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Intel chips branding beijing the greatest threat to washington today a sign of Spice Companies unveiled. By their great to have you with us here in moscow this is r. T. Paris was engulfed in renewed unrest on saturday over a controversial security bill 142 people were detained there were clashes with Police Officers using water cannon and tear gas as the situation spiraled out of control there has been huge anger over plans to protect Police Officers by handing them extra powers by boosting surveillance. Was at that rally for. Well we have seen a number of what i would describe as smash and grabs by the Police Members of the Security Forces going in to the crowds and crapping out individuals that they think of causing trouble buffaloed tensions with a portals except a whooping for the Police Officers who also had seen gas already deployed at 2 gas was being used directing from aerosols sprays axe the protests. There are thousands and thousands i try to get a camera to see to look up the street which is completely packed and then if its possible to turn the camera around youll see how many people are still coming. Through. There were other demonstrations across the country as well all against the Global Security lord our people are unhappy with article 24 specifically this would have criminalized individuals who published images of the police if there was intent to harm that provokes huge theory here in front as a result parliamentarians are going to rewrite their specific rules but people are angry again dont just about that but also a new law that was approved by the french captain it here in the week and this also contains an article which is very very similar to the controversial article 24. 00 that is that it would become a criminal act to post images of somebody online if they could be identified and if there was intent to home so take out the word police and its essentially the same act and the. Police are also unhappy about some of the comments made by president mccall in the last week he said in an interview that the police are controlling more people who are normally white than white. But emanuel mccrone ends up telling the media that the police are racist i can guarantee my colleagues are knots racist there is no racial control in the police. The problem is that the police lock resources and personnel they lock many things and when they ask for help no one is listening on the other side with and criticize the police which i think is like a step in the back of things i think you would do thought this. Was the last thing this strike was a protest. But there are. 4 people have been stabbed in washington d. C. As clashes there between donald Trump Supporters and rivals turned vicious the victims are said to be in a Critical Condition because of the outgoing president rallied to denounce the election result but they were met by counter protesters and violence broke out. Similar scenes played out on the west coast in Washington State where one person was shot as rival protesters faced off its unclear about the victims Condition Police say a suspect has been detained they had tried to the police to keep the sides apart using tear gas and stun grenades. Russian and british scientists to combine forces and vaccines in a bid to tackle the pandemic so after astra zeneca said that it is ready to work with the developers of russia splitting the job. Today we announce a Clinical Trial program to assess safety and immunogenicity of combination of a zip d 1222. 00 developed by astra zeneca and Oxford University and sputnik v. Developed by a Russian Research institute. The Vaccine Developers hope that combining the vaccines could lead to a better immune response to the virus Clinical Trials will be held in russia involving volunteers aged 18 and above astra zeneca as john pearse shown variable results depending on the dosage with an average advocacy of 70 percent splitting fees by comparison is above 90 percent. They have a problem very vaccines efficacy isnt high enough this should be improved we have 2 different ads or no viruses they will take one of them and use it as a booster lek it on College Professor Lawrence Young says that cross border cooperation will be vital in ending the Health Crisis i think as i found sas the opportunity to Work Together in developing a more effective vaccine and theres lots of evidence that when you mix and match different vaccine platforms you get stronger and longer lasting immune responses to our competition so this is fantastic news and i think it will. Raise confidence both in terms of the astra zeneca vaccine and also the sputnik vaccine it demonstrates that the power of scientists working collaboratively were all very keen scientists around the world to Work Together and work in collaboration and i think this will provide an excellent opportunity for the very best people working in the u. K. In the very best people working in russia to actually Work Together and i hope that one of the consequences of Something Like this is longer term collaboration in other areas of science and medicine so i think its a very very important important day for us actually its very exciting. Speaking of jobs moscow has become the 1st russian city to begin a massive covert Vaccination Program sputnik the shorties being made available free of charge front line workers including hospitals schools staff will be at the front of the queue or there for now its not being given to anyone aged over 60 or says daily infection rates reached around 28000 cases the numbers have been steadily rising since september earlier in the wake. Of oliver visited a company that is ramping up production of the vaccine. We are the car company its a fetus in the remind me of a scene is being told here that if the hives this particular line for jay says 6000 times but our sputnik the is a 2 short adenovirus based vax of exene the difference between sputnik v. And some other International Code 19 vaccines is this vaccine is a human based one not an animal so whats a vaccine its an engineered virus lacking the gene for representation therefore its unable to infect or to does is serve as a vehicle for coronavirus proteins over 3 weeks a patient receives 2 different jobs to form antibodies and disease resistance before taking a coronavirus vaccination everyone is examined to make sure theyre healthy but it takes another 15 minutes to store the vaccine sputnik vs stored at minus 18 degrees c. And developer say thats an advantage compared to other countries vaccines requiring significantly lower temperatures for storage after the injection doctors monitor you for certain minutes before youre free to go. Im a teacher i think the vaccination is a great way to protect myself and most importantly my relatives my parents are already 65 was also its free actually i was initially examined by a doctor he asked if i had any chronic diseases measured my Blood Pressure looked at my Electronic Medical record that i was allowed to undergo the procedure everything was fast bowlers i received that said saying that i can be one of the 1st for the vaccination im so glad and i trust the vaccine instructors to me and yes i had doubts but ive made my decision and im here today the vaccine is now being supplied to all corners of the country at the same time the military is receiving sputnik vitti in russia the co the 1000. 00 job is voluntary and free of charge and even though some people still remain skeptical about the safety and efficiency of the vaccine most agree that large scale works a nation is probably the only way now to put an end to the pandemic. You leadership of oliver and see. This week the u. S. Appeared to shift its gaze away from russia instead of setting its sights firmly on china to u. S. Intelligence chiefs that identified beijing as washingtons biggest threat comes after a member of the u. S. Intelligence committee was targeted by suspected chinese by and gives dia of has more. So trumps out and the russia gate thing is slamming shut behind him because theres a new scare story in town china you know it doesnt take long to dig up dirt in a town Like Washington q us democrat representative Eric Swalwell until now moves through well this crist so far the evidence is on contradicted that the president used taxpayer dollars to ask the ukrainians to help him choose an election this time around its his links to a suspected chinese spy who is in the stink not least because and this is awkward he sits on the House Intelligence Committee not the only shall be removed from the intel he should be removed from congress as well yes House Minority leader Kevin Mccarthy there spotted an opportunity to claim his 1st victim so the background in a nutshell swalwell hod a Chinese National called thang fag in his early political career and this person quickly started raising suspicions within the Intel Community he got rid of her but his recently refused to answer whether he slept with her which probably means yes but before we burn mr swalwell at the stake at sea were out might have to join him once this chinese witch hunt really Gains Momentum youve got a feel for Mitch Mcconnell he survived the title but can he now survive the fact that is wife secretary of transportation elaine chao is from one of chinas most prominent political families that would be one hell of a honey trap and you and jane shall have served on the board of the Holding Company for chinas teach to build in a state owned enterprise that makes chips for the chinese military. Is also on the board at the bank of china at top lender to the ship builder remember also the former speaker of the house john boehner aka the original orange man is days the whole. Republicans actually give john boehner a harder time than they give me. Which means orange really is the new black. These days the former speaker of the house just happens to be a lot for a certain peoples republic of china is this guy aggie purdie chief Security Officer who are way the u. S. Is really china on a number of issues and they want to hurt one way to hurt china very afraid of the competition between china and the u. S. So theyre focusing on hurting while way before getting professionally agri for you our way for a living and the purdy was a member of the white house staff team that helped draft the u. S. National strategy to secure cyberspace this is just the tip of the iceberg therefore the head of u. S. Intelligence has declared open season on beijing calling it threat number one if i could communicate one thing to the American People it is that the peoples republic of china poses the greatest threat to America Today and the greatest threat to democracy and Freedom Worldwide since world war 2 what they might find is that there arent many politicians left who dont have links to this new enemy because they used to be friends really is getting hard to keep up. Pink floyd cofounder of the waters has been putting the world to rights on the latest edition of going underground when the targets in his sights the recent u. S. Election watch the interview in full on our website is a preview. If trump had been reelected it would have been worse for everyone in the world but that doesnt make biden a good candidate biden is a dyed in the wool were among grading servant of the oligarchy that rules the United States american will continue to be so for however long he remains president of the United States hes not to be trusted on anything do you think joe biden is going to move the American Embassy back to tell the v. A. Are you kidding hes made it quite clear that hes the staunchest zionist friend of. Of israel that could possibly be in office so he i hope that he and kids start a happy sleeping in that caught that theyre going to share for the next few years kiss our reality has a term of 8 or of them having any power under any circumstances because they clearly not clear thinkers they clearly dont believe in human rights they clearly have no interest in the law to have no interest in the United Nations they have no interest in the geneva conventions they have no interest in any of the things that in near to my heart and to your heart should have im completely impartial you have campaigned for upholding of Un Security Council resolution resolutions all your life you dont expect biden to reverse the trump position on the Golan Heights the illegal declaration by the United States is going to oppose the Un Security Council resolution making out that it was israeli now of course not i dont expect him to. Reverse any of that nonsense i expect him to absolute they abide by the deal of the century obviously im pretty happy that skinny piece of. Dog poop who. Are is no longer in the white house pretending to form Foreign Policy for the middle east. Still to come every american will get 3000. 00 if us billionaires share down the profits they made during the pandemic explain it all after the break. Human history has always seen continuous war opensource but in recent years it seems to have become more intense the platforming is no common practice and public scrutiny of a permanent feature where do we all stand on the battlefield of belief. The world is driven by shaped by. The day or thinks. We dare to ask. More americans have now died from coverts than were lost fighting in the 2nd world war the death toll is said to be close 2300012 the total number of cases exceeds 16000000. 00 the pandemic may be the countrys worst crisis in recent history but it hasnt stopped the rich from getting richer the net worth of u. S. Billionaires assault by a trillion dollars since march according to a new report. As tens of millions of americans suffer from the health and economic ridges of these pandemic a few 100 billionaires add to their massive fortunes their pandemic profits are so immense that americas billionaires could pay for a Major Corporate relieve bill and still not lose a dime of their proviron reaches the Campaign Group americans for tax fairness found the extra wealth accumulated by billionaires during the pandemic would be enough to dish out 3000. 00 to every single american thats roughly equal to and in the entire about spent by the federal government last year on health care is nearly 4 times more than the stimulus payments made earlier this year to 159000000 americans the report included 651. 00 billionaires lets have a look now at some of them in particular starting with the wealthiest of war just bays lost now is worth more than 190000000000. 00 thats more than the g. D. P. Of iraq in our mosques wealth grew almost 6 fold still in the pandemic or Mark Zuckerberg almost doubled his oath must skins of coburg are worth more than 100000000000. 00 now i guess debated the issue of profiting from a pandemic. I always love these kinds of analyses is it the government has a day or 6 not going to the drops from the government theres nothing naive here the government isnt doing something then as a result the government is itself the result of the way this is science he works which puts enormous wealth and therefore political power in the hands of a very small number of people will turn out to have a government policy that makes them richer this burst of new wealth is just as purely a product of government policy was unnecessary you know the unintended consequences of lockdowns and such and in this case they call them nonpharmaceutical interventions but theres also capacity limits on businesses are going to be almost the opposite of what were hoping for the draconian policies theyve increased the gap. Between the rich and poor that created new controversies of wealth is tremendous consolidation going on right now let me be clear here we could have been prepared for this virus the way other countries where we could have handled it better the way other countries that we left a lot of the private preparation for disease into the hands of private enterprise and markets and they failed as they have failed us so often in the past its a pathetic say ed story of a system spinning out of control so that its unjust inequality keeps getting worse the governments inability to get anything right theyre going to do Everything Everything everything wrong in a crisis including decreasing employment crushing firms crushing the engine of employment. All those sorts of things never once even considering maybe thaksin should be lower i mean i agree from hiatus from certain regulations on that sort of thing we have a monopoly in this country that it for a century we have 2 parties we dont allow 2 businesses that dominate most of our industries but we allow these 2 parties to dominate our politics thats very convenient for the computer they the class of Corporate Directors who donate the bulk of. The money to both of them will pull the strings for both of. Us federal trade commissions pushing to break up facebook accusing it of holding an illegal monopoly over the social Media Marketing fund a lawsuit bank by 48. 00 states that targets facebooks acquisitions of the instagram want some platforms and swung host to boom bust told a small facebook is really coming under fire now that it is facing an antitrust lawsuit from the states attorneys general of 48. 00 different states across the United States the allegation thats being made in this lawsuit essentially states that facebook has violated the law and violated competitive behavior during its acquisition in the early 201314 of instagram and whatsapp at the time that facebook acquired instagram it had about 30000000 users today it has over a 1000000000 users worldwide at the time that it acquired facebook said that instagram wasnt really a competitor but today instagram has become very much a competitor to facebook and fully integrated into the facebook system for advertising Data Collection of users and even cross promotion of post heres what some of those states attorneys general had to say about the lawsuit today we are sending a clear and strong message to facebook and every other company that any efforts to stifle competition and hurt Small Businesses reduce innovation and creativity will be met with the full force of our offices the f. T. C. Filed their own lawsuit against facebook today as well. And we look forward to collaborating with them in the litigation process the states attorneys general are calling for an actual divestment of instagram and whatsapp what does that mean it means that if these states attorneys general win their lawsuit they would force facebook to actually sell off the assets of whatsapp and instagram a very big deal in the tech world. Several senior democrats of voice their opposition to joe bidens pick for defense secretary president elect announced that he chose retired general lloyd austin on wednesday austin though would need a waiver from congress to take up that position. Explains why. Not even his own caucus is happy with joe bidens choice as secretary of defense lloyd austin hes black. And that is great. Well john youre right you very much at all since i retired 4 star general and that has raised a lot of lefty eyebrows. Since ignored the longstanding tradition of having a civilian at the helm of the most well known clicked fighting force in the world america its a great country were drinking it is agreed so austin actually needs a special waiver from cloned grass to take the job because the army retired in 2016 he hasnt been out of active service for the required 7 years no one seems to care that you spent the last 4 years on the board of a massive defense contractor called great b. S. But the most interesting thing about biden picking austin is that alston is a. Well known she implored to the world with. Pres picking a man to be secretary of defense is a little bit blurry by which i mean its not progressive everyone expected find until point michelle through and i am as secretary of defense because shes actually experienced shes a civilian she tells the 3rd base civilians drawn into pentagon under obama she was head of defense policy shes an expert on china next years wars going to be china and china china china china and yes shes a she but donna is a full. Shes linked to defense contractor and shes presided over a hot mess in the middle east so biden picked a guy. Which was shared hes linked to defense contractors and hes presided over a hot mess in the middle east if youre wondering how much of a hot mess he is admitting that the us paid 500000000 dollars to train a force of syrian fighters numbering 4 people find its a small number. The ones that are in the fight. Were talking 445 but before you talk about how corrupt the democrats are if youre looking for someone to blame for this story state of affairs blame the orange one i think it would have been a good general thats right donald trump started the trend of an ex general and said that actual loki is heading up his own ministry when he appointed james mattis who had been on the board of another major defense contractor general dynamics. By design we had to find and successor. The head of the military and a major Weapons Company could end up being the same job and still be a man. So were going to check out most stories that we have for you covered on a website go to. Earl it was a room there barely is gone another week there are to be good. For america. Where bono must know they go to a new spirit in global air flow to do that way to narrow the day good friend of m. T. V. Has been very resentful about older voters who are going to a girl youre not going to im going to contradict you we dont need to know about that to your mother mary against alternative vision. Youll start to question a little about your a 6 year old. That didnt tell me to. Marry after the it up for you to mediocre. Stay under cover and im going to destabilize i. Guess you will get exposed on t. V. Like to play dickens i mean if you lie low self your audience and break everything to a. Trip down. There you can defend yourself and your revolution from the weapons of mass communication. Thanks for the r. T. Most of the enemy are going to do research. Problem drugs on goal is come from on scrupulous dealers but from pharmacies to in every state in the United States weve seen a very sharp increase in the number of people seeking treatment for addiction to prescription opioids opioids invaded america under the banner of medicine the. Sister with the pain but instead of trying to wean him off though she just goes after dose after dose after dose and really became his drug dealer so whos to blame patients doctors manufacturers all the governments of. L. Look forward to talking to you all. That technology should work for people. Must obey the orders given by human beings except when such orders to conflict with the 1st law show your identification for should be very careful about official intelligence and the point over you see is to face trust ever on the shia. Conflicts on various shots and with Artificial Intelligence will summon the demon. Of the obamas protect its own existence as a mixer. For. Free water and we go to the streets middle of the so make them feel that their fellow human beings the people in their communities good for them go. To them you know free does not or. Anybody else like. Me to start same water no good

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