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Swear to saudi arabia. Tell me of money is todays guest. On the growth of part, he talks the great asian rivalry india and china and how their relations are likely to progress as the decade goes. I really and freaking shop this and it all begins in most of the, [000 00 00;00] the hello and welcome to was a part, 3 hours have always watched each other with a change of jealousy on his facility. But is it a negligible, with chinas reason diplomacy . Bringing a number of long how to political assumptions. You would pay the way for room squared rate means not only minus ride, but also responsibility that comes with power to discuss that amount joined by tonys smart induced foreman bassinger to saudi arabia, investor. Its a great pleasure, a great honor for me to talk to thank you very much for time and you really bad for the religion. You know, whenever i interview prominent indian thinkers on china, i always feel myself a part of a love hate triangle because a china and india are so big and so close geographically that i guess its impossible for them to be neutral towards a child. Theyre having said that i, one day of china is a recent break through diplomacy, including uh, the success in bringing the salad using the rang and do they need bushy negotiating table. Is that a worthy of respect . And particularly whereas the respective di, indian saunter parts are changes with your respect from the indian side. Any in nature, do any of the problematic initiative that bro, mosh piece and stevie be in the middle east is gonna be ready to come to buy order with us. And i, she wrote this week, id be Getting Better coming. What day . What has to be met . You engaging in bringing together so that will be an idea of you uh, the country is having this change for bar google. That has to be met a lot of the do, but ation exchange between them, they nearly came to arms length of war. Uh, a set of circumstances in going to be by the fall i Blush Committee went to this initiative and i will that, that have been chinese to for that no going to be is wed be able to go forward and wed be able to go successful this various methods thatd be right now. One of the reasons why i think the, the news of the saudi or uranium deal astonished many is that we have come to take this risk for granted as almost the natural rather than man made state of, uh, international affairs. How much do you think your politics and by that i mean this uh uh, fluid mix of, uh there is interest um the various influences. How much has it influence the, the initial rift and how much has of influence its appearance resolution. Now, i dont have the idea that there is any in there would give realty in international relations, nor do i believe that there has been any in there might be really deep in regard to the estrangement. Which means that will be the idea that they have been long periods when they were to study them. Taking the most out of the in india actually had really, really jumped out. Thatd be, thatd be a lot of your head, but it is upside down. Even the thing. Yeah. And they let able to cite in a very made an agreement. Have you go to the gym, the wall, the visit after that there have been issues that do i, did them not necessarily connected with the anything that had happened between them. But the same, so do your what another believe. Yeah, i will call it in the yard after the event. So be out of place. You that bad. And so it would be any of yeah, itd be really a go, a considerable extent about it. So not the neighbor, which was so much bigger and it had such a Large Population and continued defense jimmy ability. So people can, sir, but it was also, im sure, so the fact that you can afford its a big old will be affiliated with the american. The americans of us are all to be security guided them as far as like, even worse kind sir. But the situation 50 annual reviews they were brought, she was late and see the added. Yep. And thatd be, why did them and that was the same. So your subs, demario, yeah, jeans does situation. But basically what the growingly and i teach of gabriel had been domestic bills are more, could i be able to say good, the broadway there and it is our best lead. And then for the last few years, the style beads have been looking at, i did the promising options and theyre having bulb youll be on you already probably wouldnt be going to be about read the bread depot there. 5, but i will drop. Wed be bringing back that ended mascot, and i would see that the chinese in egypt, they in this bag, you know, so i will say that yes, this is a very positive do a lot when you do that kind of be nature also to come by terms on both sides, certainly, but at the same time rebuild for like a native that china has not to blame that it is going to be a significant political and diplomatic, but it is in very simple. Let me ask you specifically about chinas role here. As i heard you say before, the china recognizes the limits and understands the problems can only be addressed and hopefully resolve by the countries themselves. But its ready to provide what psychologist, call a safe container, or what you called was i need you to me. The asian, the sort of congenial, authentic atmosphere of that where those difficult issues could be tackled or leave just cop. Now, how important it is, im other, any other countries or any other platforms that can provide these safe space for genuine authentic negotiation of difficult issues. The background relating to china isnt that has been the age of china in the east midland where the fast or the last 4 b is the 1st 20 years, but i was no peace the northbrook claim debbie board making progress. And it was concerned that the uh, the west of border steam to know about being able to do anything to jeopardize the demo. Before i brought the mission labs, the open economic director about the emergence of china and the lives these occur exactly 10 years ago in 2013. But i didnt, she didnt being and i was the one bed one brought in. You should be that later became the but then all the, the ship, 10 years later, time not has allowed them to get just also going to be a major or is it because clearly where you touch, how you doing this . Die not be that it was not familiar with with the shop, had not been there for the wrong, but i did not know that religion the language, the kind of just what the last been. Yes, i have no get there. Jamie is going to have read that makes role familiar with beads with the god forbid teacher and the child. That variable is much more obviously the, the china leads up, which is quite different from that of the americans. The american approach is to have a very strong, maybe 3 branches that you do have to have brand driven to meet at the office to be interviewed. And would it be covered by the probate dreamforce . I would say if theres already, frankly, that go with the law for the since the end of the or more i would say through your directors dates as the, the region to be shipped to be what the chinese offer is something quite different. The only way if i may be a part of the wayside media important evening, the week of solve your problems can be stored by countries only to engagement with each other. Well, the chinese goal is all for the offices. And then the email shows and garbage di login either be, they use the word or maybe in disney. Got they look forward to doing brokers, they are and they do dialogue between people and standing by a loading goal. Yeah. They have disagreements. He has not been by that the, like in david. Right. Thats the view that chinese have made themselves and again, bigger box or disagreement and therefore have bid themselves garrander involving success clearly be try china is a reputation as a piece builder or as a mediator has received a significant boost. But the, there are also some provisions economic provisions in this deal. For example. Amazing is trying to encourage saudi or rage and iran to conduct any uh, by lead stroll, trade deals uh, being denominated in you on youve got costs to pass. What do you think is going to be the significance of that both for the re countries involved and perhaps even broader . That is a student at amazing c, h s. A. We have already seen a number of reports from baby, a sources in the gaping ending 3, using a fraction or using one or any other non bona barger transactions every to comes through that in order to flush the big green. Because the live dis dancer, itd be nice to have missed your bother under god. Did you need that . The sanctions in board up on the uh uh the your uni that the drawer from the new did agree with the green sanction they bought. When you all would understand the country, it does seem as a cross mist yours or their daughter. If you have a st. Jude, i would say, agree, lady, frankly, it can take any more st. Jude or wont be a medic whos been taking it loved it. Always 5 inches deep as globally and it made it the bible study of the community by dc paid in the sciences. And that has been that this a junk did the device, no Community Live number, role deeded in the rest asia as well as the bar of egypt. I seriously concern that do this kind of will be lack of grossly underweighed action can be big. I guarantee that already they all are against any trailer or against any other kind of the example. Lets not move. They only sent them the room as well. And yet, and again, thanks. Yeah. Ok, jeez, arkansas are you can already see that the chinese by a lot of the line, the android in the a heads up, the insured guys. I mean the sions on the be, despite the sanctions. Im you, im m j. If youd be, id like you to bring it up or the baby girl make the visits to kind of things that have been, im fairly documented by the american only your call dropping 5 inches loud. Id like you to look for other options. Now our investor, i dont know if i would agree with that, but i think the americans, its the head of 10 to view these defines of the universal policy as an ideological move. They like to portray it as a sort of a battle existential battle between a head democracy and a talk receive. But from what youre saying is that the countries are doing does not out of any idea of logical or recent per se, but there is simply pursuing the commonsensical. If not survivalist interest, do i understand you correctly that its not so much and asked of defying the americans as simply a, you know, following your own path and doing whats, whats good for you without necessarily trying to steal something from others. We dollar respect to the american policy makers in washington, dc, their business or, or a baby, and lives a democratic. Gad, he is no conviction workshop. Ever. Nobody in the world believes in it for the americas. Are you with us, or argue against best . That is the legal, it doesnt matter why you will remember that in there by the americans have been the strong yourself or the heart of tired south africa, or 20 baby of the gmc in latin america in africa, or pottery davion that g limited. Yeah. So i am not impressed with this. I mean, it is, it is when people considered but they, during the description, we are looking for depth with m as you know, neither china, nor did i share nor india, nor did i already went by is decided you linked up on liability of a new or what we have been as you dipping over the last 20 years, ill show you that youre looking at what is being ported out. That going to be a big yeah, same cliche. You didnt order, then be american. Both jeff, we have seen it a large number of countries every month on the words page. They have that all mean says and, but theyre all good. They have the priorities being worked through z being the option of b u dan, or martin partners deep bought jo. Best basically making sure that comes so youre cheap in the context of the bought in your dream. Hardly any country had supported the american agenda or the walkers the lives that are already paid. You have them or them hardware expedited be back because the were to believe we, i mean by the board where we have our right. Because this issue is the guy who made the mistake as well as methods, each member of the device, ok, well im bassinger. We have the right and obligation right now to take a little break, but it will be back in just a few moments state you the, [000 00 00;00] the welcome back to all the parts. But tell me, is a smart induced foreman, baset or to saudi arabia lasted or before the break we were talking about how various countries finally have the result. And perhaps the necessity to pursue that own uh, National Interest um being the concept of multiple a world not as a necessarily ideal logic color defines to the United States, but simply out of their own interest. Them, i heard you say before the, the us as answer to that changing world order has been the new cold water, which i have to say in ukraine, turned into a hawk. Or do you think that will help the americans to hold on to their so called leadership . And im not asking for a moral judgment here. Do you think thats a good strategic decision to pursue confrontation . Read the russia as a way of sort of holding onto the um, to the benefits that they have been sustaining. The d is or western role in western leg word order. And the days of us in june would be our in fact word order is now that will be more, do you se in your 3 is the last at the desk, put it at the by the americans and the fuel west, the light that they have full but its the dry re being that court order in some more detail order that has no relation with the the word has gene. I wont be no point in disregard. But when building dead shore bbc, america would be the shoulder to pop out in the words. Ok, the best are already violent said damage that they get really get there, but we are probably looking at 20 years after the last 4. We also know that maybe the simply the database to be america. They did a kind of stuff. We are for officially that hall for 1000000 people would have kids there during the American Occupational countries in the this time and you back about that is the reason why that is what the thinking did a deal there has been that i use the other countries, they are not claiming to pop our data, but they are getting that service degree will be the ones and seeking or the jewelers that more does that provide these changes . The book is very bluntly through their own ward, florida is boxy, and thatd be itd be can it be hard again, the pro that might be boiler. Would it be hard to get or beans or video . Yeah. Look at the shank, diag walbridge and oregon. I vision air bags and dig indiana, which i mean by full g h and i know, but theres been a deep level of them both media environment that bought one of each of the leasing owners, fluid dynamics on the beach referral based on logic. Im going to make one more point that i double and that is this sort of that bind b shirt invest. European countries have locked in on the american agenda. And his dad says, dave never gets war. Be has have been visiting market thinking. Youre logged into the water, youve agreed. Germany agree me. When hundreds of videos of products have the words that makes i did this in many of those several folk. Im friendship. Point one, point me. I can what you imagine is the, the job would be coming subordinate would be a medical image in the, in see if i worked in years by daniel, imagine from remaining subordinate to the american intent that i have japan really boss or bank because of its insecurity resolve the driver would look at, oh yeah. Oh yeah, youre not willing to join the rest and outlines that go to china as well. So therefore, im suggesting that war to she as a, when this or around the americans, i believe that i mean, live or cool in a n t bridge. I. And theres lots of data. Can i ask you about that . Because uh, this is something thats be, is being discussed in russian circles a lot. Namely, what you mentioned, whether we can imagine a re on germany or brands remain under the american uh, control or the american can for the next 5 to 7 years. But if we look at the National Lead a lead to those countries, most of them are watson, educated, that, that level of expertise, or that level of knowledge, even of the basic european history, seems to be very, very limited. What makes you believe that something go happened then . Those are great european nations that will provide the kind of leads that will be more. Its not more sir. Different guns the, the americans, but then at least a little bit more independent than minding the old interest. You so difficult question for me. Gland show, we dont or equal french, i have as a wrong to pro magic cabollero 37 years. I had been a board at the extent of 11 in western countries, particularly invested in europe, and the United States really got to be this king bet. Gotcha. And the diamond mixed ability could either be all countries in africa, asia, and lived in america, even menu of their salt or dish birch b actually in the leg looking they are full of gold. Measurement is big. That this being seen, that the same should require me over to brahman she as well as all or all subject the only 3 is that you must move in. Your in the top is coming all. You want to know what is and you didnt you more the walk out of their priority then into your fault, cuz you did your really your warm priority. You have, you have released yourself particularly be a very do have the benefits and then you will need to be put into what the other board for it will be american. Believe that both american be the best for border watch movie news. Yeah, im out for that guy and might be of america that they just dont read your boards. So yes, we have a problem, but each of the day mark something that you can get a goal where people are looking and you will have small leads wherever you wont be at their own invest the bank. Debbie kept me at the belated warning letter and motorcycle the same 3rd more worried about their future. And therefore, yes, there is a certain lens that can be in the these and that are all that i know and thats what we are leaving. So we are leaving corvette, theyre leaving to a good whole bunch of to be, i want to ask you a specific question about, uh, energy and nothing much energy, but rather, uh, saudi arabia and utilize your normas expertise in that area. Isnt it even more striking than uh, china is recent success, be the saudis intention to resolve to go the own way. Because for many years, the scientist position themselves as a staunch american l. And yep, if we actually look at the recent statements and the recent moves, for example, the commitment to the a park class deal, that refusal uh to sell oil 2 countries that introduce price caps on oil, including uh, you know, thats the measure that is forced by the, by the west, you know, it seems the di, Foreign Policy is far more independent and far more actually inward looking then at any of the countries that, um you know, surround the west of this point of time. Absolutely. Right. You know, a wrench in the back of the word damage that surprised the wisdom of Government Data is because it was for me to be getting that logic. Hes got a surprise for us. Remember. Yeah, i have to watch. So the at a be at the board. What would it be . The cost i yes, that part them says about another. They had a smaller population of about maybe 1000000. Preston, medium, florida, another. They did not have a very strong, medium printed issue. They bought the american vet, but as ive had no intention of using that when you started, she did change. Did attempting to engage with daughter. Daughter sounds busy day and she actually, larry, did the district job went in with these . Yeah, were going back would be americans being seen of st. You and a deeper white dish and started the process or live the some of the rules they might be like. Blaze. Yeah. Youre also one of the what your degree month i had heard because one to confirm china, you will need to be which i will need to lead time. I gave you the fluids. They dont cover me every bit. So j. M a v b were blue is yeah, the blood work that patients baby that their bad that was the beginning. The 2nd well the nuclear agree lu. Wed be in our meetings and the region was that you gave them of all the idea and concerns related debris that your wardrobe im on the whole she been via i agree with without them sort of thing. Any of them. The 3rd or the media powder drum, maybe they will just bangle between the us and the same general and the idea of and that our best bet brought get back on the boys. But certainly these all the beads and then the find those bro. Well the know me this american big drawers from i was average time frome, which we saw and it was meant to they might be does or how they had back then. But im from vietnam or adult years ago. That same back the or im giving you and i like backing up in a hurry. I remember, i mean go, it was last as you get the region, the bed, the less than a bit. And theyre like that now the new world order has come. We cannot depend on be americans as security providers, all got it that we need to look elsewhere. Theyre moving particularly do provide. Thats the the gym. It says i have come of age. So the primary people, but i dont washington d. Z a bought the paper. I pad is embedded, the user we have been watching this happen for such a long time, the same. So be 3. The same problem though, but the a method or maybe there is a also very inspiring messaging on the 1st of all the fact that its not only the americans, but any other country in the world that has a sense of its own manifest destiny and the right to proceed on its own terms and in the friendly relationship with the others. And the 2nd good news is that credibility is not something that comes as a birthright you, you actually have to earn if you actually have to treat others as youre yourself, want to be treated. And i think thats the basis of all major philosophical and religious schools. That have been used vehicle manifest destiny. It reminds us on the green horrors, the news that may be, that isnt being gabby and the white mans burden. You will get the mass murder, the general, a site that because you know, in the name of to be lazy should be white, being out of the entire engineering community. The American Indian community then be wiping the institutionalization of slavery. They told the nation, a window of a lot of our most automobile and maverick debank, theyre all to be shouldnt. During colonialism, itd be almost to be like they should have ready for that. Any that is not acceptable, but its actually not just and we should know that all of us have it is easier that you do the matter into the roses of list oppression menus, beautiful dancing, realizing we should be with say we live 5000 a year before any of them fall and see me live vision. The important issue about drink that we have, particularly as a year. But when we hear of these people are as it is, that are both then his arms and, and i am like full born and right. The as be called this utilizing vision, me savvy . Yes. All dancing, realizing vision had meant mass murder. Absolutely. And you know, i once interviewed former, produced on a Prime Minister and, but im silent. And he said that the, you know, one of the worst rested use of colonialism is the nation start to believe that colonial letter to themselves. And i think in a sense, which weve been discussing today, is that many of those countries finally ready to read themselves from all those narratives. And to recognize that theres something inherently good and valuable and charitable in their own history and the own national path. And indeed, in the old manifest destiny because you know, all the nations in the world have something special, something unique to old, perhaps even the International Environment supports that. Unfortunately, we have to end up here. Im, as i said, great, the owner then briefly inspired by this conversation. Thank you very much. Thank you. Its a great pleasure for me and thank you for watching hope to hear again next week on was a part of the the headline stories niger reportedly refuses to accept the try love from Mediation Mission from the you and the African Union on the echo was grouping summit threats of military intervention in the country. Thoughts of neighboring molly colts, right side, power is not to intervene. That ready to go into attack a sovereign country. Thats a new sherry and the problem and is up to need to solve it is not up to africa to intervene. Tension t dolphin uh frank f. French salazer send a joint letter to the menu of my call. Questioning the president s policy on the

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