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Election could potentially drag on for days or even longer with neither side willing to concede. So well be going to the u. S. Supreme court and we want to. Voting just so youre prepared for any effort the republicans make in any court and yet the states to advance the absurd theory that the president is was last night. Youre watching are to International Coverage of the 2020 u. S. President ial election my names donald quarter and ill be joining you for the program its certainly a nail biter so lets jump right in the ink hasnt yet dried on the ballots in the 2020 u. S. Election but the city of new york has already seen its 1st arrests during post vote protests. With battles over the tally revving up in several states hundreds of people marched through the streets of new york and chicago demanding that all votes be counted these are some pictures from those protests local police have stepped up patrols as the situation in new york remains tense. Now the fate of the u. S. Presidency now rests in the hands of half a dozen states still counting votes right now results theyre hanging in the balance and could still go either way making both donald trump and joe biden confident theyll win the white house earlier earlier the democratic candidate gave a preview speech of sorts while the president took his case to twitter and explains joe biden gave remarks that seemed somewhat contradictory he emphasized that he was not declaring victory but he believed he was on the road to a win biden said he will plan to lead the country in healing the wounds and divisions that have come out of the trump years take a listen to what joe biden said once this election is finalized and behind us it will be time for us to do what weve always done as americans to put the harsh rhetoric of the campaign behind us to lower the temperature to see each other again to listen to one another to wait to hear each other again respecting the care for one another to unite. To you to come together as a nation now biden emphasized that he plans to govern on behalf of all americans whether or not they voted for him that seemed to fit the theme of his remarks this is more from joe biden i we are campaigning as democrats. But i will govern as an american president now donald trump has tweeted out quote we have claimed for electoral purposes the commonwealth of pennsylvania which wont allow legal observers the state of georgia and the state of North Carolina each one of which has a big trump lead additionally we hear by claim the state of michigan if in fact there was a large number of secretly dumped ballots as has been widely reported that tweet has been labeled by twitter as quote disputed and might be misleading about an election or other civic process now and are to see those tweets you actually have to go to the president s twitter page and then click on a disclaimer in order to see those tweets they dont show up in peoples news feeds and its quite quite a concern there not a single republican has been able to look at any one of these mail ballots they could be from mars as far as were concerned or they could be from the Democratic National committee joe biden could have voted 50 times as far as we know with 5000 times the ballots could be from camden. Philadelphia unfortunately and say this about my own city has a reputation for voter fraud you have a reputation for dead people voting and were going to go look at just how many dead people voted here now the Trump Campaign has filed a lawsuit to stop the counting of votes in both michigan and pennsylvania citing concerns about transparency now at this point weve got 2 different narratives coming out of the major candidates trump seems to believe he is in the lead and that there is ballot dumping and fraud going on on the part of democrats biden on the other hand is arguing that it appears that he is going to be the winner hes not ready to declare victory yet but feels he will be the winner now trump has already raised the specter of bringing the u. S. Supreme court in and people across the country are essentially stuck watching and holding their breath watching and waiting as it is the day following the u. S. President ial election but there is no clear result. Well to get more insight into the u. S. Elections were joined now live by climate and social justice activist armand connie thank you very much for joining us on the program now the Trump Campaign has filed a lawsuit to halt the vote count in georgia now thats in addition to other states so theres already a list of 4 contested states on that list does it look like this is part of the republicans new strategy. Well you know this is what they say is deja vu all over again we saw this 20 years ago in florida its a tactic we have to frame this and this is a very very close election in terms of electoral votes 2 days out this normally is never happen but joe biden is breaking all records in terms of the popular vote and the difference between his popular vote and and trumps vote i think trumps been quite all day today hes clearly running scared that hes going to lose this election as we watch the results come in tonight with pennsylvania arizona and then well be finding out more about nevada so this is a strategy he has hes the president he doesnt want to leave hes got william barr on is the bar on his side in the else says the Supreme Court we talked about that for quite some time with a 6 to 3 Supreme Court and 3 of the judges having served during gore versus the u. S. I mean this is a playbook from 2 decades ago while it definitely is a close race but still we dont have any final results and still trump and biden have already said theyre ready to take things to the Supreme Court so do you think this election is going to be decided in legal cases rather than in the ballot box ultimately. Well i hope not but in my lifetime ive seen that happen and it could possibly be one of the options of probability to that and im assuming both sides are lawyer enough right now theres a lot at stake for both sides theyve been vested a great deal they represent different interests donald trump appears to be representing donald trump because were watching g. O. P. Leaders break against what donald trump is trying to say and an essentially saying you know were living in a democracy and we have to make sure all the votes count and another part about this is most of the votes that are still outstanding are the ones that g. O. P. Ministrations and our legislators had put in place where the mail in ballot gets counted after the day of it and so were seeing those votes tending to break democratic. Well arn Donald Trumps made a couple claims about voter fraud what do you think about that and do you think we might see any evidence or potential evidence connected to this well you know there there there is in any kind of election as we know theres probably some kind of Voter Suppression theres some kind of voter intimidation theres a lot of that with what donald trump said last night in a speech when he said stop stop the count now only once a recount in some States Donald trump says 20000 lies under his belt hes obviously losing and when people are losing in an election theyre going to play especially donald trump as crappy as can be. So i think this is more Donald Trumps last ditch and in order to try to call it a fraudulent election what she had said he had said that there would be a difficult transition of power he is byrd was filling to his well call it paratroopers or its his militia of sorts and theyre starting its theres a great deal concerned about what could fall out about that this could be a protracted alexion count that could play out in you know the Supreme Court it could we could see in just the next day or 2 perhaps that broadway show up in philadelphia and try to disrupt the count there these have all been speculated but i think whats were were starting to see is that the Biden Campaign is positioning you know and they came out and they talked about with how the rest of the map looks to them and theyre probably not they they seem to come across like an absolute sense of thinks ok i got system the last couple minutes of the game and that theyre there are saying these are the states this is the map to victory and theyre more confident theyre going to continue working forward and i doubt well see down across from come out and concede the selection i would i would imagine we wont even see donald trump show up to the inauguration. Well shifting the focus a bit specifically on joe biden in one of his recent recent speeches he called for americans to unite and quote not treat political opponents as animes and quote do you find that statement anything contradictory in that coming from specifically him or what do you think about that statement well you know i think you know im a cynic im sure he put it he is given a day and age but i also think that theres a theres a truly a strategy and always trying to take the high road and were in a pandemic you know people are worried about how were learning an economic crisis we are getting hit globally from all Different Directions and im sure that people would like to see things happen where they could come in and maybe piece together the iran deal reenter the Paris Agreement and do things that are bringing people together and of course you know what whats the aftermath of this that youre alluding to there is a deep divide that has been created in each election Going Forward and donald trump is clearly a unique candidate he ran on being a unique candidate you know a reality t. V. Host and this is how were seeing that were seeing mass weapons of distraction by donald trump and you know and i think what joe bidens doing is hes saying i think i have a Comfortable Lead in the in the popular vote i have a pathway to victory and im trying to be objective when i say this i mean im just trying to call the balls and strikes but i see that out the rest of this game is probably going to get played out in the next 2448 hours. One last question if you will are what do you think about the potential consequences of delaying these final Election Results do you think violence could possibly result from that. Well were seeing it and weve been i think there are there are definitely people who are expecting that there could be on either side we watched the caravans this weekend we could go back and watch whats happening again in the 2000 election you know i got elected county commissioner back then in 2000 and i was told that i had snowboarders coming over from the neighboring county to vote for me against my republican opponent this is happened before in many different ways but we dont want to see this protracted out for very long and what happened back then is roger stone brought in the blue bear for bear guys and disrupted the vote count down in Palm Beach County florida i would say its clearly a one in 4 chance of i was not maker arman county social justice journalist and antiwar activist thank you very much for joining us on the program thank you so much. Now neither donald trump nor joe biden seem willing to concede accusations of voter fraud and threats to take the matter to the Supreme Court are only putting more stress on the already existing divisions within American Society southgate taylor discussed the current Political Climate with r. T. S. More ad guys do you have. Well that theyre claiming that they would get with an election this close with an election this close well where youve got to wait until the final hours to see who voted for whom who is actually leading you need to set a precedent d. D. To create fewer rules you need to make noise to make sure that when it comes when it comes a time for a recount perhaps or a challenge to the Supreme Court you can say that over remember i was shouting about this or i was i was screaming about voter fraud that this was unfair so what about sitting in creating a precedent these this was an Ugly Campaign the situation the streets in america is ugly people are completely divided and its a 2 cabs and this wasnt a blowout as polls indicate after all this was a march cusa election suggesting that theres still a lot of americans despite everything that the United States has been through this year that support trouble and theyre all b. S. You to be very unhappy if theres a beaut president in the white house so now trump has created all this noise shouting and screaming about the fraud and you know illegal activities and errors in boot county you had him tweeting about 128000 boots magically appearing provide 1st of all its worth exactly balance that was likely a recruiting error to twitter immediately sense that the comment but its everywhere now and this is this has been trumps tactic you know if you create new ways then in the future youll be able to point out that this was you know trouble point and here we have a situation in which theres all sorts of crises in every state as you know something that either side is unhappy with and now theyre claiming that theyre going to go to the Supreme Court we want. To be used in a proper manner so well be going to the u. S. Supreme court we want all voting just. We dont want them to find any ballots at 4 oclock in the morning and thats the list. Youre prepared for any effort republicans make in any court in any of the states to advance the absurd theory. Was last night where there was such a mixed reaction to trump speech at 2 am that when he came out all smiles by saying this is far from over and its not the blue wave as many were protecting as youre quite right and sad but i mean still a lot of people for you know what preelection this is just a lot of people saying all that were going to fight about but they didnt may be expected to actually get to this point ill be surprised that i actually got to a point of 2 president ial candidates saying were going to go to court well 2020 and all that of course there was a new put it this is the worst Case Scenario if one of them had won in a blue polls indicated you know it would have been far it would be in sort to be a new president the other would be forced to concede the clues are these the mall worst Case Scenario it is because theres no room to contest the election i mean there were 50 observers for the entirety of the United States though there was no you know theres no outside d observers who you could then ask. People who have you new buys neutral you you could ask is this fair with business for i mean some of these allegations if this election was in ukraine or in or in russia that be shouting and screaming about how unfair and unfree it was here its completely different the mail in ballots as well the early voting it all skewed the balance of what was expected and what wasnt with with the with the letters being counted obviously they favor biden because he had called it as worthless malin rather than a ted with trumpet it was the opposite and with different states having different regulations you know different vote counting mechanisms and procedures its just all sort of confusing to the point where you can say anything which is what both candidates have been saying you know you like. And you can tell the people anything you would anything you want your supporters theyll support you just because of the color of the hat youve got on your head other supporters of the stabbings in front of the white house the other wideouts today i mean people are taking out their disagreements physically oh mon another i mean this is this is completely and president you just. How blue eyes the now divided the United States is more so than at any point in living memory. Now for more insight into the u. S. Elections were joined now live by journalist and commentator Chadwick Moore thank you very much for joining us on the program now at the moment we have a list of 3 contested states in which the Trump Campaign has filed a lawsuit to halt the vote the vote count actually and the most recent being the state of georgia does this look like the republicans new strategy do you think. I think because i think that theres a lot to contest i mean this is a election unlike any other with all of the mail in ballots with all the early voting we knew it was going to be chaotic from the beginning unless it was a massive landslide in either direction and the polls that he opted and had not indicated that but on the ground people were predicting a massive landslide for president drama doesnt buy a gun. However this is it everyone works with expect that this was going to drag out and maybe drag out until december but by law we have to have a winner by december 12th but believe it is and this report is probably where this is going to go no side is going to give up easily a lot of money was spent here a lot of a lot of interests are represented here and. And i know we have all of these incredibly shady stories popping up and none of them have been really proven or debunked of ballots popping up 100000 ballots here for joe biden 120000 ballots in pennsylvania recently for joe biden all for joe biden what is this benicio a lot like what is going on in our election process its not only. Peoples faith is diminishing it but were already completely divided as a nation and that we need at each others throats luckily you know our cities and burned down last night as most were expecting and liberal cities washington d. C. I was there as all boarded up new york because we had metal a winner announced yet. What do you think about trumps claims of voter fraud do you think were going to see any evidence of that. Yeah i love your earlier guest skirted the question about voter fraud and it said focused on suppression Voter Suppression intimidation which ive never heard of cant think of an example of dont even know what that would look like but voter fraud is a big concern we see this public now you know you have little anomalies popping up here and theyre going to just go errors but we saw this in miami dated 2018 boxes of ballots a rebound in peoples cars what is going on here why would these ballots or be allowed to leave now we have this added extremely complicated business that were expecting the states to take care of nobody knows how competent they are of course are different. Systems and 50 different ministers for this but were seeing instances where people. Got a mail in ballot and then they decide to vote in person so how we should ensure that they didnt vote twice all those ballots are canceled out we are seeing instances record not being allowed to look at signatures on voter rolls not be able to verify voters that there are some districts that are being very close about how theyre recounting the ballots why would you do that why would you want anything but transparency i think the thing is here you could say conspiracy theorists if you talk about voter fraud but yet where did this come from and i wouldnt put anything past the left of the Democratic Party look at the fraud that they have perpetuated on this nation last 4 years they still havent conceded the 2016 election no one but theyre going to concede this one meanwhile that the journalists make an effort to always ask president drop if you will concede not their own side which obviously once again never conceded and has regulated fraud after products are brought in the American People especially with the continue locked on orders of the coronavirus just another example that so. Its well worth looking into i would not put it past the Democrat Party to pull Something Like this i mean they have donald trump had all the enthusiasm and more from 2016 we saw a 90 mile long car parade for him in arizona joe biden could get 6 journalist to sit in circles in someones backyard didnt leave his basement had no ground game 0 enthusiasm 0 no one liked. By molly or is this the opposite people actively on the left just like are they actually actively despise her so how do we see this massive tight race between him and donald trump the only answer i can get from talking to people on the left is well we dont like the way trump tweets i dont know i have a much more higher view of the American People they wouldnt decide the nations fate and choose the Biden Administration just because of that so a lot of people are looking around and thinking that the situation is suspicious to say the least what chad like earlier you mentioned some of the Political Violence in the run up to the election do you think that the delay in the final results can lead to some more some intensification of the violence were ready seeing. I its tough to say i mean maybe people be home down in just so sick of it everyone just wants this year to be over right so maybe however you know the left never stopped mortaring from day one after the last election we tend to think that the george floyd race riots were a new thing but they never stopped they were they were writing in trying to mock with Supreme Court to avonlea hearings we had there womens marches all over the city those never stopped they have a lot of stand of i wouldnt put it past them for them to activate and start looting if their candidate doesnt win god forbid that should happen but they they certainly havent given any indication that thats something they plan to do i mean obviously its funny to see try to see the lefts trying to spin these riots and somehow motivate about the right which to be much more peaceful people generally speaking when its all big liberal cities that were boarded up i was in washington d. C. Last night ghost town the entire city boarded up obviously a big big liberal city and its not just supporters are going to go in there and smashed the windows through a tip and hes and the apple store. Well it kind of ties into the next question i had for you i wanted to reference one of joe bidens recent speeches in which he called for americans to unite and quote not treat political opponents as enemies and quote do you find nothing contradictory in that statement yeah this is a guy who basically called donald trump Joseph Goebbels and he wants to talk about demonizing your your opponent coming together a little left because they have ownership over this unity and love and tolerance when they are the exact opposite of loving and tolerance and this is joe biden who. Continues to perpetuate the 100 percent absolutely fake myth that donald trump said that neo nazis were very fine people you can read the whole transcript he joe biden says that that comment obviously flying back home is what you know isnt true i made him decide to run for president this is like he was forced to im going to present so he is spreading that hes spreading these lies about hatred and Racial Division and and of course its ironic that you once again as the peaceful candidate now. Shadow come are journalist and commentator thank you very much for joining us my pleasure thank you. Now the road to the 2020 alexion has seen america starkly divided and the main question now is what happens after one side grabs victory earlier i took a closer look at why americans are not seeing eye dog. It was all high hopes and big promises back in 2016 when donald trump took his place in the white house the nation was already divided by race gender class you name it and the country needed a hero now its time for america to get behind a division have to get together. Republicans and democrats and independents are crossness nation i say it is time for us to come together as one United People turned out trump never came to be that knight in shining armor. 20 twentieths president ial election seasons looked more like an all out war on the streets more than anything mishandling of the Pandemic Response and the economic crisis but most significant was the brutal killing of george floyd that sparked outrage across the nation and even calls to defund the police altogether. And instead of trying to unite people americas dividing lines became part of both parties political strategies on the one hand bite and then the democrats sold themselves as allies of the socalled peaceful protests whats lets be honest were not so peaceful problems. For instance peacefully protest. Not a bad way to dip your toes into the more radical left and black voter pools but on the other hand. F. Trump who decided to play the tough guy calling anti racism protesters vandals and anarchists trump sent federal troops to put down uprisings in cities a move that won support from a number of Police Unions and people who didnt want to see their white picket fence neighborhoods ruined now the law and order doctrine also in bold and some of trumps more radical supporters so that seeing armed right wing militias and anti for freely Walking Around the streets of American Cities became a new reality and one of both candidates done to fix all this point the finger is also what it is is the raese whats going on and he doesnt want to see a lone order because he cant because hell lose his radical left supporters proud about always stand back and stand by but ill tell you what ill tell you what somebody has got to do something about anti fair and the left because this is not a right as we move them is no is a direct this is a guy who not writes about this is the radical left would you she wasnt on both sides of the political spectrum weve got armed groups white nationalists proud boys right wing militias and the whole bunch so what exactly will happen when the election is over weld everyone just sit down and decide to accept the results. Only a small number of states remain up for grabs right now it appears biden has secured 264 electoral votes and trump has taken 214 as the struggle for the white house continues stay here with our to answer national for continuing coverage. As it. The ballots are still being counted but what we do know about this election that its close and the country is deeply divided over the lessons to be learned was it enough to frame this election as a referendum. Now imagine or a chance here were going underground as the world looks on to the fallout of the us president ial election and as england sits on the eve of a 2nd coronavirus lockdown after the Boris Johnson government fails to prevent a 2nd wave coming up on the show i remember very clearly i can still taste and smell it the mounting panic ahead of School Holidays because the income we had could not stretch to feeding 2 boys and a mother in that day. Marcus rush

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