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Its received from the nato company and im internal report by the u. K. Is far at office, submits hundreds of thousands of womens lives in the developing world will be the product risk us prisons, flashes its global aid funding of the same time. Critics point died londons board billions into ukraine. The. This is our team through, ill show my name. Do you know me loans, 30 minutes of news news search. Now. We begin the, our with development surrounding nice year defense chiefs from the west African Regional blog equal was or across the border in nigeria to discuss the situation in the ku hit country. While reserving the possibility they say to use force during the meeting a nigerian general called on the importance of a collective response in order to restore stability in the neighboring nation. In the recent code a top. And there are probably gonna be just one event that costs while collecting attention. On the united response, we must visit the challenges over the starting democratic governance in the gym, hit on drug on the she had experiences. Wisdom, ill connect you with results. We had tax with emission to restore democracy in the republic, owing to joe and resolve germane. He went, jerry, im principles across the region. It just incumbent upon us to deliberate on this issue on chat a cost was a resolution in accordance with the principles of democracy. Rule of law, artist bates for human rights. Well last week the West African Union issued an ultimatum, demanding night here, as long as the president be reinstated within 7 days. But the rebels of news not responded so far. Do you and no has endorsed the equal was groupings actions. Lets take a list that we are supporting. Yeah. What the at the old process is conducted by eckworth. And this will be the line, the decision alpha use force if necessary. Its, its not by you and the address its uh, uh it was received a rep dispute put that there was when we did do the transitional governments of working a fast. So and molly, one that any military intervention against new year would be tantamount to a declaration of war against working a fast to. And molly denounced the persistence of this region organizations and imposing sanctions of the type of a, the suffering of the people and jeopardize the spirit of man, african as well as what certain incentives students are made to bring part fed presented by them back to power money and what kind of fossil of flexing their military models, freaking itd be collusion of war if things spider allowed self control. And when it cool walks high, totally decided to easily use your full drastic fiction. Were freezing over the country, financial accounts, and the closure of land and at borders. Book, you know, money engineer. All countries lead by leaders that came to power up to cool on heading to this to as what google and by my po for my to retaliate against. Anyone who attacks me, jack, im a chief of nigeria, said that his troops waiting for the mission, a very critical situation with a key question really bit to came face after the deadline teams that 1st started vocational trace. It isnt in these yet. I strongly recommended by the cab theyll say, basically visual assuming for as we international or credit is on for and as products, ways and we will up to what to do. The equal was sent to a peace delegation tonight. Here for talks with rebels on the wedding stay the same, theyll use military force only as a last resort. The alliance has a history of enforcement in crises impacting member nations. At least 7 cases in the past 3 decades have received the u ends endorsement with peace accord sign during those mission sell. The last thing we heard from west african locals who shared their views on the sanctions of whos all niger and the earlier threats of military intervention. Dont this up with the t v . I think thats everywhere. There are problems at home in the west, even in front. They have problems, but the guys that dont cable their problems. They only brought the coast house on channels all over the world. So, if, well suffering, we must have work to find solutions to get out of it. If they dont have any solutions to offer us, they should lets us evolve with our solutions. Let them Work Together with us here, and find a favorable outcome. Bone for mazda is on soon to me. These sanctions are really illegal, in my opinion, its necessary to go through negotiations to have an exchange with the rebels in order to be able to agree. Otherwise the sanctions are not up to the rebels, but they take the sanctions as against the population. We can see it is up to the population because they are the majority who will be most affected by the sanctions. So im going to 3 being group, ideally to the place sanctions each time there was an interruption by the army in the democratic process. This situation shows very well that the kobus heads of state do not defend the interest of the African People. Only their own interests. While the journalists we spoke to who covers the region, sees a potential intervention raises a lot of questions over intent of the west African Economic boss wasnt shy and immediately talking about using force. Right now we understand that theres a meeting going on and we job with a monkey i of course im minutes. We had for expects inbox. You know, the cool in these here would be in fold costs. And also with steve some from up slowly. Batteries coming out of the main body of work in a past. So you know, back in these are and same project and the attempt to be introduced the bar in the interventions of foreign military. You can be sure i would also, now, for our main prod, you know, acro apps or, you know, the foreign or the western supports, are trying to declare a war. This is not the 1st time. Indeed, that was would be intervening and member of countries that have same pools. Basically, experts are saying that theres something obviously differential about the school because equity is, is willing to introduce for us i think around 5 countries in the region. So as far as members who are now lead the countries that are now led by the military, and it will not be surprising to see that these countries wants to come together. These country is one to support each other, you know, and this is actually born out for you then sees also what i said i called initially what i said was that bro, in um, as a western center man. So we dont know what might happen in the coming days, but what we do know is that there is dispense of supports. Theres the stance of sleep at each with arms for the 2 products. You know, thousands of people saying that these are people we identify with them. We want them to carry on with what they have spotted as well. Molly bertino festa and denise are alumni. Heres new leadership supporters. All of them have now been suspended from mika, was the union has additionally introduced sanctions against nature, including trouble and severe economic restrictions. Nigeria, the member of the block, has also cut off Electricity Supply to the country, and the world bank was suspended disbursements for all operations in the region. With the exception of private partnerships. European states are evacuating foreign nationals from niger with friends are lifting hundreds of french and the use of this is the 1st slide left on choose the evening that other European Countries have followed suit. Spain is preparing to evacuate more than 70 people, and its all these also organizing repub creation measures several dozen to tell you is how we already arrived in rome by military playing along with americans and other non european. So this will, the, if i q ation efforts come just a softer hundreds of people gathered in the west african countries capital to call for leadership change. The French Embassy was attacked by protesters. We set fires and smashed windows. R, as in turn, has threatened nice year with retaliation of any harm comes to it. Citizens or its national interests, including uranium extraction projects conducted by french fuel companies. Meanwhile, nigerians chances on the streets, the friends must leave the nation and not the former colonial powers. The main. Busy cause of their suffering for them is the rise of funds. The french sentiment in west africa, president muscle recently claim the power should show more, quote, profound humility in dealing with the continent. However, the common flies in the face of his own public mockery of the brick, you know, facile president. During a visit to the country back in 2017, sometimes you speak to me as a friends, were still a colonial tower, but i dont want to deal with the power supply and the universitys inverting a fast. So thats his job. Thats the job of the poor, can not be president. So on the other hand, i reassure you. Oh, whats this . Hes going away, stay there. Maybe hes gone to fix the air conditioning. Well, we discussed the french president s controversial statements with a pub. African political analyst who stays paris is still stuck in a colonial era. Mindset as the model was, these words macro and confirmed how france perceives africa from the time of colonization to the present. This is a snob, a mockery of the pain and poverty of africa. This is the attitude of the enemy who has no respect for your suffering and the difficulties you are experiencing, and who rather arrogantly marks and left us next to the me. Its always a matter of denial. A disclaimer of responsibility. Instead of seeing the underlying reasons why africans no longer like france, they prefer to look for scape codes. They prefer to blame other people for it. France has recently released about 6 official statements regarding the internal affairs of another country, new share. The 1st statements aimed at imposing on the militaries, the need to return the pro french and pro colonialist mohammed by zoom to power as well as directly threatening them with military intervention. Can we say with certainty that france will abandon its colonial list of views. Know, today france refuses to reform its international policy, which is still based on colonialism and such actions show that france is still living in its colonial past in his colonial fantasies. And its simply cannot give it up wirelessly tuition and nicer and mix headlines across the globe. Some observers say that this isnt just another who is african state, but an offensive global cygnus with the nation becoming a new front to the modern cold website. Those deeper into that, the tensions between ukraine and poland are on the rise. Warsaw officials play and theres a lot of printing and appreciation for supports. Its received over the past. Your kid has dismissed the polish accusations over the ledges and gratitude, calling them acceptable in the summer, and some of the polish and best that are the representative of the country. That was the only one to remaining queue on the days of russias invasion of ukraine to the ukraine. The minister of Foreign Affairs should never have taken place in International Politics in the face of the ongoing war. And taking into account the norman support that poland has given ukraine. Such mistakes should not happen, will always defend bolans. Good name is security and the interest of no other country will ever prevail over the interest of the republic of poland. Looks like its the western union, the fight club, its broken already. And the Prime Minister of poland is reacting to the fact that keir and more saw both summoned each others ambassadors after officials from both countries, trash talk each other. Now typically poland has until recently, at least been ukraines biggest cheerleader in the European Union. But right now, these 2 are actually like a couple that books the honeymoon suite in las vegas, but then spends the whole trip fighting in public and annoying everyone at the casinos and puppies all up and down the street. So we have tomorrow we can hear yelling it ukraine on twitter. Now all this lauren drama started when a polish president ial adviser simply pointed out in an interview that it would be kind of nice if you frame showed some gratitude for poland support. It would be fitting for ukraine to start appreciating the role poland has played for ukraine over the recent months and years that highly controversial remark apparently seems to come in the wake of n was whining from you brain. And so is give or take care over pollings insistence that you framing gray not be allowed to be shipped to poland because in the past, it has a tendency to make itself at home there and not want to leave afterwards. And that drove down the price of the grain of polish farmers. Now a polish Prime Minister, finally put his foot down and agreed for ones with hungry and 3 other countries in on the need to get the situation under control. If you can come sion does not agree to develop regulation step will extend this input blockage we will do it. Impose restrictions ourselves will be tough, will be decisive. We will defend the polish farmers. All of this is happy as the backdrop of a parliamentary election coming up later. This fall in poland and non negotiable, chunk of polish society seems to be getting set off with everything always being about you frame. And the countries establishment is trying to walk over the fine line here between supporting ukraine on one hand, and not being kicked out of their own jobs in the next election on the other. As always, do you really dont seem to give too much of a down calling about on anything but transit tree, poland for that grain and to other eastern European Countries, quote on european fall. Because i guess hes now the king of the europe calling shots from the use so called Political Community q, the table that they set up for him. Hey, why not . Maybe im elected cleaners. So i could use a case by the way. Its not the 1st time that an official of a nato country has lambasted somebodys b and the european leadership. The British Defense secretary also seem pretty exasperated by the way, skews propensity for acting like a kid who didnt get all the toys he put on his Christmas Wish list from santa claus. There was a slight word of caution here, which is that whether we like you to or not, people want to see gratitude. You will sometimes hear grumbles not from the administration in the american system, but youll hear from lawmakers on the hill. We have given 83000000000 horse or whatever, you know, where you know, at amazon, probably worth noting that when europe was driving its feet on committing ever more advanced weapons to crate, it was poland that went around harassing western European Countries like france and germany in particular or to call them up. And now ukraine apparently takes offense at cohens wanting to protect itself. So seems like these to really desperately need a relationship counselor, but until then it looks like they are probably just going to keep yelling, pointed remarks at each other across the big western democracy table while everybody else since theyre looking pretty uncomfortable. The another story to bring you half a 1000000 womens lives are at risk. Hows the u. K. Concepts, foreign aid phones. Thats according to an internal assessment by the british governments own foreign and Commonwealth Development office. This is what pauls concluded by the form Commonwealth Development offices on assessment, critical support to take on mon nutrition will not be deliver programs aimed at to reach. And those filters behind, including women goes and people with disabilities will be caught. Hundreds of 1000 small women once again faced unsafe abortions, cells as well dying pregnancy and childbirth. Awesome meaning women and children and young and will not receive health care. It may cause a loss of damage to Health Systems and yeah, and its all the donors unable to fund the move. Well, hender women receiving much need of access to a Central Health care with the report stating thousands of women made dining during pregnancy or childbirth due to the cuts. The lack of funds will also prevent inadequate response to violence against women and girls in sites down in somalia, primarily, and cause lasting damage to the Health Care System in yemen. Again, according to the internal study and on the last our country, it comes to you and food program suspended a model nutrition prevention scheme for e m. And this month over a lack of funds that could potentially have a devastating effect. And some 2400000. Yeah. Many civilians who are already suffer from severe malnourishment of the largest food and nutrition prizes in history. Not today process this year. 345000000. 00 people continue to be acutely food and secure, while hundreds of millions of people are at risk of worsening hunger. Why do you believe that the funding is drying up this year . Um, well i think you would have to ask uh the donors uh that um, but its clear that a budgets do you me to time budgets both in europe and United States is not where they were and 2122. Well, those donors continue to pour their citizens money in to ukraine, according to data from the german Global Research keyless richard, the us, how cents, 79000000000 dollars and financial another tree a took to you if the European Union some 59000000000. 00 worth and the u. K is also one of keeps biggest sponsors having sent police on humanitarian aid equipment to 9000000000. 00 so far. A former south African National assembly member, we spoke to safe western companies are trying to beat the african states into submission by taking away much needed help these move by the u. K. Is there one put nice ation of a in piss. Whens the input of these interest basically, what do you k is doing well this patricia throw such c. This is. Busy it needed it is to send that message to the oxygen categories which are putting away from the whites s we see in the countries that popular foss, sony j, might be which the open d a line was last year. It shows that the citric thats for the oxygen lice cited so, but with the intention and it also shows us that. Yeah, because then how about, do you create any particular defective direction . Simulation has an appointment. So yes, shifting resources to that you can edit this up front page of the African People. Definitely showing us all slide meta, charity, our lives. As africans done that, they believe that the most pop up, they just made the government of the trade and then did you meet who i gave the russian people . And i only at a certain time is that we dont use a russian situation. You said items off 23. 00 bd on you as dollars worth of debt of the African People try to slum the us are brand new weapons, a package to taiwan, saying that the one china principal has a red line must show up across the tape on question you said the very cool of tennessee interests and the 1st red line that must not be crossed in the china us relationship. The rich, the us to earnestly abide by the one china principal and the 3 china u. S. Toys and communicates to stop enhanced and military contact. The tie one region o armitage by any means or on to any pret text, to stop creating factors that could hide contention in determines trait to stop colluding with and supporting the separatist attempt to seek type of independence by force. No one should underestimate the determination result and capability of the 2 nice people. And same grounding, a sobering t and territorial integrity. As well. The direct words there come after washington, a 9 some 345000000. 00 in military aid for time. One, marking the 1st time the by the administration has sent us stockpiles to the region. The white house promises the package will include air defense systems, as well as intelligence on surveillance capabilities. Agent, the 1st level inspector, go believe steve, as well as the use the situation over time, want to run off tensions . Well, i think the United States is practicing the maximum form of hypocrisy and double standards, because on the one hand, the us government, the recent months, has represented again and again and again to the Chinese Government that it continues to follow the lines on the policy. It continues to view title one as an integral part of china. On the other hand, if we look at what the United States is doing in real actions by example, it is 3 and just the opposite for the United States. As the dotted states wants to use the situation to initiate a wall across the 2 sides of if i was great, which eventually may even escalate. If war really breaks out. Its not initiated. The by china is initiated by washington by the United States, by those Decision Makers for people for multi attention to escalate the tension long to provoke a multitude. The 2 sides of the taiwan straits in history, all Prime Minister, netanyahu, whose government has rejected any concessions to palestinians as part of a propos, deal on normalizing ties with saudi arabia. Israel say is theres a long way to go before an agreement with re i can be reached. We certainly wont agree to this. Were done with withdrawals. Were done with freezing settlements and you, dan samaria, a very odd headset as well as to see quote significant concessions from israel on the palestinian issue. Some is really lawmakers of slum, bought them out and saying there should be no such agreements made with saudi. Israels National Security minister has said that, well, better relations with the kingdom are favorable, strongly opposes making any concessions to bring. Thats about it. All of us as stepping up its efforts to mediate diplomatic relations between countries in the middle east. Washington reportedly wants to forge an alliance with ace real and we have to make sure the lots are, doesnt room towards the russia and china. Instead, according to the New York Times such a move would require the us to facilitate a civilian Nuclear Program in society. A back in 2020 the u. S. Mediators a diplomatic reconciliation between the United Arab Emirates by reign and israel. That led to the signing of the abraham courts, a set of normalization agreements. However, poll show that public support for that has since plummeted to in our countries increased violence in palestinian territories. This thing is a key factor for such sentiment. Some countries in the region have criticized the its really states subsequent approach to the porch to the current government. And israel will not kill the abraham a codes. The signatories will not pull out, but we will not have all the signatories. We will looking to engage more representatives from the arrow, im not our welds, but the car and government is putting everybody off. It is quite clear that strengthening and stabilizing deposition of design is true human. The region has been americas 1st priority for many years. But what has happened in practice is that there has been an increase in crimes against the policy. A nation by design is true. She to well published and journalism regional up for a specialist called doing, bought a booty, sees a saturday is really agreement is a must have for joe biden. The head of next year is president ial election. This is visited the United States today. They were, they got to be using another uh fi then the well and this, it seems that this pulls the carpet from the feet, the river to china and the sure. Yeah, i think its, its the 5th it 10 american need for the coming collections for why then to to do something to do some things. And i think the said, well, a historically never being fair to me did that when it comes to the band. Does that ive been to a no, this is the content that you most of it to meet those against the any kind of nation that is what i love any, any attempt to, uh, try to, uh, take any action i guess is that i am fully protection against, out of sense of them. And so what the United States is doing is to shift the interest of is that i have to sell it and buy. But unfortunately for them, of course, not for the that govern government thing. Is that a l . What is not helping vegas administration, but you its a reminder for up to the minute developments during this the 1st week of august to give our twitter page of all i promise you will not be bored. Goodbye. Im see you against the acceptance and im here to plan with you. Whatever you do. Do not watch my new show. Seriously. Why watch something thats so different whitelisted opinions that he wont get anywhere else. Welcome to please or do have the state department c i a weapons makers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. Choose your fax for you. Go ahead. Change and whatever you do. Dont want marshall state main street because im probably going to make you uncomfortable. My show is called stretching, but again, you probably dont wanna watch it because it might just change the way you the vento is attachments also to punch in another punitive action by the nazis best known as the holocaust of bullets. The this terrifying footage was captured by german soldiers doing mass executions of the jewish population. An ext uh from a gentleman offices will have to 2 days ago. I participated in a mass execution my hands show because i pulled the trigger, but theyre not going to used to it. I comedy aimed inside of women and children, and babies during the 1st 2 years of the war alone says death squads together with ukrainian collaborates, has killed almost 2000000 people in the us as a and poland and punitive action. This like this, the years later, Ukrainian National is retained to intimidation methods and opened. They talked about cleansing ukraine of undesirables and those who disagreed with the new national is my done ideal to j. What think its funny, i think with Research Associates will delay of those. Which of these are still those websites will be like 2nd boulevard. In terms of the bill of hollywood. Im sure you can just you can easily get those up salute materials from the middle themes. If i do that or to them must always absolutely what is more to g people . So why its a little bit easier to do some yes, most coverage of childrens desktops literally. So my resume should show

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