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At their failure to develop an effective covert vaccine. Russias Foreign Ministry accuses the us big tech of spreading fake news on social media with president putin warning that online giants are now so powerful they threaten democracy. Taxis could soon be flying over the skies of moscow here as a russian tech startup tests its latest innovation correspondent took one for a spin. City traffic is no longer an issue instead of driving along congested highways this taxi should take you from 8 of b. By. The morning this is Art International with me kevin i was great to have you company 1st sobering news in from britain the british become the 1st country in europe to pass 100000 deaths from covert Prime Minister Boris Johnson offered his condolences im sorry to have to tell you the number of deaths recorded from in the u. K. Has suppost 100000. And its hard to compute the sorrow contained in that grim statistic 100000 people is 800000 bomb is ok if we think of a family of 5 thats 5 lives to change forever millions of people have been let down by a simple lack of care in policy i mean that will not the Prime Minister that boasted about shaking hands with people now because this government 1st of ignore the science and 2nd of all did not put in proper inspection measures to close the borders they have and why i asked our population of religion all that is how but this is got. More than 8000 people have died from code in the past week in britain ellis tustin he heard from there has started now the name is not numbers come paid to try to highlight what he says is government negligence in the pandemic and to push for a Public Inquiry into its handling of the response. Person who needs to think this is a criminal inquiry. Lets not sugarcoat it we are experiencing the worst humanitarian atrocity that this island is embassy and its because i our own government is been neglectful there has been a lack of match and and most of these lives could have been saved do we need to understand how this happened but this should not be a government led to an inquiry i do not want the criminal to get his own crap because the routes will not be sought number 100000 this is not something that we should take on the chin and accept as a population in the end of the day im going to neglect family and they do not lives 1st they put the economy 1st which ironically now as not only tax the economy has also led to more deaths that it shouldnt. So right now the government stifling up restrictions as the death toll grows the lockdowns been extended for at least another 3 weeks people cant go without a quote reasonable excuse or public gatherings are banned and police are getting tougher on those who break the rules but next is k partridge explains from the u. K. Sometimes it seems the Rule Breakers the very officers themselves. The coronavirus pandemic has changed just about everyones professional lives and the police are no exception the u. K. Is an armed forces have repeatedly come under the spotlight for trying to do their job which these days include cracking down on illegal gatherings under the lockdown wars these range from raves to birthday parties whitings and even baby showers. Baby showers. Or. Provide a hole of a straight because you will hear so obviously a breaking kobe rolls we can provide every adult here every single one of your 2 under par make is London Metropolitan police chief superintendent stephen time and condemns. The party goers and warned there would be consequences londons police are almost daily posting videos of officers shutting down illegal gatherings 00000000. Oh i thought it was very serious you are there and why did. They find the courage to get out of the mob sisters very surprised orders are going to send chills up the r. K. There is a very rational logs are aware of the you know exam to google to a little circle with all the people the aim is to publicly shame people and prevent others from doing the same except that message doesnt seem to have reached 31 of their own Officers Court flouting the law while on duty just to get a haircut if youre eating their superiors and seeing each of fending officers slapped with a 200. 00 pound fine it is deeply disappointing and frustrating of my officers have fallen short of the expectation to uphold covert 1000 regulations i hope this action proves that police are not immune to enforcement of the rules more embarrassingly for the met it happens barely a week after 9 officers were fined after being spotted having breakfast together in a london cafe since march the police of issued 32000 fines across england and wales penalties row shoppy during englands november look down almost 6500 penalties were handed out as police move more quickly to enforcement find start at 200 pounds in england in Northern Ireland but the government intends to increase these to 800 pounds for illegal gatherings of more than 15 people but with crackdowns getting tougher Police Federations are calling on the government to ensure that officers are at the forefront of the back of the nation roll out the public expects Police Officers to put themselves in harms way and i believe that it is only fair to expect that these same frontline officers get prioritised for vaccination over the last 2 weeks alone 5 london Police Officers have died from corona virus the pandemic has left. Once frustrated anxious and impatient months of isolation mean people want to see family and friends and to let their hair down and the police are being left with a very public time ask of not only ensuring everyone elses safety but setting the personal example of how it should be done what i think the Police Across the world are in very difficult situation with so with the covert restrictions because its it goes against the grain completely for police to interrupt parties and things but of course those are all the laws in the legislation and Police Officers realize that no pay to do that and i think thats whats happening its its a really weird time this goes against all the all the training all the things that we we over many over a century or so have tried to do which is give people their freedoms but people act within the law but of course these loaches to this legislation has put them in a very difficult position meaning that theyve got to interrupt such things as baby showers and weddings and other things which goes really against the all the things that theyve done over the years i thought only believe that Police Officers should be vaccinated because they are being asked to not only be around lots of individuals themselves so that theyre at their own colleagues they have to be in vans with their colleagues they have to be in the Police Station but theyre also risking people in the street and in peoples houses so they are the forefront of needs to have a Decent Society that they they have the vaccination as early as possible. French politicians or medics have condemned the National Failure to develop a covert job with warnings that mark so why did decline of the country that was once the global front runner in Vaccine Development shyla do bensky report. France has a little in famous history when it comes to vaccinations i mean after all the socalled father of even your logy is louis pastor the french microbiologist so its been a base of a blow that the institution that bears his name failed to find a viable vaccine its described its own results as disappointing in these trials involving the 1st administration to humans the vaccine candidate was well tolerated but the immune responses in juiced by the vaccine were inferior to both those observed in individuals who recovered from natural infection and those observed with the vaccines currently authorized for covert 19 the vaccine they were attempting to produce was less effective than no Natural Immunity who hits hard and it seems the french are really feeling it but the fear yes indeed it is real because when pastor rick cannot get out a dose of the vaccine that is amazing so i think it is incompetence its everywhere or maybe there are too its a competition between different trades well they didnt find the right immediate solution yes its a shame but its live thats ok next time they will do better you know im not sure after all its more important that everyone in the world has the same objective its true there are concerns about making money on the vaccines and things like politicians too are crying out with worry that france is losing its standing in the world its a sign of the decline of the country and this decline is an acceptable but this decline is not because france isnt producing will cost scientists know its because of the brain drain so its not acceptable that our best research or the most brilliant of our researchers are sucked up by the american system i was blaming reductions in public funding for Vaccine Research so there is that people in paris think to towards the middle of the crisis they finally woke up. They put some resources aside but there is still more that can be done by changing the economy a little especially at ministerial level they could save a little there are probably things that can be done to simplify our system so that there is more funding probably we could remove some administrative players that have accumulated over the years given the money where they will to spend in other areas armament and all that i would be surprised if it was a pond and problem i think its a management issue maybe more than a funding issue meanwhile whats been called france is a last major pharma group sanofi is struggling to bring to the market its vaccine can did it which wont be available before the end of the year for now sanofi is helping rivals pfizer bio tech manufacturing more of their job charlotte even ski r. T. Paris. Russia has accused the us tech giants of working together to spread fake news it comes as president putin notes americas binocular an online content snow so complete that its a threat to Democratic Institutions is our senior correspondent. Freedom of speech something that we have taken for granted you know in this in this modern age is turning into something of the luxury of favor bus stop upon us by the powers that be and take it away in equal measure by billionaires take billionaires and elected and who rules to stratospheric odds on the backs of these these social media platforms and this latest scandal involves the head of Russian Space agency Dmitry Rogozin and hes seen moves speaking his mind on facebook where he wrote a critical post about a fellow called Michael Mcfaul Michael Mcfaul was a former ambassador of the United States to russia he would be going down in any houla fame under him relations between russia and the United States will collapse and basically goes unsaid you know you had tried calling us turning this into a Banana Republic you had tried it was a gas station you tried meddling in our affairs and to see tom and tom again just stay out stay out you know you do you doing nothing constructive and for that he was banned for 24 hours and facebook is he is a cab was restored but his ability to make new post is still restricted in the russian Foreign Ministry came out with condemnation saying you know this is just doing too far and all the fake news about the protests in russia for example illegal calls targeting kids 10 or 11 year olds to attend protests with which is illegal 1st of all 2nd of all dangerous because you know as we saw they can turn violent and they filed lodged an official complaint with the u. S. Embassy in russia restrictive actions taken by the administrators of the biggest us social networks towards the content of their platforms struck a blow to the democratic values. System and International Information architecture the power the influence of these tech giants today it carol youve stated with the pandemic exacerbated things but this has been a trend for a while discourse is increasingly moving online yet the online world is ruled by an elite group of billionaires billionaires of untold power at this point who i am accountable to know what you know theres theres no in that could come and say and tell them do this or do that if they can bad dont trump then a sitting president of the United States cloakrooms the most powerful man in the world that they could out right bad him from all platforms you know acting in concert who is beyond their reach theres no one this is a democratically elected president and this is something that large a mere putin warned with that in his speech yesterday. Was all our. Digital giants now are playing an increasingly large role we often hear about in conversations particularly regarding the u. S. Election campaign and its not just simply the Technology Giants their economic giants in some areas theyre defacto able to compete with states this is part of the systematic crisis facing the world this sees a seismic change facing the world its cultural its political its to do with society its our values and especially to claw logy in the pandemic this is exacerbated things all this changing happening so quickly perhaps it isnt always going in the right direction this is our to International Spirit of the 50 but its the least if you can for us we have so much more to tell you this is coming up rallies against indias agricultural reform bill of turn violent on the countrys republic day just one of the stories ahead. When yellen says were going to go find it shes going to print scads more war chest understand that shes pouring that money into something that structurally broken. Bucket of the bottom is missing it doesnt matter how many liquidity she pours into that bucket is structurally broken its just going to come right at the bottom doesnt matter how much she pours of the stink of the economy is fundamentally broken all the distribution all the finance everything every piece of the puzzle has been decimated by the command and control money printing psychopaths on the economy sunscreens. To what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy. Let it be an arms race. Theory dramatic probably the only move really im going to resist i dont see how that strategy will be successful very. Time to sit down and talk. Culture reform bill to involuntarily countries republic huge ceremonies the military parades were disrupted as fierce battles broke out across the capital new delhi and he defied a protest it was killed to his truck to along with many other vehicles were overturned in the chaos to teach others reports. What was supposed to be a peaceful rally to celebrate indias republic day quickly taking a turn for the worst. Chaos and turmoil unfolding in the streets of new delhi thousands of Indian Farmers and their supporters protesting controversial proposal reforms seen here clashing with police. Scuffles breaking out with Law Enforcement after a group of protesters driving tractors drove through Police Barricades to enter the store rather work site leaving one protester dead im not going to do anything said 1st the police fired tear gas and hit us farmers with the. Demonstrators defying tear gas and flash bangs as their feet to march through the streets told you something testers would still be protest leaders condemning the violence was do what happened up the road for furniture damaged violence outside and hoisting up before we did not have anything to do with such planning we condemn all such incidents the protests in the country growing now for nearly 2 months as farmers demand the withdrawal of new laws they say favor large corporate farms and devastate the earnings of smaller scale farmers the legislation exacerbating resentment among existing farmers who have long been seen as the heart and soul of india but say they are ignored by the government but im going to get the message from the Prime Minister is that it is not the government it is the farmers. And only we will do as we want to do you cannot force your laws on the floor according to the women now the demonstrations are expected to continue until those laws are repealed. Just hours after taking Office President biden signed an executive order revoking the permit for the vast keystone x. L. Oil pipeline project which stretches from kind of that of the us sparked protests and legal battles along the way across 3 president ial administrations. Can order to supercharge administration ambitious. Plan to confront the extensional threat of Climate Change and were going to put people to work im not going to lose jobs and these are going to create jobs 11000 jobs theyre cut with one stroke of the pen of President Biden it looks like President Biden is working on a make america unemployed again kind of strategy thinking more about Saudi Arabian workers in montana workers and u. S. Workers the significant pushback against bidens decision on both sides of the border with tens of thousands of jobs now on the line with more on the americas. Within hours of his inauguration President Joe Biden signed an executive order to revoke the permit for the keystone x. L. Pipeline and hes already getting some heat at home that day one priority was to kill thousands of american jobs including union jobs to support our strong ally accounted for and reverse some of our progress toward Energy Security and while the debate will likely continue in d. C. At the same time the president is stirring the pot north of the border as well come to says he says these any as you know ive been supporting this keystone x. L. Project for years i made this argument 7 years ago in a room full of democrats in washington even before i became Prime Minister canadas Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is being pressured by provincial leaders to fight back against the us president s order the charge was led by the premiers of alberta and scotch one whos Energy Sectors are tightly tied to the 8000000000. 00 project im premiers want to go to war originally proposed in 2008 the 1200 mile long pipeline travels through 7 states starting in canada in the alberta tar sands and ending at the gulf of mexico the pipeline is meant to move 830000 barrels of crude a day the move should make some people happy including environmentalists and others opposed to the keystone x. L. Pipeline those who prioritize economy over environment are critical of biden for cancelling the project more interested in virtue signals to the climate activists and supporting the Union Workers who are building the Keystone Pipeline Calgary Alberta based t. C. Energy the Company Behind the pipeline says it will lay off 1000 workers immediately due to President Joe Bidens decision it is not clear how many of those jobs are american. Brand new in our view the right wing alternative to germany parties being put on the more states of aliens for reportedly quote attacks on Human Dignity rejection of the rule of law and an anti democrat. Stance details of a secret parliamentary meeting that were leaked revealing Intelligence Services in the state of saxony on hold can have spy on the communications and purchases of more than a 1000 Party Members seems other state branches of the f t a ready being tracked weve requested a response from the National Intelligence agency on the measures well let you know if they get back to us meantime n. A. F. T. Spokes person told us the moves just a bid to damage the party which became the countrys 2nd biggest at the last elections ahead of this years parliamentary vote coming up. First it was most surprise because to. Announce in advance. We have. This situation already for several months in germany. Here the secret service is the supervision of the Political Parties who are ruling and those parting are using the secret service to press the opposition. We see in our own long months. In stocks and. A few years the biggest opposition party. This election. Just. To. Make us damage in advance of the elections which are going to be held in. 2021 in a few months 60 seconds not a brief world news hundreds have been injured as riots is torched and vandalized property and a 3rd day of anti lockdown protests in the lebanese city of tripoli military police fired tear gas and water cannon in response as protesters threw stones and tried to break into government headquarters there havent been on a total lockdown pretty much in a round the clock curfew since mid january tensions boiling high elsewhere large rallies against a new anti abortion law in poland to tell you about thousands came out against the ban on practically all abortions calling the move a clear violation of womens rights. Wildfires in central argentina have destroyed swathes of forest land but gates has been battling those blazes all week a strong winds have added to the complications electricity supplies are down so is water as well to a lot of us all disrupted by those flames. So for the better happy lets look at. It may be a taste of the future some Science Fiction may be becoming reality here in moscow the city may get its 1st flying taxis are than a couple of years you hear me right a russian urban air Mobility Company has started testing socalled passenger drones seems they work to constantine roscoff was 1st in the queue. And just like that city traffic is no longer an issue instead of driving along congested highways this taxi should lift you up and take you from a to be by a. By the way there are no paddles or a Steering Wheel i mean the whole thing is supposed to be controlled by a person remotely or by computer programs the only thing i can do while inside is to pull the rad knock in case of emergency can babble it jacked it parachute. Just. Of course using it as an air transport air transport for passengers like air so to speak in the big congested see is the 1st thing that comes to mind but it also might be useful for various City Services like ambulance for example and russias Health Care Ministry and Emergency Ministry are reported to be extremely interested in this invention the safety is the idea of the flying car of the holder the idea of flow is by whats inside it and it doesnt just just sit there choose the points on the map and the flight and thats all for the flying Drones Market has been booming for the last few years with Many Developers in europe china and america creating prototypes a Chinese Company hank for example made an aerial vehicle that can not only fly people but also how to put out fires and the. Still might be quite a few bumps on the way of this particular area taxi before the project can take off or 1st of all it needs an investor who could start mass production and 2nd cd authorities must figure out where to allow such vehicles to operate as for now moscow considering devoting certain areas within the city limits for outdoor tasks to bring in hopes moscow could be one of the 1st capitals to use the catch phrase of doc brown back to the future deal or an inventor of. The. Bring it to us as a great way to get to work we do the snow the most of those salaciousness this thursday think youre watching out international for me kevin no into the rest of the team have a super day. Right now there are. People who are overweight or obese its profitable to self frenzy and sugary and salty and addictive its not at the individual level its not individual willpower and if we go on believing that never change this obesity epidemic that industry has been influencing very deeply the medical and scientific establishment. So whats driving the obesity epidemic its called for profit. Is youll be a reflection of reality. In the world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation in little community. Are you going the right way or are you being led so. Directly. What is truly wants is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Or a maybe in the shallows. This is boom bust the one business show you cant afford to miss unfair montecito going to washington coming up we discuss the u. S. China relationship as we get a better idea as to where u. S. President joe biden fans on chinese tariffs we have a panel standing by Market Reaction to u. S. Federal reserve policy meeting while game stop rally while it continues well discuss the future of the market and the centralized investment but after analysis we have a lot to get to so lets get started

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