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Anybody and us treasury secretary, janet yellen, price of say, face and point the finger at bitch, after the International Reading agency downgrades washingtons credits for the good afternoon from the rising capital, this is our T International with the latest and world news today, im fiorella is about welcome to the program. New year does not want to become another libya and fall under the pressure of outside interference. Thats the message from the crew governments delegation after a visit to neighboring booking a fall. So on wednesday, during our exchanges, we spoke precisely about the situation because we would not like niger to become a new libya in coordination with our brothers and burkina faso. We have decided to undertake a number of activities to secure our populations and secure our 2 countries. Earlier on wednesday, the delegation was in molly to meet officials from the country. The delegation attended a meeting with military officials who seized control of the land locked west african country nearly 3 years ago. Meanwhile, i need here the military ruler lashed out at the International Community and warned against 4 and meddling. I said, are these hostile and ready go as you choose to brings no added value. Neither in the resolution of the new situation for another seizure of power by the National Council for the save garden of the country, nor of our hes there to come and fight against terrorism. On with regards to echo was and the west African Economic and monetary union. It is with amazement that nigerians have learned of the illegal and justice and humane sanctions imposed on them. But they are above all, unprecedented onto. This was a highly rebuilt edition of uh, immediately conducted by the cards and i thought it would he be the tier to leader of the cool in the chair. So they decided to visit the allies waiting from by my code to work. I do so, i mean by my code been made please, im assuming going to talk about the situation in the country and the same topic that well discuss later in regard to what weve talked 10. Youve been salary. And according to live clergyman of sally for more deep, but hes got to get box visitation going on in new jersey, which suggestion is comp and other component of color to him. And he also uh, made a comment on what because hes planning to do about having a military action against them. And he said betsys really cause some and doesnt want me shed to become like libya. So this is what is going on this morning. I know that people in the army are ready to go out for the most ration against the decision of magic cutoff electricity in the i mean, so its become used to come mix and keep looking for keen. Not people, any money or as you put the specific thoughts. But if you dont have that country to go be for the share. And remember that to its day before 2 states who cannot facile and must be made a statement, saying that the best not let it go out, had minutes. We inject, if it was decided to fly to the new genta and then theyre gonna have facebook, you know, and monday is going to be a kind of the cloud version of war against the 2 countries. And now were joining the studio by Archie Africa bureau to have an African Legacy for him coordinator moves the abraham. Welcome, very nice to see you live comfortably. And so are the events in nigeria. And i think this is the biggest question. Part of a growing trend, this isnt the 1st time we stop working a foster. We saw molly is this a trend in a, posing video, colonialism of the europe and the west . What on the surface, as the western needs and additive would like us to believe, its a just another mundane called the top in the black continent knew how to self habits. I had a fair share of who the dies from the 1st one to 1974. They had, i was born and then in 1996, 19992010 and now 2023. But this is a very fake falsified, superficial look at what is happening now. The new generations of african but additions, the population in general, are now reviving the discourse of african liberation that was silenced for decades by the dominance of western culture and western media. In the region, thats why the west never stood that gains the previous accrued, the tags in news. Yeah. In fact they supported some of these mid a g course. But why are they now so adam . And im vigorous about the opposing this specific minute you moment to the extent that the proposing possible military intervention. Another disaster is one like the one that took place in libya in 2011. That tells us the story is different. The story is that there is a culture of resistance of liberation in the west of africa. People know that these 2 but official demands or democracy. Im nothing else to just go to the polls and costs to vote as the west to would like to be able to do what people want is to gain back the wealth, the back they are your you arrange them their gold there i and they are our 1st faith, theyre all we have the gas and this scares the west because this means the troll democracy will take place in africa when people actually own their own land. Im the wealth of africa does not go. Im text. Im a supervisor from the mines in news. Yeah. To the banks of paris and the Financial Sector in britain. So what is happening now . It looks on the surface as if its another code, utah. But it comes within the context of the new revived pad, a freak and isnt we . So the support that these you got from that getting a fast. So imagine by the way, the support with the general population away from the governments which are puppets of the west. Is much the but im much thrown but you could see it through the social media people. Im not opposing the changes yet because they knew that the previous president of knew who i knew a pass and then he and i visited on set with that talk. So he was just executing what the west owed was. Wanted for news yet to stay a very poor and bravo country providing so very precious little materials for the west. And then the west would say, oh look, we are giving aid to the new new. Yes, we are helping these yet to have democracy, which is very, very full falsified democracy. It just means that part of the population, maybe 15 percent, 20 percent. They go to the polls once every 4 or 6 years. People on the west. I dont believe in this democracy weve, we see people in, in the states, britain, germany and france fed up with this form a fake democracy in which the fuel own most of the width of the country. What an african up even the fuel is. The 49 who owns the wealth of the country . Well, yeah, you bring up good points because africa, the continent is full of resource rich nations that dont see any of that. Well, now weve heard this similar sentiment, this sort of echoing of thomas and carr and me market duffy at the russian africa summit. And most recently, of course, we hear this solidarity with the a to in new year molly and burkina faso, as you mentioned, say that they consider an attack on easier and attack on them. Now they also cited concerns of new year becoming like libya. Can you outline what that scenario would look like when its ready . I would encourage your viewers to just go back to 2011 and listen to that due to domina discourses at that time. There is the west this course which said, oh, we are bringing democracy to libya. We ought to protect things, civilians. We are rebuilding it as a more than country for the human rights. We are situated and get into the International Community to be a safe place for libyas africans, and for the me, the trainee and bases. Well, i brung gate, bringing prosperity to the country, and then they get the feet had a freak on this discourse, which said no, what would happen is thought the destruction of olivia rubbing of libyas o n. A did tell her a sort of innovations dominating the country, continuation of civil and try, but conflict libya will become a center of im a stability and danger for the whole of the so hot on how to reason and the content. 12 years after these discourses with foot 4, with which this course proved beyond any reasonable doubt to be the accurate to discuss is to disclose of get duffy of depend a freak of this. Who knew that what get duffy meant its to the west is a challenge to the dominance of the west is actually a cold for us weekends to gain back there to independence in the fiftys and sixtys africans of the great struggles they, they, they gain norman and political independence, but now decades data, they realize what they truly need is the economic into that, and thats about to reflect the grief needed as of africa, from loss of to get duffy total mom about doing a girl my to my dental at 2 and theyre ready all of them understood this and you can see it and read it in their speeches, but the time was not dried for them to move forward with with the economic liberation. I think now starting from west africa, the time is arrived for us. We can to regain their uranium, their goal. Would you, for example, in gonna the oil and gas and these should build their African Center and bank us, we can unified currency, and then africa would be totally liberated. And the liberator continent can have democracy, human rights, gender rights, as nick writes, the religious that i, but im in slaves. Continents cannot have this, right . So it would be just lip surface, super efficient democratic system 7 the west. Well, we do recall the 2011 us back who of move market das, the under secretary of state, Hillary Clinton and the obama administration. Now you experience it firsthand. Could you tell us a little bit about what you saw and how that affected the people of the country are obviously beyond what we know as the slave trade and everything that went down with what i witnessed is this working together of the different institutions of the west, what we called the west. So the governments and the main media, mainstream media, and the west intellectuals, universities at Civil Society. They all came together to present what of souls narrative to the world. So they would justify the destruction of libya. Why . Because oh, because of this diversity ipad and the rest of the of the west actually comes into one place. They oh and cannot live or survive one day without the wealth of africa. Whether the intellectuals in a British University or german that was working for a french media outlet or whether the general is in uh, spanish, all me or, but additions and in belgium they, oh no deep down that they cannot have upon a freak in this project. Which got duffy seamlessly was leading. He was calling for the establishment of the unified a frequent on the sun to us. We come back the one us, we can come and see, and he was building a piece of gold, but hes for libya at with the help of the african countries to support these projects that youll be in store to him. Im stressing him not to do it. He had a few was he did not pack down and resolve the attack. Libya on the full slide cooperation. You know, the color bit of a notion of the middle east. And now what do we have . Do we have democratic libya . Do we have prosperous libya . Libya is one of the main sources of terrorism, of weaponry, of instability in the whole of the continent. Im actually a source of cetera, even for bureau because of the, what they call illegal immigration for africans. Certainly be a 2 year old, and the save a trade which was flourishing in libya for years now. Its elizabeth, but the situation a isis. Youve got the libya for years of to get duffy as its main base around the world. So i think your viewers should really whats the yeah, thats not just listen to this, to the, the scores, not the why the scores, not the west scores. See what have is in the live, who owns the money, who owns the minds of us . We go owns the assets of africa, and these people have no right only us because as we can, population should own its own wealth unites. And then you can talk about Civil Society and rights and democracy because these things happen naturally as you advance and liberate yourself economically. But if youll Pay Attention to this rights without economic liberation of the continent, you would never achieve these sites. And you wouldnt have a jeep, youre going to make me brushing and western involvement in africa goes back centuries. Now we did see molly and burkina, faso, ouse, the french out of their countries. Do you think that this is also related to multi polarity emerging pan african ism, as you mentioned, weve also seen some of that and aero business, and were seeing the entire global south, whether is india and latin america as well . Do you see this conflict perhaps being the spark to start more . Uh, similar uh, options, not just an an africa perhaps beyond. Absolutely, if it is a new map of the world being drone, we live through one of the most important historic and the moments of we are lucky, an owner to witness. This is a true to lucian in africa, but its combined by a genuine that they can to change worldwide. Now, as an african myself, i would like a freak out to be a force for good force for peace. But sometimes when you on and say, if you have to fight back and then you know, i really think take space wars and conflicts on arm but assistance, but we only achieved our independence and normally in the liberation in the fiftys and sixtys. So sacrifice unplugged, we, forth and julia and libya and egypt in south africa in pennsylvania, and was a big everywhere. And we have the blood of our mazda is that should, everywhere in every corner of the continent, i think the rising economies empowers of china are fresh out of india, of brazil, that in america, of nigeria, enough to go south africa, the change in direction of so youre re, via and iran on all of these countries, i think will help to establish a new world in which not one side is completely 100 percent dominant. This will allow the game to be fair, to not be perfect, but that will allow us to because thats an American South asia to have maneuvering the space to be able to protect itself by using different sources of defense. And i read it from my heart, told that this wouldnt be done peacefully without the need for more where more. But unfortunately, the blow by system of capitalism that lives on the beloved on wealth of other regions and the world would not accept this, would not accept any change of the map of the world and it would send its autumn is into the depths of us. We get like a good before the depth of asia, like a bit before and the depth of flats in america. So war is upon the west, not the button, russia or china, or the global south. And once we establish discounts to offer resistance, im hoping that the west wouldnt come to its senses and realizes that maybe it should find the way to co exist with the rest of the world. And instead of going full monty and just destroying everything and everyone with its coming down, well you set it co exist Mutual Respect and national sovereignty. Those are key words right there. Absolutely. Thank you so much for your time. Appreciate it. Thats our t Africa Bureau chief, an african legs before him coordinator moves that uber. I he, thank you very much. And molly burkina, faso and guinea are among the supporters of new years new leadership. All of them have now been suspended for mesa was the union has additionally introduced sanctions against these year, including both travel and severe economic restrictions. Nigeria, a member of the block, has also cut off Electricity Supply to the country. While the world bank had suspended disbursements for all operations in the region, with the exception of course of private partnership, nigerian officials called on the importance of a collective response in order to restore stability in the neighboring nation. The recent code a top and there are probably gonna be just one event that costs while collect your attention. On the united response, we must present challenges over to start in democratic governance in the gym, hit on greno. Now she has expressed his wisdom, ill call it to results with tax, with emission to restore democracy in the republic of new jo ann up resolved. Jermaine humanitarian principles across the region. It is incumbent upon us to deliberate on this issue on chat. The cost was the resolution in accordance with the principles of democracy. Rule of law, artist bates for human rights become a go ins, right . You know, that include a truck in the west african region with for the state and 5 since 20 to 2020 percent cool. In im dna in raleigh, im lucky enough for us to and these countries are now coming together. You know, it gazed fair for us over its tensions on the share. Thats the latest archery to experience. A cool if the region and uh what we can stay and do some form of solidarity from these countries saying that, you know, of course, threatened named to probably use or steve the military. Im phone tag in the said, do not, does not restore our president mohammed mohammed, but soon to power. You know that, you know, these countries said the fat, of course, is threatening to probably use foss. Google also mean that of course, is threatening the share of course is threatening. Im lucky enough fossil and that, you know, those that are going to, you know, supporting these are in, in, in this, their mission. So basically what were saying is im of these countries coming together on and on, on wednesday, just some hours to go. There was a meeting of firm air force uh military head speed, an apple just here. And um, he wasnt surprising that uh uh, but the end of the process would be entity the door were not bad because these countries have been suspended by the airport. So israels ministry of education has banned a Grassroots Organization from arranging school activities, alleging the group questions. He is really Defense Forces actions creating a negative image of its soldiers for comparing the pain salt over the following idea of soldiers and victims of terror attacks with a brief over those armed in defense. If idea of activities while protecting the state of israel is unacceptable and is not in line with the values promoted by the education ministry. This does serious harm to the memory of the following idea of soldiers and victims of terrorism. The parent circle family for them has been accused of violating new Ministry Regulations issued by the education administer, and is prohibited from organizing activities that shame idea of troops. The p. C, f. F, as in is really policy being form of families affected by the conflict. Its stated goal is to ensure peace through reconciliation. The decision drew condemnation from 4 members as well as a labor party to no set member who said Civil Society organizations are being caught in the crossfire. Anyone who doesnt conform to the values of the fascist government to be tried as an enemy and a traitor. The concepts of peace and tolerance have already been allstate, beyond the borders of legitimacy for the government. These government even trying to a team and the amount in a dictatorship, the Education Minister decides what is forbidden for students to know the decision by your case to bend b. C. S. As activities at schools is another act in the suppression of democracy and 0 acceptance of all the voices, the Spokes Person from the p. C. F of says that such laws violate citizens basic freedoms. It is obviously some kind of political game. Well, the minister because weve been speaking schools for Something Like 20 years, and its never been a danger to anybody. The whole point is to go into a cos room together with tennessee the j b and the policy mean. What is the most and immediate Family Member in the country . And the reason that are inches across is to show stories of folks from nations, stories of people whos gone from anger and violence and, and warranty range. Non violence to looking for reconciliation. Youve already just since this morning, 18 principles have signed and they to against this decision must mean something. Its just extraordinary that this has happened. And a full 20 years we b j. One has to go. Most of the behind is really sweet, sweet, which is a basic human rights. And we have as democracy at least 35. 00 palace simians have been injured during a raid by is really soldiers in the city of nob, less than palestine. The raid occurred on tuesday night on the eve of a plan visit by jewish worshippers to a monument called josephs to Palestinian Civilians have also become victims of retaliation attacks for his release soldiers reportedly kidnapped by him. Mots. One such case was the reported abduction of an idea of soldier back in 2014, with his really forces in killing dozens of local civilians. The actions were conducted under the controversial so called hannibal directive officially resented in 2016, but later replaced with a new law, the content of which remains classified. Our team, at a least for us funded marie if the notion of reports sharina is the mother of 6, but you will only find 5 children living in her home after her 55 day old son. Sizes her on the ceiling is really shelling of the town of the phone and you guys of 9 years ago. And the people who were with me that they told me just send them home and flew out of your hands. She was, he and his whole brain came out of the back of hes had to, they said he got torn apart and you got injured and became like this exactly 9 years ago today. Series memory is notes. He had facts and walking still hurts. She spends months in a coma and says she doesnt feel that she was actually 100 percent feel. The shelling was the results of the controversial hannibal directive. These really army older activated after the abduction of one of the soldiers in 2014, during these really on the protective ad defense of the games. Thomas miltons in gaza. The idea of how that building disappeared, the army on least a massive show of tank. Fire a tillery and a power in attempt to proceed for, for traders, and saved the soldiers. Locals, coal, the date, black friday. The this is criminal and brutal. Its the strong discount rate in the middle east. They have many ways of getting the soldiers back in a legitimate way in the middle to way we certain tactics. Wire civilians at fault reports say 200 structures were destroyed, has the result of almost 1500 major strides. The idea for the me says its kill dozens of nashville terms and civilians to the fire continued for 3 days. Even after soldier golding was determined that and his t over feet extend this, ready on the mission to return the body was never achieved. The fall crossing in southern gaza, ill have to bolt it with egypt. Is where according to the idea of the soldier was captured by him ost militants as his base area. Some full kilometers away from the frontier that suffered from a massive fire by these rarely forces thats followed. The abduction global critics have accused the idea of excessive use of force at and to the protocol was highly criticized. Israel state controller said the directive failed through respect to key principles of international law. Distinction between military and civilian targets and the use of proportional force against a given threat. Ramallah based on hacked by this thing in human rights and g o documented 225 death in 3 days of a heavy ball odor selling, including around 100 civilians. This, it shows that they have not taken care of with the life of the pearsons with people, but just their soldier or their office or no even with disobedience is real listed on hawk as a terrorist organization, which only gave the team some extra motivation to continue working in human rights for you, thats not a picnic and its not the job that we have to do believe about what we are doing. And this is the case here at the heart. The International Community did not agree with these really decisions on hawk still has many west and donors with their health. The groups of me to the 2014 hannibal or the case to the International Criminal court. Questioning proportionality of the source use. The quote says is still working on it the just as the late cold justice in lights are we still waiting for your not the court to proceed to. Uh, it shows how that is torrance, i guess the the criminals professor also kind of shudder wrote the idea of ethics code. He says the 2 main values unique folding is really army sanctity of human life and are, was trained to use of weapons. But that means there was a huge gap between the theory and well implementation, including in the case of a hannibal owed or can regarding its own soldiers after the combined was put into effect. Not much longer. Any deputation has appeared, appeared in that was the express being a really short saying a hey bro, its dog a, a, a message to me. I had to better a dead soldier then and abducted searching. So let it really let him be bad and then well pay less for bring him back. Horrible idea. I cannot tell you who invented it. But the person who invented it was absolutely wrong and morally professionally, ethically, a similar misinterpretation of even a highly ethical command. Who would have led to this proportion of to use a force, proportionality, proportionality has nothing to do with honey, but for pressure, they werent brits. The considerations were wrong, perhaps accessing force was used. Okay, thats a possibility that can be raised. The idea of held its own probe into what happened, but the results were for the armies internal use only and not to hold anybody accountable. Shortly after the directive was revoked, but many questions related to its use in 2014 and guys are still remains with no answers. Reef notion of the reporting from chasm. Israel and palestine in administration. The us treasury secretary janet yellen tried to say phase and point the finger at fitch accusing the company of processing or relevant data thats after the International Rating agency caught washingtons credit score. Citing concerns over the countries debt burden and state of finances as well as

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