Police struggle to contain the crowd who took over the part the stream or has been questioned by officers, were considering pressing charges after the chaos from the event or to corresponded. Caleb mauppin was on the scene and so im here in new york city is union square. And the scene is crawling with police. Thousands of people convene on union square because they saw on the internet that age, which streamer had announced, replace stations would be given away at 4 pm. Well, there were no free plays stations and the crowds got angry. And as you can see, the square is now locked down, completely locked down. The subway station below is locked down. Thousands of people were here, the crowds got angry, there was a violent confrontation interrupted and now the square is completely shut down by police. Police are all over the subway station down below, behind me you can see a skilful of garbage from the rioting that happened earlier. A skilful of garbage. Other cones up everywhere pay were angry when they thought they wouldnt get their place stations and they were promised caleb and archie, new york, the washington is allegedly planning to put marines on commercial ships traveling through the golf street of her moves. Thats according to a nanda, mister reports from us officials. This comes as relations between washington and her ron escalates, as ortiz use of july, early explains. The west military build up and the persian gulf will definitely increase tensions into strategic body of water. Of course, the persian gulf has been rather calm since 2020, when the last american, a carrier, the u. S. S. Nimitz uh sells out of the persian gulf and the strategic street apartment was bought now. Once again, we see that washington has been trying to boost its military presence and the persian gulf and other strategic choice points of this way to fort lewis over the past days and as deployed 1000. So fund marines and sailors along with the f. 16 f. 35 and vessels to the persian gulf and around the strategic uh, straight of formulas. Uh it has also been funny to on ports its armed sailors and berries on board. The american war ships a pass thanks for the strategic body of water. It one says that it hasnt strongly, of course, we acted as measured by the United States. One has over the past days, been holding massive naval exercise on the persian gulf and to see or format. And with the presence of all of the unit spine, it wants to revolution garths core, also known as the all yard g. C, the commander of the i, r g, c. General salamis said that the United States, i should know that it one will not allow it to maneuver and the persian gulf. Im all data mens, that the muslim nations and administration can insure the security of this region through his lumnick and brotherhood relations. Theres no need for the presence of many foreigners. This is our perpetual stance. This is the key messages. These allow me to revolution overruns, nation of the estimate, community. The no foreigners are allowed to be present and dominate muslims all in securities. Wars inconsistencies, deviations and surprises in the region are the result of transferring the Foreign Policy of western states, including the us on the political and geographical environment of muslims. Over the past years and since 2019 year, one has tied in its grip over this tre, till 4 moves and has confiscated the number of american ships in europe and ships passing through that short point there. And it says that those trips that it has confiscated, have violated International Maritime regulations. Of course, it was measure is also seen as a tit for tat for the us on its allies, confiscation of iranian oil tankers, navigating through international or water. So now we see that yvonne has once again reacted strongly to the us. Um plan to force up build office military presence in the persian gulf and the uh, strategic uh, body of water. Um from that uh the choke point of uh, uh this uh, uh, persian gulf uh, body of water, of course, one back in 2016 um showed humiliating images all fine or can sailors on kneeling under both and with their hands on their hands apologizing for entering their warranty and territorial waters. And after watching this humiliating video, this is what john kerry, the former secretary of state of the United States, had to say, i was very angry. I was very, very frustrated and angry, but it was released. I raised it immediately with the iranians. It was not put out by the ministry of Foreign Affairs or the government directly. It was put out, i think, by the military over there, the revolutionary guard who was opposed to what we are doing well. Now we think that any new project asians by the United States would only conjure up similar images in mind. We spoke with former us army officer, scott bennett, who said americas actions show the us belief and International Laws do not apply to it. I think the americans are, you know, dangerously delusional when it comes to diplomatic operations and military operations, they are stuck in the mindset that they can do no wrong. But the International Rules do not apply to them and that the entire world is miserably stupid and incapable without the us domination leadership, which i would counter characterizes enslavement. So the u. S. Is almost sociopathic or, or just completely delusional in their, their, their sense of self. And thats going to push them into increasingly aggressive maneuvers. And those aggressive maneuvers i think, are going to fail. Look, the american military, especially the american navy, have become morally degenerate in psychologically neutered, almost like a castrated military. That is incapable of serious warfare against the serious opponents of the. And before we go, a reminder of the top story of this hour. A Pakistani Court has sentence from a Prime Minister in wrong cons to 3 years in prison on charge as a fraud. The prosecution accused con of reselling valuables from the state treasury, including gifts from other state leaders. The former leader is now also banned from political activity for 5 years. Cons lawyer says the politician was arrested in his residence. We will bring you more details as we get them. And thats all for now, but stay tuned for great programming interviews and documentaries. Here on our team, thanks for joining us. Well see about next hour the the take a fresh look around his life. Kaleidoscopic isnt just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. Fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really one say better wills, and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented as 1st . Can you see through their illusion going underground, can i had to say and then hello and well, what is which hes wise to power in 1952. He didnt just leave it cool. Well just change that. Hes sort of the region way, but also shifted the balance. Tell Us International relations like the name of the mileage. Im not sure what this will continue to originate with the memories of people leaving in arab countries and around the world for a long time. The guy that hi me here in Saint Petersburg city on the sidelines of the rush applique assignment, weve set down to talk with him. Ive done that sir. The grandson, have hello. Good afternoon is sherry look a lot like the mail of dont see how much it done and you seem to have his reassuring composure and your voice sounds so more like a 100 of them or so im very pleased to hear that. Okay, thanks so much. Tomorrow, what do i use . You were born after they passed away . Correct now . Yes, i guess i kind of hit the head. This is why did your father of the lead up in the search and want to show you a buzz present . Came out of the same when its done by father always told us of the humane and honest he was so that we would learn those quite as well. But it wasnt just a father when everyone else to i should know my loud bill master was more by people from all social studies, especially poor people. They told me many anecdotes about them, different from what weve been told at home. But they all made us feel even more proud with the realize that we dont have to learn from that moment. That concludes the real role model for us with as compassion and integrity. He was 1st and foremost a human being lot have led and weve noticed that she personally as well as hes other children and grandchildren are really committed to develop the masters legacy. One quick research, have you done 0, several boost and there was a huge photo and video archive out as of these meetings and then the cetera could have all these materials being preserved. And are they available to be to someone doing historical or intellectual tour as he hasnt worked on to the end . Yes, because come out of the last are documented always. And the authors daughter for the nicer also worked on documenting many of his meetings. The last i done and then it has it in addition to those that were officially documented, couldnt. So where are those which were officially documented . And some of his other mediums and negotiations were recorded as well. Some fast enough, i personally also published a book containing come out of dont last. Theres a manuscript. Some of those are as memoirs about the period before the revolution when he was under siege and solutions, as well as the statement made on march 30th. 1968, the matter the importance of those documents is and how they demonstrate the evolution of come out on us, just thinking it was from pre revolutionary times, all the way to the period following the 6 day war, or to pick an intellectual and political evolution documented in his memoirs manuscript for here recorded and commended on the Current Events uh, deduct where exactly the life of god. Well, of deluxe or has been documented in one form or another thanks to the efforts of his hold on all the contributors. When i come back, some doubt the authenticity of sorta stores to buy journal easy, what havent has the name taken off the tab . Whats your opinion as a member of the amount of the masters families . I hope hes right that some say that mr. Hate go being a talented wider it was more after the creation of a compelling image sent the recording of bad. My set double lot is on unofficial. Some i disagree. I believe the mr. Hiker may rest in peace recorded what hed seen with his own eyes when he was with gum. I loved them nicer at the time. He wrote the story as many years later, after my lab domestic death, he wasnt pursuing any personal goals and he wasnt afraid of come out on us around the country. He loved to learn about the shift and indeed for him and his son named jacob was one of the most vocal proponents of the amount of the mattress ideal which look on this absolutely optimization. Now setting you up and its been an investor has resignation. Come out loud, dont ask to believe that he should take all responsibility and most of the guy let me have. So it wasnt just to show assign clay, the coarseness kind of what he was sincere and true. Most of us, he was very sincere good. And if you talk to administer mohammed fi, a key can tell you his version of how we tried to get in touch with him. I loved them nicer, sparked in some believe thats a key of them hating was involved because there were rumors that he would succeed kamala bill. Thats why he became a victim of come out of domestic immense popularity. His people didnt want any other person to lead the nation, but then in 1967 mile up, though not so thought he was fully responsible for the situation. So he addressed the country unannounced his resignation for the last for his death. It kinda what it was, your father call it the na so present at the time of come out of the not there. Is that how about to me who am i going . As far as i know, she wasnt there good visits. What my grandmother to hear was, and it was she who informed on wheres that dot about what happened. So that was the Vice President done . Who, yes, according to what i know, im the worst of that on to saying a shop where the 1st people to get access to give them out loud unless theres a body again, according to mysore system. But he was kept in the bedroom for 3 hours and until they decided what to do next and me about about a i knew what. So it was a sudden that i can on the top on the i remember i was asking my father about them. I loved illnesses, death, and he said, a very beautiful thing. Well see what he said. The only absolute truth in life is death. Everything else, some certain things we shall never know for sure about. This is really essential because there was no topsy, and there is no reliable information about the cause of death. But the only certain truth in life is death will someone uh, and based on what your father sadness does, it means that he was not sure that the death resulted from the natural causes. Lot of the whole can see, i can say that he did complain about us of the 1969 due to her problems. But there are many reasons to be on sure, since there were many who are plotting attempts on the life of the mile of the lesson, which is reflected in his books. Thats a good read up scheme. Um, yes, there are many who wanted him gone to the the end of the day. We can only guess the guesswork is different from the to the okay. If its, if i have to explain the fact that hes funeral was attended by an old account of stop leader, she had this get nobody thought about a note to see cut off had off at the last. And i think the finally decided against this back to about a notice some of the out of religious conviction here a missing with i couldnt shut off. Im not sure to be honest, but i do know that the family did not want an autopsy. Or if an ad and usually when there is a choice, whether to do an autopsy or not, maybe the default decision is not to have one thought on unless the family of the deceased allow suspicions about the files the way i need. So anyway, we even have the president pass on on how these legacy remain the it is now contained in the amount of the masters, whoops, and Everything Else youll have behind the reasoning that given all of the major developments in the region, it is now time to revisit the masters ideology and the lives of creating a that that have to do with, do you think its something necessary or possible on without diminishing, says, grateful, or if im the most and kind a month, dont us are always in courses, associates to voice alternative opinions like i said before, he made sure that all these meetings were recorded and then also that there wouldnt be any vague, disregarding things we said behind close stores, all those materials and documents are available for anyone can get access to them and criticize them. Because thats what them out loud, dont ask for. During these meetings, he wanted to hear different points of view. Even if someone disagreed or had a negative reaction to his idea, he wants to know them all. And it was a very important period, an ear of the major achievements of dont last as legacy in africa. Asia, in an Online Movement in latin american countries is very significant of. And we need to study the gear of gum mile up the lesser talking about russian and africa today. President putin also mentioned Kamala Douglas as one of the symbols of the african continent of deliberation, moved. All of these things are very positive and we can learn from the what we should also learn from the negative aspects after all them out loud. Dont last or was a human any made mistakes any but this physical cause, of course. Uh so your family supports the idea of studying. Thats the reason im a lot of on us, not sure. When we look at everything objectively, youll see that we stay true to nice as ideas, not because we are finally interpret cause we believe in them. It is a family. Now im letting them up. Yes. So when we see these people from african countries welcoming the grandson, come out aloud. The most of the day, it means that they saw something in his world and dignity. Its very flattering this. I think it is the sites or cell phone numbers to send us. Were also episode one by royce. Who else . Women, the most of the sentence of montela med. Been a bella. Unity as me. Can you go into independence calendar or . Yes, kenneth, combed on tumble sons of many prominent African Leaders or there seemed like why and ive not or was that if theres a sense of revolution or activities and science of leaders of African National liberation movements to get together for lunch from dinner back along the yes, of course, we got together and established the African Legacy for a platform where we can discuss how we can help from our youth in the future, minute a minute, fast and whats the situation with our stuff mar. Once the su raises questions. When we talk about the same, the history of the not so somebody, there are many doubts regarding osher from our once warranty. And he was secretary to the president and run his office over. I talked to nasir his dad, he became secretary to president s and that was how did he die most from natural causes. A lot of them, of course, and i was, you know, he fell off on who, when i did a lot of them, they fell from bed building a im a im, it wasnt the same building and a psychiatrist as the one. So i personally something wrong and then 0 was no, it was private residence, or like i saw it about it a lot and came to a logical conclusion. Will it make sense to me, at least, of all of the disagreements regarding the started on october 6th, all which side made advances in that war. Egypt is a little surfaced after october 15th all egypt cheap, and its incumbent unintelligence hadnt been questioned before. October 15th, the consensus was the egypt. We need them since we started hearing alternative opinions for october 15th, which is where claimed their breakthrough and victory sat at the sewer as quite so is the suez crisis. The differences of opinion surfaced after october 15th, but everything that happened before was the success of the egypt army, unintelligence communities with the same. I mean the national from are one bedroom, provide israel with, i think intelligence piece, but it was blame for doing so. Anyway. I think that the issue was more complicated, talked about because he didnt have connections with who did he really worked for you guys have been for egypt for israel most logically speaking. We can probably say that even more for egypt, because before october 15th egypt was winning the conflict with these things only changed after that days. And so if you had been working for me as well, and it is, it would have supplied them with intelligence of the exactly, you would have supplied them with intelligence and that would have resulted in need to feed to slave. And so if we stick to these logic of the month, then we would conclude that each real gets rid of him because hes had failed then, then okay, so what you are trying to sample the for the yes, almost that would be the conclusion. While i was at a funeral, one with president talk to him about the ashcroft mom was buried with top honors as a national hero. Nothing but the national hero. So that was my personal conclusion that i no longer exploring the issue home to any. There was no doubt that probably the jeep should intelligence agencies are very powerful as a model of the nicer established the restaurant intelligence community. Yes, i think so too. A, i need for the visual. They probably have the documents on the dead sooner or later. We will learn the truth, according to the yes of course, by and if i also want to take advantage of your presence here and well discuss another important agent when we had an important interview with the head of the american section in writing intelligency. If thats really the Saddam Hussein era down per se, he told us that your way to father kind of get him out of the no, sir, i had a phone conversation with who decided to sit down per se and son and told him that the birthday was prepared to draft the fair and honest reporting, the absence of weapons of mazda destruction and raj, a was the due date, provided lease information to erect in charge. Why did we begin context before the media . And then as course, the money didnt specifically named how does the know certain amount, but he didnt name a businessman, but mars looks like our software yet, who knew the list kind of developed enough to solve that . Do you know a mars looks across so you do you believe what your father was . Indeed one of the participants in these do and at the ultimate for these 3 semester. Like i said, those who are interested in these details and what is the interview . I mentioned which we set on our show and our model. This is the 1st time ive heard of this. Somebody dont think this theories plausible, since my father didnt even know how much about a day. I thought that maybe everything happened from marshall for got a sub, or im going to somebody lena, so you have to ask, who am i somebody if this is the person im thinking of, is a relative, ill leave somebody put you better ask him as just the 1st time ive heard about it because i was very close to my father to pick on. Thats why im asking him why this was. And he and i talked about everything, and thats why i think theres no basis for this story allow that can end somebody up on the. So did you personally visit with your father and was on said, i dont know. I did not visit the rack with my father, but i was aware of my fathers last it corrected because he fell on that trip that i had. And thats how we found out that he had developed the brain to me about the story. Any detail heavy took place on 2002 and somebody year before the us invasion with the rock. Not whole as a model. That was the headlights. No my fathers last visit to a rack was a for 2000. And he felt ill joined enough. Isnt on board, which is when we found that the developed a brain tumor from 22011. 00. My father was treated for the 2 language spread to other parts of his body hills. Yeah. And if it does that mean you discover the disease by accident, meaning that off land during this visit to iraq because he became sick. There was when my dad had been my and what happened to the old really he lost consciousness on he had Something Like an epileptic seizure, and he fell to the ground. After consulting with the doctors, we found that he had a brain tumor. So thats your human out. Vertebrae is ruled out. I know you, i know perhaps your father merely flooded a proposal and other actions were performed by the business man. I certainly lay down just as i would have known about us about i had it back to any case, the mazda of the car software you sent to your us hope that you will share his information with us. Yeah, that because these old belongs to the past, almost at the end is disclosure and not cause any problems. But it seems that the name of the late charlotte or 0 think our salary was to ease the burden of your body. And its people who are suffering from good luck with the doctor. All the Different Things that reports have been presented to the way the rack is expected, then yes, i would not have had any reset demo innovation with the whole though they had tried using me with that. But my question is about something. So what is your assessment of the periods of nicer williams . One of the most that i think the period of naturalism is an important period in the life of egypt. It was the 1st period in many countries with the president expressed the aspirations of the people of self was a simple mind from a poor family unfulfilled as dreams, like any simple math. That is why many nations gathered around him who wants to emulate egypt and for either countries from colonialism. Also, this period opened up so many often used by africans from 3rd world peoples to realize their aspirations. And in the same period, we learned that there is no difference between north and west africa and between West South East Asia and latin america. Because we all aspire to freedom of the right to make our own decisions without any external economic or political control or political dic tots. This period for me is accomplished not only for the arab world, but from the all the countries that have suffered from colonialism period is to past work and my throw. So you think the rush advocates, im it is a turning point. It is yes, of course, which has always been a part of africas liberation movements. Of course, we dont want to live in the past, but we have to continue in the past the past and rush to play the huge role on the african continent in the 19 fifties and sixties publish. It does not have a colonial past, and therefore, there are many positive aspects of dealing with russia and relation with wish it would be built on a when wednesday says, and on the basis of unilateral benefit for one party or the other than the 100 anniversary of the mileage in us are, as birth was celebrated in russia, in your, on co my, im just how game grandma loved another when i sing these, my memory serves me right. And then food were present at these events. You know why that also little hoops by and passengers diplomats and repeat squares published for this event was that its good to, well, i dont have it cuz i even see uh see if i always participate in the getting veiling of the 2 mon answered universities and wish them off it kind of universities and because on the Peoples Friendship University in moscow, well, it shows respect for them a lot done last year and mostly i appreciate that very much. This is grace read. You. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. We think that run so no ga, not certain of what a come as that and which i think it to the of us. But im still, im with suffer and i wish you a very good day from st. Petersburg, sorry describe to was held the channel by the cure code, as you can see on your screen. So then follow on the show the, the european nations ultimately experienced that transformation with the exception. That is, was kind of defeats as why the hard reality is right, or at least confronted, was having to get a very significant wage. And you know the space up more or less the more or less the only exception to the general tendency. That, of course, has to deal with the fact that the jet radical situation of the United States is fundamental as that of an iowa. That is the size of the continents, the the c i, a program, same wasnt, dont need to create fearless and ruthless soldiers. But also to control the minds of thousands of unsuspecting people with narcotics. Its just the nature of your opinion of morning richard, almost as we shall assist our and you put the instruct me over to the way. And so im glad you asked me to come on monday, just for pamela pay up front of the new modem, the moon on the line, a at the wire. But you know, they chose to is your mileage is under the impression that the only the deal is extra, but the most of them are going to do right now is for something else. The c i a m k ultra project involving the use of special drugs for military in political purposes. First on my dad and then in the Ukrainian Army have shifted towards large scale technical trials that arent going to stop any time soon. The boss can do either to speak with key at the washington state. The pros of the Computer System on assume that you can use to prep the list of all but huge, but they use the a Pakistani Court sentences, the countries former Prime Minister in wrong time to 3 years in prison on fraud charges. Legal was defense chief the agree on military action in the year without revealing their invasion flap that says people in the west african countries protests against the regional block sanctions and interventions like the media and the people of major to understand. And what echo us is doing is nothing more than instrumentation. We have to keep our new jersey spiritual lives and us, we can get us out of this thing to medation rush jesses to naval attacks. And to dave with this, the drove reportedly causing damage to a russian oil tank for

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