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Signed the somebody flash points in the world today. Lets a 08 on some of the biggest hotspot. So to be kick Office Hours Live program from. So new jarrett has been slapped with a by roger of sanctions buys neva, nigeria, the restrictions target, those linked to or supporting the new military government. Of course, following the recent crew of the new measures add to the list of sanctions already imposed by nigeria and the eco watch group of west african nations report suggests the move came off, the new jeff refused entry into the country of delegations from echo was the African Union and the united nations. So military intervention is still being mulled over by the west african block, but it is set to be a last resort. And i, jerry and president s and spokesman said echo us once. Diplomacy above or president blah. Net tubal, in whose capacity as the chairman of equal was, has been on equivocal in his position. That diplomacy is the best way forward. She, along with his colleagues in the, in the block a would prefer a resolution that was obtained through diplomatic means through peaceful means rather than any other president for lights in a boat, who is also the airport stab chair, has come under a lot of backlash. You know, from nigeria, and then some of the advertising to them around the consummate on the position of core. I to know, im this school. So im saying that, you know, aircraft escaping are really firms that you know, for the 1st time in been 3 years since theyve been staying up, you know, some kind of military our prize and in the west, i have to come to the gym for staying this new school in these that makes it for 7, you know, where are cool the top to to happen in the region. And in other instances, of course, um, you know, i did not deploy a military forces. You know, so as some people are saying that, uh, the position on a past class, you know, taking a really firm stance on these cool that has occurred in nature is not supported by, by a majority of africans. In fact, like yours are worried. You know, that hes indeed, of course, proceeds with a military intervention that could, you know, key to have a lot of serious consequences for my 2 year ends and low cost of living around the border region. The immediate consequences would be in terms of the trade as these best. And um, uh for people who are, like i said, fairly, i live in the, in the, in the states that share a board are with new sure. We have around 5 states invite area that share close border with leisure and fox teams. The app was um, um, sanction began last week were staying border closures and some on for low cost. Ive, ive spoken to g verse at least say about, you know, you just round up your fee, especially if youre unable to, you know, go about that daily job and you didnt like it. I dont mind calling on the workers of needs yet to take this situation. Very seriously, because for us closing the boat is does not help anyone. We work with neighboring countries such as molly and bending. And if the boat is a close is not good for anyone buying more does that close . Its a big problem. We hold for a quick solution and we ask god to bring us peace and we understand all for it is the echo was decision to close the board. This is not a good one. Thatll work out. Uh, yeah, the ford was already expensive. Now its even more expensive, we really need help to get access to foot. Its essential to our well being. Make sure its a bunk of chorus country in the world and its been battling a lot of the economy and security problems. We dont know what would happen if be as broad as continue to remain shocked. It means millions of people are unable to go to. I tried to Therapy Specialists and you know, that would affect their economy impact of your families as well. Meanwhile, the worlds leading sanction of the United States is also among those actually making life harder for the people of nyja. Its now cut off old Financial Funding to that country. On monday, the deputy secretary of state victoria knew and made a bee line from each air and held what you described as difficult talks more. Now one newtons disappointment my correspond that in new york, a recent events in niger have us officials deeply concerned. One of those expressing discontent is not other than the deputy secretary of state the victorian newland. We met with a self proclaimed chief of defensively separation, general vermont, and 3 of the criminal supporting him. I will say that this conversation with surely frank, at the time, is quite difficult because again, we were pushing for on the goal. She did solution. It was left easy to get traction there. Theyre quite firm in their view and how they want to proceed and it does not comport with the constitutional nature. Yes, the elected governments being overthrown is just not ok civilized people want the Constitutional Order to remain intact. Funding that new and did not feel that way back in 24 team. Remember when she was in ukraine sharing the euro maiden. Protestors who attacked government buildings and toppled the elected president. The hypocrisy was noted by the Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson during new im think that it was for chris need. Youre the same way as it was with the crane to protect the senior back and make fools of the people. One finds such a banana regime is on keys, new and shared on the violence in 2014, but she had no such sympathy for the people of don bos. They took up arms as their communities were being shelled and as their language was being outlawed and she can damn them is violent, separate tests. But you cannot compare the situation and kids where now everything that is being held by protesters is being held with licenses and with the equipment of the government to ukraine. We did go in until the or with the record who uses some of the owners of the building, which is you cannot compare that to what is happening in east and ukraine. Or we have arms separate this with ball clauses carrying very heavy munitions, holden, government buildings refusing to allow monitors in refusing to allow the journalist in came up in journalists, in fact all throughout the world. The United States. As apple governments launched crews and metals and elections for its own geo political ends, no one disputes that 72 different regime change operations, successful or otherwise were launched during the cold war by the United States. Heres what the former c i a director of famously sat about. Have we ever tried the metal in other countries . Elections . Oh probably. But it was for the good of the system in order to avoid the communists from taking over, for example, in europe. But in 474849, the greeks and the italians. We dont do that. We dont mess around. Other people not only from very good and the regime change operations have not stopped. In 2003, the usa invaded iraq, telling the world lies about weapons of mass destruction. Their country was destroyed in 20119 years neighbor, the applicant country olivia was destroyed by a nato bombing campaign. The bombs came after a failed Color Revolution by the western back protesters. They couldnt win on their own. So nato bombs did it for the victoria newland, southern pearl flushing and vain concerned about protecting Constitutional Order should be considered comedy. Not serious diplomacy. Caleb mauppin. Archie, new york, according to a political economist, it is a full concept. What he believes a cou, a need chair, has actually been building up already for quite some time. Now, it is the, lets see, build up. And jermel acura was, does not want to remove the roots of evil. You know, we and africa have our own problems. The eco ass could have foreseen in order not to create a q o off the dead. They were aware of the problems within the country. They could have taken action, for example, to organize discussions, debates, open dialogue to find a solution. This is the 2nd military coup in our country. You know, when you prevent the expression of freedom be useful unites and exploded a certain point. Even if they had be no ministry could they wouldnt have brain is civil one from any ones intervention in this area in military men suspected that that government, along with bronze for a compass is have been terrorist who are attacking that country from overseas. And even on chickamauga pods it has no funds for this war. They counted on the night, jerry and all me to be able to bring nato into west africa. Ready ready the french actions aimed at the stabilizing the countries of the continent, but the coast, in between a fast or in money did not lead to this. Any military intervention will have died. Consequences. The old countries are involved in it. When he starts booking a fast i will attack code to was molly will attack of the neighboring countries. All countries will be involved in a war with serious consequences. Therefore, dialogue is needed to find a compromise. This is the only solution for military intervention will not solve the crisis. The parts have boxed out here in moscow. 2 drawings have been down over the most go region, no casualties or damage reported by the Russian Defense ministry planning, and more than a segment by ukraine. To carry out a terror attack and they come just a week also often drones twice called could at the moscow City International business center. On thursday last week, a major drug and attack was stopped in prime. It was 10 of the drones shot down. And on saturday, meantime, enable drove and struck a rush or an oil tanker off the coast of defendants that are and i move ultimately condemned by moscow moving to the donuts and then the region has i once again become a heavy ukrainian shunting. Get this and just the past 24 hours, 9 t 5, a tax were recorded with 20 full residential buildings taking damage over now to oddities remind customer now this is a High School Hand members of the j. C. C. C team found yet another show fragments here after the lasers showing. Now this also looks to be like a 165. 00 millimeter caliber shelf fragment. Its still hot and so i think i should put it down and give it to them later. The guys are wearing gloves, but once again, this is, is a school that ukrainian nationalists shelled and specialist of the joint center for control and coordination visits such places on a regular basis. So now with mazda, they should go through the Ukranian Armed forces. Shelby keeps the district of the city of dynette. Unfortunately, there was one casualty, a man born in 1989 show fragments found at the scene of the incidents will be handed over to the investigating authorities for further examination. Nato Artillery Weapons are believed to have been used for this. A 155 millimeter caliber or the roster. Accept that and any other. This is the body health of 33 year old nikolai. She was working as a janitor around this area. And now i spoke to the locals. Uh they said that he, his mom they were hiding in the base spends while ukrainian nationalists were shutting this purely residential area. For some reason, he came out of the basement, came out of the bomb shelter when there was a moment of silence. But as you create a nationalist have done time and again theyve been showing the same areas with an interval of 10 to 15 minutes. So once all the services, the police, the ambulances get to an area that was shelled, they strike the same area yet again. Purity, terrorist tactics. What did you buy them by the way, the items you gave me, i thought you were in the same Apartment Building believe next door to each other. I wanted to go to my neighbors place, but there was showing. So with such a in the says, well the 3 of us for his mother and me, and nikolai i just sent it seems to come down here soon cuz i went up to my slot. But there were showing, again, i quickly threw in my jackets and ran down to the basement. Got phones if he and his mother went into the flat. But how did he get there with maybe he was, he has salt and things out for the maybe the guys of his job him is he was a john to chatting, terran ministry, it was way can now is now this is a purity residential area thats under constant shedding by the ukranian nationalist, you can see the building is full of fragment holes. You can see small craters all around me, and these are the types of fragments that can be found absolutely everywhere. Now this is from a nate, so made 155. 00 millimeter weapons. And this weapon had killed a man here earlier today and several people and didnt ask for more than now. This is really, really heavy stuff and no wonder can kill a human being instantly. So shes in the ident, you know, when its going to and we were sitting down for lunch when we heard the 1st and coming show it was such a terrible explosion. Then about 10 minutes later the 2nd, then the 3rd, then the 4th stitcher does toes of piling up. It was horrible. The windows were shattered. Truth, this is the 2nd time they are showing us. How can someone leave like this . There is no peace day or night appointments. I dont know why they are shooting at the residential homes. So there was no military here. Oops, i dont know how thats possible. We one piece so much. J. Ccsi specialists are now on the spots as they are nearly every day, has their work in some documents. These war crimes committed by ukraine. On the 8th of august alone, we have won the victim here. This man nikolai. He was skilled elsewhere in the nets. Ukraine used 155 millimeter nato supplied shells as several civilians were wounded at the moment. Showing continues for a month offer of archie done that strip of like the u. K has imposed. She has another round of sanctions, this time against Companies Still doing business with russia. That is, that the call that, of course, continues in ukraine. And it comes as a report in the Financial Times reveals 176. 00 European Companies have already suffered. Get this a 100000000000 euro hit by having to stop or scale back the businesses with russia will have the story of and how to walk contribute to ritual most. I remember all those anti russians sanctions that were supposed to bring moscow to. Its nice. Well, hows up and working out french finance minister between the math set in a televised interview last year that american and european sections were quote, wage and all out economic and financial more on russia. Adding that quote, the russian people would also pay the consequences. Waiting to not even attempt to hide that the ultimate goal was really in change to bully, the average russian citizen into turning against russian president vladimir putin. American leaders also felt at the time that it was all going to be a big blockbuster success. The russian economy will be devastated as a consequence of what we have already done, but we do consider continue to consider further steps we can take as result of these unprecedented sanctions ruble almost as immediately reduced to rubble. Today, in concert with our allies, we would agree a massive package of economic sanctions designed in time to hold the russian economy. The western press run headlines last year, claiming that the sanctions against russia were working, suggesting that protein would be throwing in the towel on russias National Security interest over ukraine any day now, because of the west portfolio, its 3 dimensional tresses. But now theyre seeing a much different tier, and it turns out that its western companies that are now reporting big losses in the wake of their exit from the russian market, leaving European Companies with a particular and a big revenue implosion of a 100000000000 euro stats according to an analysis, just published by the Financial Times with over half of those losses in the energy and utility sectors. So for Companies Like b, p shell and totally n m c. But at least they were able to recruit some of those operational losses with increased pro, fits from Energy Prices having gone up. And for that they can fax opec plus, which tightened up the oil market supply globally. And that drove up the revenues as a result of the price is going up. And all that was led by russia. Thank you. Maybe is an order, but the sectors worst hit by the european exit from russia are german chemical and motor industries. And thats not even counting the costs that theyve incurred as a result of ease sanctions cutting them off from their chief rushing gas before the north stream. Supply lines were just conveniently blown up altogether while the youve just shrugged. While the you romage is around in are totes christians looking for anything still left to sanction because apparently they still havent picked up on the trend that every time they sanctioned rasa, it just gets worse for europeans. Maybe they should arrange to have a chat with the soon to be assistant us secretary of state for european and your Region Affairs who can fill them in. Its a deep economy. It was one of the largest 10 in the world at the start of this. Ready war and so they will be able to sustain themselves for quite a while. We dont see a collapse. We think that will be some choices facing it over the next several years. Its not like blow back from western sanctions. Is anything new . It just seems to be picking up pace as sanction countries have other options. And then increasingly multi polar world. Us sanctions also prohibit trade with Iranian Energy companies. Yet Iranian Energy exports have had a global 5 year high, their exports to china over the last 3 years, have tripled alone. Thats alongside beijings record in ports of russian oil this year as well. So the sanctions are pretty much a bust at this point, but theyre probably going to continue anyway. Because the west and europe and projected are, are driven these days by useless are the large for virtue signalling to the seemingly endless detriment of their own citizens. All right, it is exactly 20 minutes past 11 on the wednesday, late morning here at moscow breaking news, reaching us right now. Here at off the International Reports of a huge explosion in the moscow reach. And now the pictures we can show you right now. This picture and more to come are all taken by eye witnesses. Basically look at that shoot, she found the smoke rising from what is thought to be a mechanical slot and now that blocked it. And so to get a side, which is one of the fain, the golden ring towns surrounding moscow which located just to the northeast of the capital. Now, as of right now, the reason for the explosion is not yet known, or from be there any casualties. 2 what youre looking at right now, i wouldnt its videos sort of a plus side is northeast of moscow, part of the golden ring. This is developing breaking news on our international. The moment we get the updates. You get them to the for now in the program focused on suspended the construction of a major gas pipeline with neighboring iran is all due to the threats of american sage. Steve hills, not with auntie. Its rachel of pakistan has confirmed it is pulling out of a major pipeline project with iran, nearly a jacket after it was supposed to be completed due to this rep of punishment from the United States. After years of delays on the gas pipeline, which is supposed to be launched back in 2014, as long as petroleum administer confirmed the us sections on a wrong and the possibility of retaliation from washington serve is the final now in the carpet. Currently, the project is stalled due to International Sanctions on a ran and we have been compelled to put it on hold. Calling out of the project will also come with a cost or rob says it has already invested 2000000000. 00 and is written pakistan with an 18000000. 00 fine if it doesnt complete it. So the pipeline deal by march of next year, or the threats of sanctions, violations coming from the u. S. Seemed to be greater in the eyes of the government. And as long as that, leading some to argue that washington should be the one paying the fines for interfering with the project. So you should pay the penalty if it does not approve of pakistan and iran going ahead with a gas pipeline project. Us will have to do away with the double standards being lenient with india in meaning its energy needs well, punishing pack is done for the same discussion. Surrounding this project, notably began back in 1995, but it was never completed as part of step lock. The funds and feared the political fall off. I made ongoing tension between the us and the wrong. The 750000000 cubic feet of gas per day. Thats a pipeline in to supply is still desperately need it. As pakistan, more than 230000000. 00 people are living in an Energy Crisis with their overburdened electrical system experiencing regular blackouts of up to 12 hours at a time. However, that relief is still not on its way and the people of pakistan are paying the price. But the point is, what can i slave nation do on their own . On the far life we have been following their us policy is from the one were following them. This will continue until the end of our politicians and partially its a b, b s. Is there got the entire market is close to you can see the Energy Crisis here. You have questions and i have no answers. Im not able to put it down, you know, didnt get we are in great trouble. No gas, no look at the sanctions. I guess all gas pipeline from your run is it is asked us if we could get that cheap. A guess. It would be great for our industry. We could produce cheap electricity and have a lower bill as well. Now were buying gas from far away, paying high prices, thoughts on that, as for the 18000000000. 00 in fines that are wrong is demanding, the u. S. Has yet to response, and pakistan has yet to say what length it will go to to try to get washington to pay the bill of tensions between iran and america continue to similar to runs. Medically its ready to respond to any threats if necessary. Its, ron has reached such a high degree of power and capability that can respond in kind to any us action and mischief in the region, including the seizure of ships in any direct battle between the ron and the United States. During recent years, regional countries have seen the weakness of america and the power of the islamic republic, and have understood that the security of the persian gulf must be established by its own literal countries. When it comes to washington announced that appointment until 3000 and the sailors and marines to reinforce the us 5th fleet in the region. And the move apparently came into response to the united seizure of several civilian ships. The u. S. Navy is ready as a number of videos and reason funds claiming to show at times by a ronnie on a forces to capture a number of ships, including 2 commercial tankers in the gulf of a month. Depending on the size, the increased mind power will quote, the touch, the stabilizing activity, and de escalate to regional tensions. Oh iran and you know us, theyve been a long ahead for years and have had no diplomatic ties really. For decades, i could academic and the political analyst at the university of toronto side, well, having about randi believes, washington is only looking to escalate the current situation. And the writings have already shown the americans that when they hijack, you run in ships, the ryans will retaliate. Theyve done that repeatedly. Thats what has prevented the United States from continuing to hijack more ships tensions in the region are decreasing. And the very fact that the americans want to bring troops in the region show that the americans want more attention. They dont want stability in the region. What seems to be clear is that the americans would like to be able to take more than run in tankers. And to steal iranian oil to put pressure on the run. But they know that if they do so, the ryans will retaliate and they will take oil tankers that are linked to the americans. So the americans want to bring in troops to prevent the run from retail leading. That means that the americans have the intention of carrying out the question. The russian stock soprano and on the truck has gone from seeking for the new yorks metropolitan opera to suing it. Shes taking legal action after she was sucked by the Prestigious Company shortly after the conflict erupt. It in ukraine. The thing is demanding 360000. 00 for a breach of contract and defamation. She was report lease stuff that she refused to denounce russia over the conflict. Earlier this year, the match was ordered to pay a 200000. 00 for more than a dozen cancel shows. And my colleague can meet at home mom a go to take of off the contributor. However, we a, she is now trying to assert that there has been discrimination which they are as obviously they discriminated against her because shes russian. And not only that, but tried to force her to denounce her own country at home president , specifically president pudding, which was completely bonkers. Actually. I mean, shes from russia, its natural for her to support her country. She has nothing to do with the political decisions that our major has an artist. Shes an opera singer and very famous one. A fat lament did say the just we want you to condemn a puts it is doing. She kind of did that. Mm hm. But was that more to it . Did they what somebody more then just say look, she probably said something along the lines of, you know, im against the war part of the or somebody like that. But yeah. What does that, what did they want to have to say to all persons by the i will give up my nationality. Is that what the thats it look like and look like an ultimatum. And they did the same thing to the new York Philharmonic conductor. As you recall, he was also fired because he refused to denounce russia and their leader, and so he was subsequently fired. Im hoping that this will set a precedent for other russian professionals that have been discriminated against because its racism. Its wrong. This american exceptionalism telling people what to do has leaked into the arts and culture and in sports. Right. Um and, you know, its, its, its not healthy folks as about new lip coffee is and what, whats the bottom in black halting and russian. I really think thats kind of an interesting term, new mccarthyism because we are living in that in a way like this, this making rush of the enemy when it doesnt want to be. Its made it clear over and over again, and to prevent it talks, it doesnt want to be the enemy of the west. This is all just part of the, you know, the, the rhetoric thats getting more and more violent towards russia, anti russian. And its, and its saved into the culture. Its using propaganda. Its using film, television arts, sports to try to say russ has bad, americas good. And it, and natos good. I think its failing, obviously. And um, you know, you look at the sanctions and how theyre feeling, russs economy is gone beyond germany. And now we, you know, with these success velocities, hopefully theyll be some, you know, we come up and so it is now exactly 11 30 am here in most go, thats recap of breaking news story for you to see that picture next to me a shoot explosion of the most go region will continue joining these pictures. Taken by, eyewitnesses are well basically a numerous pallet of smoke rising from what store to be a mechanical planned by that block is in sort of get precise hits, a one of a famed golden ring town surrounding moscow. Its located just the north face of the capitol. Its about 73 kilometers away from the moscow city center. We understand of least 11 people reportedly injured. The reason for that cause muscle blast the

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