Its wednesday, may 26, 5 00 a. M. Here in new york. We begin this morning with the most significant news to date in the criminal investigation into the former President Donald Trump. The Washington Post reports manhattans District Attorney has convened a grand jury thats expected to decide whether to indict trump or other executives at his company or the Trump Organization itself. The key for prosecutors now, gaining cooperation from Allen Weisselberg the longtime chief Financial Officer of trumps company. Last week his former daughterinlaw who has turned over documents to investigators offered her prediction. As far as im concerned there has been nothing legal going on in the past 21 years. Allen weisselberg, will he flip on trump . Yes. So if weisselberg flips that would be major, of course, and devastating for trump. So what is he saying this morning . Cnns Kara Scannell reports. Reporter the Washington Post reporting that the manhattan District Attorneys office has convened a special grand jury to hear evidence in its longrunning investigation of donald trump and the Trump Organization. The image of the grand jury marks a significant turn and suggests prosecutors believe they have some evidence of a crime. According to the post the grand jury will sit three days a week for six months, it will also hear other cases and its not exclusively focused on the trump investigation, but the sitting of a special grand jury is a sign that the investigation is advancing and prosecutors are closer to deciding whether to seek potential criminal charges. The das investigation has been under way for several years, prosecutors are investigating numerous potential crimes including tax fraud, insurance fraud, also whether the Trump Organization inflated the value of Certain Properties to get loans, falsified Business Records or broke the law when reimbursing Michael Cohen for facilitating Hush Money Payments to stormy daniels, the woman who said she had an affair with trump which he has denied. Late tuesday trump said the investigation is purely political, adding, it is a continuation of the greatest witchhunt in american history. Christine, laura . Kara scannell, thank you for that. Mounting questions this morning about the origins of coronavirus and who knew what and when. Cnn has learned there was a secret effort at the State Department to prove the virus originated in a lab in wuhan, china. The mission started under the watch of former Secretary Of State mike pompeo. So why did the Biden Administration shut the project down . Our kylie atwood reports from the State Department. Reporter this was a closely held inquiry at the State Department which was launched in the final months of the Trump Administration to look at the likely possibility according to sources who were involved in the effort that the covid19 pandemic could have come from a chinese lab and possibly had connections to the chinese governments biological Weapons Research and development program. Now, i am told by the Biden Administration that they reviewed this effort, but they had concerns about the quality of the findings. A state Department Spokesperson told me that the effort was shut down recently after the findings were reviewed in february and march of this year. Now, this was quite a dramatic effort here at the State Department because there were those who supported the effort saying that the rest of the u. S. Government as far as they knew were not probing the lab leak theory, the possibility that covid19 came from a lab and this needed to be done at the State Department, but then there were those who were opponents of this effort, saying it was secretive, saying that those involved were sharing their findings in interagency settings before sharing their findings with folks at the State Department and that they were chasing a certain outcome here. But this revelation and the fact that the shut this down comes as there has been renewed interest in the lab leak theory. Now, the u. S. Government still says they do not know when, where or how covid19 originated, began spreading, but there are renewed folks who are saying that the lab leak theory, that possibility, deserves some new attention. Laura and christine . Kylie, thanks for that. Another sign of trouble for the tokyo olympics, one of the official partners of the games is joining calls for cancellation. Cnns selina wang live at that companys headquarters with more. Hi there. Reporter christine, the symbolism is whats key. The first major newspaper in japan to call for a cancellation and also an official olympic sponsor. The real question is whether this leads to a Domino Effect allowing other major sponsors to speak out n this editorial that this newspaper wrote was scathing, it asked the question of what is even the point of the olympics if its being held against the will of the people and if its putting peoples lives in danger. It wrote, quote, we dont think it makes sense to hold the olympics and paralympics in tokyo this summer. The distress and opposition toward the ruling government, the tokyo government and olympic officials are widespread as they havent tried to address peoples doubts and concerns. Christine, as we spoke yesterday, this follows the u. S. State Department Warning americans to avoid travel to japan, you now have u. S. Public Health Experts adding to these concerns saying that there needs to be an urgent Risk Assessment of the risks associated with the games, they say its not just the risk of getting covid in japan and spreading it here, but also spreading new variants Around The World when these athletes return to their home countries and that concern tracks with what doctors are saying here, just 2 of the japanese population has been fully vaccinated. Doctors in some parts of the country are calling that there could be a system collapse. Potentially further adding strains to this already overstretched medical system in japan, a new report from the British Association of sustainable sport is saying that the intense heat and humidity during the summertime in tokyo, which is getting worse because of climate change, could put olympic athletes in the danger zone. Now, in 2018 more than 1,000 people died in japan because of a heat wave so real concerns here and its not just covid, christine. Selena for us in spoke joe, thank you for that. Here in the u. S. Theres a vaccination milestone. Half the countrys Adult Population fully vaccinated against covid19. According to cdc data almost of 60 are vaccinated if you include people age 12 and up. Moderna says its vaccine is safe and appears effective in adolescents, it will apply for fda authorization in early june. Young americans are not lining up for their shots, at least not so far. The cdc says under 8 of 18 to 24 year olds have done so thus far. Experts say young people still need to get vaccinated and warn even if the risk of serious illness from covid is low they face longterm symptoms if they get infected. If theyre going on to koomp us this fall in many colleges they will be required to. Cleaning up and heading out, vaccinated and emerging from our covid bubbles the masks are coming off and the lipstick is back on. Sales hit 34. 2 million in the four weeks ended april 18th, up 80 from last year, still short of prepandemic levels not quite where it was before covid but making up ground quickly. Its not subtle. Estee lauder said expect to see bright pink, orange, magenta and purple this summer. The company has been preparing for a makeup renaissance for the past six months. The Wall Street Journal put it this way, americans are cleaning up nicely, buying teeth whitener, nail polish, deodorant and new luggage, too. Vaccines are the gateway to normal after 15 months of Doing Everything At Home A vaccinated 2021 means going out to birthday parties, concerts, confirmations, vacations with the grooming products to go with it. Walmarts, macys, target and other retailers report strong sales for the first quarter. Vaccinations mean busier social calendars. Targets ceo said customers are more optimistic, ceos say customers still have a little money in their pocket from those rounds of stimulus checks. So its a boom for looking good, but a bust as we told you yesterday for hand sanitizer. The market is so flooded with the Stuff Retailers are slashing prices to get it off the shelves. Im okay with lipstick but im still not so sure about heels all the time, christine. I know. Ive been enjoying wearing jeans. What you dont know is laura and i wear jeans every day. Or soft pants as i call them. Soft pants. Still ahead, why did the gop finally decide, finally decide, to condemn Marjorie Taylor greene . Why else . Follow the money. Thats next. What happens when we Welcome Change . We can make Emergency Medicine possible at 40,000 feet. Instead of burning our past for power, we can harness the energy of the tiny electron. We can create new ways to connect. Rethinking how we communicate to be more inclusive than ever. With app, cloud and anywhere workspace solutions, vmware helps Companies Navigate change. Faster. Vmware. Welc vo change. 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With persistent cardiovascular risk or who have had them in the past. Tell your doctor if you experience an Irregular Heartbeat or other Heart Rhythm Problems. Possible side effects include muscle and joint pain. Celebrate less risk. Added cardio protection. Talk to your doctor about adding protection with vascepa. Psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff, swollen, painful. Tremfya® is approved to help reduce joint symptoms in adults with active psoriatic arthritis. Some patients even felt less fatigued. Serious allergic reactions may occur. Tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. Tremfya®. Emerge tremfyant™. Janssen can help you explore cost support options. Negotiators reaching a Pivotal Moment in the infrastructure talks, how much it could cost, how to pay for it, the subject of intensifying negotiations. Cnns Daniella Diaz live on capitol hill. President biden from day one has said this is all open for negotiation so where are they now . Reporter President Joe Biden has always been open to working with republicans and that is clearly whats happening in this case. Its crunch time. You know, republicans and democrats are trying to reach a deal on infrastructure before Memorial Day Weekend, which is approaching, and before the senate goes to recess. You know, on one hand you have this group of republican senators that is going to propose a new Infrastructure Proposal to President Joe Biden on thursday, much less than the 1. 7 trillion price tag that they had that the white house had proposed to them, this will likely be 1 trillion but these senators led by Shelly Moore Capito of West Virginia said that President Joe Biden has already expressed an openness to this 1 trillion price tag. Then on the other hand you have a Bipartisan Group of moderate senators, democratic and republican senators, led by senator mitt romney of utah who are working on a framework proposal for an Infrastructure Package and trying to find ways to pay for it not with Corporate Tax hikes. You know, one of the ways they are looking at this to pay for it is creating a fund to provide capital for water, electric and other projects. Theyre also looking at indexing the price of gas to inflation and charging electric vehicles for the miles they drive. And theyre also looking at using funding that was allocated during covid relief bills, but has remained unspent. So the big bottom line here is that theyre race to go try to reach a deal, try to reach a proposal with the white house before this Memorial Day Weekend approaching and they go to recess. Daniella diaz, we will be watching closely. Thank you. All right. Five days, five days, thats how long it took for House Republicans to finally speak up about what is going on with congresswoman Marjorie Taylor greene. On this program our aim is to get you the information you need to start your day. We do not fall for the outrage trap where minor members of congress try to get attention by saying something absurd orrist or crazy and try to fund raise off of it, but this is different. We feel compelled this time to be on the record that Republican Leadership taking five days to address greenes blatant antisemitic comments is something you need to know. Greene, greene is the one comparing Nancy Pelosis mask mandate to the holocaust and then, by the way, shes doubling down on t shes comparing the minor inconvenience of wearing a mask to protect your health to the yellow star which to be clear nazis used as a way to publicly identify, humiliate, isolate and exterminate 6 million jews. Five days for leadership to come together and figure out how to respond to this minor member of congress, Kevin Mccarthy couldnt just say greene was wrong, did he that other thing we dont like to do in this program, he invoked the false equivalency, he blamed pelosi and democrats for ignoring a rise in antisemitism. So why did the house gop leader finally speak . Money. Cnns jamie gangel reports republican donors urged him to speak up and some want greene expelled from the congress. At least one House Republican publicly agrees. What we can do sz a party is take a stand and say you dont belong in our conference. Thats what i think we should do. I think we should kick her out of the conference. If there was a kind of organic within the Conference Movement to oust liz cheney certainly we can have the same kind of movement to oust somebody that, you know, is trying to compare wearing a mask to the nazis. So why wouldnt mccarthy just expel her . Thats easy, donald trump. Mccarthy wants to stay on trumps good side and the former president supports greene. How did mccarthys push back go over with her . Well, greene retweeted, then deleted this from a supporter, i will let you look at it for yourself, who called mccarthy a, quote, moron and a feckless c word. Thats how low this has gone. Nothing but class. All right. On the oneyear anniversary of George Floyds death Kristen Clark became the first black woman to head up the justice departments civil rights division. The senate narrowly confirming clark with senator Susan Collins of maine the only republican to support her. At the doj clark will be in charge of investigating Police Abuses and enforcing Voting Rights laws and other federal statutes prohibiting discrimination. The richest black neighborhood in america ripped apart by a violent white mob in tulsa. The cnn film dream land The Burning Of Black Wall Street premiering monday at 9 00 p. M. Eastern only on cnn. 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And sometimes the hardest thing about homework is finding a place to do it. So why not Hook Community centers up with wifi . For kids like us, and all the Amazing Things were gonna learn. Over the next 10 years, comcast is committing 1 billion to reach 50 million lowincome americans with the tools and resources they need to be ready for anything. I hope youre ready. cause we are. Athletes and sports teams across the country paying tribute to jorm floyd on the oneyear anniversary of his death. Andy scholes has this mornings bleacher report. Good morning. George floyd changed the world, those were lebron james words laths night after the lakers win as players and teams across the country remembered floyd on the oneyear an verse of his death. The Minnesota Twins they held a Moment Of Silence before last nights game against the orioles as members of the Twins Organization lined up along the Warning Track at target field wearing end racism tshirts. Teams all across the nba also holding a Moment Of Silence before their game. The Seattle Storm of the wnba wearing shorts with the words call your senators in support of the george floyd cuss tis and policing act. Lebron james saying that he fully supports the bill and reflected on the oneyear anniversary last night. The man literally changed the world, you know, and, you know, its unfortunate obviously that his family has to, you know, grieve and still, you know, ask questions of why, there is an angel looking over all of us, looking over all these black kids in the black community and, you know, his family, you know, i continue my well wishes to them. As for the game lakers trying to even their series with the suns at a game apiece. Lebron and Anthony Davis coming through in the final minutes. Davis a huge three to put l. A. Up by six, under a minute to go lebron seals the win with a deep three. Lakers get the victory 109102 game three tomorrow night in l. A. Luka doncic dominating the clippers again, he was shooting onelegged fade away threes at one point. Scoring 39 points as the mavs beat l. A. 127101. Clippers lost five straight Playoff Games dating back to last season. Game three friday in dallas. Three for games tonight including a doubleheader on Tnt Beginning with hawks and knicks at 7 30 eastern. Finally cleveland pitcher zach glezac ends to the injured list with a broken thumb. The manager told reporters the righthander suffered the injury while rather aggressively ripping off his shirt and catching it on a chair. Its not known how much time hes going to miss. Im sure he will be a little more careful next time he changes his clothes, laura, because you can now file this one away in the bizarre injury file. Ripping off your shirt too aggressively, thats a new one, never heard that one. Got to be careful. Andy, thank you. Appreciate it. Purely political. Former President Trump firing back after the investigation into his company and potentially himself enters a new phase. Why a grand jury could signal charges could be on the way. What makes new salonpas Arthritis Gel so good for Arthritis Pain . Salonpas contains the most prescribed topical pain relief ingredient. Its clinically proven, reduces inflammation and comes in oginal prescription strength. Alonpas. Its good medicine. You hear that . Thats your weathered deck, crying for help. While you do nothing. Its inviting those geese over for target practice. Today, lets stain™. Right now get incredible savings on select behr premium® stains. Starting at 26. 98. You love rich, delicious ice cream. But your stomach doesnt. Well, that disagreement ends right now. Lactaid ice cream is the creamy, real ice cream you love that doesnt have lactose. Itll mess with every sense you have. But itll never mess with your stomach. Lactaid ice cream. Available in eight epic flavors. Lactaid. Real ice cream that treats you right. [ Crowd Cheering ] [ engine revving ] [ Race Light Countdown ] when you save money with allstate you feel like youre winning. Safe drivers save 40 saving is easy when youre in good hands. Allstate. Click or call for a quote today. Saving is easy when youre in good hands. Hey lily, i need a new wireless plan for my business, but all my employees need something different. Oh, we can help with that. Okay, imagine this. Your mover, rob, hes on the scene and needs a plan with a mobile hotspot. We cut to downtown, your sales rep lisa has to send some files, asap so basically i can pick the right plan for each employee. Yeah i shouldve just led with that. With at t business. You can pick the best plan for each employee and only pay for the features they need. All right. Good morning, this is early start, im christine romans. And im laura jarrett. Its 30 minutes exactly past the hour here in new york. All right. A major escalation in the investigations into former President Donald Trump. The Washington Post first reporting manhattans District Attorney has convened a grand jury that is expected to decide whether to indict the former president and other executives at his company or the business itself. Now, this move indicates that da cyrus vances investigation of President Trump and his business has reached a critical advanced stage after more than two years. It also suggests that vance thinks that he has found evidence of a crime if not by former President Donald Trump then somebody at his company. Tax fraud, insurance fraud, falsified Business Records and whether the Trump Administration misled lenders and Insurance Companies about the value of properties. Its sure to be a Tall Mountain for prosecutors to climb. I do think its a difficult case against trump. Fraud cases are hard, he has what would be perceived as an advice of counsel defense to some of the Fraud Charges and he doesnt email. So we know that there isnt going to be a lot of Documentary Evidence that demonstrates Donald Trumps knowledge of any misrepre misrepresentations to Insurance Companies, to banks, to tax authorities. Thats why Allen Weisselberg becomes so important. If he is indicted because he would know all of this stuff, then the question is whether or not he will cooperate. All right. Its time for three questions in three minutes. Lets bring in cnn legal analyst jennifer riders. So great to see you this morning. I appreciate you getting up. All right. Walk us through what is about to happen. Obviously the grand jury operates in secret so a lot of people dont know whats really going on behind closed doors. Walk us through it. Well, first of all, its not like a trial, i mean, if you have heard people say that a trial is not like Law And Order its a lot more long and tedious, this is even 100 times more than that because they put in basically every shred of potentially relevant evidence, bank records, the underlying communications records, every single witness, there is no hearsay allowed in the grand jury so witness a through z and on and on all have to testify so that takes time. Second the grand juries have the opportunity to ask questions so thats different from a trial. If they have concerns about, for example, whether prosecutors have proved the issue of the defendants intent they can ask about it and prosecutors can refer back to the evidence or even bring witnesses back for additional testimony. Finally, they will present a proposed indictment to the grand juries for them to vote on where they will say here is what we want to charge and here are the charges that we want you to vote on. Importantly the grand jury does not have to be unanimous, it can be just a Majority Vote and they are voting only on whether theres probable cause to believe a crime has occurred it doesnt have to be beyond a reasonable doubt like a criminal trial. Its so interesting obviously that prosecutors are not in there. Im not sure everybody realizes how oneside this had presentation is just in this beginning stage. I want to go back to something, though, that damaged goldman said, wills a former federal prosecutor in the setup here i dont know if you heard it but his point was, look, trump wasnt emailing. This isnt going to be a case where theres going to be tons of evidence from trump himself. How hard is that, then, going to be to bring a case potentially against him directly as opposed to against maybe other members of the company or the company itself . Dan is right and it definitely adds to the challenge here, but the most difficult thing to prove is almost always the defendants intent and the easiest way to prove that is usually through the defendants own words. So as dan suggested emails are a great way to prove what the defendants intent was, even better would be recorded conversations where the defendant is talking about committing the crime. So you dont have that here likely, but what you do have probably is witness testimony. If Allen Weisselberg flips, for example, he can talk about conversations with donald trump about what they were doing and why. So you can get at that information another way, its just if theres not a paper trail you have an additional challenge there. It seems like weisselberg is key as he has been with trump for over 40 years so he obviously knows quite a bit. I also i want to get your thoughts, though, you know, trump for so long was so focused on the russia investigation when it seems to me that these investigations in new york were always the ones that potentially he faced the most exposure but he also has the investigation going on down in Fulton County in georgia about his statements to the Secretary Of State there, pressuring him to change the results of the election. He has plenty of civil lawsuits in the queue. In your mind which are the cases or the one case where you think he faces the greatest possible exposure . Is it the new york case . I think it is, although its funny that you mention the russia investigation because i do think that while theres less of a likelihood that a case is brought based on that activity, if it were brought and it would have to be brought by the federal authorities, that Obstruction Of Justice case with don mcgahn and trying to fire the fbi director and the purpose behind that is a pretty cleancut case. So i dont think the biden doj is going to do it but if they did that would be another area along with the new york face where there would be significant personal liability potentially. So much to unpack here. Jennifer rodgers, coy talk to you for hours. Thank you so much for getting up. All right. To americans are returning to the skies again but Brian Chess Key told poppy harlow Business Travel wont go back to the way it was before the pandemic. The far is now higher to get on a plane to do a meeting. Now have what they didnt have a year or two ago. Many people have flexibility, flexibility about where they travel, live and work and theyre starting to combine all of those. Once people have something they wont want to let go of it. He said airbnb is seeing Travel Activity back to the 2019 levels. He said almost a quarter of airbnbs bookings in the quarter were for stays of 28 days or more. Pent up demand for travel means planes are crowded again and pricing are rising. U. S. Airfares are up 9 since the beginning of april. For months planes were mostly empty and airlines slashed flights. As demand so d o [ inaudible ] to visit his home. A new Court Filing Says lonnie Leroy Kaufman had wanted to discuss the Election Fraud myth with the texas senator. Prosecutors say a cruz staffer who talked to kaufman described him as, quote, not 100 there. The filing says the 71yearold vietnam vet participated in a paramilitary patrol on the southern border seven years ago. Kaufman has pleaded not guilty and remains behind bars. And the senate expected to vote tomorrow on whether to move forward with a Bipartisan Commission to investigate that capitol riot. Right now it doesnt look like it will get the 60 votes needed to advance to a final vote. This as Democratic Senators joe manchin and Kyrsten Sinema who are both in favor of preserving the filibuster issued a Statement Demand that go Republicans Green Light this bill. Still manchin told cnn he would not support flowing up the filibuster over this. Americas longest war is winding down. But as u. S. Troops leave afghanistan thousands of afghans who worked for them are being left behind. So how to keep them safe now. Nick paton walsh has reported extensively for years from afghanistan. He has new information this morning. Nick, what are you learning . Reporter the pentagon according to my colleagues in washington are in the early stages of planning for the possibility that they may have to evacuate maybe thousands of afghans who worked for the United States during this nearly 20yearlong presence. Now, firstly, it is remarkable frankly that this is occurring to them at this stage. For the last ten plus years ive had afghan colleagues, friends doing all they can, frankly, to get out of afghanistan because of the worsening security situation. Often people i worked with there over years are now in canada, they are in turkey, there is a scramble amongst them possibly to get out as much as they can because of the looming showdown with an advancing taliban. But the pentagon planning essentially is trying to work out how they might be able to avoid the embarrassing for the u. S. And shocking for these afghan scenes of a taliban marching on the Capital City Kabul and those who worked for The Americans being essentially left behind. Now, the State Department say there are as many as 18,000 people who have applied for the kind of visa they need to apply in order to get out of afghanistan and go to the United States. 18,000. Now, i mean, i know from what ive heard from people in the country it takes over a year at times to get yourself processed and moved out and often afghan translators who have worked for the United States have found themselves beaten, often killed at times by the insurgency as it moves forward. Now, this problem is just going to get worse in the months ahead. The United States also yesterday announced that it had got maybe as far as a quarter of the way through its full withdrawal from afghanistan and this may be something that occurs at some point during july. So the acute need to help the afghans who worked for the United States who are still there or just rise and accentuate in the months ahead and the possibility that the State Department have to fly an extra personnel to process these visas frankly even that as some officials are suggest that go may be the case thats unlike leg to get through the 18,000. A very stark series of measures are required here in the months ahead to make this last moment of americas longest war not an acute failure of those afghans who served them. Back to you. Very well part. Thank you so much for your reporting. New rules for Pipeline Companies two weeks after that cyber attack shut down operations at one of the countrys most important pipelines for nearly a week. The directive from Homeland Security will require companies to report all Cyber Attacks to the federal government. It will be issued in the coming days. Right now the Reporting System is only voluntary. 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Com commitment that Cable Car Accident in Northern Italy that killed 14 people on sunday, three top officials with the company that ran the Cable Car Service they have been arrested. They face several charges klugman slaughter. Prosecutors say the men were responsible for tampering with the Braking System to work around an ongoing problem with stalls. Cnn has reached out to the mens lawyers for comment. President biden says sanctions against belarus are in play after the country forced a commercial flight to the ground so that officials could arrest an opposition journalist. Cnns Fred Pleitgen has been following the story. Hes live in berlin. Fred, what are the options on the table for President Biden . Reporter i think one of the main optiones is probably to not allow u. S. Airlines to fly over Belarusian Air space in the future. That certainly is something that would probably not do too much damage to most u. S. Airlines because most do not fly over belarus anyway, however, did i see at least today some u. S. Cargo airlines are flying over Belarusian Air space. That would be one of the options. Sanctions would be another option as well against entities and also against people close to the lukashenko regime. That seems to be one of the directions that the u. S. Allies and European Union are going. Meanwhile, Alexander Lukashenko the belarusian president gave a speech today in Parliament Addressing that bringing down of the ryanairplane in minsk. Claimed that the alleged bomb threat came from switzerland. This came after the belarusian authorities claimed at that it had been hamas that put the bomb threat on board which even hamas later denied. He also said that they will continue to be tough against the opposition, against what he called detractors outside of belarus as well. If you look at some of the things that are happening it certainly is pretty troubling to the international community. After that journalist was taken off the plane and arrested, Roman Protasevich was essentially as the opposition says forced to make a semiconfessional video. His companion he was travel with, a Russian Citizen was also featured in a video on belarusian progovernment media, that also causing a lot of outrage as well, guys. Fred, thanks so much. I appreciate your reporting on this. So belarus will no doubt be on the agenda when President Biden and russian president Vladimir Putin hold their first Summit Meeting in geneva next month. Matthew chance live in moscow with the details. Im just curious who benefits more from a facetoface between these two leaders . Is it biden or is it putin . Reporter well, i think they both got interest in meeting each other. I mean, look, from the biden Point Of View his administration has been saying we want to try to find a way of putting the relationship with russia back on a stable footing, you know, because there are so many kind of, you know, random explosions and crises, you know, with russia behind it from hacking to escalating tensions in Eastern Ukraine to, you know, a host of other issues, the arrest of, you know, a leading dissident, leading Opposition Figure here in russia that its sort of distracting from the main sort of geopolitical concerns that the Biden Administration has, like china, for instance. And how to deal with the challenge posed by that country. From the Russian Point of view theyre burred with sanctions particularly from the United States, from other countries as well. They want to find a way of establishing a relationship with the u. S. So they can get some of those sanctions lifted, so that they can, you know, start to grow their economy again, which has been damaged by those sanctions and, of course, by the Global Pandemic as many economies have been. Now, in terms of expectations from this meeting in midjune, i think theyre pretty low. Not least because, you know, both leaders are going to be going into that meeting and the Press Conference afterwards, which im looking forward to because its going to be potentially very tense indeed, with both leaders showing the world that they havent backed down to the other one. Putin is going to want to show that he doesnt back down. Biden will have the Hell Siky Summit in 2016 between putin and trump in his mind where he sort of went with putin over the intelligence of his own intelligence gathering services. So its potentially going to be a very fraught meeting and fraught Press Conference, christine. I dont think you will see an american leader quite so deferential this time around. Police are looking for a suspect in a series of mysterious shooting incidents on the i91 freeway in southern california. Over 100 cars have been hit by projectiles in the past month in los angeles, riverside and orange counties. Police believe the shooter is using a bb or pellet gun causing shattered windows and at least one injury. A Florida High School is accused of promoting a sexist Double Standard in its yearbook, Bartram High School altered photos of female students to mask cleavage. There are unedited photos in that yearbook that include the mens swim team wearing bathing suits. The superintendent says there was an insufficient review before the girls pictures were edit itded. Five decades after a mississippi teenager was murdered prosecutors confirm a Catholic Priest close to the family committed the crime. Officials were obtaining an Arrest Warrant for Richard Levine but he died hours later from respiratory failure. The victim 13 years old at the time was found dead in a river in massachusetts back this 1972. It looking at markets Around The World this wednesday morning, you can see asian shares closed higher, europe has opened narrowly mixed here and on wall street stock Index Futures are pointing high why are. It was a down day, stocks closed slightly lower tuesday, unable to hang on to gains earlier in the day, the dow fell 81 points, the s p 500 and the nasdaq down very slightly here. Wall streets biggest banks will weigh in on how they see the recovery today. The ceos of jpmorgan chase, citi group and wells fargo testify virtually before the Senate Banking economy. Amazon is facing an antitrust lawsuit from washington, d. C. Alleging its Pricing Practices hurt competition and keep prices high for customers. The lawsuit focuses on amazons relationship with its thirdparty sellers alleging amazon bans sellers from offering their products on other websites for lower prices. D. C. Attorney general karl racine told reporters the restrictions placed on sellers has allowed amazon to build and maintain monopoly power. A spokesperson for amazon says it takes pride in offering low prices. Americans are getting vaccinated, getting back outside. During a conference tuesday ubers ceo says hes unhappy with how long its taking drivers to pick up customers and the prices customers are being charged. He added while Driver Supply is Getting Better theres still a lot of room to grow as demand is outpacing supply. Uber and lyft are struggling to find drivers, if they cant get enough drivers customers may face longer wait times. A California Man is probably lucky to be alive this morning after his parachute got tangled in the power lines in lake elsinor. The power was cut and firefighters had to use a Safety Basket to rescue him. He was stuck 33 feet off the ground. His injuries, though, were only minor. Still looking at the skies, the moon is about to put on a show. The full moon today will be the first total Lunar Eclipse since 2019 and it is set to begin within hours in the u. S. The moon will have a reddish hue as it aligns with the sun and the earth. This will also be a super moon. The closest moon to earth this year. The eclipse will last about 15 minutes. Very cool. Finally this morning we say farewell to one of the most beloved and psych nick movie voices of all time. Under the sea Under The Sea darling, its better down where its wetter take it from me Samuel E Wright the voice of sebastian the crab has died. Thats according to a Facebook Post from his daughter. Under the sea won the Oscar For Best Original Song in 1989. Wright had an extensive career on broadway, he played knew pfaff is a in lion king when it opened in 1997 and was Jesus Christ Superstar and in pifpin. He was 74 years old. Truly a very big talent there. Millions and millions of children singing that song with him. Thanks for joining us, im christine romans. Im laura jarrett. New day is next. If a man see me oh my gosh i guess you never know what you got til its flow oh my gosh where man go oh my gosh if a man see me oh my gosh i guess you never know what you got til its eh uh, eh lactaid is 100 real milk, just without the lactose. So you can enjoy it even if youre sensitive to dairy. So anyone who says lactaid isnt real milk is also saying mabel here isnt a real cow. And she really hates that. What makes new salonpas Arthritis Gel so good for Arthritis Pain . Mabel here isnt a real cow. Salonpas contains the most prescribed topical pain relief ingredient. 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