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Shes an Award Winning journalist and commentator. And in budapest we bought the door to samuel. We use a pod cast or the gabble, which we thought on youtube and levels. Are gentlemen, costs up rules and effects and music and jumping in time. You want that. I always appreciate or its going to georgia in budapest its, its really remarkable watching the course of this conflict and how the west has changed its rhetorical focus like narrative of every Everyone Wants to support you. Great, of course is going to win a because it has um the, the moral spirit, you know, the current job because of the ukrainian soldier in society. What the responsible states have had an article ukraine has already won the 1st. Okay. And then, and, you know, as long as it takes, okay, and now over the last guy would say 2 weeks. So, well, you know, the of the premium, so just follow up there on the borders that nato gave them in the train and, you know, and then biding says, well, the book is already lost. You know, the, theyve already lost what so theyre trying to book and now say to me, whatever happens by people, its not as false. George . Yes. The question thats, thats always the american motif, the own. What are the ally, you know, who with whom i have the United States. The pictures is why, again, it always turns out that were just not really worthy of, uh, american help is supposed to be, you know, we have that the south in the me is where it goes to useless. And on the, you know, we have the, the weight is a, in the, in the 1st of all were useless. The ask and these we used was, i wrote is always useless. And so there is the same. Um, my, why are you great in . I think, well, its a little bit much, i mean, you have a photo of it. Is anybody in about 70 is and youre telling us that when im fighting properly, you know what, you know, you get a bradley, bradley gun in the back back and fight alongside those. But it doesnt work as a well, we dont really want to do that. So yeah, i mean, the, the visible sorts of, uh, confusing messages that are coming out from uh, the administration. But there are also these confusing messages. But other coming out about the some go to negotiations that are going on in the background and knowing that thatd be now number of stores the stores and like nbc, um about these negotiations makes us officials talking to high level uh russians. Um and then um we, we, we, we now have another story about this uh, and the go to i, i know buying it. I dont think this is, these are serious because ultimately the rule that is going on is good for the United States. The United States isnt losing anything and, and it is the russians are dying ukrainians of mine. I dont see any incentive to be honest. Um, for the United States to the, to bring it this doing in. So doing the, the, the, the stories that ive got a wishful thinking, well, this is what i would do a borrower, a rational person, which is true. But i dont think that thats necessarily how the, by the ministration is thinking. Its such an interesting way to phrase that because of the ultimate goal is okay, maybe ukraine isnt going to win, but it can still keep fighting martin. I mean its, its an interesting thing here is that is short, you know, is the baby out come, will there be, will be a negotiated outcome, but some, a new thing to that is making it into the narrative. But in the meantime, in the meantime, the us is not going to pursue any kind of negotiations or whatnot just for the reason that george said, i mean, even though its been a lot of money, a lot of tax payer money. I mean, this is a conflict against russia on the cheap martin guys a going to disagree with both of you. Im really. Im really sorry. I think i think joe just wrong. I think there is an incentive to buy and 6 to stop is will i think hes starting to wake up to the realities that he called wrong in the, in this is re election campaign. Im starting from next on may just call it face low, just particularly blue complexes and have this in mind. The really wouldnt be able to recognize the number here, but hang on here. I think its pretty obvious that the trump base may agree with that, but i think you would still agree this is very much a bi partisan endeavor. I mean, getting an inspector general. I mean, that was by far to send them to send it. Okay, no, were not going to happen because the price of the buying doesnt want it. That was by part, is that okay, they keep going. You, but i say were living in a, were living in a scenario to our no realities. Were living in a truman show kind of a movie says web i, you know, on the, on the face of it, do you have officials like could be others who us thing you know, um, in the most states, you know, when the new tons of law suite there was some backpedaling, there was some admissions that was not feeling very well, but then we should hang in there and we should push our reserves. If the claim is up to the front line of disastrous tax exam bite and the same functions lost the war. How many people actually bolt into that . You know, i think whats going on on the power though to, to tackle georges assertion, had only thing whats going on on a power level and secretaries, i think theyre all towards going on. Because i think the item does want to get out of this. Well, i really do think he does and i think, yeah, what do you think has been telling me about this . Um this uh this, this scenario. All of the cleanings on that. Im edition. Yeah, i think about that. How does that happen . How do we get into that situation . The 1st place ill do the best miniature brands in the pendulum in january of this year or december, did not plan this scenario and say, well i guys whats going to run quite low in about may of june. Should we not make preparations for it . Now im sure they didnt, im sure they contacted the button administration and they didnt get very clear on so from the buttons administration. But to tackle this, if you want, just supply the things with the munition even to the very easy you dont even need to use your own. American stokes are plenty of allies around the world, their play and stuff close around the world. Yeah, it doesnt even need to be american where you could, i didnt buy chinese on to to get it. So dont, dont buy into this, then youre going to run it. Im going to should i think they will let, i think, i think they were allowed to fall into this pit because i really believe the board and walks out of the role. And i really do believe in the leadership of the school. Come and take the okay. And it does the fact that they couldnt plan for this doesnt surprise me. I think they believe that the sanctions would have done the job. And them, you know, and good story here. But the kind of go and go back to george. But, but george, it doesnt really matter because as you rush has already lost the war, thats the new narrative. Okay. So i mean, it, what we did, everything we could do. You just as you said, you know, its liskey and his people. I mean, we, you know, we, we know nothing about your claim without your brain. Theyre doing their own thing here. I think that, you know, this going on the cheap here, and then of course, blame the use of it. And then they are really the europeans didnt step up. George, they just didnt do enough. Ok. I think theres plenty of ways for them to rationalize, which is like the hunter bite and story if they got had that a agreement go through. They say that spoken to this is over no more investigations. We dont have it. They live in the pseudo reality. George, i think so. I think that the is provides them with an escape hatch that if things go wrong, then lets say what it was really the brand useful. But for pull it, they didnt take our advice. And again, they, they misuse the, the web and really we gave them, you know, a 5 to many shells and it was around a, i, a, im actually not buying into the story that theyre running out of shows. I mean with this happens in every will, every when we hear about, oh sure, theres a shortage of uh, ill tell her it shows a show. Did you remind me they said at this during the one that was a big, big issue and well well well hey, were running out of, um, ill tell her what, what are we going to do about this . So, um the, the question that is, is whats the incentive for the United States to, to bring this to an end . Im not buying this thing about the, the us, the likes of the us selection is like, is a long way off. Yeah, many ways, its the domestic issues that of, of travel and there is more or less a consensus among most, the candidate to say this is a good rule and then we should keep it going with true about with trump. So i, you know, i dont think biden is worried about the electric bike and is worried about getting into a direct shooting hole with roster. I think thats a different issue. So inviting said no, do nato membership or ukraine. I mean, he did it because a, if you brain is joins nature, where on the, which would you and it just reinforces the, this is the way, the but they, by ministration. Just by doing this work, were going to let them do all the fighting for us in, in, in, in the delta on the market. It says they are not having ukraine in nato. It gets, gets the knotted states again off the hook. Ok, were not responsible for that country security. Okay, just let me explain. I have the best of all possible worlds here, which in the den means the destruction of ukraine. The very purpose of this policy was the police rush. Thats not ukraine, mark. So theres another theory which spring founded about which i comp claim credit for, which is another reason why i didnt refuse to let you grant. And so nature is to keep the as a bargaining chip. So when you finally do, when do funding negotiate with the russians . Youve got something quite strong on your side, but to take georges point, i dont think its exclusively of these. Only the buttons is worried about elections and how your cells this massive, unprecedented amount of imagery, spending in a country that probably 99 percent of americans call assigned to the map of the world. I think is more than that. I think its getting increasingly worried about china and i dont think you can handle china new crime both on the same plate with storm policy f ups. You know, that a bomb, a used to was used to critics in with, you know, we should never forget that quite from, from above. I dont, you know, never underestimate, binds ability to f things up. I think its talking about foreign policy. So i think the with china threat with cheese, you know, sounding else um, delivering signals which are more robust and mobility codes every single day and basing on the drum and the tension building up over time. Well, i think there is a, a need for the button administration to look for an offer on and i think theyre all to whats going on. I think i wouldnt be too surprised. I think that this is deliberate. I think since about december or january, they were the things were deliberate, the allowed to run out of them initial to create this low because you called them negotiations with the russians when you also rent a 1000. 02000, a 155 millimeter shows after you have to, you know, look for a natural pool, is a natural impact so low in the war. And i think thats from the the moment right now to do that. So i think we should, we shouldnt dismiss. All right, were in jordan, all by triple. Why would the russians in a meeting gauge in negotiations at all . Any other than a back channel thing that were not gonna use nukes, we can all agree. Were not going to do that, but other than that, what would the russians be interested in . Go ahead martin. Well, i think um, uh, the comments, but edward looked fuck, recently were very interested in his theory. The, the great job. But lets go, let us know that his theory is that the Russian Central Bank government has such a page and look, thinks of where to go to the moment we go, inflation on the control, weve got inflation a so dream level, the most europeans cannot even spent as low as about the countless river. So theres an economical aspect to this whole thing which is the, you know, the situation, but pollutants in which is quite comfortable is not something that you can, you can banks, you can bank on forever. That has to be a longer strategy, so there are incentives the, i think for russia to look up some of the issues that i saw, the same video you did. I found them seem to be utterly completely unconvincing. Deal with your as losing phrase. So the, the key is that the, the was possibly some sort of, but general communication going on between buns and noticing that we have to go to a hard break. Were going to talk about the, the back channel in the 2nd half of the program. Gentlemen, im going to jump in, were going to come right back to stay with our team. When i was just going to safe house to come and engagement because the trails when so many find themselves will support. We choose to look so Common Ground the the russian states never as one of the most sense Community Best to him. Then ill send some of the same assistance to father speed. The one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on the russia to day and split the ortiz full. Even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services for the question, did you say steve or twist, which is the a welcome back to kind of stuff. Were all things are considered 90 little this is a home addition to remind you. Were discussing some real notes the lets go back to george in budapest. Okay. George, lets look at it from the other side. You know, because usually i see these western elite so that theres always kind of this fantasy unicorn, west west, you know, is that, you know, and the zip here, well, probably hispanic mower, theres, theres interest of instability in rush, you know, which is like, i dont know where they get this information from and how they draw these conclusions because, you know, you and i have been with martin, you know, we work or 10 were avidly covering how people cover russia. And its a self fantastically wrong. Most of the time is that nobody really pay much attention to it. But now lets get down to brass tax something important, this conflict in ukraine. I still to this point, irrespective of the interest rate. Okay. I dont see why russia has any incentive at all ever. Well have a couple of sites in the dumbass, you know, and brush will have to give up. Its a crime media. Its and it will have to accept when you have a form of nato membership. Well, why would run rushing the initiated discomfort because it wasnt getting any of those things. Why wouldnt change its mine now . George . Exactly. Now ive seen the incense is the tool. And um, in fact, if it was to be a settlement now on the terms of which um, low black advocates and that interview referred to by nonsense um this will be a complete failure for russia because essentially, uh, russian would have to be giving up things that it actually had prior to the start of the, um, of the, the several special milledgeville operations that goes down that have to agree to holding plebiscites. And, you know, we know how the way these plebiscites work. I mean the, the, that its always very questionable once nato gets involved in a plebiscite. So roughly what happens the giving up is gonna end up with less then it had the 18 months ago. So i dont see any reason, certainly built in conduct survive. So if were talking about the bite and then the election, i mean open conducts of, i a such a, such a, a humiliation. But there is an agenda always with, with this kind of talking to, particularly with somebody like look like, look, track. Essentially, once a war is trying to, i mean the, you know, that, that stays obsession. I mean, hes always been an obsessive sort of fellow, and hes not his new obsession. Is china. And what, how does the, how do we fight china was why did using american boys . I mean, thats literally plan of any of the neo cons, what were going to use russia and thats suite in the agenda behind those as well as the others. I mean, this guy, colby, is a ubiquitous presence on, on fox news. Also china, china, china, on the plan here is alright, lets bring this thing in your brain. So, and, and, and then lets use russia against china. This is going to be all kind of father against china, much as it was originally when the nato expansion, the idea behind it. And george cyrus explained that they were going to use the spirit bins as count on father against russia. Since were going to use russia thats gone father against china. Well, i am assuming russian understands that thats the plan thats in, in the works. And the other thing to go to. But of course with martin, let me again with this kind of looking at western fantasies. Okay. I mean there, there is no evidence whatsoever that kind of scenario can possibly play out in a storage. Riley points up. Why do you, why do you, why would brush or give up anything that it doesnt have to give up . Okay . It may. And in a, in plus, if you look at the long term, the impact of this war as having other than the, the, for people of ukraine and then the, all the soldiers that are dying is it in europe. Its, its being the industrialized male considering everything thats been said and done. But since the end of the cold war fly would have rush it, throw anyone in the west, the lifeline. I mean i, i just dont see it. I mean, theres so many things that have been said that cant be on said. And what about sanctions and all of that, do you think the americans will ever retract anything soon . Of course they will under any circumstances. So what does rustic get out of its own has gotten is about a pack of lies and deceit. Sorry, thats my opinion. Glen more, right. Well, if were going to dismiss loops, comments about russian inflation, then theres not much left on the table in terms of what could be attracted to the gym. But i think which is hes an international space. He does think, but he thinks of a well doesnt think of the region when he did an applicant of the last week was very interesting. But we didnt get too much attention from west of me to read a whole lot of that. A lot of did a condescending commentary, which was completely unfounded. Okay. I, i find what i just told me its the inability to read the home said they can, but just dont, cant read the room. Im sorry about, go ahead. I think thats a good to does one piece. I think the other the does. I dont think he wants to even envisage innovating them about part of your crime is. And so if youre still interested in the, in the Eastern European soviet motor, which didnt work just as the British Colonial model, it didnt look at peoples folks on the south field to acknowledge it. All right, in history. Why the present . But lets just because we couldnt afford to run anymore, it was like owning an expensive jag of the call that you couldnt afford to fill out. You know, im, i think the same argument applies to the end of the soviet union. And those countries, he doesnt love that so relationship, thats a resentful this from the kind of people hes not interested in in, in with a baby. But i think he thinks of a bigger picture, you know, and um, to go back to the on button side there, there is the other issue about but what i think you would like to end the war and maybe concentrate on the china threat. Not necessarily going to what would china, but the use of china is a mess. If deflection is because the a couple of emotions ever this song or be so stupid tablets, laptops, she couldnt imagine the meetings he had in um, in care of in 2015, 2016 with the um, the rest of the uh, president discussing the money and the bribes and all that, and i also get this Ukrainian Energy company um, uh, you know, teamed up with an american bond, so they could have an i p o l buttons vice president. Could i have the chief persecution ukraine that kicked out what she did . It couldve imagined any of this coming out. And, you know, and its extremely how its just continuing. You know, just this week. Its now being sanitized. Now were kind of being a western media is kind of shrugged his shoulders and say ok, all right, well go to the report and we believe the sol, so strong. And there was study discussions about the 5000000. 00 brian to each of them. We havent got a smoking gun. We havent got the receipts from the bank. So miss martin, dont you think its, its kind of interesting. Its a to them that you bring that up because, um, you know, the, because of this growing scandal here, the, by the administration decide what works is already lost of all, or, you know, whats the page move on . Okay, thats what theyre doing. Its trying to, you know, this is a success. We are, our policy has succeeded disney, right . And i mean its it, but testicle to, to say it out loud, but thats what theyre trying to convince people to, to Stewart George made the, which is, its interesting is that they, they want this, but they still continue to think that they can bleed russia. We have to remember everyone. Victoria nolan was temporarily promoted. Ok, i mean in a space that is looking for an offer. Is that the right person to go to george . Well, thats an excellent point to be the executive. Thats why im not buying the story of the, the, the, the back channel negotiations, because this is the person that was not only the most a logical in the states about the machine has been the driving force. Only obama, by the policy toward ukraine, obviously was a central figure. It was never blinked. And i mean, it was good. So to make the act, the deputy secretary of state, but it is a signal that there isnt going to be any change g as in go to a preside over any change or a policy as will bidens domestic problems. Well, we are, you know, what, what do leaders do when they have major domestic problems . They huge, saw the escalate was escalate complex. As of there, nobodys talking about the button when way weve got something bigger to talk about. But we had a whether your brain, maybe even from the city of this. The downside of that, is it being so did you, craig, inside of the huts were bidens domestic problems. The unfortunately were rapidly running out of time. But i want to bring up something that i thought was interesting, is it responsible state craft likes just um sell themselves as a but above i would say, and im not going to mention the authors name because its not really important to my point. But in one of their articles the last few days, its very him, this is like every one once you praying to win and rush it to lose this token, the come from a think tank. You know that when c instead. Yeah, i thought they were a lot of smart people. I just want you crazy with aflac part of everyone. What kind of eric and says that more. Its unfortunate as the subs poignant reminds of the times that were living and it is a detachment from the inside democratic process of western countries. We dont care anymore about what our citizens think we barely eat for. Consider that is even once every 4 or 5 years at the elections and the situation that we have in person with the labor and conservative. While youre having america, we, republicans and democrats and us, people are finally beginning to wake up. It doesnt matter which party you work for anymore. You know, its all part of the corrupt religious system. And their main purpose is to fold keep themselves in positions, getting self in jobs. And secondly, computers and disrupt the public away from ever asking any remotely intelligent question. Then i, im getting sick to death. Im reading articles and the British Press of them the Daily Telegraph about whats going on and ukraine, and been a russian dictate to kidnapping sounds of children, you know. And then the, so essentially she read what was expected or could, when general is read other articles and they see those words in the 3rd paragraph. You know, youre working in a b, s of not b s or somebody also. Oh, certainly its really interesting to george right now. Well, so when it comes to russia they, they never use the word led just anymore. The website just, i just assumed. Okay, so theres no, according to of the report this assignments. No, no, its just, its a edit established fact. Ok for that matter we can get the source, the it as a, its always a given as a, as a question on question. Fact the rest of the structure blue up way dialects dont civilian of the sides. Um, but when they report a russian denial, then i say when you times was it was unable to independently from the russian play. And so theres always, you know, whatever the rest to say anything when we were not able to confirm this claim. But apparently, the brain is going to complain, whatever they want, then theres no need to verify anything. But its, but those are then brought in this idea of the, whenever boot is, isnt it . They put in full, slee claimed, so it is likely the journalist just inserts his own opinion, full sleep claim, because they were out, the light was full. So what, what, what do you, what are you basing this on what the only western media has in real time Fact Checking the, the back searching is there a variety, right to, i guess, go to your martin, go ahead. The other one is the lensky sense. When you leave here, those 2 words from the bbc or into the mainstream, British Press, you know, you know, your into the truman shows on where, but so really very little. We have enough to stick to, you know, why would you let facts done in the way of a good story . Thats been the policy for so long now. You know, people dont know. They dont know the Propaganda Machine thats been created by the americans. A kid, they dont know that most of the stories that were seeing completely fictitious and this, this has an effect on the leaders checks the company. Ive always said they have a white board and they just go from the next story. The next story is all planned in advance. Gentleman thats all behind we have one, i think my guess americans and booted as i want to make our viewers for watching us here at our teach. The next time we member press. That was the, the, the, as the cranes much over 5 to color offensive stalls. Western leaders have made a remarkable rhetorical pivot. Bible says, proof of his already lost the board. The secretary of state lincoln says russia has lost their narrative because a form of pseudo reality because making the claim ukraine is wendy. Is untenable. The face of an early monday morning has been shifted. Hey, but its dont. Yes, if you said to came on the phone i from ukraine shedding, you can see the sky, the devastation behind me. Most of aliens killed and wounded in just the lake and steve craney and shelling of the Ministry Forces at the top of the gulf from what they need to say. The former colonial power from says finding, i know its hot for free. The designs president unable to reinstate the most of the organizational as a lot of it cooperation has denounced the recent buildings of the koran wall. Yet another desecration of the holy muslim book takes place in the

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