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Being highly effective in 3 says that it will join the queue for the job. They are not already negotiated about simply by russia. We are not my solution will be the production, or at least the part of the production hungry. Very good morning to you. Thanks for joining us here on r. T. Furious about that countrys peace deal with azerbaijan. Seeing it as a humiliating defeat for the last 2 days in advance, been gripped by arrests with protesters demanding the prime ministers role. I dont do drugs, but lets arrest continued into the night with police resorting to to gas to prevent people storming the Parliament Building multiple arrests. Were about an hour to course, when the biggest on the president will be in the capitol and spoke to some of those venting their anger on the streets. You can clearly hear how high the emotions out, how very passionate and heartbroken people are here because of that document that was signed because they dont see it as a peace treaty. They see it as a surrender. And a lot of people who have talked to, yes, they are saying that the incumbent prime minister, nicol passion is a trait of stone you call pushing and betrayed us here, traitor. Hes a peak. How he could do this to us. I have friends in karbala, a policeman. There is a friend of mine. I worried about him. The disability do people who are gathered here are those who lost their daughter. The land of those who believe that this decision is a step in the bag. All armenians pushing on his surrender our lands in secret and is now hiding. Hes not going to come out and explain his actions here or things is that i left care about 3 weeks ago. Oh, my family, how they are. Im proud that my brothers went to fight because if not for them, i wouldnt be long now. But if it continues like this, there would be no one, no new, nothing would be left. My father 40991, my relatives called to this land is more precious than my life. I dont know what to and this is our land and we wont give it to anyone. He in turn, is essentially saying that he had no other choice, and that had he not signed this particular document, that it would have been worse. Heres how he explained his heartbreaking decision submits, had the fighting continued Stepanek Kurt martini and ask around, would almost certainly have fallen thousands of our soldiers with then who found themselves surrounded. It would have been a collapse. We had to sign this agreement. But for most unity is impossible. As long as nicole passion and his government are in power, john of reporting from here in armenia. See meanwhile, as part of that peace deal, russian peacekeepers are being deployed in the socalled latching corridor. This lies between the disputed region of the and armenia. According to the agreement brokered by moscow, in 2000, Russian Military personnel will be stationed with the 90 ahmed carriers and 380. 00 vehicles, plus other military equipment. Presence in the region is given People Living there who can occur max advice, 3 wars in which we won twice. Were trying to get support from other countries per person who once sent a mercenary troops for him out as much. So we could find him. Im sorry, you dont understand how we have lost this territory. Lets see what will happen next. I cant say for sure until the peacekeeping forces arrive. I cant see anything for sure. We will of course, stay here. This is my heart of i will live here. When in the region floods because of relentless shelling as a president no insists that his army is not to blame. It is amanda. The picture we saw on the freed territories shows us that the enemy live there with the feeling of heat towards the as they are by johnny people. Otherwise, why would they destroy all the buildings . There are. When you have a narrative that goes back decades, when you have an s. Nic group, if you want that lives in 2 countries. And when, when leaders whipped up nationalist sentiment, it becomes very, very difficult because its very emotional. And theres nothing wrong with patriotic a motions when they are directed with such hostility toward the other side from both people inherit generation to generation and narrative. And it takes, it takes great creativity of the truth to, to counsel people, to, to learn again to live together. Its going to depend on the extent to which the russian leader chain, the complete cooperation of the leaders of the 2 countries in year in 2000, very well trained. Russian troops will be very effective. But what will be most effective will be self discipline. On the part of the 2 sides, and i think that can only be obtained through communication from us. Prodemocratic Media Outlets are branding Donald Trumps claims of vote, fraud as rightwing misinformation, but they themselves apparently dont seem to mind. Manipulations of the electoral system that go in their favor. Kellam open explains questioning the us election. Busy results is tantamount to sacrilege. The media is outraged that anyone would talk about ballot fraud, especially this New York Times columnist. Facebook is absolutely teeming with right wing misinformation right now. These are all among the 10 most engaged on the platform of the post 24 right wing information. So what is this misinformation that he feels is so dangerous and unacceptable and that well, perhaps the reason that this information is deemed to be so dangerous is because those headlines are actually true. And what about this guy . 2nd, pennsylvania u. S. P. S. Whistleblower claims postmaster ordered late ballots picked up and separated. While the Washington Post came forward and said, this is all a big hoax that the postal worker has recanted his story. Well, thats a great journalistic expose, except the postal worker says he has not recanted there to say that i did not reveal my statements out of the Republican National Committee Says they have 234 pages containing the 500 signed affidavits alleging 11000 incidents of potential voter fraud. Now you have a media thats rigging it again by saying were not going to listen to these stories. Were not even to validate. The 11000 incident reports that we have, the 500 affidavits we have across the state. 11000 witnesses is not a small number. Now in georgia, the Senate Runoff elections are coming up and another New York Times columnist has this idea. I hope everybody moves to georgia, you know, in the next month or 2 registers to vote and vote for these 2 democratic senators. Well. 6 in georgia, that is actually a felony. It is illegal to move to georgia simply for the purpose of registering to vote. Only people in georgia with the stablished residency are able to vote. Republicans have a lot of questions about the Election Results that show joe biden as the clear winner. Now at this point, weve got Mainstream Media saying those questions are simply off limits. However, that seems to be making the trump base even more involvement. R. T. New york will issue voter fraud remains a highly debated issue with many believing its been going on for ages. Well, of this demand, more evidence the democrats, every time they lose an election, immediately cry, this is going on for decades. But when the republicans lose the election, then the they are immediately expected to accept defeat. At the very time when the democrats saying no problems, no parole that took place. Anyone whos claiming that was brought up and there is fear is that they should be actually actively perpetrating a fraud by saying go down to georgia for a golfing holiday. And then when the foreman say you are legal residents, that this is precisely the uproar, if there is fraud. And what the courts want to see is brought, you have to have a public particularities, which means that who, what, when, why, where or how ok. So if there is fraud, where is it . You cant make conclusory allegations and thats what hes doing. And thats why its lawsuits are falling short. Thats what, thats what is it represents, bring it forward. Now the u. S. State of georgia is to hold an election recount the state generally goes for republicans. This time the democrats put term to the post by door point 3 percent, than our margin of victory has led to a hand recount to mike lee. You actually have to do a full and by hand recount because the margin is so close right now. Its 14 1101. 00. Its a big process to be a methodical process and go back to process. And im sure there will be plenty of oversight. We want to make sure that both parties have the opportunity to observe this because we understand the stakes are high to just stay with 16 votes in the u. S. Electoral college. So even if the state would to flip in trumps favor the other loan would not change the outcome of the election. But doug collins, whos heading the chum campaigns, efforts in georgia, still thinks that the recount is an absolute must. We got a 5. This president deserves that. Thats what were doing for down here. Thats why were fighting to make sure that every legal vote is counted and well see what happens. They have the sense of a 3rd republicans have been talking about the possibility of fraud and ballot harvesting the Term Campaign for multiple lawsuits. Accusing local authorities over the regularities team trumps. Also seeking a recount in other states that is invalid or pennsylvania and wisconsin. When you have dismissed these concerns as outrageous and considered joe biden to be the winner of the election. Others though insist its too early to call the winner. Math is they are matched quite sure what it is that theyre counting. But the math is there by having the president elect of the united states. Your ideas, find him in. Im not, i dont, i just, i dont think thats going out with him in office. I am surprised that his father are joining in on it makes one scratch ones head and say this red mirage could have been kind of big question, week set by to appear to be appear to be the president elect. Hes not that into you want to call it sends all letters in middle december that go for biden. Hes not president elect yet. The media is not that powerful in this country yet. They cant make him. The president elect calls for donald trump to concede the election to getting at the louder but democrats appear to have forgotten the earth in 20692 found it hard to accept a projected loss on these daniel holkins. Compare then and now despite the heated rhetoric fierce that by downright insults in the run up to the election, one thing remains untouchable, the integrity of the vote counting process and certification Vice President biden. Final question for you will, you were urged your supporters to stay calm. While the voters counted, and will you pledge not to declare victory until the election is independently sort of . Yes, but as the race went meccan, meg with supporters on both sides, claiming victory was within their grasp. The rules of the game changed, sir. What do you say to the americans that are inches over the fact that President Trump has yet to concede and what that might mean for the country . Well, i just think its a baseless claims by the president and his supporters, that theres been widespread voter fraud and that the election was somehow really are stolen from President Trump. That kind of rhetoric is extremely dangerous, extremely poisonous to our democracy. If i were in their own intelligence and was in a foreign country looking at the united states, you know, id be, id be writing up the slow slide into autocracy. There was a time when democrats saw things differently and their candidates lost by more Electoral College votes than this election was viewed as an injustice. As ive been telling candidates who have come to see me, you can run the best campaign. You can even become the nominee, and you can have the election stolen from you. The kremlin was allegedly behind that election result helping trump to power several years. And millions of dollars later, an investigation concluded there was no criminal conspiracy. Yet now the boy in this projected so when the results are accepted at face value and this thought the presidency was a power and he won fair and square. All weve seen so far in the us is the Mainstream Media, which of course has been behind your biden 1000 percent declaring on their own. That joe biden is the president elect with Democratic Party for 4 years and still not conceded that Hillary Clinton lost in 2016 no matter what they did, no matter how they tried to steal the election from trump. At the time they invented russia, great to try to 1st, undermine then candidate and one from one to undermine his presidency at the point of the apocalypse. And if you want to live in the democrat, but even if biden didnt win, the democrats had a back up plan. No surrender. Joe biden should not concede under any circumstances, because i think this is going to drag out. And eventually i do believe he will win if we dont get it. And now the tables are turned with trump refusing to concede his opponent, so willing to go to just about any links to see the back of him, plus present tense. The cabinet had an ounce of fortitude and spine and patriotism. I think they would seriously consider booking the 25th amendment and pushing donald trump out and calls from the democrats who spent almost the entire term looking for evidence the election was stolen. For trump to accept defeat and move on, looked like double standards at best. Left out have any luck . No lockers about how the president should immediately sure are probably going to Election Results from the same characters or just spent 4 years refusing to accept the validity of the electorate. And who and sonia waited, the 1st one would be a legitimate clue. If they lost to go only if their law takes this has passed a grin milestone in the corona virus pandemic becoming the 1st us state to register a 1000000 infections the buddha city of el paso, is resorting to sent to supply 18 because of a death spiral. And he met his rick sanchez, discussed the die situation with a doctor from the washington paints. And look at that. See that right there just arrived. This is one of the many refrigerator trucks arriving in places like arizona and texas so requested by health care officials. There because theyre literally running out of room to store the bodies of people who have died from coated 19. What makes this situation worse is that often one community, like in this case, in the case of texas, el paso, it gets hit so hard that it simply runs out of beds, runs out of morgue space. In fact, here are the numbers, the paso community alone bay, our county is what its actually called, where Officials Say that right now, according to the county dash board, that we have verified by the way, there are more than 26000 active cases and more than 1000 people who are hospitalized and the number is growing one county. So although it depends, obviously in which community you live, it is safe to say right now that according to the latest out of the number of hospitalizations have increased nationwide. For example, the number of americans hospitalized at all, it was topped 60000 this week, and that was for the very 1st time. So by all indications, the fall surge that we were told would occur appears to be happening. So the question now is how soon will there be relief either in the form of federal dollars in the form of a vaccine that is actually ready for widespread usage, which is the difference when it comes to vaccines. Dr. John dombrowski, one of the best known in the area and always a go to guy for us. And there he is. With that a handsome, smiling face. Dr. Dombrowski, thanks so much for joining us. Lets talk if we can a little bit. I think a lot of people are sitting at home watching us not only here in the states, but all over the world. And theyre trying to make sense of this situation. On the one hand, were told that were going through a surge, and there are all indications that we are on the other hand, were told that were on the brink of having some kind of magical solution for all of this. You know, split the infinitives here. If you would dr. So i think we can actually do both. Yes, we are seeing a surge, but we cannot deny the science that were seeing tremendous therapeutics that have come out. We know more about this virus than ever before in terms of the legalities, but more importantly, who is at risk for this . And again, these are terrible. But if you look at the real science, the data, the majority of the people, jewelry cover. I know that does make a lot of reasons. I mean, it is really important. I think theres some real truth in what youre saying. And a lot of times people think its one of the other that you cant say, you know, this thing is less lethal than were being told it is. I think thats important. We understand that we want to build immunity. Its almost good if youre a young person and you get it in some way, im not saying or suggesting you should. But at the same time, if too many people get it at the same time in the wrong place where they dont have enough doctors or enough beds, then eureka, youve got a huge problem. So thats the balance, isnt it . And i think the thing we have to think about as physicians and we each of us all the time, we truly are spacious, if youre sick and elderly, and if you teach here and you need be protected, if youre young and healthy, you know the lengthy, you go into hospital. Well in the medical system, its not really that great because thats what the data shows. People get it can be children get this of course. Yes. Well theres well, so i think weve got perry poor with respect to co. It is serious. It is to get me wrong, but if you look at it in terms of, you know, no rush or the daily covert infection rates hovering around the 20000. 00 mark a new pandemic fighting measures are about to come into place. Starting from friday, moscow restaurants, bars, night clubs. They will have to close by 11 pm. Colleges and high schools will be switching to Remote Learning and Seating Capacity in theaters and cinemas will be limited to 25 percent. It comes as the developers of the russian coronavirus jobs they must function. Nations should start nationwide in just a few weeks time. The drug known as sputnik v. Has proved highly effective in phase 3 trials. The publication of the interim results of the poster, a distribution of Clinical Trials to convincingly demonstrate spin it vaccines efficacy gives way to mass vaccination. In 19, in the coming weeks, mr. Ginsburg makes it very clear, rush is getting ready for mass vaccination. What an exciting news, in fact, the drug known as sputnik 3, is already spread across the country and we hear that russia sells of the broad its production grows drastically. Or theyll russia plans to have 500000. 00 doses in bamber and is planning to start producing 6000000. 00 doses of vaccine a month starting april 2. Phases of its a Clinical Trials are now behind me and that it is proved that the vaccine is safe and it is currently on to go in phase 3 of the medical trials. And mission is to study how effective the drug is and now we are receiving quite positive, impressive results. Again, saying that these are entering early results, but still very positive. Breaking your analysis of the 19th street Clinical Trials of the russian federation. 92 percent. Because of course, there are still concerns, there are doubts, there is criticism, its understandable, but my humble opinion is that the more vaccines the better for the world, because russia was the 1st country to register the drug, the vaccine against call that 19, but is definitely not the only country to work on the cure on the protection you actually shot or the placebo. I assume youre not sure. I am absolutely sure because yes it is. What is known as double blind trial, meaning that neither doctors know, participants know whether they get placebo or a real vaccine. But i know that for sure because i was so impatient actually, that wasnt supposed to know that, but i was so impatient. I got a blood test and i saw that i got to but is meaning there wasnt placebo. Of course. So yes, im one of the 10s of thousands of volunteer is taking part in phase 3 of the Clinical Trials of sputnik. So im still mourning today by the doctor. I mean, they called me to ask me, how do i feel . I remember after like 1st shot, i felt really miserable. You know, i had some fever, muscle pain and headache, and also the 2nd shot as well. But they didnt bother me at all, because it didnt last long. Although, you know, im ready to pay this price to have antibodies. If you are hungry in the queue to buy russians, vaccine is so also among the latest European Countries to impose a law following a dramatic case is this, the last at least 30 days includes a few, spoke about who the person plans to ship in the job with greece for a minister who is in quarantine himself. After contracting the virus, i usually run like 15 kilometers on you have to reach now i am tired even not thinking about running. So when i do a little walk around here, i got exhausted. So its, well, its a virus which i would like to propose to everybody to avoid its symptoms with impacts, given that this is a global problem, one would like to think that it would be tackled better by countries coming together, working together, something that always they will know better than anyone as a foreign minister, whether thats happening, having found the, the level of Information Exchange and cooperation. I think youre totally right. So any Time International cooperation based on mutual respect, it is not. And i think the book received Political Correctness judging each other during each other should be left behind. And instead of the moment that king go out their countries on the political basis, we should think about how to cooperate. Thats why i think International Cooperation would be extremely important when it comes to the vaccine, for example. So sometimes i have the feeling that the short of vaccines is becoming politicized, which i think should be again, we are crossing fingers for all companies and countries which are moving forward. We developing the vaccine regardless what they are. So we are interested in india, american, in the european, in their russian, in the chinese, in these really Vaccine Development and research to be successful. Because the more scenes we will have is the better, you know, shooting with everybody, including russia, of course. Yeah. If this is correct of reports that under going to be buying some russian vaccines in december, like you said, you were looking at all the options. Is there any concern though. Busy about how that will be met to response from other countries, because as we say, these things are often politicized lucca, these should be avoided. So now its about the life of the people. So hes, anytime political aspects should be left behind, and this is the fight. We understand it is realistic that indeed some small scale all of the various can be launched in order to make the National National necessary Clinical Trials on tests back in hungary and as also the 2nd part of january, it might be realistic that food by quality from russia, but we are not going to negotiate and go about simply buying vaccine for russia. We are not go shooting, localise ational up the production, or at least the part of the production to hungary. There is a Company Operating here in hungary, which has been producing for other or viruses and diseases. Of course, they seem to be able to transfer their capacity in a way that they would be able to be involved in the production cycle by nationalists say in warsaw to mount poland, Independence Day has descended into violence. The were the protesters at rally despite a ban on public gatherings. Tensions flared with the far right activists throwing firecrackers, stones, and bottles of the police. Number of arrests were made. Several people were injured and needed hospital treatment. The march of south comes at a time when thousands have been Holding Daily nationwide protests against the governments backing plans to tighten already strict abortion bills. A group of young muslims in a french town have decided to guard the local cathedral. This is after a spate of islamist attacks in the country, which have seen anti muslim sentiment in france spiking. The guarding of the cathedrals meant as a sign of solidarity with catholics. The french government heightened security at religious sites following a deadly attack at the not to denver siliguri. Nice. At the end of october, we talked to one of the muslim guards, told us how important it was to understand the difference between islam and islam ism terrorism is a worldwide problem and this is not the 1st year. This is a new means of terror, was between nations are a thing of the past. Now more and more often with face with single actions. Its sad to talk about it, but unfortunately in france were already used to such actions. You probably find me naive, but i believe that in france, people still know how to distinguish real muslims from terrorists. However, some groups still try to incite hatred between peoples. I think the important thing is that the system is changing, and citizens are taking the initiative. People no longer believe in those who lead us, but we need to be very careful about what is happening in recent years in the world on the one hand, if people are too susceptible to conspiracy theories and on the other to naive people, you need to avoid both of them to find a middle ground and it is necessary to reason give reasons is the fruit of spontaneous civic initiative. Its goal is to change the situation in france and around the world

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