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m.p.'s a standing down over claims they made hundreds of thousands of euros for brokering face mask to speak more on the scandal here's our europe correspondent. make no bones about it this is a big scandal here in germany pandemic profiteering isn't a look any party wants to be tarnished with in this is part of the ruling coalition here including angela merkel's christian democratic union party the representative of that party nicolas lobel has said he's going to step down at the next election this is after his company allegedly made around a quarter of a 1000000 euro from being the middleman in deals when it came to pee pee and masks during this pandemic that may not be good enough for some some of said he needs to go right now and not wait until the election in the autumn however he said he is sorry for what he's done so far but he isn't the only one that's been involved in this scandal we've also heard that. from the very insistent party the c s u is facing a corruption probe after he's understood to have taken away a 6 figure sum for being the middle man again in deals involving masks he's already said he's not going to run in september he has stood down from his position as the deputy leader of the union parliamentary group but he's denied any wrongdoing what this is prompted is well senior figures including members of angular merkel's cabinet coming out and saying there's no way this can be tolerated in condemning those 2 politicians to collect a commission that it's again to earn money 3 mediation in emergency situations is not possible that destroys trust in our democracy those who fill their own pockets with essential goods such as masks do not represent the people but the lowest interests it's understandable why the center right block is circling the wagons there's obviously a bundestag election coming up in september but before that just next sunday there's 2. and regional elections as well and they want the candidates involved not to be as distant from this particular scandal as possible there's also a want to not want to add more fuel to a fire of frustration at the same people demonstrate against the way the government has handled the pandemic here in germany and it's not just a german issue we've also seen those protests taking place across europe thank. you thank you i do not ignore what i would. rather go to. a level of hope that they will truly only be added to when it starts coming out that m.p.'s the politicians were enriching themselves personally during this pandemic he told of a report in which journalist and author thomas fassbender told us that public anger over the years she will damage the ruling party i think that definitely the christian democrats as a party at the forthcoming for coming elections will take a hit there's no question there is anger about this the interesting thing here is that mr little bit just last year was the subject of a completely unrelated correctional misbehavior commercial misbehavior case with these own property that man has been known for a sort of potentially shady behavior is there where allegations and nevertheless the party sort of shut their eyes that is of course 'd the dangerous thing it's not just a matter of the law such of the letter of the law but also. 'd about the way it is . now downing street is being criticised for spending millions of pounds on a white house style media briefing room it comes as the country's former standards are called prime minister boris johnson's alleged use of a charity for a 6 figure renovation of his official property and abuse of his position and some so you have pointed out it all stands in stark contrast to the major pay rise offered to health workers on the front line of the code would fight 1000000 spend on a media briefing room 3 and a half pounds a week for nurses make no mistake this is a political choice by the tories it sums up boris johnson's warped priorities that he can find millions for vanity projects while picking the pockets of n.h.s. staff our n.h.s. heroes deserve a fair pay rise after all they have done for us the conservatives are wasting $2600000.00 pounds on a vanity media sense of boris johnson while denying n.h.s. workers a fair pay rise the conservatives priorities are not the british people's priorities the u.k. government insists that difficult economic circumstances mean it can only afford a one percent pay hike for n.h.s. staff but with inflation predicted to reach one and a half percent this year that would likely result in a real term pay cut and this is union says that they deserve more than is preparing for strikes political commentator anthony webber says that the government's priorities are completely wrong. but the media companies don't actually need these. facilities one those are sure to derail a fine or our will is a shortage of finance but money should go in the sewer. you know more such schools are options logical direction like. giving a nation a start but it doesn't go out. rather a pool message that the government's prepared to spend money on promoting its own interests but not prepared to spend money on people who have been looking after people who are building a hospital in uncertain or people who like the n.h.s. converts or even nurses and stone that said the government is extending to the september quarter skein which pays 80 percent of people's wages for hours that they can't work during the pandemic it predicts the cash injection will get the economy back on track in the latest episode of artie's going underground the british economic historian robert skidelsky questions the numbers. they think there's a lot of pent up demand that there are a lot of savings that people haven't been able to spend and that as the shops and entertainment places reopened people will flock to these places with a straw spending power and that'll make the whole thing revived but if you look at it realistically i'm very skeptical about this because national income has fall or it's fallen by 10 percent cent in 2020 that means savings of all there are you know some people will have extra savings but what about all those whose incomes have fall they're not going to have extra spending power we're talking about people who are being made on employed because small businesses are closing going bankrupt and or cutting down on their start and rather than keeping that population on 1st. i would try and provide work for them and especially young people. now it's a central region of last year i want to make the russians burning the vaccine and has asked the government to consider its proposal last a water plan stated by a 1000000 doses of the shot and the country's health minister says he supports russia's jan. in my opinion if the vaccine works and is safe i do not really care about the nationality of the scientists who developed it therefore i am open to sputnik v. as well as to other vaccines should the european medicines agency in the attorney and medicines agency give their approval we are ready to cooperate with russia even very soon sputnik day has already been approved until countries hungry and slovakia's and it comes as the block is criticized for the slow pace of coronavirus an occupation in member states health chief of italy central last year region told us about the approval process the sputnik think. it's necessary to produce vaccines in house in order to be self-reliant and avoid the problems we've recently faced including the difficulties with job supplies and on time deliveries autonomy will benefit everyone in this case we've always treated the sputnik vaccine with great respect paying particular attention to the scientific evidence behind it therefore we had no reservations about it off we saw the in that explanations of its validity in the medical journal the lancet and by the last there are small and zani national institute for infectious diseases in row we've always said that the efficacy and safety of vaccines are the main thing whereas their origin doesn't matter to us. unfortunately we can't say decisions absolutely independently and always have to wait for the approval by regulators will so hope for a fast track process so that it doesn't get bogged down in excessive red tape because we're in emergency and in great need of doses in italy we don't expect to see any disputes around the sputnik vaccine because we believe it will contribute to the common good and protect the health of our citizens. joe biden's covert relief bill has finally passed the senate after member votes in the last minute negotiations but while $1.00 trillion dollars of aid may seem like a lot of people may end up getting even less than on the donald trump. explains why . bunker in america especially for children has soared to historic levels unexpected medical bills have created a surge of families desperate for in america the richest country in all the world we have incredible hunger what ours is possible as the u.s. continues its brutal battle with one invisible enemy an old one has reemerged poverty but for those one in 10 americans who lost their job and fame never recover all those 3 in 10 low income families who worry where their next meal is coming from good news joe biden promised you a helping hand no one should work 40 hours a week you live in poverty and it wasn't just higher wages no buy do was also going to rip open the government's wallet and hand out those support checks the american rescue plan is going to keep the commitment of $2000.60 already going out $1400.00 checks to people who need it. this is money directly in people's pockets and with control of the house of representatives the senate and the white house the only trinity nothing could stop the democrats puffing that kind of bill no out of touch little greedy republicans not even trump no it was a done deal right but we obviously are now ultimately sending. money to less people in the administration this is not the promise that we need. conservative democrats have fought so the biden admin sense fewer and less generous relief checks than the trump admin did so not a done deal biden promised one thing with his $1.00 trillion dollars aid package the house and took a stab at it and the senate's now taken a not the stab at it in its wounded form almost $12000000.00 few adults will get the relief biden pledged unemployment benefits are finishing a month earlier than planned and as for raising minimum wage to $15.00 while cut to see have some democrat senators who vetoed it that won't be happening and if you're wondering what an elected official last thing in the face of the people they saw it looks like wow hey you go. the cinema cinema. you know i'm sure though it's a big thumbs up from have a 174000 dollar annual salary but if you thought biden himself with brain child this bill was as devastated by all this well think again he is comfortable with where the negotiations stand he is controversial and knows there will be tweaks at the margin so if these tweaks mean that americans struggling to stay afloat amid the biggest recession in the u.s. in decades aren't getting the money who is what national democrats particularly nancy pelosi and chuck schumer have chosen to do is crammed through a 1.9 trillion package that includes things like funding on the national endowment for the arts and national endowment of humanities and the subway in silicon valley to help nancy pelosi constituents and while the washington elite did eventually realize that splashing $100000000.00 on a subway in the richest town in america what is that well with those people standing in line to food banks when will it realize that it works for we the people and not me myself and i suspect i live there well the mainstream media were delighted by the bill with the washington post initially branding it as a finding move by biden but then the outlet was forced to change is headline after a backlash online show worst money on americans could washington post biden situations in the more chris desk way probably not shameful. well who make it rain with a check that still doesn't cover a whole month's rent soak up all of the money shallots my fellow pulls the amounts are being paid are just a drop in the end of the bucket the payments are proof that their faith and they buy to mysteries was well founded and the reality is of course that much more of the covert relief bill is going to other causes no other interest groups in the us you know we have a constitution and the government has grown by leaps and bounds beyond what the original intentions were at this point the number in the duties of the american federal government have. the number of tourists arguments over laughable you know the last coded stimulus package had billions and billions being sent to foreign countries this one has everything from money for amtrak which is a perennial loser of public money. 3000000000 in aid to aircraft manufacturers almost 300000000 for the national government for the arts and all while people are suffering and i would add while there are clear signs that the global appetite for u.s. treasuries which is the us debt seems to be waning this is a heck of a time to be incurring a lot more debt still ahead feed us our civil courts to stir up a new kind of it records present votes now right tells the country to stop whining about the disease we'll have a look at the details on the story present the state of the stock today. and when else seems wrong. why don't we all just don't call. me the world yet to say pal it just didn't become educated and in detroit because the trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart when just of the common ground. the world is driven by dreamers shaped by one person with those words. thank. you dares thinks. we dare to ask. president has called on paper to stop whining about brazil miscoded catastrophe despite the country registering its highest daily death right last week it has the 2nd highest death toll in the world with more than 260000 victims. sugared you for this quarter do you mean enough with the pretentiousness enough with the whining how long are people going to carry on crying for you we have to confront the problems obviously we need to respect the elderly those with conditions but where is brazil heading to if we live in fear. meanwhile health authorities do say that i was $7000000.00 have so far received at least one vaccine dose that is brazilian hospitals are struggling to find room for the sick and the health system is overloaded to highlight the point this is a container that has been placed outside the clinic in the north of the country to hold fictive of the disease residents got a very action to the move. but i think people are panicking and this container shouldn't be out in the open this doesn't help. that it has a huge impact i think it makes you more careful more inclined to protect yourself it's only when you actually see it that it has an impact when you realize that our people in their lost loved ones where all to blame the people but also the government because they should set the example. the others have a brazilian new site told the president must take the blame for the worsening situation. i think it's political strategy both all the time trying to prove to brazilian book relations that he has this situation under control over the situation is completely out of control i don't feel that brazil is going to have that the situation before may or june because we are very. do lay of. the nation we don't have any more income to protect people. to stay at home 'd i think the next 30. days i going to be even wars the situation we levy through at this moment. and the anger in lebanon as the country's economic downturn pushes more people to the brink last week the lebanese currency fueling nationwide protests reports now from the capital is like a journalist into to make. and downtown they returned to spears have blocked the roads they blocked them with burning tires trash trash bins they set trash bins unfired basically everybody is angry at the further collapse of the lebanese lira to the dollar the lebanese pound reached $10800.00 lebanese the rights to a dollar which is very much unprecedented the protesters are very angry at the government for being so inefficient for not being able to form a cabinet that would unlock the $1000000000.00 promised by the i.m.f. should the reforms be finally implemented it's been close to 7 months now that lebanon has been without a proper functioning government because situations that is very very. very low. we close this road because this is our land our country and we have become poor we have endured so much that's why we are closing the roads again and won't let anyone pass. on we are starving we are here at martyr square setting tires on fire because the price of a loaf of bread has risen to $3000.00 lebanese pounds and that of a kilogram of rice to $7000.00 all while the dollar keeps rising there seems to be no end in sight a lot of people a lot of lebanese people are thrown deeper into poverty and a lot of people are desperate they're fleeing the country they're now jobless they're left with absolutely no hope and this is why they're expressing their anger and frustration out on the streets of beirut. now in this hour with a story of inspiration and determination because. documentary's been following a russian paralympic athlete a member of the national sailing team he lost his leg in an accident while serving in the army despite the accident like the me treat math off stays active in the gym and filming his video blog a back in 2019 he became the 1st russian paralympian. across the bosphorus strait between europe and asia he's also won the national sailing cup differently abled athletes now you can meet him and watch his story in full throughout the day at various times here and not. of have been ritually of a good idea but i. thought i was worth your idea that. there are. those of when i was at the hospital i asked my dad to bring me weights on this builder's expanders and one i was training i've watched the olympic games and i was like i want to be like them. i'd like to see the perception of people with disabilities change i want others to see our personality not just our disability pain or suffering if we ask anyone here to name 5 famous people but no one will remember a disabled person. if we narrow it down in essence a name paralympic athletes for example no one will remember any specific names even though we're supposed to be proud of them the championship is in 2 days and we're getting ready to go on the upper arm. chair for this particular sway within the ground. but i sure a lot of pictures or whatever they are not like the issues of go up a hill and there are huge in this neighborhood everyone knows us in summer when i go outside with my prosthetic leg to walk the dog all the children go nuts when they see me sometimes i feel a bit awkward when i walk by myself without my dog lawson and some kid runs along with his mom or dad the kid says hello calling me by name they know me as that's a guy without a leg he walks around with a funny looking pooch see here on this page it says military service exemption surgical floor number so and so and that's it they brought me to some military hospital took me upstairs on a stretcher this typical surgeon guy came in he laughed about something gave me a shots and i was out when i woke up my leg was gone. but i mean if people with disabilities want to be viewed differently they need to stop feeling sorry for themselves. yes but the thing is i am an athlete and i don't like just to lift weights at the gym it doesn't excite me it's boring you stare you in the console. a lot with the idea why do i do that dance i'm going to play at least for me it's been able to boil cannot go on. and i get that i want to live but oh i know but. i want to go around the world on the boats. and i want. to i want to live on a boat. along i think only if i'm going. to be on a whim. and i sometimes feel like i'm living in a reality show and that's all this is not happening to me really it's i'm just having a dream when i wake up i'll just get up and go to work on 2 legs to some factory. to make an athlete to look out for in the future you can i see a story as we say that throughout the day here not take in the back off that's how the news is looking back again at the top there. some control for a middle class the homeless of a night muslim are very hardworking people who want to get ahead that have either have some some health issues or have some of how district about luck a full time job won't always pay for a place to live and missing just a month's rent can get you a victim to gunpoint if anything bad happens to any thing that just throws your budget off slightly. you better catch up real quick or you're going to have a judgment a possession against you and get addicted by anyone that's homeless is history like garbage people look at you like a monster or someone bad or you chose to be there most of the time it's not the case see how it is to be pole in the world's richest country. is your media a reflection of reality. in a world transformed. what will make you feel safe from. the isolation community. are you going the right way or are you being led so. direct. what is true wants is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us in the depths. aura maybe in the shallowness. of. this is crude oil. so they need to actually physically hold it out of the ground you would have well well well well well well. there's a lot of money with the oil and with that comes. a lot of a lot of people from all over the country. if you don't make a $100000.00 a year. as a minimum there is an issue. here in india. they were told 16 hours a day it's hard work well work it's not easy work and so they want to relieve their stress of how do they relieve their stress these may move back out like he's a man that comfort these many. people have been murdered up here people been raped there are massive drug issues up here you have a boom you have everything else that comes along with money. join me every thursday on the alex simon chill and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. hello and welcome to cross talk where all things are considered on peter lavelle the biden ministration is still young but its foreign policy particularly in the middle east is an echo of past failures this administration simply does not have a learning curve also does washington really support democracy in the world ukraine's crackdown on independent media should give us all pause. to discuss these issues and more i'm joined by my guess that recording's unemployment he is the editor and founder of 21st century wire and here in moscow we're joined by dmitri bobbin she's a political analyst and editor at interest me internet media project gentlemen crossed up rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i was appreciating now it's going to play with patrick woods take a look at biden's foreign policy for all of the.

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Germany , Beirut , Beyrouth , Lebanon , Moscow , Moskva , Russia , United States , India , United Kingdom , Washington , Brazil , Italy , Togo , Americans , America , Brazilian , German , British , Lebanese , Russian , Russians , Thomas Fassbender , Chuck Schumer , Patrick Woods , Angela Merkel Christian , Anthony Webber , Alex Simon , Nancy Pelosi , Nicolas Lobel , Joe Biden , Boris Johnson ,

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