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A good point to end for nasa simon we appreciate it very much as Franco Frattini the former Italian Foreign minister thank you. And thank you for watching just ski on half past 7 in the evening here in moscow were back again its healthier. Sputnik 5 has the world. Just like its namesake the original sputnik. The 1st craft have to leave. And orbit the world. What can they do some states believe that we may stray who. Has only one. Thought which is not of this immediate its all right this is happening. There we go and the reaction has been exactly the same as it was way back then. The world reaction is made of green cheese. Before the. Sun while many questions remain unanswered about russias new vaccine the authorities are confident enough to go forward with mass production. To receive. Interest or limit their requests. 1000000000. Show but seek. To. Local knowledge is very appreciated greg youre more into credit old glory he. Didnt even in. The us to state expressed skepticism from hughes russia and china of whoring the vaccines the market for political reasons. Believes it will be an. Easy munchers here if you go make sure you get the emotion 1st she spoke to both of. Her spirit was if you dont when youre in your computer the most perfectly just throw it. But youre also built our use of it seen in 5 countries and we now call production 500000000 but seems it can be produced in the next 12 months. There is readying full phase 3 Clinical Trials of its covert 19 Vaccine International medical journal says of the sputnik 3 drug induced an antibody response and all participants of early testing and there were no major side effects. With the death toll from 19 still and the 2nd wave already starting in many countries the race to put a vaccine on the market is intensive. Years to develop and test the vaccine but time is something we dont have right now. Thats why countries are coming together past experience and billions of dollars to try and schwartz and thats timeline a bit of edge to pursue. Hundreds of vaccine candidates are currently in development but the one created here in moscow became the 1st registered 19 vaccine in the world. As party correspondents were the 1st to get an exclusive look at the manufacture. That hundreds of thousands of units will be produced here. For the moment our company is the only producer of the vaccine to. The production of the vaccine has already been launched with a manufacturing capacity of about 1500000. 00 doses a year we understand that it wont be enough thats why we continue to invest in production 1st batch of vaccine is ready to be delivered in the region the priority as i understand is medical personnel because they are on the front line of this pandemic and they are at risk here is where the final stage of the production process takes place where the vaccine itself is inspected for the purpose of Quality Control if the units pass and specs in there are labeled and prepared for packaging the factories had mechanic was able to tell us a bit more about what exactly takes place here. To cure the specific antibodies protective of being formed as an instance of vaccination say the flu of the volunteers have been injected with this vaccine the number of antibodies has been sufficient and remain circulating in protecting them. To share speed at which russian scientists have been able to develop this vaccine has raised a lot of eyebrows across the world especially since russias Health Ministry approved it before the end of the 3rd phase of testing still all the initial testing phases were done without any problems and the management of this factory seems to have a very positive outlook the initial phases include the preclinical. Test the back scene and give it to animals like mice or monkeys to see for triggers an immune response then clinical faces of testing its. Response from the immune system and safety. Provides one on the vaccine safety and dosage. Faced green peace rooms the vaccine safety and efficacy and identifies where side effects it also includes a control group that is given a placebo each thing that sponsor volunteers from dozens of healthy adults volunteers in the beginning tens of thousands of people of different ages and Underlying Health conditions in greek and this is where we are right now. Theres also evidence for what the use of word states but when its very. Simply just for. Doctors journalists and politicians were among the 1st of some 40000 years to test the back seat to at least 3. Heard about. The funds minister. A little less known but equally great colleagues from earlier and constancy in the sky who shared their experience with his commission but its it seems. Is very soon ation day for me finally this morning i got a call from the crane today and i am in israel can take before that i have course took a number of tests and went through a screening of the vaccine doses are stored in the freezer they take out. The tracks and is individual the allocated every basin has a specific code and each shot has this card on marked on it meaning its assigned to a particular place. Ive been asked many times where im of. Course im not afraid. To make things injection. Ok im ready. What did it feel like like a normal shot like a mosquito bite as they usually tell my daughter so ill get the 2nd injection in free weeks. The 1st. For vaccination i woke up feeling. My temperature was elevated a bit. And also experience. Not a very pleasant thing. Nothing on bearable doctor called me and sat there is nothing i should worry about where off it if you. Just. Want to move. On then you believe. He says that he and. I experienced some mild side effects but they have worn off the day is the 3rd day since i was vaccinated and im feeling well i have a nap on my smartphone which is kind of like diary where i enter all the information about my health i have a doctor who calls in and checks on me every day. Well its just i mean. That always on my to try. 2 to take their reactions. And. So far so good as they say. On the 1st. Research and then include others. While things. Looking. We were working on a vaccine against. Which is also a type of coronavirus and is more lethal than. This research had almost completed the 2nd phase of tests so we had all the methodology in place. And you can take any other wiring and most of you know janet. And use it as. The most important part of any vaccine is the delivery mechanism the platform or basle you use to get viruses d. N. A. Into the body which in turn triggers an immune response the delivery mechanism for the already existed because russian scientist had been working on a vaccine for a coronavirus berry similar to code 19 for many years thats wanted to hold mers also known as the camel flu. Virus that spawned the speed with which they managed to produce. Still on the kind of person that needs to know that something has been tested for years before i give it a try specially when the has to do with my health but thats not the case with the volunteers were seeing. A local journalist and politician as you know like the. Movement on the. People who work in a couple to. Put. Under these covers many wars and his time as a correspondent so not really theres not a lot that scares him and thats why he decided to get vaccinated and so others thought id say this one more for the other. We were. To do with. Who would. You put in the other one the. I really because theres a. Girl who works on the rig that long island is there with you or because the grammar is a good. Very. Good so if you like. Them. Sure. Go with for sure go. See novelist i was most surprised when i heard that foreigners dont stick hard in the trials and the 1st foreign nationals to give it a go here in russia were artsy employees. First for many try to dissuade the saturn and its not worth getting vaccinated its just the risks are too high. I consider all the possible scenario thats that maybe her after having to fix the decided to take part in the trial. Scanty problems will arise through the vaccine and only then destroy will lead be able to have her collar the coronavirus it is necessary that there are people who conduct such experiments analysis so that we have moved forward towards attaining to fixing repeat and most reliable for. More people to use the vaccine will no faster whether it works or not. 3 weeks later all our bones years receive this 2nd and final dose of the vaccine. So far no one reported any major side effects so more people are queuing up to get a job in moscow including more foreigners like our very own american present your. Old weights and see just how effective split the delivery is because its still in face 3 of Clinical Trials and nothing asserts it but its things you list volunteers like these that we have a chance to find an out and potentially taking a small step closer to being hidden code that 90 its just once again sort of down the world. I. I. Is youll be via reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation full community. Are you going the right way or are you being led to. Direct. What is true what is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. For a mate in the shallowness. With the way he went out with the white house. And so i dont know how i would think if it. Doesnt. Come up top that one i think. All men. Think enough and were. Very sorry. 6 6 this is the child and then this strict in northern thailand the people here lead simple lives theyre friendly and very hardworking needless to say been fashion forward is not very high on the list of priorities here but it is for this woman her nickname is cook and thanks to her new venture shes become an internet sensation believe it or not this tiny woman spent years working in construction and then in the warehouses carrying the heavy loads and get him paid peanuts. Caught. Up some 6 hour. Article and i call and have. Been on the path the way up the ripoff thats when cook decided to start selling clothes in the local markets but when things didnt quite go according to plan she found the creative way to minimize her expenses. Garciaparra who needs a pin. Up in. The hold look awful high and when the former high the been. Moon car on kind in the us a song can sound. So oddly look a lot the. Only thing you need a better overall point is the as you are less weight is the eyes you. Dont last long and also as you get i dont know i dont want an article on all of the other oman. Did you know this is how cook decided to attract more business by go in online dressed up as a zombie to add a little shock value and that worked. You were started watching her live stream. That day. 51 in. High school a lot the need. To see big nails but what the mood or if i could out more. By now my high. School. Was over there did you make on the last one the name of i want the hospital kodnani me for what what they hear noise look to. Me hi love my tummy i love c. F. Yes if bottom. Line our heart will. Move weighs the. Middle one after. Surgery not on. Me and. And then theres the netherlands in. Our family a thought in a busy monday back while i was a model the oh i thought im bad that i love accuracy of bought that was my new cousin my exciting half an hour if. This woman is in the same position as cook she cant get a job because she has to look after her grandchildren while her own children artwork her slinking business doesnt just save her money on clothes but it generates an income as well even the food bills freak or family out or at my but my our i my 5 year again my main ways though is the heart of what i got of b. Of call iran over oh yeah well mine i am the one where with all of our. Government i love all of you and 7 are you have it here you. Love. Maz i. Love. About what killed our fighting how i got fighting made high how i am under are going to you are my damn guy the. Cause of i have to work. Hard and cover my might have i love our cowboy i thought he called the long problems with. True passion goals shes always had a creative flair which may have been rooted in the loneliness she experienced as a child. I have plenty well the need i have for winning a home and talk about. A need to a 5 year india one hour a lot of i am. And the back of that in your power. Goes home saw the lp. The. Same reliably only for you i dont know about the able to talk about but what are you cooking even gets asked for specialized bowls now and that means she can charge more of course her family is only too happy to help thats her husband hes very camera shy i like her 3 kids or her sister kid mom im in there for her when i want a lot of money i have one time when. The no answer. Theyve been doing from way. Bagnio who was. There in the name in our consul so they can me and we went on like that your land if you. Could came up with the idea of sell and peoples clothes while she was making regular trips to local monasteries where shes been singing and help without since she was a child. By him. The powerful. One. Money. So horrible now. I. Caught on and call my high. In it when. I need the good hope you come here you know or ive never been through a part time you that youve given me through a plan of. Mine by. Now one. I will only have oddly alarm a lie about me that i might i mean and ill see everyone all. Who can. Cook also adds her own. Little touches to some of her products just to spice them up a little and shes happy that theyre actually selling because in her town people tend to prefer simpler clothes so. They. 6 dont have any. We. Could make sure that that the ceasefire malays know that shes taken the clothes and they all seem happy to help her support her family. Life. But you know it. I dont really want. To be did you get all. Goody goody goody oh no market made a little bit of it. Maybe. You. Will be. Doing. Most. And officially most denounce ghosts and spirits but as soon as cold became Popular Online among called her to offer a cleanse in session theres no evidence to suggest that ghosts are real but cook certainly believes she encountered one. Of the. Long long. While one of my. Newfound. Up and clean up in their banking. On. The new. Moon rain and wind and rain not cool when. Writing. When your way was high. Support when or. Where you will run up into. A wild one im not counting the one clip and thinking one pillow fight. How when. According to tradition a visit from a spirit means you need to reevaluate your life and actions or make a donation to a monastery because cook does die regularly people feel more confidence about buying her clothes. C a lot faster not been proven ruefully. Told. By. My. Own way and. I mean. They have got the lead i call my name. Scott. Scott. Its a nail biting post election day in the u. S. Team bites and claims victory is in that sights donald trump accuses the democrats also for. The bottle malice for several key states but the vote count could potentially tried on for days or even longer especially with trump threatening to take matis the supreme court. We want to load to be used in a proper manner so well be going to the u. S. Supreme court we want all voting just. We dont want them to find any ballots at 4 oclock in the morning and them to the list ok. The president s statement

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