india is all impulse from russia shoots up despite the terms by the british prime minister. convinced today to support the western stand from ukraine with ally from moscow this saturday morning. welcome to our international. my name is peter scott bringing you 30 minutes of news and analysis. nazi. thank you. the rest, the state department claims ukrainian forces in murder you poll, continue to hold their ground. thus, despite russia earlier saying, the city had been cleared of ukrainian troops with remaining nationalist battalion fights is now blockaded. inside the us of style, industrial plants, russian foreign ministry spokesman murray as a carver said, statements from washington i am did for the escalating the conflict, but of a console only ear as a great rest of the statements as provocative an end at escalating the conflict on the main objective of such statements is to make the conflict gain momentum at the same time and this briefing, this very same people, declared their intention to continue to pump ukraine full of weapons. these statements occur amid a complete silence from the white house on the negotiation process. they are aimed at those who do not understand what is really happening is complete. disorganization of information is great, and in order to follow this trajectory of controlled chaos, jim dash, meanwhile rushes defense minister says multiple residents are no longer in danger. can now move around the city. freely. recent troops continued to deliver humanitarian aid to the population of the water. on city and the next republic authorities have also started removing rubble and wrecked military equipment from the streets. versus defense ministry is also criticize us claims about the situation on the ground demario pl. we're room as you look at the attempts of the speaker of the us state department to say that the nazis maintain control over mary . you paul, are a fake and direct help to terrorists at a high state level disco. the state department habitually misinformed its own citizens and every one else in the ukraine itself. its inhabitants in mary. u. paul and other cities is interesting to washington only in the context of fighting to the last ukranian against russia and staying in murder. you pull this footage on your screens now shows destruction in the local port after incense fighting buildings in the area were destroyed as well as ships. one of them blocking the entrance to the harbor on exploded minds aboard the vessels also present. a danger . armed forces of the dentist republic have been pulling out from mo, you pull to return to their permanent basis. now, such a residential areas in the city were taken. the soldiers received a warm welcome for local residents for the city of mount, or you will remain to set by a humanitarian crisis. many local blocking even basic necessities, such as few food and water. western media outlets have claimed under the boucher has been uncovered no matter you pull according to reports based on satellite images provided by a u. s. company. this comes as a key of officials said up to 9000 multiple civilians were buried in the nearby village of mangos ortiz maria financial reports this day after rushes, the face minister reported that now you police now on the total control of the russian army with signs of normality, life and safety. finally coming back to the city. totally out of the blue, the cities may or claims. all of a sudden that russians have been bearing civilians in thousands. in the village of mon goes outside murray, you will to hide his words. they are barbaric war crimes. he even describes that they happen using trucks to collect dead corpses on the trees and dumped them in to freshly dug trenches. there is no reaction so far from russia's defense, ministry was to wait for it, but the mayor has been quick to describe, but as genocide mistaken listen. the biggest war crime of the 21st century was committed in mary. you paul, this is the new bobby yar. now putin is exterminating ukrainians. she has already killed tens of thousands of civilians in mary paul. and this requires a strong reaction from the entire civilized world. everything must be done to stop this genocide. there are still many questions in the story of 1st and re claims that the russian is happening to and the whole april. the question is why it is only now that he decided to make this story public. if he was aware all the time about that. next she talks about civilians. how did he make this conclusion that he visit the site? this is very likely because it's been everywhere in the news that the mayor left mary, you pull at the end of march because there was no connection there shortly after the majors claims the u. s. max, our technology company released satellite images apparently showing the same site that the mayor talked about. and they claim that there are grades they are on this pictures. but if you look at those images, it's really hard to say what you can see. they're like, i mean they are a little bit blurred and it's, it's really hard to make any conclusion based on this particular picture. so we have that, we have to be years words and that's it. but the mainstream media have been really quick to pick it up and to, to spread these claims and to quote, genocide, war crimes and other like strong wards. and that indeed reminds us about the another media story around the credit in town of boucher and i co meet it because there was a lot of media attention involved in that story. while little facts and little evidence from the ground to remind you. days after the russian army left, the town of butcher, north of kias video, started to emerge and apparently showing dead by line on the street and key of a use. they these videos as the avid and so they presented it as the evidence of mass killings of civilians and wall crimes committed by the russian army, russia, defense ministry and official. moscow. unable to came out to describe it as a fake and to deny all the allegations. and now we don't hear about boot at all anymore in and in use. but we still continue receiving evidence that some tried actually to play dirty, to push accusations of atrocities in butcher on 2 more sca. let's now listen to one of the grant in refugees. he is originally from kia, but now he's in europe. and this is his testimony. from when both the 1st one man came up to me, then another joined him faster i was coming from. and if i was a refugee, i replied that i was from can't. they said they had office regarding germany, switzerland, spain, and so on, that i could go that and i would have everything that they said they would give me a password, which i would show to the police. and they would take me to a refugee camp. they would then have to question me that asked what i was supposed to tell the police. and then they told me to say that i'm from butcher not care. they want me to say that fashion was russians came to, but started bombing and killing civilians shooting, raping and rubbing. i would need to confirm this, and they would record on video max. our company is the same company who's satellite images. again, we're involved in butcher stories, they were turkish investigators. later, they released a huge research on that, and they proved that some of these pictures were false. so we know that this company is maintained by pen to go. so maybe this company has some interest in this story. let's take a listen max. our enables the u. s. department of defense and its allies to better monitor, understand and respond to global events, deter threats and ensure global security. together the many elements of macs are can help the d o d media far reaching modernization goals, maintain decision advantage, and rapidly identify and predict change. so what we hold here is proper independent investigation, just like the story of butcher. but again, and for can, can we only hear about accusations and actually claims that they were crimes and that they were committed by russians as a matter of fact. and while some media outlets barked kiev in accusing rush of genocide, the un has stopped shorts of supporting those claims things. such buttons have not been documented. a lot of these legal qualifications, crimes against humanity and genocide at the end of the day would be for a court of law to determine. but no, we have not documented patterns that could amount to genocide. earlier we heard from civil rights attorney, robert patillo, who believes the west is using the allegations of war crimes to justify increased weapons shipments to ukraine. we've seen presents zalinski are wanting a full court press, were western aid. i'm, this is when we started seeing these pushes for quote unquote, war crimes and crimes against humanity. just today, president body mounts another $800000000.00 or $800000000.00 military directly to the ukraine. germany is backing this all sending more missiles and bombs and tanks to the craniums are also seeing $29.00 fighters being shipped there. so the more but once he gets on western television and claims that they are under the threat of war crimes in the russian government, the more money is being pushed down thing. we're near $33.00 trillion dollars from united states directly to once at this point in time, just to military aid that another thing, $1500000.00 g, mandatory and aid. so the end of the day, the same government, both president trump and president biden, called one of the most corrupt governments in the world, is getting massive amounts, billions of dollars, aid from from the west. and this is why they keep pushing the story about war crimes of very little evidence to back it up india, which is the world's 3rd biggest oil buyer, is purchased almost as much russian on in the 1st months of this year. and in the whole of 2021. and he comes as more western states tried to cut energy supplies from russia, made the ongoing war and ukraine. now the main benefits of russian euro's oil is, is discounts of brent crude. just currently around $30.00 per barrel versus i to be trying to restrict shades energy supply route to midwest and attempt to phase out oil impulse from moscow because of the war in ukraine. we spoke to an international relations professor from india who told us the country will maintain its oil imports from russia in the very big country. and we have our own northern ami and independence. we have been importing from russia and that we intend to continue to import from russia. but as a w me concert that depends on the pricing. and then depends on the what the relations between the company in the to got into every country personally know who they'll read that. especially in the new print. and i'm talking on the european countries. and they have also left more room to deal with the import and import from russia. and question of, you know, importing, trying to be any problem as well. thanks. will be imposed for not following sanctions and that out against a country like india. you've been simply forget it, india is to be a country, really powerful emily. every country has to deal with india based on india thing. and so therefore, we are not very much scared. meanwhile, britton's prime minister discussed the situation in ukraine during tours with the indian counts partner and remotely boys johnson on the line that india's leader had a very strong position on new bushes, auctions and ukraine. that's despite motor himself early stopping short of our criticism of moscow while calling for an open investigation into allegations of war crimes. did you also find minister modi to use is influence in moscow to put pressure on russia? indians have actually, and they're under moody in particular have of come out and been very strong in their language about what's happened in boucher and talking to a to and to render to promise to lady to day it's. it's clear that he has already intervened several times, hardly met boot josh, i had met recently. the news of innocent civilians been killed in the city of butcher is very worrying. we mediately condemn this and have also demanded an independent investigation to london. we hope the ongoing talks between rush from ukraine will show the path to peace. prime minister, not in the mall b, and his biggest challenge box bore is johnson in their bilateral meeting. there was a consensus on seeking a dialogue for the mitigation of ukrainian guys crisis, and boom. the lead does actually indicated that they respected each other, sovereignty the respective each other's point of view. and this was also a big indication that borders johnson is ready different from president joe biden. he allowed prime minister letting their morgy dean, his g defendants resolve. we are sure he did not wish india d. o don's against russia, which i'll present jerome. i do want you to go to johnson is hoping for a free trade agreement rating much the same time. there was no, oh no, a doctor, no issue or discussion about yas, for digit partnership. russia. there was no point raised over the fact that india has stayed neutral and has not supported any sanctions against russia. all of the nice is in fact india also has family will just feelings, but it's also fun for an investigation and has not taken the same stance as usual punches and it's not minister is hoping for a partnership. i don't mean a, b, r 's, which is ad or pay cyber r a c. and we re be seeing some kind of a free trade agreement between india and the new kid coming october. meanwhile, india has condemned the visits of an american congress foreign to pakistan, control parts of dispute to cash. man. if such a politician wishes to practise her narrow minded politics at home, that's probably her business. but violating our territorial integrity and sovereignty in its pursuit makes this our business is well. we think the visit deserves condemnation. during her visit to kashmir, u. s. congress own ilan. omar pledge to urge washington's pay more attention to the disputed region, which india claims as his own asserting it's under pakistani occupation. us law make also do condemnation from new delhi for criticizing its human rights record. a former indian navy offices as washington shouldn't be meddling in the territorial dispute between india and pakistan. and he asked to be brown and that condemned with it and all because there isn't any on those charge that the nations, as far as the block occupied, gosh, that he's got bilateral dish. and therefore, any questions from our make commissions never shut the fridge. shut up, saying that is condemned to the call. what more can be the level? so i get the best selection definitions that you have with us because i know who you are. are there shares our partners? no, on the spot here. what we got. awesome. i'm choose your book for so long, long as well just by mounting pressure from the us and its allies on india to take a stance against russia. medical companies from the 2 companies have discussed how to boost imports of indian equipment to russia after western sanctions slash supplies from europe. india's hoping to drastically boost its export to russia, the 2 countries workouts a payment system and the national currencies. new delhi is eyeing a potential tenfold increase of its supplies this year, a coordinator, the association of indian medical device industries says the country is ready to meet russia's needs for medical equipments, india and risk very long as per your request. and in the case of pharmaceuticals as but as medical devices, it's the same scenario. so we do notice that the war situation, or disruption of the blaze, of medical devices from europe coming into russia and is, are differently and a 100 people in the manufacturers to meet the demands and requirements of the russian buyers. what facing any chance of getting the supplies from europe in many of the indian manufacturing is very strong and become support which ablaze from india. so if the russian people lead to good medical devices are definitely, there's other responsibility to address those needs and help exists more affordable . i wanted medical devices from india, brussels says it may be possible to pay for russian gas supplies in roubles is demanded by moscow. and without preaching european sanctions, this does come days after germany refused to accept. let me putins demands on the new payment method for us and gas. meanwhile, the use top diplomats submitted. there's no units in europe on cooking energy ties with russia. you said barrel made the statement following the latest talks on a new round of sanctions against moscow. i can't give a date. every one can speculate, but as far as i know, there is no proposal on the table. but there are options on the best way to do it. attacks and import band, the iranian system. many economists say that the rational thing would be to make gas and oil more expensive, so that incentives are created to look for alternative sources. none of these proposals has achieved the necessary unanimity. well, what berella is hinting out there is what we have known for a long time is that some european nations of pro, this type of outright ban. others say that he is a red line. what use of for l is saying now is that they could be a collective agreement rather than unanimous agreement for the sanction to be across the you. so that would mean individual countries would be able to try and block oil and gas if they so wish to do so. but it does come with a big warning. washington saying that such a blockade by the you could actually cripple weston economies and even boost the price of fossil fuels, which would only $8.00 the kremlin scoffers in the future. that was a warning that came from janet jaelyn, who's the us treasury secretary, who said that, you know, this could precipitate something like the crisis that was seen in the 19 seventy's, and that could lead to huge global recession. now, staying with washington, we've also heard from us present, joe biden, over the last, the days about the unity of western nations. remember, she knew was, you know, i'm calm, my wife. i don't think she said that president putin thought the west would crack a in the face of the war in ukraine, and that hasn't happened. he said that the u. s. in western allies will continue to support ukraine, whether that is with military, my right, or whether that's with finance is to assist the country. he said that they won't be any lessening over the resolve to assist ukraine in this situation. and he also talked about the recent gains by russia in the east of ukraine, saying that they will not be long term and can be resolved and returned back to ukraine. very different words though, coming out for the british prime minister boris johnson, who is in india at the moment for trade talks with the country. the sad thing is that that is a realistic possibility. yeah, of course. a putin has a, a huge army. he has a very difficult political position because he's made a catastrophic blunder or he has the, the only option in our house really is to continue to try to use his of his appalling grinding approach driven lead by artillery, trying to grind the ukrainians down. however, he said that the u. k. support is still with ukraine. and as such, there is suggestion now that the u. k. could actually send tanks in to poland, allowing the polish army to pass on their soviet era tanks for use in ukraine to assist the country there with their continued war efforts. but what's really interesting now is how we are seeing different versions coming out from different countries about what's happening on the ground and realistic possibilities for the future. the u. s. as reiterated his intent to sanction china, beijing provides material support to russia. miss military campaign in ukraine. shanice foreign minister, however, it back of the american warnings, making it clear the beijing or not change course. the deputy secretary of state's remarks amount to the old trick of smearing china, beijing's position on the ukraine issue as above board objective and beyond reproach. china has seen what we have done in terms of sanctions export controls, designations. these are v, russia, so it should give them some idea of the menu from which we could choose if indeed china were to provide material support. china has previously stated it bonds to continue strengthening strategic ties. russia, despite the threats of us sanctions, another regional power, india has taken a similar stance supporting cause for a diplomatic solution. while abstaining from voting against russia, the un india's prime ministers, as the country will also keep buying russian weapons to secure, is border with china. buck nong wong, senior politics later at birth university. so does the u. s. use as pressure tactics against countries to isolate moscow? in the chinese government's point of view. and because mr. biden has not been able to central to you claim to with the fight, the entropy, sanction he's been one of the very small options they can have and now or the sanctions has been released against russia. and in order to effectively isolate moscow from the international society and the u. s. computer that is quite important to get the chinese support as well. the u. s. e's because they are resorting to sanctions. and depending on sanction now, and it is actually shooting her own feet because it give a message to other countries, what does china to others more and middle powers that they can no longer dependent on us dollar. they have to top is to fight a portfolio within the central pan reserves. japan described for disputed cordial islands as illegally occupied by russia. that change in rhetoric comes for the 1st time in nearly 2 decades. the crill islands have been a long standing issue between moscow and tokyo, the dates back to the end of the 2nd world war. as after japan impose sanctions on russia. moscow broke off talks over the disputes of territories. it also holds that a visa, free travel for japanese citizens to the islands and withdrawn from negotiations with japan on establishing joint economic activities on the archipelago. professor wang when soldiers, japan underestimates, wishes ability to defend his interest in the region. i think japan japan view is like that under the sections of the united states, russia, national strengths him becomes a weaker than before and even asks for japan help. so in this way, japan think that they can go sheet. we could real islands with russia and even that take back the crew island. so i think this is a japan, as a strategic misjudgments, russia has the ability to take into account it national interest in the east and west at the same time, and also have the ability to leave, eat the 2nd toby got a fleet. i think a clue island belong to the food he, me and a late inhabited by russia, which is a lease out of the n t f e m. in the 2nd whoa to war. so russia should tell japan that the outcome of the world war 2nd can not be modified in the news. it's been a turbulence week for some western media platforms with one of them. disney being stripped of its unique status by far the lawmakers didn't. these privileges were scrubs as it criticized the so called don't say gay legislation, which forbids instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity from kindergarten through to 3rd grade. the same time, see, and plus service announced it will shut down on april 30th, just a month after launching august things disney has overreached and it's attempts to appeal to the l g. b t q. community think that they were mis informing their own workers, their employees, and certainly the public on what the bill and legislation in florida actually does . it never mentioned the word debt. what it does is restrict teacher is talking about sex with 5 year olds in 30, including gender reassignment surgery, transgender j. it. it basically says, don't talk about sex. the 5 year old. i think that parents overwhelmingly agree with that and people raise the question is why are teachers so adamant about wanting to talk about sex with 5 year olds. and the disney jumped in that tried to cater to some of their gay lesbian, transgender employees, about one percent protested. and they overreached again, and they're paying a big price both in terms of cancellations of, of the disney streaming, as well as cancellations of people coming to the part of that. so rob for this are, my name's peter scott, me back again in just over 30 minutes. with all the latest news and views here, nazi international, thank you for watching. ah, ah. ah . ah. north atlantic alliance recognizance that grafton wolfe ships cruising close to rushes, borders have become commonplace. along with military hardware re deployment and large scale exercises. nato has also developed its offensive capability near the russian borders every year, a russian backed resolution is submitted to the un against the glorification of not system the outcome is always the same. the estimates against it. and in recent years with ukrainian backing with typically the u. abstains but with most countries voting in favor, the document is accepted, but it's only advisory lou meter causing a writer and history professor with the american university.

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