in the view of what is multiple hours. Yeah, yeah, i agreed roy, and i think the reality is this is making a lot of people very nervous in the west. And when you look to africa, africa is solely important to the west. You know, the middle east of scary funding piece funding, trying to follow china as a broker, that they talk between the saudis and theyre, theyre trying to do the same thing with the turks and the syrian. So this is worrying the western powers, not because they want peace in, in the middle east, particularly because they dont want to lose the momentum behind russia and china. The top soldier in china was at this conference. I use the platform to warn the wes off regarding taiwan. If i want, of course, a territory the United States over it, he says is chinese territory. And heres this one china policy. But over a fee then is advertising to send weapons and cause further. If you like disquiet in the region also mentioned by survey, show you at this conference was the idea thats in the, in the pacific stuff. Nasal. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is also looking to influence countries in the, in the pacific. This defense of alliance. Now, trying to open another front against china and russia in the east. Of course, none of these narratives will be reflected in the western media. But russia persist in giving these platforms to countries who are previously hired in africa, in the mid least to voice their opinions and treat them as partners rather than a master and servant relationship, which i think is key to the future of breaks and multiple i already was another of my colleagues fiorella, isabel, withdrawing dirty or bible. How is how rude malaysian academic, specializing and National Defense that they discussed . The emerging movers and shakers in the asia pacific and the former imperial powers that still will sway in the reach. You know, this tough countries in terms of economy, they are in asia pacific. If trying now you have india and its an area with very, very high a population and diversity of countries of identity. And of course, and besides that, you also have a, its also a region of attention. Everything that the world should Pay Attention to. And the major powers or their United States as part of the issue. Basically you have in japan, you have china, yes. Of india. And you have other countries such as australia, now coming up the aligning with the, you know, the major powers like the United States. So in comparison to other regions of the world, i think the issue of pacific is indeed a hit in so many things. Yeah, you mentioned australia and president Vladimir Putin also highlighted how nato in august might join forces together. Whats your take on that and on whats a potential response could be physically officially, uh, they might not do it. However, in terms of uh, intentions, in terms of operations, its already there. So you look at uh, who are the members of, of this. Its uh, the united kingdom, a member of nato, the United States, and important member of nato. And then you have a australia, australia, his own way as being a close friend of britain, of the united kingdom. So even if orchestra or australia will not become a member of nature in terms of intentions, in terms of what operations, politically, i dont know, just give me a the same. So i think that should create some thinking or wherever, you know, a full us or for people who want as a diversity or mouth to pull over to, you know, we call it we, we do not want an over a dominance by one country or a group of country can other right headline stories today, rushes ministry of defense sales release. The statement for the feeling that purported murphy activities of the United States military, the m. O to states washingtons office of pandemic prepared this in response policy searches for virus mutations in order to use them to further its own interest. As a 2019 United States begin preparing for a new pandemic by searching for virus mutations, we did not exclude the use by the United States of the so called defensive technologies for offensive purposes. As one of us for the purpose of Global Management by creating crisis situations of a biological nature. According to the ministry, washington has been a massing of various pathogens from its direct involvement with various bar lives around the world, which they say are for research and preventative measures. But russias defense of industry is not buying that. And they point out that whenever the pencil going, for example, is interested in any pathogens, we had cobit 9 seen, or 80, and influenza, or the african swine flu. They later somehow end up becoming pandemic. A new sense to benefit from this, as weve seen time and time again, its american pharmaceutical companies, and they points out their findings points out that for example, that there is a possible collusion between big former and us aid via an Intermediary Company called eco Health Allies now they have been studying the diversity of bad population since 2015, and theyve also been looking at mechanisms how to transfer a corner virus reins from bats to humans. And we know that just 2 months before the world ever heard about cobit 19, there was an exercise conduct about the Johns Hopkins university in new york, or in that exercise entailed sciences, transferring an unknown at the time strain of corned a virus from bytes to humans, of via peg salesforce oldest in the office that is now being opened leads them to question why this is happening. And of course that they also pointed out that the us government, for example, in may this year. So i, that there is no longer a Public Health emergency when it comes to cove. Its joe biden himself last september said that the co with pandemic is over yet this july. They are open in this office of pandemic preparedness and response policy, which is led by a man who is a military combat surgeon and retired air force major job during the role. Why . In addition to those documents have been uncovered during russias special military operation in ukraine. Points to the fact that there is a center called the Us Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases actually plays a crucial role in all this. And theyre the ones who are collecting all these dangerous path as a form around the world. In these biologics include a one and ukraine. The Us Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases has been involved in Us Biological programs in ukraine. The representatives of the institute actively lead projects code named you p one and you p h. As part of these projects the possibility of using and for pods to sprayed, rick sets you take bone and set for lights as virus, as well as causative agents of crime. In congo hema, roderick fever and also hunter viruses was studied. So thats why russians decides when this believes that washington is preparing to establish biological control, sort of using defensive technologies for offensive purposes to create biological crisis conditions and situations. And also theres ada concerned about the people involved in all this. For example, doctor anthony file, she americas lead and doctor who was the head of the National Institute of allergy and Infectious Diseases. He has reported and made a lot of money from this plan. Demick and hes also the one who was adamant that when it comes to code 19, it came about naturally. We have what was your claim because were developing bio weapons and so they transfer z authority for off bio security to one agency in the, in the acreage, as are called the National Institute for infectious large disease doesnt run by anthony bouchee. So heavy file g, all the responsibility for my weapons development. Youve got at that time, a 68 percent raise when the pedagogy 300. 00 scientists wrote president obama. And so youve got to shut down anthony. Vouch because hes going to create a micro will that will cause of a pandemic. And so obama sign and march maria and shut down the 18 worse of allergies experiments. And i, and instead of paying that law a fancy valgy ship, that a lot of his operations off shore and those operations ended up, most of them in the hon. Wow. Which the military and at the joint either on the Peoples Liberation army and, uh, and then a lot of the month of the ukraines there will be those. Of course, it will say that these are just all conspiracy theories or russian propaganda. But were talking about specific examples, specific organizations, and lets not forget that washington has itself admitted that adults have why lives including in ukraine. And again, lets not forget just how terrified they were at one point in case their research there falls into the wrong hands and how catastrophic that may be if it falls into ross in the hands. So what that research that was all about, perhaps this is what were talking about. Can you read a culture over there with the 3rd brick done well, moving the program on the chief of stuff to the nato. Secretary general has backtracked on his suggestion to see to them, to russia in exchange for ukraines membership into the block, calling it a quote mistake style. The incident proposed it as a possible solution to the company. I think that a solution could be for ukraine to give up territory and get nato membership in return. Rushes for president encouraged security council, vice tribune dmitri mit did have reacted to the state. Its a curious idea, the only issue that all of their l that status trees are highly disputed. And in order to end of the block for it is and key of would have to give up even key if itself, the capital of ancient truce will push back from authorities into have soon followed the remarks by the name to official to a trading territory for a night to umbrella, it is ridiculous. It has always been assumed that the alliance, like ukraine, does not trade territories, the conscious or unconscious participation of nato officials in the formation of the narrative about the possibility of ukraine giving up its territories. Please interrupt his hands. Well, weve got the thoughts all over from investigating turtle. Is this a john federally . Who saves nate to appears comfortable with supporting and increasingly a for a tearing government in ukraine if it continues to fight against russia . The ultimate goal is to defeat russia to destroy russia, to even break at the rest of the veneration, and theyre going to continue. The white house is going to continue to send more weapons and money to some. Busy the resentment and keep towards this goal of trying to destroy rather defeat and destroy russia. Why . Why hasnt been very clear about that . And lets, lets be clear that the white house is the one calling the shots. So when we speak of nato, were really speaking about the us, right. The us is calling the shots in the white house, obviously calling the shots of us. The situation has come to a point where nato is obviously very worried. Busy counter offensive, the so called congress, since it is a failure. Its not going to have any success now that in the near future, i never. So i think nato is now throwing out different options and trying to test the waters to see the reaction. To see the reaction among his own allies, see the reaction especially from moscow. Moscow will never accept. This will not tolerate this, and that it shouldnt have to tolerate this in theory, the west should not be tolerated in this resumed kit. But for some reason, as you know, nato is very comfortable with supporting a openly pro nazi resumed to us for today. Okay, development snow on the story we been following for the last number of weeks. The African Union has rejected military intervention in nature. After tense discussions, according to definitely and they went on quite a while after the 10 our talks, the a you stated that it will disassociate itself from plans by echo was to use force to reinstate the president. Fucking us through how the unions decision may affect this situation in this year. Theres regional journal. Is timothy a baser a . Yes. Basically with that, the son of the applicant, you in the on, you know, not to support f last and its question between the invading. Is that what its methods reports that goes to show the vision in the future . You know, in terms of taking it proxy to the staff when it comes to, you know, the full in the shared business, not so in, in the, in the case of my lease, it wasnt so in the case of like, you know, 5. So what she ended up in the, in the Continental Divide into the region, you know, people, so the court seemed to move by and for us to sanction leisure, but not support inside of the militarys. And based on those seeing that, you know, whats been about strange, you know, not just us, you have the option, you know, also seeing tough qualities against, into re, just, you know, criticized jobs to move by half last week. And basically they move to the reports to watch those themes. You know, lawmakers doesnt night to reaction, criticize that step. But what is important is that, you know, the advertising is on, has also suspended. We made sure you know from all the pizza activities, but it is not just going to get along with the plan by hand for us to, you know, enable it submitted to force us like experts said, you know, some experts are saying that i would make, make it really difficult for a, for us to be able to proceed with a plan. Its been awesome, is yours, new Prime Minister has visited neighboring chuck, which said it was committed to supporting me on a um, the nigerian people. But tensions are rising within the eco was block opposition. Lawmakers from gala hubbards, the companys president , not to deploy troops as it could conflict with their nations interest. We heard reaction from kennedy and local. If we dont have enough resources to even solve our problems, i dont think theres any science in, you know, going out to solve some of these problems, you know, few come way and work from like all most its always when you check your woods, its too small that moment you decide to drain should as to fight them like to become and you will become an enemy to not be able to. So i think is known as a whole new land. So what, so if i need a keys that most of us will live in peace when the could be on that top. Well an upcoming meeting of echo was chief of stuff is set for tomorrow. Thursday with the deadline to return prison, bowsman to power long passed the west african block. Having already approve the deployment of standing by forces, military intervention remains on the agenda. Echo was has find support in another grouping the Economic Community of the Central African states, which is given its backing to the stumps against the government in the army, the president of nigeria. Welcome the show of solidarity. Appreciate the solidarity and support of president bohn go on the situation in new share where working not to compound the problem. I understand the fear of our people on any form of military action. Were working to give this sanction some place and were following them to the leisure. Was that statement . Drew a sharp response from nigeria is northern elders for them whose members reiterated the importance of at returning Constitutional Order to ensure on securing the safety of the ice. The president before warning that any sanction to any military inter fear ins could be catastrophic for the region of law and the use of force against means year should be ruled out. It is unlikely to achieve the goals of restoring the Constitutional Order and improving the frontiers of democratic systems in west africa. And well comp pound the security in to mandatory and crises in the eco west region. It is likely to weaken and further divide eco laws and provide greater access of non african interest into the lives of africans with negative consequences. But with most of this year, as former partners, posing sweeping sanctions on the country, local residents themselves say its us who are suffering from the economic and i did that. And i am shutting down as boarded between congress, like nigerian asia, is catastrophic, especially to us business people. My trade is usually a fact its so well put into both the governments of nigeria and these yet to resolve this issue and prove that they will like brothers im very, very savage, with the coo and cripples are businesses. I cool fall African Leaders to show that regard and sympathy to the citizens because the west will never support African Development disability. But nigerians and now against new syrians, despite the trade relations and into marriages, i look at it as west and sabotage, to drag out a sense of wool at one end while this sucking our resorts is at the other end. And im not doing a lot. Yeah, i feel bad is only jerry knowledgeable. It is with close down people, stranded in the price of commodities has skyrocketed like cold on both countries is to go back to the drawing board and price for the situation. Threes the okay to solid asia. Hundreds of muslims arm with sticks and rock storm to christian locality in eastern pack us them on wedding stay damaging several of the churches um setting scores of homes on fire. The talk came after several muslims living in the reclaimed. They had seen a christian resident turning on pages from corrupt. Im filling them on the ground, local reporter. So lima med can tell us. Do you have a do it as you know, were standing in the middle of charmer, im on the with the unfortunately, the incident took place this morning around 7 am. Provided with mob came from the side and they set fire to this church. The Church Building was completely birch. They also burned a house belonging to the christian community. The situation does not appear under control. As a large contingent of police has been called from the district headquarters. There have been gunshots and the police are using tear gas. Well, protestors are refusing to leave the area well, we will monitor the situation and they verify just what else occurred there. No, whats your Favorite Movie . We can all name a few buttons and not so distant future could. One of them be directed by a robot. The still pins are just whats coming done. The products are documentary itself together by artificial intelligence. 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However, some prominent scientists and developers, including e long must have raised concerns

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