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A job. I missed president elect with some cretin states. There hasnt been any vote certification yet. And on top of that, there are more and more calls of fraud and 70 percent according to a number of polls saying republicans, they dont believe the outcome of the election. So were in a pretty bad place right now. If we can, in the least, have a bipartisan deal wanting to know exactly what happened in this election because we dont at this point, go ahead. I think whats happening is we do have a very awkward situation. The whole, think with the pandemic, a lot of people were afraid to go vote in person and what not, in terms of the mail in ballots. There was a large amount of them. There is currently evidence that is being shown that there are, you know, a lot of tampering with the mallon ballots. That something that i would have been expected. A lot of people that theyre trying to look right now that it says that they were voting. That might have been just ceased, you know, they asked me some sort of their fixation. So overall, in the united states, this is a barrister to the world. Do you not see that . Were having an issue this far along. I believe that every vote does have to count, but it has to be of the from, you know, verified citizen and, and thats, thats a huge issue. You know, i think more than anything else. And then another reminder is that who system isnt that, where using for any election, you have its an Online System for those who have 0 in person to my knowledge. Thats bill gates is behind it. Its he has to do with a system as well. And that conflicts of interest because its really anybody with a touch of a button can manipulate the elections one way or another, even at a local level. So those are things that we need to consider all or all. As you know, there are, there are going to be cynical here. I think many people were aware of it in took advantage of ok. And i think that thats whats really kind of disheartening because i am not for this day or mail in letters. I mean absentee for people that are elderly for the military, the standards, im all for here. But with this introduction, you know, you know, we have the left saying, you know, all vote all the matter. No, not all legal votes matter. Ok. However, let me go to you because it seems to me that this is, you know, in a sense, kind of intense. And then we have the liberal media gaslighting us, you know, my shirts, shaming us voters shaming us for oh, for each contestant in disagreeing, i just want to know what. Ok, because if we dont know what happened and this process is politically pushed forward, a lot of people up to 70000000 people are going to feel disenfranchised, and it will point to be entirely lets and process and concept into town. Your tenure. Well, this was a referendum on trump chaired by night and didnt present a program. He was not drunk. So the country remains polarized, because the election didnt deal with the issues. I dont have a problem with mail in ballots, is a paper trail. They can be verified and the ballot marking devices that surround instant are in issue, maine. I had a strange experience of watching my vote decline in florida over 2 hours is the u. P. S. Was reporting now maybe that was just there are people in each county in 800. 00 clerks making mistakes. But you know, because that technology is private and software is proprietary. There is the possibility of malfeasance. Thats where we need to be concerned. But i think the narrative from republicans, i dont think its about winning the election. I think its about the stablish of the narrative Going Forward for the next 4 years, so they can mobilize their people around a stolen election. And i think thats a problem, and biden didnt address. A lot of, you know, working class middle class trump, voters yet look at the exit polls. The trouble, his top issue is economics. The biden voters was called, the democrats dont have a message. And so, you know, Traditional Democratic voters are looking for an alternative in to democrats and disappointed him. And i think thats, that helps account for the polarization. So you know, for us as greens, it was very frustrating because were right on arent green, deal medicare for all real or reorder. And seeing ari prioritizing federal budgets from so much military to social and environmental protections. Majority of people who are with us, you know, i posed opinion polls. Well, we were totally blanked out well, and im so glad you said that because if you look at so many issues and youre right, this is campaign had almost nothing to do with issues and had to do about one persons personality and a in a mask. Ok. That and neither are, are good enough reasons to vote one way or another, or even to vote in my opinion here. And so, right. You know, we, you know, we, we just talked about, you know, the britney in the, can the republicans creating a narrative . Well, its kind of payback, isnt it . Because they, because the liberals never accept that donald trump is president. So i mean, you know what Goes Around Comes Around ok. Weve seen this narrative before and, and, and i think thats awful. Ok, because what, how, how much the trump actually achieved in his 1st term . Not very little the day of his low, his popularity. That the very lowest of his popularity in Public Opinion polls. If they were right, was the day he signed the tax cuts, and thats the only thing, thats his signature policy for 4 years. So, you know, should anybody be surprised that youre not my president , you know, that is maybe taken on by the g. O. P. And i mean mcconnell is look like hes got no on board. We have lindsey graham, others, which kind of surprised me up that they were going to be on the sidelines. But this is not what you want. This is what the left did that to donald trump. So should i mean, really . I asked here, are you really surprised . Take a lot of your language like a holiday with biden anaemic me. Im a little surprised that it would seem high priced, you know, why . Because the Republican Party never embrace donald trump. Go ahead. Yeah. But those are the war mongols, those are there when they are waiting for somebody like that to go into power. Im not surprised at all that those are the people, those, those are never true republicans from that start. But looking at it from an objective point of view, i would have to tell you its the medias fault, more than anything else. This is turned into such a marketing scam. From the very beginning its trying versus the media where it should really be about the people. You know, ive always said the media is the 4th branch of government because it moves Public Opinion and weve seen a number of times. And theyre the ones that are the narrative theyre, theyre the ones that are pushing this Division Within the country. It should be the other way around. They should really focus on back to the investigative journalism. Theyre the ones who should be looking into these discrepancies and try to, you know, show the people, you know, where my, how was they, you know, where, where is this coming from . A, where is its going for the next or the future. And i use, are you surprised if they do not . Hes surprised it doesnt. Im not because the media, theyre ideologically driven. I mean they know where they, they know what side of the bread theyre. The butter is on. Ok. I mean, they identify they get a fine with these ideological leitz in the Democratic Party is many think they really look down to most voters, but new agree is that all time a quick race since that who are the ones that are behind . Thats exactly. 8. Look at the trail, look at the trace and the everybody is related to everybody else. And the majority of them are liberals, if not all of them. So the democrats themselves have turned into the radicals. I mean, al least when they were back to the way they were, you know, during our kennedys time and even a little bit, you know, around that era. You see that there was issues before it that they would be able just gusting, you know, now, nowadays its not even about that. Its all about, you know, maintaining the divisions, maintaining, you know, so they can control the population and the thinking now that this whole cold it, its been a back and forth one way or another and theyre playing into peoples fears like they usually do. These politicians should just be able to manipulate the people, and thats whats wrong, isnt where their styles as americans to be played like cons in these peoples hands. And thats not what this is about. How they really its, it is to sustain the status quo. I mean, you know, if you like or dislike donald trump is, is neither here nor there in this sense because, you know, he touched a nerve, he touched a nerve with working people and he touched a nerve with people that want to can continue controlling the country very much as we would so i said about controlling the narrative. Go ahead. Having. Yeah, i think thats why the leafs in a bipartisan sense, you know, a lot of republican elites got to have biden, because donald trump, lets face it. Hes ignorant. Hes not very competent, hes lazy. And you know, for example, the National Security state, i think was on automatic pilot. You know, he talked about ending the endless wars in the rebut. I am not automatic. They were being actively against him, not, not autopilot. Ok, but they, they continued with their what they were going to do anyway. So each say im withdrawing the troops. We actually have more troops in the middle east. Then we did at the start of that ministration. We had more drone strikes and escalated radically more special operations. And this was happening in countries that donald trump probably couldnt find on the map. Thats what i mean not. I got my, i was a history as a long history as a hoc impro horchata economic policies. So, you know, there is a progressive wing of the Democratic Party, but they are marginalized. The 1st thing, the elites did was attack them. Theyre talking about medicare for all and a green new deal, which they got from us, the green party. And you actually look at the candidates that ran on medicare for all for the house they want. It was their last word was it ran away from it. Right, so i think the progressive as, you know, went one sanders got defeated when the elites and all the candidates just close ranks against, you know, their progresses. Got behind biden without making any policy demands. And now what is going to ignore them . Because they have no leverage. Well, i think they think that the, the biden people, if in fact he is unoccupied in january, will regret that. But youre right, nancy pelosi and chuck schumer. They have all of their vile for the progressives and their own party. You know, when you look at that, if the Defense Budget gets passed every single year under donald trump, they, democrats gave him more money. So heres a guy that is a National Security threat. Hes a competent you stupid. I give him a lot more money than he even asked for. Ok, thats a unified party when it comes to Foreign Policy. So, you know, the, im, im very worried that its going to be a continuation if indeed there is a ministration. Because there are things that dont sound out, there is an agenda, no matter whos going to get elected, this is what not youre going to get when you are great. And after that short break, well continue our discussion on the election results. As well as on the board, but those national big city, bright like you just put unities and many dangers. There has to be disappointing to poor. The players are going to do. Its also a city where up to 300000 crimes are committed to over the last. When they built the new mosque, its filled to the reserve least one police officer, every 200 residents in russias capital. I think that will not go along with them to most tactics that can be used to get innocent people to confess, to crimes. They didnt commit. I dont even think people in the us really get that the police are allowed to lie to you. The person who falsely confessed actually came to believe the lie that they were told about their own behavior. Once a false confession, a stake in the case is closed and nobody really can tell the difference between a good confession and one that is welcome back to crossed up where all things are considered. Im Peter Lavelle to remind you were talking about the election results. Ok lets go back to atlanta. So one of the things thats happened since the election, weve had the former 1st lady, michelle obama, basically voters shame anyone. They didnt vote for her, basically calling them a racist. This is a very tired, tiresome, and dangerous narrative that constantly is being pushed from the left. And all it does is divide people. Its a remarkable for a woman is living in a multimillion dollar house on marthas vineyard. I think voters shaming people. And then we have the Lincoln Project thats basically me coming out and boxing people. And theres another project that is trumpeting, im sorry, focusing on people that were literally the trumpet, ministration of helping, hoping to assure that they never get work again. Its very solemn and it is very maoist, it is the 10 attempts to destroy peoples careers. You know, in joe biden says he wants to reconcile with people. How do you square the 2 . Because it seems to me this is just a, a, a blood fest that they want to conduct and its some kind of purge that they want to conduct. How do you see it . It is, its very scary to see how they keep on creating this division with that type of narrative. Even within the trump supporters, a lot of the cubans who are for trump, are telling everybody that if you voted for biden, you know, you should go apologize to your parents. I saw somebody had posted that. I believe it was from the, from tinas for trump. And its really sad to see that because thats not fair and its kind of like we were discussing earlier. There was or it was never about the issues. Everybody made it seem about who likes trump and who doesnt. And thats what this elections about. And thats not what its about. They dont see that this is way bigger than anything else. And no matter whos going to get elected unfortunately, because there is an agenda, nothing is going to change. Weve seen what happen in the middle east in the Foreign Policy is just getting worse and having biden there right now. The issue which trump is that hes not ignorant. Im sorry, howie. You know, the guy is pretty smart and got this fire. Actually, the ignorance comes in what the people that he surrounded himself with the adults in the room is they call its horrible. Its harmful. I mean, you know, is the worst america has ever had. And he take a look at who, you know, everybody that hes had in the positions that there are even if he was trying to unite the party by putting these people in. But you can work with enemies and if theyre working against you from the beginning and have their own agendas, thats what he did wrong. And no matter where this race goes later on, you know, down the road, whoever the winner is. I hope they do surround themselves with the right people for the right reasons. And the only way, i mean, i can tell everybody we have to pray. This is, this is really been a fight between good and evil. From the very beginning. I think the country needs a lot of prayers in order for us to be able to heal. Yeah, well, howie, leave, it looks like that, you know, susan rice, ben rhodes, and Samantha Power may returning to the spotlight here. I mean, there are people, these kind of lore, one of the reasons why donald trump was elected in the 1st blanks. Ok. Considering what the bible campaign is talking about, trade in china. Again, one of the reasons why was elected in the 1st place. I mean, they want to go backwards in 2016 in a sense, but they dont want to go back on them. Sam, what made a truck, big tree possible . And i mean, its really, its almost to the point bizarre, where they just have a blind faith. But a blind date the bay are right and they know better. This professional manager is trial bench always because the rest, the best art is well educated or accredited as they are, theyre making the same mistakes all over again. Yeah, were not only heard it only the privilege of were afforded to vote for the green party. Im thinking only this managerial class has the privilege to live under biden because bidens whole Economic Policy history is point being a fiscal hawk in crumbs for working class. But subsidies for the super rich in a jack were ations and with mcconnell in the republicans now turning fiscal hawk again and it with biden saying hes going to partner with mcconnell, is going to that his cabinet picks with mcconnell. I think thats what we can expect. So from our point of view, only the privileged could afford to vote for wagner truck instead of for a real alternative. So yeah, that deck got pretty rich and i got a lot of personal calls from prominent progresses. People would know their names and they were not trying to persuade me to say vote for biden. In the swing states, they were saying they are making a transactional. If you say vote for back in the swing states, then ill say vote for greens in the safe states, which is coercive, not persuasive. So my opinion of our socalled radical intelligentsia went down a few notches as a result of this campaign. You will be in it, but its about power and its not about policy unfortunately, where we left that years ago in the, in the media just piled on to perpetuate it story. And one of the things that, you know, i said in my introduction there was no blue wave, but there was a red ripple. And i think its very interesting looking at. Because i up i said, for the longest time that trump hadnt expanded his base, but he did accept her at the expense of White College educated, white educated men, which is kind of interesting. And well have to forensically try to understand that later. Maybe it is. Thats connected with the new suburbia and rule divide in american politics make, which may be the most important marker, moving forward here. But you know, it, after it, when the electrically, the polls said that binds up 14 and 11 in double digits. And at the end of the day, the g. O. P. Had a pretty good night. They, its expected that they will do so leben seats in the house of representatives. So, you know, trump, you can, you can dismiss him as some kind of anomaly, one off bizarre event. But i think i and i hope a pan pan Racial Coalition is in the making. But do you think to be honest with you i, i dont, i dont see that theres going to be any hope. So again, that they are now, we have to have hope. Yes, but if you take a look at those people that went into those seats in the house, theyre actually, you know, hocks to it also its against the unit party and the electorate. When it comes to Foreign Policy, unfortunately thats the way it is. And i have to say, you know, and im not that i dont look at myself as a trump supporter. I dont, i never have during his entire administration because he ruled this jeb bush. Ok. I wanted a, i want it more of a letter right of center populist. Like he ran as president then he ran his like you know, mitt romney . Ok so that, that thats my problem. Yes. But i think the message, maybe you had more hispanics, more blacks, more women, just about every single group more voted for him in this election than 20068. Thats got to mean something. Dont you think . Well, i mean, it is at the same time you have a lot of the that jellicoe is also that were playing a big hand in this election as well, letting their parishioners know, you know, this is about more al and whether youre for abortion or youre against abortion, and its wrong that if youre a christian, you know, you have to vote for a trial. So there is, there is, you know, different areas that were being late as well. It wasnt just about where, you know, they were, the conservatives were more focusing on the issues and i believe that it went down to the local and the community. And on a religious standpoint, they were pushing that narrative as well. But if you take a look at the people that are winning at a local level, unfortunately it has to do with popularity. It has to do with maintaining the control and the corruption. Weve lost the essence of what a true politician really is here in the united states. Its supposed to be about the people and going back to what, how he was saying. And i honestly commend you for her, for sticking to your, you know, principles and values. Because from what i recall back in july 16th, just i, you know, she was interchange and there was even some sort of app with Hillary Clinton on those votes and where they can help each other back and forth with the democrats and the green party. So all i am really glad that you made it about the principles of the party and thats what everybody should do in iowa. And its not about a popularity contest or how we can manipulate the election. If you take a look at the reform party, rocky, the left when the people that were on his campaign, the delegates, he bought everybody and their vote as well. So by being running as an independent, as ive always told everybody, i wish i could to now from the very beginning, but unfortunately the way how the u. S. Politics, where there are 2 major parties. And at the end, you have to choose those 2. Its going to take a lot of time before the americans. Its the educating people for them to realize, you know, that theyre not working for you. They really are, its never ending. Dont you think if you kind of echo what youre saying, i mean, you know, we were america likes, the big debate itself is being the, at the heart of the democratic experience and actually forcibly exports democracy. But i mean, i dont see that theres a really strong belief in democracy when you have this doowop really all of the time. Its kind of either or people like you. So people like howie are, are made to be outliers. When the, the majority, the make sure the of potential voters in the country are not in line with any major party. Ok, most are, are not affiliated. Ok, but you would know that from the meat the way the media runs it because anyone thats outside of those, those 2 very narrow things and they are very narrow parties, you know, is simply dont exist and they dont give you a voice. You know, im really happy to have both you here because he represents a lot of the ideas of a lot of people need electric that never get erring on the mainstream media. How weak, what is the response that youve had during this election cycle . Well, particularly from young people, teenagers, and 20 somethings. They like our program. Theyre fighting for their future on a climate or Racial Justice on economic justice. So postelection, weve got hundreds of messages, pleading with us dont stop going. Some of them are too young to vote. They want to vote for us next time. So thats one hopeful sign. Going back to the idea of a multi racial working class coalition. You know, we didnt put it together nationally, but we elected about 2 dozen people to local office in this election. And some of those candidates did that. Emanuel strada 26 year old became the mayor about one part in east los angeles. The city thats out a lot of crime with corruption. That young man has its hands full. When you build a coalition and beat the establishment, we had another candidate from among the pirates in baltimore running against a one party all democratic dictatorship on city council. Theres been nothing but democrats, theyre ok now. It looks great. Im afraid weve run out of time. We just need more diversity in politics and i want to thank my guests and sergio and in atlanta. And i want to thank our viewers for watching us here at you see you next time. Remember german babies cry in a pattern like saying entrenched babies, which a man is. So that was a, that actually follow the rhythmic pattern versus mine. So you know, the learning they get that turns out she looked into it course. What was happening was that the babies could actually hear their mothers speech in the room. Is your media a reflection of reality . In a world transformed what will make you feel safe . Heis a nation full community . Are you going the right way or are you being led . So direct. What is true . Wants is faith in the world corrupted. You need to descend to join us in the depths. Maybe in the shallowness russias top diplomat suggests that scribbling critical legs in a valley could have ingested a nerve agent in germany or on the plane to it, with the current spokesperson stressing that no one is willing to cooperate with moscow. On the case. We want to know the truth, so we said, please help if you have information that we do not have, please share it with us. But no one wants to cooperate. Then use that pfizers Coronavirus Vaccine could soon be ready for release is giving hope, but mainly to rich countries. Those poor ones look like being priced out

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