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For joining us midday here in moscow this is r. T. International and we will start this hour with breaking news coming out of france where a Police Operation is underway in the city of nice this is after a knife attack reportedly left 2 people dead and several others injured thats according to local media sources now the incident occurred near the basilica of not in the city center lets go to paris and speak to our correspondent there charlotte do the. First of all whats the latest information this is a breaking news story only just came out in the last hour or so whats the latest information weve got on. Well very Little Information at the moment as we understand at least 2 people have been killed in that mass stabbing attack outside the basilica of not in the Southern City of nice we understand that there are also several other people whove been injured in this attack that took place around 9 am on thursday morning here in france thats local time a crisis meeting has been opened by the interior minister but we understand from social media accounts of the mayor of nice the perpetrator behind that attack has already been apprehended by the police the mayor of nice describing this as a terror attack so that crisis meeting has been opened by the interior minister and there was also a minutes silence held at the National Assembly here in paris for the victims of that latest attack france on mass stabbing in nice with what local media reporting at least 2 dead and several injured. Yes you mentioned the mayor of new suggesting this birds the hallmarks of a terrorist attack and of course it comes not long after another attack and also at a time of general turn should an inference. Thats right the director general of the National Police just warned in the last few days that there needed to be vigilance particularly around religious sites as there is this anti french sentiment that has been rising and because of a threat that was posed in a press release by an agency that said to be close to al qaida now in a result of that vigilance france also coming up to a religious ceremony for a festival this weekend thats all saints day so that vigilance was being advised and as you mentioned this comes in the wake of a terror attack that took place just less than 2 weeks ago when a teacher was beheaded that was following a civics lesson that samuel patty the teacher had given to talk about freedom of speech and in that lesson he showed cartoons of the muslim prophet mohammed that had angered many many muslims and then that led to the brutal beheading of that teacher as a say less than 2 weeks ago now since then president macron has defended the right to show those cartoons and that has seen a huge wave of anti in france sentiment in muslim majority countries that have been protests in countries such as bangladesh where more than 40000 people are said to have turned out one day f. Of g. s of president matt corn have been burned theres been a call for boy caught on french products is sold in those countries theres also been a huge tit for tat a war of words between the french president and the turkish president the turkish president suggesting that president machen needed to have his Mental Health checked so all of this comes at a time of really heightened tension here in france we dont know that this latest attack is linked to that but it does seem very likely given the situation that from. Currently finds itself in with the fact that many people in the muslim world hardliners are calling for action shala do risky in paris with the latest details of a suspected terrorist attack today in nice. Protests are gripping the muslim world over the french president s recent defense of the right to parody religion it comes as french satirical magazine charlie a caricature or at the center of that growl added fuel to the fire with his latest front cover featured a cartoon of the turkish president whos been one of the fiercest critics of the french state stance on freedom of expression and recalled the front cover disgusting turkish prosecutors launching a criminal probe in response to shirley publishing that caricature of the turkish president slammed its alleged hostility towards islam adding disrespect for the prophet mohammed was spreading like cancer especially among european leaders who are speedball in paris how they see the divine cartoon. Personally i find it is respectful even if you have the right to use blasphemy you have no right to mock religion or the. Times of crisis an International Tax on fronts i find it important to reaffirm the values which we are firmly established and fronts be character to is the 1st of these. The publication of this drawing and marking a religion is dangerous because it increases he treated. It represents the fact that despite everything humor is the most important thing and there are one in this position after everything here said about france and the president of our republic gets a nice lesson from charlie hebdo. Lets get the latest drawing with their other one its a provocation. Meanwhile the french ambassador to sweden has recently gone so far as to say that france is a Muslim Country his remarks didnt ring true though with the parisians we spoke with. Thank you i dont agree with the french ambassador to swear down because we live in a secular country there are many communities in france one of them muslim people who try to make lisa for us but we stay secular country. Towns is not a Muslim Country absolutely not it is a country of Judeo Christian tradition and there is nothing more to say it is religious to bet. France is not a Muslim Country but is land is the religion which has the most believers here and we can see a lot of racism in france there are prejudices towards muslim people my colleague in a nailhead our guest discuss the limits of freedom of expression. You cant hold a country sponsible for one of my post can you its a private enterprise publishing satire in a western liberal nation i dont the problem is just charlie abel in their characters i think its the institutionalisation mosques i think its microns comments that islam is in chaos islam needs to be reformed mccrum to reform islam was move wrong to judge whether islam is in chaos or not i think when it goes up to a president ial level in france and you have someone at the level of micron backing this caricature and making it big fuss about it and criticizing the state of islam yeah thats thats taken very seriously by muslims throughout the world so bright that you speak for an excuse me. Or deprive a newspaper can make up to and use the french tradition you can accent you can refuse if i dont said something to our turkish friend inside this newspaper the name shirley at the during 20 years i sue got it get 0 against against jesus christ against the pope and. Its not just against misname this newspaper at 1st its not the position of the government the position of the government freedom of press a lot of muslims who are feeling theyre being directly attacked by this its not just seen as a clumped on radical islam is and how do you confront the 2 how do you do that this has echoes of a sort of clash of civilization in value systems i wouldnt go so far as to say it is it is extremely difficult there are clearly different perspectives on the world in volumes i think sensitivity to each other is important and i would say that freedom cannot be absolute in that sense. Religion is a very ginger very touchy subject and when you enter someone elses taboo and you claim freedom of expression but then you have a leader of a french leader again continue to project this on the buildings you have a french leader continue to say islam is in chaos this really pushes the line there is freedom of expression and then theres plain insulting isnt there where does this fall nobody everybody should try to dont offend people for me the problem is not misnamed brody jenner the program east that in my country and to grisha is completely broken of course the biggest difficulties we still make in this same times freedom for the press and if i can said this not by going ok but this sense for photos it is a. France is going back into National Lockdown as the pandemic spirals out of control it seems across europe president among your micron said the tough measures starting from friday will last at least one month frances daily cova death count is at its highest since april the country is registering over 30000. 00 infections a day french citizens will now need special certificates in order to move around their city as people in paris how they feel about going back into lockdown. Most of us we are going to close the restaurants its not going to be easy for us to find a way to day out we adopted last time with the intake valves there with the best to survive the experience we learn the lessons of the 1st lockdown which we are. Really thinking about the consequences for the economy but we saw that we can let people work while we look down. Quite worried about all the businesses shops bars restaurants where we are its quite worrying i dont know how long it will last i hope that they will be in effect and that they can ease things afterwards and then even if it annoys everyone i think its really good of everyone its annoying but we dont have much choice so well do it. And germany has also announced the 2nd lock down starting from monday wont be quite sister says but it hasnt stopped people coming out to vent their anger with lin playing host to an anti lockdown march theyre worried certain sectors of the economy including entertainment wont survive a correspondent peter oliver reports. But its being called lockdown lights essentially what the aim is is to prioritize keeping schools and kindergartens and as much of the economy open as possible at the expense of social contacts what youre not going to be allowed to do is go to any well leisure activity basically see it is james a mature sports all of that is closing down professional sport will continue but those fans that have been allowed into bonds legal Football Games no more they are going to be played behind closed doors until a miracle the german chancellor in announcing this lockdown light said that these moves were necessary to stop the German Health care system becoming overwhelmed if you can no it isnt thats a theme if the current rate of spread of the crooner virus in germany continues the Health Care System will collapse within a few weeks these can get out of control in the blink of an eye so that is why the taking Decisive Action the german finance minister or less surely said that november is a crucial month when it comes to germany tackling the coronavirus also put forward the potential of a huge financial impetus were hearing reports that it could be as much as 10000000000 euro thats going to be put into paying the wages essentially of people whove had to not go to work because of this new lockdown light while the majority of germans have supported the measures overall that have been put in place there is a small but vocal minority that ranges really from called spirity theorists to those who. But concerned they wont survive economically who have been protesting against the measures and the actions taken by Angela Merkel and the German Government. The measures that have been put in place by the German Government are expected to run through until nearly the end of november they will be reviewed in 2 weeks time though but what that does is it brings us into Christmas Market season what we already know is the Christmas Market in nuremberg one of the most popular ones in germany isnt going ahead theres also been Christmas Market closures announced in frankfurt cologne and others there are some that are still scheduled to go ahead well have to wait to see how these new measures of the new lockdown affect that opening. Ok we can discuss this now the return of the lockdown in germany specially france with alexander counties an economist financial expert and the founder of the multi polarity report or good afternoon to you alexander 1st of all this 2nd lockdown for france do you think this is the right decision for that particular country. Well yes it is the right decision i think the decision she had been taken earlier because d. There were growing signs of. The virus super lation getting a stronger and stronger as in other European Countries but especially in rents and their peak that the government 1st try to impose d a curfew but it was not enough to contain this virus and now we are we are getting into this new looked out there i think it should have been perhaps 2 or 3 weeks earlier but now we are there and so i think we are we have to go through that it seems like everybody is struggling with the virus u. K. Germany france doesnt matter where you go everyones talking about new restrictions could anything have been done to avoid the situation of france. Well. France has not managed very well. For us to exit from this from the 1st look down. Because the strategy you know that the trace isolate. Strategy that has been applied for example in some Asian Countries like korea or china they wind this strategy has not been implemented in france or in other European Countries or because the people. Are not you know socially as responsible as induced countries where they apply the law and and they not complain that the fact that for example the government issued an application to look at ways people and. You know a rarity if you were in contact with another kayser only 3 percent of the population dont know that this application so it is you were not allowed to fail who implemented this measure which would have prevented the spread of the virus again after. The exit from the 1st and easing off or the restrictions. Of the restrictions was premature and now we see the consequences. Perhaps nobody was really prepared for this 2nd wave or. Over all of its orders will shows you that. The virus is here with us and its here for quite some time and that. The authorities must take all the measures to contain it and there is not a trade off between the economy and. Some very situation because a at the end of the day. If you have the virus you creating more then you will have to. Do another locked out and through on the 4th one maybe and then the economy will really collapse so its better really you know continue continued once and for all and try to. You know really. These are the spread of this virus as has been done in china in china where there was a risk of a 2nd wave or. The response has been really very very fast and very straightforward and the chain of only the so far not there are you know resurgence of this virus so i think we should really. You know look at what they did what south korea did as well and that we should really try to implement those solutions and to learn from from those countries as an excited my guess is our economists financial expert thank you. Very much. On the run up to the u. S. President ial elections been marred by concerns of widespread voter fraud the white house has been leading the unsupported claims that voting could be rigged in favor of joe biden and while the u. S. Has long denounced foreign elections it thinks undemocratic questions are now being raised about the legitimacy and its own process kellam orpen has more. You have won over your party and your people you now stand as the new leader of a nation and at this point your primary goal is to repay the voters and please your citizens but all of that depends on what you and your country have to offer washington the guardian of free and Fair Elections fail to please washington and your grip on power might fade and fast we condemn the hong kong governments decision to postpone for one year its Legislative Council elections Nicolas Maduro is a dictator with no legitimate claim to power the probe conducted uncovered proof of massive and systemic fraud on the libyan people screeches demand for free and Fair Elections and for democracy well what Goes Around Comes Around and in 2020 there are Big International concerns about americas election over rule office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights Needs Assessment Mission into look it is noted that the conduct of these elections will be the most challenging in recent decades they expect that Election Officials will face serious challenges prior to and on the election day detainee measures in response to covert 900. 00 pantomimic and expressed concerns over their ability to overcome them so lets break down what those concerns are. Coded 19 has forced many parts of the country to go to mail in voting now the concerns there have been laid bare ballots rejected huge delays and some ballots discarded so theres no surprise that some are raising concerns of fraud including donald trump himself this election will be the most rigged election in history this is going to be a fraud like youve never seen heres why donald trump and the public have some serious concerns even more than just a few months ago east texas official is in jail accused of committing boger for. Manatee county supervisor of elections mike bennett says wiggins requested a mail in ballot for himself and his wife meanwhile the state election board is asking georges attorney general to look into 98 outstanding cases of voter fraud d. O. J. Announced in the f. B. I. The Pennsylvania State police are investigating fraud in mail in ballots in a loser in county that ok so what about good old voting in person them. If you are polling places long lines last minute relocations of polling places and a lack of International Observers not convincing either especially for one democratic senator whos gone slightly over the top with this comparison if congress and steet dont act immediately our country could face an electoral tour noble this fall and if you think the vote challenges will be over as soon as the polls close. So now the media is ramping up what if donald trump loses but refuses to leave office committed to making sure that theres a nice little worries for all of them want to get rid of the ballots and you have a very transfer will have a very peaceful there wont be a transfer or frankly there will be a continuation of the ballots at a contro you know it all of this has got americans bracing for the worst polls show that americans expect riots in the streets after the results are announced no matter which way it goes potential ballot fraud lack of International Observers leaders potentially refusing to accept the results and the specter of violence none of this sounds like an atmosphere in which one can have a free fair and transparent election and a quick look across the atlantic shows that only one in 10 europeans think that the elections going to be free and fair sanctions condemnation appeals to the United Nations and endless grandstanding perhaps the results if this kind of election was seen by the United States. Its happening in another country illegitimate they might call it well perhaps its time that the United States trump and biden realize that sometimes its just as red white and blue on the other side of the fence. R. T. New york. Souls of Tactical Gear are seeing a jump in the us with fears over the coronavirus pandemic racial tension and the outcome of next weeks president ial election driving panicked americans it seems to gun stores as the exploits. B. L. M. Protests and riots may have dwindled but where there was wrought. There is now cold rage all the grievances are still that all the hate the canal its its organized with permits and uniforms and guns a lot of guns. Ah. Ah 1st the virus then b. L. M. And now now the election uncertainty 60 percent of americans expect violence in the wake of the election according to a recent poll authorities understand full well the dangers here texas has mobilized a 1000 troops to help police if worse comes to worse stores are already being boarded up fresh forces mobilized more training more police more worried that this election is more contentious than in years past. For that reason out plan also includes your ability to respond to any type of incident that may occur people are scared to gun sales are breaking where chords americans war 2000000 guns in september 2 1000000 handguns and rifles this year is said to be record breaking in terms of the sheer number of sold and it isnt because everybody wants to use them its because everyones afraid that someone else will this year 2020 is just been one long advertisement for why someone may want to have a firearm to defend themselves and it isnt just weapons its russkie a gas must send emergency rations i love to buy a camping stuff theyve been buying like the back. Ends but its not played out of everybodys got a gap in trip or to prepare for something it isnt just politics it is personal according to another recent poll the majority of trump. And biden supporters believe the other side will resort to fall play Election Fraud and given that both republicans and democrats have been evasive for whether theyll concede defeat you understand why people are nervous before you commit to making sure that there is a peaceful transfer for all the power of the election. As you know that ive been complaining very strongly about the ballots joe biden should not concede under any circumstances because i think this is going to drag out at the end of the day this is a precarious situation in the ocean of anger a flood of guns and a tide of fear so much fear. Now the election isnt just making voters out in strange ways the counted as to been having some rather odd moments among them democratic running mate during her bid to appeal to Young Americans in a footwear promotion. Everybody got their inner planets have love not just some higher local mentor the local. Never let your powerful and part of the power have especially adolescence is your fault. Im good cause i want you to take a look at my nails ill be looking. Very. Much like the girl you finally cornered now you know what its ok. Biden has a plan for africanamericans were not dealing with the average joe i think a way looking right now you know exactly where im going with the 4 years we had and we made the most of what we finally got somebody that can be an. Owner. Breaking news story this hour what people have been confirmed dead in the south south city of nice following and. Knife attack there have been reports of possibly 3rd fatality several others have also been left injured the incident took place in the morning in the city center or thirtys so a suspect has been arrested the French Interior minister says a Police Operation is under way will bring you updates on that developing story as they come in. Thank you staying with r. T. International updates on our top stories in half an hour. Seemed wrong. Just. Yet to seep out just days after. And indeed it was the trail. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground

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