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Pandemic. The poll showing many europeans already have their doubts, doctors are taking to social media to change plans. I hope the last moments of your life dont look like this either. Good morning. This is r. T. And iran has called on the United Nations to condemn the killing of its scientists labeled the father of runs nuclear program. The raid in officials have pointed the, finger of blame at israel for the countrys envoy to the u. N. , said tehran reserves the right to defend itself. By all means, a local reporter gave us more details about the killing, which iran has branded an act of state terrorism. Senior iranian scientist was killed on a highway near tehran. Theres not much detail about number of people involved in the attack, or number of People Killed in the incident in the skirmish, but the tag took place some 75 kilometers outside to iran, north east of tehran, near the resort city of stat. You know, apparently he did, traffic was quite less day usual in comparison to the other days. And the terrorists apparently caught into the vehicle of the scientists newsmedia say dad, there was an explosion. And then there was a gunfire. Berridge of gunfire. Bits been the Security Officials and sasan tactic, which is killing on the roll is similar tactic. Those attacks carried out almost a decade ago. There was series of such assassinations on a rainy and scientists big claim fly over the top. Iranian scientists, israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu had previously accused the slain scientists to being the driving force behind irans alleged Nuclear Weapons program. Not easily, but trying to spoke with my colleague unit oneill earlier about relations between the 2 states. Well, were getting all indications that this was a well coordinated, complicated attack on the man that some western intelligence agencies have flagged. As the person behind irans alleged covert Nuclear Weapons program, to ranfurly denies wanting anything like it. So this situation is nowhere near. Something in which the killer just points a gun at the victim and then shoots and kills here, it was much more complicated. Like i said, because explosives were used and there were even reports that this could have been a suicide attack. Then gunfire followed the explosion which left the vehicle with the scientists bullet marked. So this explains why the Iranian Defense ministry called this a terrorist attack from the very beginning, but all of that couldnt kill the man. Immediately he was taken to hospital where he died. So once again, here, were talking about a prominent Iranian Nuclear scientists. He had a team of bodyguards trying to protect them, but that couldnt save his life though the world i think is waiting to see what to run is going to do. Has to be any clue as to what the reaction, the initial reaction from tehran, senior officials, like, what have they been saying about this . Who did this . And whats going to happen while the Iranian Foreign minister is making it clear once again that iran purely treat this as an act of state terror. Jawad zarif is pointing the finger at israel, and also he is demanding international attention. Terrorists murdered an imminent iranian scientists today. This cowardice with serious indications of this really rule show desperate warmongering of perpetrators. Iran calls on the International Community and especially you see and their shameful double standards and condemn this act of state terror. Well, so far there has been no response from israel and charlie at this point. We cannot make any conclusions about possible connections between this murder and also the rhetoric that we have been hearing from israeli officials on Irans Nuclear activities. But the fact is that 2 years ago and 28. 00 taking the israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called up the name of the murdered scientist and accused him not only of being behind the alleged military element of Irans Nuclear Program Years ago. But also he accused them of continuing to covertly run the program up until present times. Remember the name focus of the. So heres this director right here. And this is generally used to announce the closure project. But then the special activities, you know, what the special activity will be carried out under the title of scientific know how developments and in fact, this is exactly what iran proceeded to do. It continued this work in a series of organizations over the years now. And we just put this in context. The story of the Iranian Nuclear program, at least in the past 2 decades, has resembled a game of nonstop paying. If i may put it this way, that is to iran, constantly repeating and trying to convince the International Community that its Nuclear Activities are purely of a peaceful nature. And then also the anti to ron international law, be led by israel, constantly repeating that iran is only trying to fool the world on this from both iran and israel shared with his their thoughts of what happened of course, this assassination is illegal and its an act of war, when they see aspires, arrested in iran or in a terrorist is arrested in iran, immediately western human rights organizations, governments, the media pundits, experts all say that theyre innocent as if they have some sort of insider information. Yet when these attacks are carried out, these attacks are carried out with the help of spies with the help of terrorists, and they gloat over it. And instead of condemning it, they go and you know, they try to make him look as if hes evil. These laws will respond, so you cannot put the blame on israel. Everything is possible in the middle east and in present these bodies and let them identify them and if they claim that is behind it, lets see if those people are really israelis right now, i doubt very much the incident comes at a time when relations between the u. S. And iran are essentially at rock bottom, specifically after the trump of ministration. Quit the key nuclear deal struck back in 2015. Aunties new york correspondent, more pain has details. Well, the trajectory of u. S. Iran relations over the past few years has been quite negative. Things have been moving in quite a bad direction between the 2 countries. Donald trump has presided over a situation where the usa and iran are moving further apart, and prominent iranians have been killed. Back in january, donald trump ordered a drone strike directed against qassam solomonic that resulted in qassam somani death on that caused outrage throughout the region. He was a leader of the Islamic Revolutionary guards. He ran military operations against isis ill, to protect christians in syria. And in iraq, and he was designated as a terrorist by the United States. Now when he was killed, there were protests throughout the region. There was, there were protests in the arab world in pakistan, and yemen in turkey. There were also protests in response to that killing by donald trump. A huge amount of outrage. Many voices internationally spoke up and felt this was a very unnecessary escalation of tensions between the United States and iran. And we also recall that prior to that assassination, donald trump had withdrawn from the iran nuclear deal. He pulled out of the jay c. P. O. Away and he said it was the worst deal of the century. This is donald trump. I recruit from the last administration was disastrous if i didnt terminate that stupid, the deal was a disaster. The agreement that was, it was a disaster. Now many were hoping that things may change with joe biden in the white house after all. Joe biden was Vice President under barack obama, and it was the Obama Administration that negotiated the iran nuclear deal, which donald trump pulled out up. However, and then are many are looking at whats happened since the signing of the Iran Nuclear Agreement in 2015. And seeing the United States pulling out of that agreement more sanctions being placed on iran, the killing of qassam solomonic. Now there is the incident, it was the killing of this nuclear scientist. And many are wondering if that is really possible. Is there really hope for the United States and iran to sit down once again and make any progress . And in bettering the relationship between the 2 countries, it will certainly be difficult for biden and ministration. If indeed they intend to take these moves on from the how Milton Coalition to stop, the wall says it doesnt make much difference for the middle east who sits in the oval office the current atmosphere. Its clear that the trumpet ministration, which is a lame duck administration, they will prevent any progress towards peace in the middle east. However, we have to keep in mind that even under a biden administration, that they have the purpose, the us Foreign Policy in the middle east, its to regain hedge of money over the entire region, including iran, which it lost in the islamic revolution, which overthrow over up at dictator, the shah, and so they would, the game is dominance and whether its trump or biden, that that is the game of the last empire. The french president has branded this shameful video capturing the moment for Police Offices beats a black man in paris, michels a clip whos a music producer who was followed to his studio for not wearing a face mask. Make fun the upcoming images disturbing. There are also photographs that show the extent of mans injuries. Again, some graphic images are involved was left with head and facial wounds as well as a tool intended. He was initially placed in police custody. He spent 48 hours there was only seen by a doctor after that charges against him, all violence and rebellion were later dropped. Following the emergence of that video, evidence, it was very hard when they fired tear gas that was at the back. I tried to call my lawyer, i tried to call a lot of people and even a neighborhood my screams. He called me and asked whats going on. I explained it been attacked and he wanted to call the police, but it was the police he raises. I cant even tell you what im waiting for. I wish of course, that this never happens again to anyone. Whether there are cameras or not, it should never happen. At least theyre here to protect us. So local media reports claimed the officers were suspicious of the mans lack of a face mask and detected the smell. They say of drugs. They also claim he tried to attack them and grab their weapons. The 4 officers have now been suspended. A criminal inquiry has been launched. Lewis says the video saved from prison. You know, if theyre hitting him with their telescopic badness, they dont stop hitting him. This video last for 12 minutes of violence on the video is essential because my client was initially and they detained him, accused of violence against a Person Holding public authority. So its essential and its extremely serious. If we didnt have this video, perhaps my client would be in prison for an extremely serious infraction. The censored and comes as a new security bill is provoking widespread protests in france. If passed in january, it would make sharing videos or images of the Police Illegal if they could potentially put all this is at risk. The member of the committee against Police Violence told us this new case shows wife filming police in public is essential. We are again seeing Police Violence. The video from the Security Camera was actually taken by the victim. Its a private video. It proves that the Police Report was false. This is just one of countless cases in france. We are dealing with. They have been lots of them recently. For example, the case of cedric which was widely covered by the media with Police Officers following him and reports on it. And then video proves it false. The situation was different. Unfortunately, the Justice System seems to take the word of the police for this reason video that captures the police in action is needed for us to start an investigation, as in this case. And secondly, to provide sufficient evidence. I stay with r. T. More news coming up after this break so what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have. Its crazy. Let it be an arms race, spearing dramatic developments only mostly exist. I dont see how that strategy will be successful, very critical to sit down and talk the use drugs watchdogs as a covert vaccine should get approval by the end of the year. It also needs to get the nod from the European Union commission. The polls have found widespread skepticism about the job across the continent. Grist to the mill of the Facts Movement expects. I think being hailed as the miracles all time over successive weeks, just on the surgical joints of war found the key word for cove it or at least a vaccine. Now while countries fill their boots with orders, one question remains. Who will have the job . Will you know, i will not go for the vaccine because usually it takes years to create a vaccine. Yes, i think ill defer to give vaccine. Just me personally, if they see that the vaccine is good, i will get vaccinated. Yes. If the vaccine will not be made mandatory by the government, i dont want to be vaccinated. I will not get myself vaccinated because i dont have trust in our government. I dont know if this vaccine is good or not. In france, a significant chunk of the population is a proxy wherry know much of that relates to a deep mistrust of the state. The Anti Vaccine Movement in france is a more recent development than the Anti Vaccine Movement in england. The Small Movement in france, which makes its noise online isnt stronger than anywhere else, but the difference in france is this almost pathological relationship with the state. The french people expect so much of our state and yet are so very critical of it. Hostility to these new covert vaccinations has taken hold. The tide of sunni continued when you, when you to get in your suit, you should be sensitive to see people were content in many protests when you became watched boy millions of people, the documentary hold up, has found the flames of empty boxes that claims global capitalist elite is so we must hysteria over the virus by using fake statistics. And while many politicians slammed, it is fake news. Other politicians own celebrities promoting the film. Or while criticizing the french government for its Health Policies during the president make the discontentment surrounding the vaccine, has led to some who want to go for it to be mandatory. That something president back or has ruled out, at least for now. In this vaccination must be transparent. I also want to be clear, i will not make vaccination mandatory. Other european leaders have made similar declarations or having to weigh the positives of mass vaccinations with the roistering empty back sentiment. Thank you. I thank you. While unseen boxes have been labeled as right wing conspiracy theorists, others say that they are simply questioning the science. In general, it takes a vote 20 years to develop a vaccine before i just read you for the market. So these are legitimate concerns, and wave of mistrust regarding a colleague 19 of x. , a nation is to be expected. Some of that mistrust arises from problems with previous vaccines such as the one, polio, a 900 55. 00, the cuts, a vaccine was found to have caused 40000. 00 cases of polio, killing time. But modern medicine has come a long way since that which fatal mistakes learn from the flap seems to have become for many a vital tool in the fight against disease would lead up to the individual to make that decision. Not a government, but it could be taking back, you know, its coming out with a really thank you seriously about that because there are tremendous push backs in many countries, germany, denmark, even england. And he noted, states were not doing this and were tired of this. Obviously theres not going to be enough vaccine for everyone to be vaccinated, but feel we should make sure that its the most vulnerable, such as the elderly. People were incredibly sick like hypertension, diabetes, people with bad lungs. You see. People are morbidly obese, i think. Or did millions of doses of the coverage going to vaccine and government. So relying on people to be lining up in the streets to have a job in the hope that life, as we knew it will return to normal. Yet with such high numbers of people saying they wont be in those queues, antti back says could end up leaving them on pins and needles. So what do you want . Ski otty, paris doctors now are taking extreme measures to make people aware of just how dangerous the virus is and a physician in the u. S. State of missouri, where the viral after posting this video staging a patients last moments before death from cope. And this is what it looks like when you breathe 40 times a minute. Have an oxygen level thats dipping well 80 but the last moments of your life dont look like this. Because this is what youll see at the end of your life. If we dont start Wearing Masks when were out in public, i promise you this is what your mother or your father or your children when they can call the disease, will see at the end of their life. The doctor in that video, kenneth remy talked to us about what he thinks is the best way to get people to take up the job. Theres all our information that people are unwilling to either seek out. And so i think with a lack of information, there is an opportunity for Health Professionals and medical professionals with least engaged people in the public who perhaps have doubts about certain things. Im cautiously optimistic about the regular by which these current vaccines are being a value way that is no different than if this was a lapsed over a longer period of time. And so these vaccines have gone through significant phase one, phase 2, and now feast 3 about you asians. And i think that we should be in a position hopefully if these are going to be successful and will have minimal side effect educating. Certainly the populace to understand specifically the different aspects of these vaccines and how theyre going to be most helpful and which populations will be even more helpful. I think is important. I think education always is number one. Facebooks disregard for peoples privacy has led to a 6000000 dollars fine in south korea, the countrys personal info Protection Agency found the network is secretly sharing data with the party operates. A user agreed to share their information with a particular service when they logged in with their Facebook Accounts. However, the users friends did not, and they were unaware that their data was also being shared. The status found that facebook shared the data of at least 3300000. 00 South Koreans all without their knowledge. It happened over a 6 year period ending 2018. Each time people use their Facebook Accounts to log in to other sites and on top of the find, a criminal probe could now be opened who have been called the rate in as much as possible throughout the investigation process for grab the personal Information Protection Commission has sought a criminal investigation, we asked internet law expert cohen what happens to our private data, and whether we should be worried about it. Facebook appears to be pretty much everywhere they will. So they try to, to, to, to pretty much anyone i was willing to pay for a facebook does pose a global threat. What we have been seeing in the west, particularly in the United States, is of people getting organized, trying to take direction and try to take a legal action against facebook, which inevitably is extremely expensive. So what were seeing now in asia is states taking their own initiative by using the power of the Data Protection regulators to hold facebook to account. He finds it occurring in photos that are not high enough. So there is only one way for facebook to go, which is to become more invasive, more intrusive, more dishonest, of people, of the date of the personnel information. Until such time, where governments decide to take serious action against against facebook to try and compare it to behave the south korean find those small fry compared what facebook he said to call her back at home, where the network has been charged with breaking previously laws. And harvesting data based in facebook and users in the state of illinois is the biggest Consumer Privacy settlement in u. S. History. The tech giant agreeing to dish out 650 1000000. 00 its rather lokpal has previously lashed out at the network, accusing it of a data monetize ation. Frenzy executives have made clear they intend is to collect as much data as possible to develop and monetize detailed profiles of their uses. Did they put between facebook in our poll in terms of collection of data is really a matter of style. I think that is being seen more of a conservative a company in terms of the way it is processing consumers data because it is closer to the tree tains they pretty much in the house. But that doesnt mean that it doesnt collect this similar amount of data in nature and scope. Then facebook and going to check out plenty more stories we have covered on the web site had to join me every thursday on the alec simon show. And ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics, sports business, im show business. Ill see you then. Its certainly be good for you. Good for your general for cold may make this issue with both. If youre not saying its all, suppose you may be more to shoot in the future. So i certainly do not think im a very bad for peoples mental poverty. If youre born into a poor family, youre born into a minority family. If youre born into a family that only has a single parent that really constrains your life, chances people die. If youre born into generational poverty, its a fight every day. So you meet your needs and the needs of your family. This is boom bust the one business show you cant afford to miss in washington coming up in the United States, the day after thanksgiving, known as black friday has been the biggest shopping day of the year for some time, while on one puff worth of actually overtake of those who shop and store, but how will the cope with 1000. 00 and demick affect this holiday boom . Plus the pandemic big point has seen another meteoric rise with analysts believing it could be headed for another record high over 20000. 00. We have our resident experts on hand to give us their thoughts and break down the state of crypto heading into the final month of 2020. And later, were going to go and check in on the movie industry as another high profile studio picture is headed for streaming the same day. It hits theaters back show today. So lets dive right in. Thanksgiving weekend in the United States has long been known as the kickoff of the holiday season, and specifically the Holiday Shopping season. In fact, the National Retail Federation Said more than 189000000 u. S. Consumers shopped over the weekend in 2019, which includes thanksgiving day, black friday, small business, saturday, and cyber monday. Now we should note that while many throughout the world also used this week as a chance to get a jump on Holiday Shopping, chinas singles day may actually be the biggest worldwide. In fact, ecommerce behemoths ali baba expanded its singles day offering to take place over 11 days this year and nearly doubled sales to more than 70 5000000000. 00

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