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A situation like this. It is very hard because we do not have any other choice. And a surprising twist to the American Election results, donald trump gained more minority votes than 4 years ago, while joe biden seems to have won back more white males. We discuss the issue with our guests. Identity politics, really. Donald trump is great, but show me that you are not great. Well, weve got to move forward into the future in it when we see each other, beyond the color of anybody. Skin plus israel is in talks with russia over the purchase of the sputnik, the corona virus vaccine. We spoke to the c. E. O. Of israels top hospital, which has ordered over a 1000000 doses of rush, so the shot currently in final testing. We are pretty sure the russian books, even the bees see if you lose a book she may have to do action because she knows their world. They would have news headlines. My colleague, nicky aaron will be taking over more in just about 60 minutes on behalf of the R T International team. Thanks for watching and we hope you have a great day. Hello and welcome to cross talk. Are all things are considered. Im Peter Lavelle. Trump is facing probably his last battle as president. Will he triumph over the generals and will by his Foreign Policy pick up where obama left off with the neo cons . Again, be back in control. To discuss this and more im joined by my guest, george samueli. In budapest, hes an author and a you tuber apa gabble. And in moscow, im joined by dmitri and she is a political analyst and editor. And you know, its me internet media project. All right, gentlemen, crossed up rules in effect, that means you can jump in anytime you want. And i always appreciate it. Ok, lets go to budapest, george trump, maybe if hes not inaugurated again in january. I be fighting the last battle of his term in office here. And its with the pentagon, its with the generals here, and i think its being under played very much in the media. This is a very Serious Business right now. You, they didnt phatic lee clear that is an administration will pull out troops from, from afghanistan, possibly also from syria. And its, i find it quite odd that we keep hearing from the liberal media that trump may resort to a coup to stay in power. Well, looks to me that the pentagon and the National Security state is committing a coup against trump in the last months of biz presidency. By not obeying direct orders from the commander in chief. This is Serious Business. Go ahead, george. It is extremely serious because he is the commander in chief and he has a right and the duty to implement his policy. And what were getting is that the pentagon is explicitly just ignoring the instructions from the commander in chief. So we get in afghanistan in which the United States has actually signed an agreement with the taliban, committing itself to withdrawing by early next year. And the pentagon decide whether or not that are not going to implement this policy. Theyre going to condition it on what the military regards as the situation on the ground. Even though theres nothing in the agreement with the taliban in which the departure of the americans is condition on the situation on the ground. The only the situation that the United States deem as a deal breaker is if the taliban is attacking u. S. Forces, or if the taliban is cooperating with isis or ok, there is no evidence that started on is doing any of that. But nonetheless, the military is ignoring the president and the same thing is happening in syria where we learned the other day from jim jeffrey, who was the trumpet ministration point man on syria. That basically has been lying to the president. He has been misleading the president just of the actual troop numbers in syria. And although were going to get about 200 forces there, i dont doubt that if you know its at least 900 maybe even more. And what is so shocking about all of this is that he was very proud of having misled the president and the media were clapping and cheering. Oh, this is one that is the deep state who all the National Security state is simply misleading to the elected commander. In chief, so it is very troubling, as you know, given in just a little into what george just said there. I mean, and theres no consequences for obstructing your your superior the commander in chief here. I mean, if this i jeffreys character, i mean, they applauded him because he out we did that, the president of the United States under any other president , this would be serious charges here. Not only would you be him, you humiliated you would probably be barred from working in the National Securities they ever again. And i dont know, maybe even legal issues and play here. But just the opposite here that sharing this year, ive said from the beginning of the trump presidency, this resistance opposition to the president when in the government is destroying institutions. And one of the most sacred institutions we have is as the civilian control of the military, go ahead. Yes. And in fact, one where i am in no orcs suspiciously like military control, all 46 because generals oh i just for command and nato forces in, in europe. He is now in that 20 council. He is now advising, you know, their us Foreign Policy. Im sure he will gain more importance on the trump. And ben, one just has just recently sat that we should include georgia in nato know where everyone understands what kind of course it was a step may have. He said that with ukraine, we can just go on it somewhat. But again, you know, ukraine would be the reddest of the red lines, you know, for russia. So these people, again jurist and replaced for defense secretaries during his term. So its not the lack or constitutional policies, the fact that theyre all against, you know, there is an idea. What would you against, you know, just if you misbehaving generals. And what is especially troubling is the weight is presented. Not only in that many can be broken media, but in the european media, the european media presents as, as trump is going to have a coup before he leaves office, you know, he fired that accident. Defense secretary, he fired the chief of meta team, data, jones, hes up to something terrible, you know, and they, the problem is that they get source us from the night in the United States. You know, i guess, spiegel magazine in germany has just obviously be going to be with james stavridis, the former commando or nato forces in europe. And james, the range, assess, trump, is unpredictable. Hes in bit and frustrated. He can do anything he can at that point. You run know, he can send the u. S. Warships to the waters near china and provoke a war there. You know, what is amazing about these ultra liberal generals is that whatever trumps das is bad, you know, he, in syria, they, they accused him of putting out the troops and leaving the oil to russians. Or, you know, training. You should all go just friends, you know, and you know, worse, you know, encroaching on syrian territory. We decorate you, well just recently the United States was glad been, you know, when turkey and on the hours after the openly intervened in syria, you know, it just bossing the border. Sometimes theyre insurgents inside syria and that was fine. And suddenly when trump, you know, had an agreement without a gun, they said, oh, this is again, syrian territory integrity. So there is no one to quit these guys, you know, they are all be as nice if so when hes frustrated, unpredictable, this is their home. And theyre out and the end, the way it is played out in the European Press is just shameless. You know, its shameless saying that that trump wants to have a coup when you have generals openly disobey him. Hell all currently being, you know, the, i do always, you are not the elected authority. You know, 200 these generals are, and these neo cons are smore concerned with syrian sovereignty in borders that american borders are deep. The missing something they think its really important here is that trump is deemed to be unpredictable. You know, what is predictable is the reaction to trump in this neo cons in their approach to Security Policy around the world. Theyre very, very predictable and thats why theyre so dangerous, and there is no control on them. And particularly it will stop about in the 2nd part of the program under a biden ministries. And this is tell us every tells us everything we know this is it really has nothing to do with party affiliation. Its that you have these deep state characters. They determine what National Security policy is. Its irrelevant to the president as. Yes, exactly, because if you remember during the latter days of the obama administration, this isnt promises obama administration, when the junk kerry and Sergey Lavrov signed an agreement that the United States and russia would jointly conduct military operations against isis within hours of the signing of the agreement, the us military launched an attack against the syrian military, but its isis against the syrian military. And of course, because this letter is serious, guys dont, is their green mint was not on board of it. The russians are so furious about this. So this was a clear act of sabotage. The military there was basically said, we dont agree with this policy of cooperating with the russians or so we will sabotage this. And so will, thats what we have. Yeah, i mean they, the other 2 have decided that we will maintain a military presence in perpetuity everywhere where we are at the moment. And we are, you know, who viet if you, jeff military missions. So anything that the president does when he says we need to withdraw, we will sabotage what will equals all the stories in the, in the media tell, tell the media what they want to hear. Trump is erratic, trump is in saying, trump is not assisting trump and doesnt have any understanding about strategy. And therefore, you know, we just create the atmosphere in which any withdrawal becomes out of the question. Because its either assuaging insane ego, all the whole helping the kremlin. And we know the links that when the kremlin and from so these people are really very, very dangerous. And should have been cut down to size many, many years ago. You know that ever since the law and going into the iraq war, but, you know, all of those people they failed up were apparently ok if you could, you can be wrong, but it doesnt hurt your c. V. And your future prospects. You know, do you mean its, its been widely rumored that trump may, or hes considering a run for the presidency in 2020 for what he does not last few months of this term is time in the, in the, in the white house could be determinant because this is a very important promise he made in 2016 just in these forests here is within his grasp to do it. All that theres an array of forces against them to stop it, which weve already alluded to here. But this is very important to him just because you know, he, he has been defeated by the deep state. I think we have to all of that. Ok, but this is his chance to go out and blazing laurie to say i did this and that is a message to his base because its going to be a rocky 4 years. Well our think if he is smart, he is going to repeat all the time. I was the 1st president in 30 years, who didnt start a single new war. But it will be very difficult for him to reach the people because all the media saying exactly the opposite. You know, the media saying were going to be back to the good old days. You know, were going to get back to the stability of the obama years, which the ability of bamma started several wars, or at least he made the march more dangerous and bloddy than they could be, you know, in leaving, he, he intervened, and this is evil who is still continuing in syria, he intervened on the side of the forces which lost and which almost ruined because entry into ukraine. He changed the regime and the situation is still very dangerous. So when people talk about stability and about experience diplomats or, or clinton years, those are just ludicrous you know, and of the obama years. And its very important talking about the generals. I think ray mcgovern was right to Pay Attention to what john brennan had to say. John brennan told m. S. N. B. C. That wholesale dickless if it takes the intelligence in order to further trumps political interests is going to take place again, proposition predictable. Hes going to do something terrible. Yes, he may fulfill the u. S. Constitution and expose. Well, im sorry your word us because john brennan was there also. All that gold you can program. And of the enemy is the john brennan prided himself on that night in New York Times when trump wanted transparency and a less media are again, all right gentlemen, im going to jump in here. Were going to a short break. And after a bunch of recall in awareness, question, a future for United States. Theres the survival guide. Book station, just like the start simply resurfaced. He should go there you go, get him back. After all it is a repatriation scheme. Look at the rest, a 7 yr old to separate. The treasury for childs seemed wrong, but old clothes. Just dont hold any gold yet to shape out these days. You can stick out to it. And in again, trade equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look for common ground. During the vietnam war, u. S. Forces also bombs in neighboring laos. It was a secret war. And for years, the American People did not know how much it is officially the most carry back country per capita, human history. Millions of unexploded bombs still in danger. Lives in this small angry cultural country. Even today, kids in los full victims of bombs dropped decades ago is the u. S. Making amends for the tragedy. And what help to the people need in that little land of mines. Welcome back to cross now where all things are considered. Im Peter Lavelle remind you. Were talking about a possible by Foreign Policy. Ok. Lets go back to george in budapest, george, im not in the habit of reading a joe bidens tweets, but he did have to say this when were talking about a future up potentially future or. And when i am speaking to foreign leaders, i am telling them america is back. Were going to be back in the game. What do you take . Whats your take away from now . Because that gives me dark for voting. Go ahead. Whether dark forebodings are very, just if i have, im assuming that what he means is that were going to go back to the interventionism of the clintons and bush obama years, which means that wherever there is any kind of a conflict or any potential conflict, america will be there to stoke the fires and make sure that the conflict intensifies and the killing will start. And then american pows, as theyre intervenor against the bad guys, are the peacemakers or whatever. I think thats been the model of the last couple of decades. And its very lucrative, george, its a very lucrative model, very lucrative, exactly. Something to do. After you leave the administration, you got a nice consultancy gig with a think tank over the military hardware, a producer. And you know, you have lots and lots and lots of government jobs so we can already see, you know, maybe now theres been as a success on the part of trump in avoiding getting involved in the ongoing civil war in libya. You know, you can be absolutely certain that the bike ministration will get itself involved in the, in the civil war in libya, syria, already and in a blink in whos like, you have a very senior position within the byte ministration. As hes already said, that he intends to renew the war against Bashar Al Assad overthrow him. So that means well be back to sponsoring isis and alqaeda and everything the america been doing during the obama years. Ukraine, ukraine is by invading. He wants to do more in more ways than one. Exactly. It is that he wants to justify the 2014 coup, organized by obama and biden. And then of course, bidens lucrative career subsequently there. And i was a thing, the leg or no car about situation is still unstable, and biden, the ministration will get itself sucked into that one as well. And im sure there are others that people can mention where the biden will become active. Well, its a lot of running the world. Ok, and human. Tell me what your thoughts are and things that you a potential by Foreign Policy as it relates to russia, might the way i have looked at it for 2 decades now is that the kremlin is prepared for anyone that goes into the white house because it is basically, being prepared for the worst and that has been a realistic approach. What are your thoughts that . Well, maybe just a small correction to one joint just said, im not sure i would say that the United States also directly isis or al qaeda. But shouldnt the United States helped the forces which had the same ideology . Part of that money could trickle to the most radical groups . I mean, look at syria, when did it isis . In 2013, right after it became apparent that that obama would not get more. But i think in positions, if its part of the historical record, the United States officials in the United States knew, with this weaponry was going and you know, this money was going, its very end of the hour. It ended up in defense, all of them or straight to go for us. Youre absolutely right, but i think its very important to mention here that when during the terrorist acts in europe, we hear about the people who perpetrated these acts and they were active in syria. The us media and the western media in general, always reports of talk as if history started in 2013 when the, their socalled Islamic State official just out of to function in syria. When of course these people were active and theyre also there, you know, before the, i mean, official launch an all dices. There were groups with the same ideology or pursuing the same agenda. They just didnt call themselves isis. It was the whole americans would do their job for them wont be no resistance. So i agree absolutely. With what george just said that what you say these policy is going to be more, more aggressive because trump was just an american nationalist, unpleasant, cruel. You know, radia for cruelty, but he was, he wasnt ideological, you know, or his ideology was very simple. You know, i know israel, i support israel. I dont know. We ron. I think we should, while were on, you know, i think what the deep state was so much opposed to tromp that they didnt go along with his idea or take in iraq and now its just very fine. And you see how james the regis is sane or trump is dangerous. You mad . They could rendezvous have . Im very beautiful. Constantly since in 2000 they had when obama poor and of the same idea. There were no doubts about it. You know, people against the brain just said, oh yes, yes, we should do something about iran and there was no problem. But you remember how people were actually to emigrate in from iran joined there by john and other places because they were afraid of american strikes. Huge american strikes coming, but i think what is very dangerous is the escalation in ukraine. And here i would like to point your attention to the article in the, you know, american conservative ukraine spiral, play in minsk by mark capus. You know, the author writes quite great idea that biden has been stitched, honestly. It is polish, the polish overall bake against russia, including through the media cream. But the author writes, i think wrongly, that until now, this aide was defensive, how he may bite and may push ukraine to feel what ukrainians, the something authorities themselves call gratian scenario, just like croatian financial scenario you find in any georgians. Whats really interesting is that, well, there is a going from the United States to ukraine, i mean, and trump got impeached over it. Apparently, whats really interesting to me is that instead the president ukraine, because of the situation on the ground, was having to have to think about some kind of reconciliation with russia. And he can go through different sectors, bit like energy. For example, after all of this, cranes biggest trading partner remains russia here, now of their own. Certainly in those they came to power after the coup and in 2014, they want a much more striking policy and by people want to. Then the reason im pointing this out is that lift alone in the reconciliation and simmering down accompli can happen when you have an outside power like the United States. We can look at libya, we can look at syria, we can look at afghanistan, iraq, and the ukraine. This is what i mean. What i meant in my introduction, you know, pointing out where obama left go ahead. Yes, thats exactly right. Because russias make clear that he has no interest in and next thing, any ukrainian territory. So those who are living in the nets then no real hope of being incorporated within russia. So the only thing that the russians insist on is the special status for these, these 2 provinces. Now that kiev hasnt really made any moves towards achieving that, and this is as keeps the conflict going now with biden team. There they view things as a 0 sum game. If they get, if they heat up the conflict in ukraine, some kind of a new offensive against the donetsk and lugansk for them. Its a win win. You know, its, i either dont know, its going to guns are defeated, which is unlikely. Are russia is drawn into the conflict, which means russia and ukraine are at loggerheads, and its a, its a real headache for the russians because its a, its a, its a serious military conflict between 2 brother nations. Their former. Yeah. And they are on the border exactly. So they dont really care about ukrainians, they just see it as a 0 sum game that is bad for russia. And thats the mentality of these people. Thats why they are very dangerous. Because their own ethan zohn is, lets make life as difficult as possible. For russia let, lets have them suck them into all kinds of conflict, which then makes them gives them headaches, may cause instability within russia. And thats a very dangerous game to play. Because we really dont know, he, you know, the how, how easy, you know, how easily such situations going to get out of control. You know, you know, it seems to me, in the left, in the United States have not learned the lesson. They just never had an autopsy of why the reason lost one of the reasons why she lost is the unpopularity of foreign wars, endless wars. And i would go in interventions on this meddling as george just described, who is when it comes to ukraine. They havent learned a lesson and you know what, these neo cons and deep sea players, theyre quite happy with that. Ok. Because they can continue down the path of their ideological obsessions and russia is one of them. And of course, china is getting higher and higher on the menu, go ahead. Well, you are right. You know, even that 82 of or joe biden will more than 70000000 people who voted for trump. He didnt have anything to tell them except i also lost a few times in my life. You know, he didnt say or were going to correct the portion probably we did something wrong before 2016. Why are there still may know of you who he was here and not of your he was an o. E. Back to warfare again. Absolutely. You know, was that part of the campaign . George was it ever mentioned during the general campaign about supporting endless wars . I dont, i dont remember it coming up is missing. Just the opposite. During the democratic convention, they brought out all of these neo cons, cheering a field of Foreign Policy. Ok, because i say failed because the American People voted against it in 3 election cycles. They voted against it and wants war. Ok. And what im saying is theres just this huge disconnect here. George will give you the last 30 seconds. Yes. Thats right. Thats what you get with the biden scene, and theres this interventionism. And this is a rebuttal to hold by a political career has been about remembering him from the 1990 s. When he was an absolutely implacable advocate bombing yugoslavia. He was an odd supporter of that. He didnt just both in favor of the iraq war. He was in there was he as well there. And then he had the americans say, wow, i think we should politician iraq as if its within being an urgent rip ramos, out of town here. So, and im here of former secretary of defense, robert gates and about joe biden. Every, every policy stance he took on Foreign Policy was wrong, will probably find that once thats all the time we have, what i think my guess would have hasnt muskaan. One thing our viewers for watching us here are you see you next time. Remember

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