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A crime. Election officials found the flames of Donald Trumps voter fraud claims by stating they were tricked into certifying results. Trumps reportedly invited michigan lawmakers to the white house to gather support for his allegations. The war may be over, but the humanitarian situation. Here its the barbecue, is still dark. Scenes like these are repeated. Hundreds, hundreds and hundreds of guards across the city. Refugees travel back to new governor karabakh in the wake of the truce between armenia and azerbaijan. But many find they have nothing to return to a very good morning to you. Its 9 am here in moscow, and youre watching r. T. International with me, the care we are expected better from australia. Afghanistans reacted to an inquiry alleging a blood lust traded elite australian troops to unlawfully shoot dozens of afghans. Here for trying. Looks at how those coming to find terror. 3 in the country became a source of terror themselves. 2 eggs, australia, and afghanistan, thousands of kilometers apart. One, a very keen to help the other. We remind committed to assisting afghanistan in resisting it. Terrorism. Resisting the Taliban Forces providing in cooperation with other countries. I live of stability and to live the lives curity that youll country can build for itself a strong in prosperous and secure future. It took the australian Prime Minister a bit more than 13 hours to fly over to kabul to say all that a bit more than 13 years ago. By then, australian troops had already been engaged in the war torn country for several years, almost 20 years ago since the aussies got involved. Their number one military man has no other choice, but to say, sorry, i sincerely and unreservedly apologise for any wrongdoing. By a stroll in soldiers. I say no choice because allegations of 39 civilian deaths at the hands of his Defense Force as a result of blood lust and competition. Killing deserve an apology or actually much more than that large parts of the military report. We cant even read their blacked out, but even whats available, sounds horrendous and disgusting. This shameful record includes alleged instances in which new patrol in the members were coerced, to shoot a prisoner in order to achieve that soldiers 1st kewl in an appalling practice known as bloody atrocities. Range from reports of troops killing a 6 year old child and a house raid to a prisoner being shot dead to save space and a helicopter apology given measures to be taken. Culprits to be punished. Compensation to be paid to do you call it what you were just one of the course of a hospital stay with president obama spoke by telephone to apologize and express his condolences for the m. S. F. Staff and patients who were killed and injured. Sincere apologies for any offense this may have caused by apologies to the president of afghanistan. And we will make sure that anybody who was involved is held fully accountable with the full force of the law. These are the cases that they thought deserved an apology. Unlike some unfortunate, i mean quite a few of the fortunate civilian deaths from drone strikes that were often referred to as, remember the phrase collateral damage. But in any case, there is no winning the war on terror without drones, right . They were dangerous. These young men, often deliberately and casually, cruel. I wanted somehow to save them, sin them to school, give them a trade to drain them, of the hate that had been filling their heads. And yet the world that they were a part of and the machinery i commanded, more often had me killing them. Instead, it all makes you wonder, just how many more thousands of deaths or command full pause. Were still unaware of, especially when its revealed how much the people in charge were in denial about what they were doing. The problem is there is a disincentive, really, to tell the truth. We have created an incentive, so almost to require or for people to law. There is an older of mendacity throughout the afghanistan issue, and i know congressman connelly has heard me talk about this years ago mendacity and who bruce so well, the latest report that left the aussies red faced lead twinning strategic consequences and military mindset u. Turns. Well, this ng by how badly trumps plans to cut the troop presence in afghanistan have been received. Is just Wishful Thinking for now. We have been in afghanistan for almost 20 years, and no nato ally wants to stay any longer than necessary. But at the same time, the price for leaving too soon, or in an uncoordinated way, could be very high afghanistan risks becoming once again, a platform for International Terrorists to plan and organize attacks on our homelands. So i guess it means more apologies could only be on the way she called a former governor of afghanistans gaffney province notes. Australia is not the only member of the Us Led Coalition to have carried out such horrific actions. These are something that is very serious and we feel that that is beyond our comprehension. And im really appalled that that how could anybody and the name of humanity will what even do that, especially with this poor afghan people. And we hope that that will manifest to Something Real and not only for the australian, but also nato countries. And also, United States who have committed similar acts in afghanistan, also needs to pay heed to this issue and, and reconcile their own differences that i have done in afghanistan. The World Health Organization has warned medical workers are on the brink as the closing toll across europe and america hits worrying. Hines, it comes as new york now says protests. What they call inadequate preparation by hospitals ahead of an expected further surge of coronavirus cases. Medical workers know the city hasnt provided enough protective equipment or new stuff to cope with a spike in victims. Were hearing today because we are standing arm. We are back in court over a crisis in the bronx and we are not ready, although not to miami. What i mean is they want and people, even, people are not our record of what happened and bring as a grown, a virus pandemic continues to hold a tight grip on the nation. Nursing homes continue to be one of the most vulnerable populations to bear the brunt of the surge, in cases among the nations most vulnerable residents comes as inductions, hospitalizations and search nationwide. Industry experts say that when cases spread in the community, its difficult to shield nursing home residents despite rules that restrict visitors. I think its clearly, as weve talked about, its a challenge to take care of individuals during this covert outrage. And there against the really sad, disturbing stories that have come out, which was the case for don best and her family prior to them locking us out on march 13th. My mother was doing great after fighting hard to get her mother into a nursing home in new york because of the facilities great reputation, things took a turn for the worst. And within 3 weeks of the covert patients being forced into our nursing home, she was that nursing home watchdogs getting flooded with reports of residents being kept in soiled diapers so long. Their skin peeled off, many left with bed, sores that cut to the bone and are withering away because of starvation or he said look like your date is going into kidney failure because of dehydration and laying on the floor. He looks like hes there for hours. And as more than 97000 of the nations Long Term Care residents have died amid the pandemic. They are not only succumbing to the virus, but to slow declines from isolation. And its causing a lot of them to talk about losing the will to live, not wanting to go on anymore or being separated from their families. So thats taken just as much of a toll as cove it has on residence. Experts say short staffing has made the pandemic worse and the inability to allow relatives to check on their loved ones has led to a 2nd wave of death. Additionally, according to the covert tracking project, although fewer than one percent of u. S. , residents live in nursing homes. These facilities account for 40 percent of the nations kovan 1000 deaths reporting any york Trinity Chavez r. T. And across the atlantic in france, intensive care ward are more than 95 percent full and struggling to cope with more than 2000000 coated cases, europes worst tally. Medical staff are warning they can no longer cope is there who do live will complain about is that we need some rest or we have limited places, the worst serious patients are in the hospital ward and we only get the patients in the most serious state. Yes, its difficult now. He said over the governments promises sort of are the interests of the comics and the hospital. Ive never seen there either for the patients or the caregivers. But france has a ban on all religious gatherings, including mass, as part of the lockdown has sent angry believers on to the streets in protest. Worshippers warn that some things are more important than covert restrictions. Astrology, penske reports, churches may be closed for services, but carefully are still meeting and they are protesting. Lockdown measures that seem religious service is essential under frances measures to fight the virus. Only funerals and weddings are currently allowed in religious buildings or services, but the limits on the numbers that turned religious leaders say the restrictions. Contrary to see could part of the catholic faith, catholics in france, suffer from not being able to come together for the sunshine moment. The sunday mass. Many do not understand how disposable to shop in the supermarket filled with bias and how to split the same time to meet in our churches in strict compliance with health precautions. Despite taking their pleas to frances highest administrative court, the Catholic Church has failed to persuade the council of state that religious services such as mass, are essential and should be permitted during the lockdown. Thats angered some while others have decided to take matters into their own hands. Well, if i might go to confession with you a bit, charlotte, i did not start going to master in the 1st lockdown, and i dont intend to start doing that this time. Keen not to draw focus from the authorities for attending these prohibited masses. We have agreed to hide his identity. Do you feel that that is the responsible thing to do to continue going to mass responsible thing to do. For us as catholics, we are mostly responsible to god before we are responsible to our government. And obviously its always best when those 2 are together. But in french history, this isnt the 1st time that going to mass has been considered illegal, or the churches have been locked, or that going to mass could be considered crimes by making this decision. Do you not think that youre putting the general population in . Do you think that as a catholic is the right thing to do . You know, because im not asking anybody to do anything that they dont want to do. If someone doesnt want to go to mass, theyre not being forced to go. And as they say, oh, be all of the laws, as my religion asks me to, on public transportation, etc. So no, because the laws of france do not extend above god. So there are limits to frances power. And i simply recognize that in the practical order, max is not repentant for his desire to continue attending mass, nor would he feel morally responsible, if someone in his congregation and delegate no where in my life, up to 2020 have been held morally responsible for being a vector of a disease, i could very well have passed a cold on to someone in the past or the flu, unknowingly. And the way that code has operated with many, many asymptomatic carriers. Its very unlikely that anyone would ever know. So given that i had no intention to distribute the virus or any desire to do so, i couldnt feel bad in that sense. That attitude is likely to in theory, a services such as this all banned well for the protests by catholics will not be tolerated. Life is more important than anything else, and life is about battling the coronavirus. Its not just catholics who have been impacted by this. The blanket ban hits any religious service. That means that muslims, jews, hindus and others in the same boat. But given that france is still a majority catholic country, their voices and voices of anger, or roy sing above the crowds. Chocolatey brewski, r. T. , paris fears very military accompanied by russian peacekeepers is entering parts of the disputed region of nickel and i care about. I can stipulate it under the peace deal. Meanwhile, refugees are returning to the areas biggest cities to panic, courage which is held by armenia. But arties more and gas finds they have nothing to return to. The war may be over, but the humanitarian situation. Here instapundit here is still dial scenes like this are repeated hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of times across the city and left to their own devices. Look, emergency workers would be overwhelmed. This is why russia has sent help aside from peacekeepers who patrol the routes and heights rusher also said civilian rescuers. Engineers fallen builders to gauge the devastation and their state made how much aid will be required. Its neither easy nor quick. Lets go for the next one. How many do you have on your list . There are too many. How many have we visited today . About 50, neither is it pleasant. Every creator has a story, every destroyed whom has its goofs and with almost every visit. We hear again and again about how a he or she were. All of them died. I knew they were in this room 2 cousins and my grandmother. I was in the room over there, which wasnt destroyed and i fell of my bed, opened my eyes and only saw dust. It took me 5 minutes to crawl out the window. Help has come from all over the world, humanitarian organizations, lukoil and russian rescuers catalogue ruin after wreckage. 1st task is to cover all the broken windows and glass so people can survive the winter. Its some pleasant. Even scary had some role in the construction of many of these buildings is painful for the priority now is making carol livable again, wreckage will be cleared later, but light damage has to be repaired. Now, people are doing what they can. Plaster remove a small holes and covering empty window frames with plastic sheets, but there are laws and even for that. My house wasnt hit so bad the last way for live blew the windows solid. But there are homes which suffered much worse. Really cant complain. The city is slowly coming back to life. The shock of the war is wearing off and with every returning refugees. There is a sense that the city of state by the character has come back from the dead. But in every street, there is a somber reminder that life will never be the same. And some people just cant come back every day. We drive by this house and its a sad sight, every time. A dog guarding a house thats been destroyed. And the family that isnt there more, i guess d. Of tea from the u. S. State of georgia has completed its audit of the president ial Election Results and declared joe biden, the winner, while debunking fraud allegations by donald trump team. However, trans lawyers claim fraud in other states and say they have the witnesses to prove it. This is not a single voter fraud in one state. This pattern repeats itself in a number of states. Clearly illegal, clearly, voter fraud, easily provable. Hundreds of witnesses, maybe thousands, trump attention is now shifting to michigan, whose lawmakers, hes invited to the white house election. Officials in the states allege they were tricked into certifying vote results, but projected president elect joe biden says he cannot understand why the elections still being contested. Its going to be inches the who shows up. Im confident, he knows he has won. Its not going to be able to, were going to be sworn in in january 20th. It will be down in history as the one most irresponsible president s in american history, republican election officials, there michigan, have already signed affidavits rescinding their decision to approve the vote counts on the scale of more pain. Looks back at the timeline of events and what will happen next. I need to leave voted not to certify the election, and i still believe this vote should not be certified. And the state board of canvassers should canvass for an additional period republican canvassers, william hartmann, and Monica Palmer initially voted against certifying the Election Results in wayne county, michigan, where detroit is located. They said there were irregularities. They said that the poll book, which is the official list of registered voters, did not actually match the Election Results. They had questions, they were not comfortable voting to certify the Election Results. The state of michigan had already been called for joe biden. The we had been ahead at that point 150000 votes, there was kind of a 3 hour deadlock and then there was a zoom call where activists and poll workers spoke to the board on a zoom conference and raised the issue of racism. And we are going to you guys are not right, and im sorry for your descendants will be so ashamed of you. I am ashamed of you. Im not going to read it to you. And shame on you, youre a racist ignorance was showing your racism is very up parish and i dont know how you sleep at night because this is on the record, monica, your daughter is going to look at you in disgust because shes going to know and this is going to affect her because people will ask her why is sure mother race is so after about 2 hours of public humiliation, the republican officials reached a compromise with their democratic counterparts. Now, according to them, they agreed to vote to certify these results, despite their concerns in exchange for the democrats conducting an audit afterwards to see what was going on with these irregularities. Now, the democrats decided not to conduct an audit. They say essentially that their, their agreement was not have held and they regret certifying the votes. We now have palmer and hartmann saying that they were misled. They have now signed affidavits saying that they rescinded their decision to certify the votes in wayne county, michigan based chairman, gave me sure and says that voting for the certification of the november election would result in a full, independent out it of detroits unbalanced president s. I relied on that assurance and voted to certify the election based on that assurance. Later that evening i was sent statements that secretary jewson benson meet saying that she did not view our Audit Resolution to be binding. As a result of this fact, i rescind my prior vote to certify wayne county elections. Now the Legal Mechanism by which the votes of wayne county michigan could still be overturned is rather unclear. Now the county is considered by the state of michigan to be certified and the decision to certify the entire state of michigan will be carried out on monday by a Different Committee that would be the board of state canvassers. That committee is split evenly along party lines of republicans and democrats, and its not clear whether or not these affidavits from the 2 republican poll canvassers in wayne county, michigan will have any effect on that upcoming vote. The lawsuit that was filed by the trumpet, ministration in the state of michigan has been dropped. They are no longer in a legal battle with the state of michigan. But michigan is not the only place where there were concerns about irregularities raised by the camp. They claim there is a pattern of voter fraud that favored joe biden and secured his victory in the election. And now, according to a recent poll, 40 percent of americans believe that the recent of the last election on november 3rd was tainted by fraud. And donald trump still maintains that he is going to judgment winner of the election. However, there seems to be a pretty big consensus in u. S. Media that joe biden is the winner. The election took place on november 3rd, but yet the controversy surrounding the u. S. President ial election has not ended. We spoke to commentator new scientists cant be happening, dave lindorff, who says the whole process has become somewhat of a fox. This is all about not winning the election. Its about steering up the base for the election in georgia. Run up for 2 senators. The whole thing is become a big joke. Its just that trumps hard core supporters believe it. And the reason hes doing it is because he thinks thats going to boost his votes for the senate race ensure. This is all a lot of noise. Thats going to result fairly soon. Detroit is 85 percent black and they were willing to say ok, well, well just reject the detroit city limits, but the rest of the community will approve the rest of the county straight. I mean, it was such a blatant racist decision they made. They cant take their vote because when its, like, you know, the decision was made on a visit to the Golan Heights u. S. , secretary of state my pump, a 0 has doubled down on the trumpet. Ministrations claim that the area is part of israel. His visit to anger at the syrian government, which called it an act of provocation. Israel captured the Golan Heights from syria during the 1967 war, and later on next the territory. Last year they tried, the administration recognized it as part of israel making the us the only country to do so that move along with the recognition of jerusalem as the israeli capital was all part of the truck peace plan for the region nicknamed the deal of the century Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had some wool mugs for the us leader. Right supervision, drop. The rules, work no dreams. What if you drop into president . Drop the guard says you want to be true. You have the right to present notices. Recognize israel before we go to war. Thank you for that intro. These rules are reserved for the birds are going to do that. It is really good food for all president from secretary pompei also infuriated palestinians by paying a visit to jewish settlements in the disputed west bank and announcing a u. S. Initiative to counter the pro palestinian boy cant Divestment Sanctions Movement accusing. It of anti semitism. Protests quickly turned violent as rioters held blocks of israeli soldiers. We spoke with Foreign Policy experts on pompei as visit and how the trump of ministrations, policies have reshaped the Israeli Palestinian conflict. Some talk about diplomacy and peace. What does it mean for an entire nation of people, Palestinian People who have been dislocated now for a century . Plus. This is horrible for so many millions of palestinians families and would pump a 0 is doing, is giving the green light in the next few weeks for the hard right in israel to continue to trample over palestinian selfdetermination and 16 she knew to gobble up historical Palestinian Land in gaza in the west bank. And now these incursions into syria instead to go on heights. I mean, israel functions as a massive u. S. War base in the middle east. Seemingly do whatever they want without any consequences. Its an unprecedented move for any, you know, a high ranking american official on the level of secretary and certainly secretary of state which is the highest in america to come and visit, you know, a community, a settlement in the Golan Heights. So you know, it is, it is amazing. It is an amazing achievement for, for israel, the campaign for 2024 is already starting because what theyre doing here 1st of all trump shows that hes not giving up the fight. He may, you know, have to concede the election or realize that on january 20th hes going to leave the presidency. But hes not giving up the fight and he keeps working for israel in the middle east, even in this lame duck period where hes not where hes on his way out. And what he does is he sets the stage. So once President Biden comes in in january, he either has to reverse these things, or he keeps up. Well, as always, tara doubts, he would love to hear your thoughts on our stories. So do get in touch by following us on social media living or your comments that were back in 30 minutes with the latest headlines for you that during the vietnam war, u. S. Forces also bombed neighboring laos. There was a secret war. And for years the American People did not know until our thelma is officially the mouth. Heavily bombed country per capita. All human history, millions of unexploded bombs still in danger lives in this Small Agricultural country. So our line would have been going on a canal which happened there. Even today, kids in laos, fall victim to bombs dropped decades ago. Is the us making amends for the tragedy in laos . What help do the people need in that little land of mind . Is your media a reflection of reality in a world transformed what will make you feel safe, isolation or community . Are you going the right way or are you being direct . What is true . What is fake

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